
Unit193jrgifford: U-H went well enough, I got there late :P02:41
Unit193And the thing after was awesome too :D02:42
thafreakMorning Ohio15:34
thafreakI tell you what...setting up a mailserver isn't easy15:36
thafreakwell, it can be...but if you want to research all the best practices...geez15:36
thafreaki should say, tuning a mailserver to prevent as much spam as possible...isn't easy15:37
thafreakwhat you been up to taggy15:37
thafreakhows the sunshine treating you?15:37
paultagthafreak: dude15:40
paultagit's amazing15:40
dzhowhere's this?15:41
thafreakyou exposing any dirty politicians...15:42
thafreakwait, they're all dirty...you exposing any politicians?15:42
paultagdzho: sunlight foundation15:43
paultagthafreak: YEAH!15:43
paultagthafreak: dude I have so much data now15:43
paultagthafreak: I fear the next person to get into a political scuffle with m15:43
dzhopaultag: you damn dirty komyoonist15:44
dzhooh, wait . . .15:44
thafreakyou know which politicians took money from which lobying groups?15:46
thafreakCurrently, I just assume they all do...15:46
paultagDid you know: Goldman-Sachs gave exactly 290,750 to Mit15:46
paultagerm, Mitt15:46
paultagSachs gives about 70/30 to Republicans/Dems15:46
paultagthey also gave $44,750 to Obama15:47
thafreaknone to libertarians?15:47
paultagthafreak: no, but they did give 375,700 to the RNC15:47
thafreakGood, I'm voting libertarian then15:47
paultagactually that was just the Senate15:47
thafreaklet me know who contributes to them15:47
paultag55,250 to the RNC on the whole15:47
thafreakin case I have to avoid them too15:47
paultagthafreak: oh sure15:48
thafreakI'm currently voting against anyone who is currently in office15:48
paultagthafreak: http://influenceexplorer.com/15:48
thafreakand also against anyone who runs a negative ad15:49
paultagthere's also the more crepy https://checking.influenceexplorer.com/15:49
thafreakand also against anyone taking bribes15:49
paultagwhich will look at your checkbook and see who you're giving money to, and who they give money to15:49
thafreakaka "campaign contributions"15:49
paultagso you can see how much of your money goes to $FOO15:49
thafreakI don't give money to political anything...closest I ever came was when I gave money to FSF15:50
paultagthafreak: no, I mean15:50
thafreakoh my tax dollars?15:50
paultagthafreak: if you get some booze from $FOO and pay for Coors' Light, the Coors' company donates to the RNC hugely15:50
thafreak 90% of my tax dollars are going somewhere I don't want anyway15:50
paultagthafreak: so you can run your checkbook through this and see where your money is going15:50
paultagnah, not tax15:50
thafreakshit...never thought of that15:51
paultagyeah I know :)15:51
thafreakfuck coors15:51
thafreakwonder who great lakes brewing company donates to15:51
paultagthafreak: they're not showing up15:53
paultagbut here's coors' brewing co - http://influenceexplorer.com/organization/coors-brewing/a1a9fa5ee3fd40c89b1c6f8fcb93a50b15:53
thafreakcan i just do queries with out having to let it scrape my checking account info?15:53
jrgiffordpaultag: i forgot about your new job...15:53
paultag1.5 million15:53
paultagto R15:53
paultagjrgifford: :D15:53
jrgiffordthis could be fun. :P15:53
jrgiffordpaultag: is this influenceexplorer FOSS?15:54
paultagjrgifford: on github15:54
jrgiffordpaultag: ok.15:54
paultagas well as the data15:54
thafreakwow...dreamworks is on the top of the list of donors15:54
paultagthafreak: yeah, they give to D pretty hugely15:54
thafreakfucking media companies...15:55
thafreakyeah 99%15:55
paultagjrgifford: https://github.com/sunlightlabs/brisket15:55
paultagthafreak: sunlight has identified the co. version of the 0.1%, but it's more accurate as the .01%15:55
thafreakso now I know I can't trust the dems either for sure...thought MAYBE they gave a shit about individual rights over media conglomerates15:55
jrgiffordgood stuff, thanks.15:55
paultagthafreak: right15:56
paultagjrgifford: the org is https://github.com/sunlightlabs15:56
paultagall stuff is f/oss as a matter of course15:56
thafreaki'm voting for int0x8015:56
jrgiffordpaultag: https://github.com/sunlightlabs/alarms - google alerts, but it only searches for politicians?15:56
paultagjrgifford: that's ultra alpha15:57
paultagI don't think it's totally baked15:57
thafreakwow, comcast gave 70% to the dems...15:57
jrgiffordpaultag: you guys use mongo a lot then?15:58
thafreakwhy the fuck do we only have 2 political parties?15:58
jrgiffordthafreak: because we can't get the others ones off the ground..?15:58
thafreak"you can either choose a punch in the neck, or a kick to the nuts"...15:58
thafreakeither way, you'll probably pass out...then both parties will gang fuck you15:59
jrgiffordwe have the constitutional party, and the libertarians, not to mention the socialists and the neo nazis. we just can't get anyone to do anything other than R or D.15:59
thafreakOh I know...I vote libertarian usually...and everyone says I throw my vote away15:59
paultagI want a good CPUSA canidate16:00
paultagand I want him or her to be a Marxist.16:00
thafreakatleast I'm not voting for the people raping this country...16:00
jrgiffordlol. :P16:00
thafreakI think if we got rid of political campaigns all together, the country would be in alot better shape16:01
thafreakyou want to be president...fine16:01
thafreakI'd rather have lots of pre-elections where we start with 1million candidates and whittle it down to 10 for the final elections, than have to watch stupid fucking commercials16:02
jrgiffordthafreak: are you advocating a return to the pre-james garfield days, where the candidates would stay at home, practicing law/their profession?16:02
thafreaki mean the current system, they start 1-2 years ahead of time anyway,16:02
thafreakno, I'm advocating banning campaign ads16:03
thafreakeveryone gets an equal opportunity to run for election16:03
thafreakeven homeless bums should have the same chance as a fucking kennedy16:03
jrgiffordi love that idea.16:04
thafreakanyone who wants to run, fills out a form16:04
thafreakthen we just need a process for the people to choose which of the millions who want the office to pick from16:04
thafreakno one is allowed to run ads on tv or in the paper16:04
thafreakhell, we're all digital now...16:05
thafreakwe should just build a database of all the people who want to run, and collect stats about them, and how they would vote on stuff16:05
thafreakthen people can search the db for all the candidates they're insterested in that meet their criteria16:06
thafreaklike match.com for potential politicians and their constituents16:06
thafreakget rid of the electoral college too, and have it come down to 100% the people's voice16:07
thafreakforce people to do homework about who they're actually voting for and not just go by whatever negative thing they saw on tv16:07
thafreakSorry, I'm done ranting...didn't mean to take over the ubuntu ohio channel with non ubuntu talk :)16:10
paultagI think corporations should be people16:13
thafreakSo anyone looking for a Linux admin job in the akron area?17:29
thafreakI keep getting hounded by recruiters for this job...and now a non-profit (jumpstart) who helps startups, is also looking to fill this same position17:30
thafreakI think they're desparate and will probably pay well17:30
thafreakthey are looking for some one with LPIC, so that shows they atleast know what to ask for in an admin17:30
Cheri703so I need a picture of a smallish explosion (like from a pipe bomb)...doing a google image search of "pipe bomb explosion" gets a LOT of mug shot photos...19:17
Cheri703also probably gets me on a watch list somewhere19:18
jrgiffordthafreak: oh my jumpstart. been months since i heard that...19:41
jrgiffordCheri703: lol?19:41
Cheri703I just found it interesting19:41
Cheri703I was making a sympathy card for someone...19:42
Cheri703with a picture of an explosion on it19:43
jrgiffordthat sounds... appropriate.19:43
Cheri703it says "What does your sad news have in common with a pipe bomb?" on the front, and inside it says "It really blows!" (the guy will appreciate the sentiment, he's not so much a mushy whatever person)19:43
Cheri703it has a pic of a pipe bomb on the front and an explosion inside19:44
Unit193Ahaha! Nice one!19:45
Cheri703anyway, now I have to get ready for work. have a good day guys :)19:46
canthus13Cheri703: Make your own pipe bomb, blow it up, take pictures. :D20:30
Unit193I like that idea, but I may want to get invited to watch, not go to prison :P20:32

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