
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
czajkowskiAlanBell: hows you08:23
AlanBellkids left for school, silence achieved08:32
christelgood morning08:33
AlanBellmorning, we will have to reschedule the farnham pub crawl08:34
christelwe will!08:37
christelhow long is gordon down for? and will he be popping by before heading back to scotland?08:37
AlanBellthink he is going back today, he wasn't sure if he could escape from London08:41
knightwisehey guys08:54
knightwisehow are you today08:54
knightwisehey popey :)08:56
MooDoohay all08:57
christelAlanBell: aha!08:57
christelwell, i am still up for pubcrawling sometime08:57
christelmaybe we can drag some other people over here if we plan it slightly further in advance08:57
christelhow about sometime between christmas and new years, when we're all sick of spending time with family ;)08:58
MooDoosick of family?  at christmas?  Are you mad christel ? ;) lol09:01
christelwe're spending christmas proper with the in-laws, who are lovely, but they're also very .. er, uhm.. they're very Prim and Proper09:02
christelAlanBell: haha <309:02
* czajkowski hugs christel 09:03
* AlanBell wonders when czajkowski returns from the emerald city?09:03
czajkowskithen am heading down south on the 30-31st09:04
christelczajkowski: well then how do you feel about a farnham pubcrawl on the 28th then? you may have your old room if you fancy staying over09:05
MooDoowow how come the uk meeting is so early?09:06
AlanBellMooDoo: to inject a little variety into your life09:06
christelMooDoo: to confuse you! nah, i think the idea is to see if we can attract more people in the middle of the day as few people are able to make the evening ones09:06
czajkowskichristel: oh maybe. Not sure what the plans are given house move beore xmas and coming back to boxes.09:06
christelmorning DJones :)09:09
DJonesHi christel09:09
christelMooDoo: where in the world are you? are you Too Far Away to join us for Christmas tomfoolery?09:09
AlanBellso where is the next point on the happy hour tour?09:12
AlanBellSouthampton? Newcastle? somewhere else?09:12
MooDoochristel: i'm in nottingham, but i have a 3 months old, wifey would string me up if i came down between christmas and new year :D09:13
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:13
bigcalmAlanBell: if you're coming up, sounds like a good idea :)09:16
AlanBellme? north of Watford Gap?09:17
bigcalmIs that the mark of a true southener?09:18
bigcalmIt still throws me when a friend in Brighton calls me a northener09:20
bigcalmIt's one or the other eh? No midlandser?09:20
AlanBellsounds fair :)09:21
AlanBellanyhow, do you want to pick a day in January and a pub and we can add wolves to the list of places?09:21
bigcalmI know nothing of Wolves. davmor2, mrevell, aquarius are the people to ask :)09:23
* TheOpenSourcerer is going to Stourbridge tomorrow. ~250m round trip.09:27
MartijnVdSonly 250 meters? I'd walk ;)09:35
TheOpenSourcererI wish MartijnVdS09:36
TheOpenSourcererLikely to be ~3hrs each way09:36
TheOpenSourcererOr more likely 2 hrs there and 4hrs back (friday evening) :-(09:36
MartijnVdSugh.. >2 hours of driving on a single day makes me all weird09:37
MartijnVdSsort of sleepy/exhausted but with the alertness of adrenalin in the mix.09:37
bigcalmHelps to stop now and then09:38
MartijnVdSbigcalm: note that I'm ~1.5 hours away from either Germany or Belgium -- it's hard to drive >2 hours and not end up in another country09:39
MartijnVdSFOSDEM will be a 2 hour drive09:42
mattti gave up complaining about driving, my colleagues in texas can drive 4-6 hours and still be in texas :)09:43
MartijnVdSimagine driving for 6 hours and STILL being in Texas09:44
AlanBellI used to have a car like that09:45
gordback in dallas, i remember we drove for about two hours to a friends house, we were *still* in dallas09:46
oimonin london i can drive for 2 hours and be 8 miles down the road09:47
MartijnVdSoimon: Speed devil!09:47
oimon84 sets of traffic lights later...09:47
JamesTaitOh, um, good morning all. :)09:49
matttgord: shoulda flied!09:49
monsterwizardAsm86 D:09:54
TheOpenSourcerer4mth web dev contract position up for grabs if anyone interested: http://www.paramountdigitalmarketing.com/job-opportunity.html10:14
davmor2morning all10:16
davmor2czajkowski: PROD!!!!! well I'm getting in the Christmas spirit of giving :D10:16
bigcalmHi davmor210:18
MooDoomorning davmor210:19
bigcalmWhat else can you give?10:19
davmor2bigcalm, gord: confirmation of the 26th of jan for the next workspace day :)10:21
davmor2bigcalm: see I just give and give and give until it hurts ;)10:24
gordmaybe you shouldn't give that much then10:26
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:42
brobostigonhi popey and dogmatic6910:46
davmor2gord: to be honest it only hurts my finger from prodding czajkowski10:47
andylockranpopey: my spotify is dead :(10:56
czajkowskidavmor2: Good morning10:58
* popey points andylockran at #spotify10:59
MooDooczajkowski: davmor2 morning sir, ma'am :)11:00
davmor2czajkowski: Morning how's life down souff11:00
czajkowskiMooDoo: well hello there11:00
czajkowskidavmor2: Fantastic11:00
davmor2MooDoo: Morning me owld Mucka how's life up and right a bit?11:00
andylockranpopey: ta :D11:01
MooDoodavmor2: i've a grin on my face that's a mile wide11:02
GargoyleMorning all!11:10
GargoyleCan anyone confirm the correct way to get apache to create files (uploaded via site / cache files created by php, etc) to have -rw-rw--- and not -rw------- ? I have tried setting umask 0002 in /etc/apache/envvars11:11
dogmatic69Gargoyle: -rw------ should work fine11:17
Gargoyledogmatic69: Not if I want the group to read and write the files!11:18
davmor2MooDoo: Put czajkowski down you don't know where she's been11:18
MooDoodavmor2: i should be so lucky ;)11:22
davmor2MooDoo: So let me guess you're on holiday or you got a new job ;)11:23
MooDoodavmor2: nope, parents are getting me a new camera for christmas11:25
davmor2MooDoo: Man I thought it was something life changing ;)11:26
MooDoodavmor2: it is, believe me :)11:27
dogmatic69Gargoyle: its its chowned to apache who else needs to read it?11:27
Gargoyledogmatic69: The user that is running cron / backup tasks11:28
dogmatic69!tell Gargoyle about php chmod11:29
davmor2MooDoo: hence the smiley wink :D  /me waits for the joker in the family to wrap one of those throw away cameras in the camera box with a note saying it did so much we thought you'd prefer this instead11:29
dogmatic69wrong channel for tells :/11:30
dogmatic69<davmor2> MooDoo:11:30
dogmatic69Gargoyle: ^11:30
Gargoyledogmatic69: I am aware of chmod, I want this to be the default for apache and not going round changing every bit of PHP code that writes files11:31
MooDoodavmor2: yeah :D lol11:31
dogmatic69Gargoyle: you should really only have one bit of code writing files, DRY11:31
Gargoyledogmatic69: You're under some illusion that I only have 1 application?11:32
dogmatic69i am under the impression that your code is not DRY11:32
Gargoyledogmatic69: I didn't ask about coding standards! and most of it is not my code framework this and framework that!11:33
monsterwizardanyone know assembly?11:36
monsterwizardI can't figure out why mov esi, 0 is used in this program11:37
oimonanyone how how to boot a mac mini from usb stick?12:07
andylockranoimon: hold down cmd+alt during boot I think12:09
andylockranor cmd+c12:09
andylockransomething like that12:09
popeyi didnt think macs booted off usb12:09
andylockranthen you get a choice of which disks to boot from12:09
popeyunless the usb contained osx or other efi compliant thing12:09
popeyandylockran: its alt12:09
oimonhow do i install lion ? i have to boot to OSX?12:09
popeyyeah, hold down alt12:09
andylockranoimon: it's just an 'app' from the app store12:09
oimonagh only 2 usb slots12:09
oimoni have it on usb12:09
popeyandylockran: you can make a recovery image too on usb12:10
andylockranpopey: ah, I did a boot from usb for time machine I think..12:10
oimon"youn cannot install lion because it is not supported on this system"12:11
oimonno reason why12:11
oimondiscovered this machine is a powerpc :(12:13
oimonhad it in my room 3years, never switched it on12:13
directhexpretty old mac, then12:15
oimoni guess12:15
directhexintel ones landed in 200612:16
* brobostigon would grab a debian powerpc cd.12:16
oimonguess i'll turn it off again12:16
directhexlion also needs 2GB RAM12:16
directhexhad to do a ram upgrade on a mac mini yesterday for lion. yikes12:16
oimoni only needed to try some software out :(12:16
oimoneveryone's complaining aabout lion being really buggy12:19
andylockranI quite like it12:20
popeyis that the same "everyone" who no longer use Ubuntu?12:20
andylockrannot had any issues12:20
deej1976Has the 12pm ubuntu-uk-meeting been cancelled ?12:21
oimoneveryone in my building who has lion12:21
oimonin the context of my job, that's everyone12:21
oimonwifi issues, printing fail, and networking issues12:21
andylockranthe only issue I've had, is that I sometimes get wifi timeouts12:22
andylockranbut that's sporadically, and a reboot (~20 seconds) sorts that out12:23
andylockranSSD FTW12:23
oimoncan't connect to certain wifi SSID, cannot even see another one, while under the AP12:23
oimonother people having disconnect issues, and also one guy claims it takes 30 mins to connect12:23
deej1976Anyone seen AlanBell this morning?13:07
AlanBellI saw him somewhere13:07
deej1976AlanBell: Not in ubuntu-uk-meeting though13:07
AlanBellooooh crap13:08
davmor2deej1976: I'm pretty sure I've seen his nick around today13:08
bigcalmAlanBell: I forgot as well13:08
deej1976!language | AlanBell13:08
lubotu3AlanBell: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:08
* Mez sighs13:08
AlanBellok, lets do the meeting13:09
Mezhave to create a backport to intrepid/jaunty13:09
AlanBellin #ubuntu-uk-meeting right nowish13:09
gordwish humble bundle just ran their own ppa13:11
gordor something13:11
gordgeez, even the deb files bundle their own libraries, had to remove the sdl library they bundle because it doesn't work with pulseaudio...13:14
AlanBelldutchie: when do you return to the dreaming spires?13:17
BigRedSIf I've an md array rebuilding, is there a way to ask it which device is being readded?13:31
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 12th January 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | ☃
bigcalmEverybody is going unicode crazy13:33
danfishmy receptionists have Michael Buble Xmas album blaring out14:12
* danfish tasers receptionists14:13
MooDoodanfish: bought it for the misses the other day :S14:13
danfishMooDoo: get earplugs or a vomit bag14:13
brobostigonatleast wizzard, is decent, that one dont bother me too much.14:14
MooDoohammer fall :D14:16
dutchieAlanBell: 8th of Jan14:48
dutchieAlanBell: why>14:48
AlanBellpossible oxford happy hour14:49
dutchieah cool14:53
danfishIT'S CHRISTMAS!15:48
danfishsorry - Noddy Holder took over my nick for a minute15:48
davmor2danfish: liar15:51
bigcalmI wonder if he's living off of the royalties15:53
danfishdavmor2: he's from your neck of the woods isn't he?15:53
moreatiI believe his $appendage imprint is on the Broadstreet walk of fame15:54
jutnux\o everybody15:54
davmor2danfish: No he ai't He's from duggley15:58
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
danfishdavmor2: The black coutreeeyyyy16:14
BigRedSI'm after an explanation of the Gnome3/gnome-session/unity architecture, anyone know of one? It's as a citation for "Gnome3 isn't broken by Untiy"17:25
BigRedSwhere, apparently "just install gnome-session" doesn't count17:25
ali1234nobody ever said it was17:26
BigRedSNo, I'm arguing that Unity is basically an alternative to gnome-session, sat atop gnome3. Which is how I was lead to believe it worked.17:28
BigRedSIn fact, is that how it works?17:28
ali1234it is in oneiric17:28
BigRedSyeah, that's the one I meant17:29
ali1234see, part of the gigantic mess that was the unity release was that in natty, unity ran on top of gnome 217:29
ali1234and so installing gnome 3 on natty broke unity17:29
ali1234under oneiric, it is the other way around17:29
ali1234so installing gnome 2 on oneiric is problematic17:29
BigRedSOh. no, I'm ignorning gnome217:30
ali1234another side effect of this is that you can't install the unity from oneiric onto natty17:30
ali1234and the development model of unity makes backporting patches extremely difficult17:30
BigRedSJust that what's normally termed 'Gnome3' is actually Gnome3 running gnome-session, and Unity is Gnome 3 running Unity17:31
ali1234so the end result is that natty doesn't get unity fixes17:31
ali1234unity is unity running on whatever version of gtk the distro uses17:31
davmor2BigRedS: So gnome is made up of gdm, gnome shell, and the gnome apps.  Ubuntu is made up of lightdm, unity and the gnome apps  there are a few changes but on the whole that is it.17:32
BigRedSyeah, that's my understanding. I'm just trying to convince someone else, but he's got bored of the argument now. It's more the precise definition of 'gnome3' that we're arguing over I think17:33
ali1234it's a pointless argument anyway, as they both suck17:34
ali1234it's like saying "well if you don't like brussel sprout flavour ice cream you can just have cabbage flavour ice cream instead"17:35
davmor2BigRedS: so my description is about as basic as you can get but there are a load of other things that make up gnome 317:36
davmor2BigRedS: We use most of them apart from gnome shell and gdm by all accounts17:37
ali1234gnome-shell is multiple different things17:37
ali1234the whole "but you can just install gnome-shell on ubuntu" is the argument people usually use when someone says they are dumping ubuntu because of unity17:38
ali1234and it's a stupid one17:38
ali1234here's why17:39
BigRedSno, it's not at all about dumping unity or gnome317:39
BigRedSjust how the thing works17:39
ali1234in a nutshell, you get a better experience if you use the same shell as the people developing the distro17:39
ali1234it's always been like that too17:40
BigRedSyeah, it's always the case that the distro is designed for its default17:40
BigRedSit'd be daft to not do that17:40
popeymmmm brussel sprout ice cream17:43
DaraelHow many of those d'you /have/ at the moment, anyway, popey?17:44
danfishpopey: egg and bacon icecream yes, snail porridge yes, but brussel sprout ice cream...just think of the kids17:46
MartijnVdSMarmite ice cream?17:46
* brobostigon requests whisky sorbet.17:47
DaraelI know they make garlic ice cream.17:47
danfishoooh, nice http://www.geek.com/articles/chips/raspberry-pi-announces-the-gertboard-expansion-board-20111215/17:51
locodir-userI have a problem installing ubuntu18:08
locodir-userit says "no root fie system is defined"18:09
locodir-userhow can I install it?18:09
mgdm Hi daubers19:09
bigcalmYo ho ho19:11
bigcalmmgdm: marvel at my painful code :) https://github.com/bigcalm/Twitter-IRC-Gateway19:11
mgdmHmmm, I can spot some probable E_NOTICEs...19:13
matttbigcalm: TYPO!@19:15
mattt"leave <#channe>"19:15
MH0bigcalm: A typo? Not as bad as some code i have written :3, Some code I write has the most ugliest code, long-way rounds and everything. Ugly coding ftw!19:19
davmor2Yeah but MH0 bigcalm is a wannabe perfectionist, it's like a crime to him :D19:21
MH0Well, then I suppose so :)19:22
davmor2comedy gold http://twitpic.com/7tm70119:24
* daubers sticks on generations19:52
czajkowskievening folks20:06
Laneypresent inspiration...20:06
daubersLaney: You can get me a kindle, that'll be fine :)20:06
BigRedSWhat's the current favourite for a really easy mailing list tool to plug in to postfix? Mailman? I'd like it running in about 20mins :)22:01
gordonjcpmailman *is* pretty easy22:04
gordonjcphorrible, but easy22:04
jacobwfor actual mailing lists?22:08
jacobwmailman :p22:08
BigRedSah, whoops, got distracted22:44
BigRedSbut mailman it is22:44
BigRedSThat was my initial choice, then I realised I didn't know any others22:44
matttthe only thing is22:46
matttmailman only takes about 2 mins to get going22:46
matttat least, it does on RHEL22:46
BigRedSAh yeah, iffy bit here might be my bodged virtual domain 'system'22:50
BigRedSOh. That *was* easy22:52
BigRedSjust stick the domain on the end of mydestination and it ignores the virtuals22:52
popeyyay, amy and rory are leaving dr who23:02
czajkowskiwhooooo best news today popey23:06
* czajkowski hugs popey 23:06
labcoattechhi all23:07
labcoattechcan the grub bootloader be replaced with a gui23:10
popeyno idea23:11
BigRedSI've seen someone demo a gui bootloader. where gui=clicky with a mouse23:20
BigRedSI'd argue that grub already is a gui23:20
BigRedS(when it's working)23:20
labcoattechtried to edit grub using Startup-Manager to make Windows 7 the default os but it didn't work23:23
AlanBelllabcoattech: you might want to expand on what you did, and/or ask in #ubuntu, it is probably a bit late for the UK23:30
directhexlabcoattech: i'm not aware of any modern mouse-enabled bootloaders23:34
shaunoI've got a modern, mouse-enabled bootloader ;)23:45
bigcalmBoot camp?23:46
bigcalmLucky guess23:46
shaunoit's a little too modern in places.  like deciding that usb is "legacy".  but it's pointy/clicky/droolproof23:46
directhexi've never used boot camp - just refit23:48
shaunothey're pretty much the same thing.  just different applications loaded on top of the same efi23:49
shaunojust refit has a config file, whereas the stock has "my way or the highway"23:49
shaunobut it doesn't actually add capability, because actual features depend on the efi itself.  so trying to boot mbr off usb is still near-on impossible :(23:50

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