
washuu_deIt does not stress that if YOU don't know the answer then my question is illegal...00:00
washuu_deThat FAQ...00:00
washuu_deI take a look at "ufw"00:01
litropyWhat chan discusses keymapping / mouse event mapping?00:02
_Marshalldoes anyone have a minute to help me with a compiling issue?00:03
Eriond_Marshall: like, compiling a library, or something you wrote?00:04
_Marshalleh, i'm not really sure. it's nothing i wrote00:04
_Marshallmind if i PM you?00:04
qwertzhi, "df -h" and gparted do not detect the correct size of my harddisk.00:05
Coreyqwertz: How big do they think it is, and how big is it really?00:06
justin_hey im trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on my macbook pro 8.2 but im having some issues can anyone help?00:07
qwertzit should be about 60G and only about 36G are detected.00:07
SunTsujustin_: why on earth would you install something that is 1.5 years old?00:07
szalqwertz: old machine w/ some BIOS limitation?00:07
justin_i prefer the os00:08
* szal slaps SunTsu around a bit with a large LTS00:08
CoreySunTsu: Because some of us have stability requirements that "OOH, SHINY!" can't meet?00:08
qwertzMaybe the problem occured two weeks ago when my disk was full.00:08
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages00:09
Coreyjustin_: ^00:09
qwertzand I had to do fsck or e2fsck to be able to relogin.00:09
SunTsuCorey: on a macbook? And he didn't say LTS, did he?00:09
=== DemonWitch is now known as DaemonWitch
justin_i have spent days reading through the wikis and i can not find one tailored to my version and other versions do not work.00:09
szalSunTsu: what do you think 10.04 is?00:10
justin_i have looked through google and many forums00:10
qwertzsince I am not an expert, myabe something went wrong with fsck or e2fsck?00:10
CoreySunTsu: Urm... he said 10.04, which is LTS. :-)00:10
Coreyjustin_: The hardware support might just not be in that version.00:10
justin_i have tried installing 11.1 and i get the exact same error00:11
Corey"Shiny hardware" and "older release" tend not to play so well together.00:11
justin_although i would much prefer to install 10.0400:11
Coreyjustin_: How about you tell us what you've already tried and what the actual error message is?  Playing twenty questions isn't fun for either of us00:11
SudoKingi'm getting the error "GLimp_init could not load opengl subsystem" when I try to run quake based games (which use 3d acceleration) i use an intel chipset.. nothing i found online so far has solved the problem :S any ideas?00:12
SudoKingremoving SDL, purging and reinstalling xorg, etc..00:12
=== lion42 is now known as Guest93419
justin_initramfs unable to find a medium containing a live file system.                 I have tried installing different versions and i have checked the md5 on the cd's00:13
justin_i also tried to boot from a flash drive but i could not get it to load into the menu00:13
justin_i installed windows via bootcamp and then tried to boot ubuntu instead of the windows cd and that did not work00:14
justin_also i installed rEFIt00:15
justin_and tried to boot from the cd after selecting the windows drive but was not successful00:15
justin_so anyone have any ideas?00:16
=== tonedef is now known as asava
justin_nothing lol?...00:17
Kre10s_hello. I am trying to install opendbx and its dev packages on 11.04. what repositories do i need to install opendbx?00:18
justin_anyone on? :S00:20
=== chris__0076 is now known as chris_0076
rfiany mt admins here00:24
keniobatshello!, I've a weird question. I need Ubuntu to NOT wake up from suspend when I open the lid, instead having to open the lid an then press the power button (like Win7 does). Is there any chance of doing it?.00:25
Jordan_Ujustin_: If you install Ubuntu using the netinstall/minimal installer it should work around the "unable to find a live medium containing a live filesystem" problem.00:28
Jordan_U!minimal | justin_00:28
ubottujustin_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:28
=== paxtoncamaroafk is now known as paxtoncamaro91
ibodii tried for a while with no luck: howto have copy+paste working in vbox ?00:34
ibodiubuntu 11.1000:34
justin_thanks jordan_u il give it a shot00:35
justin_and ubottu00:35
goddardthere is some strange thing that pops up when i touch my track pad that like grabs a window and shows 3 circles00:36
goddardhow can I disable my touch pad entirely when a mouse is plugged in?00:36
litropyWhat chan discusses keymapping / mouse event mapping?00:37
SunTsuibodi: depends on what you set the vbox to regarding the clipboard00:37
yeatsgoddard: this may help: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/automatically-disable-touchpad-when-mouse-is-connected-ubuntu/00:38
SunTsuibodi: if you use "bidirectional" everything you put into the clipboard on either host or guest is available on all clipboards00:38
Jordan_Ujustin_: You're welcome.00:39
nixmaniackdoes anyone here know bazaar (vcs)? I need help!00:40
goddardyeats: AWESOME!00:40
ibodiSunTsu: i m on vbox, get back to you later. thanks ...00:41
mneptoknixmaniack: #bzr is probably a better channel00:42
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempting to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. See for more info: http://pastebin.com/3prT5SEJ00:42
nixmaniackmneptok, i already asked there! but seems pretty idle! since ubuntu uses it, i thought i might find someone!00:42
skegeekUbuntu keeps freezing when idle, I've disabled Compiz, screen saver and the monitor does not turn off - what else can I do?00:43
SunTsuibodi: the important part is putting stuff info the clipboard, using X's copy buffer alone does not work00:44
Jordan_Uskegeek: To what extent is it frozen? Do you see any changes on the screen at all (like moving the cursor)? Can you get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 (ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to a GUI)? Can you ssh in from another machine?00:44
skegeekIt is completely unresponsive when it freezes, I have to press the power button.00:46
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest11348
potatoeI want to move the system and places menu into the applications menu to save space. I am running default gnome on ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop00:48
|Anthony|potatoe, right-click on the panel00:49
|Anthony|select add to panel00:49
|Anthony|select Main Menu00:50
potatoeThanks |Anthony|00:50
potatoeI knew I had done it before00:50
=== Guest11348 is now known as LargePrime
potatoeAwesome :D00:50
|Anthony|enjoy your day and thanks for visiting00:50
justin_:( the minimal cd wont work because i dont have anyway to connect to the internet well installing00:51
Tech-1ThankYou for choosing Ubuntu-Airlines00:51
justin_i made a post on the forums with my issue00:51
justin_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:51
enovativok everyone ..i have tried what i think is everything to get his usb wireless adapter working and nothing00:52
skegeekJordan_U: When my system freezes, it doesn't respond whatsoever, I have to press the power button.00:53
Jordan_Uskegeek: Have you tried ctrl+alt+F1 or ssh?00:53
drx1what is the default root password for Ubuntu 10?00:53
antoHi  2 every100:53
enovativfirst..i installed the broadcom driver and that didn't work...because it didn't show up in "Additional Drivers"00:53
Jordan_U!root | drx100:54
ubottudrx1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:54
enovativthen I installed compat-wirelss, and added the necessary info in the usb.c file00:54
enovativand that didn't work00:54
enovativfor some reason...couldint do a make, or a make install on the compat-wireless folder00:54
drx1sudo isn00:54
drx1is not working00:54
Jordan_U!details | drx100:54
ubottudrx1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:54
enovativI am running ubuntu 10.10, and I using a NetGear g54/n150 wireless usb micro adapter00:55
enovativi am using it on a desktop00:55
drx1I am trying to do a ./configure and it says you do not have permssions.  I am administrator (per Gnome GUI).00:55
enovativwhen i do lsusb....i can see the device00:56
phunyguydrx1, the command would be sudo ./configure00:56
skegeekI have tried Ctrl+Alt+F1, yes, I can't test via ssh at this time though.00:56
phunyguydrx1, then type YOUR password00:56
phunyguysudo != root.00:56
Jordan_Udrx1: You shouldn't need to use root privileges for ./configure.00:56
rfisudo su - F.T.P.00:56
genoobieshould I update?00:56
Jordan_Udrx1: What is your end goal?00:56
genoobieusing the update manager00:56
phunyguybut drx1, best practice would be to ./configure and make in your user directory somewhere, then sudo make install.00:57
genoobieit's version 11.1000:57
szaldrx1: you don't build software as root00:57
phunyguyJordan_U, I am guessing he extracted the source to /tmp00:57
enovativi also installed ndisgtk....to try to install windows driver. but I can't find a INF file for this wireless adapter00:57
phunyguythere is no harm in building as root00:57
user82does anyone know how i can chat in QQ with ubuntu 11.10?00:57
phunyguyjust not required00:57
drx1phunyguy: it was on a USB key and I also put it in downloads in my home folder01:00
phunyguydrx1, then chmod +x configure01:00
drx1I also used the GUI to grant RW permissions to all files in the folder01:00
phunyguythe execute permission is missing01:00
Jordan_Udrx1: What is your end goal? I assume you're trying to install something. What are you trying to install?01:00
=== Gskellig is now known as |ugburz
=== |ugburz is now known as Gskellig
drx1that worked,, thanks.  now when I run make or make <program> it says no targets specified or no makefile found01:03
phunyguydrx1, then it didnt work01:04
phunyguysee why the ./configure failed01:04
drx1well, the ./configure did01:04
drx1the make did not01:04
phunyguyI'm sure some -dev package is missing01:04
phunyguydrx1, I am telling you, the ./configure may have output, but it didn't work.01:04
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
k_szeWhat command can I use to check the integrity or consistency of the boot sector of a HDD? My first attempt to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 failed with an I/O error.01:05
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
Jordan_Uk_sze: Why do you want to check the boot sector specifically?01:06
Jordan_U!bootinfo | k_sze01:06
ubottuk_sze: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).01:06
skegeekJordan_U: The only thing that works upon freeze is the power button, i couldn't test ssh.01:07
drx1phunyguy: how do I fix this?01:07
k_szeJordan_U: I want to retry installing 11.10 *in-place* (without having to wipe the existing ext4 partition)01:07
Jordan_Udrx1: What is your end goal? I assume you're trying to install something. What are you trying to install?01:07
k_szeusing the CD01:07
phunyguydrx1, I have no idea, figure out why the ./configure failed.  I'm sure there is command output.  and without a pastebin, I can't help.01:07
drx1I ran it from the source dir, and ./configure says "C++ compiler cannot create executables"01:08
Jordan_Uk_sze: So you want to check the partition table?01:08
phunyguyI'm sure there is more to the problem01:08
phunyguybut as a quick attempt, try "sudo apt-get install build-essential"01:08
phunyguythen try again01:08
itaylor57drx1, knowing what you are trying to compile would be helpful01:09
Jordan_Uphunyguy: I think we really need to figure out what drx1's end goal is before we go any further.01:09
phunyguyhave fun then.01:10
drx1it's a utility called extundelete I'm trying to see01:10
drx1if some files were deleted on an ext3 partition01:10
Jordan_Udrx1: sudo apt-get install extundelete01:10
drx1the error code is 1947 and I see 4 command not found on various line numbers in config.log01:11
k_szeJordan_U: I'm not sure. I already booted the 11.10 CD and ran `e2fsck -cpv` on the ext4 partition yesterday01:11
Steristanyone know how to troubleshoot wifi AND ethernet not working?01:11
drx1can't -- system isn't on internet.  have to bring over via usb01:11
Jordan_Udrx1: It's a *lot* easier to bring over the package file and its dependencies than it is to bring over the source and all its dependencies *and* all its build dependencies.01:12
Jordan_U!offline | drx101:12
ubottudrx1: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD01:12
Jordan_Udrx1: This is why you really need to start with your end goal when asking for support.01:12
drx1I do not have another Ubuntu box01:15
skegeekI'm curious, I know even Linux should have Anti-Virus these days, but should we have Spyware/Adware protection as well? And how about something like HijackThis??01:15
Steristanyone know how to troubleshoot wifi AND ethernet not working, while it does work under other OS's?01:16
Jordan_Udrx1: Then use http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ as also suggested in ubottu's message.01:17
Jordan_U!virus | skegeek01:18
ubottuskegeek: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:18
rfiSterist, try checking for errros in dmesg, that may help point you where to look next01:19
blackshirthello,  is there web based front end for apt ?01:19
wspardawweb based ?01:20
pp7why would u want that?01:20
MonkeyDustblackshirt, there is, moment01:21
skegeekOkay - Technically all of my data files are stored on Windows via Wubi's automatic "host" directory. However, having read your response I assume proper Windows protection is actually the necessity.01:21
MonkeyDustblackshirt  http://appnr.com/01:21
blackshirtMonkeyDust: for this time, ?01:22
kkerwinHi. I have three computers, running Ubuntu, and an NFS server, running Arch Linux. On two of my computers, I have read/write access to shares exported by the server. The third computer has read-only access. I am trying to figure out why. Is anyone available who would be able to help me, please?01:23
blackshirtMonkeyDust: i mean,not like that,...appnr use apt:uri protocol01:23
blackshirtMonkeyDust: i mean, pure web based apt frontend01:23
wspardawhey all wus up01:24
mrb1011Hey, I need a wireless card that supports monitoring mode for my information security class. All the machines i have has wireless cards that doesn't support it ! :(01:24
wspardawhey i have a question about ubuntu01:25
blackshirtwspardaw: just ask guys01:25
wspardawbe or not to be? that is the question.01:25
Jordan_U!ot | wspardaw01:25
ubottuwspardaw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:25
kkerwinmrb1011: Most modern wifi cards support it. You can also check the database on airsnort's website. $40 USD or so ought to get you a half-way decent one.01:25
kingofswordsanyone know a help chat for gimp?01:25
airtonixwhy won't ssh client use the key i tell it to use? i specify it with -i  and it tries EVERY OTHER key except the one i tell it to use... it's almost as if it's trolling me and use the -i switch to sya "lololol ignore this key when attempting to use public-key authentication lolollololol"01:26
kkerwinkingofswords: /join #gimp01:26
mrb1011thanks kkerwin, appreciate it :)01:26
kingofswordskkerwin, i did and nobodies talkinig01:26
airtonixkingofswords: then you be patient and wait01:26
kingofswordsit doesnt look a channel for help anyway01:27
Peaker"GPG error: http://il.archive.ubuntu.com oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key" <-- for a few days now?01:27
kkerwinkingofswords: What airtonix said, unfortunately. While you're waiting, I'd also recommend the online book, Grokking the Gimp.01:27
somsipairtonix: what is the full command you're using?01:27
coolstarIf you wanted to get the source code of an open source project, would you use svn, or git?01:27
Peakercoolstar: svn is deprecated :) Use git01:28
coolstarIf you had the choice01:28
kkerwincoolstar: Which ever the project is using. If git, then use git.01:28
coolstarI'm gonna host a project01:28
drx1so it is not possible to build from source?01:28
wspardawsometimes when I shut down ubuntu it does not shut down completely, it freezes in the ubuntu logo ......, why?01:28
airtonixsomsip: i have a correct entry in my ~/.ssh/config, and i can use the shortcut for other entries i have in there... so it fails on both : ssh shortcutname, and ssh user@remote.host.tld -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa-keyname01:28
coolstarso i want to know which to use depending on popular opinion01:28
kkerwincoolstar: Since you apparently have a choice, use git. :-)01:29
airtonixcoolstar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok801:29
somsipairtonix: verbose mode helping any? -v or -vv or -vvv?01:29
rfiairtonix, what are the permissions of the key file and the directory the key file is in ?01:29
coolstarso far: 1 vote for svn, 2 votes for git01:29
kkerwincoolstar: I think github offers free hosting, also.01:29
airtonixsomsip: versbose mode reveals it is trying every other key01:29
coolstarkkerwin: I'm using google code, which gives a choice01:30
kkerwincoolstar: Oh, cool.01:30
airtonixsomsip: rfi: permissions are 0600, it works when i prefix the ssh command with : SSH_AUTH_SOCK= ssh ... (but that is unacceptable when i need to use fabric deployment with a public key)01:30
somsipairtonix: possibly related? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=51323501:30
ubottuDebian bug 513235 in openssh-client "ssh tries the keys proposed by the agent before those passed with -i" [Important,Open]01:30
airtonixsomsip: rfi: i expect that when i say "use this key" that it would freakn use that key not ignore it01:31
kkerwinHi. I have three computers, running Ubuntu, and an NFS server, running Arch Linux. On two of my computers, I have read/write access to shares exported by the server. The third computer has read-only access. I am trying to figure out why. Is anyone available who would be able to help me, please?01:31
Jordan_U!poll | coolstar01:31
ubottucoolstar: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:31
somsipairtonix: I agree, so maybe it's a bug01:31
airtonixcoolstar: you should really watch that video01:31
coolstarairtonix: I'm watching it :)01:31
airtonixsomsip: looking at bug report now01:32
airtonixi used to use cvs, then i took an arrow to the knee01:32
coolstarI'm holding my poll at #ubuntu-bots. To vote, "/join #ubuntu-bots"01:33
drx1I got connected to the internet ran apt-get intall extundelete and it says "Unable to locate package extundelete"01:33
Jordan_Udrx1: Are you running from a liveCD/USB?01:35
Vooloohow do i see if server runs 32 or 64-bit ?01:35
blackshirtVooloo: uname -a01:35
drx1Jordan:  no01:36
manofmilkVooloo, then look for x86 and/or x86_6401:36
Jordan_Udrx1: What version of Ubuntu are you using?01:36
Vooloomanofmilk: 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5.028stab079.1 #1 SMP Fri Dec 17 19:25:15 MSK 2010 i686 GNU/Linux01:37
manofmilkVooloo, you win!01:37
blackshirtVooloo: you are using 32bit linux01:37
manofmilkhurf durf. i'm retarded.01:37
Vooloomanofmilk: so which is it?01:37
Voolooblackshirt: ok thanks01:37
manofmilki686/i586,i386 = x8601:37
manofmilk= 32bit01:37
kkerwinVooloo: i686=32bit. x86-64=64 bit.01:37
blackshirtVooloo:  i686 GNU/Linux is for 32 bit01:38
Jordan_Udrx1: 10.04?01:38
airtonixsomsip: ugh, fails when there isn't both the private and public key in ~/.ssh (or at same location as the private)01:38
somsipairtonix: aha!01:38
Jordan_Udrx1: Also, please use my full nick (Jordan_U) when responding to me so that my client will highlight it.01:38
airtonixsomsip: so i guess when i have an entry in ~/.ssh/config then this scenario works01:38
airtonixsomsip: but yes, you are right there is another bug with ssh-agent where if you don't have an entry in ~/.ssh/config then -i gets ignored when there are more than 6 keys imported to the ssh-agent01:39
drx1Jordan_U: 10.1001:40
somsipairtonix: weird. I use config and only have public keys for most of my connections01:40
davertroni'm trying to install mongodb on latest ubuntu, but whenever i try to run mongod, I get the following: "mongod: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_system.so.1.40.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", but it looks like the mongodb package installed libboost1.46, so why is it complaining about 1.40?01:40
Steristrfi any commands i should try? i just finished hour 2 of googling01:41
worrowneed some serious help01:41
GudduHi All...I have mysqld in etc/init.d .... How do i make it to start automatically each time the machine is restarted?01:41
airtonixsomsip: yes but if you try to connect to a remote host that you have'nt created a shortcut for in ~/.ssh/config and need to specify -i. then ssh-agent forst tries all it's managed keys before using the one you specified... so it will fail if ssh-agent has more than 6 keys01:42
worrowI have wired connection and wish to share it via my built in wifi. How do I do it?01:42
worrowI will receive connection from mac if it makes a difference01:42
airtonixsomsip: since ssh protocol only tried 6 keys before failing01:42
skegeekSo, if A/V isn't necessary on Linux -  the talk about A/V on Linux-based phones is just hyp?01:43
somsipairtonix: hmm. I use config for ssh'ing but -i for scp and have no problems. But anyways, if you've found your solution that's what matters01:43
Jordan_Uskegeek: Desktop Linux and phones are different things. When basically all the software in your repositories is Open Source it's easy to ensure that none of it is mallicious.01:44
drx1Jordan_U: btw, the apt-get install build-essential does work01:45
worrowsomeone has to know01:45
ibodiSunTsu: you still there ?01:45
Jordan_Udrx1: "Doesn't work" is almost never a useful description of a problem. What happens when you try to run "sudo apt-get install build-essential"?01:45
worrowwho knows networking on ubuntu?01:46
Coreyworrow: Many people.01:47
Corey!anyone | worrow01:47
ubottuworrow: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:47
worrowhow to I share wired connection via my built in wifi?01:47
Jordan_Udrx1: Since it hasn't been packaged for Ubuntu 10.10 it will be difficult to install extundelete. While it's certainly possible there may be easier solutions (like testdisk/photorec which is packaged in Ubuntu 10.10). What files did you delete that you're trying to recover or what is the situation exactly?01:47
skegeekOh, the apps in mobile markets are mostly proprietary?01:47
Coreyworrow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing01:47
uqaschwain ubuntu 11.10 64-bit, I'm getting this error when running evolution and selection "exchange MAPI": I'm getting this error when I select "Exchange MAPI": (evolution:2118): e-utils-CRITICAL **: ec_assistant_forward: assertion `link != NULL' failed01:48
uqaschwaanyone familiar with this error, or a fix?01:48
drx1Jordan_U:  system directories such as /sbin, etc are missing01:48
Jordan_Uskegeek: I would assume so, it's certainly a *much* higher percentage than that in the Ubuntu repositories, and you can avoid proprietary code entirely if you want.01:48
drx1Jordan_U:  I have the source for extundelete and would like to build it on the 10.10 box01:49
worrowCorey, I tried those, it makes no sense01:49
Jordan_Udrx1: That's not something you'd want to fix with extundelete. Do you have any idea how this directory was deleted? I assume that you're working from a different system which does have a /sbin/ now?01:49
worrowCorey,  I tried the setup and got nowhere. I want to share it similar as to sharing internet with a mac01:50
CoreyWell here we go.01:50
drx1Jordan_U:  what are the odds of bringing those directories back assuming no new data was written to the drive since they were lost01:50
Coreyworrow: http://www.askmebetter.com/01:50
Coreyworrow: Pastebin the results of that form please. :-)01:51
drx1Jordan_U: possibly a power problem, possibly an IRQ/memory range conflict that brought the system down01:51
drx1Jordan_U: y, on a different system01:51
drexlwould anyone know what module I need to load to mount audio cds data cds work fine.01:51
Jordan_Udrx1: A power problem should not result in loss of old files. If /sbin is gone then your best bet is to re-install.01:52
drx1Jordan_U:  it was writing data to that drive when the power may have failed01:52
Jordan_Udrexl: Audio CDs don't contain filesystems and thus cannot be "mounted". Use one of many applications for ripping / playing / listing songs from an audio CD.01:52
drx1Jordan_U: why do you say extundelete is not a good choice?01:53
drexlya but I can't even mount the thing01:53
drexlJordan_U: I can't mount it01:53
worrow1. What I am trying to accomplish:01:53
worrowI have a wired connection to my desktop and want to make it announce that connection via wifi so I can see it from my laptop wirelessly and connect to it.01:53
worrow2. The specific steps I am using to try to accomplish it:01:53
worrowSetup wireless ad-hoc and named connection and made a unique SSID. Didn't add security and left everything alone.01:53
worrow3. What I expect will happen when I perform those steps:01:53
FloodBot1worrow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:53
Jordan_Udrexl: You don't need to "mount" it (and it's not possible to).01:53
worrowI expect to see my connection wirelessly from other computers01:53
Tech-1he prolly is looking for the command to mount media01:54
frostschutzdrexl: some GUI file explorers act as if they mount the things, but it's just transparently switching to ripping audio mode really. there may be something in FUSE that does the same for console. but you really want to rip them with a program that lets you choose quality and stuff01:55
myk_robinsonevening, all01:55
worrowdid my paste show?01:55
Jordan_Udrx1: A power outage alone might cause the new files that were being written at the time to not be written, but existing files (even if they were being overwritten) should not have been lost. /sbin certainly existed before whatever writes were being made when the machine lost power.01:55
Tech-1drexl:  also, if you dont either have ubuntu-restricted-extras and or the right codecs, it may not be seen also01:55
myk_robinsonAs of late, been having an issue where my laptop touchpad simply stops responding. I have to rmmod psmouse then reload it.. Looking at dmesg, it seems to coincide with weirdness with the iwlagn module. Any ideas?01:56
frostschutzworrow: don't paste in the channel please, see topic01:56
kkerwinHi. I have three computers, running Ubuntu, and an NFS server, running Arch Linux. On two of my computers, I have read/write access to shares exported by the server. The third computer has read-only access. I am trying to figure out why. Is anyone available who would be able to help me, please?01:56
worrowlol. ok assumed pastebin was just paste in.01:56
Jordan_U!pastebin | worrow01:56
ubottuworrow: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:56
worrowNobody explained01:56
worrowwell anyways, it got posted in here now it is too late.01:57
worrowDoes anyone have a solution?01:57
drexlThanks! guys i just used my audio program and I'm listening to a clockwork orange. cheers01:57
Jordan_Udrx1: extundelete is a hit or miss thing which is used when you need to recover *information* and *documents* which would otherwise need to be re-researched / written / be unrecoverable. Files in /sbin come from packages and can be re-attained easily. And if you re-install you know you won't still be missing any important files which might come back to bite you later.01:57
worrowCorey,  did you see my paste?01:58
wspardawhi people01:58
Coreyworrow: No, you didn't hlight me with it.01:58
drx1Jordan_U: I didn't install this box originally, so it would be better for me to extundelete if it will work01:58
worrowscroll up a bit01:58
wspardawI hope to be someday like you guys01:58
worrowI don't use IRC much and people assume I know all these rules and tricks01:59
Corey!pastebin | worrow01:59
ubottuworrow: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:59
Coreyworrow: Put it in there, give us the link.01:59
worrowI don't need pastebin for my single question02:00
worrowWired internet connection share over wifi to other computers using wifi.02:00
etzHello all02:00
worrowthats what I am looking to do02:00
worrowI refuse to setup an account to ask a question outside of an irc channel I came to for an answer02:00
somsipworrow: good for you. That'll show them02:01
Jordan_Uworrow: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com doesn't require an account.02:01
Coreyworrow: 1. You don't need an account. 2. We *do* require that information.  You're the one with the problem, it's your call. :-)02:01
worrowjordan,  it asked me to make a username and pass02:01
etzMy wireless doesn't work with the latest Ubuntu02:01
rfianyone know about mt02:01
Coreyworrow: It asked for a username.  Make one up.02:02
CoreyNo password.02:02
drx1Jordan_U: I don't care if it's extundelete or some other undelete, I just really need to undelete02:02
asavatickle-pony is a good username02:02
Coreyworrow: If this is indicative of how thoroughly you read the ICS documentation, I may see your issue.02:02
Jordan_Uasava: Please stop.02:02
Coreyasava: Urm... did you work at MT? :-)  That was my nickname there.02:03
worrowCorey,  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/770716/02:03
worrowjordan, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/770716/02:04
worrowall------>    http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/770716/02:04
PeachezGood morning :) Is it normal when connecting to Ubuntu from Win7 via VNC for it not to draw the interface correctly? I can see a snapshot of what was present at the time of connect, and can move the cursor, but via VNC i cannot see any interface menus when clicking, yet can see them on the monitor the ubuntu machine is on (Want to be able to work on the ubuntu machine without a monitor).02:04
drx1why is it so difficult to build extundelete from source?02:04
Jordan_Uworrow: Follow this guide: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/10/16/video-fedora-10-connection-sharing/02:05
somsipdrx1: what is the problem?02:05
=== fernando is now known as Guest54413
benbloomcan anyone help me with configuring the way flash detects screens? using a multi head gfx card fullscreen flash is displaying improperly02:07
drx1somsip: ./configure doesn't work... log says g++ command not found on 4 lines and says config failed02:07
Guest54413my problem is I can not find the control center my  xubuntu02:08
somsipdrx1: and g++ is installed is it?02:08
bonhofferhow do i find out what is using port 3000?02:08
worrowjordan,  still a no go02:08
Jordan_Udrx1: If you insist on trying to use extundelete it's probably easiest to do it from an Ubuntu 11.10 liveCD/USB. Compiling from source is rarely easy (unless you're familiar with doing it) and I personally don't want to take more of my time to try to help you with it as I don't think it will be very productive. No offense intended, I just want to put my effort elsewhere at the moment.02:09
drx1somsip:  I do not know02:09
somsipdrx1: whs - and if the partition you want to recover from is mounted, you may well have overwritten remnants of the file(s) you are trying to recover02:09
somsipdrx1: so your next step is evident02:10
drx1somsip:  It's a default 10.10 installation02:10
drx1somsip:   no work was done on it, though it did come up twice02:10
somsipdrx1: "Do not save any more data to the partition with the deleted file for any reason! Doing so may overwrite your deleted data and sabotage any recovery effort." from http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/02:11
drx1somsip: yes, I have it, but it will not compile02:12
drx1and, yes, the drive is off line now02:12
worrowjordan,  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/770723/02:12
somsipdrx1: you have told me the compilation error. So the next step should be clear02:12
worrowAll   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/770723/02:12
=== raven is now known as _raven
drx1somsip: install g++?02:12
somsipdrx1: tada!02:12
itaylor57drx1, with /sbin lost or corrupted your chance of compiling it is not very likely02:13
Jordan_Uworrow: Click on the network manager applet and select "Edit Connections". Then go to the ad hoc connection that you're sharing internet *to* (not the ethernet connection you're getting internet from) and click "Edit". Then go to the IPv4 settings tab and makes sure that "Method" is set to "Shared to other computers".02:14
worrowi tried that02:15
drx1somsip: done,, now it says cannot find ext2fs library (and apt-get install ext2fs fails)02:15
boxis the netbookremix no longer being developed\/02:15
somsipdrx1: "the configure step (below) will not complete successfully. For ext4 support, ensure you have e2fsprogs version 1.41 or newer (which may be found by running the command 'dumpe2fs' and noting the version it outputs). " from http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/02:16
drx1how do you install ext2fs library02:16
Matr|xi want to install Crypt::SSLeay02:16
Jordan_U!unr | box02:16
ubottubox: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.02:16
somsipMatr|x: I did that the other day through cpan. Scary.02:16
=== root is now known as Guest45832
Matr|xcan u tell me how plz02:17
Guest54413loves onlili02:17
boxI see. I thought the netbook edition would be battery optimized and so on02:17
Guest45832i try python02:17
Jordan_UGuest45832: Logging in as root is a bad idea. Running an IRC client as root is even worse.02:17
somsipMatr|x: I would recommend not using cpan unless you know about it or have no other choice02:17
Guest54413solo el amor convierte en milagro el barro02:17
Matr|xi know about cpan02:17
somsipMatr|x: then you know more than me02:17
boxdoes anyone know how to get ubuntu installer on a usb stick with meego?02:17
Matr|xit give me errors02:18
Matr|xlet me show you02:18
somsipMatr|x: no thanks02:18
drexlbox: I can do it with extlinux02:18
Jordan_Ubox: To clarify, you're running meego right now and you want to use it to make an Ubuntu LiveUSB?02:18
boxjordan_u correct02:18
cheakoHello, there seams to be no such thing as documentation for GTK users.  However I'm kinda confused as to how I should enable or configure an engine.02:19
Jordan_Ubox: Can you install Unetbooin in meego? If so, that's the easiest way. If not, you can dd an Ubuntu 11.10 image to a drive and it will be bootable, but you need to be *very* careful when using dd.02:19
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
drx1somsip: it says I'm at the newest version02:19
Matr|xWhich SSL install path do you want to use? [/usr]02:20
drx1somsip: (of e2fsprogs)02:20
somsipdrx1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1657296 may help02:21
Matr|xNote (probably harmless): No library found for -lgcc02:21
Matr|xthis need lib lgcc ? frist02:21
Jordan_UMatr|x: I think that "sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl" will get you what you need, though that's just from a quick look at the package description so check to be sure.02:21
Matr|xlibnet-ssleay-perl is already the newest version.02:22
Matr|xi got it alrady :O02:22
Matr|xCan't locate Crypt/SSLeay.pm in @INC (@INC02:23
Matr|xnow wht :O02:23
Guest54413i need help02:24
shubblei need help making a dvd with a cool menu and scen selection02:24
Matr|xme too02:24
Guest54413with xubuntu02:24
shubbleany ideaaon how to?02:24
Guest54413the control center xubuntu02:25
shubbletovidgui any good?02:25
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Jordan_Uworrow: Can you confirm that the drop down menu in question is set to "Shared to other computers"?02:26
testing123321hello Momma Bear02:26
drexlGuest54413: waht's the control center02:26
rafaelhello everyone02:26
Guest54413the "control panel" for xubuntu?02:27
testing123321This is the main chat window02:27
k_szeDoes it make sense to put users' home directories in a separate partition and mount them to subdirectories under /home, instead of leaving them on the same partition as the OS installation?02:27
rafaelanyone else got experience using ironhide/bumblebee?02:28
naryfak_sze: for what?02:28
Kismet1i see you02:28
drexlGuest54413: k_sze: yes02:28
drx1somsip: indeed.  thank you so much!!!02:28
testing123321I can't start a private chat with you ?02:29
k_szenaryfa: so that the home directories can be left intact when I need to re-install the OS.02:29
somsipdrx1: jolly good. If undelete works or not is a different matter02:29
=== IceStar is now known as Stardroid
drexlk_sze: yes02:29
Guest54413drexl: k_sze: yes?02:29
cosmicfireshow do I turn on core file creation?02:29
naryfak_sze: if you want to do it this way, why not, easier is to just copy the home dir to a backup drive...02:29
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
drexlGuest54413: sorry erroneous copy and paste02:29
VitaminSi would like to install ubuntu on an usb pen drive but my attempts failed02:30
k_szenaryfa: I don't have a backup drive on hand, that's the problem. The computer parts shops aren't open until noon over here.02:30
naryfak_sze: do you have to have it done now?02:30
dr_willisVitaminS:  I just install it as i would a normal hard drive. Im sure to tell it to install grub to the flash also.02:30
Guest54413por favor02:30
Ana1probando uno, dos02:30
k_szenaryfa: I *strongly prefer* to have it done now. XD02:30
dr_willisOff to work.. be back in about 30 min.02:31
k_szebesides, I could save some money if I don't need to buy a backup drive now.02:31
naryfak_sze: then your question is rhetorical, do as you desire, is purely preferential02:31
skilzHow do I download the artwiz-fonts02:31
VitaminSdr_willis , i can only use ubuntu as live usb02:32
CrownWheelAnybody try installing the R statistics packages under Oneiric, v11.10?02:32
CrownWheelIt's giving me issues...02:32
CrownWheelSynaptic flags the r-base-core package as broken.02:33
KLis application for Red Hat Linux *, SUSE Linux * compatable to run on ubuntu?02:34
_ravenanyone who knows about flightgear?02:34
affan2flyim about to download flightgear02:34
CrownWheelKL, there is definitely an onieric distribution of R.02:35
CrownWheeland its packages appear in the Software Center, which is a good sign.02:35
CrownWheelI got it installed with no problem under 11.04.02:35
CrownWheelI'm trying to install in Xubuntu, btw.02:36
Guest54413where is the "control panel" in xubuntu? compañeros02:36
affan2fly54413 try system setting i think02:36
Vitamindr_willis , i tried to install it on a ext partition and on fat32 but it didn t work.02:36
=== Vitamin is now known as VitaminS
VitaminSwhat about /dos / windows mount point?02:38
Guest54413affan2 thenks jeje02:38
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=== EXio| is now known as EXio4|Away
teacupieCan anyone help me i have a problem with my virtual machine it is having issues starting up02:40
VitaminSwhy do we get only two mount points /dos and /windows when installing ubuntu on a fat16 partition?02:41
sam22anyone knows how to disable " switch user " function ?02:41
teacupiecan anyone help me please?02:41
xzpeterhi all. how many people here using fish shell?02:42
RadarGhmm I have eaten fish parts with shells does that count?02:43
xzpeterah... I mean the shell called 'fish'. http://fishshell.com/02:44
naryfais it something like bash?02:44
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempted to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. However, surprisingly, xinput is limited to one event per button. So, I'm looking for alternatives.02:44
_ravenflightgear: how to start engines of a 73702:45
xzpeterI am trying fish, but found some tiny problem on that02:45
xzpeterI use very frequently the !$ in the old shell02:45
xzpetersometimes like: cp -R dira/ /some/where/else/, and then02:46
litropyEssentially, left-click+right-click (both upon press and also upon release until another click) = scroll with trackball.02:46
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xzpeterI use cd !$ to go to that /some/where/else. I don't know whether I can do the same thing in fish02:46
xzpeteranyone can help?02:46
drx1it looks like / was damaged, deleted, or formatted... is there an unformat for ext3 for ubuntu?02:48
KLCrownWheel: I have an Intel® Server Board S5000PSL, the vendor sites seems like only have software for Red Hat Linux *, SUSE Linux ...02:48
naryfadrx1: no02:49
=== fernando is now known as Guest70049
rfiwhois tickleponey02:50
tickleponeyyou must be new02:50
tickleponeyrfi you nub02:50
drx1is there an ext3 unformat one can build from source?02:50
asavadrx1, are you trying to recover data?02:51
Guest70049friends jeje02:51
drx1asava: yes02:51
Guest70049i need help02:51
tickleponeyno i need help more02:51
csdservertab frenzy02:51
drx1asava: my theory was that some files got deleted, but now it looks like a partition is missing (/), corrupted or deleted or formatted02:52
tickleponeycurious if there is anyone here that works for media temple, they are an awesome hosting service, but i need some help with one of their services02:52
=== mkv is now known as m4v
tickleponeythought here would be the best place to come to get quick indepth help with a very technical issue02:52
Guest70049where is the "control panel in xubuntu?02:52
niftylettucetrying to get intel hd 3000 i3-2330M graphics working in kernel 2.6.32-5-amd6402:53
niftylettucenot sure if I need to add kernel options or upgrade kernel for native support02:53
niftylettucei915 specifically02:53
tickleponeyso im trying to upgrade my kernel from 2.2.12 to the latest but having issues02:54
tickleponeycan anyone help me please?02:54
tickleponeyi try to do xmenu config02:54
tickleponeybut it's not working says invalid command02:54
tickleponeyplease please help02:54
niftylettucemy problem is that the only resolution I can select is 1024x76802:55
w30Guest70049, top left mouse icon Settings Settings Manager is close to what you have in Gnome Control Panel; Also, look in  system02:55
drx1there's an unknown partition type of 9+GB between sdb1 and sdb3, I gather that would hvae been / and that it would be designated /dev/sdb2 if it were working.02:56
somsipdrx1: got to say it's a valient attempt, but you may have to resort to other data recovery attempts if you want that one back02:57
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drx1somsip: I thought there were some unformat & partition utilities for ext302:58
tickleponeythat's because you're retarded02:59
somsipdrx1: My son thinks santa will come in 10 days...02:59
Guest70049w30, gracias hermanito02:59
somsipdrx1: :)02:59
tickleponeysomsip: at least your son has an excuse, he has been lied to, what's drx1's excuse?03:00
somsiptickleponey: ouch! :) drx1: just look around and find what you need. if you can't find it, maybe it aint there03:00
darkon unity 2d, how to move the top bar (with  title, menu, etc) to the bottom?03:04
au_faiti know that you guys may think me crazy and weird but I am thinking about downgrading from 11.10 all the way down to 10.04 ... I know it sounds crazy but 11.x just not functional for my system03:09
au_faiti know03:09
au_faitI am crazy'03:09
OerHeksau_fait, downgrading = re-install03:10
bubbles|can i "chown" a process? or allow to processes from different users to signal each other?03:10
rfiis it owned by root ?03:10
au_faiti know everyone loves unity but I love gnome and other stuff gfound in 10.x03:10
bubbles|no, not root03:10
somsipau_fait: not crazy - I regretted upgrading to 11.04 but ended up with another solution instead of downgrading03:10
bubbles|the signaling user is "nobody" though .. not sure if that matters03:10
au_faitsomsip? really? what is that?03:11
rfibubbles, I think you can only do that if it starts out running as root and then calls setuid to another uid03:11
somsipau_fait: maybe that was misleading - I disliked unity, so installed minimal install of 10.04 then put a simple WM on top of that. Maybe this is not helpful if you have hardware issues03:11
darkau_fait, downgrading is not supported on any distro i know (other than NixOS)03:11
rfithe processes code has to be written to drop root priviledges after start up03:11
bubbles|so what do i do rfi?03:11
drx1somsip:  maybe it's not, but I will at least backup the data, etc.  btw, how do you get permissions on a foreign drive without messing it up if indeed it does get fixed?03:11
au_faitoh crappers03:12
rfior like write a small wrapper script around what you want to run03:12
au_faitbut it upgraded to 11.0403:12
bubbles|and what would that do?03:12
darkau_fait, upgrading is an one-way path on ubuntu03:12
somsipau_fait: yeah - I'm okay with the current releases as long as i keep my minimal setup and avoid gnome/unity/bloat03:12
Rachel88Make Money Using Facebook http://fb.weightdeals.com/03:12
au_faitah ok.03:12
somsipdrx1: not sure - maybe safest to mount as root and poke around on there as root.03:13
darknobody knows how to move the top bar (with  title, menu, etc) to the bottom, on unity 2d?03:13
rfibubbles, can you give me some background on this ? is this a proces you cant stop and just restart as a different user ?03:13
au_faitseems like 10.x ran faster on my old amd 586 too03:13
au_faitoh well, pull out 10.x and reinstall03:14
somsipdark: last post I found from Sep suggested the functionality is not there03:14
somsipau_fait: is it just speed or are there hardware probs?03:14
drx1somsip: it won't let me.03:14
drx1how do you get permissions on a foreign drive without messing it up if indeed it does get fixed?03:14
au_faitmostly hardware03:14
bubbles|rfi its a small script that is called by postfix on incoming mails, and sends the data via ipc to another process, and signals the process when doing so03:14
somsipdrx1: so the drive is b0rked?03:14
au_faitbefore I could dual screen wioth no problem'03:14
somsipau_fait: ok - maybe best option then03:15
drx1somsip: only the 2nd partition03:15
darkdrx1, foreign drive? what is this03:15
* w30 's playing with kubuntu and xubuntu; No Unity or Gnome3 for me.03:15
drx1somsip: but, I would like to pull data from the 1st and 3rd03:15
somsipdrx1: s/drive/partion03:15
rfiwell thats going to run as whatever the parent postfix process runs as03:15
darksomsip, I heard it almost 1 year ago. and I saw lots of people asking for it. I supposed.. it would be implemented03:15
drx1dark:  a drive from another system (different users, permissions, etc)03:15
bubbles|the files it creates are for the user "nobody"..03:16
drx1somsip: s/drive/partition?03:16
somsipdark: I read about changed beingmade to allow more configuration for unity but it doesn't affect me so the info doesn't sink in03:16
darkdrx1, hmm but it's an unix drive? I think you can "translate" UIDs and so on03:16
rfithis maybe something you want to check with postfix documntation about, it may have a build in setting/feature to change what user it runs as03:16
somsipdrx1: so it seems like the partiion is b0rked then03:16
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado
drx1dark:  the partitions are mounted but I do not have permissions to them and I want to go in & pull data but make sure it will work in the original computer if repaired03:17
drx1somsip: yes, I'm in the data recovery phase from the 2 good partitions03:17
darkdrx1, I think you should mount read-only, and read data as root03:18
darkdrx1, if you want to write data there, maybe it is easiest to create users with the right UIDs and edit with them03:18
drx1I thought Ubuntu doenst have root anymore, and that the first user (me) just had to sudo.  I tried changing the password with sudo passwd root and it took the change but will not let me login as root nor su root... isnt that a new change in 10.10 over earlier rooty versions?03:19
somsip!root | drx103:20
ubottudrx1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:20
darkuhm. o.o you can just sudo with your first user, and you will be the real root03:20
Squarismcan i make my whole homenetwork available just by initiating a ssh tunnel to it from a remote location?03:20
somsipdrx1: so root user is there, but the intention is to make it inaccessible03:20
AkivaHey folks, quick question; I can't find the HP photosmart 5510 in the list of drivers. Should I just be using the generic, or should I look to download one off google?03:20
Squarism....or will i need some iptables thing for that too?03:20
darkhere, my root has a password (I just ran passwd as root..)03:20
somsipAkiva: check for support of this model in hplip03:20
Akivasomsip: well do03:21
drx1somsip: hate that03:21
drx1somsip: stupid03:21
drx1somsip: anyway, what command am I sudoing to in order to pull data from the good partitions?03:21
somsipdrx1: I used to think restrictions placed by people who know more than me were stupid to. now I accept they may have validity03:21
darkdrx1,  the only common metadata that is system-specific is user ids and group ids. on the filesystem, they are just numbers. the mapping from those numbers to username and group names are stored on /etc/passwd and /etc/group, and it's this that is system-specific03:21
drx1dark:  right, so how do I get permissions to the good partitions without changing those?03:22
Shammancerhow can you make the recovery console bigger?03:23
darkdrx1, what about sudo su - ? if you just want to read03:23
darkdrx1, or, if you create users with the right IDs, you can use the partition normally with this user03:23
w30Akiva, look  for some  additional drivers in the repos, there are more HP printer stuff in there03:23
threezerocan someone help me connect to a webdav server in 11.04 with xfce03:24
Jordan_Udrx1: If you think that a partition table entry has been deleted but the filesystem is still completely intact you can use testdisk to restore the partition table entry.03:24
Akivaw30: thanks!03:24
drx1actually, I did gain access as root, must have mistyped the passwd twice b4 -- huh!03:24
AkivaThough one thing I do not understand, is that it says that this printer has full support, but it won't support its wireless networking... I think.03:24
bubbles|can i send signals to users in the same group?03:25
Jordan_UAkiva: If the printer is supported when plugged in directly then it should also be supported over the network.03:25
abhijeethello guys03:25
Squarismanyone? Can one make a whole network available through ssh tunnels?03:25
AkivaJordan_U: thanks!03:26
rfibubbles, http://tldp.org/LDP/tlk/ipc/ipc.html03:26
abhijeettoday, i installed netbeans ide and found that the file menu is not integrating with the ubuntu top pane, just like libre office.. is there any fix for it?03:26
Jordan_UAkiva: You're welcome :)03:26
abhijeetor do need to raise a bug for it?03:26
darkdrx1, with the command stat (or, clicking with the right button on nautilus, and going to properties), you can see the IDs. like, if you can't enter on some directory as your regular user, you can check the owner ID of it; a user with the same id will be able to enter there03:27
drx1Jordan_U: I will likely try that, could work unless it was formatted or scrabled.03:27
Jordan_Uabhijeet: Check if a bug report has already been made, and if not then file one yourself.03:27
Jordan_U!bug | abhijeet03:27
ubottuabhijeet: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:27
somsipabhijeet: do you use 'wname' to run netbeans?03:27
robin0800dark: you can fix libre office03:27
abhijeetJordan_U, ubottu ... sure..03:27
somsip*before running netbeans...03:27
abhijeetsomsip, nope..03:27
researcher123I have 32 Bit Ubuntu 11.10 installed on whole hard drive.How an I replace it with  64 bit without wiping my earlier storages?03:28
darkrobin0800, is it broken?03:28
abhijeetsomsip, ok let me try that.03:28
somsipabhijeet: the bug that requires this is more that the java window does not populate - just a grey empty box. If you run "wmname LG3D" it fixes that. It might do something for the title bar too. Guesing03:28
w30Akiva, check out hplip03:28
robin0800dark: no that was to  abhijeet about the menu's03:29
Shammancerhow can you make the recovery console (shell) a higher resolution?03:30
abhijeetrobin0800, yes.. I saw one fix .. but it is unstable at this time.03:30
w30Akiva, hpijs-ppds looks promising03:30
abhijeetrobin0800, anyway having menus for libreoffice on applicaton is good.. most of them are needed frequently :)03:31
researcher123 I have 32 Bit Ubuntu 11.10 installed on whole hard drive.How can I replace it with  64 bit without wiping my earlier storages?03:31
abhijeetsomsip, do i need to install that package03:31
somsipabhijeet: from memory wmname is a very small package that is in the main repo03:31
abhijeetsomsip, okay03:32
abhijeetsomsip, disaster :(  close, mini.. are gone from all the windows03:34
abhijeetsomsip, how can i revert it back??03:34
somsipabhijeet: you may well need to restart xsession to reset wname. Not sure.03:34
abhijeetrebooting will solve the problem?03:34
somsipabhijeet: I would imagine so03:34
OerHeksresearcher123, easy, start the 64 bit installation, choose to decrease your current partition to make space for the 64 bit version03:34
abhijeetokay.. let me try it03:35
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aeon-ltdalmost 5 mins with no problems :)03:49
niftylettuceonly getting 1024x768 in my choice of options for Monitor settings, any idea why?03:51
xjiujiuhow to set the Transparency value of the terminal,just like ubuntu10.10?03:53
xjiujiuOn ubuntu11.1003:53
dr_williscompiz has features to set any windows semi-transparent. ive never noticed that feature missing in the gnome-terminal in 11.10, but i rarely want a trasparent terminaal03:54
dr_willisniftylettuce:  good idea to state your video chipset, and drivers, and monitor info03:55
Jordan_Uxjiujiu: Edit > Profile Preferences. "Background" tab, select "Transparent background".03:56
xjiujiuOk I'm trying.03:57
Jordan_Uxjiujiu: You're welcome.03:59
=== QaDeS_ is now known as QaDeS
xjiujiuI never see the tab before...Is it because that I update the system files yestoday? |)04:03
somsipxjiujiu: I recently asked why there was an Applicatiosn item in the sidemenu on PCManFM. After they finished laughing at me, they told me it had been there for 13 months :)04:04
grubbleshello all04:04
grubblesanyone want to help a noob with a tech Q?04:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:05
niftylettucedr_willis: i915 driver, monitor is just my laptop's LED screen Lenovo B570, i3-2330M Intel HD 3000 graphics04:05
niftylettucedr_willis: basically i used default squeeze amd64 and then added these kernel options: i915.semaphores=1 i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 pcie_aspm=force i915.lvds_downclock=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=104:06
niftylettucesemaphores won't work apparently, so I think that may be why04:06
niftylettucewhen I do sudo modprobe i915 it won't work and says semaphores is the issue04:06
niftylettuceFATAL: Error inserting i915 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)04:06
dr_willisniftylettuce:  default squeeze? you are not using a ubuntu release?04:07
niftylettucedr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/770791/ I tried Ubuntu 11.10 and it worked, but I wanted to downgrade04:08
niftylettucedr_willis: do I need to upgrade linux kernel?04:08
grubblesoh sorry, ok well I installed wow on my inspiron mini, it has an N10 family integrated graphics controller. I don't seem to have a driver but I read that it is because it comes with lubuntu. basically I log into wow and and it crashes. it is very laggy before it crashes.04:08
dr_willisniftylettuce: could be you need ewer kernel, or xorg, or drivers...04:09
grubblesxorg doesn't exist according to terminal...04:09
somsipgrubbles: it doesn't nowadays, by default04:10
niftylettucedr_willis: im pretty sure its the kernel, i read somewhere only 3.x.x something or other worked with semaphores04:10
dr_willisgrubbles:  you mean /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:10
somsipgrubbles: it seems as though the chipset details are needed (hint: http://askubuntu.com/questions/48868/3d-acceleration-for-intel-corporation-n10-family)04:10
niftylettucedr_willis: i don't like unity/gnome3/gnome-shell04:10
niftylettucegrubbles: i915 semaphores kernel option04:10
Jordan_U!notunity | niftylettuce04:11
ubottuniftylettuce: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:11
dr_willisniftylettuce:  theres alwsays xfce, or lxde, or kde.. or roll your own04:11
U-b-u-n-t-usudo patch  << it says that command is not found.... I thought that was a command?04:11
DaZU-b-u-n-t-u: maybe it's not installed.04:11
grubblesniftylettuce: is there a fix?04:11
U-b-u-n-t-uah ok04:11
niftylettucegrubbles: there is in some vers of kernel 3.x.x04:11
Jordan_UU-b-u-n-t-u: patch is a command, but one that's not installed by default. But for now *stop*. Why are you trying to run patch as root? This sounds misguided.04:12
hemanthtrying to sent an calendar event to outlook users, using evolution; but they are receiving it as plain text!04:12
hemanthany quick fix?04:12
U-b-u-n-t-uty DaZ  and Jordan_U04:12
Jordan_UU-b-u-n-t-u: You're welcome. But please do explain what you're trying to do before you continue.04:13
DaZbecause he wants to patch like a baws.04:14
U-b-u-n-t-uI patched pithos04:14
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U-b-u-n-t-uthere is a sync issue04:14
grubblesniftylettuce: so to clarify, I upgrade to kernel 3.x.x, and this is something I can find on google? what is a kernel?04:14
U-b-u-n-t-uit works now04:14
Tobarjai'm currently using filezilla from windows to ftp(with tls) to a website. anyone know a command line ftp app that will let me do that from ubuntu?04:15
somsipgrubbles: niftylettuce is talking about his own issu with an i915 chipset video card. Your issue may be completely different04:15
somsipTobarja: you want Win32 sofware and you're asking in a ubuntu channel?04:15
DaZTobarja: midnight commander? :f04:15
Tobarjasomsip: nope, i have win32 software, but i want to do it from ubuntu instead04:16
somsipTobarja: ok - clarification is good04:16
Jordan_UTobarja: sftp04:16
TobarjaDaZ, Jordan_U thanks, I'll look into those.04:17
Jordan_UTobarja: You're welcome.04:17
grubblessomsip: I've done all of the of the listed configurations to config.wtf, I'm running wine 1.2.1, and I am launching the game from the terminal not the launcher, could it still be something other than the video card? or could it be that my netbook just isn't strong enough to run wow?04:19
somsipgrubbles: I don;t know. I suggested you provide the graphics shipset details to look at that closer04:20
brainwavewhois brainwave04:20
grubblessomsip: can I ask how I would get that info?04:20
cyberexis anyone there04:20
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aeon-ltdcyberex: yes04:21
dr_willisgrubbles:  you did check the wine app database? and yes a netbook would be very low end to run wow. turn all game settings down as much as possible04:21
aeon-ltdcyberex: got a question? just ask it to the channel04:21
brainwavei have a question on C. Where do i ask?04:21
brainwaveI am on ubuntu, if that helps04:22
dr_willisask the actual question and see04:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:23
somsipgrubbles: grubbles sudo lshw and the info should be about a third of the way from the top under 'display'04:23
cyberexhow can i create a hotspot (access point) on ubuntu04:23
dr_willis!ics | cyberex04:23
ubottucyberex: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:23
usr13cyberex: First, you'd need to get a wireless NIC that has infastructure mode.04:24
cyberexinfrastructure mode ... is is same as master mode04:25
brainwave Ok....If i declare char str[30]={"Hello"}; and i write printf("%d",str}; i get the address, and if i write %c instead of %d, i get the value 'H'. How come? Isnt str a pointer to the first element that is H? Should i have to deference it to get the value H instead of just changing the format specifier?04:25
usr13cyberex: But it's easier to just get a wireless router.04:25
usr13cyberex: Yea, I think mster mode is it.04:25
dr_willissome wireless nic's with linux drivers ive noticed cant do an ad-hoc network.. wonder if thats why04:25
usr13dr_willis: Most wireless nic's will do ad-hoc04:26
cyberexactually i wanna use my laptop as hotspot bcm4313 and by the way ad-hoc is something else04:26
dr_willisusr13:  well this was from my android to linux laptop. it might be an android issue also.04:26
cyberexhotspot and ad-hoc are different things04:26
usr13and if you only wanted to share with one other, ad-hoc will do the job04:26
cyberexactually i want to share connection with android04:27
brainwaveWhere do i ask for a cloak? In which channel?04:27
dr_willisad-hoc + ICS = hotspot aint it.04:27
usr13then ad-hoc wiill probably work for you then.04:27
dr_willisyou want to get to the internet through the android? or the otherway?04:27
grubblescan I post my specs here or would that be too much?04:28
i_is_brokewhich vm's use usb's?04:28
jvargaswhere can i get an app to sign documents digitally with a smart card?04:28
usr13dr_willis: He just said he wants to share his laptop's internet connection with the android phone.04:28
cyberexi want to share my internet connection with laptop04:28
cyberexsorry with android04:29
usr13cyberex: What?04:29
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usr13cyberex: Ok04:29
sinistradgrub boots up when I manually select an option, but when I set it to default to win7 partition, it boots up the recovery partition instead...any ideas on why?04:29
cyberexlaptop to android04:29
cyberexandroid cant connect to ad-hoc04:29
bsmith093how do i add the same text to every line around the current line, of a very large file? example i have these 12345 i ant to make them these www.blah.com\12345\1 how would i do that?04:30
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cyberexi had to install windows and use connectify now, but i don't like windows ubuntu should have been enough04:30
grubblesDr_willis: can I send you the info from sudo lshw via pm so that you can analyze it?04:30
dr_willisbsmith093:  normal tools for that would be sed/awk and perl04:30
bsmith093dr_willis: ok how?04:31
somsipcyberex: http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/167106-append-text-end-every-line.html04:31
usr13cyberex: Oh, well, maybe not.  I don't know.  But if your laptop's wireless NIC will do infastructure mode, you can have your laptop act as a wireless router.04:31
somsipbsmith093: http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/167106-append-text-end-every-line.html04:31
somsipcyberex: (sorry)04:31
dr_willisgrubbles:  i doubt if i can help much. im not even clear on your actual problem04:31
cyberexdoes my nic's driver brcmsmac still does not support master mode04:32
bsmith093dr_willis: the numbers are the unique parts of an otherwise exact url string, i would like to wrap around them, how do i do that?04:33
cyberexdoes anybody know who is working on these mac80211 drivers04:33
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dr_willisbsmith093:  sed, and awk.. and no i cant tell you the command04:34
dr_willisbsmith093:  or a text editor with macro feacures04:34
* dr_willis has a large book on 'using sed & awk' but i rarely need to use them.04:36
dr_willisbbl. got a job to go do.04:36
=== Guest40126 is now known as dom7b5
apertureMy grub is woefully messed up, but I have ubuntu at hd0,1 and haikuos as well (plus some partition that's 2.84 gb, dunno what it is). How can I repair grub in the liveusb?04:37
cyberexgpg: decryption failed: secret key not available   how do i resolve this error04:37
apertureAlso, how can I scan my ubuntu installed partition for disc errors?04:37
somsip!fsck | aperture04:38
ubottuaperture: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:38
apertureso what about grub? What can I use to fix that?04:38
somsipaperture: maybe this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1581099.html04:39
cyberexgpg: decryption failed: secret key not available   how do i resolve this error04:39
icedteato get upstart to work on a program you just need to stick a config file (in the proper format, of course) in /etc/init correct?04:40
somsipcyberex: maybe this might help http://debugge.com/gpg-decryption-failed-secret-key-not-available.db04:40
tc_Did you try sudo update-grub . We also need your grub.cfg file on Ubuntu. And yes, Ubuntu uses Gedit as text editor. You can gain root priviliges with gksudo gedit //boot/grub/grub.cfg04:41
somsipicedtea: maybe this might help http://greeennotebook.com/2010/06/run-your-program-as-a-service-with-upstart-in-ubuntu/04:41
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Jordan_Uaperture: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid".04:42
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apertureJordan_U: I do not yet have the liveusb up, still writing to usb.04:43
=== threezero_ is now known as threezero
apertureAlso, hello again :)04:43
Unguidedhello all. newb question. Does anyone know of a graphical interface for dhcp?04:44
cyberexgpg: decryption failed: secret key not available   how do i resolve this error04:44
icedteasomsip: thanks04:44
chachanUnguided: web interface will be fine?04:44
chachanUnguided: you can use webmin04:45
somsipcyberex: maybe this might help  http://debugge.com/gpg-decryption-failed-secret-key-not-available.db - not repeating again until you respond04:45
Unguidedchachan: yes i would like to be able to install and connect to it like you do a hard ware router04:45
grubblesHello, I recently installed wow on my inspiron mini and it works fine up to the playable part, that's when it crashes. my wine version is 1.2.1, I have configured config.wtf according to specifications, and I am not playing through the launcher. My netbook is rocking the intel N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller and the only propriety drivers I seam to have installed is one for sound. I was told that is because lubuntu 04:48
somsipgrubbles: so we need to find out if your video shipset is supported, and how to get a driver for it?04:49
kkerwinHi. How do I start a daemon at boot?04:50
somsipgrubbles: maybe this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175885004:50
ensihi i have instlled fluxbox on ubuntu and run ubuntu, which works fine but sometimes the fluxbox root window menu (that comes up on right click) gets replaced by gnome menu04:53
ensiwhere deos this menu come from?04:53
somsipensi: you might have more luck in a #fluxbox channel if there is one04:54
ensisomsip: okies04:55
cyberexexcuse me plz i want to upload my application to ubuntu server so that users can download it from synaptic manager and it should be present in synaptic by default with adding any repository plz how we do this04:56
cyberexwithout adding any repository04:56
somsipcyberex: maybe this will help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages04:58
OerHeksor http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/04:58
somsipwnd link is better04:59
cyberexthat seems a bit complex05:04
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=== will is now known as Guest62276
Guest62276hey, does anyone know how to add an audible chime to ubuntu for USB devices.  Kind of like the da donk sound that windoze plays upon insertion of a usb device.05:07
Guest62276is anyone in this room05:08
* jalen looks at the nick list05:09
OerHeksGuest62276, you should write a script for that, example > http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-380002.html05:09
somsipGuest62276: maybe this will help http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2012505:09
Guest62276Thanks, guys05:09
OerHeksah, it is in brainstorm already, so it could become a feature05:11
Guest62276That would be pretty sweet.  It is one of the few features that I miss on ubuntu05:12
coolstarWhich licence allows me to make a project open source while not allowing others from ripping code off without giving credit to the original project?05:13
somsip!ot | coolstar05:13
ubottucoolstar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:13
Guest62276Thanks guys have a good day.05:14
OerHekscoolstar, under GPL3 i guess05:16
coolstarOerHeks: thx05:17
DharmitIs there any free open source alternative to fireplotter ??05:24
kkerwinHi. I have three computers running Ubuntu, and one NFS server. Two of my computers have r/w access to the NFS server, but the third does not. I am trying to figure out why. Is there anyone available who could help.05:25
polardude1983dharmit, maybe try looking at  iotop and vnstat?05:26
polardude1983dharmit, i believe there is also DDwrt05:27
Dharmitpolardude 1983, Thanks. I shall look at it. I am totally new to this so needed some names that I could search for.05:28
polardude1983kkerwin, I do not know why your third computer does not have access. Maybe someone else does if there is anybody else :)05:29
ibolmoi made a boo boo. i accidentally rm -rf /etc/php5 :D now I'm trying to reinstall php5, but apt-get install and remove are not cooperating05:29
kkerwinpolardude1983: No problem. Thank you for taking a moment to answer.05:29
somsipibolmo: reinstall? install --force?05:32
somsipibolmo:  did either one work?05:33
ibolmo--force no such option05:34
somsipibolmo: I should check - how are you installing?05:34
ibolmosudo apt-get install ...05:34
somsipaperture: try -f for fix broken or --force-yes to do other things that may or may not make things worse05:35
ibolmohehe --reinstall did it05:37
somsipibolmo: cool - sorted?05:37
ibolmoyep ty05:38
somsipibolmo: np05:38
Jordan_Uaperture: Still haven't been able to boot from the Ubuntu liveUSB?05:39
ag28Anyone had a problem with network app not remembering WPA keys?  Since upgrading to 11.10,  my app won't.05:39
kkerwinHi. What is the best way to change the UID of an existing user?05:39
somsipkkerwin: maybe this will help http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-change-rename-user-name-id/05:41
kkerwinsomsip: Hehe. Google gave me the same answer. Thanks!!!05:42
somsipkkerwin: prolly because the first thing I do when I'm in this mood is to search google05:42
kkerwinsomsip: Ya. I got an answer to one question from another channel, and so my knee jerk reaction was to ask on here, rather than ask google, as usual.05:44
somsipkkerwin: our knees jerk with different reactions. I check google first.05:44
Untitled_onlylong time room, whats new?05:46
Squarismwhich release should i choose if im on 11.10 ?05:47
Squarismonly hardy and lucid et al  there05:47
somsipSquarism: maybe this will help https://groups.google.com/a/cloudera.org/group/cdh-user/browse_thread/thread/4a3054318e8f170d/cbb7145b7aadb6c705:48
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=== Justasic_ is now known as Justasic
delinquentmedoes ubuntu ship with multiple versions of python pre installed?05:53
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SquarismDAMN, 11.10 / unity is just buggy05:56
Squarismnow... right mouse buttton doesnt work05:56
CrownWheelHey.  To anybody who was paying attention to my questions about installing R stats packages earlier,05:57
CrownWheelI got it done.05:57
Squarismsomsip, thanx.. that helped me05:58
somsipSquarism: np05:58
CrownWheelThe fix was 1.) add a "CRAN" repository (they host the R packages)  2.) add the GPG key with which the packages were signed.05:59
etraskHello, how often is the LTS roll given new hardware drivers? I'm wondering what the odds are that the LTS version will support my wireless card now [it didn't before 10.04.02]05:59
pehdenis there a way to proxy into irc05:59
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Untitled_onlynight all05:59
CrownWheelThat pubkey should be available from the repository where your R packages are hosted.05:59
somsip!proxy | pehden05:59
ubottupehden: Several Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak05:59
somsipetrask: AIUI LTS only updates for security issues.06:00
pehdentor doesnt work06:00
pehdenwhats a cloak06:00
pehden!cloak pehden06:00
pehden!cloak | pehden06:00
ubottupehden, please see my private message06:00
etrasksomsip: I see, thanks06:01
CrownWheelubottu, I've had a similar question about proxy-ing under Ubuntu.06:01
ubottuCrownWheel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:01
somsipbot 1, human 006:01
Jon--Turing test - passed.06:01
CrownWheelhow do you know it's not bot 1 - bot 0?06:01
ZoeyMarieanyone have any experience dual booting a mac (specifically a macbook/pro) with ubuntu?? Or, alternatively, know of a better channel to ask in???06:01
CrownWheel(btw, I'm flattered)06:02
pehden!cloak | CrownWheel06:02
ubottuCrownWheel: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.06:02
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages06:02
Jon--I will answer questions for the next 15 minutes, then sleep time.06:02
etraskSo here's an odd question... for reasons no doubt relating to my neuroses I need to install the GRUB bootloader to a partition instead of the MBR, however the latest versions of the Ubuntu alternate installer fail on this step [I think since it started using GRUB 2?]06:03
ZoeyMariedr_willis I have that page bookmarked. rEFIt isn't loading properly, and the sourceforge page doesn't have info on the issue (they say they're trying to solve the particular issue)06:03
etraskI get the system fully installed but the "Install a bootloader" step fails, with a "Cannot stat [hard drive/partition]" error message06:03
urlin2uetrask, you can with the live cd.06:04
Jon--ZoeyMarie, Sounds like there's not much you can do until someone releases a patch.06:04
etraskurlin2u: just use the live CD to create a GRUB install for the already-installed system? will that work?06:04
ZoeyMarieJon: they've been "investigating" the issue for at least a year, I believe... I know it's been done, but I was specifically hoping that there might be someone on here that has done it.06:05
urlin2uetrask, so we are on the same page, can you describe whats goi ng on.06:05
Jon--ZoeyMarie, Possibly. You'd have more luck posting on the Ubuntu forums I think though.06:05
ryanCHNew Wallpaper -> http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Swirl+of+neon+paint?content=14761206:05
me-1hi...how can know how much ram my system is using06:05
ZoeyMarieI just put rEFIt on a CD, to boot it that way (rather than trying to install it through the package installer), but then my eyes got a little crossed when I realized that I needed to boot Ubuntu off CD as well.06:05
Frijoliehow do you mount an Android tablet? does Ubuntu still use /etc/fstab?06:06
jack1! register06:06
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:06
urlin2uetrask, but yes you can chroot in and purge and install grub as well as the actual bootloader I suspect.06:06
urlin2ufrom alive cd06:06
etraskurlin2u: sure. I have Windows 7 installed on a hard drive [2 partitions] and am installing ubuntu onto two other partitions on the same hard drive. However I have the Windows MBR replaced with the TrueCrypt one, since I have both Windows partitions encrypted. The default installers don't detect this setup and think they're alone on the hard drive06:06
=== Frijolie is now known as frijolie
frijoliehow do you mount an Android tablet? does Ubuntu still use /etc/fstab?06:07
etraskurlin2u: so what I've done in the past is leave the MBR untouched, setup another partition [/boot] to be bootable and put GRUB there, so I can press escape at the TrueCrypt prompt to go into Linux06:07
ryanCHme-1: type "free -bl" in a terminal06:07
ryanCHme-1: or just "free" ;p06:08
ZoeyMarieJon, I will try that. I haven't posted on the forums in a whiiiiile, and my experience has been a little slow with them... thus, I thought talking to someone might be quicker.06:08
urlin2uetrask, not sure as far as your set up but this site should give you some answers. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Upgrading06:08
etraskurlin2u: but when I install now with 11.10, the bootloader install step fails at trying to install to /dev/sdb3 [or whatever it is] with a "Cannot stat [device]" error06:08
ZoeyMarieAnyone know if there is a dual-boot ubuntu channel??06:09
Al_nz1how would I search a series of directories ( recup* ) for *.txt files containing nz email addresses (ie strings with @*.nz)06:09
etraskurlin2u: ah, I will check that out, thanks06:09
icerootZoeyMarie: there is no need for a channel like that, ask your question here06:09
=== jack1 is now known as jacksparrow
somsipAl_nz1: grep -r -i @*.nz /root_dir, possibly06:10
frijoliehow do I know whether to use fstab or mtab?06:10
urlin2uetrask, I haven't used the alternative for a long time so I can't really say whats up, other than the live cd will install the bootloader where you want, the grub2 page tells you how to use the live cd to get into the OS if installed06:10
ZoeyMarieiceroot I just was, and people directed me to the forums. I was hoping to talk to someone, so I thought maybe there would be another channel. I am trying to dual-boot my macbookrpo, and having some difficulties with it. (and I have the !mac link bookmarked)06:10
iceroot!details | ZoeyMarie06:11
ubottuZoeyMarie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:11
Al_nz1somsip: just not sure where in there I specify the path? ie /home/al/recup* ?06:11
somsipAl_nz1: wherever the files are situated06:11
icerootAl_nz1: grep pattern path06:11
me-1ryanCH:  if i want results in MBs..? not in kbs06:11
etraskurlin2u: thank you for the help, i'll wrestle with this more after I've had sleep06:12
ryanCHme-1: just "free -m"06:12
me-1ryanCH:  thank you06:12
ZoeyMarieiceroot, I am attempting to dual-boot my macbookpro with ubuntu, the rEFIt program wouldn't install correctly through the package installer, and the drawbacks of manual installation were too much of, well, a drawback, I currently have rEFIt on a CD, but am unsure as to how booting the Ubuntu CD while the rEFIt CD is in the drive will work...06:13
ryanCHme-1: yw06:13
=== the is now known as Guest71895
Guest71895login kubuntu-chromium too slow:video card?06:14
JusticeZeroWhat is /home/myname/.ICEauthority ?06:17
gogetaGuest77190: kde isnt knoes for being fast06:17
JusticeZerohaving login issues involving that file.06:17
gogetaoh he left06:17
somsipJusticeZero: maybe this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184145706:18
gogetaJusticeZero: thats normaly a permission isue06:18
rumpe1JusticeZero, check the permissions and correct them if necessary. Could be caused sometimes by using "sudo nautilus" afaik.06:18
gogetarumpe1: fail06:18
nubfilterquick question for y'all... trying to downgrade to 10.04LTS and I created a bootable USB but it keeps booting to the existing installation on my SSD drive... any ideas why? does it autodetect and boot it?06:19
Jon--_nubfilter, Ensure USB booting is enabled in BIOS and is a higher priority than SSD.06:20
gogetanubfilter: depends on the pc esc or f8 normaly to get to a boot emnu06:20
rumpe1gogeta, fail?06:20
gogetanubfilter: then slect the usb drive or as he said change the bios settings06:20
nubfilteryes, I followed the same procedure installing freebsd and 11.10 on this machine...06:20
coolstarFor those of you waiting for openswave, it is now up here: http://code.google.com/p/openswave06:20
nubfilterit starts reading USB after i select it in boot menu then hops to the existing install06:20
coolstarIts in GPLv306:20
coolstarand Open Source06:20
gogetanubfilter: areyou slecting boot from hdd lol06:21
gogetanibalizer: thats in the list06:21
coolstarif you have any questions, send me an email at coolstarorganization@gmail.com06:21
nubfilteryes I'm selecting the USB drive from the boot menu06:21
nubfilterit's the only one out of 8 that says Kingston lol06:22
gogetanubfilter: no when the usb boots it has another menu and the first option is to start whatever is on the hdd06:22
nubfilterthat's just it.. i'm not getting that menu it goes strait into 11.10 that's installed on physical disk06:22
gogetanubfilter: it might be defulting there06:22
gogetanubfilter: ah06:22
nubfilteri've even tried holding F6 right after selecting the USB drive06:22
nubfilter1 second later i'm on a login screen for 11.1006:23
nubfilterwell.. 2 seconds06:23
nibalizernubfilter: are you sure you created the usb disk correctly?06:23
gogetanubfilter: you make it with unetbootin?06:23
nibalizeri've found it to be kindof hard to do that right the first time06:23
gogetanubfilter: if your trying to us =e the bult in tool on a older version it may be doing it wrong06:23
nubfilterI'm using osx, converted from iso to img, renamed got rid of the .dmg, then burned with dd06:24
nubfiltersame way i did the 11.10 install06:24
gogetanubfilter: stange maybe you lost something there06:24
pilgoI turned off my wif using the menu at the top and uncheck the "enable wireless" or whatever it's called.06:25
pilgoNow, whatever I do I can't turn it on. It's grayed out.06:25
gogetapilgo: some drivers like to blow up when you do that restaring fixes it06:25
pilgoI tried to turn it on from Windows but booting into Ubuntu turns wireless off again06:26
nubfilterI might try disconnecting the SSD and see if usb will boot.... one sec06:26
pilgogogeta: Oh, I've restarted more than once :)06:26
gogetapilgo: and it didnt come back as on06:26
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gogetapilgo: do sudo ip net up wlan006:26
gogetapilgo: i probly did that wrong06:26
pilgogogeta: Nope. The physical button does nothing. The menu is frayed out. Windows works though but turns off when I boot into ubuntu06:26
gogetapilgo: ip link set wlan0 up06:27
gogetapilgo: thats the cli command to turn it on06:27
gogetapilgo: sudo  ip link set wlan0 up06:28
gogetanormaly wlan0 is the defult card name06:28
pilgogogeta: I'll try that in one sec.06:29
nubfilterhmmmm guess something weird did happen with the usb this time06:30
* nubfilter shrugs06:30
gogetapilgo: well thats the command to tell the softwhere to turn the card on06:30
gogetapilgo: if the gui is not working for some reasion or it will fail and tell you why06:31
nubfilterjust a little to excited to get my oracle back i guess lol. noticed I didn't do the dd with sudo, perhaps that is the issue06:31
gogetapilgo: rather then just a gray box06:31
gogetanubfilter: yea probly06:32
gogetanubfilter: remake it see if it works06:32
nubfilternope... must be corrupted ISO i suppose. back to square 1 lol06:33
gogetanubfilter: i have no idea why the untebootin guys never did a osc version06:33
Jordan_Unubfilter: Are you trying to boot the USB drive from a mac or a normal PC?06:34
gogetanubfilter: if you use a dl manager they do tend to cruppt isos06:34
gogetanubfilter: md5 it you will knoe if its bad06:34
gogetaJordan_U: it boots but goes to his old install06:34
nubfilteryes... going to do that just as soon as it finishes downlaoding06:34
nubfilteranyone happen to know where the md5s are for 10.04.3 server x64 iso?06:36
gogetanubfilter: should be on the same site you got em06:36
Jordan_U!md5sums | nubfilter06:36
ubottunubfilter: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.06:36
Jordan_Unubfilter: Are you trying to boot the USB drive from a mac or a normal PC?06:36
nubfilterJordan_U: download .iso on mac, convert to .img, write to USB with DD, boot on 'server' machine (not a mac).06:37
Jordan_Unubfilter: Then you need to *not* convert it to a different filesystem (iso to "img"). Just dd the iso as is to the drive (and *not* to a partition, this is important).06:37
gogetaJordan_U: booting was not the issue it ran his key then started 11.1006:37
gogetaJordan_U: yea i had a felling the conversion was losing some data06:38
nubfilterI'm following the exact same procedure this time as when I installed 11.10, but it looks like (after removing SSD connectors) the image was corrupted somehow so I'm redownloading the ISO and going to MD5 it06:38
Jordan_Ugogeta: It's losing the bootloader.06:38
nubfilterI just couldn't install oracle on 11.10 because a few things have changed and oracle is very picky06:39
gogetanubfilter: yea dd the iso it might have worked before becouse it saw nothing and defukted to install06:39
Jordan_Unubfilter: Following the OSX instructions on the Ubuntu download page will never make something that is bootable on a non [U]EFI machine.06:39
nubfiltermy understanding is that you cannot just dd a .iso file to a usb drive because iso file is ISO-9660 format and that is not how you write something to disk06:40
gogetanubfilter: dd does not care06:40
nubfilteryou can, however, do that to a CD06:40
=== Justasic_ is now known as Justasic
Jordan_Unubfilter: You're understanding is incorrect. BIOS based firmware knows nothing about filesystems or partitions, it just loads the first sector of the drive into memory and jumps to it, everything else is up to that code.06:42
gogetanubfilter: when it comes to make live cds its ok ebing your not writing data back06:42
gogetanubfilter: so it the bios and even the kernel its a cd06:43
Jordan_Unubfilter: It's true that you normally don't use iso9660 filesystems on writeable media for practical reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that Ubuntu isos (as of Ubuntu 11.10) are bootable when dd'd to a drive unmodified.06:44
nubfilterI am attempting to dd a 10.04LTS server ISO to USB media to boot on my server06:44
Jordan_Unubfilter: That will fail.06:44
gogetaJordan_U: ?06:44
nubfiltercorrect... which is why you must conver it to IMG first, right?06:45
gogetaJordan_U: your right didnt lts have some bug with that06:45
Jordan_Unubfilter: No.06:45
Jordan_Ugogeta: nubfilter: Being able to dd the image and create a drive which is bootable with BIOS based firmware is a new feature in Ubuntu 11.10. It was not possible with previous versions of Ubuntu.06:46
gogetaJordan_U: rite you gotta dump the files and use sys linux dont you06:46
nubfilterso I need to go buy a dvdr?06:46
Jordan_Unubfilter: I can create a netinstall image of Ubuntu 10.04 for you which you can dd to a drive and have bootable from BIOS based system.06:47
nubfilterit worked with 2 versions of freebsd, and 11.4, and 11.10 lol06:47
pnormanubuntu's default of colouring grep's output is screwing up my command - anyone know how to turn it off?06:47
Jordan_Unubfilter: That would be easiest.06:47
nubfilterJordan_U: ok06:47
gogetanubfilter: does the linux box still live06:47
Jordan_Upnorman: It shouldn't use colors when piped to other commands, or in scripts (as it's an alias).06:48
pnormanAh, nevermind, got it working06:48
gogetanubfilter: friggin unetbootin the iso06:48
gogetanubfilter: they dump the fils and use there own boot laoder06:48
nubfilterdoes unetbootin have a version for osx?06:48
gogetanubfilter: no :9 windows and linux06:48
gogetanubfilter: soorry they now have a osx version06:49
Jordan_Unubfilter: If you wait about an hour I'll probably have time to make you an image you can use (I need to leave now). It will need to be the netinstall (which downloads all packages during install) though since I don't have the upload bandwidth for anything else.06:49
gogetanubfilter: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/06:49
gogetaJordan_U: that will get the job done :)06:50
nubfiltergogeta: thanks, I'll give it a try06:50
gogetanubfilter: slect the iso and the drive to use and let it go06:50
gogetanubfilter: i guess enough mac users screamed lol06:51
nubfiltershould I unmount the partition first or is it smart enough?06:51
gogetanubfilter: it uses it mounted06:51
gogetanubfilter: good idea to format it clean to fat06:51
gogetanubfilter: when its done rather the reboot unmount put in other pc06:52
nubfilterlet me ask a quick question before I go doing a net install... can this be done with dd or some other utility on 11.10 easy enough?06:53
gogetanubfilter: the tool i gave you is easy and it works well06:53
Jon--_Software developer, three years university experience so far, 6 months in industry. Looking for an open source project to work on. Anyone have recommendations/could use a hand? First 1-2 that sound cool, you got me. ;)06:53
Jon--_^ apologies for off-topic06:53
gogetaJon--_: kill unity06:54
Jon--_gogeta, Hah.06:54
nubfiltergogeta: doesn't show USB drive in drop-down06:54
gogetanubfilter: it should show the drive06:54
nubfiltergogeta: dropdown is empty, usb is connected. tried unmounting also still nothing06:55
gogetanubfilter: re connect it then reopen06:55
=== Jon--_ is now known as Jon--
gogetanubfilter: the usb drive should be listed06:56
nubfiltergogeta: negative06:56
gogetaJon--: go help the guys at mate get gnome 2 back06:56
nubfilteroh well06:56
tensorpuddingmate is not going to "get gnome 2 back"06:57
gogetanubfilter:  is type set as usb drive06:57
gogetatensorpudding: mate is gnome 2 ported to gtk 306:57
tensorpuddingthat's not "get gnome 2 back"06:58
nubfiltergogeta: yes06:58
solofightpeople i need to access my ubuntu server GUI from windows - how can i ?06:58
nubfiltergogeta: going to try this (which is pretty much exactly what i did before)06:58
gogetanubfilter: maybe you gotta run it as admin or something06:58
gogetanubfilter: HFS or NTFS-formatted USB drives won't be listed06:59
solofightpeople i need to access my ubuntu server GUI from windows - how can i take it remote ?07:00
dr_willissolofight:  vnc, or ssh+xming, or freenx,  and putty of course07:00
nicehsi have a dir that is webroot and that the webserver-user (www-data) needs access to, but i also have a ftp user that needs access to it for uploading that i got working now- the ftp user can upload to it.  but files i have uploaded give me "403 forbidden" when trying to view them in my browser afterwards. It starts to work when I manually chmod the file to 777, or if I chown it to www-data.07:00
nicehsbut ftp uploads are auto-set to be owned by the ftp user not www-data,and arent chmod' to 777 either.. any idea what i can do to make it work?07:00
dr_willissolofight:  its odd that a 'serve' has a desktop07:00
pybitsolofight, have you tried webmin?07:01
solofightpybit: nope07:01
coolstaris anyone here interested in a shockwave player for ubuntu?07:01
dr_willisdont use webmin.... forget it exists07:01
solofightdr_willis: putty for GUI remote !07:01
gogetacoolstar: lol no07:01
coolstarits open source07:01
dr_willissolofight:  with xming... yes.07:01
gogetacoolstar: who uses shockwave07:01
somsipcoolstar: I can appreciate you're tryin gto drum up interest in your new project, but this is not the place07:02
coolstarits used in almost every 3d online game07:02
styelzwebmin is for noobs07:02
gogetacoolstar: no unity is'07:02
pybitsomebody asking for a sever desktop falls into that class07:02
coolstargogeta: look at miniclip.com07:02
coolstargogeta: only flash and shockwave games07:02
TACPILOTinstalled minimal ubuntu into virtualbox twice. both times I see the ubuntu 11.1 splash at boot then just blinking curser ??07:02
gogetacoolstar: i havent seen anythig shockwave in 5 years07:02
gogetacoolstar: most use pure flash or unity3d07:03
coolstargogeta: look at age of speed, age of speed 2, street racer, and turbo racing07:03
gogetacoolstar: i ment real games heh07:03
nubfilterif you're making a game, use the correct tools: openGL07:03
TACPILOTmost definitely openGL07:04
coolstarnubfilter: openswave (my project) will hook into OpenGL, GStreamer, GTK, and either Cairo or GDK07:04
coolstargogeta: look at this: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1349407:04
gogetacoolstar: sorry ill use unity3d07:04
solofightdr_willis: i have disabled password based authentication so if i use xming + ssh i can retain the rsa key based auth ?07:05
gogetacoolstar: its faster uses gl07:05
gogetaand html507:05
coolstargogeta: http://www.petitiononline.com/linuxswp/petition.html07:05
dr_willissolofight:  yes07:05
coolstargogeta: 38821 signatures07:05
gogetacoolstar: for a dieng format07:05
gogetacoolstar: pretty funny07:05
dr_willissolofight:  xming works with putty.. so it has all the features putty does07:06
solofightdr_willis: so i already have ssh running in my server - now i need to isntall xming in the client machine to get the GUI ?07:06
gogetacoolstar: with flash pulling from mobile i say with the next few years its going to be gone from most sites07:07
dr_willissolofight:  xming gives you a x server on windoes. you then use the x forwarding feature of ssh.. xming has wizards to automate this.07:07
gogetacoolstar: many aruldy have in protest07:07
solofightdr_willis: :( x server on windows ! ? il install the xming in my windows machine to check what that means07:08
dr_willissolofight:  xming is an x server..07:08
solofightdr_willis: an x server is ?07:08
coolstargogeta: There's still a ton of fun shockwave games out there07:09
dr_willissolofight:  is this a local  lan or over the internet?07:09
maumI downloaded ".diff" patch file. how can I use it on ubuntu 11.10?07:09
solofightdr_willis: can be both07:09
gogetacoolstar: never been a fan on it its slow compared to better things07:09
gogetacoolstar: flash linux is total suck and fail anyways07:10
dr_willissolofight:  then you might want to look into  'nx' also - such as freenx07:10
gogetacoolstar: cpu eater07:10
solofightdr_willis: ssh + xming + freenx ?07:10
Jon--solofight, Yes, you will have to do this. I believe PuTTY comes bundled with something if you install it though, is that correct dr_willis ?07:10
milambermaum: it depends on what you are trying to do with it, from the terminal: man diff07:10
dr_willissolofight:  or freenx.. depends onyour needs07:10
najcheHey guys .. we are at school..and we want to isntall google chrome07:11
najchecan you help us ?07:11
dr_willissolofight:  learn ssh...  then learn about xming, freenx also uses ssh i belive07:11
maummilamber: I am going to use this : https://trac.macports.org/ticket/2939007:11
prodr1fterxwe have ubuntu 7 version07:12
coolstargogeta: this version of shockwave will be open source, so if it eats a ton of cpu, anyone can fix it07:12
prodr1fterx7.04 i think07:12
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.07:12
Jordan_U!eol | prodr1fterx07:12
ubottuprodr1fterx: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:12
gogetacoolstar: shockwave isnt nedded you can write it in pure flash and get the same game07:12
gogetacoolstar: shockwave is just for noobs07:12
gogetacoolstar: and probly the same game faster07:13
rootmarkhey prodr1fterx..07:13
gogetacoolstar: i was pulling off flash video in flash 6 long before they made it easy07:13
gogetacoolstar: granted they where huge and uncompressed07:14
milambermaum: looks like they just removed 2 lines07:14
prodr1fterxyes mark?07:14
R2D3-527hi, does anyone know how i can make my graphics faster again in ubuntu oneiric. in lucid it was fast enough, but when i switched to oneiric, i can feel some stress everytime i was dragging a window07:15
litropyEssentially, left-click+right-click (both upon press and also upon release until another click) = scroll with trackball.07:15
maummilamber: how can I apply this?07:15
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempted to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. However, surprisingly, xinput is limited to one event per button. So, I'm looking for alternatives.07:15
nubfiltersadly still no success. I suppose I'll just hunt for a dvdr07:15
TACPILOTwhat is the smallest ubuntu install .. no frills just base system .. no desktop and no extra packages ??07:16
gogetaTACPILOT: base cli07:16
coolstargogeta: shockwave is for 3d games, not videos btw07:16
gogetacoolstar: even 3d games07:16
nubfiltergogeta: shockwave is for silly website based 'games'.07:16
gogetacoolstar: all the calls are in stock flash07:16
coolstargogeta: I downloaded a .dcr, and its only 4-5 MB, and its a 3d racing game07:17
gogetacoolstar: wish i could find you some relly old school ones07:17
R2D3-527TACPILOT: the lightest ubuntu installation i know is Xubuntu07:17
TACPILOTI just installed mincd with command line install and it included all kinds of nonsense .. is that not the right iso ?07:17
gogetaTACPILOT: did you slect server or base07:17
coolstaranyways, if you guys with to contribute, all you need is git, ubuntu, and some c/shockwave/c++ knowledge. http://code.google.com/p/openswave/07:18
almoxarifeTACPILOT: nonsense?07:18
gogetaTACPILOT: base should be enough to get to bash and some tools07:18
TACPILOTwas not one of the options07:18
gogetaTACPILOT: bas eor cli07:18
TACPILOTall kinds of destiop stuff07:18
somsipTACPILOT: shouldn't do07:18
Jordan_U!ot | coolstar07:18
ubottucoolstar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:18
gogetaTACPILOT: oh yea i think its in advanced under expert install07:19
maummilamber: ?07:19
TACPILOTthe iso is called minicd  .. at boot the screen has options for install or command line install or advanced verions of both07:19
gogetaTACPILOT: with that you can do base install and skip insalling the besktop stuff07:19
R2D3-527hi, does anyone know how i can make my graphics faster again in ubuntu oneiric. in lucid it was fast enough, but when i switched to oneiric, i can feel some stress everytime i was dragging a window! tnx07:19
milambermaum: i would really just find the file and remove the 2 lines07:19
gogetaTACPILOT: yea do expert install07:20
TACPILOTI never saw a base option and tried both the command line install and advanced command line install07:20
gogetaTACPILOT: its called ecpert now07:20
TACPILOTyes meant advanced = expert07:20
gogetaTACPILOT: should be like expert cli07:20
gogetaTACPILOT: should give you a bunch of menus07:20
maummilamber: I have the source file but there is no file named "profile" except "profiler.py"07:20
gogetaTACPILOT after basic install skip slecting packages07:21
prodr1fterx Reading package lists... Done07:21
prodr1fterx Building dependency tree07:21
prodr1fterx Reading state information... Done07:21
prodr1fterx E: Couldn't find package g++-multilib07:21
prodr1fterx rootmark@edubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2 wdiff lighttpd php5-cgi sun-java6-fonts \07:21
FloodBot1prodr1fterx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:21
TACPILOTnot see cli but it litterally says "expert command line install" I am getting the feeling there are 2 tyoes of cli07:21
R2D3-527TACPILOT: but if you really want to get your hands dirty in the expert mode, you might want to try Gentoo and/or Arch07:21
milambermaum: what about py26-wxpython ?07:22
TACPILOTneeding the ubuntu package repos for this project07:22
R2D3-527TACPILOT: i see...07:22
TACPILOTso need super small footprint to provision nodes with07:22
TACPILOTstateless cluster07:23
maummilamber: there is no file like that.07:23
gogetaTACPILOT: yea arch by defult is base install only07:23
w30TACPILOT, Lubuntu went on my netbook with an eight point six gig ssd drive with graphics, networking, word processors browsers and had over 3 gig leftover07:23
TACPILOTthese machines will have no drives07:23
gogetaTACPILOT: ubuntu kinda burryed there base installer but you do it threw expert installer command line i beleve and just skip slecting packages07:24
RokcStartry slax07:24
gogetanaa arch its base by nature07:24
dr_willistiny core linux. 10mb. ;)07:24
gogeta400mb installed07:24
milambermaum: looking at the bug it might be in setup.py ?07:25
* dr_willis missed the actual support question07:25
RokcStaror run live with Persitance mode07:25
TACPILOTI tried that first .. before trying the normal command line install .. neither give a login prompt when done07:25
gogetadr_willis: doing a ubuntu base install i forgot they burryed it07:25
TACPILOTI can try again with expert version07:25
maummilamber: the error happened when "python setup.py build"07:25
gogetaTACPILOT: yes expert is what you whant07:26
dr_willisit the machines have no hd... what are you installing to?07:26
gogetaTACPILOT: your normal options but all in a list stylr07:26
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempted to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. However, surprisingly, xinput is limited to one event per button. So, I'm looking for alternatives.07:26
gogetaTACPILOT: you will see install base system07:26
TACPILOTdr_willis yeah I have seen them and I even put together a custion DSL distro for papa john's pizza a while back07:26
gogetaTACPILOT: then skip over slect packages and do the configs boot loader etc07:26
TACPILOTI need ubuntu repos for this project though07:27
gogetaTACPILOT: you will have a basic ubuntu07:27
* w30 wonders if muinux is still going; it fit on one 3.5 floppy disk07:27
gogetaTACPILOT: those all install with base07:27
TACPILOTgogeta: will try again  TY07:27
gogetaTACPILOT: it used to be a option i forgot they burryed it07:28
westernanaloghelp: http://www.pastie.org/3019706 http://www.pastie.org/301971407:28
TACPILOTheck I would be happy if I could just get a list of packages for a base install and where to get the base directory structure07:28
TACPILOTthats really all I am trying to find with these installs07:28
gogetaTACPILOT: well it does kinda scrool buy everything it does07:28
RokcStarold ubuntu07:28
gogetaTACPILOT: yea thats expert command line07:29
gogetaTACPILOT: as i said just skip over slect packages thats whats installs the desktop stuff07:29
ubottuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.07:29
TACPILOTis the "command line install" and cli  2 diff installers ?07:29
gogetaTACPILOT: no cli is short for that07:30
westernanalogbroken packages here and 'sudo apt-get -f install' do not help. what to do?07:30
gogetaTACPILOT: ah yes jeos forgot abought them07:30
TACPILOTdr_willis: will take a look  tnx07:30
gogetalol it redirected me to virtulazion07:30
gogetajeos ubuntu musta died07:31
dr_willisnot sure if jeos is sill actively developed07:31
gogetaTACPILOT: but my methed works :)07:31
TACPILOTwill try again TY07:31
RokcStarwhat if you purge the cache07:31
dr_willisive seen premade vbox  ubuntu setups/vdks also'07:31
RokcStarof apt07:32
somsipa few jeOS's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_enough_operating_system07:32
gogetasun still has one07:32
TACPILOTI cant get the vbox installs to even give me a promt of any kind07:32
gogetai mean suse07:32
R2D3-527hi, does anyone know how i can make my graphics faster again in ubuntu oneiric. in lucid it was fast enough, but when i switched to oneiric, i can feel some stress everytime i was dragging a window! tnx07:32
w30TACPILOT, check out this page of tiny Linuxes: http://www.micheleandreoli.it/mulinux/tiny.html07:32
RokcStaror apt-get clean to erase old packages07:32
denki /whowas jon--07:32
TACPILOTboots a quick splash screen and then just blinking curser07:32
denkia well07:32
gogetahe will be good with base ubuntu its just they like to forget some of use like command line07:33
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:33
nubfilteri love how fast SSD is07:33
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nubfilterlets just hope this installer can install grub correctly :-/07:33
TACPILOTwill take a look07:33
dr_willisif you see the plymouth animation. you are past grub07:33
gogetaTACPILOT: arch would be perfect for you and they have a pretty big communty to07:33
gogetaTACPILOT: rather then ppa they use a system called aur arch user repo and normaly have anything ubuntu does07:34
RokcStarwhat part of the boot process is plymouth07:34
dr_willisRokcStar:  its part of the initrd i think07:35
gogetaTACPILOT: and users made it even easer the a ppa being you can install a aur package manager07:35
gogetalike packer07:35
RokcStaroh nice, and after initrd?07:35
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TACPILOTbecause this cluster will be based off ubuntu repos , and the master nodes will also be worker nodes I really prefer all packages comming from the same repos .. the worker nodes are what I am putting together now07:37
RokcStaris there a way to do some sort of soft reboot?07:37
gogetaTACPILOT: by nature they dont install anything other then the kernel some tools and the package manager and say build your distro07:37
gogetaTACPILOT: but its documation is epic07:37
gogetaTACPILOT: probly the best of all the distros07:38
solofight_dr_willis: i installed xming and learned to launch a xserver - not when i connect to my server i am able to launch gui applications like xclock, emacs from console - but how do i get the entire GUI effect ? like desktop07:38
RokcStari want to script a soft reboot to avoid turning off a service but in case some aps on ubuntu need to be reset i would like some information on what services i can reset07:38
R2D3-527hi, anyone knows how to disable dashboard in oneiric07:38
TACPILOTtnx but I dont want to deal with package feature missmatches is one repo is using a diff version than what is available in the other07:38
gogetaTACPILOT: aur normaly just grab the latest07:39
TACPILOTi need all ubuntu07:39
gogetaTACPILOT: you relise linux is linux07:39
RokcStarwhat process is it that controls the desktop on ubuntu and how can i reset it07:40
gogetaTACPILOT: its pretty rare for packeges to conflict07:40
TACPILOTyes but package x verion1 may be diff than vesion2 and I dont want to deal with wierd things that can happen for those situations07:40
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempted to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. However, surprisingly, xinput is limited to one event per button. So, I'm looking for alternatives.07:41
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TACPILOTI feel it best to make sure all nodes are using the same repos07:41
gogetaTACPILOT: true07:41
RokcStartac make your own repository07:42
TACPILOT:) wish I had the time07:42
gogetaRokcStar: do you mean xorg07:42
machiolateI'm using Ubuntu 11.10 with gnome fallback panel.... I put in a DVD with data into my DVD drive and cannot find it anyhwere, anyone know where I might look?07:42
RokcStarand oh is that what its called..how would i reset it?07:42
gogetaRokcStar: its a good idea to use the same distro across all the clients07:42
TesterskiHi there07:43
gogetaRokcStar: killall xorg07:43
TACPILOTthanks for input all .. time to go dig in again ..L8r07:43
RokcStarwould that close my running terminals07:43
gogetaRokcStar: it will kill x07:43
RokcStari see07:43
gogetaRokcStar: so anything running goes with it07:43
RokcStargot it07:43
gogetaRokcStar: at least anything that uses x07:44
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srfc21I need some help installed rubygems 1.8.12 on Ubuntu 10.1007:44
TesterskiIn Ubuntu 11.10 how can I set it to change between first and second keyboard layers by pressing left alt + shift, and between first and third - right alt + shift ?07:44
gogetaRokcStar: but ubuntu will seee it died and start it back up07:44
srfc21I ran the updater and now all the files in /var/lib/gems/1.8 have disappeared.07:44
RokcStaryes of course07:44
srfc21removing and reinstalling the package using aptitude will not resolve.07:45
Guest2813how do i set a nick?07:45
gogetasrfc21: if he purges the configs it might07:45
somsip!register | Guest281307:45
ubottuGuest2813: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:45
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sordinaDoes anyone know how to exclude .pod documentation from .deb packages created with dh-make-perl?07:46
RokcStaris running apt-get purge not recomendable ?07:46
srfc21goddard: I did run an aptitude purge rubygems07:46
srfc21but that didn't help either. Also tried aptitude reinstall rubygems.07:46
gogetaRokcStar: sudo apt-get --purge remove package name all purge does is delete the config files of said app07:46
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devkorcvincesrfc21: are you building a development machine or a production one?07:47
gogetaRokcStar: normaly there left behind in case you get the app again and it rembers its old configs07:47
dr_willissolofight_:  i tend to use the xming wizard to launch gnome-terminal, then run whaterver i need from that term.07:47
srfc21devkorcvince: production07:47
RokcStarsometimes some apps store configurations elsewhere and you have to manually find the file, right?07:47
devishis make a compiler utility??07:48
gogetaRokcStar: purge cleans em out07:48
somsipdevish: mostly07:48
devkorcvincesrfc21: have your tried rvm?07:48
RokcStari see07:48
srfc21devkorcvince: rvm yields "command not found"07:48
gogetaRokcStar: handy if you mess up a apps config and whats it back to stock pruge reinstall it07:48
RokcStaryes i didnt know that07:49
devkorcvincesrfc21: nope rvm is a ruby version management app07:49
RokcStargood tip07:49
Testerskiis there a way to change between 3 keyboard layouts ?07:49
Testerskiby different key shortcuts ?07:49
srfc21devkorcvince: separate package install?07:49
RokcStari wonder if systems will ever support multiple mouse inputs07:50
devkorcvincesrfc21: http://beginrescueend.com/rvm/install/ its very safe on multi version of rubies07:50
JusticeZeroIs there a way to PERMANENTLY remap capslock in Xubuntu-desktop?07:50
gogetaRokcStar: mine does07:50
stiv2khello, i just installed ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop with broadcom bcm4306 wireless card but the additional drivers window shows nothing.  why is this?07:50
RokcStaryou have multiple mouse inputs?07:50
gogetaRokcStar: both my mouse and touchpad respond at the same time07:50
RokcStaryes but with different selected areas?07:50
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gogetaRokcStar: oh yea i have seen that07:50
srfc21devkorcvince: Yikes, there's no way to resolve this using the native package management tools?07:51
RokcStardoes ubuntu have something like that? possibly to connect to mouse devices?07:51
gogetaRokcStar: i have seen it done07:51
srfc21I would be happy just to get my /var/lib/gems/1.8 files back..07:51
devkorcvincesrfc21: You can delete the ruby folder under /usr/local/lib/07:52
gogetaRokcStar: you bascily tell x eatch mouse is a seprit pointer07:52
gogetaRokcStar: wala 2 mouse07:52
srfc21I've got /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8 and /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.9.107:52
RokcStarin concept..wala..in practice..no wala07:53
gogetaRokcStar: dont knoe if they ever made a gui tool to set it07:53
gogetaRokcStar: i have seen 2 on one screen before07:53
gogetaRokcStar: with multitouch we acully support 5 pointers at once07:54
devkorcvincesrfc21: yap that's the installation path of ruby you can delete that and under /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin delete file ruby and other ruby executables07:54
RokcStarmultitouch on screens right?07:54
srfc21devkorcvince: and then what, reinstall the rubygems distro package?07:54
gogetaRokcStar: its just the defult config for mice is to share the same point07:54
gogetaRokcStar: it can be changed just been years sence i did it07:55
devkorcvincesrfc21: yap but i prefer using the rvm tool07:55
srfc21devkorcvince: alright, thanks for the rvm tool tip, I'll give that a shot and then go nuclear if necessary.07:55
gogetaRokcStar: some vnc software does it by defult07:55
devkorcvincesrfc21: no prob mate welcome07:56
gogetaRokcStar: you will see the connected guys pointer and your own07:56
srfc21devkorcvince: One more quick question: is it normal to have these sorts of version problems with Ruby on Ubuntu?07:56
RokcStaryes but would both function at exactly the same time. like drawing07:56
srfc21devkorcvince: Or did I screw something up from the initial install?07:57
gogetaRokcStar: no they where totaly as there own device07:57
srfc21I was originally just trying to get a diaspora pod up and running on an Ubuntu 10.10 VPS using these docs https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/wiki/Installing-on-Ubuntu07:57
gogetaRokcStar: he should be in workspace 2 and me in 1 using the same xserver07:58
RokcStarit's a very interesting thought tho07:58
RokcStarperhaps it can be done with different hardware and software07:58
gogetaRokcStar: i have done it i knoe it works07:58
MoleManI thought when using VNC the mouse is either controlled, or the local user can see the connected party's mouse but it can't actually control...07:58
gogetaMoleMan: some vns will emulate 2 seprety deives07:58
RokcStargogeta its like you drank for the fountain of youth and then forgot ha07:59
MoleMan#seperate :)07:59
gogetaMoleMan: he was talking abought 2 mouses on 1 screen07:59
gogetaMoleMan: we where doing that year ago07:59
dr_willisMoleMan:  with some vncs you have totally hidden desktops you connect to with a vncviewer07:59
dr_willisive seen shared de3sktops i think with  pointers.. not recently however08:00
devkorcvincesrfc21: yap ubuntu can't support multi ruby version08:00
gogetaRokcStar: yea it used to be like joes mouse08:00
gogetaRokcStar: had his name under it pretty cool08:00
RokcStarthats perhaps special pads could offer multiple touch points even if they weren't used as a multitouch device but as seperate devices08:01
gogetadr_willis: yea i cant rember what vnc did that08:01
MoleManhmmm OK, was just saying what I thought based on my use of VNC but I haven't used it in a whilst. Also, its IRC channels like these that make me want to shoot myself when asking for support elsewhere08:01
RokcStarmoleman..thats not cool08:02
codepalshould I ask for help with dircproxy in here?08:02
RokcStarwait i read it wrong sorry. very cool.08:02
gogetaRokcStar: well i knoe if you have a usb mouse and another usb mouse you can make them act on there own and not share the same pointer08:02
gogetaRokcStar: heck even 2 keybords08:03
gogetaRokcStar: you can make 1 work space totaly indenpendent of the other08:03
gogetaRokcStar: and even share the same space08:03
MoleManRokcStar: no its not, its just busy channels like this you get instant responses, and then I need help in irc://quakenet/TeamSpeak and you ask a question and several hours later noone has replied...08:04
RokcStaryes, actually the idea occured to me when using MyPaint on a touchscreen monitor but im not sure if MyPaint supports multitouch08:04
RokcStarso not only is it about hardware but if the program would run concurent inputs08:05
gogetaRokcStar: yea your program would need to support multitouch08:05
RokcStari see08:05
gogetaRokcStar: as for multi inoputs this has beeing going on sense windows 9808:06
iluminator105hi, my desktop sharing feature is grayed out, how do i enable it?08:07
gogetailuminator105: normaly mean roughter or firewall is blocking you08:07
RokcStarthank you gogeta for the tips on purge and xorg. i am going to look into it. have a nice time08:07
RokcStarsee you08:07
iluminator105gogeta, roughter???08:08
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempted to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. However, surprisingly, xinput is limited to one event per button. So, I'm looking for alternatives.08:10
avernoshow can i check from the cli the other lan hosts i can see?08:17
avernosusing samba?08:17
EncRyptOavernos, you want to use samba? or u just asking?08:19
EncRyptOif you can use samba08:19
avernosjust asking, i am not sure what options i have08:20
EncRyptOyou can use nmap localhost08:20
ryanmrHi. I have apache/php reading from a directory in my accounts home directory, but PHP can't write files in that dir because I own them. How would I fix that?08:20
EncRyptOwait, not that,08:20
EncRyptOfirst do route -n08:21
EncRyptOfind the gateway ip08:21
nubfilterryanmr: you could add the apache user to your group08:21
EncRyptOthen do nmap gateway ip/2408:21
ryanmrnubfilter : and that is www-data, I think. How would I do that?08:21
nubfilterryanmr: and make sure to chmod to give group permissions08:21
EncRyptOsuch as
au_faitI sure do wish I could downgrade and not loose all the effort08:22
avernosEncRyptO, thanks let me try :)08:22
nubfilterryanmr: dont know exact syntax off hand but it's something like useradd -G apacheuser yourgroup08:22
nubfilteri would consult google08:22
nubfilterthen, make sure to chmod g+w to that directory08:22
ryanmrOk, I'll try that. Thanks!08:22
nubfilterand apache can then write to it08:23
somsipryanmr: the proper way is to setup Apazche mod_userdir08:23
nubfilterbe warned apache will now have read access to your home directory and anything under your group08:23
nubfilterryanmr: yes somsipis correct, or create a /var/www/yoursite folder and use that08:24
somsipryanmr: with the /var/ww/yoursite probably being simplest on a one-user system08:24
ryanmrnubfilter : the problem I had with that is /var/www requires special permissons for me and it's harder to share via samba through the network08:24
somsipryanmr: you want others to be able to write to your www dir over samba? <shudder>08:25
nubfilterryanmr you probably want to do the following:08:25
nubfiltercreate a folder /var/www/testsite08:25
ryanmrOver samba, my /ryan/www directory is writable, so I can code on windows and serve on ubuntu08:25
nubfiltercreate a group for the site08:26
faLUCEHi. I'm creating my own distro, ubuntu based. Unfortunately, when I customize it using a chroot environment, I can't start services. For example: after installing samba, I executed "service smbd start" but it returns an error. This happens in a chroot environment and doesn't happen in a normal environment. How can I solve? thanks08:26
faLUCE[09:25] <faLUCE> the same thing happens with mysql, for example08:26
nubfilterthen add yourself AND apache to it08:26
somsipryanmr: fair rnough. not awfully scary then08:26
nubfilterthen configure FTP and use FTP to access the site remotely, samba or webdav is a horrendous way to do it08:26
nubfilterthis way you have a local copy on your windows machine, and you deploy it to your test environment08:27
ryanmrFTP really sucks, compared to edit -> save, alt+tab -> refresh08:27
somsipryanmr: side question - what IDE do you use?08:27
ryanmrWith FTP, there's all this transfering08:27
nubfilteryour IDE doesn't deploy on save?08:27
ryanmrJust notepad++?08:27
somsipnubfilter: tada!08:27
nubfilterif you want that, use apache on your local windows machine08:28
nubfiltercheck out WAMP08:28
somsipryanmr: ok - a nice but more complicate approach is to keep your source in a safe dir, and setup something (IDE, make file, whateveR) to copy any files over to /var/www on save08:28
ryanmrThat would be scary.08:28
abhinav_singhhow do i add existing user to group08:28
somsipryanmr: but maybe overkill so I'l shut up08:29
somsipabhinav_singh: usermod -a -G {group} Puser}08:29
ryanmrwell, it's not overkill, it's just a little cumbersome. but as a side note, what IDE do you suggest?08:29
geirhaabhinav_singh: sudo adduser username groupname08:29
somsipryanmr: each to their own. I use Netbeans08:29
nubfiltersomsip has apoint, if you're going to be planning on doing any work for a larger company, best get in the habit of deploying code to a server... use a local (on yoru windows machien) for your in progress development then deploy to the server to fully test.08:29
abhinav_singhbut username is already a existing user geirha08:30
ryanmrnubfilter : when I work away from home, I totally checkout with git do the traditional things08:30
geirhaabhinav_singh: Yes.08:30
somsipryanmr: but then you can get to 'have a local svn/git repo, and auto deploy from them with hooks' so your' committing to svn/git from linux or windows08:30
somsipryanmr: ah - so local git server may be a workable solution08:31
geirhaabhinav_singh: «Add an existing user to an existing group. If called with two non-option arguments, adduser will add  an  existing user to an existing group.» - man adduser08:31
somsipabhinav_singh: told you once - usermod -a -G {group} {user}08:31
ryanmrwell, thanks guys. I'll go try those ideas.08:32
somsipryanmr: I appreciate this has probably made it more complicated than you wanted it to be :)08:33
ryanmryeah, pretty much :)08:33
OS-7871hi all , anyone installed ubuntu on sony vpc z21708:33
somsipryanmr: if you want to do the quick dirty solution, chmod the dir to give www-data access and go with the security risk until you want to get a more through fix. But this is bad advice08:33
ryanmrI think I'll try that first08:34
joo_how do i get regular gnome on ubuntu? i think they ruined it for everyone with that new thing that might be smart for tablets and such08:36
aaron32I need help08:36
gh0st1e_uh, anyone know how to add new connections in xchat-gnome?08:36
aaron32I tried installing ubuntu from the windows installer08:37
aaron32Nobody will help? :c08:39
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe08:40
sertaconayGood morning. There is a issue on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1894195 . Does anyone know how to solve this ? Appreciate.08:40
tensorpuddingwhat a strange error08:40
tensorpuddingdo you actually have a drive labelled Q:?08:40
tensorpuddingit seems that whatever user is running that script does not have access to it, in any case08:41
tensorpuddingthe wubi installer runs in windows which makes it difficult for people here who don't use windows to help you08:41
dr_willisa lot of us just refuse to use wubi also. or have given up on it.08:43
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gh0st1ei run linux on a virtual machine in windows :D08:43
aaron32Well then08:43
aaron32No linux for me :c08:43
dr_willisi thought wubi had to install to c:08:43
tensorpuddingaaron32, you never answered my question though08:43
gh0st1ebest of both worlds, play my games & be secure on the internets.08:43
dr_willisaaron32: use virtualbix08:43
aaron32No, I do not have a drive named Q:08:44
aaron32And it seems to need it08:44
tensorpuddingit must be confused somehow08:44
aaron32Wait a minute08:44
aaron32I -USED- To have a old HDD08:44
aaron32It was external08:44
aaron32Not sure if it used Q: or not08:44
tensorpuddingdo you have a dell perchance08:45
dr_willisq would be.. odd..08:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 862003 in Wubi "wubi install ends in 'permission denied' due to the presence of a virtual drive e.g. Microsoft Office click to run virtual drive ONLY when installing using the tar.xz preinstalled image" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:45
tensorpuddingthis might be the problem08:45
aaron32I -do- Have microsoft office08:45
tensorpuddingyou do have a Q: but it's virtual, installed by dell08:45
aaron32Well shit.08:46
tensorpuddingthe bug report makes it sound like installing from wubi.exe with the iso in the directory does not have this issue08:46
RaTTuSdon't use wubi .... thats my advice08:46
Nipqrgood morning/evening everyone, I come seeking help with resizing/moving partitions08:47
aaron32So, Use the ISO?08:47
* RaTTuS shudders Nipqr08:47
tensorpuddingi don't particularly understand how wubi is installed08:47
aaron32ubuntu folder in :c08:47
RaTTuSNipqr - back everything up 1st as it's more than like going to trash somethign - unless it is the installer which is pretty good08:47
tensorpuddingi assumed there was an .exe that downloaded files that were needed, and modified your bootloader using bcdedit08:48
aaron32bcd edit?08:48
tensorpuddingnever heard of this .tar.xz image thing08:48
QubikaHello, i plug in a new android phone via USB and it is mounted as a PTP device (not storage drive) . It shows up under Nautilus . I would like to know which directory is it actuall mounted on the filesystem ? Putting my cursor over my device on the Nautilus tree view shows " gphoto2://[usb:002,013] "  . It's not mounted in my /media or /mnt directory.08:48
dr_willism eithee08:48
tensorpuddingbcdedit is a windows tool for changing your boot08:48
aaron32I think I saw a "bcdedit" thing08:48
NipqrRaTTuS: I am attempting to back everything up over the network, but keep getting permission denied errors (I am currently booted from a live disk)08:48
tensorpuddingaaron32, which instructions are you following08:49
aaron32I'll get the thing I am using08:49
somsipQubika: sudo mount ?08:49
dr_willisQubika: look in .gvfs and the webupd8 blog site had an artical on mountinng new android phones08:49
RaTTuSNipqr - are teh permission errors on source or destination and how are you backup up ?08:49
Qubikait is already mounted and i can access all files in Nautilus. I just like to access it in the terminal but don't know which folder08:50
aaron32So, It -SHOULD- Work08:50
NipqrRaTTuS: I am using live boot on the same machine I want to mess with partitions, trying to send everything over to a local server. so permissions on source08:50
aaron32But its not, Anyway, I'll try the ISO fix08:50
faLUCEbriefly: how can I run a service in a chroot jail?08:51
tensorpuddingi think that is what they mean08:51
aaron32Wait, 64 bit or 32?08:51
aaron32I have a 64 bit computer.08:51
tensorpuddingyou probably want the same as the windows you use08:51
aaron3264 bit it is08:51
RaTTuSNipqr - what file system is the source and are you usin somehting like sudo rsync -va  /mount/source server:/destination08:51
RaTTuSback in 10 mins need coffee08:52
icedteacan anyone think of some good places to upload my program (.tar.gz or .deb)?08:53
anonymous_que isto?08:54
fernianyone knows how to tell compiz to prevent windows from spilling to adjacent workspaces?08:54
Qubikaany suggestions ?08:54
fernithis new application switcher and the fact that part of a program window can be on a another workspaces makes unity 3d unusable08:55
bach1g1_bueenoss dias :308:55
dr_willisQubika:  your .gvfs  dir08:55
Qubikathank you dr_willis08:56
Qubikait's there08:56
peydudeanyone else have issues with 11.10 not responding to pings from certain IP addresses ?08:56
peydudeis there a firewall or something similar that kicks in after a certain period??08:57
somsippeydude: where is the server?08:57
peydudeit's sitting next to me08:57
peydudesomsip: I am connected to it for a while and over time I lose connectivity even though i can access it from other hosts08:58
somsippeydude: ok - wondered if it was virtual, but clearly not08:58
AdvoWorkif ive plugged a USB HD into my ubuntu client pc, but it says that its the wrong FS type, can i format it/fix it so it is?08:58
Qubikatq willis08:58
peydudesomsip: no but i have a virt server also that has this issue and a restart of the virt instance fixes it until it's inaccessible again08:59
peydudeit's odd because the box is fine and it has network access. i ran wireshark to troubleshoot and it receives the ping requests, just doesn't respond08:59
somsippeydude: nothing that I know of09:00
pybitfirewall off?09:00
somsippeydude: does the ip change?09:00
peydudeyeah no firewall on09:00
peydudesomsip: no it's static09:00
peydudesomesip: i can still access it from other servers09:01
pybittry different network setup09:01
pybitmaybe nat the ip09:01
somsippeydude: pinging from other inux, or from win32?09:01
peydudesomesip: it just blocks my access over time and i am the only one ssh'd into it09:01
icedteapeydude: check the netmask09:02
peydudesomsip: pinging from other linux or linux based routers or cisco switches, etc09:02
peydudeicedtea: looks fine. the host can ping other hosts but just not me :(09:02
rethusi have kubuntu with pulseaudio... how can i mute single channels of my 7.1 soundcard by script?09:03
peydudecould it be bad net drivers ?09:03
Nipqrsudo rsync -va /dev/sdb4/* server:/destination, fails with sending incremental file list rsync: change_dir "/dev/sdb4" failed: Not a directory (20)09:03
=== stephane_yaal is now known as stephaneblondon
peydudei am thinking of just installing the LTS version (10.04). is it easy to setup a cloud on that release ?09:05
icedteapeydude: whats does 'iptables --list' say09:05
peydudeicedtea: all chains are empty. default policy is ACCEPT09:06
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ariumWhere to find manual on installing ATI drivers? My system crashes every time i try to install from Proprietary Drivers menu or from binaries downloaded from AMD site09:08
peydudesomsip: icedtea: might be this --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/71550/network-problem-with-ubuntu-11-1009:09
AdvoWorkgot a client pc that boots up, but has no internet connection, after a while it works, is there a log I can view(for connections) or something, syslog etc doesnt appear to show anything. it works eventually, dhcp (but all other clients are dhcp too) and theyre fine09:09
peydudeAdvoWork: which version ? 11.10 ?09:09
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempted to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. However, surprisingly, xinput is limited to one event per button. So, I'm looking for alternatives.09:10
gunfire007how to know whether my acpi is working or not..09:12
dr_willislitropy:  perhaps those disability-type acess helper tools can help09:12
rams_panduI have a html file which has a frame referring  to an xml file.when I open the html file using firefox the formatting is not correct, in chromium browser it shows no output. but it works perfectly in Internet Explorer. Can any body help me to show the proper output of the html file?09:15
rams_panduI have a html file which has a frame referring  to an xml file.when I open the html file using firefox the formatting is not correct, in chromium browser it shows no output. but it works perfectly in Internet Explorer. Can any body help me to show the proper output of the html file?09:17
aaron32Wait for a responce.09:18
AdvoWorkpeydude, its 10.04.3 lts09:18
somsiprams_pandu: go to #css or #html09:18
deej1976rams_pandu: How is this related to Ubuntu ?09:18
rams_pandusomsip, thank you.09:19
* deej1976 wonders if I'm in the right channel 09:20
=== Corren is now known as kenperkins
AdvoWorkif ive got a brand new HD I need to format for use with ubuntu, whats the best format to go with, ive got ; ext2,3,4, fat16, fat32, ntfs, linux-swap, xfs and reisers(sp)09:26
Amirhhi, can anybody tell me that what's the name of the notifier box on the top-right-corner of the desktop? the one for example alerts that a friend just got online in pidgin. I need the name to google about it.09:27
somsipAdvoWork: commonly, ext4. But xfs and reifers get used too.09:27
auronandaceAdvoWork: you want to format the whole drive with one fs?09:27
auronandaceAdvoWork: it may help to tell us what the drive is going to be used for09:28
deej1976AdvoWork, Depends on the use, but common ones are ext4,xfs and reifers. fat## are windows formats, linux-swap is just that used for the Linux Swap partition09:28
Amirhthanks for your help people. it's name is notify-osd09:30
Amirhyou've been very helpful09:30
somsipAdvoWork: also notify-send09:30
somsipAmirh: also notify-send for command line09:30
Amirhsomsip: thanks dude09:31
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:33
AdvoWorkauronandace, deej1976  im going to use it to just store backup files, thats it09:34
deej1976AdvoWork, Go with ext4 for simplicity09:35
progre55hey guys. Any ubuntu 11.10 repositories with mysql 5.5 or 5.6?09:37
somsipprogre55: maybe this will help http://askubuntu.com/questions/75977/mysql-5-5-ppa-trustworthy09:39
progre55somsip: thanks, let me have a look at it09:39
somsipprogre55: I will09:39
deej1976progre55: there seems to be a few, but nothing official from Oracle09:40
auronandaceAdvoWork: backups of what?09:40
progre55man I'm starting to hate oracle..09:40
auronandaceAdvoWork: what systems do you want to have access to the backups?09:40
zambai need to get h264 encoding in vlc on ubuntu 11.10.. how?09:40
Geoffrey2the clock on my computer is consistantly an hour behind, even though the appropriate time zone is selected, and the option to update from the internet is selected....09:42
auronandaceAdvoWork: if you need both windows and linux to access the backups then ntfs is your best choice (unless you know for certain that none of the backups will exceed 4gb then you can use fat32)09:43
=== Guest5528 is now known as Dmitry
KyoMangeoff sounds like a winter/ summertime settings prob09:48
AdvoWorkive just formatted a drive as ext4, it completed the format, ive got it mounted, am in the drive(folder) but cant make any new folders or anything. Any idea please?09:53
theadminAdvoWork: No access to the mountpoint for your user?09:54
deej1976AdvoWork, You probably want to create a directory with sudo mkdir /mountpoint/directoryname, then give you user ownership sudo chown userid:group /mountpoint/directoryname09:54
TrentonAdamsI'm having a problem removing a keyboard shortcut.  I've got the keyboard shortcuts window open, but there doesn't appear to be a way of actually deleting a shortcut.09:56
AdvoWorktheadmin, deej1976 got it thankyou09:57
deej1976TrentonAdams, Click on the keyboard shortcut on the Right and press delete ?09:57
TrentonAdamsdeej1976: That makes the shortcut set to the delete key09:57
deej1976TrentonAdams, Should delete the shortcut. I've just tried and it comes up "Disabled"09:59
TrentonAdamsdeej1976: Nope, but I clicked help.  it says to hit backspace.09:59
TrentonAdamsdeej1976: Always gotta joke about how nobody reads documentation.10:00
* skypent gets ready to ask a supremely dumb question.10:00
theadminskypent: Ask away10:00
TrentonAdamsdeej1976: As a programmer, I never stop jokin about that, and now I'm the guy doing it. :P\10:00
skypentdoes having a high resolution continuously (1920x1080) have an adverse effect on a system?10:01
ikoniaskypent: it drives your video card harder10:01
TrentonAdamsskypent: yes, you must stop doing that now.10:01
ikoniaTrentonAdams: what ?10:01
ikoniaTrentonAdams: why must he "stop doing that"10:01
TrentonAdamsskypent: your computer will die in like two days.  No just kidding10:01
theadminskypent: Um, that's a bit high, of course, but it's nothing serious, just a bit of video card load.10:01
ikoniaTrentonAdams: stop giving silly advice to people - he's asking for help, not a comedy routine10:01
TrentonAdamsskypent: No, it shouldn't be a problem, as long as your monitor can handle that resolution.10:01
skypentim using a hd tv10:02
skypentim more worried about my comp10:02
theadminskypent: Don't worry about it, it'll be fine10:02
ikoniaskypent: most modern video cards should be fine,10:02
skypentalright, thanks guys :D10:02
theadminskypent: Unless your video card isn't getting enough cooling for whatever reason, that is, I'd check that10:02
skypenthm, do modern comps come with an internal monitor for temp?10:02
skypentif so, is there a ubuntu program that taps into that?10:03
theadminskypent: lmsensors probably10:03
dydguys, i have this laptop with ubuntu 11.04 and i've used it for a few months, i want to erase all my personal data and leave it clean, how can i do that?10:03
theadminskypent: Not so sure on this one10:03
skypenttheadmin: thanks, i'll give it a look.10:03
theadmindyd: Check this: http://dban.org10:04
lnghi! after Ubuntu distro upgrade, my wifi connection is extremely slow and interrupted. what could that be10:04
theadminlng: A driver problem, likely, find out what driver you are using and report a bug for it10:05
lngthe driver should be backward compatible. I guess10:05
Pineki have a problem10:06
theadminPinek: Just ask the question10:06
lngtheadmin: how do I list it?10:06
theadminlng: Meh, "lsmod", altough the output doesn't make much sense10:06
Pinekwhen i install kaspersky i see bluescreen10:06
Pinekmy english is little10:07
lngtheadmin: I will gather all the info later10:07
theadminPinek: Um, this is #ubuntu, not ##windows10:07
theadminlng: Common drivers are bcm<<some numbers here>>, wl, ath9k, ath5k and... well, those are about all I really had to use10:07
zabombersudo kill -9 {pid} doesnt work?10:07
zabomberive tried everything to kill a process?10:07
zabomberstill runs in a hung state?10:08
zabomberhow do i kill it wihtout rebooting?10:08
lngtheadmin: do I get them (bcm<<some numbers here>>, wl, ath9k, ath5k) listed with lsmod?10:08
RaTTuS|BIGzabomber is it zombied ?10:08
theadminlng: Uh, lsmod | less, scroll around, search for any of those10:08
lngtheadmin: yes10:08
j8hi der10:08
lngtheadmin: how can I degrade it?10:09
RaTTuS|BIGzabomber and why do you wnt to kill it - what is it ?10:09
lngtheadmin: the driver10:09
theadminlng: downgrade, you mean... We don't support that.10:09
lngtoo bad10:09
deej1976!downgrade lng:10:09
lngno control10:09
dydtheadmin: i just want to delete my profile, not the whole os10:09
RaTTuS|BIGdyd - add a new user10:10
theadmindyd: Oh, uhhh... "sudo rm -r /home/your_user_name" from another user account10:10
horse1bunMy only question, who is Jello Biafra supporting for presidency?10:10
theadminhorse1bun: Offtopic here.10:10
RaTTuS|BIGdyd - add a new user , add that to the sudousers , then nuke the existing user10:10
horse1bunLast time I voted for Nader, this time I will vote for Ron Paul10:10
horse1bunoh sorry wrong chat10:10
zabomberRattus how do i see if its zombied? its deluge bit torrent. its hung10:11
lngtheadmin: is it true?10:11
zabomberi have conky that is showing me its still downloading... but the interface is "hung"10:11
theadminlng: Is... what true?10:11
lngtheadmin: lng: downgrade, you mean... We don't support that.10:12
deej1976zabomber: Is there a parent process ?10:12
theadminlng: Yeah, downgrading is not supported here, it breaks systems.10:12
remoteCTRLcan you please point me the way on howto "abuse" my laptops wifi as an accesspoint?10:12
lngtheadmin: sometimes we need that10:12
zabomberdeej1976 ive tried ps l -p {pid} and it doesnt show any...10:12
theadmin!ics | remoteCTRL10:12
ubotturemoteCTRL: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:12
theadminlng: Still not supported, sorry.10:12
zabomber0  1000  8885     1  20   0 254368 59908 reques D    ?          1:57 /usr/bin/py10:13
FloodBot1zabomber: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:13
theadminlng: I can only suggest installing an older Ubuntu version (or another OS whatsoever)10:13
deej1976!pastebin | zabomber:10:13
ubottuzabomber:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:13
lngtheadmin: I already done it...10:13
RaTTuS|BIGzabomber on a ps ax it will ahve a z in it10:13
remoteCTRLtheadmin: that was ravishingly easy! thanks! :)10:14
lngtheadmin: it was working... I decided to upgrade that 2 months later - same result10:14
zabomberRattus|BI it has a S+?10:14
zabombera D10:14
theadminremoteCTRL: No problem10:14
RaTTuS|BIGps axot | pastebinit  [or alter the ps for whatever] - deej1976 also knows what he's talking about10:14
j8hi everyone10:15
RaTTuS|BIGps axOT *10:15
lngtheadmin: should I use ubuntu-bug?10:15
theadminlng: Yeah, that's your best way out of it if you want to keep Ubuntu10:15
zabomberRattus|BI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/770971/10:16
lngtheadmin: ok, thanks10:16
remoteCTRLtheadmin: one more: do you happen to know whether this works with all wireless adapters or do I require some special ones?10:17
theadminremoteCTRL: Should work with all of those which work in Ubuntu10:17
virtuapostaHello all, need some help here RTNETLINK answers: No such process10:17
remoteCTRLtheadmin: almost too nice to be true:)10:18
theadminremoteCTRL: Linux is simple ;)10:18
remoteCTRLtheadmin: well from my position as a linux admin i have to oppose to that! :D10:18
virtuapostatwo ISPs two gateways when i restart networking it throws this error "RTNETLINK answers: No such process"10:18
theadminremoteCTRL: Hey, I used Arch and Gentoo and I still find Linux simplier than Windows :P10:19
Ganeshivahello World10:20
Ganeshivawhere is the ns2 install by default from ubuntu Software center10:21
Ganeshivai have installed ns2 from ubuntu softwarecenter10:21
Ganeshivawhere would be install by default10:22
remoteCTRLtheadmin: well i am windows certified, and i use linux practically exclusively. but not for reasons of simplicity :D10:22
deej1976Ganeshiva: I think ns2 is console program try typing ns in a terminal10:22
GaneshivaCan anyone help me out10:22
theadminremoteCTRL: I define simple as "Without unnecessary additions or complications"10:22
RaTTuS|BIGzabomber - it's not zombied but :- D is   uninterruptible sleep (usually IO) so unless it has a parent I think a reboot may be the only way10:23
Ganeshivai would like to find its lib and headers so that i can modify ti10:23
deej1976Ganeshiva: You will want to download the source files then from the repository, over to someone else for the apt-get command10:24
Ganeshivai have found only ns2's binary file but i need the lib and header files installed in my system10:24
Ganeshivawhere will the files installed from software center10:26
j8can i ask a question here10:27
PinekHi losers10:28
j8hi pinok10:28
Pinekj8 u should say pinek10:28
Pinekhow are u ?10:29
Pinekmy english is little.10:29
j8im gud and you10:29
Ganeshivahello sir please help me10:29
j8sarrry my english is fenny10:29
Pinekhow can i help u Ganeshiva ?10:29
Pinekhi krzysiek10:30
Pinekhow are u Krzys ?10:30
j8i mean fanny10:30
Ganeshivawhere is the ns2 install by default from ubuntu Software center10:30
j8so pinek do you know about  open source hardware10:31
PinekGaneshiva sorry but idk10:31
Pineki know about osh :)10:32
Ganeshivaby default where is the installation done by software center10:32
Pinekhow line is ubuntu 11.04 :)10:33
Pineksorry about my english.10:33
Pinekin ubuntu *10:33
j8oneiric is getting better now10:33
PinekKrzysiek japa tam ;D10:33
Pineknotuj bo podkabluje nauczycielce :D10:33
Krzysiekin english please10:34
j8you guys must be polish10:34
Pinekyou must write note because you have pałe :)10:34
Krzysieki don't have oneric10:34
Krzysiekyes :)10:34
Pinekyes of kors ;D10:34
deej1976Ganeshiva: In a terminal, mkdir SRC, cd SRC, apt-get source ns210:34
j8natty is faster .. and leave place for imagination of the user10:35
j8but the kernel is more stable now ..no crash10:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:38
deej1976tadasd: /quit10:41
remoteCTRLtheadmin: sry for the late response, boss... : well complications i had plenty, i could not complain about that, just to give a few hints: open-xchange greoupware server, freeradius with missing enries in sites-enabled because the debian packager forgot them, SSL that all of a sudden produces well known sets instead of random keys, etc... ;)10:44
ali3n0hi folks. I've got an half configured package (postgres-8.4) and I'd like to fix that, but I must not restart the service. Any suggestion?10:45
remoteCTRLtheadmin: erm... my boss was here i meant...10:45
theadminremoteCTRL: lol well... Sorry about that10:46
remoteCTRLtheadmin: well... thats just the way things are and it doesnt make too much of a difference to me whether ms messed it up or the linux community... what shall I say, millions of code lines, it is complicated... *g*10:47
somsipali3n0: doesn;t postgreSQL support a soft 'reload' using sudo service ?10:48
ali3n0somsip: maybe, but I'm quite sure aptitude does a stop and than a start10:49
theadminremoteCTRL: Because Ubuntu and many other distros add unnecessary additions. Those GUIs make stuff heavy and confusing10:49
somsipali3n0: you need to restall not just reconfigure? Hmmm....10:49
cousin_luigiIs there an easy way to remove the purple from everywhere?10:50
icerootcousin_luigi: just change the theme10:50
cousin_luigi(boot screen, lightdm background, desktop theme)?10:50
cousin_luigiiceroot: how?10:50
remoteCTRLtheadmin: gui is another completely different page... i was really only talking about the cli stuff, dude :) but lets continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic :)10:50
icerootcousin_luigi: if think for these 3 you need 3 steps because the theme shoudl only affect the logged in session10:51
cousin_luigiiceroot: suspected as much:/10:51
theadminremoteCTRL: I hate that channel, I'd rather use a PM session if you don't mind. Also, "dude" is not a valid way to address girls.10:51
cousin_luigiiceroot: where can I find a list of the available themes to use on unity?10:51
icerootcousin_luigi: i dont know10:52
remoteCTRLtheadmin: first of all PM is ok for me, and secondly sorry, gal in that case :D10:52
ali3n0somsip: well everything is running smoothly I just want to make aptitude stop to… try to stop postgres when I install a package10:52
somsipali3n0: Are you wanting to reinstall postgres, or are you talking about a different package?10:53
cousin_luigialso is there a way to change the font size?10:54
ali3n0somsip: I don't want to reinstall, just to fix the package status10:54
ali3n0it didn't stop+start correctly, and so it is "half configured" now10:55
somsipali3n0: I have no idea what you're meaning10:55
somsipali3n0: but it's working smoothly? I don't follow you10:55
pfifowhat was that SDK that ubuntu was pushing recently, I remember it had something todo with python10:55
ali3n0somsip: service is working ok10:56
ali3n0but dpkg is not happy:10:56
ali3n0iF  postgresql-8.410:56
ali3n0this is the output of dpkg -l postgresql-8.410:56
BillyJoeHow can I resize the main partition? Using Ubuntu Live CD? Some kind of "rescue CD"? Something else?10:56
ali3n0point is, if I run a configure, dpkg will run post-inst scripts, and stop postgresql10:56
ali3n0I don't want those post-install scripts to be run10:56
icerootBillyJoe: gparted on a live-cd10:57
BillyJoeiceroot, okay! Is it safe? Will I need to backup all files?10:57
icerootBillyJoe: its always a good idea to have a backup10:57
icerootBillyJoe: not only in this case10:57
BillyJoeiceroot, ok thanks!10:58
sarthorwhat can i get help about openerp on IRC?10:58
iceroot!alis | sarthor10:59
ubottusarthor: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*10:59
=== Dmitry is now known as Dmitry|a
BillyJoeOn the ubuntu download page I can't find "live cd". Is it the same as the ordinary version?11:01
llutzBillyJoe: the desktop-iso is live-cd11:01
BillyJoellutz, ok thanks!11:01
=== miguel is now known as Guest80038
bobalazshi ya guys, is this a channel for getting help to ubuntu?11:04
sarthorbobalazs: shoot.11:05
pfifoschnuffle, it is? I always thought it was for giving help11:05
Milan1992Can i ask a stupid question? Is it possible to set up auto mount DVD on ubuntu 10.10 server edition?11:05
pfifo!fstab | Milan199211:06
ubottuMilan1992: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:06
gast2roothow can i repair xvidcap for ocelot?11:06
bobalazsi dont specifically know a way to use a different not supported resolution - im using gnome and xfce - could i use an x11 or whatever it is called instead? (im a noob)11:07
pfifogast2root, first check for ppa's on launchpad.net and if you cant find anything suitable you can apt-get source and compile your own11:07
pfifobobalazs, gnome and xfce use X1111:07
inc0hi, I have problem, I've messed up my packages11:08
inc0and now even X wont start11:08
Milan1992these line: /dev/cdrom /home/szerver/film/DVD udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0  was added to fstab, but nothing happend:S I would like to aoutomount discks in real time not only at start up11:08
gast2rootpfifo: my xvidcap crashed for some reason after recording and can't find config file nowhere to delete11:08
inc0I wanted to turn mint into ubuntu oneiric with gnome shell11:08
pfifo!details | inc011:08
ubottuinc0: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:08
ikoniainc0: not going to happen11:08
inc0ikonia, well, I managed to run it11:08
inc0I installed gnome-pannel11:08
inc0and that broke everything including gnome itself11:09
deej1976!enter | inc011:09
ikoniainc0: we are not going to support your mint platform11:09
ubottuinc0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:09
ikoniainc0: ask the guys in the mint support channels11:09
ikonia!mint > inc011:09
ubottuinc0, please see my private message11:09
pfifogast2root, you can run dpkg -L <package name> to get a list of all the files that the package installs, your config should be listed11:09
inc0well, its not much of a mint now tbh, thats why I'm here. what I really wanted to ask is whats about this is32-libs-multiarch?11:10
pfifoMilan1992, des the directory /home/szerver/film/DVD exist?11:10
ikoniainc0: it is - it is a mint install that you have broken11:10
ikoniainc0: the guys in the mint support channel will help11:10
inc0well, ok...11:10
inc0ty anyway11:10
Milan1992yes, i created it. Is it possible that the root has no write privileg?11:11
Milan1992i can mount by hand.... (if it is important)11:11
pfifoMilan1992, ahh I see the problem, you have 'noauto' hence its not automounting11:11
Milan1992just change to auto and try out?11:12
pfifojust remove noauto11:12
gast2rootpfifo: list worked, but not sure what the config file would be11:12
pfifogast2root, usually config files are in /etc and have the extension .conf11:12
Milan1992pfifo: /dev/cdrom /home/szerver/film/DVD udf,iso9660 user,exec,utf8 0 0 ? or  /dev/cdrom /home/szerver/film/DVD udf,iso9660 user,auto,exec,utf8 0 011:13
bobalazsso if a driver doesn't recognize the connected external monitor and i can't set the desired resolution for it, what can i do? can i set up x to maybe set an unsupported resolution? I heard x11 doesnt can bypass the bios for resolutions? Its an old s3g unichrome igp integrated graphics card and the default maximum supported is 1920x1440 - and i would like 1920x1080 -how can i go about it? Also, the extended monitor is cloned by default,11:13
bobalazs though not recognized in display settings- i can not see the mouse- can i get help with that also?11:13
pfifoMilan1992, the former11:13
gast2rootpfifo: no .conf extension listed on dpkg and i searched /etc and /home on hidden files too...11:14
BillyJoeI have an ubuntu partition and a winxp partition and grub shows both. Now I will make the ubuntu partition smaller and remove the xp partition (using gparted in livecd) and then install windows 7 instead of XP. Will grub automatically work after this? Or is there something I should remember to do to make it work?11:16
gast2rootpfifo: this is the bug for xvidcap..any clue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xvidcap/+bug/31256311:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 312563 in xvidcap (Ubuntu) "xvidcap: xtoffmpeg.c guess_input_pix_fmt(): image depth 32 not supported ... aborting" [Medium,New]11:16
Milan1992well, it mount, but how can i unmount automaticly when i get it off the machine?:S11:18
pfifobobalazs, i usually write my own xorg.conf, its rather difficult todo11:18
pfifoMilan1992, what do you mean by "get it off the machine"11:19
Milan1992i put it into the drive <-mean take into the machine, and remove from drive mean get it off11:20
pfifogast2root, im not sure what todo about that, it seems though, xvidcap uses an xml file for configuration, you might not have one at all. check 'man xvidcap' to see if it gives any details about configuration files11:20
pfifoMilan1992, it wont eject until its unmounted so its not possible to do what your trying todo11:21
Milan1992im setting up a HTPC, ar something like that... And i would like to add the function to it which allow to wach films from dvd...11:21
llutzMilan1992: you don't mount a dvd to watch it11:22
Milan1992pfifo: You say i cant get the DVD out without unmount? The DVD is in my hand and the files are in the dir11:23
pfifoMilan1992, you might want to make a udev rule that autostarts VLC or whatever when you insert a DVD, and then autoejects when the player closes11:23
Milan1992I use a DLNA server program and its collect the files from the folder which u set.11:24
Milan1992now i can warch the films on the TV trough the LAN11:25
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
pfifoMilan1992, im sort of confused here, is the DVD a video disk or did you just burn some video's to it in data mode?11:25
Milan1992mainly in data mode.... just a few in DVD format, but those are not important, i can play them with desktop dvd player... The data disc are important11:26
zambacan someone please tell me how to get h264 encoder in ubuntu 11.10?11:27
Milan1992so i need a "copy" of the files into the /home/szerver/film/DVD dir to be visible for the DLNA server program11:27
boxis it possible to get google voice working with empathy11:27
dwarderhow do i use chm2pdf utility?11:27
pfifoMilan1992, well in that case I would look into udev, make it automount the DVD and then autostart a program, when that program ends the dvd unmounts and ejects11:28
dwarderi trued chm2pdf mychm.chm11:28
BlauskaerMdwarder: You read the manual11:28
dwarderBlauskaerM: good answer, have you tried?11:28
dwarderBlauskaerM: i did11:28
BlauskaerMdwarder: And you still didnt get it?11:28
pfifoMilan1992, i have no idea about DLNA. Im saying you should make a script that mounts/plays/unmounts/ejects11:29
Milan1992pfifo: but when i start the PC the DLNA server start same az a web server and be visible on the TV-s, i can see the dirs in the main folder called "film" and the program list all of the films in the dirs. i cant close the program, just turn of the pc11:29
BlauskaerMdwarder: Not really sure what you want to do but read this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-convert-chm-files-into-pdf-files-in-ubuntu.html11:30
dwarderBlauskaerM: got it11:30
deej1976dwarder: chm2pdf [options] input_filename [output_filename]11:30
dwarderdeej1976: () options11:30
dwarderthat was the key11:31
Milan1992pfifo: you said i cant eject dvd without unmount, but when i eject it, i can see the files in the folder where i mounted them:S11:31
dwarderdeej1976: in my manual it stated like you said11:31
deej1976dwarder: chm2pdf --help11:31
pfifoMilan1992, look into udev, there might be a way to unmount if and when you eject the dvd, although, normally you cant eject a mounted drive11:31
dwarderdeej1976: but in fact you have to chose either from --book or -webpage11:31
pfifo!udev | Milan199211:31
dwarderBlauskaerM: default manual is foobared11:32
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yacc(10.04LTS here) Any idea how to make fsck.ext4 check for invalid files (Dec 15 12:31:04 andidesk kernel: [83635.784684] EXT4-fs error (device dm-22): __11:37
yaccext4_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block - inode=16459777, block=197132320) => the block seems to be inside the LV, the LV is 2.06TB big.11:37
boxhow do i install telepathy-sofiasip ? i tried searching for it in the software centre but it doesn't find it11:37
warmI nee11:38
boxcan i just use apt-get install ?11:39
pfifobox, look for a PPA on launchpad.net11:39
pfifo!info telepathy-sofiasip11:39
ubottutelepathy-sofiasip (source: telepathy-sofiasip): SIP connection manager for the Telepathy framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-1 (oneiric), package size 82 kB, installed size 416 kB11:39
pfifobox, is universe enabled in your software-sources?11:40
pfifobox, have you run apt-get update lately?11:40
warmI need to move the cursor on the full screen in vim, which option should be set? thanks~11:40
Rickyfoxdoes anyone know what error code 100 of ubi-language means?11:40
pfifowarm, you should ask in #vim this is ubuntu support11:42
warmpfifo, oh, got it11:42
deej1976box: sudo apt-get install telepathy-sofiasip # 11.1011:43
gonhuytis this where I can get some help from11:43
pfifogonhuyt, yes just ask your question11:43
deej1976!ask | gonhuyt11:43
ubottugonhuyt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:43
adioe3workhey dudes, does anybody know which dell laptop is on the ubuntu frontpage? i.e. which series/model?11:45
gonhuytok cool thianks guys, my ethernet controller is not working after I installed ubuntu from windows 711:46
pfifogonhuyt, did you use wubi?11:47
Rickyfoxwhat's the terminal command to shut down?11:48
adioe3workricky26, sudo halt -h11:48
Rickyfoxokay thx11:48
pfifoRickyfox, i use 'sudo init 0'11:48
bobalazshow can i connect to internet through pppoe in a terminal (without x)11:50
adioe3workbobalazs, pppoe-start11:50
adioe3workdo pppoe-settings first11:51
bobalazsand this is dsl right?11:51
llutzbobalazs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:52
deej1976!ch | zen__11:53
ubottuzen__: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.11:53
Rickyfoxsrsly sometimes I just don't get ubuntu: Half an hour ago I tried to boot my notebook with ubuntu 10.10 on it, but didn't even get to the bootloader because the screen just showed "_" blinking. Then, after 5 minutes or so, it says something is wrong and that I should select a bootable partition or insert a bootable stick/disk. So I booted from my 10.10 live stick and got an error saying ubi-language crashed with11:53
Rickyfox error message 100. 10 minutes later Im booting again from my harddrive and EVERYTHING IS FUCKING OK11:53
* conntrack blames china11:54
deej1976!language | Rickyfox11:54
ubottuRickyfox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:54
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:54
Rickyfoxexcuse me11:54
BetaArkHi! Someone with a sandy bridge chipset here? :)11:55
ikoniaBetaArk: what's the issue ?11:56
zen__any body can speak chinease?11:56
ikoniazen__: #ubuntu-cn11:56
llutz!cn | zen__11:56
ubottuzen__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:56
BetaArkikonia: I have a sandy bridge board (h67).. I can't suspend, and my graphical is poor.. I read some forums, but I want to know if there are other users with the same issue.. (thinking about another mobo)11:58
ikoniaBetaArk: what video card are you using ?11:58
zen__hello everybody11:58
BetaArkikonia: the onboard one. Intel HD11:59
ikoniaBetaArk: ok - so in what way are the graphics "poor"11:59
Rickyfoxokay, calm this time. What could cause a temporary error with the bootloader?11:59
BetaArkikonia: sorry for the description.. I mean, when switching windows I sometimes have slow navigation11:59
deej1976Rickyfox: Failing hard drive ?12:00
ikoniaRickyfox: explain the issue12:00
ikoniaBetaArk: interesting,12:00
ikoniaBetaArk: could you please pastebin the output of "lspci" please.12:01
MonkeyDustRickyfox  did the error occur just once or repeatedly?12:01
BetaArkikonia: I use gnome-shell btw.12:01
ikoniaBetaArk: ok12:01
BetaArkikonia: Oke, I will do this tonight, and post the pastebin.. I don't have the PC at the moment.12:01
BetaArkikonia: Thanks :)12:02
BetaArkikonia: do you have an idea what the problem could be? Do I need to add something to the xorg file for Intel HD to work?12:02
ikoniaBetaArk: possibly,12:03
Rickyfoxokay it just occured once up until now, as I described I did nothing exceptional the last time I was logged in. But on the next boot the bootloader seems to have problems finding bootable partitions, so he asks me to reboot and select a partition or boot from another source.12:03
ikoniaRickyfox: was that error from the motherboard booting eg: "can't find bootable device" or something like that12:03
BetaArkikonia: oke, thanks.. will paste the lspci12:04
MonkeyDustRickyfox  are you using that same pc to chat, or can you reboot and say what happens12:04
RickyfoxI used my 10.10 live stick (my main partition is also 10.10) and tried to check for errors, but got an error stating that ubi-language crashed with error 100. Some minutes later I restart and boot from harddrive and everything is fine12:04
Rickyfoxeh don't know ikonia, could be12:04
ikoniaRickyfox: a possible option is that the motherboard is trying to boot the disk before it's spun up12:04
ikoniaRickyfox: some bios's have a "delay boot for X seconds" option to counter this, especially in machines with lots of disks12:05
e75so my microphone doesn't work half the time i load up ubuntu. sometimes i can reboot and it'll work just fine though.12:06
Rickyfoxbut if that'd be the case it would've happened to me before, wouldn't it?12:06
ikoniaRickyfox: not really12:06
ikoniaa disk can be delayed sometimes12:06
ikoniazen__: this channel is English only12:07
tar_I just upgraded from 7.04 to 10.4 and for some reason it's not trusting anybody's SSL certificates. Am I missing a package that installs the major root certificates?12:07
ikoniazen__: you have been told where you can speak chineese12:07
ikoniatar_: personally I would not trust that upgrade process12:08
zen__that room just me12:08
Rickyfoxokay so I can toggle delayed boot in the bios or what? What is that exactly called?12:08
ikoniazen__: no it's not12:08
ikoniazen__: there are 89 people in it12:08
ikoniazen__: #ubuntu-cn12:08
schnuffletar_: check if ca-certificates is installed12:08
ikoniaRickyfox: it's different in every bios12:09
ikoniaRickyfox: is this happening a lot ?12:09
=== broofa_ is now known as broofa
Rickyfoxnope, happed to me for the first time12:09
zen__how can i join that room12:09
tar_schnuffle: nope!12:09
ikoniaRickyfox: ok, so I wouldn't worry about it12:09
e75so my microphone doesn't work half the time i load up ubuntu. sometimes i can reboot and it'll work just fine though.12:09
ikoniazen__: how did you join it before ?12:09
schnuffletar_: then install it12:09
=== Qualia is now known as Qua|lunch
detrix42How do I create a symbolic link in someone else's  home directory to a directory/file in my home directory?12:10
e75any ideas what i should read into?12:10
e75i tried restarting pulseaudio, but that doesn't help12:10
tar_schnuffle: seems reasonable. thanks, I think it worked12:10
schnuffledetrix42: ln -s /path/to/the/physical/file /path/to/where/it/should/be/linked12:11
zen__i am in that thanks12:11
schnuffledetrix42: keep in mind you need to adjust the file rights12:11
Rickyfoxokay guys thanks for the help, much appreciated12:12
detrix42schnuffle:  so I dont need sudo ln ...?12:12
schnuffledetrix42: It depends on the rights. If you have world readable home dirs you shouldn't need it12:13
prashanthow to resolve all dependencies of package through command line?12:13
schnuffleprashant: use apt-get or aptitude which resloves the deps12:14
ikoniaprashant: the package manager will resolve for you12:14
prashantbut i want it do manually i.e i'm installing the software by compiling the source code12:15
ikoniaprashant: then you have to manually solve deps12:15
RaTTuS|BIGprashant - then install it all via apt-get then remove the package you really want then complie and install - then go back to apt-get12:16
pfifoprashant, apt-get build-dep <package name> will install all the build dependacies for a package12:16
pfifoprashant, but not the package itself12:17
prashantok thanks for that guys!12:18
prashantif i want list out all the dependencies for a package for an offline installation then how can i get it?12:21
zgrhello I have oneiric distribution and can't update using update manager, it says "requires installation of untrusted packages" ttf-wqy-zenhei which is korean fonts package (I'm using en_US locale, dunno why i need them). Unchecking it with "distribution updates" makes no difference12:22
JTWUAny humans here?12:23
schnuffleprashant: try dpkg -I <package>12:23
schnuffle!ask | JTWU12:24
ubottuJTWU: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:24
JTWUcheeky git12:24
Gentoo64JTWU: whats the problem then12:25
JTWUHaving an issue with Skype and JoliOS12:25
JTWUPulse Audio??12:25
MonkeyDustJTWU  wrong channel12:25
icerootJTWU: and what does jolios has to do with ubuntu?12:25
pfifoprashant, you need to download the package with apt-get -d install <package name> and then dpkg-query -W /var/cache/apt/archive/<package .deb>12:25
boxhow do i create a tunnel12:26
boxssh tunnel12:26
icerootbox: ssh user@host -L localhost:9999:remote-host:888812:26
icerootbox: replace the ip/port with your needs12:26
MonkeyDustbox  basically: ssh user@remote_ip12:26
boxiceroot thank youu12:26
schnufflebox: http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-use-ssh-local-and-remote-port-forwarding.html12:27
aaron32I have a problem.12:31
iceroot!details | aaron3212:31
ubottuaaron32: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:31
aaron32Okay, I tryed to install linux using Wubi, It failed, Access denied yadda yadda, I already got it handled12:32
aaron32When I restarted my computer, It comes up with a error about ubuntu12:32
aaron32I press enter12:32
aaron32It has the duel boot thing12:33
iceroot!enter | aaron3212:33
ubottuaaron32: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:33
aaron32And I went into windows 712:33
aaron32Oh god damn it.12:33
gunfire007commands of ubuntu and debian are exactly same ?12:33
icerootgunfire007: no12:33
pfifogunfire007, most are, depends on what you doing12:33
MonkeyDustaaron32  the trick is to not use wubi12:34
prashanthow to install a package on ubuntu in offline mode?12:35
gunfire007iceroot and pfifo i am learning more about web servers and stuff, so for that which one should i go for ?12:35
aaron32MonkeyDust, Its not Wubi, Its my computer itself.12:35
pfifoprashant, check out dpkg12:35
Gentoo64gunfire007: up to you12:35
pfifogunfire007, ubuntu desktop can do anything a server can do and youll have the gui to make it a bit easier12:36
gunfire007Gentoo64: for latest hardwares which one woule be the best ?12:36
Gentoo64gunfire007: for hardware theyre both pretty much the same i think12:36
prashantbut dpkg install the package whose .deb package is there.12:36
Gentoo64but debian supports more cpus12:36
pfifogunfire007, I recommend debain for a real server12:36
Pengu1n_Phr0zenGentoo64, Are U the same as Gentoo_0wnz?12:37
YcareneHave updates for 11.04 stopped?12:37
pfifoprashant, you can use apt-get -d install to download packages to /var/cache/apt/archive12:37
Gentoo64never heard of him lol12:37
Pengu1n_Phr0zenGentoo64, It's a she.12:37
Pengu1n_Phr0zenGentoo64, A dyke to be precise.12:37
Pengu1n_Phr0zenGentoo64, Probably a shim.12:38
Gentoo64ok, well no anyway12:38
deej1976!11.04 | Ycarene12:38
ubottuYcarene: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110412:38
klq: how to unlock screen in ubuntu ?12:38
Gentoo64kl: type the password12:38
gunfire007ok pfifo :)12:38
pfifokl, for xscreensaver you just move the mouse and type in your password12:38
kldoes not work ... it unlocks only when i change user (nb am the only user in system)12:39
pfifokl what dosent work exactly?12:39
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:39
Loshki 12:40
zulunite /quit12:41
BluesKajhiyas all12:41
klyes that is a strong statement maybe i have something not configured... but when i type my password  the screen is not unlocked it asks me for the password again..12:41
=== amine is now known as pioneer_for
pfifokl, are you sure you giving it the right password?12:43
happygoluckyif i have quad core how come my CPU percentage hits 800 percent and shows 8 cores12:44
Gentoo64happygolucky: probably HT12:44
icerootgunfire007: use debian on a webserver12:44
bobalazspfifo : command line mode is broken up :/12:44
pfifobobalazs, what do you mean?12:45
kltsayes it is the same as the one am giving when i press the change user button ..12:45
pfifomy run `reset`?12:45
bobalazsits at some weird resolution and screen is half visible with broken up in two12:45
icerootgunfire007: ubuntu is better if you want newer software and a better usability on the gui, debian is better if you want a stable system for servers (imo)12:46
pfifobobalazs, im not sure, you should try rebooting and at grub menu edit the kernel line and add noX12:46
bobalazsmeh xD12:46
compdochappygolucky, you have an Intel cpu with hyperthreading12:47
Yanch0https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo <- anyone can link me to some article similar to this please? i am trying to get my desktop to login to wifi before prompting for screen12:47
gunfire007iceroot: thanks :)12:47
compdochappygolucky, but as far as the 800% - what process is eating the cpu time?12:48
pfifocompdoc, bitcoind12:50
pfifoand gcc12:50
boxi'm having a problem with the screen on my netbook. nothing seems to fit my resolution and i can't increase it any more12:50
davorlozic01Hi box. Have you installed drivers?12:51
no_gravityHello from Germany! In ubuntu 11, it seems when i quit firefox, it somehow still occupies the top menu bar. when i go there with the mouse, i still see "file bookmarks" etc. any ideas? is there no more taskbar, where you can see wich applications are running?12:51
no_gravityOh, and when I try to click on the menu bar, nothing happens.12:52
davorlozic01Go to System Monitor.12:52
boxdavorlozic01 it's the correct drivers and maximum supported resolution 1024x60012:52
no_gravitydavorlozic01: me?12:52
davorlozic01There you have list of opened application.12:52
no_gravitydavorlozic01: where is the system monitor?12:52
schnufflebox: check your graphic card: lspci | grep VGA and then check if the correct drivers are installed12:52
boxsome applications don't have scrollbars like thunderbirds preferences so i'm wondering how anyone else in similar situations gets by?12:53
no_gravitydavorlozic01:  i only have a couple of application icons on the left (firefox, openoffice...) and thats it.12:53
no_gravityin older ubuntus, i used to hit ALT+F1 to get to the main menu. Is that not possible anymore in Ubuntu 11?12:53
davorlozic01Go to the first icon (like start).12:53
davorlozic01Then, write System Monitor.12:53
davorlozic01Then in System Monitor, go to processes.12:54
davorlozic01THere is the list of running processes.12:54
no_gravitydavorlozic01: the one with the ubuntu sign? it reads "dash home" when i hover it. nothing happens when i click it.12:54
boxnever mind; this is a sufficient solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183969212:54
davorlozic01Well... You have to find it somehow... Use search somewhere... The app is System Monitor. How will you find it? I don't know. :)12:56
no_gravityi have been using ubuntu 11 for a few days now and for me its a complete mess. is there a way to get back to the old behaviour?12:56
davorlozic01You mean the old look?12:56
icerootno_gravity: only with a reinstall, downgrade is not possible12:57
davorlozic01sudo apt-get install gnome-panel12:57
davorlozic01Then you will get on startup to choose.12:57
pfifono_gravity, you might want to try xubuntu instead apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:57
iceroot!who | davorlozic0112:57
ubottudavorlozic01: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:57
kandrosno_gravity, there are some workaround but is not the same... just reinstall 11.04 or 10.04 till they are supported12:57
no_gravitypfifo: let me google that...12:57
davorlozic01ubottu: I'm sorry. :D12:58
ubottudavorlozic01: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:58
pfifono_gravity, it looks and feels like ubuntu 10.0412:58
atruno-hi bazhang12:59
kandroswhy go to xubuntu 10.04 stay updated for 1 year +12:59
no_gravitykandros: why reinstall 11.04?13:00
auronandace!lts | kandros13:00
ubottukandros: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:00
pfifocant wait for 12.0413:00
no_gravityor maybe i will give debian a try. havent used it for years.13:01
kandrosi know i just wrote very bad what i had in mind, i was meaning if no_gravity likes 10.04 is smarter to stay there till 2013 instead of use xubuntu 11.1013:02
tarvid_How do I fix this BADSIG problem - http://paste.ubuntu.com/771089/13:02
dddbmtHi guys. Is there a way to record the screen of an ipad in ubuntu?13:03
dydwhat tool can i use to convert m4a to mp3?13:03
schnuffledyd: lame13:04
no_gravitydyd: ffmpeg -i some.m4a -f mp3 thing.mp313:04
no_gravitydyd: ^ that would be my first try13:04
Tech-1make sure ffmpeg is installed13:05
no_gravityHow can I get rid of the main menu in Ubuntu 11?13:05
signal0did anyone knows about that problem: we've bought a new lenovo laptop. the touchpad has no "special" buttons for right and left click. so it's not possible to "click and drag" something13:05
pfifosignal0, tap and taphold13:06
pfifosignal0, you might be out of luck with a rightmouse drag tho13:07
signal0pfifo: hm... so thats an known issue?13:08
pfifosignal0, no it isnt, i haven't ever heard of a touchpad without buttons before13:08
no_gravitysignal0: a lenovo without mouse buttons?13:09
no_gravitysignal0: which lenovo is it?13:10
signal0it has mouse buttons... the whole touchpad is a button ;)13:10
signal0but when i "click" it and drag, it's not working13:10
signal0lenovo e420s13:11
BarkingFishsignal0: just a thought, how many fingers is the touchpad designed to recognise at one time?13:11
signal0BarkingFish: two finger scrolling works13:11
dydno_gravity: thanks13:11
no_gravitysignal0: the photos of the e420s i see all have mouse buttons.13:11
BarkingFishSome can have up to 3 recognised13:12
benoliver999I have shortcuts to Pictures, Videos, Ubuntu One, Documents etc... on my desktop. When I delete the shortcuts, it deletes the files for real! How can I get rid of these?13:12
signal0no_gravity: yeah, but they're for the trackpoint13:12
StravHi! Ah, speaking about lenovo. I'm on a lenovo x200, and since a few weeks, I'm experiencing random loss of my network interfaces. What happens is: on a sudden (more especially after a resume from suspend, but not always), the wireless indicator just switch off. Then ifconfig says: nada, not even the ethernet interface is showing up. /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't help either. Besides, I still cannot find any related bug on13:12
Stravlaunchpad. Any suggestions?13:12
signal0the touchpad self is a mousbutton too13:12
no_gravitysignal0: now i understand.13:13
* no_gravity is on lenovo x301 and loves it!13:13
raven_how to install routes to openbve?13:13
pfifobenoliver999, use `unlink`13:15
Stravno_gravity: please don't make me jealous. ;) But still the x301 is too big for my taste.13:15
benoliver999pfifo: How?13:16
no_gravityStrav: the x200 is smaller?13:16
Strav12" of screen diagonal. Not thinner though.13:17
pfifobenoliver999, unlink /home/ben/Pictures13:17
no_gravitythere was some new samsung 13" notebook that is really thin. but i forgot the name.13:17
deej1976New laptops this year are UltraBooks13:18
BillyJoeIs there a way to shorten all long filenames in a folder and its subfolders so I can copy the files to a windows system?13:18
Stravno_gravity: it's just sad that lenovo is going to follow the chicklets keyboard trend.13:18
benoliver999pfifo: Thanks man13:19
Kurdistanhi will the stable kernel 3.1 find its way to 11.10?13:19
no_gravityStrav: whats chicklets?13:19
rumpelKurdistan, no13:20
rumpelKurdistan, it's not a rolling release13:20
ApplesouceHey I have a question, is it possible to go into a Terminal-Stage with Ubuntu without the GUI13:21
pfifoBillyJoe, I remember seeing a bulk rename tool in synaptic in 8.0413:21
Applesoucelike in Backtrack?13:21
Kurdistanrumpel, I know it is not rolling release but it is still in mainline kernel13:21
Stravno_gravity: check out the keyboard on the x120e13:21
apertureApplesouce: cntrl+alt+f1-f6 will put you in a terminal without invoking the gui13:21
StravSo anyone experiencing loss of network interface, recently, on ubuntu 11.10?13:22
Gentoo64Strav: wired?13:22
BarkingFishApplesouce: just remember to use CTRL ALT F7 or F8 to get back to a GUI :)13:22
magikidIs is possible to reinstall ubuntu without deleting a given directory?13:22
MonkeyDustmagikid  if your /home is on its own partition13:23
aaron32What the fucl13:23
aaron32*what the fuck13:23
FloodBot1aaron32: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:23
icerootaaron32: no need that here13:23
pangolin!language | aaron3213:23
ubottuaaron32: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:23
magikidMonkeyDust: It's not but what if I were to boot a live cd and just delete all the directories except the one I want to keep?13:23
magikidAnd then of course, reinstall13:24
Blackhow can i enforce grub to load up in a certain 640x480 or 800x600 resolution? Ubuntu 10.4.3 - Im getting the screen unreadable full of vertical lines13:24
aaron32Sorry, God, I can't read every rule.13:24
Gentoo64magikid: just copy the dir somewhere else13:24
Gentoo64the  move it back13:24
Tech-1common sense13:24
icerootmagikid: depending if the directory is an extra partiton/mountpoint13:24
KurdistanBlack, by modify grub13:24
pangolin!guidelines | aaron32 Please read all the guidelines13:24
ubottuaaron32 Please read all the guidelines: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:24
Busybyeskihi guys, i've got a question.  it's my first time ever trying to use ssh, and maybe i oughtn't be using ssh but someone convinced me it was the best option.  i just want to share files from one machine to another.  the machine that has the files is running ubuntu liveusb and the files are mounted, but on a different disk.  i can ssh in (woo!) but i can't get to the external drives. any suggestions or am i going about this wrong?13:24
BlackKurdistan can you give specific details?13:24
icerootaaron32: but you can enable your brain, with an enabled brain you dont have to read every rule13:24
StravGentoo64: hmmm. I would have thought that wired too since it was not listed up when trying ifconfig but I just realized it's down by default if I'm not connected.13:25
aaron32iceroot, Don't insult me.13:25
no_gravityBusybyeski: define "i cant get to the external drives"13:25
aaron32Infact, I'm goooooooooone.13:25
magikidGentoo64: It's huge, it's the local backups for several computers13:25
aaron32Feel free to backsass me.13:25
aaron32You guys.13:25
StravGentoo64: so I must say that until I check it out more closely, it's only the wlan.13:25
icerootaaron32: stop it now please13:25
aaron32You know, Because thats totally cool13:25
Busybyeskino_gravity: i don't know where they can be located in the file system, i don't think i can find them anywhere13:25
Gentoo64Strav: not sure13:25
KurdistanBlack, install StartUp-Manager13:25
Kurdistaneasiets GUI way13:26
Kurdistanchange resolution13:26
Kurdistancolor depth to 24 bits13:26
Applesouceso whats up13:26
Applesoucecan I stop the xserver on Ubuntu13:27
no_gravityBusybyeski: try "ls /mnt" and "ls /media"13:27
BlackKurdistan and would that would work if i want to modify grub to -noX ?13:27
tron_not much, watching doctor who13:27
KurdistanBlack, no clue.13:27
Busybyeskino_gravity:  haha perfect timing i just found them in /media. Thanks!13:27
Blacki get an unreadable screen at control-alft f113:28
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pfifoApplesouce, `sudo service gdm stop` use `update-rc.d` to make it permanent13:30
VanessaEgood morning all.  Can someone please tell me how to disable the password/lock when resuming from suspend (in 11.10)?13:31
pfifoApplesouce, or light-dm insted of gdm if you on a newer ubuntu13:31
MonkeyDustVanessaE  system settings > screen13:31
VanessaEMonkey: already tried that.13:31
Applesouceam on the newest Ubuntu13:31
pfifoApplesouce, does `sudo service light-dm stop` do what you expect?13:32
ApplesouceI don't know yet, at the moment I can't really give it a try^^13:32
Applesoucebut I'll write all the solutions down13:32
pfifoApplesouce, it should13:33
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Applesoucewhen I use light-dm stop13:33
Applesoucehow do I start it again?13:33
YahosainHi I can see a movie's subtitle alright using vlc and encoding set to "cp 1256" but when I do              mplayer "movie name" -subfont-encoding 'cp 1256'       the subtitle is messed13:33
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icerootYahosain: maybe try #mplayer if there is something like that13:34
Yahosainoh thankyou13:34
VanessaEI suppose I should mention this is Xfce/Xubuntu rather than gnome13:35
Lee_Prison<body>  http://abc/abc.mp3    name:abc   http:// cde/cde/.mp3 name:cde   .....</body>      how to use grep -P to select from it?13:36
BarkingFishBlack: when you say "unreadable" what do you mean? Is it too small, messed up, looks like it's encrypted or what? :)13:36
ApplesouceI Think messed up xD13:36
pfifoBlack, you should imagebin a picture of your console13:37
Blackits like a graphics error-- full of lines and dots13:37
snikkerwhen i run cairo-dock, i've got this error:13:37
snikkerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".13:37
snikker(cairo-dock:2532): GdkGLExt-WARNING **: Window system doesn't support OpenGL.13:37
snikkercan you help me?13:37
Lee_PrisonI use that   grep -P 'http://.*mp3'    but   I don't know how to avoid greedy mode13:38
rethusi have kubuntu with pulseaudio... how can i mute single channels of my 7.1 soundcard by script?13:38
pfifoBlack, try adding 'nomodeset' to the kernel line13:38
pfifo!nomodeset | Black13:38
ubottuBlack: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:38
foormeawhen you install openssh-server, it STARTS sshd, but it doesn't add it to your rc2.d, does it? i'm wondering if my sshd is running on my remote computer just because i never rebooted the box after installing openssh-server, or because it somehow gets started in an other way than rcX.d?13:38
Blackright o i think that answers that problem13:38
icerootfoormea: it will start sshd after a reboot13:38
foormeaiceroot: how does it start it? i'm not seeing any link in rc2.d or rcS.d13:39
pfifo!upstart | foormea13:39
icerootfoormea: upstart13:39
ubottufoormea: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:39
foormeacool thanks guys i'll read up about that13:39
Lee_Prisonwho knowd the grep -P  none-greedy mode13:40
Sid0035any devs in hear at all?13:40
timposeyI have locked myself out of the admin by changing my password and forgetting what I had changed it to, I searched for and found a way to change it but now the screen where you choose the kernal will not display at startup... any suggestions, I don't even know what you call this screen to do a search.13:41
MonkeyDustSid0035  try #ubuntu-devel13:41
PiciSid0035: Please keep in mind that -devel is not a support channel though.13:41
Sid0035thanks monkey :)13:41
Sid0035oh oh13:41
Sid0035i dont know if a normal dev channel can tell me what i need though XD13:42
Sid0035i mean support XD13:42
pfifo!ask | Sid003513:42
ubottuSid0035: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:42
PiciSid0035: Why don't you try asking your question first.13:42
deej1976Sid0035: How about just ask your question13:42
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foormeaah ok so basically with upstart, everything goes into /etc/conf/, and there's 1 single file per service. mh. ok. what was wrong with sysv-rc?13:43
pfifofoormea, sysv is slow13:44
Sid0035ok um well im i have some programs im useing that i need a back up of before i swich to debain "Sid"13:44
DannyButtermanHi there13:44
deej1976details | Sid0035:13:45
deej1976!details | Sid0035:13:45
ubottuSid0035:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:45
BarkingFishtimposey: When you get past the BIOS Self test or your manufacturer screen, press Escape, and you should get your kernel menu13:45
DannyButtermanDoes someone know how to force NetworkManager to execute some script when a network connection is closing ?13:45
foormeapfifo: ok13:45
Sid0035ok sorry lol ive been up all night XD13:46
deej1976DannyButterman: Possible place a script in here: /etc/network/if-down.d13:46
DannyButtermandeej1976: would it work for a wifi connection ?13:47
foormeapfifo: any nice and easy and convenient CLI to configure services that fall into upstart? like sysv-rc-conf?13:47
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Yanch0guys i am trying to get wifi to connect to a wep network automatically. i removed network-manager - should i be using wpa_supplicant ? any tutorial you recommend? im seeing that 11.10 removed wpa_supplicant.conf :S13:47
pfifofoormea, i think your looking for `update-rc.d`13:47
eduardosHi guys. I am using apt-pinning because I want my own repository be priority. It works fine when I put my repo and Ubuntu oficial repo (lucid) in source.list. But it doesn't work when I put my repo and ubuntu-security repo! How can I change this?13:47
icerootYanch0: why you removed network-manager?13:47
DannyButtermandeej1976: we were trying to use the /etc/NetworkManager/Dispatcher.d/01ifupdown feature but to no avail13:48
deej1976DannyButterman:  It should13:48
Yanch0iceroot, was told to start by removing that. i want it to connect before gnome login - basically similar to cable connect13:48
ubuntu-partial-uhi, i'm using ubuntu 10.04 x64, and the update service is bringing up a message which is suggesting a partial upgrade. will this upgrade update the system to ubuntu 11 or keep the current version (10.04)?13:48
timposeyBarkingFish, I will try that, but I thought I had done that, but I have no trouble doing it again to see if it will work13:49
icerootubuntu-partial-u: depending on the exact message you are getting13:49
pfifoubuntu-partial-u, it will update individual packages to the newest 10.04 packages, you wont be upgrading to ubuntu 11.1013:50
icerootubuntu-partial-u: if it tells " a new ubuntu release is availbe" it will go to 10.1013:50
icerootubuntu-partial-u: but normal updates never update the ubuntu-version they just bring secuerity-updates13:50
ubuntu-partial-u@iceroot: i've used versions 11.04 and 11.10, and prefer to stick to 10.04. so as long as it doesn't change the version, i don't mind updating. the software settings are set to LTS updates only. the message is about general updates, which i'll paste a screenshot.13:51
icerootubuntu-partial-u: if it is set to "lts only" you dont have to be afraif13:52
icerootubuntu-partial-u: because there is no newer lts (stable) at the moment13:52
Yanch0iceroot, should i get network-manager again ?13:54
Sid0035ok i have to swich to the new version of debain code named "Sid", im using ubuntu 11.10 and i need to transfer all of my programs and files i need that i have gotten in the past 5 days or so, also some files that i have created and will need on the new debain Code named "Sid"13:54
ubuntu-partial-u@iceroot: heres the message: http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/9653/ubuntumsg.png13:54
Sid0035but i have no cd's or any thing to externaly back my the data i need up :(13:54
pfifoSid0035, use scp or nfs to transfer them to a different box13:55
jitaWhich mail server should i use which is easier to configure13:55
pfifojita, exim413:56
Sid0035so can i use my ubuntu one account on the new Debain system that?13:56
icerootYanch0: i am not sure if network-manager can do it13:56
DannyButtermandeej1976: as a matter of fact, it doesn't work either ( /etc/network/if-down.d/)13:56
Gentoo64Sid0035: just backup the configs and reinstall the progs13:56
Gentoo64Sid0035: although the versions might be different13:56
Gentoo64and might have idfferent config options13:56
icerootubuntu-partial-u: what is the output of "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc"13:56
pfifoubuntu-partial-u, I can see in the background that its holding back linux-generic, this is because kernel version 3.0 just came out, you can safely ignore that message, you dont need to upgrade to 3.013:59
timposeyBarkingFish, the screen would not appear using the Esc key14:01
pfifoubuntu-partial-u, more specifically you can run partial upgrade, it will install all the updates except the new kernel, you would still have 10.04lts afterwards14:01
BarkingFishtry holding it down until you see "GRUB Loading" appear, timposey14:01
ubuntu-partial-u@pfifo: ok, i'll run the upgrade. thanks14:02
Sid0035so um will i have access ubuntu one on the new system if thats a yes i can store my saves non programs there also right?14:03
sam22i have xorg-server 2:1.10.1-1ubuntu1.3 installed.. how to install xorg-server 2:1.10.1-1ubuntu1.214:04
DannyButtermanCan someone help me using the /etc/network/if-down.d feature ? so far I can't make it run a script of mine. It can't even log what happens though it does when ran in command line14:04
timposeyBarkingFish, nothing it just goes straight through to the login screen and it has never done this before14:05
Yanch0anyone can guide me through my wifi problem please?14:05
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BarkingFishI can't think what's up then, timposey - I never have that problem.  I hit escape, get my kernel menu, hit enter and I'm off....14:05
Sid0035man i suck in chat rooms XD14:06
pfifotimposey, BarkingFish, you need to boot and then hold down SHIFT to get to the grub menu14:06
GaRRuHow can I compile EXE files into Language Codes that can be read? using Kubuntu 11.04. Any Compiler?14:07
GaRRuYanch0, What is your problem with WiFi?14:07
BarkingFishpfifo: I was originally told to use Escape, and that works here.14:07
Yanch0GaRRu, can't find some good documentation on wpa_supplicant on ubuntu oneirc14:07
BarkingFishIf it's the wrong information, I have this channel to thank for it.  I came here first when I joined Kubuntu, cause I didn't know it had a channel.14:08
GaRRuYanch0, Answer me in Pm14:08
pfifoGaRRu, what are you trying todo with exe files?14:09
Yanch0GaRRu, u sure its better not talking in channel?14:09
sam22guys how to configure Xorg14:09
GaRRuYanch0, I need this channel for my question too.14:09
pfifoGaRRu, maybe your looking for something like this http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/alien-autopsy-reverse-engineering-win32-trojans-linux14:10
icerootsam22: normally with /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:10
GaRRupfifo, I got an Exe File that I want to read what is inside that file, do you know any way to compile it to a readable language?14:10
icerootGaRRu: not possible14:10
icerootGaRRu: only reverse-engineering14:10
GaRRuiceroot, why not?14:10
Sid0035dont know about u guys but i do way better when i have been up all night just talking in TS3 XD14:10
GaRRuiceroot, so it is possible14:11
icerootGaRRu: because you cant get source-code from binarys14:11
icerootGaRRu: its not14:11
pfifoGaRRu, you can decompile it to assembly, and you can 'read' assembly so to speak14:11
Sid0035but i cant rember any of my old server to join form when i had windows :(14:11
icerootGaRRu: you can get asm-code but no c code or something like that14:11
usr13iceroot: GaRRu I'm a latecomer to this conversation but, why not use wine?14:12
icerootusr13: what?14:12
GaRRuiceroot, pfifo, I said a language that is read to man kind, that includes ASM,C,C++,Java,C# etc etc..14:12
icerootusr13: reread the discussion14:12
icerootGaRRu: have fun to read big programs in asm14:12
GaRRuusr13, I am not trying to make the exe file work.. I am trying to read what there is in it14:12
pfifoGaRRu, well check out that link i gave you, you can decompile following their method14:13
GaRRuiceroot, anyway to compile it to asm?14:13
usr13GaRRu: Oh.  Not sure where to go with that....14:13
icerootGaRRu: as i said, reverse-engineering14:13
GaRRupfifo, I will, Thanks for now. iceroot, how?14:13
icerootGaRRu: Disassembling with a Disassembler14:13
pfifoGaRRu, what do you want to get out of the file?14:14
rs0832GaRRu,  you can have a look at http://boomerang.sourceforge.net and see if it suits you14:14
Gentoo64is this not offtopic14:14
Sid0035i think he wants teddy bears :D14:14
pfifoGaRRu, you might be able to use a program similiar to PEExplorer to extract a resource in it14:15
GaRRupfifo, What is that? a software?14:15
pfifoGaRRu, ask google, its kinda hard to explan, and this is off topic14:16
Sid0035i forgot the topic of this chat long 5 mins ago14:16
Sid0035that's what happens when ya cant sleep XD14:17
GaRRupfifo, I'm trying to get out from it a reasonable way to bypass an administrator password on Windows XP/7 OS, or bypass the useage of clicking on "Run as Administrator" at all.. just running another Exe File14:17
Gentoo64GaRRu: ask in windows lol14:17
Gentoo64and to bypass uac for exes, use task scheduler14:17
Gentoo64but this isnt exactly ubuntu related :)14:18
GaRRuGentoo64 explaine please?14:18
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Gentoo64google windows 7 bypass uac task scheduler14:18
Gentoo64thats all14:19
Sid0035brb i think people are hiding the cookies i saw a few days ago XD14:19
GaRRuGentoo64, I will check it out now. just need a backgroud how it is done (That's why I wanted a Exe compiler)14:20
icerootGaRRu: you dont want a compiler14:20
icerootGaRRu: you want a decompiler14:20
icerootGaRRu: but trust me, you dont want that!!!14:21
Gentoo64GaRRu: seriously ill get kicked, but basically task scheduler allows to run any program as superuser, without the uac prompt popping up, by making a shortcut14:21
icerootGaRRu: just buy your windows, dont put offtopic in this channel and so on14:21
pfifoGentoo64, that sounds secure14:21
GaRRuiceroot, I know what your talking about xD I tried reading files of ASM codes, some took me ages. and yeah a decompiler :P14:21
Gentoo64well, you do need admin access to access task scheduler...14:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:22
GaRRuiceroot, its not exactly for me :) Its for an entire community :D14:22
mxracer450Hello all, was wondering if anyone could take the time to help an ubuntu n00b get his sound working again?14:23
usr13mxracer450: aslamixer14:24
GaRRuIceroot, pfifo, Gentoo64, Thank you for your kind help. Ill be checking all the stuff you brought me right now.14:24
usr13!sound | mxracer45014:24
ubottumxracer450: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:24
mxracer450thank you. My settings in sound preferences are correct14:24
mxracer450Nothing has changed...just recently stopped working. I will check these links though.14:24
usr13mxracer450: What does alsamixer say?14:26
mxracer450usr13: im not sure what your referring to14:27
Sid0035so any one have a ts server that has used the debain "sid" version and saw if they had actcess to ubuntu one working in that program? i need to use it to hold stuff but i wont bother with that code version if i cant take all my files with me that i need to have XD14:27
usr13mxracer450: Open a terminal and type    alsamixer    hit enter.  First look in upper left corner to see that your sound card is identified properly.14:29
mxracer450gotchya....one sec14:29
Milan1992-ubuntuHi again. A made a mistake and i cant edit the /etc/fstab, read/only and cant use chmod on it... How can i repair the files, with live cd?14:29
mxracer450yes, sound card is identified usr1314:29
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BluesKajmxracer450, alsa recently updated , and if you check alsmixer the automute may need disabling14:29
usr13mxracer450: Next look at the various channel collums, see that they are not muted, (there will be MM at bottom of the collum if it is muted).14:30
mxracer450the only column that is muted is the "beep"column14:30
jclbrti feel good... i think i've prob hit the best results on speedtest.net than anyone i know14:30
jclbrtwith a 5ms response time too14:31
mxracer450│although, speaker is set to zero for some reason. even though all of my volume tabs in the gui are set high14:31
sam22what type of internet connection give you 5ms ?14:31
sam22UK ?14:31
jclbrtno US14:31
Yanch0guys anyone can help me set up wpa_supplicant with  wep authentication please?14:31
sam22how far is the server from you ?14:31
sam22how many miles ?14:32
jclbrtjust a dedicated fiber hand off14:32
jclbrtlike 100 miles14:32
usr13mxracer450: move right to left with right and left arrows.  Raise volume level with up arrow.14:32
sam2250 miles14:32
sam22so 1 ms for each mile14:32
usr13mxracer450: move right to left with right and left arrows, so select various channels.  Raise volume level with up arrow.14:32
sam221ms for 10 miles14:32
jclbrtbut i'm at a data center where all the ISPs sell backbone out of14:32
Sid0035oh wow that's nice deticated fiber is the good stuff XD14:32
sam22how much the line cost?14:32
trkemistI cannot start Google Chrome with Ubuntu Oneirc. Is that a bug? I can use Chromium14:33
jclbrttechnically it's unlimited bandwidth but allocates based on need14:33
theadmintrkemist: Sounds like one14:33
theadmintrkemist: Use Chromium, it's EXACTLY the same except crash reporting14:33
iceroottheadmin: what is the error-message when starting ti from the shell?14:33
jclbrtcuz i transfered a 5GB file in under 4 minutes to one of our servers off site14:33
theadminiceroot: Uh?14:33
iceroottheadmin: wrong nick...14:33
mxracer450done. checking if anything has changed, one moment14:33
theadminiceroot: Oh14:33
iceroottrkemist: what is the error-message when starting ti from the shell?14:33
iceroottheadmin: i am to lazy at the tab-completion...:)14:34
jclbrtsam22: i am not exactly sure i think it's like 20k per month or something14:34
pfifojclbrt, you should install a dedicated fiber to my house so you can do offsite backups, ill keep your data safe14:34
Milan1992-ubuntuHow can i repair my system without reinstall or data lost? can i set it back in time like windows? i cant check the files with fsck, may i dont know how14:34
jclbrtit's a company network14:34
jclbrtpfifo... thats what i do lol14:34
_NanoCan someone tell me how to switch kernels on a remote server? I'm not really sure how to do it.14:34
sam22to home it's always shared14:34
mxracer450negative, nothing has changed as of yet usr1314:34
jclbrti'm disaster recovery tech14:34
icerootMilan1992-ubuntu: with your backup you can restore the system to a specific time14:34
sam22each line from 30 to 128 homes14:35
gor00_hello all14:35
imbezol1ms per 10 miles is extremely high though14:35
usr13!grub | _Nano14:35
ubottu_Nano: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:35
jclbrti get 105mbps down at home and i think like 50mbps up14:35
jclbrtbut never at 5ms14:35
imbezolthere's something wrong with fiber that has that much latency14:35
sam22i think it's 5 microseconds to each mile ?14:35
sam22one wy ?14:35
Milan1992-ubuntuiceroot: can i do it from livecd or i should do it from the original systam, and how?14:35
_Nanothanks. I'd figured I would still use grub.14:35
jclbrtimbezol, its not fiber that has the latency but rather the switching and routing14:35
Anahihi, im kind of new to this system... im having some problems connecting to mi hotmail account, i can access the log in page but as soon as i try to log in i get the error 101... i have google chrome and firefox... neither of them works... i have just installed ubuntu 11.10 and haven changed any setting... dont know if someone could help me...14:36
imbezolsam22: it's 5 microseconds per kilometer.14:36
jclbrtthe medium is fine but the equipment on the end can bring that up14:36
imbezolsam22: microsecond != millisecond14:36
jclbrti mean it has a number of hops before getting to me14:36
pfifo_Nano, you should get your ISP todo it14:36
usr13Anahi: Try refresh14:36
Anahialready tried14:36
jclbrtcomcast sells up to 105mbps in my town14:37
theadmin_Nano: Basically, make new kernel grub's default and reboot the machine14:37
avernosmy /var partition is full, how can i give it some space from other partition?14:37
jclbrtbut verizon sells like up to 250mbps one town over :-(14:37
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VictorCLwith netbeans I get  "netbeans cannot lock read-only file ubuntu"14:37
theadminavernos: gparted is capable of resizing partitions, however, make sure to use it from a livecd (it can't operate on mounted partitions, and unmounting /var during work time is a bad idea...)14:37
gor00_does anyone has experience in making a live usb flash disk with Ubuntu and Grub2? Actually I am stucked at the stage 2 of GRUB and only get the "grub rescue>" shell.14:37
pfifo_Nano, hopefully you have remote KVM incase it dosent boot correctly14:38
Sid0035dose any one know if i can use the ubuntu one with the debain code name "sid" ver i relay need it lol14:38
_Nanopfifo, I can netboot if I screw it up14:38
jclbrtgor00_, i have before14:38
icerootMilan1992-ubuntu: depending on your backup14:38
theadminSid0035: Is "sid" the "unstable" branch?14:38
theadminSid0035: That might work, iirc Ubuntu is based on Debian Unstable14:38
avernostheadmin, cant i link a folder pointing to another partition with more space? im not next to the computer, so i cant do that approach14:38
Sid0035ok then i can take my work with me :D14:38
theadminSid0035: Grab the deb from one.ubuntu.com14:39
gor00_hi jclbrt14:39
theadminISid0035:  suggest you dropbox tho :P14:39
Milan1992-ubuntuiceroot: the main question is there anz automatic backup file or no automatic save?14:39
pfifoSid0035, i think ubuntu one is just a front end for rsync14:39
theadminavernos: Sure you can, ln -s /other/partition\'s/mountpoint /var14:39
theadminavernos: Make sure to copy stuff over first tho...14:39
Sid0035ok thanks for awncering my question14:40
theadminpfifo: It provides you free space on Canonical's servers, even if it is a rsync frontend14:40
Sid0035im gonna back up my files i need to work on that version then14:40
icerootMilan1992-ubuntu: no automated backup14:40
avernostheadmin, copy everything in it? cant i just keep using that /var and link another folder in another partition? thanks tho14:40
iceroot!backup | Milan1992-ubuntu14:40
ubottuMilan1992-ubuntu: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:41
theadminavernos: No, I don't think that would work14:41
pfifotheadmin, I mean if it is an rscny front end then it will workd with sid or any other distro14:41
theadminpfifo: Ah. It also does weird stuff to Nautilus though.14:42
sam22imbezol microseconds not miliseconds14:42
sam22light can go around the earth 7 times in a second but in vacum space14:42
sam22inside a fiber optic is a little bit different but still fast14:43
imbezolsam22: indeed. but you said ms, which is milliseconds14:43
Sid0035thanks for awncering me :D have to go afk for awhile brb14:43
sam22no he said 5ms to a 50 miles server. so that's 1ms per 10 miles14:43
sam22which is extremely good14:43
imbezolms is milliseconds, not microseconds14:44
imbezolif it too 5ms it's extremely slow14:44
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imbezolanyways.. it's offtopic14:44
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sam221000 microsecond is 1 milisecond14:45
pfifoimbezol, 5ms ping is FAST!14:45
sam221000 ms is 1 second14:45
sam22pfifo yeah it is very fast14:45
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sam22and it's call round trip14:45
sam22so that's 2.5ms going and 2.5ms coming back14:45
imbezolit should be under 1ms for 10 miles away14:45
sam22so that's super fast14:45
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=== Yoshiko is now known as Yoshiko-
imbezolit should be under 5 ms even hundreds of miles away14:46
imbezolotherwise our internet wouldn't work14:46
imbezolif you tried to visit a site across the country you'd have to wait a minute for a response14:46
imbezolnm the other side of the world14:46
sam22i think he said datacenter14:46
sam22you can run NAS on a 5ms line from city to city and you won't notice any lag14:47
Yanch0anyone can please help me set up wpa_supplicant to login to my WEP network automatically on boot please? all configs pasted here: http://pastebin.com/FLsTVWe514:49
pfifosam22, I would still blam lag every time i die14:49
profwpa_supplicant is not for WEP14:49
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jclbrtimbezol thats not true at all...14:51
asifhi..how to configure PPOE ..?14:52
jclbrtthe number of hops is responsible for latency, it's usually the job of ISPs and gateways to find you the shortest route14:52
GodManMonkeyanyone know how to get usb wireless working 10.04 lts?14:52
BluesKajYanch0, what's your reason for not using network manager and wifi startup before the login page ?14:52
usr13GodManMonkey: What does the network manager say?14:52
Yanch0how can I achieve that BluesKaj - i basically want wifi to be connected before the login screen - whatever works for me im happy to do it (ps network-manager I removed it)14:53
usr13GodManMonkey: Does the network manager show any wireless networks available?14:53
GodManMonkeywusr13..will not even let me instal driver...manager says nothing....does not see access points or anything..14:53
usr13GodManMonkey: What driver are you trying to install?14:54
GodManMonkeyi tried using ndiswrapper and ndisgtk....14:54
profdoes your machine have a wifi switch that needs to be turned on?14:54
jclbrtimbezol do a ping to and tell me what u get?14:54
usr13GodManMonkey: lspci |grep ireless   #Show us what that says.14:54
GodManMonkeyi used a tut that said to use those proggies to install drivers, however....the cds containing the drivers were inside exe. files so could not open...14:55
phong_hi guys, how can i start sftp server on ubuntu?14:55
GodManMonkeyno wifi switch..it is a desktop..14:55
theadminasif: Run "pppoe-setup", it should help out14:55
AaronCampbellIs there a way to get a list of the packages installed on one computer (preferably only the ones installed through the repositories) so that I can just pipe that list into `apt-get install` on a new system to get the same packages?14:55
phong_i want to have sftp no ubuntu14:55
GodManMonkeyusb wireless plugged in..14:55
BluesKajYanch0, understood but why ? Is it absolutely necessary ? It's an unusual request .14:55
imbezoljclbrt: i get an icmp type 0 packet14:56
theadmin!clone | AaronCampbell14:56
ubottuAaronCampbell: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:56
imbezoljclbrt: i know how it works.14:56
asiftheadmin: I am trying14:56
aguitelGodManMonkey, what chipset?14:56
GodManMonkeyusr13 i will have to log out and in on ubuntu to igrep14:56
MonkeyDustAaronCampbell  aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages14:56
usr13GodManMonkey: What is the make and model of the wireless device?14:56
Yanch0BluesKaj, i need this to act as a server - so no need to log in but need its services receable from the internet14:56
phong_does any know know how to setup sftp on ubuntu?14:57
usr13GodManMonkey: Can you temporarily plug into wired network?14:57
usr13GodManMonkey:    ethernet?14:57
GodManMonkeyit is a cheap 150N wireless LAN USB adapter...14:57
GodManMonkeymake n model...14:57
GodManMonkeycheap? lol..14:57
GodManMonkeysee if i can find the box...14:58
aguitelGodManMonkey, lsusb14:58
usr13GodManMonkey: As aguitel says,  lsusb will identify it.14:58
GodManMonkeyno i have no wired network..thats what i usually would do...14:58
usr13GodManMonkey: .... tell us what chipset it is.14:58
aguitelGodManMonkey, in terminal type: lsusb14:59
Milan1992-ubuntuis it possible to delete a file with livecd if it is protected and read only?14:59
GodManMonkeytrying to figure out chipset14:59
phong_is there possible to change the sftp port number on ubuntu instead of port 22 ?14:59
usr13GodManMonkey: lsusb will show all of the usb ports, you will need to find the one that shows  your wireless NIC.15:00
theadminMilan1992-ubuntu: Yeah, sure15:00
phong_help me guys15:00
SunTsuphong_: change your sshd's port15:00
phong_SunTsu, how?15:00
BluesKajYanch0, servers are much more reliable, as hardwired to the internet, devices , especially if you have considerable traffic.15:00
SunTsuphong_: man sshd15:00
Milan1992-ubuntuwell, and how? simple forced rm?15:00
SunTsuand man sshd_config15:00
usr13GodManMonkey: It would be helpful if you could temporarily connect to wired network. (Or get a wireless device that is fully supported.)15:00
phong_SunTsu, comeon man,15:00
Yanch0BluesKaj, not much traffic no - just presence for ssh if need be15:01
GodManMonkeydoes chipset mean this? AMD athlon 64 X2 dual core processor 4200+ 2.20 Ghz..15:01
GodManMonkeyyes usr13..however i unfortunately cannot..15:01
SunTsuphong_: I don't feel the urge to copy stuff out of the man page so you don't need to open it, no thanks15:01
szalGodManMonkey: no, that's the CPU15:02
GodManMonkeyerm srry..15:02
usr13GodManMonkey: No, we are wanting you to identify the wireless network adapter and tell us what it is.15:02
AaronCampbellthanks theadmin and MonkeyDust15:02
GodManMonkeyi shall return..must reboot..ty..15:02
cbfi need to get mysql 5.1 onto an 8.04 box. what's the best/most legit repo to achieve that? or am i better off just installing from source?15:02
eduardosHi guys. I am using apt-pinning because I want my own repository be priority. It works fine when I put my repo and Ubuntu oficial repo (lucid) in source.list. But it doesn't work when I put my repo and ubuntu-security repo! ubuntu-security has priority ever. How can I change this?15:03
andygraybealhow do i get 'indicator-weather' in my toolbar ? i'm on 11.10 - i have done 'apt-get install indicator-weather' and it is on my system, but i don't know how to add things to the top bar.  i know i'm dumb.15:05
_Nanookay, /etc/default/grub GRUB_DEFAULT has nothing to do with which kernel will be selected on  a server, right because there's no display?15:06
StudentRikHello everyone, Im installing joomla extensions and having to chmod lots of different directories. Is there a way of doing this in one go? the folders are local in my /www folder15:07
_NanoI just need to switch to the kernel that came with xen-hypervisor-4.1 package, and it seemed to add all the correct grub configs but uname -a says it's still booting with the old kernel15:07
geirhaStudentRik: You want to give all directories under /www the same mode?15:07
joesuffcerenI have used rescue remix to recover some data from an NTFS partition on a machine that would no longer boot. I'm going to do an OS reload, but I want to determine if my problem was just logical corruption, or if I need to replace the drive. How do I diagnose the health of the drive itself using rescue remix?15:08
andygraybealStudentRik, the recursive switch -r15:08
StudentRikwould that be the correct way to install the extensions? and would i have to change back the permissions?15:08
mxracer450Hello everyone, I was in here earlier,  trying to resolve a sound issue on my dell mini. I am using 10.04 lte netbook edition....I followed the links generated to troubleshoot, as well as the alsamixer command. everything has checked out. Nothing is muted, it recognizes my sound card. I did the command on the support page to restore the generic sound stack. Rebooted. I still have no sound. Can anyone help?15:09
andygraybealStudentRik, there is a joomla channel #joomla :)15:09
StudentRikcould i use -rv and decide which ones to do ?or would that be painful??15:09
cbfwhy doesn't ubuntu update it's repositories anyway?15:10
cbfi can't even apply the latest update for 5.0 via apt-get let alone 5.115:10
sparrhow can I add widgets to my top panel in 11.10?15:10
theadminsparr: You can't15:10
geirhaStudentRik: I'd say, give yourself write access to the top dir (non-recursive), and install as your user. That is, assuming the joomla install is just to untar a file in the htdocs dir.15:11
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)15:11
theadminsparr: I suggest you swithch to XFCE if you miss that functionality, because GNOME no longer provides widgets. XFCE, though, is compatible with GNOME applets15:11
sparrtheadmin: is there any other place/way to get back all the widgets i kept there in older versions?15:11
auronandace!latest | cbf15:11
sparrtheadmin: I'm switching to KDE soon15:11
ubottucbf: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:11
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theadminsparr: KDE's fine too, but is not compatible with GNOME, and also it's a lot of the RAM/CPU load15:11
usr13_Nano:  /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:12
sparrI'm really unhappy with the changes to Gnome in 11.1015:12
endzYmeme too15:12
sparrI used to be a big KDE fan, but all the problems with 4.0 when all the major distros switched drove me to Gnome15:12
usr13_Nano: Oh you installed a new kernel?15:12
sparrnow Gnome has the same problem15:12
sparrthrowing away years of great features15:12
sparrso, back to KDE, now that 4.x is stable15:12
theadminsparr: 11.10 no longer has GNOME by default, we use Unity now, but yeah, GNOME 3 is even worse15:12
_Nanousr13 I mean it's part of the package xen-hyervisor-4.1amd6415:13
usr13_Nano: Do you see it listed in  /boot/grub/grub.cfg  ?15:13
Myrttitheadmin: Unity is Gnome 3...15:13
theadminMyrtti: Well, I don't want to confuse users saying gnome 3 supports multiple shells and Unity is one of them...15:13
_Nano### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ### followed by ### END /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###15:13
theadminMyrtti: But yeah, true :D15:13
usr13_Nano: Has the system been rebooted since installing that new package?15:13
_Nanoyeah, multiple reboots15:13
_Nanoxm info says hypervisor information is not in sysfs, so it can't be the right kernel15:14
usr13_Nano: Is this just a kernel patch?  May be already in the existing kernel?15:14
_Nanousr13, the strange thing is that it installed a gzip to /boot "xen-4.1-amd64" and it's 728kb15:15
stupidmonkeyi have a problem, ive install compiz on my laptop, but it doesnt work15:15
_NanoI don't know if that's a gzipped kernel, or a patch15:16
Tech-1stupidmonkey:  install the fusion-icon15:16
_Nanoapt should have set it all up correctly, so I thought, this package is included with 11.1015:16
Tech-1then right click it for switching15:16
usr13_Nano: Did you install xen-utils-4.1 and xen-docs-4.1  ?15:16
_Nanoyeah, apt says they're on here.15:17
usr13_Nano: You may need to do grub-install15:18
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_NanoI will read more about grub215:18
_Nanothanks, though.15:18
usr13_Nano: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:19
|Anthony|for a multi-boot setup (various *nix distros and M$ versions) should grub be setup in it's own partition?15:20
DannyButtermanIs there a way to force ubuntu to take into account network down scripts ?? Neither /etc/network/if-down.d nor /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown works at shutdown... !! I can't believe I am the only one trying to do things upon wifi shutdown15:21
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:21
arunkumar413hi, i'm unable to install packages from USC in 11.10. It's asking me to check the internet connection though my system is connected to internet.15:21
arunkumar413please help15:22
dusf_on restarting my computer i get the output "error: file not found. grub rescue > " and gparted tells me no file systems are allocated but when i boot in a ubuntu live cd i can see my partitions, ( /, /home, win xp, win 7, and dump (media)) - how can i repair grub?15:22
GodManMonkeywireless networks disconnected / bus 001 Device 006: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology Corp. / chipset NVIDIA MCP6115:23
theadminarunkumar413: Does APT work?15:23
arunkumar413theadmin: what's atp?15:23
arunkumar413sorry apt15:23
theadminarunkumar413: APT is the Advanced Package Tool... Well, okay, open a terminal and type in: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synaptic15:24
theadminarunkumar413: Then, launch Synaptic from the menus. It's an alternative to the software center.15:24
theadminarunkumar413: Works better too (faster)15:24
arunkumar413theadmin: actually what's the problem with USC15:26
dusf_on restarting my computer i get the output "error: file not found. grub rescue > " and gparted tells me no file systems are allocated but when i boot in a ubuntu live cd i can see my partitions, ( /, /home, win xp, win 7, and dump (media)) - how can i repair grub please?15:26
theadminarunkumar413: No idea, sorry. I'll brb. It's a bug, I think.15:26
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:26
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa15:26
FloodBot1cbf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:26
deej1976!ralink | GodManMonkey15:26
ubottuGodManMonkey: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:26
dusf_on restarting my computer i get the output "error: file not found. grub rescue > " and gparted tells me no file systems are allocated but when i boot in a ubuntu live cd i can see my partitions, ( /, /home, win xp, win 7, and dump (media)) - how can i repair grub please?15:27
stupidmonkeydoes compiz work with Intel HD Graphics card?15:28
Myrttistupidmonkey: depends on the card15:28
stupidmonkeywell it doesnt work for me :C15:28
omid__hi i have installed ubuntu 11.10 64 bit . how to install flash ?15:31
usr13omid__: What is the problem?15:31
dusf_on restarting my computer i get the output "error: file not found. grub rescue > " and gparted tells me no file systems are allocated but when i boot in a ubuntu live cd i can see my partitions, ( /, /home, win xp, win 7, and dump (media)) - how can i repair grub please?15:31
usr13omid__: Oh flash.  Sorry15:31
bullgard4http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS: "References: # ^ gvfs-mount, man page". Why does Ubuntu 11.10 not provide a gfvs-mount manpage?15:31
|Anthony|omid__, open ubuntu software center15:31
|Anthony|and find ubuntu restricted extras15:32
usr13omid__: Look for it in the package manager.  Do a search for adobe and you should see it.  It will show in the Software Center or Synaptic, either one.15:32
omid__i cannot see flash in ubuntu software center15:32
omid__i have installed ubuntu restricted extras . how can i make sure if i have installed flash too15:32
|Anthony|omid__, find ubuntu restricted extras15:32
usr13omid__: That should have done it.15:33
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dusf_on restarting my computer i get the output "error: file not found. grub rescue > " and gparted tells me no file systems are allocated but when i boot in a ubuntu live cd i can see my partitions, ( /, /home, win xp, win 7, and dump (media)) - how can i repair grub please?15:33
usr13omid__: Try it and see.  Go to youtube.com and try and play a video15:33
|Anthony|omid__, open firefox15:33
|Anthony|click Tools > Manage Content Plugins15:33
usr13!grub | dusf_15:34
ubottudusf_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:34
|Anthony|that will give you a list of what's being used for various content types15:34
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stupidmonkeyok, ive managed to enable compiz, now when i enable it, the window boarders disapear15:34
dusf_usr13: which link are you directing me to? i am lost15:35
omid__there is shockwave flash and flash video plugin and iced tea15:35
omid__but why cant i install flash using software center like in 32bit?15:35
MonkeyDustomid__  look for flash-plugin15:36
Guest59895you can install it from adobe website15:36
usr13dusf_: In Software Centre search for Adobe15:37
Yanch0anyone can please help me set up wpa_supplicant? i am trying to connect to a wep connection. this is the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/771229/15:38
karmicthreatIs there any way to manually force a USB device to do a BH reset?  I have a usb touch panel that only works correctly on warm reboot.15:39
=== Dmitry|a is now known as Dmitry
usr13dusf_: Sorry that was for omid15:39
omid__i found nothing in software center related to adobe or flash15:39
usr13omid__: In Software Centre search for Adobe.  You should see a package named "15:39
usr13Adobe Flash Plugin"15:40
omid__i have downloaded ATI propritary drivers from AMD's official website but it is a .run file . i need help installing it15:40
MonkeyDustomid__  maybe you need to active a 3rd party repo15:40
omid__usr13,  i understand what you mean but i dont see such thing15:40
usr13omid__: Use the package manager for your Video driver as well.15:40
BluesKajYanch0, wep can't be used with wpa_supplicant , wpa is a different encryption system than wep , you'll have to setup your wifi router use wpa first15:41
omid__MonkeyDust,  i thought its preconfigured. cause i had it in my default repos when on 32bit15:41
usr13omid__: Try Synaptic15:41
BluesKajto use wpa15:41
Guest59895omid: go to software sources, check multiuniverse , in other software tab, check independent, close, and try again15:41
usr13omid__: I know it is there....15:41
omid__usr13,  when i try to install ATI drivers using ubuntu's Additional drivers tool it fails . now i want to install it using AMD's official driver which i have downloaded and previously worked on opensuse.15:42
Yanch0BluesKaj, are u sure? the sample config on wpa_supplicant project shows it does support wep : http://hostap.epitest.fi/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=hostap.git;a=blob_plain;f=wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf15:42
usr13omid__: Try:  sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin15:42
usr13from terminal15:42
omid__can i have both synaptics and ubuntu software center? wont they cause any issue with eachother?15:43
usr13omid__: Go on and do it then, suit yourself.  (But my advise to you is to let the package manager do it for you.)15:43
usr13omid__: synaptic and software centre are booth there for you to use15:44
omid__usr13,  http://paste.kde.org/159482/15:44
Guest59895omid i suggest you try Linux Mint, the same thing but for absolute beginners and people who doesn't hate propriety  softwares, all media plugins and driver are preinstalled15:44
BluesKajYanch0, well. I've never heard of them working togaether before , I suppose it's possible but I;m sure it's pretty clunky15:44
omid__Guest59895,  i have downloaded and updated my ubuntu and installed lots of apps all with a connection speed of 10kb/s . its such a pain to remove everything and install a whole new distro15:45
usr13Guest59895: He has already installed ubuntu-restricted-extras15:45
MonkeyDustomid__  did you activate the 3rd party source(s)?15:46
Yanch0any other idea how i can connect to it then BluesKaj - the only connection thiscard accepts is wep15:46
usr13Guest59895: And it's not helpful to instruct someone to use another distro.  If they have come to #ubuntu, they are asking for help with Ubuntu, (not wanting to install another distro).15:47
profYanch0: did u try connecting without any security first?15:47
omid__MonkeyDust,  in software sources i have 2 options enabled. the first one is "Independent : provided by third-party developers" and the second one is its source code15:47
Yanch0prof this used to work when connecting from network manager15:47
Guest59895yes usr13, but I always concern people have bad impression with their first experience with Linux, it was the reason I suggest Mint, it has GUI for all settings as well15:48
omid__i have some experience with OpenSUSE and its lovely yast but because of some wireless problems in its latest releasE(12.1) i moved to ubuntu. right now ubuntu is the only OS i have installed15:48
MonkeyDustomid__  sudo apt-get update to load the sources15:48
Palace_Chanhow come i dont see this process under jobs command after this bash script kicks it off? (the process does exist if i check with top)15:48
profwhile using WEP?15:48
omid__MonkeyDust,when i installed ubuntu the preconfigured download server was the server of Iran. i changed that to the server of the United states.15:49
usr13omid__: You should also have "multiverse"15:49
agentgasmaskHi all. I'm having trouble loging into gnome. I get my pannels loaded, and background set, but it just sits there with the "hour-glass" thing spinning. I didn't change anything from when it was working yesterday. Are there some logs to check? Or can I make gnome rebuild a config file or something?15:49
MonkeyDustomid__  nice, but did you do sudo apt-get upate15:49
omid__usr13,  i dont have it15:49
omid__MonkeyDust,  i did a full system update after that15:50
agentgasmaskAlso, gnome-terminal doesn't run from within Fluxbox (which is what I15:50
agentgasmask'm running now)15:50
usr13omid__: Enable multiverse and restricted15:50
dusf_on restarting my computer i get the output "error: file not found. grub rescue > " and gparted tells me no file systems are allocated but when i boot in a ubuntu live cd i can see my partitions, ( /, /home, win xp, win 7, and dump (media)) - how can i repair grub please?15:51
omid__thankyou guys . i updated and now have those options15:51
dusf_please help me15:51
omid__please help me in installing ATI propritary Drivers using .run installer from AMD website. (i had problems with installing my drivers using ubuntu's additional drivers tool)15:51
usr13omid__: I thought those would have been enabled when you installed restricted-extras and not sure why not....15:52
dusf_on restarting my computer i get the output "error: file not found. grub rescue > " and gparted tells me no file systems are allocated but when i boot in a ubuntu live cd i can see my partitions, ( /, /home, win xp, win 7, and dump (media)) - how can i repair grub please?15:52
usr13omid__: Now that you have restricted enabled, you can do it through the package manager.15:52
omid__usr13,  maybe because i changed the download server manually15:52
omid__usr13,  when i tried installing additional drivers on 32 bit it faild and showed errors . then i moved to 64 bit and now i want to install the drivers15:53
omid__i have downloaded the official drivers from AMD's website.15:53
omid__arent they safe? isnt AMD website safe?15:53
usr13omid__: System -> Aditional Drivers15:53
jutnux\o everybody15:54
usr13omid__: Go on and do it then, suit yourself.  (But my advise to you is to let the package manager do it for you.)15:54
usr13omid__: You are always better off to use the package manager and there are several reasons why.15:55
omid__there is 2 options. one is ATI/AMD propritary FGLRX graphics driver(post-release updates) and the other one is ATI/AMD propritary FGLRX graphics driver.15:55
omid__which one should i install?15:55
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omid__i hope i dont get that error this time15:55
usr13omid__: hope you dont either.15:56
soreauomid__: You dont need to install the proprietary driver at all since the default is the open radeon driver15:56
omid__which one should i install?15:56
usr13omid__: I dono15:56
omid__soreau,  i'm sorry to say that but opensource drivers for ATI cards SUCK BIG TIME. too much system heat and power usage for me15:56
usr13Just pick one15:56
meganerdomid__: you should not need to install either if you have recent enough hardware15:57
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omid__ATI Mobility Radeon HD 450015:57
soreauomid__: You can choose deferent power profiles for the driver15:57
meganerdomid__: the radeon driver works great on my 5770 and 489015:57
PeachezHi. I was messing with startup applications and broke something. I can only boot with terminal. How do I navigate to the file where startup data is contained. Thanks in advance :)15:57
omid__can you guys please help me which one of the drivers should i install15:57
meganerdomid__: better than the fglrx driver15:58
omid__there is 2 options. one is ATI/AMD propritary FGLRX graphics driver(post-release updates) and the other one is ATI/AMD propritary FGLRX graphics driver.15:58
MonkeyDustomid__  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI15:58
omid__meganerd,  for me they sucked15:58
omid__thankyou guys . i'll try15:58
meganerdI could not get three monitors working with the fglrx driver, with the radeon one it worked out of the box15:58
meganerdomid__: what did not work?15:59
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usr13Peachez: Not sure what you've done so would be hard to say.16:00
omid__meganerd,  too much system heat , fan noise and power usage when using opensource drivers. also some games like Glest and Quack arena were slower compared to when using FGLRX drivers16:00
usr13omid__: So install "ATI/AMD propritary FGLRX graphics driver"  See how it works.16:00
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omid__thnx i'm installing it . i hope it dosnt fail16:01
meganerdomid__: how did you test the heat and noise?  I noticed no difference on either of my cards (the 4890 is a jet engine at the best of times)16:01
omid__thankyou guys for your help16:01
PeachezIn that case, have you any idea where the file will be that contains the startup application data so i can have a look to remove it?16:01
usr13omid__: As I said before, I hope it doesn't either.16:01
omid__meganerd,  its something that i could feel.maybe it was just my experience and they worked well on your machine.16:01
oratedHow to find HDD details in terms of manufacturer, size, sectors etc? I see partition manager giving details of HDD but it doesn't mention manufacturer. Is there any command like dmidecode for HDD?16:01
undefined0is there any irc client that uses text mode for ubuntu 11.10 ?16:02
usr13!upstart | Peachez16:02
ubottuPeachez: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:02
icerootundefined0: irssi16:02
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undefined0iceroot, thanks :)16:03
usr13Peachez: If we knew what services you dissabled, we might be able to give you more specific advise, but otherwise... ???16:03
PeachezI didnt disable one, i am new to linux/ubuntu and i wanted to start an application/service on startup (not a default application). I guess I added it wrong and now can only use terminal (cant even reach login screen)16:05
sparrI am seeing multiple Wx-based apps die at the same time with the following assertion: Gtk:ERROR:/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.24.6/gtk/gtkfilesystemmodel.c:746:gtk_file_system_model_sort: assertion failed: (r == n_visible_rows)16:05
yoyoyo_Hi-ya.. I'm brand new to this space, how do I get a list of groups I can chat with16:06
BluesKajYanch0, i suggest you use an ethernet connection , much better and it connects before the login without needing any configuration16:06
usr13Peachez: If we knew what you did, we might be able to give you some specific advise.16:06
usr13Peachez: But you could try:  sudo service gdm start16:06
Yanch0not an option im afraid .. has to be wifi16:08
usr13Peachez: If you could give us some specific details about what you've done, we might be able to give you specific advise on how to undue it.16:08
BluesKajYanch0, whynot?16:08
usr13Peachez: Did you follow instructions from some website?  Or...?16:09
Peachezgdm service is already running. I wanted Sabnzbd to run at startup, so i went to startup applications and pasteted in the path to what i thought would run it, i cant remember off the top of my head what the exact line was, as i now cant get in, i will restart my linux machine and give the exact message on screen, one moment16:10
Yanch0BluesKaj, no network cable and not much bothered to do ethernet over power when it is next room to the wifi router. when it works it has a 80% signal quality16:10
BluesKajYanch0, is the server headless ?16:11
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Peachez*checking battery state..... OK. Stopping system V runlevel compatibility OK... Starting netBIOS name server16:12
Peachezits stuck on that at the moment16:12
usr13Peachez: You should find  sabnzbdplus  in the package manager.  (If you use the package manager to install, you have far fewer problems.)16:13
usr13Peachez: Or DID you install sabnzbd from the package manager?16:14
Peachezi installed sabnzbdplus following the guide on their wiki a few days ago, but as im using this machine as a server i wanted to it run automatically, hence playing around.16:14
omid__how can i find which graphic drivers i'm using ? a command or something16:14
pneftalihi guys, question - i'm trying to set sublime-text-2 as my default text-editor when i open files in filezilla. i can't seem to find the bin file for it in the /usr/bin folder... i tried locate too but no luck. anyone knows the way to set it ?16:14
PeachezIt's been running fine for days, its just since i attempted to add it to startup apps16:14
theadminomid__: lsmod will list loaded drivers... Might be helpful16:14
usr13Peachez: Is this it?:    http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/install-ubuntu-repo16:15
erictesthallo ik heb een probleem met flash iemand die me kan helpen ben nuwbie16:15
theadminpneftali: which BINARYNAME will tell you where BINARYNAME is located, if it starts when you type it in as a command16:15
theadminerictest: English, please16:15
Peachezcorrect usr1316:15
theadminerictest: Also, "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"16:15
deej1976!nl | erictest16:15
ubottuerictest: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl16:15
omid__theadmin,  that'll load lots of options which i dont know what's the graphic one16:15
Yanch0BluesKaj, no .. it will be connected to a TV later on16:16
usr13Peachez: If you look at the top of that page, you'll see the date is  "2008"  (3 years ago....)16:16
soreauomid__: lsmod|egrep "radeon|fglrx"16:16
omid__how can i install adobe acrobat reader16:16
soreauomid__: You dont need adobe products to view pdf documents16:17
pneftalitheadmin, yeah - i did sublime-text-2 in the command line and the editor opened.. but when i type locate sublime-text-2 nothing returns16:17
Peachezmaybe, but as stated, its worked flawlessly for 4 days, only now when i messed soemthing up i nthe application startup has it broke16:17
theadminpneftali: I tell you, "which sublime-text-2"16:17
usr13Peachez:  Some of what that page tells you to do may be un-necessary for today's Ubuntu systems.16:17
theadminpneftali: This is a command, run it16:17
caotic_omid__: adobe acrobat is a brand of pdf readers, which does not provide a linux version reader AFAIK16:17
omid__soreau,  i need them . evince sucks and okular is good but they dont show complicated PDF files like 3d pdfs and pdf's containing audio which i use in my job16:18
omid__caotic_,  in opensuse i had adobe reader16:18
Peachezwell i added repo, updated, installed, and then ran16:18
magnoldif I connect a TV to the HDMI out at the graphics card as a second monitor, I assume it will use 60Hz and 1920×1080? will it still be possible to have the screens Cloned (same image on both screen) ? will it just cut off some pixels at the bottom, and have some more to the right? I use 1600x1200 @75Hz on my computer monitor (crt).16:18
soreauomid__: If you think everything sucks, go use some other os16:18
usr13Peachez: Well, if you could tell us specifically what you did to try and add it to startups, we might be able to give you specific advise as to how to undue what you've done.16:18
deej1976omid__: try sudo apt-get install acroread16:18
Peachezim trying to find the page where i got the info from16:19
caotic_omid__: or google acrobar linux  that may trow some ligth in the matter16:19
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl16:19
omid__soreau,  nonsense. just because an app is not good dosnt mean that the Whole OS is bad.16:19
pneftalitheadmin, it points to /usr/bin/sublime-text-2 ... and that's exactly what i inputed in the file zilla file type association option.. but somehow it doesnt work..16:19
omid__i removed my geniune windows 7 and installed linux16:19
deej1976omid__: try sudo apt-get install acroread16:20
caotic_omid__: please ignore soreu's comment16:20
usr13Peachez: But looking at that page now, I see that mostly it is ok or good advise.  Nothing there that would break your system.16:20
soreauomid__: get lost16:20
deej1976!attitude | soreau:16:20
ubottusoreau:: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:20
omid__and i'm a free software believer but i also need to do my job. some of my university books and work documents only work well in adobe reader. when ubuntu provides adobe reader for me why not using it16:20
usr13Peachez: Yea, if you could find where you got instructions for adding it to startup we might be able to see what has been done.16:20
Peachezyeah, it's probably mindlessly pasting stuff into startup apps that has broke it, i just got very impatient after trying various methods and rebooting several times.16:20
soreaudeej1976: To hell with you too16:20
BluesKajYanch0, is the pc in the next room a "windows" machine , I assume since the router is located there due to another pc being connected to it16:21
Peachez"Now just add the following line to your Ubuntu startup programs and you’ll have this start up everytime you log into Ubuntu: /home/adam/bin/SABnzbd-0.5.0/SABnzbd.py -d -f /home/adam/.sabnzbd.sabnzbd.ini"16:21
omid__soreau,  i'm sorry if i made you angry. i didnt wanted to do that. please be polite. there is no need to fight16:21
usr13Peachez: You might just try this:  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade16:22
Peachezbut changed the username and version16:22
Yanch0yes BluesKaj16:22
pneftalitheadmin, i got it. thanks :)16:22
deej1976soreau: Sorry, I quite like helping people in here, I'm not going anywhere16:22
omid__E: Unable to locate package acroread16:22
soreaudeej1976: omid__: Quit talking to me now16:22
soreauyou guys dont know what the hell youre talking about16:22
omid__soreau, anyway i didnt wanted to fight with you. i'm sorry16:23
soreauomid__: I SAID QUIT TALKING TO ME16:23
Travis-42In Ubuntu 11.10, I can't get custom key bindings to launch applications. Any one experience this?16:23
deej1976omid__: You will need to enable the partner repo16:23
usr13Peachez: Where did you get that quoted sentence from?16:23
auronandaceomid__: have you tried evince?16:23
Peachezsome shiftly looking website admittedly16:24
omid__auronandace,  yes but i find a better pdf reader named Okular which is Way better in my opinion. but i still need adobe reader to view 3d pdf's (my job requires some of them) and pdf's containing audio16:24
magnoldTravis-42: you mean like those extra rubber keys on the keyboard?16:24
Peachezgoogling 'ubuntu sabnzbd startup' and it's adam smith - not sure if can link16:25
Travis-42magnold, no, I mean when I go to settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts, and enter custom shortcuts. They seem to be ignored.16:25
auronandaceomid__: i see, okular is a kde app (i'm not a big pdf user)16:25
BluesKajYanch0, then why not move the router to the same room as the server and connect it by ethernet , then set up the windows machine in the next room using the wifi card. assuming you have a dsl or cable connection the server room .16:25
usr13omid__: You should be able to install Adobe Acrobat's acroread   I'm pretty sure it's available for Ubuntu 64bit.16:25
agentgasmaskHi all. I can't log into gnome. Running in a different window manager (fluxbox) I can't launch any gnome configuration programs. They launch, but they just grey out. Namely gconf-editor, and gnome-session-properties.16:26
omid__deej1976,  you mean Canonical partners: software packaged by canonical for their partners ?16:26
usr13omid__: sudo apt-get install acroread16:26
agentgasmaskthere is also a few of theses line in syslog: gnome-session[2381]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'Screenlets%20Daemon.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process16:26
agentgasmask"/usr/share/screenlets-manager/screenlets-daemon.py" (No such file or directory)16:26
dusf_if fdisk lists a partition you want to install grub to as sda616:26
dusf_would you change the grub command root (hd0,0) to root (sda,6)?16:26
deej1976omid__: Can you see what Software Source you have available ?16:26
omid__usr13,  E: Unable to locate package acroread16:26
auronandace!partner | omid__16:26
ubottuomid__: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:26
omid__deej1976,  yeah . i'm enabling them16:26
deej1976omid__: Or Software restricted by Copyright or legal issues.16:27
Yanch0can't pass cables between rooms .. just want this wifi to work!16:27
omid__software sources/other software/ canonical partners & canonical partners (source code)16:27
Peachezusr13 - tried what you said (update \ upgrade) rebooted and now presented with - starting bluetooth OK, Pulseaudio configured for per-user sessions saned disabled: edit /etc/default/saned. SABnzbdplus binanry news grabber , not configured, aborting. See /etc/default/SABnzbdplus.16:27
ScrivnrHow can I customize the Unity launcher such that an icon appearing in it, when clicked, will run a custom command? Currently I have something running just as unpackaged source, and the launcher actually doesn't seem to launch it when I do "keep in launcher" and try to start it later. I figure if I can just give it a custom command to run the executable, it'll work.16:27
theadmindusf_: No... that'd be (hd0,6)16:27
PeachezStarting CUPS printing spooler/server OK, stopping system v runlevel compativility OK --- and now it's just doing nothing16:28
soreauYanch0: Are you trying to connect manually via CLI instead of using network manager?16:29
UnguidedHello all. Does anyone know of a graphical interface for dhcp?16:29
ScrivnrI'm fairly iffy over the lack of easily accessible configuration in Unity...16:29
UnguidedHello all. Does anyone know of a graphical interface for dhcp server?16:29
soreau! repeat | Unguided16:29
ubottuUnguided: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:29
dusf_theadmin: it's telling me file not found16:29
MonkeyDustScrivnr  120.04 comes with myUnity, a config tool16:29
omid__thankyou guys. i enabled partner repo and am installing adobe reader. you guys are awesome16:29
dusf_theadmin: Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no16:29
BluesKajYanch0, well sorry I have no idea how to set that up ..difficult to find any documentation either maybe some one will come along who has some knowledge about your wifi project , good luck !16:29
dusf_theadmin:  Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no16:30
ScrivnrMonkeyDust: 120.04?16:30
soreauUnguided: I dont even think a dhcp gui would make sense16:30
auronandaceScrivnr: you don't have to use unity16:30
theadmindusf_: You don't have to paste everything to me, I see... Just a sec16:30
dusf_theadmin: Error 15: File not found16:30
Scrivnrauronandace: I would still like to for now. My problem isn't unity itself. I just want to be able to stick custom commands to the icons in the launcher.16:30
ScrivnrWith Gnome 3 sucking everywhere else (except maybe with Mint 12's MGSE), Unity may end up being the only way forward, anyways. And KDE, ofc.16:31
Unguidedsoreau: im looking for an interface like you would see on a hardware router. im a newb with linux and not very good at the command line16:31
ScrivnrI'm giving it a spin. So is there no easy way for me to add my own launcher commands?16:31
auronandaceScrivnr: as long as you know that there are alternatives :) (i'm a happy xfce user)16:31
deej1976Scrivnr: can you give an example of the command your would like to add16:32
ScrivnrYup! I'm well aware =) I encouraged friends to use classic mode when 11.04 came out. I was *far from impressed* with Unity at that time.16:32
soreauUnguided: Im not sure something like that exists though it wouldnt surprise me. Maybe try ##linux or ##networking16:32
ScrivnrSome headaches have been fixed for 11.10, though.16:32
UnguidedOk. Thanks16:32
Scrivnrdeej1976: I would like to add something like /folder/folder/executable16:32
ScrivnrSimply running an executable file.16:32
ScrivnrOr maybe a script/python file/other in some cases.16:33
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Scrivnrdeej1976: I have Forticlient SSL VPN for linux, which just comes as an executable you extract. Currently I navigate to a folder to start it, as I can't start it from the launcher (even if it's running and I select "keep in launcher" it will not launch by clicking the icon).16:34
usr13Peachez: Edit the file that you placed the command in and delete the line you added.16:34
ikoniaScrivnr: I suspect that may be a bug within unity16:34
ScrivnrBtw: If any of ya get frustrated with trying to get IPsec ssh connections to work easily in Ubuntu, forticlient is very good and simple.16:34
Scrivnrikonia: But whether it's a bug or not, if I can simply add my own command to an icon in the launcher it would be good.16:35
Peachezwell this is the issue, i added it to the startup applications via the gui, now i cant even get to the login screen, so i need to know where the startup information is located so i can edit via terminal16:35
usr13Scrivnr: forticlient?16:35
ikoniaScrivnr: right click on the launcher, find the target see if it is a file that is editible16:35
ScrivnrI don't know if it launches anything that wasn't fully installed from source/with a package manager. This is the first thing I've used so far like this.16:35
deej1976Scrivnr: Have a google for unity quicklists, you can copy something like terminal.desktop to pwd16:36
pickelsAnybody got Cloud Print working on chromium? I just seem to be getting the system dialog without an option to cloud print.16:36
Yanch0no worries BluesKaj thanks for your help - will keep asking here :)16:36
Scrivnrusr13: http://internal.enterprisecomponent.com/download/FortiClientSSLVPN/16:36
webnetHey can anyone point me to a list of the things you can insert with ! in front on here like !ask and !pae16:36
deej1976Scrivnr: delete "pwd" cont. ~/.local/share/applications and modify16:36
auronandace!brain | webnet16:36
ubottuwebnet: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:36
BluesKajYanch0, well , not much help  ,but a few suggestions :)16:37
webnetthank you auronandace16:37
webnet1 been looking for that. :)16:37
usr13Scrivnr: wicd works pretty good for me16:37
auronandacewebnet: no worries :)16:37
undefined0whois undefined016:37
deej1976undefined0: try /whois undefined016:38
magnoldanyone here that can connect to #linuxmint-help irc channel today?16:38
Scrivnrikonia: When right-clicking in the launcher, nowhere do I see the option to get the target. Just "keep in launcher", "quit", etc.16:38
Scrivnrdeej1976: I'm not sure what any of that means yet, but I will look at it.16:38
auronandacemagnold: different server: irc.spotchat.org16:38
auronandace!mint | magnold16:39
ubottumagnold: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:39
undefined0deej1976: yay! thanks for reminding about the '/' :D16:39
ScrivnrSo Unity "quicklists" is the keyword I should use to search for custom unity er... launch... icon... things.16:39
ScrivnrI'm not sure what to call them.16:39
magnoldauronandace: yes, but irc.spotchat.org seems dead, or at least don't let me in...16:39
deej1976Scrivnr: Start with googling for "unity quicklists"  e.g. http://maketecheasier.com/8-really-useful-ubuntu-unity-quicklists/2011/05/0716:39
samba35i am using 10.04 and autoupdate are on now how do i check when and which packages are automatically update  like in rpm -qa --last16:39
MonkeyDustmagnold  seems to be down16:40
ikoniaScrivnr: I thought there was a "locate target" or words to that effect16:40
Scrivnrikonia: Nope. deej1976: Thanks for your help! I did see quicklist results, but I didn't think that was what I was looking for.16:40
random8737quick Q) debian live cd reboot command does a warm reboot, can i get ubuntu live cd to do this ?16:41
MonkeyDustmagnold  idd, unable to connect16:41
Yanch0anyone can please help me set up wpa_supplicant? i am trying to connect to a wep connection. this is the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/771229/ - when using network-manager it used to connect fine. now i just need it to connect before the login screen16:41
christianoGuedescomo consigo o convite para o #ubuntuBrasil?16:41
deej1976Scrivnr: You should be able to get something working by modifying the ~/.local/share/applications/file.desktop you create16:42
Yanch0soreau, sorry just saw your msg now - yes16:42
random8737wpa is for wpa networks not wep! Yanch016:42
auronandace!br | christianoGuedes16:42
ubottuchristianoGuedes: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:42
deej1976!br | christianoGuedes16:42
Yanch0random8737, the config says it does wep too http://hostap.epitest.fi/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=hostap.git;a=blob_plain;f=wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf16:42
Scrivnrdeej1976: Thanks alot. =) I will try to get some customization in here. I hope Canonical will release a tool for this in the future! ;) Maybe if I stop being lazy and am willing to write GUIs in Python (so other people can be lazy), I could make one myself. :P16:43
christianoGuedestanks ubottu16:43
Keo-wwwhy would I use LTS over Latest Ubuntu16:43
random8737Yanch0, ive only every used network manager or iwconfig for wep and all was fine16:43
auronandaceKeo-ww: longer support?16:43
Keo-wwauro yes16:44
Keo-wwthats it?16:44
Yanch0random8737, can you guide me to using iwconfig please?16:44
=== christianoGuedes is now known as Penguim
=== Penguim is now known as PenguimGuedes
usr13Keo-ww: There are a number of reasons.  See  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSn   for one..16:44
MonkeyDustYanch0  several people confirmed that wpa_supplicant is not for WEP, it seems that what you want is simply not possible16:44
random8737iwconfig wlanX key xxxxxxxx essid NAME16:44
random8737ifconfig wlanX up16:45
ConHello. I've just installed Ubuntu Oncelot using the minimal install-cd. I'm almost sure I selected 'desktop system' from the list of software to install, but package 'unity' wasn't installed, and no GUI was there.16:45
random8737dhclient wlanX16:45
bobalazshow can i uninstall ubuntu (from Mint) if i installed ubuntu first?16:45
ConNow when I install 'unity' and try to launch it, I get "ImportError: No module named gconf"16:46
deej1976Scrivnr: 12.04 will have MyUnity Configuration tool16:46
ConI'm running this on VirtualBox.16:46
Yanch0random8737, the key should be in double quotes? coz i am getting error for wireless request set encode16:46
MonkeyDustCon  as it is a minimal installation, maybe you have to install the gui manually16:46
Scrivnrdeej1976: Oh. Nevermind, then.16:46
ScrivnrSpoil my fun ;)16:46
ScrivnrWhen is that set to release?16:46
* Scrivnr does not know when 11.10 released.16:46
ConMonkeyDust: Didn't I do that by installing the package 'unity' with it's enourmous list of dependencies?16:46
auronandacebobalazs: technically you don't uninstall, you just delete the partition (or reformat it)16:46
sskalnikGiven a cp operation "cp foo /etc/bar", I should end up with a copy of foo, renamed bar, in /etc, yes?16:46
* Scrivnr could stop being lazy and google...16:47
llutzsskalnik: right16:47
deej1976Scrivnr: 12( indicates year). ## ( indicates month ) 12.04 April 2012.16:47
Yanch0also my problem is that the password contains a !.. say the pass is SaaaaLbbbb!56 .. i am gettting invalid argument "SaaaaLbbbmodinfo" ???16:47
MonkeyDustyear dot month16:47
deej1976In few words :D16:48
sskalnikllutz:  I am getting "not a directory" errors when I try to do that with "cp foo /etc/init.d/bar"16:48
=== PenguimGuedes is now known as penguimGuedes
theadminYanch0: iwconfig only works with WEP keys, wep keys do not contain !16:48
llutzsskalnik: foo is a dir?16:48
Scrivnrdeej1976: I never knew that... o.o Now I understand why the numbers are always the same.16:48
sskalnikllutz:  foo is a file16:48
danyhi guys , i don't know why my wifi did not work , any help plz , i can not connect to wireless16:49
Yanch0theadmin, strangely enough thats what I used using network-manager :S16:49
theadminYanch0: Hm, okay, well, enclose the key in single quotes, it should be fine, like 'fjqfqfq!tqpwt1'16:49
dusf_can i run grub2 from the live cd? i have done a sudo apt-get install grub216:50
dusf_but entering grub2 outputs command not found, same for grub16:50
danyhi guys , i don't know why my wifi did not work , any help plz , i can not connect to wireless16:50
llutzsskalnik: odd, works here™ as desired16:50
auronandace!grub | bobalazs16:50
ubottubobalazs: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:50
Yanch0Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : invalid argument "SaaaaLbbbb!56" <- the ' at least passed the characters fine16:50
deej1976!patience | dany16:50
ubottudany: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:50
llutzsskalnik: what was your exact command?16:51
dusf_auronandace: that's not an answer16:51
ConOn a Ubuntu Ocelot system, how would I go about installing unity, and how would I launch it?16:51
sskalnikllutz:  Indeed, very odd. The cp operation is in a Makefile running in a pbuilder chroot. This is the exact command: "cp rc.nslink /tmp/buildd/nslink-4.28.1/debian/tmp/etc/init.d/nslink"16:51
danyhi guys , i don't know why my wifi did not work , any help plz , i can not connect to wireless16:51
auronandacedusf_: it wasn't directed to you, i was pm-ing someone16:51
theadminCon: It's preinstalled, it's the default GUI16:52
deej1976Con: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?16:52
danyany help with wireless guys16:52
Condeej1976: Ah, thanks. I thought it was just the package 'unity' (and all its debs). Thanks!16:52
MonkeyDust!details| dany16:54
ubottudany: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:54
agentgasmaskWhat are some steps I can take to figure out why my gnome session in hanging during the login process?16:54
danymy wireless doesn't work with ubuntu 10.0416:54
llutzdany: i guess you'll need a newer ath9k-version than 10.04 has, try to find a ppa16:54
danyubonttu, i have no idea about how to run wifi on ubuntu16:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:55
deej1976!wireless | dany16:55
ubottudany: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:55
danyllutz, how to do that16:55
MonkeyDustdany  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo16:55
llutzdany: pls "uname -r"16:56
orbital_foxcan libudev be used to find the mount point of a particular device based on the attributes of a device?16:57
danyllutz, 2.6.32-21-generic16:57
llutzdany: you could try using this kernel http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/16:57
auronandace!pastebin > bobalazs16:57
ubottubobalazs, please see my private message16:57
danyllutz, how do i can use it16:58
danyllutz , I'm new with linux16:58
crfHow do I make a network I've just created with network manager applet appear in the list of networks to choose?16:58
llutzdany: get the debs, install them with "sudo dpkg -i *.deb && sudo apt-get -f install"16:58
crfI'm using ubuntu 11.0416:58
haoyihuanhow can i get dash manual?16:59
llutzdany: or get the ath9k sources from http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k and build it yourself...16:59
MonkeyDustdany  my advice: get used to ubuntu, first, then try wifi16:59
llutzdany: it lists your chipset as supported "AR9485 (>= 2.6.39"16:59
=== andy is now known as andygraybeal
danyllutz, root@ubuntu:~/prgms/msf3# sudo dpkg -i *.deb && sudo apt-get -f install17:01
danydpkg : erreur de traitement de *.deb (--install) :17:01
dany ne peut pas accéder à l'archive: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type17:01
danyDes erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :17:01
dany *.deb17:01
FloodBot1dany: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
undefined0i pressed ctrl + alt + shift + f1 it went to text mode(just to try some things in text mode) how can i go back to gui mode?17:01
Yanch0theadmin, removed the ! from the ky and that key line worked fine17:01
danyllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771329/17:01
Yanch0now am stuck at the dhclient wlan0 step17:02
theadminYanch0: lol, what's the problem with that?17:02
sskalnikundefined0:  F7 instead of F117:02
diatomaceousHi everyone, I'm having problems reading images from my camera's SD card. It works fine in my friends' mac, but I want to copy the files to my ubuntu computer.  Can someone please help?  When I try 'dosfsck /dev/mmcblk0' it returns "Logical sector size is zero."17:02
Yanch0theadmin, taking very long to get the ip17:02
undefined0sskalnik: thanks!17:02
llutzdany: download the 3 debs, change into the dir your downloads are in, then run the command17:02
danyllutz, guid me plz , i have no idea  how to do that17:03
sskalnikundefined0:  No prob!17:03
samba35how to check installed package history17:04
malibuCan anyone please tell me how to get tightvncserver working on Ubuntu?  All I get is a blank desktop.  I've found some things with google, nothing works.17:04
llutzdany http://pastebin.com/eWEXmaCc17:04
theadminsamba35: Check /var/log/dpkg*17:04
undefine10sskalnik: i tried pressing the combination with f7 instead of f1 but it didn't work :(17:04
llutzdany: without the linebreaks17:04
Yanch0theadmin, dhclient is not writing anything just hangs in there :S is it normal ?17:05
sskalnikundefine10:  Ctrl Alt F7?17:05
sskalnikundefined0:  :  Ctrl Alt F7?17:05
theadminYanch0: I dunno, can you Ctrl-Z and try to ping something?17:05
undefine10sskalnik: ctrl + alt + shift + f717:05
theadminundefine10: You don't need shift17:06
sskalnikundefined0:  no need for Shift17:06
undefine10sskalnik: oh17:06
sskalnikAt least afaik17:06
Yanch0theadmin, if i write iwcofnig i should have the ESSID which I passed as parameter?17:06
undefine10sskalnik: thanks ^_^17:07
theadminYanch0: I dunno about that honestly, I normally use netcfg (which is a nice command-line network-manager like tool) or wicd-cli (same, altough without the support for "weird" network types like PPPOE or modems or VPN)17:07
usr13Yanch0: Yes17:08
usr13Yanch0: Should be on the first line.17:08
random8737Yanch0, iwconfig wlan0 key YOURKEYHERE essid YOURESSIDHERE17:08
Yanch0http://paste.ubuntu.com/771338/ <- usr13 / random873717:09
Yanch0ESSID still remains off/any17:09
random8737do it with out the double quote17:10
usr13Yanch0: Is the  s:  supposed to be part of your key?17:10
VictorCLI think google searches preview .. is useless . is there a way to deactivate that?17:10
Yanch0usr13 according to some readmes yes .. and without i get error for wireless request17:11
auronandaceVictorCL: not really a ubuntu question17:11
VictorCLI know17:12
danyllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771343/17:12
Yanch0random8737, even without quote i get essid:off/any17:12
=== XEDDO_ is now known as XEDDO
usr13Yanch0: That's weird.17:12
random8737strange only if i start playing i will lose connection lol...17:12
VictorCLok a ubuntu google question, when I download an attachment with  gmail on chrome , and I open it .. it says .. "Cant find file"17:12
llutzdany: sudo apt-get -f install17:12
VictorCLso I have to go to the folder and open it myself17:12
usr13Yanch0: Try just  iwconfig wlan0 essid OpenWrt_WEP17:13
usr13Yanch0: But I would say that you probably aren't entering the correct key17:13
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a way to put a weather update on the tool bar at the top on 11.1017:13
danyllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771346/17:14
VitaminEi ve installed ubuntu on an usb pen drive but it doesn t boot. i get a searching for boot record from usb rmd-fdd..ok message. any ideas?17:14
llutzdany:LANG=C sudo apt-get -f install        (je ne parle pas de francais :) )17:14
usr13Yanch0: Correct the wep key and it will more-than-likely work.17:14
RaTTuS|BIGVitaminE - how did you install it -17:14
kpokhow do I block an ip using something like hosts file in windows?17:15
llutzkpok: use /etc/hosts17:15
Yanch0same result usr13 .. the key i copy pasted it from the router when doing it17:15
RaTTuS|BIGkpok - add it to /windows/system32/hosts17:15
RaTTuS|BIGkpok - add it to /etc/hosts17:15
RaTTuS|BIGi mean17:15
VitaminERaTTus|BIG , using a ubuntu 11.04 live cd17:15
kpokthanks :)17:15
danyllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771350/17:16
llutzdany: reboot, use the kernel you just installed and hope it will work17:16
usr13Yanch0: Is that an  ASCII  key?17:16
danyok stay here plz17:16
Yanch0text string yes usr1317:17
random8737Yanch0, what wlan card do you have ? $ lspci | grep Wireless17:17
llutzdany: if not, as a last resort, add this ppa https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=lucid   and install "linux-lts-backport-oneiric-3.0.0-14.23~lucid1"17:17
Yanch000:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireles  (rev 03)17:17
RaTTuS|BIGVitaminE - installed to usb ?, taken defuults or added partitions - did you make the partition bootable , see also google about reducing writes to ssd devices and changing the disk schedualr  [both more advanced after you have got it booting]17:17
random8737what drivers are in use ? lsmod | grep wlan17:18
Yanch0random8737, remember it used to work with network manager with the same wireless network. its using ndiswrapper17:18
sskalnikReceiving a somewhat mysterious error with a cp operation in a Makefile: http://paste.ubuntu.com/771341/17:18
jsec http://paste.ubuntu.com/771341/17:18
jsec...wrong button17:18
Yanch0ndiswrapper           193669  017:18
Yanch0 <- this doesnt conform what i just said but :S17:18
usr13Yanch0: Turn of WEP encryption and see if it will connect.17:18
random8737i have not used that card nor ndis wrapper, have you tried restarting networking ?17:19
Yanch0wg311v3 : driver installed   device (11AB:1FAA) present17:19
RaTTuS|BIGVitaminE - after it boots look at http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/04/four-tweaks-for-using-linux-with-solid-state-drives/17:19
freekisssalut a tous17:19
Yanch0usr13, card doesnt support anything else then wep17:19
fa66oti have a problem, i wrote a bash script, and i've added it into .bashrc, but it doesn't work. i added it like alias <script name>='<scipt>'17:19
usr13Yanch0: What?17:19
* RaTTuS|BIG gone to pub.... so awol now17:19
usr13Yanch0: Could also be broken driver issue.  See:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/mrv8k17:20
Yanch0usr13, its an old card .. does only wep17:20
sskalnikfa66ot:  did you ". ~/.bashrc" ?17:20
Gentoo64fa66ot: nice name17:20
usr13Yanch0: In there router, turn off encryption.  Then try to connect.17:20
fa66otyes i did17:21
danyllutz, i reboot , but the language did not changed to  english17:21
sskalnikfa66ot:  Side note, I suggest a name change17:21
random8737Q) debian live cd reboot command does a warm reboot, can i get ubuntu live cd to do this ?17:21
=== fa66ot is now known as name_changed
name_changedso any ideas?17:21
VitaminERaTTus|BIG , after it boots? dont know what do you mean. it has a boot flag17:22
asavaname_changed, you just set the alias17:22
asavabut are you ever calling it?17:22
Yanch0usr13, turned encyrption off17:22
name_changedbut the alias doesnt work, event if i do "alias" it doesnt display my script17:22
RaTTuS|BIGVitaminE - sudo fdisk -l | pastbinit  [I'm going to be gone within 10 mins]17:22
asavaabsolute path used?17:22
llutzdany: "iwlist s"17:23
usr13Yanch0: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan17:23
Yanch0it finds it17:23
VictorCLhow do I go to make a crontab reset mysql server everyday at 3am  ?   ==  0 3 * * *  /etc/init.d/mysql restart  >/dev/null 2>&117:23
VictorCLis that correct?17:23
name_changedok i figurred it out17:24
usr13Yanch0: That card may not even to wep at all.  Or it may do 64 bit and not 128   It's and older card.  But I don't know at all, only speculating.  Depends on what features the driver software will provide, (or not provide).17:24
VitaminERaTTus|BIG , can i send it to private?17:25
Yanch0remember usr13 that up till few hrs ago this card was working with the same router. i was using network-manager. the problem is just that i need it to login before the login screen17:25
cmihaiUbuntu LTS Server: do i need the alternate image for the debian text mode installer or is that standard for server images as well?17:25
usr13Yanch0: Before the login screen?17:26
Yanch0yeah so if u do not login .. the wifi would still be connected17:26
sskalnikcmihai:  The standard server image is text-based17:26
VitaminEi ve installed ubuntu on an usb pen drive but it doesn t boot. i get a ( searching for boot record from usb rmd-fdd..ok ) message. any ideas?17:27
JuJuBeeWhere do I put "HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' " so that it works with ALL users in a lab setting with NFS for user login?17:27
Yanch0usr13, : http://pastebin.com/D1b5Znhp this is the result of scan17:28
danyllutz, the language did not changeed even i reboot17:28
llutzdany: what language?17:28
cmihaisskalnik: ah, OK, I see there's no server alternate. thanks.17:29
danylluts, english17:29
danyllutz, still french17:29
llutzdany: it was different before?17:29
usr13Yanch0: Very good.  Looks like it is connecting.17:29
Yanch0iwconfig still shows ESSID: off/any17:29
llutzdany:you mean because of the " LANG=C" to show messages in english? this isn't permanent, just for the command following17:30
danyllutz, no i installed it in frensh , but i hope i can change it  to english17:30
usr13Yanch0: Then why does it say:      ESSID:"OpenWrt_WEP"17:30
Yanch0usr13, that is iwlist wlan0 scan17:30
llutzdany: "sudo modprobe ath9k ; iwlist s"17:30
Yanch0iwconfig : wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any17:31
sskalnikcmihai:  No prob ;)17:31
llutzdany: i have to leave now, i'm sure there are other guys helping you. good luck17:32
dbuggerhey guys. Is there a way to update from Lucid to Oneric? When I go to the update manager, the next update I get is Maverick, not Oneiric...17:32
usr13Yanch0: Could be broken driver issue. ....?17:32
llutzdany: if it still doesn't work, as a last resort, add this ppa https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=lucid   and install "linux-lts-backport-oneiric-3.0.0-14.23~lucid1"   using apt-get17:33
mkjacksonhey, I just tried installing connman and now my network connectivity has disappeared. is there a way to fix this? I've tried googling but the only solution seems to require doing "apg-get" etc but with no network... :-/17:33
usr13Yanch0: lsmod |grep mrv  #Tell us what that says.17:33
VitaminEi ve installed ubuntu on an usb pen drive but it doesn t boot. i get a ( searching for boot record from usb rmd-fdd..ok ) message. any ideas?17:33
Yanch0nothing usr1317:34
Yanch0but strange that lsmod | grep ndis gives : ndiswrapper           193669  0 <- so its not loading it :S17:34
arvutis there anyone in here that has gotten NWN to run under 11.04?17:35
gswaini somehow took my user out of the admin group, and i found the article on the ubuntu site that says to boot up with shift to get into recovery mode, the problem is i can not select recovery mode because grub boots my monitor out of range and i generally have to wait 5 minutes to be fully booted into X for it to come back, any ideas plea help ^^\17:36
diatomaceousHi everyone, I'm having problems reading images from my camera's SD card. It works fine in my friends' mac, but I want to copy the files to my ubuntu computer.  Can someone please help?  When I try 'dosfsck /dev/mmcblk0' it returns "Logical sector size is zero."17:36
usr13Yanch0: sudo lshw -C network17:36
usr13Pastebinit it17:37
Yanch0ready for a failblog paste!17:38
usr13Yanch0: Hummmm.... it says "DISABLED"17:39
usr13Yanch0: Is this a laptop?17:39
Yanch0restart the machine .. see the result after? no its a deksotp17:39
usr13Yanch0: Well, I really don't know, but it just says "DISABLED"17:40
Fouladim trying to install package is this the correct command "install PacketTracer532_Generic_Ubuntu.tar.gz"17:40
Yanch0gonna reboot ..see if network-manager before unisntalling did some funny stuff17:40
dbuggerIf I have an intel i7, which version of Ubuntu should I get? AMD64? or the normal one?17:41
Yanch0dbugger, 6417:41
dbuggerYanch0, ty17:41
VitaminEi ve installed ubuntu on an usb pen drive but it doesn t boot. i get a ( searching for boot record from usb rmd-fdd..ok ) message. any ideas?17:44
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a way to put a weather update on the tool bar at the top on 11.1017:44
pfifoVitaminE, is it fat32 of ext217:45
VitaminEpfifo , ext217:45
kinkyFoulad: first mkdir packet_tracer (creates a directory named packet_tracer), mv PacketTracer532_Generic_Ubuntu.tar.gz packet_tracer (moves your file into that new dir), tar -xvzf PacketTracer532_Generic_Ubuntu.tar.gz (extracts the files of your tar.gz archive (yes it's an archive), ls (list content, you should see the new directory, the type cd name_of_the_dir (you change directory to that dir). In the directory should be a bash script (ends 17:46
pfifoVitaminE, how did you 'install'17:46
VitaminEpfifo , using 11.04 live cd17:46
sskalnikYanch0:  Any reason to use 32bit over 64bit on recent versions of Ubuntu? I usually use 32bit with PAE since x64 was troublesome for me in the past.17:46
edbiansskalnik: def go for 64 bit, there are 0 issues now is my understanding17:46
pfifo!persistant | VitaminE17:46
ubottuVitaminE: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:46
pfifoVitaminE, try that instead17:47
danyhow to know what drive use my wireless card.17:47
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sskalnik edbian Cool17:47
VitaminEpfifo , i want to install i t on and not from17:47
pfifoVitaminE, the 2nd link17:47
VitaminEpfifo , ok sorry17:48
BluesKajusr13, usually if network manager is completely purged , the sudo lshw -C network command has no output17:48
sskalnikIf I want to split a raw, non-debianized source into several debianized source packages, is it best to do so with "foo.install, bar.install..."? And if so, will the .install files make the "install" operations in the Makefile redundant?17:48
VitaminEpfifo , that will make a usb live instead of really installing it?17:49
pfifoVitaminE, it makes a LiveUSB image, and stores all the changes you make on a partition.17:50
yuvrajhey tankdriver17:50
VitaminEpfifo , is there a difference between making this from really installing it?17:52
gswaini somehow took my user out of the admin group, and i found the article on the ubuntu site that says to boot up with shift to get into recovery mode, the problem is i can not select recovery mode because grub boots my monitor out of range and i generally have to wait 5 minutes to be fully booted into X for it to come back, any ideas plea help17:53
danyhow to know what drive use my wireless card.17:53
pfifoVitaminE, well it depends on what your doing with the OS, for day to day web browsing, office, image editing... its the way to go. If you setting up for doing package management ubuntu-dev then you might want an install17:53
Yanch0no luck usr13 .. and i really have to dash now17:55
Yanch0wil lcontinue tomorrow morning17:55
notlisteningIf i want the usbserial and options modules to load at boot on ubuntu server what do i need to look for on google?17:55
pfifoVitaminE, it saves a large amount of disk space, and its easier todo17:55
pfifoVitaminE, i neede to go, bbl17:55
VitaminEpfifo , i really would like to try an install . i can use it as an live usb if i do it using fat 16 partition. i think the main problem is that my mother board only accept fat 1617:55
gswainisnt there some kind of key to make grub boot with text mode? so that it doesnt put my monitor out of sync?17:55
VitaminEpfifo , will you be here again today?17:56
eniacjoin #debian17:59
BluesKaj!list | o118:00
ubottuo1: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:00
theadmingswain: "text" at the end of the kernel line18:00
theadmingswain: Oh, I see what you mean...18:00
theadmingswain: No, there isn't really... it's odd that it does it18:01
erkulesmoin reading upstart cookbook there is 'kill timeout $SECOUNDS'. But it is not explained how upstart is going to kill the process. I guess SIGKILL but Im not sure18:01
gswaintheadmin:yea i have never had that problem18:02
gswainwish i could get a kernel line to pass arguments to ^^18:02
gswaini guess its pulling the drive out and mounting it in another box then >.<18:02
theadminerkules: Well, first it tries to send a SIGTERM to processes, then, if the timeout passes, SIGKILL.18:02
theadmino1, this ain't vim18:03
erkulestheadmin: thx!18:03
biagidpI need a remote desktop client for ubuntu that I can connect to from OSX that will let the ubuntu user see what I'm doing via the remote connection. Any suggestions?18:03
theadminbiagidp: TeamViewer (version 6, version 7 has no Linux support yet)18:04
biagidptheadmin: great, I'll give it a shot18:05
yeehawbiagidp: or join.me but it's a little slow18:06
erkulesis there a trick else having a high timeout not ever to sigkill (and maybe write into an errorlog after defined seconds)18:06
genii-around!ru | alenka18:07
ubottualenka: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:07
rar!fi | alenka18:07
ubottualenka: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:07
rar!en | alenka18:07
ubottualenka: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:07
yeehawThtat's one awesome bot18:08
theadminrar: This is nothing like Finnish at all lol18:08
rar!es | rar18:08
ubotturar, please see my private message18:08
usr13yeehaw: Not another one like it.... :)18:08
alenkawato facu18:08
theadminalenka: Это канал техподдержки, просто чатится можно в других, а еще лучше найдите русскую IRC-сеть, здесь вы многого не получите18:08
theadminyeehaw: join.me does NOT work with Linux, lol18:09
pfifoif ubuntu was an automobile it would be a 1997 ford focus18:09
yeehawOh, I mainly use it for supporting windows users from osx18:09
AaronCampbellIs there a package somewhere to install Subversion 1.7 on Ubuntu 11.10?18:10
theadmin!info subversion18:10
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.12dfsg-4ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 287 kB, installed size 1172 kB18:10
theadminAaronCampbell: Hm, search the PPAs maybe18:10
AaronCampbelltheadmin: PPAs?18:10
theadmin!ppa | AaronCampbell18:10
ubottuAaronCampbell: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa18:10
danyguys , i really need to know how to install wifi driver and someone chheck if it allreadu installed and how  to make it work help plz18:10
danyI use ubuntu 10.0418:11
yeehawdany: What does iwconfig say?18:11
VitaminEwhat is usb rmd-fdd?18:11
danyyeehaw, let me check it18:12
theadminkl475: You want /join #octopus-video or are spamming.18:12
yeehawVitaminE: ReMovable Disk Floppy Disk Drive18:12
kl475sorry, noobish mistake18:13
danyyeehaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771397/18:13
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details18:13
yeehawdany: lspci -v18:13
monnyGiven prices. Christmas discount for p per cent, for each item. Find the lowest price of the goods. Product to calculate the discount function or procedure.18:14
VitaminEyeehaw , im trying to boot from an usb pen drive but perhaps my old motherboard is confused. do you know anything about this?18:14
theadminVitaminE: Try using plop18:14
yeehawVitaminE: Where are you seeing this option? in the bios? Or..18:14
isbbneed a bit of help if someone is available18:15
danyyeehaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771398/18:15
theadminVitaminE: Or something similar... Bootloaders with USB support help when you have BIOS without it18:15
isbbxubuntu was updating this am to the .15 kernel and crashed in the middle.  no boot no more lol18:15
pfifomonny, steal it and run out the emergency exit, this function provides the greatest discount18:15
isbbtried booting to prev kernel and doing a manual update18:15
isbbbut no joy18:15
isbbkinda at a loss at the moment18:15
Tech-1lol pfifo18:15
theadminisbb: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade # Anything?18:16
isbbadmin i didnt do the clean part but i did the update and upgrade18:16
yeehawdany: You have an AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)18:16
isbband it didnt clear it up18:16
VitaminEtheadmin , thanks i ll take a look18:16
yeehawdany: Let me check if its supported18:16
theadminisbb: Maybe remove the new kernel and install it again18:16
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:16
isbbtheadmin: howto?18:16
isbbrunning off live disc at the moment18:16
danyyeehaw, okay i hope to make it works this time18:17
theadminisbb: Hm, uh... That wouldn't really help, booting into the old kernel would help more here, if possible, altough we can do it off the livecd as well18:17
isbbim listening lol18:17
theadminisbb: Well chroot into your install first18:18
isbbi can boot into .13 well i can at least get to a terminal18:18
VitaminEtheadmin , is plop on software center?18:18
theadminVitaminE: Um, no, it's a bootloader... If you're using Ubuntu you already have GRUB 2 which is capable of booting from USB18:18
monnywho can help with pascal18:18
danyyeehaw, any help18:19
VitaminEtheadmin , i guess the problem is my old motherboard18:19
yeehawdany: try modprobe ath_pci18:19
theadminmonny: lol seriously? Learn a real language... Also, check alis for pascal channels... If you're looking for a compiler, lazarus or freepascal are available18:19
yeehawdany: than iwconfig again18:20
danyyeehaw, how to install it18:20
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pfifomonny, I would say #pascal, but there not going to help you with your homework either18:20
isbbtheadmin, your gonna have to be a bit more specific.. im not exactly a  733T *nix user lol18:21
yeehawdany: sorry, that module isn't there anymore. Try this: sudo modprobe ath9k18:21
theadminisbb: 1337, you mean18:21
VitaminEtheadmin , my old motherboard can boot an usb live ubuntu if using a 16fat partition. however it s not being able to boot an installed ubuntu using ext2. any idea?18:21
theadminVitaminE: Uhhhh... That makes no sense at all18:22
yeehawVitaminE: use a cd?18:22
danyyeehaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771404/18:22
VitaminEtheadmin , it doesn t? why?18:22
pfifoVitaminE, check in fdisk and make sure the partition is marked as a ext2 and not a vfat/fat3218:22
theadminisbb: Well, um, you need to mount your install first -- can you access the partition that it's on from a filemanager, and press Ctrl-L?18:23
yeehawdany: Now run iwconfig18:23
jujubeehow do I see what is bogging down my internet connecton on my server which is running iptables/squid/apache etc...18:23
danyyeehaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771409/18:24
yeehawjujubee: netstat -a ?18:24
isbbyep its in /media/hardwareid18:24
VitaminEtheadmin , it says that is linux system18:24
pfifojujubee, i think netstat and/or tcpdump could help (though im not sure how to invoke it correctly)18:24
isbbmounted automagically by the cd18:24
theadminisbb: Well, then run this in a terminal: sudo chroot /media/hardwareid18:24
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danyyeehaw , now i connecting from ubuntu , but using  modem 3G18:24
yeehawdany: Gimme a min18:25
danyyeehaw, ok18:25
isbbokie doke18:25
jujubeeyeehaw: don't see anything obvious.18:26
pfifoVitaminE, can you pastebin the output of 'fdisk -l'18:26
saganbyteI ve just installed openbox, how can i restart x with openbox without having to rebooty18:26
VitaminEpfifo , can i send you to private?18:27
pfifosaganbyte, logout18:27
jujubeeIs there a way to monitor an interface to see how much data is flowing in/out?  Like a web based tool?  I can get to server on inside interface, but getting to internet seems do be a crawl18:27
pfifoVitaminE, ok18:27
Jay_LevittI'm building an oneiric server, but need sphinxsearch-0.9.9+2.0.1beta-1ubuntu2 (or above) from precise. What is the Right Way to get this package so that we are tracking updates with apt-get update?18:27
TrentonAdamsI'm having a problem.  My system seems to be preventing Ctrl-Alt-M from getting to any apps.  How do I figure out what is doing this?  None of the keyboard shortcuts for ubuntu are intercepting that combination.18:27
isbbtheadmin: could we just do a dpkg --configure -a from here?  and let it reconfigure itself?18:27
yeehawdany: It's the right driver for the card. I'm not quite sure why it is not working. Try /etc/init.d/networking restart. You will be logged of irc for a moment18:29
=== prof is now known as Guest28171
notlisteningstarting TrentonAdams what version of ubuntu?18:29
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: ^^18:29
danyyeehaw, ok let me do that18:29
notlisteningTrentonAdams, try turning off the negative plugin on compiz18:29
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: hmm, I'll take a look.18:30
theadminisbb: Probably, but idk... I think you need to remove the old kernel and install the new one with apt-get18:30
notlisteningTrentonAdams, or changing the key combination18:30
theadminisbb: err, remove the new one and reinstall it18:30
isbbok well lets keep on that path then18:30
danyyeehaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771416/18:30
meganerdJay_Levitt: do a google search for apt pinning18:30
theadminisbb: apt-get --reinstall install whatever # This should actually do it18:30
yeehawdany: what does iwconfig say now?18:31
Jay_Levittmeganerd: perfect, thanks.18:31
isbbtheadmin, :sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu18:31
isbbE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.18:31
danyyeehaw, the same thing18:32
theadminisbb: You don't need sudo in a chroot18:32
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: no go, deactivated combo, and still nothing.18:32
isbbsame error even without sudo18:32
yeehawdany: try dmesg | grep ath18:32
theadminisbb: err, okay, then "dpkg --configure -a"?18:32
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notlisteningTrentonAdams, can you set the key combination back to that using the plugin18:32
isbbhere we go they say18:32
yeehawdany: Lol, i'm thick. I completly forgot. You still have to do: echo ath9k >> /etc/modules18:33
notlisteningTrentonAdams, just to check the keys are working okay18:33
saganbytepfifo, would i then automatically log in to openbox18:33
notlisteningyeehaw, are you adding a module that loads at boot?18:33
pfifosaganbyte, youll have to select it from the session dropdown18:34
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: Yeah, the keys work from in there.18:34
Shizuo16Hello #Ubuntu18:34
yeehawnotlistening: How do you mean?18:34
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: No where else do they work in my system though.18:34
danyyeehaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771423/18:34
isbbtheadmin, it finished w/ errors so i ran apt-get --reinstall install 3.0.0-15 and it ran without that dumb dpkg error so im assuming we reboot and pray now?18:34
yeehawdany: iwconfig again pls18:34
saganbytepfifo, oh ok.. i was hoping i could do that without logging out18:34
theadminisbb: Huh, Ubuntu is still on 3.0? That's old. Oh well. Yeah, try rebooting now :)18:35
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: is there a config file somewhere to show me what's using them?  It didn't seem to be that plugin, because it was Ctrl-Alt-Shift-M18:35
saganbytepfifo, anyway, i take it that i cannot do that,.. thanks anyway18:35
=== Dmitry|a is now known as Dmitry
danyyeehaw, nothing18:35
notlisteningyeehaw, adding a kernel module that can be used18:35
pfifosaganbyte, you cant restart X without logging out :)18:35
isbbtheadmin, im running xubuntu?  but ya18:35
isbbill be back if its still broke lol18:35
isbbthx if it isnt lol18:35
AaronCampbelltheadmin: I found this PPA for Subversion 1.7 (https://launchpad.net/~dominik-stadler/+archive/subversion-1.7) and I installed the PPA, but trying to update through apt-get is showing no updates.  Am I missing a step somewhere?18:35
user__does anyone know how to move the start menu?18:36
danyyeehaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771425/18:36
yeehawnotlistning: I'm trying to load the ath9k driver for his wireless card by modprobing it and after that putting it in /etc/modules. So far it does not work18:36
notlisteningTrentonAdams, are you expecting to see the main menu appear?18:36
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: main menu for what?18:36
theadminAaronCampbell: How did you "install the PPA"?18:36
isbbuser if your using multiple monitors just go to the panel prefrences select the panel tab and tell it a default monitor instead of auto.. thats how i figured it out18:36
^Alitahi to all18:36
bluj(10.04) -- i don't use network manager, whats the best/supported way to reload my /etc/network/interfaces after a change, without rebooting?18:36
notlisteningyeehaw I want to load the option and usbserial modules at boots for a 3g modem, do i just do echo option >> /etc/modules ..?18:37
theadminbluj: sudo service networking restart18:37
=== maverick_ is now known as noob7
AaronCampbelltheadmin: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dominik-stadler/subversion-1.718:37
blujtheadmin: that returned me a "restart: Unknown intstance:"18:37
notlisteningTrentonAdams, sorry i meant the mail menu not main18:37
theadminAaronCampbell: Okay, cool, did you "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"?18:37
user__Does anybody know how to move the start menu down, like it is in Windows?18:37
yeehawdany: I really am buggered at the moment, I'll look around for you some more18:37
AaronCampbelltheadmin: just update, not upgrade18:38
theadminbluj: Huh. It might be "network" or something, I don't quite remember18:38
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: No, I use Ctrl-Alt-M in my development environment.  It's always worked, and quit working recently.18:38
^Alitai need to complile somedrivers, but  when i launck "make" it says i miss some files like dvb-usb-common.h. i've already installed the kernel sources, but it doesn't work18:38
EvilResistanceanyone know how i'd fix a readonly root filesystem?  My system went down during a power outage and when i try to boot ot ubuntu it says something about the filesystem being readonly and dumps me into an initramfs prompt.18:38
Cane2001Hello...Any one know if a good idea to install Selinux policies in 11.1018:38
blujtheadmin: unrecognized service :\18:38
theadminAaronCampbell: lol then, you kinda need both18:38
yeehawnotlistening: http://kernel-handbook.alioth.debian.org/ch-modules.html18:38
EvilResistancewould a fsck from a livecd work?  (11.04)18:38
dr_willisuser__:  if you mean the left side unity panel. the webupd8 blog site has mention of some modified panel that goes on the bottom.18:38
theadminbluj: Bah, Ubuntu and it's ever-changing names...18:38
theadminbluj: Just check stuff under /etc/init/ and /etc/init.d/18:38
danyyeehaw , thanks anyway18:38
user__I mean the thing with "Applications" and "Places"18:38
notlisteningTrentonAdams, is it possible to set it up on the keyboard shorts or has it been changed?18:39
blujtheadmin: apparently it *is* networking, im googling the unknown instance return now. but afaik the service cmd was meant to be a replacement for directly calling the initscripts18:39
JoskaI have got a question18:39
Joskaon kviRC18:39
AaronCampbelltheadmin: ok, when I do that it says "The following packages have been kept back:" and lists libsvn1 and subversion18:39
yeehawtheadmin: I'm trying to help dany with his wireless, i've modprobed the driver and added it to /etc/modules/ Am i forgetting something? (My wireless always gets detected auto)18:39
theadminAaronCampbell: Oh, I see. "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", please.18:39
Joskanext to my Real Name appears a 018:39
Joska0Keyboard not found, press F1 to continue (!!!)18:39
Joskawhy (?)18:39
Joskado a whois to me :S18:39
theadminyeehaw: Um, I dunno, why ask me? lol if I'd know I'd help18:40
dr_willisJoska:  check your kvirc settigs - sounds like a 'joke' realname in the defaults18:40
yeehawtheadmin: Aah I just thought you might know it :P18:40
notlisteningJoska, that always makes me laugh :D18:40
Joskawhere (?)18:41
AaronCampbelltheadmin: Just for my own info, what exactly does dist-upgrade do?18:41
pfifoHello dr_willis18:41
AaronCampbellLooks like it's going to install those 2 packages as well as libserf118:41
blujtheadmin: apparently it was fixed in sysvinit-utils v2.88dsf-13.10ubuntu5, and my 10.04 uses 2.87dsf-4ubuntu17.4 -- but, like ive seen 100 times before, they dont push the changes to the 10.04 repos, i assume its for newer ubuntu. anyway to cleanly force install that version?18:41
TrentonAdamsnotlistening: not sure what you mean.  I have a java program that prints out keys I'm pressing, to verify shortcuts work.  Because my Java IDE is not catching that shortcut.  The java program that captures key presses is also not detecting the M, when I hold Ctrl-Alt.  But, Ctrl-Alt-XXX works for other things.18:42
theadminbluj: Might be in backports, but if not, I don't think there is one18:42
theadminbluj: Just run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" manually18:42
SoulShadownobody here uses a displaylink monitor do theyu?18:42
mkanyicyAaronCampbell, dist-upgrade updates your system including the kernel, it can sometimes remove files that can no longer be installed18:42
blujtheadmin: *shrug*. yeah, ill do it that way. just another nuisance to deal with </enduselessrant>18:43
theadminAaronCampbell: Well, "dist-upgrade" is essentially same as "upgrade", however, if upgrades require installing new packages, "upgrade" doesn't work18:43
yeehawdany: You might want to try ndiswrapper18:43
mkanyicyAaronCampbell, even though its called dist-upgrade it does not upgrade the distribution from one version to another, ie if you are on ubuntu 11.04, you will still be on 11.04 not end up with 11.1018:44
yeehawdany: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/NdisWrapper_The_Ultimate_Guide18:44
jexmexwill ubuntu let you install the 64 bit version on 32 bit hardware?18:44
AaronCampbelltheadmin: Thanks, looks like I now have SVN 1.7.2!18:44
theadminjexmex: No18:44
AaronCampbellmkanyicy: Thanks18:44
dieschjexmex: no18:45
jexmexI thought this computer was 64 bit, but after install, it just sits on a blank screen with wallpaper18:45
jexmexhmm, ok18:45
theadminAaronCampbell: Cool. Um, may I ask why svn over git? pm me with the answer (it's offtopic here)18:45
yeehawjexmex: What version did you download for what processor?18:45
usr13jexmex: What is your hardware?18:46
jexmexI downloaded amd64, I think the computer might be intel though, hmm, that could be a problem18:46
theadminjexmex: No18:46
EvilResistancejexmex, amd64 just stands for 64bit18:46
EvilResistancenot AMD vs. Intel18:46
theadminjexmex: 64-bit version is called "amd64" because AMD invented the 64-bit architecture18:46
Socket-Can anyone recomend me Certificate authority software that can be installed on ubuntu?18:46
EvilResistanceSocket-, why do you need Certificate Authority software?18:46
yeehawSocket-: for what?18:46
Socket-personal research18:47
jexmexit installed fine on another computer (a laptop), but this older dell is having issues I guess18:47
yeehawSocket-: You can use openssl for generating .csr / key / crt files18:47
usr13jexmex: Do you get any response at all from mouse or keyboard?18:47
jexmexthe mouse pointer appears to be frozen on screen18:47
usr13jexmex: Ctrl-ALt-F6  #What does that do for you?18:48
speckl12hello.  how do i set my resolvers to google?18:48
usr13speckl12: What?18:48
speckl12I'd like to use googles nameservers instead of my isp's18:49
Socket-yeehaw: I am doing this mainly to gain experience with learning certificate authorities.  I heard there was one called dogtag, but its for fedora.  I was hoping i could find out some other i could research that would work on my ubuntu server18:49
usr13jexmex: Ok, no reponse from mouse or keyboard.18:49
usr13speckl12: WHy?18:49
jexmextrying to hard reboot it again18:49
MonkeyDustspeckl12  in /etc/resolv.conf/18:49
speckl12because my isp caches values for 24 hrs18:49
mkanyicySocket-, install that one of fedora on ubuntu then18:49
bf4648I've got some code that goes like this: $mp4_list[] = $filename;.....how do I read the contents in the array mp4_list[]?18:49
Shizuo16How CAn i fix bad FPs problem in UBuntu 11.1018:50
speckl12I've just got a folder in there.18:50
mkanyicybf4648, what language is that? perl?18:50
usr13speckl12: Well, it's up to you.  Edit /etc/resolve.conf  and put in the IP(s) of any valid nameserver you want.  But if you use DHCP, you will have to update your router's config as well.18:50
speckl12bah.  nevermind18:50
Shizuo16How CAn i fix bad FPs problem in UBuntu 11.10?18:50
jexmexit goes from purple screen to black screen, sits there for while, then mouse pointer appears, then wallpaper, then it appears nothing18:50
Socket-mkanyicy: I am having a hard time finding documentation, and deb or source files for installing dogtag18:50
dr_willisShizuo16:  clarify  what a 'Bad FPs' means...18:50
Socket-on ubuntu18:50
Shizuo16dr_willis: i mean verry low fps18:50
mkanyicySocket-, why dont you take the fedora files and install them on ubuntu?18:51
Shizuo16dr_willis: i mean verry low fps well in games18:51
JoskaHow can i fix this 0 in front of the realname (?) (?) (?)18:51
usr13jexmex: You might try a memtest18:51
mkanyicybf4648, you there?18:51
yeehawSocket-: http://www.openca.org/18:52
speckl12Got it.  thanks guys18:52
Shizuo16dr_willis: Any idea ?18:52
Joskatesting :D18:53
MonkeyDustspeckl12  ot: the whole world is looking for alternatives to 'big brother' google and you make it control your internet connection18:53
Joskaow ya18:53
JoskaI fixed it18:53
JoskaPrepend nick color info to realname18:53
yeehawSocket-: Looks good on the surface I think18:53
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* Joska reconnecting18:53
speckl12LOL, the world is looking for alternatives?18:53
Shizuo16well some one can tell me some irc servers name ...?18:54
usr13speckl12: One person's opinion, don't get bent18:54
Cane2001speckl12..alternatives to what?18:54
jexmexwell windows server was on this pc running fine before I installed ubuntu over it, so it would seem odd if there is a problem with memory18:54
kasiihi all18:54
usr13jexmex: Why?18:55
diatomaceousgoogle's nameservers are some of the best18:55
speckl12MonkeyDust doesn't like Google. I'm sure he owns an iPhone18:55
notlisteningjexmex, no that makes perfect sense as windows hides hardware problems like someone with crabs18:55
hc96Hi guys! Can you recommend a tool to split a long wav-file (recorded from cassette) into single tracks?18:55
dagerivI am getting these errors when I try to install gtk. http://folk.ntnu.no/dageriv/s.png  Help?18:55
jexmexwell I turned off fast boot, and now I am getting locked up on post, so I think it is a hardware issue...thanks I will have to look into this futher when I have more time18:56
diatomaceousHi everyone, I'm having problems reading images from my camera's SD card. It works fine in my friends' mac, but I want to copy the files to my ubuntu computer.  Can someone please help?  When I try 'dosfsck /dev/mmcblk0' it returns "Logical sector size is zero."18:56
usr13diatomaceous: The best nameservers to use are usually your ISP's18:56
notlisteningyou get some old/use hardware with windows on it and install ubunut and boom you reliase that you were lucky the system still worked at all18:56
diatomaceoususr13: unless your ISP sucks18:56
andynhc96: you could use audacity for splitting, or you could use a cue sheet that only splits the song in your music player18:56
speckl12usr13.  you have no clue lol18:56
Cane2001vlc not playing dvds any ideas18:56
notlisteningjexmex, will it boot from CD?18:57
jexmexit did, but now since I cant get past post, or into setup, probably not18:57
speckl12Google's DNS is really nice and updates are usually within 5 minutes18:57
jexmexgonna have to play with the memory and see if that might be it18:57
jexmexbut I dont have time atm, should get back to real work I guess18:57
Cane2001agreed pretty quick18:57
Bashwww.xirc.org - we need staff :)18:58
D0GHow can I disable the sidebar from appearing when I move my mouse over it in a program?18:58
hc96andyn: hm... I think I have heard of some automatic tool, that detects silence etc18:58
Bashwww.xirc.org - we need staff :)18:58
Bashwww.xirc.org - we need staff :)18:58
FloodBot1Bash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
usr13diatomaceous: Determining what is the best nameserver for your particular connection is a matter of figuring out which is the closest, (how many hops it takes to get to it).  At that point, you tell your router to use the closest (and in-turn, fastest), and then you use your router's caching nameserver for any client PCs connected to it.18:58
diatomaceoususr13: right, unless you've previously determined that your ISP is exceptionally slow to update18:59
usr13diatomaceous: I admit that could be a factor, but I do not know why an ISP would run a defective nameserver19:00
diatomaceouscomcast is notorious for slow / faulty name resolution19:00
agentgasmaskAny idea how to remove a file that gets reported as "no such file or directory" with an ls -l output of: http://sprunge.us/NXDO19:01
speckl12usr13: nameservers are cached.  your isp has no reason to flush that cache as quickly as possible.  Google flushes every 5 minutes it seems.19:01
monny in an apartment N house entrances, first floor, apartments on each K staircase. According to a flat number, entrance number of the set P and a high F, which is located in the apartment.19:01
monnyFor example. If N = 8, M = 5, K = 4, then with a flat number 57 located at the inlet P = 3 F = 5 floor.19:01
monny :(19:01
mkanyicymonny, how can we help you?19:02
monnydo this with pacal19:03
monny: (19:03
monnypascal *19:03
abdican anybody tell me why raid1 array is called md127 and not something like md0 or md1?19:03
mkanyicyagentgasmask, try to remove that one using nautilus and right-click and delete19:03
BarkingFishmonny: try #pascal19:04
diatomaceousabdi it's ehwatever you call it when you run --assemble19:04
dagerivI need help installing zlib. apt-get install zlib have 40419:04
Loshkihc96: there are plenty of windows apps that take care of this process as part of vinyl-to-cd conversion. For a one-off, I'd just use audacity. For cleaning up vinyl, nothing beats adobe audition, which costs a bomb....19:04
diatomaceoushelp!  My SD card isn't working in ubuntu, but it works fine in my friend's mac.. what can I do?19:04
usbuntuHey there... Im running Ubuntu from a LiveCD and Im trying to install it to a USB flash drive...  any pointers? (I want to make a full installation, not just have the liveCD on the usb)19:04
abdidiatomaceous, can I change it now the system is booted?19:05
diatomaceousabdi: is your OS on the raid device?19:05
abdidiatomaceous, yes with lvm19:05
diatomaceousabdi: the only way you could safely rename it is to do it from a live USB or something similar, I think.19:06
mkanyicydageriv, install zlib-bin19:06
diatomaceousyou'll need to simultaneously change the fstab and the bootloader entries.19:06
Jay_Levittsooooo.. there's help.ubuntu.com which looks old but has moderately recent content, and then there's wiki.ubuntu.com, which looks new but has old content.. history?19:06
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: Is it a single SD card which isn't working in Ubuntu, or does no SD card work (i.e. it's more likely a problem with the card reader)?19:07
Jay_Levitt(sorry, that's help.ubuntu.com/community)19:07
dagerivmkanyicy: I also need source and header files19:07
diatomaceousJordan_U: It's just this card.. my other cards work fine.19:07
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: Does it use APM (Apple Partition Map)?19:08
diatomaceousJordan_U: It's typical camera card.. FAT I believe19:08
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: Possibly exfat?19:08
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: What filesystem does OSX see it as? (Disk Utility should show you this).19:09
diatomaceousJordan_U:  I pulled up disk tool to check.. it's FAT1619:09
shovelli have a synaptics touchpad and my kernel doent recognize it correctly HELP19:09
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: OK. What type of partition table?19:10
diatomaceousmaster boot record19:10
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: OK. Can you insert the SD card and pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?19:11
Dextherhello user19:12
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Jordan_Udiatomaceous: Odd, parted doesn't detect any filesystem at all.19:13
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Dextherso man leve me a little dubt or linux19:13
shovellhere is the output from cat /proc/bus/input/devices   http://paste.ubuntu.com/771464/19:13
Dextherare in linux a utility like widnows 7 for hardware driver ?19:13
diatomaceousJordan_U: The files and folders come up in nautilus, but they're 0 bytes19:13
Dexthera tipical tree windows driver19:13
diatomaceousJordan_U: A guide I found online suggested running dosfsck, which says "Logical sector size is zero."19:14
LemonAidWhen you do /etc/init.d/networking restart, are the configurations taken from /etc/network/interfaces?19:14
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: Can you run "sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0p1 && sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/" and pastebin the output?19:15
saulusin which udev file are the rules that mount an external usb harddisk like /dev/sdb[0-9] ?19:15
diatomaceousJordan_U: No output19:15
shovelli looked at bug reports for hours and i am finding nothing similar19:16
olimonesHello everyone. I use Ubuntu LTS 2.6.32-36-server . I think that after and update my built in mouse pad does not work.  I have google the problem and find little information about it. Can someone help?19:17
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: Before you do anything else, if there are files on this SD card which you do not have backups for umount it, move it back to your mac, and back them up.19:17
olimonesI have a HP dv719:17
diatomaceousJordan_U: I think I agree.. it's just weird that it works fine in other computers but not ubuntu :[19:17
shovellolimones:  meee too nobody can help it seems19:18
Jordan_Udiatomaceous: After you've backed up your files see if dosfsck offers to fix the problem.19:18
shovellolimones:  your touchpad quit?19:18
olimonesi found some info in this page _http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1468165.html19:19
olimonesbut have not tried it yet19:19
olimonesit works when i start ubuntu and then when i am in the system. it stops working19:20
olimonesI am using an external mouse19:20
shovellolimones:  my problem is that i want to configure mine and i cant so i think you win the prize19:21
webPragmatisti'm getting /usr/sbin/service: 9: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution19:21
webPragmatist 19:21
bobweaverHello there is there anything that I could use to take a mp3 or a video file and get subtitles out of it or some sort of text file ?19:21
webPragmatistis there a way to reinstall tha binary?19:21
shovelldoesnt seem like there is any support here today huh19:22
olimonesshowell have you tried looking at keyboard properties in system preferences?19:22
shovelli will19:22
_JohnHow do I make it so that a user can only access their home directory? Nothing above it.19:22
mrpink57I assume you would have to take them out of sudo19:23
_JohnHow do I do that?19:23
shovellnope no luck there19:24
yeehawJohn: sudo gedit /etc/sudoers19:24
olimonessame here :)19:24
kosmotaki need help19:24
yeehawJohn: Or Vim if you know how that works19:24
diatomaceouskosmotak: don't we all :)19:24
marcuyI see my volume moving in pavcontrol but I can't hear anything from banshee.. any help???19:24
kosmotaki have installed compiz on ubuntu 11.1019:24
Jordan_U!gksudo | yeehaw19:24
ubottuyeehaw: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:24
clear`cant you also change the folder permissions?19:24
kosmotakand run compiz --replace19:24
kosmotakand it's crashed19:24
kosmotakand then i can't use default window manager for my ubuntu19:25
marcuyaplay -l    shows     card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: HDA Generic [HDA Generic]19:25
kosmotakcan anyone help me with that?19:25
yeehawJordan_U: Ok, but gedit is hardly affected by that19:25
mrpink57https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/user-management.html see if that helps19:26
SunTsuyeehaw: _John You realize that there is "visudo"?19:26
Jordan_U_John: A user which can't access anything but their home directory can't function. Directories like /bin/ and /etc/ are needed. For about as close as you can probably come to what you want see Ubuntu's guest account.19:26
kosmotak@diatomaceus can you help me to run default window manager for my ubuntu 11.10?19:26
kosmotakor anyone19:26
yeehawSunTsu: Yeah, but i don't like explaining how vim works19:26
sami__im just installed ubuntu on my dell inspiron 144019:27
diatomaceouskosmotak: I'm pretty bad with compiz problems, sorry19:27
sami__and im using empathyand i can't see mt contact's display pic19:27
sami__and they can't see mine either19:27
sami__*empathy and19:27
shovellis there a irc channel for linux kernel help?19:28
Jordan_Uyeehaw: Indeed, I hadn't even considered that you shouldn't use just a text editor when editing /etc/sudoers. visudo in Ubuntu defaults to using nano (it is *not* just a command that runs vi as root).19:28
kosmotaki don't have problem with compiz i want to stop it and run something other called unity19:28
sami__think it's called #kernel19:28
SunTsuyeehaw: yeah, understandably19:28
shovellill look thanks19:28
sami__can anyone help?19:28
mrpink57kosmotak: http://www.fossapps.com/2011/11/09/how-to-install-gnome-3-desktop-on-ubuntu-11-10/ see if that helps19:28
olimonesshovell: what version are you using? on what machine?19:28
xsaidxhello guys19:28
xsaidxanyone kno any tool to unlock 3g modems ??19:29
SunTsuJordan_U: visudo defaults to whatever $EDITOR or $VISUAL are set to19:29
Jordan_USunTsu: Which, in Ubuntu, is nano.19:29
kosmotakthanks i'll try that19:29
SunTsuxsaidx: unlock as in what?19:30
xsaidxSunTsu: as in make it use other sim cards to connect to the net cus now ican use the sim i bought it with19:31
BarkingFishxsaidx: Just be aware that if you unlock a 3G modem, it will still only work on the network you bought it for.   Most of them have the network software built in, and it's unlikely to allow a different sim to work, regardless19:31
mrpink57what you could simply do is not add the user to wheel then just enable it in visudo, they will be able to go around but have no permission to make any changes since they cannot sudo19:31
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mrpink57SunTsu: it defaults to vi unless you add it to EDITOR as "terminal" visudo19:32
xsaidxBarkingFish: and is there any risk at doin this ??19:33
shovellolimones:  it is a toshiba satellite c655d-s512619:33
kosmotakhow much space requires gnome 3?19:33
SunTsuxsaidx: that's hardly an ubuntu issue, you might want to search some wthe web for how that is done - and make sure that your contract allows for it19:33
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monsterwizardis there anyway to download ubuntu 10;04.x  using wubi19:34
monsterwizardbecause I can only install the lastest version19:34
saulusafter installing ubuntu 10.10 (and maybe after installing also gnome3) I find my screen not being updated completely. Often huge parts are not up to date. Is this a known bug?19:34
Jordan_Ukosmotak: How do you define "GNOME3"? All the standard components as defined by the GNOME project, all the standard components as defined by Ubuntu, GNOME Shell, something else?19:34
BarkingFishxsaidx: The main issue is that you could simply wind up with a dead modem, and a waste of money.19:34
xsaidxSunTsu: no worries about the contract im from morroco this country sux balls realy hard in this  so yeah19:34
BarkingFishEffectively, not so much a housebrick, more a doorwedge.19:34
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kosmotaknever mind i got it19:35
Jordan_Usaulus: Installing GNOME3 in Ubuntu 10.10 is completely unsupported. Did you mean Ubuntu 11.10 (which uses GNOME3 by default)?19:35
kosmotakis it any program to test internet speed from console?19:36
SunTsukosmotak: hundreds19:36
kosmotakSunTsu:for example?19:37
SunTsukosmotak: wget19:37
kosmotakSunTsu: thanks19:37
saulusJordan_U: sorry. I ment that. But I installed also gnome shell using deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/gnome3/ubuntu oneiric main19:38
monsterwizardI mean when I download the wubi exe file from ubuntu.org. I can only install 'ubuntu' which is the latest version. I would like to install the stable version19:38
monsterwizardbut it doesn't seem clear19:38
_JohnNow, how do I make it so that a user can only access(view and edit, it can already view, but I dont want that) it's home directory? The sudoers file, I don't understand how edititing it will make them only able to access their home directory.19:38
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xsaidxBarkingFish:  ifound this but its not free :P http://www.unlocked-dongle.co.uk/Alcatel-X080S-Modem-Unlock-Code.html19:39
SunTsukosmotak: wget is a tool to download stuff, which can tell you how fast download was. You might want to be more specific with what you want to do ant what you need to test, then you might get better answers19:39
kosmotakmonsterwizard: you can download .iso file of ubuntu 10.04 and install it using wubi19:39
LemonAidWhere are the WPA keys stored?19:39
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monsterwizardkosmotak gotta19:39
kosmotakSunTsu: do you know speedtest.net? i want something like this but in console19:40
wadI shrunk my windows partition to give me more room for linux. Any suggestions on how to grow my linux partition to be able to use the space?19:40
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SunTsukosmotak: no, I don't and testing your speed to some external server out of your ISP's network is at least questionable19:40
yeehawwad: gparted19:41
wadoh yeah, thanks19:41
_JohnHow do I make it so that a user can only access(view and edit) it's home directory?19:41
wadI forgot about that tool!19:41
_JohnI don't want it to be able to view or edit anything above it's home directory. They are already off the sudoers list19:41
tapplehow do I install java? I search aptitude for "java" but don't find an obvious package to install19:41
kosmotakyes i know that not depends only on my internet speed but it give preety nice results19:42
SunTsufrostschutz: Does "GdE" ring a bell in the back of your mind?19:42
KLanyone  here with experience with ubuntu-vm-builder?19:43
prihi all. Sorry my english isn't very well. i have sony vaio laptop. I installed Ubuntu 10.10. But max. monitor display 800 x 600. How to 1024 x 768 with change19:43
saulusso is my not-fully-updated screen a unknown bug or is there a solution?19:43
Socket-For some reason when I updated from 10.04 to 11.10 I lost all my manpages.  Is there a simple way to get them all back?19:43
kosmotakaccuracy is not so important for me19:43
olimonesshovell: have you tried this _http://live.gnome.org/GPointingDeviceSettings19:44
SunTsuKL: Just ask your question, if somebody knows about it you'll get an answer19:44
MahaVishnupri$ in a terminal. xrandr -s 1024x76819:44
shovellolimones:  i will now19:44
KL ubuntu-vm-builder kvm hardy --addpkg vim --mem 256 --libvirt qemu:///system 2011-12-15 11:38:09,201 INFO    : Calling hook: preflight_check 2011-12-15 11:38:09,204 INFO    : Calling hook: set_defaults 2011-12-15 11:38:09,205 INFO    : Calling hook: bootstrap19:44
KLwhen I run the command, it just hangs there19:44
priSize 1024x768 not found in available modes19:44
rarOne question19:45
SunTsukosmotak: then, why test the speed at all? You might as well write some meningless number on a piece of paper if that's enough for you19:45
rari'm using kvirc19:45
raron ubuntu19:45
rarwith gnome19:45
FloodBot1rar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
priMahaVishnu: that output19:45
rarand when i do a traceroute via righclick/traceroute, it says that there isn't the "konsole19:45
MahaVishnupri$ run cvt 1024 768 copy part starting with "   then xrandr --newmode "part from other command"19:45
rarhow can i do that instead of doing the traceroute with "konsole" it does with the gnome terminal (?)19:45
The_BROSWhen I start my Firefox, processor is overloaded. When I check procceces, I see that plugin-container eats most of the processor. How to fix it?19:46
priMahaVishnu: I just writing cvt 1024 76819:46
kosmotakok i have the results now it is something about 100Mb/s19:46
prithat output19:46
olimonesshovell: if you dont have it install used apt-get install gpointing "tap" instead of downloading the file19:46
shovellolimones:  yes i have my touchpad is recognized as a logitech ps2 mouse19:46
kosmotakthanks for help19:46
yeehawrar: afaik kvric is dependent on kde19:46
_JohnHow do I make it so that a user can only access(view and edit) it's home directory? I don't want them to be able to view or edit anything above it's home directory. They are already off the sudoers list19:46
priMahaVishnu: http://pastebin.com/iSAbZRXW19:46
olimonesyour wellcom19:46
shovellolimones: not a touchpad19:46
rarand can i install konsole on gnome (?)19:46
kosmotakand sory for my bad english19:46
pri1024x768 comment :S19:47
rari'll ttry to install it19:47
SunTsu_John: wasn't it you that some people, including me, told to look into chroot environment for what you want?19:47
rarwell, i installed konsole x"D19:47
MahaVishnuxrandr --newmode "1024x768_60.00"   63.50  1024 1072 1176 1328  768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync19:47
yeehawrar: How's that working under gnome? :P19:47
_JohnSunTsu, how do I use chroot on a user though?19:48
rari think good19:48
yeehawrar: lol19:48
priMahaVishnu: that output19:48
prixrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default19:48
MahaVishnupri does new mode show up in xrandr -q19:48
rarwhy lol (?)19:48
yeehawrar: Well its a kde program under gnome. That's why19:49
SunTsu_John: well, either of us two could use google and search for "ubuntu user chroot" - if it's me I need to show you what I found ;)19:49
rari also use kvirc under gnome19:49
rari installed it with apt-get19:49
LemonAidDoes anyone know where the WPA keys are stored ?19:49
rarit installs a lot of dependencies from KDE19:49
rarit's a veeery long installation19:49
yeehawlol, lik 200 mb19:49
SunTsu_John: why do you even want stuff like that?19:49
rarbut it works fine (at the momento)19:49
kosmotakcan my ubuntu make me a sandwich?19:50
kosmotakjust kidding :D19:50
yeehawkosmotak: No but android can19:50
_JohnSunTsu: Because the user can access files I don't want him to access19:50
kosmotaksudo apt-get install bread19:51
priMahaVishnu: that output19:51
SunTsu_John: and by access you mean what?19:51
monsterwizardkosmotak  I downloaded the ISO but there is no wubi option19:51
MahaVishnuxrandr --addmode default "1024x768_60.00"   63.50  1024 1072 1176 1328  768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync19:52
MahaVishnujust the "      " part sorry.19:52
_JohnSunTsu: They can't write to the files, but they can still read them, and they can read other users files in their home directories.19:52
MahaVishnuxrandr --addmode default "1024x768_60.00"19:52
prinot working MahaVishnu  :(. MahaVishnu i click System>pref.>monitor19:53
prithat output19:53
MahaVishnupri$ you using nvidia card?19:54
kosmotakmonsterwizard wubi.exe must be there if no i don't havy any idea why19:55
olimonesshovell: are u using a mouse different from the touchpad?19:55
priMahaVishnu yes19:56
MahaVishnupri$ did you install nvidia proprietary driver. ?19:56
olimonesshovell: if not, the configurator is identifying your pad as a mouse, which is normal19:57
primy xorg.conf file19:57
kosmotakoh shit i've installed ubuntu on pendrive and i run out of space i have only 15MB left19:57
MahaVishnupri$ sudo nvidia-xconfig19:57
kosmotaki have idea19:58
kosmotaki install it again19:58
StepnjumpI have a .swf (flash page) that i would like to print to pdf. Does anyone know an app that would do that?19:58
priMahaVishnu that output19:58
primy xorg.conf > https://gist.github.com/148260019:58
priMahaVishnu: is true?20:01
pri    HorizSync       28.0 - 33.0     VertRefresh     43.0 - 72.020:01
OerHeksStepnjump, i never heard of a .swf to be printed, frame by frame ?20:01
MahaVishnupri$ sudo hwinfo --framebuffer | grep "Mode"20:02
MahaVishnupri$ also lsmod | grep nvidia20:03
StepnjumpIt's actually a text document OerHerks20:03
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priMahaVishnu: empty20:03
MahaVishnupri$ for lsmod | grep nvidia ?20:03
escottStepnjump, is this one of those inline pdf renders ala scribd?20:04
priMahaVishnu: not output20:04
MahaVishnupri$ you know the app 'hardware drivers' maybe in 'system' ?20:04
tappleI googled my question about java. the ubuntu package name is openjdk-jre20:05
Stepnjumpno it's on a website... I would like to keep the content in pdf or ps20:05
yeehawtapple: I'm happy for you20:05
Stepnjumpescott no it's on a website... I would like to keep the content in pdf or ps20:05
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=== Zyra is now known as Diablesse
=== Diablesse is now known as SocialMedia
escottStepnjump, well what website? I think I know what you are talking about and usually they do this kind of pdf stuff to prevent you from getting the pdf document (at least not without paying or giving them lots of personal information), but you should check if the rendered has a download button20:06
priMahaVishnu: yes nvidia enable20:06
OerHeksStepnjump, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-convert-web-page-into-a-pdf-file-in-ubuntu-10-10maverick.html20:06
lewellynheyas. is this the proper place to ask clarification questions about listings on http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/ ?20:06
prii reboot the system20:06
MahaVishnupri$ have you rebooted since enabled ?20:07
=== SocialMedia is now known as zolty
=== zolty is now known as aRMi
=== aRMi is now known as jcea
Stepnjumpthanks oerherks I tried that but it doesn't work. And yes escott. I know what you are saying20:08
=== jcea is now known as GLoyD
Stepnjumphowever, I'm sure there is something out there to do this20:08
=== GLoyD is now known as GreyClouD
=== GreyClouD is now known as chenon
Picichenon: Please pick a nick and stick with it.20:08
chenonI'm grouping the nicks20:09
chenonBecause anybody steal them20:09
escottStepnjump, i doubt there is. each flash program is different. what you might try is to use firebug to inspect the traffic to and from the website. you might see the flash program request the pdf and you can save the stream right out of firebug20:09
=== chenon is now known as [diesel]
=== [diesel] is now known as MEGA-
Pici!nickspam > MEGA-20:10
ubottuMEGA-, please see my private message20:10
OerHeksStepnjump, strange it would not work. are you sure it is just text ? here are 3 more solutions > http://www.ohbuntu.blogspot.com/2010/02/2-ways-to-save-web-page-as-pdf.html20:10
* MEGA- grouping nicks20:10
hermes34234I'm new to ubuntu and i have an issue with youtube video playing too fast and no sound. but if i test speakers from ubuntu i have sound20:11
lewellynok. well, i take silence as assent. :/ http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200802-222 lists what I assume is a Type 7979 system, but 7979 replaced 8840 and is the same hardware. Is it fair to consider Type 8840 systems as unofficially certified, in this case? Also, what does one do about the fact that IBM only provides their tools for RHEL and SLES?20:12
ikoniahermes34234: just ask a question clearly20:12
ikonialewellyn: what tools ?20:12
lewellynhttp://www-947.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/docdisplay?lndocid=SYSX-SERVRS&brandind=5000008 is what lists the 8840 -> 7979 transition20:12
lewellynikonia: things like the raid management, for starters.20:13
hermes34234nevermind be back later20:13
lewellynDSA would also be useful (Dynamic System Analysis)20:13
ikonialewellyn: thinggs like that are problematic, you can unpackage them and try them on your ubuntu system, however it's doubtful they will work as they are probably linked against the redhat/sles libraries20:13
lewellynyeah. that's why i'm kind of curious what, exactly, certification entails, since things like the raid controller are kind of useful :/20:14
ikonialewellyn: the best thing to do in that situation is contact IBM and request the pacakge in a compatible ubuntu version, however it is doubtul they will provide it as most business won't build software for distros with 6 month release cycles20:14
lewellynum. i'm not asking for a 6-month release cycle20:14
lewellynnote that the server's only certified for LTS20:14
ikonialewellyn: ubuntu is a 6 month release cycle, so most business software packages don't build for it20:15
ikonialewellyn: the certification is probably limited to hardware compatiability20:15
Stepnjumplet me try oerherks and escott. thanks I'll let you know20:15
lewellyni'm not looking for a "probably", which is why i came here. :/ and every indication on the site is that LTS is on a multi-year cycle, not 6-months.20:15
r3zahi guys , i recently share my firefox profile between ubuntu 11.10 and MS 7 .. after that i realized that all my bookmarks are gone . can anyone help me please ?20:15
ikonialewellyn: ok - you want a "non-probably" answer, ask IMB20:16
lewellynwhy would ibm have any bearing about what's on ubuntu.com?20:16
ikonialewellyn: I can assure you that the certification does not account for 3rd part software, just hardware compatability20:16
ikonialewellyn: IBM would have a bearing on the compatability of the tools.20:16
lewellyni'm asking about what, exactly, the relevance of that page is to the servers sitting in front of me. the site is very vague on that.20:17
lewellynand since it's on ubuntu.com, i came to #ubuntu.20:17
ikonialewellyn: the hardware is compatible with the distribution version20:17
ikoniathat is the certification in that respect20:17
lewellyncan you please link me something to that effect? thanks.20:17
lewellynbasically, how i'm currently seeing the server listings is that there are a bunch of "certified" servers for lts, but no definition of what "certified" entails.20:18
ikonialewellyn: it certifies that ubuntu will run on that device20:19
lewellynand what's the definition of "run" though? apparently "using the raid array" isn't on that list? or does ubuntu ship with drivers for the serveraid that sles/rhel don't?20:19
ikonialewellyn: the hardware will work with open drivers on most of the raidcard provided by IBM/Dell/HP - the 3rd party provided ones are for advanced tools such as email reporting raid degredatiion (for example)20:20
lewellynum. per the ibm doco, you need to have the ibm drivers at installtime to install to the raid.20:21
ikonialewellyn: their official document, yes,20:21
ikonialewellyn: that doesn't mean open versions don't work, or it could mean the card is supported as a jbod device, but not as a raid controller20:21
lewellynin fact, they have a media creator which injects the drivers into the rhel and sles install media :/20:21
lewellynjbod's not terribly useful when you have bbwc20:22
=== Joska is now known as Serpa
darkknightczhi, someone with some experience with /etc/network/interfaces (2 networks), if i have this settings - http://pastebin.com/S131P9UJ , eth1 is working, eth0 isnt20:22
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a way to put a weather update on the tool bar at the top on 11.1020:22
r3zahi guys , i recently share my firefox profile between ubuntu 11.10 and MS 7 .. after that i realized that all my bookmarks are gone . can anyone help me please ?20:22
=== Serpa is now known as rar
Tech-1r3za:  bookmarks/show all bookmarks/ restore20:23
LordCrchi, my googles fail me, i got some issues with a Realtek 8188CE wireless card on ubuntu 11.04,  and im wondering if it'd help to compile realtek's drivers, so i'd like to know which version i've got installed... but how do i find out? :)20:23
ikoniaLordCrc: look in the hardware drivers tool - ubuntu provides drivers, no need to compile20:24
ikoniaLordCrc: (or at least shouldn't be20:24
LordCrcikonia: and they will be up to date always?20:24
ikoniaLordCrc: they will be the ubuntu supported versions20:24
MahaVishnuLordCrc$ sudo lshw -C network it shows what driver is in use20:25
lewellyni would contact canonical directly rather than popping into irc, but i can't find a way to ask this without first purchasing the Essential Ubuntu Advantage. i'm not seeing any "pre-sales" sort of inquiry system. :/20:25
=== rar is now known as Serpa
ikonialewellyn: contact canonical about what ?20:25
ikonialewellyn: you've stated the hardware needs an IBM driver - that is not provided for ubuntu, contact IBM and ask them how to manage it20:25
lewellynikonia: about how the hell the raid works on ubuntu but not other distros, for starters?20:25
* Serpa bye bye20:25
ikonialewellyn: does it work on ubuntu ?20:25
lewellyni don't know. i'm not wiping windows from the servers till i know exactly what "certified" means. i'll plop lts on a proliant instead if i can't get satisfactory answers, or use rhel.20:26
ikonialewellyn: link me to the page for your hardware20:26
lewellynthe canonical-provided page?20:27
ikonialewellyn: which one was it again20:27
ikonialewellyn: yeah, or just remind me of the hardware model20:27
=== mint is now known as reokie
ikonialewellyn: so you have an IBM x3650 device ?20:27
lewellynit's the x346 which was rebranded to x3650 with no hardware changes.20:28
ikonialewellyn: ok - so look at the card20:28
ikoniait's a rocket raid card20:28
Picilewellyn: It says it right here: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/test-suite "When a system is certified for Ubuntu, the following items are tested and considered supported:"20:28
lewellynit's a ServeRAID 7k20:28
ikonialewellyn: it's covered by DM raid device20:28
ikonialewellyn: the card listed on ubuntu's site is an AAC-Raid (rocket raid)20:28
lewellynyeah. these have IBM RAID20:28
ikonialewellyn: so either the card has changed in the later revision20:28
ikonialewellyn: ok - so the hardware HAS changed20:28
reokieWhat's the usual "/" partition size if im going to use the rest of the space for the "/home" partition?20:28
lewellynthe Adaptec AAC only support 2 of the 3 channels as Adaptec anyhow20:29
lewellynikonia: no, therea are a LOT of raid options20:29
LordCrcMahaVishnu: thanks20:29
reokieI have mine set at 50gig for / and 250 for /home atm20:29
ikonialewellyn: ok - well the certified ubuntu option lists AAC-Raid20:29
ikonialewellyn: not IBM raid20:29
ikonialewellyn: so as your hardware is different it's not certified20:29
lewellynwhich would be only the non-raid channels20:29
Churchreokie: 10-15G should be enough. probably ~ 5G used20:29
ikonialewellyn: ok - so it doesn't support the raid channels20:29
ikoniathere is your answer20:29
reokieChurch: ok, thanks alot!20:29
lewellyni have one of the adaptec cards here, but 2 of the channels are controlled by the adaptec bios, and ibm has a serveraid bios for the hotswap bays on the card.20:30
ikonialewellyn: it's not supported then20:30
lewellyni'd like an answer from canonical about that though :/20:30
ikonialewellyn: the supported page does not list that device, so it isn't certified20:30
Picilewellyn: I would suggest asking here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-certification20:30
lewellynPici: thanks.20:30
ikonialewellyn: ok - you won't accept a webpage that doesn't list your device as supported, you won't accept people telling you in IRC, and what's the point of asking in here ?20:30
ross_how do I make ubuntu a developer's environment?20:31
lewellynikonia: the page doesn't say what it does about the 3rd channel, which is the one in question anyhow.20:31
fagottwhat ya want?20:31
ikonialewellyn: it lists the supported device20:31
Picifagott: Please change your nick20:31
lewellynas i said, the adaptecs ship with serveraid firmware20:31
ikoniathat's not your device20:31
* lewellyn goes to grab the adaptec. brb.20:31
Tech-1some people are hard headed ikonia ,20:31
fagottikonia: lol!20:31
ikoniafagott: please comply with Pici's request20:32
=== ross_ is now known as monsterrr
fagottthen, whats my device, ikonia?20:32
tiago_alguem poderia me ajudar com a tradução do MAN PAGE20:33
tiago_eu trasuzi20:33
BarkingFish!pt | tiago_20:33
ubottutiago_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:33
tiago_mas a tradução nao esta como padrao20:33
lewellynok. it's an ASR-3255S with ServeRAID BIOS in addition to the standard Adaptec BIOS.20:33
hermes34234my computer ate my cat20:34
ikonialewellyn: different card than the supported version20:34
ikoniahermes34234: please don't be silly in here20:34
lewellynand i note that somehow the ServeRAID is being recognized by the certification: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/scsi:10514:10017-DISK20:34
lewellynikonia: that's the same card :/20:34
darkknightcznoone can help me?20:34
hermes34234my computer refuses to make me breakfast20:34
Cradamone thing i dont like about ubuntu, 18 updates in 24 hours20:35
BarkingFishCradam: you're lucky. I got 226 overnight!20:35
ikonialewellyn: ASR != AAC20:35
CradamBarkingFish: 226 small ones?20:35
lewellynikonia: same pci id though.20:35
BarkingFishCradam: 353mb in total20:36
lewellynseems the chart is based on pci id20:36
ikonialewellyn: pci id's are manually controlled file20:36
ikonialewellyn: it may not have been updated yet20:36
lewellynO_o pci id's are part of the hardware, not a file.20:36
PiciCradam: There have been a bunch of security updates in the past few days. You should be glad that you're getting them.20:36
kurtulI have a natty. but when i say "do-release-upgrade", it says "no new release found". what may be wrong?20:36
ikonialewellyn: no - they are a file20:36
lewellynuh no. they're part of the device.20:36
ikonialewellyn: the reference of the ID to device identifier20:36
CradamPici: most are for 3rd party files like java20:36
ikonialewellyn: sorry, I wasn't clear with that20:36
olimonesshovell: are you still there20:36
lewellynikonia: yes. i'm saying that the card's pci id is the same as listed on that page20:37
Cradamjava,apache,php and my text editor mostly20:37
mattgyverIs it safe to browse a USB drive that has copy operations taking place, like ls a directory or copy another file or can this lead to data corruption?20:37
ikonialewellyn: I don't see a pci-id on http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci:0286:9005-RAID20:37
olimonesI solved my problem. Do you still need help?20:37
Cradammattgyver: its safe20:37
lewellynyour URL has the pci id20:37
mattgyverCradam, okay I have always assumed it was not so I figured I should just ask thanks20:37
Yoshiko-eSoul, FBI trick20:37
ikonialewellyn: ahh, I see what you're saying20:37
Cradammattgyver: you browse your hard drive while the OS is using files dont you?20:37
Cradamsame principle20:37
Picikurtul: ensure that you have 'Prompt=normal' in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades20:38
lewellyn thankfully, adaptec uses that pci id on like a bajillion devices and uses the subfields for specific devices :/20:38
ikonialewellyn: well, I think you're going to have to assume that the certification is based on "base" support20:38
mattgyverCradam, right - I think a long time ago I did something that led me to screw something that made me think this way20:38
ikonialewellyn: rather than advanced features such as raid, however that should be detailed in the notes better20:38
lewellynikonia: ok. so rhel is the safer answer. thanks.20:38
Cradammattgyver: you probably removed the usb stick while the led was flashing20:38
ikonialewellyn: I'd agree20:38
lewellynvendor supports lts but not rhel for some reason. i'll push them rather than end up with unstable boxes.20:39
kurtulPici: Prompt=normal in there20:39
Cradammattgyver: btw the OS that i use to troubleshoot computers runs on a usb stick20:39
ikonialewellyn: sounds a frustating mix of distro/hardware support20:39
lewellyni'd prefer to keep my whole network on one linux flavor when linux is needed anyhow, and so far pretty much everything tastes of felt hats :/20:39
mattgyverCradam, yea so do I but I run the distro running in RAM so I couldnt really go on that20:39
meerkatscan anyone help me with a scanning issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189537620:40
Cradammattgyver: puppy?20:40
mattgyverCradam, naah I just use partmagic20:40
Picikurtul: Then do: sudo do-release-upgrade -p20:40
lewellynikonia: if i use sles or rhel, everything is apparently supported including driver updates within the past month. i'll take that over a software vendor who hears everyone talking "ubuntu! ubuntu! ubuntu!" in the media and assumes it's the only distro :/20:40
Cradambtw, does anyone know how to install grub debs when you dont have an internet connection?20:40
ikonialewellyn: wise20:40
Cradammy usb OS doesnt support my wifi20:41
ikoniaCradam: grub should be installed at install time, why do you need grub debs20:41
lewellynanyhow, thanks for the time. i've got things to do and i won't be able to provide much value to this channel, i don't think. :)20:41
LordCrchttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1894023 <-- exact same issue im having and he tried the drivers i thought about compiling, guess im SOL then?20:41
Cradamikonia: because its a derivative of ubuntu that doesnt have grub installed20:41
giampaolosorry, I feel kinda stupid but I can't understand how to install chrome ppa: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable20:41
ikoniaCradam: ok - so why are you asking in #ubuntu ?20:41
kurtulPici: thanks, it's working20:42
giampaolo"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable && sudo apt-get update" ...and? what else?20:42
Cradamikonia: its apt-get related20:42
ikoniaCradam: we don't support variant releases, you know that you've been here long enough20:42
OerHeksgiampaolo, after adding, restart chromium20:42
Cradami guess i would get more help in #debian but meh, i was already in here20:42
trismgiampaolo: sudo apt-get upgrade; if you already have chromium-browser, otherwise, sudo apt-get install chromium-browser;20:43
ikoniaCradam: well #debian is for debian support, not "variant" support, but you're welcome to try20:43
OerHeksgiampaolo,  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:43
Cradamikonia: ... the debian people arent as arsey as you20:43
giampaolotrism: I did sudo apt-get upgrade but it didn't upgrade chrome20:43
meerkatsmy scanner only scans a white line, regardless of the content of the page, whats going on?20:44
trismgiampaolo: it won't upgrade chrome, it is for chromium20:44
giampaolotrism: argh!!!20:44
saulushow can I force gnome-3 to use the bluetooth dongle and turn off the internal one? Or at least use the dongle per default and the internal only as a backup device?20:45
giampaoloI guess there are no PPAs for google chrome right?20:45
kinkyikonia: hopefully he is denied in #debian as well =)20:46
=== m4yer_zZz is now known as m4yer
VadtecWk2when running ubuntu via a USB thumb drive, how can I set a password so that I can install programs *to the USB drive* ?20:46
MonkeyDustgiampaolo  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/820:46
jrbassthese stats are sayin 56% of my memory usage is cached... how do i change that20:46
dusfi am getting an error at boot that ubuntu is unable to mount a partition where i store media, although when i log in i can mount it - how can i correct this please?20:46
trismgiampaolo: google chrome has their own repos, which should be added automatically when you install the deb (but I haven't used chrome in a while)20:47
MahaVishnujrbass$ this is normal20:47
jrbassits normal for Ubuntu to use 1gb of my ram for cache?20:47
MahaVishnuI think cache = ready to use. not actually 'in use'20:47
MahaVishnuI have 2500MB of 4000MB 'cached'20:48
robin0800giampaolo: of course there are when you install the deb it automatically writes it20:48
oCeanjrbass: it's normal for Linux http://www.linuxatemyram.com/20:48
VadtecWk2does anyone have any info on my question? im looking, but my search mojo seems to be off today, because im not finding anything20:50
sskalnikAppx how much RAM would be sufficient to get away with having no swap on an Ubuntu system that gets used for gaming and maybe one vm?20:50
malibujrbass: Memory is fast, disk is slow.  Using disk when there is free memory is a hit to performance.  Any unix does this.20:50
bobalazsany X pros want to help me set up x11?20:50
The_BROSWhat is the way to install Flash wich will not load processor?20:51
malibujrbass: If something actually needs memory then it will get memory.  Cache just occupies unused memory.20:51
jrbassyea i understand what and why now, just gotta figure out how to take that out of the equation for this stats script20:52
jrbassfree -m works but not for this script20:52
VadtecWk2guess no one has info on my simple question20:55
jclbrtVadtecWk2, wats the question20:56
jrbassif you make it a persistant usb, it installs to the USB drive20:56
jclbrtnvm found ur question scrolling up20:57
jclbrtdunno the answer... but i also wouldnt just assume it's a "simple" question20:57
VadtecWk2jrbass: i created a persistant space on the USB when I formatted it20:57
escottVadtecWk2, you may have to create the usb differently. The usb-creator-gtk has a checkbox to make the usb persistent or you can use unetbootin20:57
VadtecWk2i used the windows tool for creating the USB drive20:58
sc30317does anyone know why when I run a game in Ubuntu 11.10 my whole computer locks up, but every other time is fine?  I have 2 ati cards driving 3 monitors with xinerama, that may be the issue?20:58
VadtecWk2and i created a 4G persistant file on it20:58
jrbassi have a ubuntu thumb drive, and i use it all the time, install/update... i put a webserver on it so i can carry a webserver everywhere i go20:58
VadtecWk2but when I tried to install programs while running fromt he USB, it wouldnt allow me to install anything20:58
versus_is there any blender user?20:59
jclbrti havent used blender in awhile20:59
jclbrtbut shoot20:59
VadtecWk2jrbass: when you use this thumb drive, does it ask you to give a password?20:59
versus_well, may be you know: Is it possible to use movie file as texture in Cycles???21:00
jrbassVadtecWk2; nope21:00
jclbrtversus_ i've applied movies as textures yes21:01
jclbrtif thats what u are asking for21:01
VadtecWk2jrbass: ok, so when you go to the software center, you are able to install without any issues....great, so what the heck is wrong with this usb drive i created21:01
versus_ok man...But in Cycles???21:02
versus_or just in blenderrender?21:02
mrpink57sskalnik: I understand 4gb or more is fine.  But have some sort of swap some programs may look for it.  I have 4gb of ram and keep a 2gb swap just in case.21:02
jclbrti'm not sure it had cycles when i used it last21:02
versus_I can't find how to do that in cycles21:02
monnywho know a chanel where can help with pascal ?21:03
EvilResistancemonny:  you mean the language?21:03
versus_anyway..thx for answer!21:03
jclbrtversus_ I'd hope it could support it21:03
fbdystangHey all, anyone know where I can host my logo for email signatures? This would be for commercial use. Thanks!21:03
monnyEvilResistance yes21:03
EvilResistancemonny:  try ##Programming ?21:03
guntbert!ot | fbdystang21:04
ubottufbdystang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:04
jrbassVadtecWk2: not sure bud.21:04
fbdystangguntbert: ah thanks21:04
VadtecWk2jrbass: im gonna recreate this USB drive with 10.04LTS and see what happens, maybe 11.10 was being weird21:04
guntbertmonny: try #pascal (only 9 users...)21:05
patrickalguem pode me ajudar21:05
VadtecWk2thanks for the help everyone21:06
=== patrick is now known as Guest51624
jrbasswhat are you usin to create it? Universal Usb Installer?21:06
Guest51624como faço para deixar ip fixo no meu ubuntu?21:06
VadtecWk2jrbass: yes,
monnyhow to register in this mirc ?21:06
jrbassk, that should work21:06
monnyhow i can register my nick21:06
VadtecWk2jrbass: yeah, i set the persistence size to 4089MB, so i know it has plenty of space to install what i want to install21:07
Guest51624algum br ai?21:07
Guest51624alguem do brasil que possa me ajudar...21:08
LemonAidDoes anyone know where NetworkManager stores the WPA keys?21:08
jrbassmonny: try #freenode21:08
Pici!br | Guest5162421:08
ubottuGuest51624: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:08
bobalazsis there any x guru to help me set up an extended monitor through xorg.conf ?21:08
guntbert!register | monny21:08
ubottumonny: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:08
BluesKaj!register | monny21:08
jclbrti wish i knew more blender actually :-(21:09
jclbrtif i had some time i could figure it out lol21:09
patrick_i need help21:09
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:10
patrick_have brazilian?21:10
dusfi am getting an error at boot that ubuntu is unable to mount a partition where i store media, although when i log in i can mount it - how can i correct this please?21:10
jclbrtdusf does it try to run an fsck?21:11
dusfjclbrt: no i don't think so21:11
versus_is there someone who knows, how to use movie in cycles?21:11
mattgyverdusf, have you recently made any changes do your hard disk drives?21:11
dusfjclbrt: the output is down the bottom of this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189579521:11
dusfmattgyver: yes unfortunately. i ran chkdsk -l on window on my media ntfs partition, and formatted a 4gb gparted had problems with to fat32 so i could then reformat it to linux swap21:12
mattgyverdusf, one thought could be to check the UUID's of the drives and the entries in /etc/fstab to check for any inconsistencies21:12
dusfi was unable to log in, getting a grub rescue error21:12
telemoneydusf: why would you want to run fsck?21:12
dusfi can now log back in after re-installing grub21:12
dusfbut gparted sees my entire disk as unallocated space 300gb21:12
tjiggi_fopatrick_, #ubuntu-br21:12
dusfalthough i can navigate all the partitions in ubuntu21:13
jclbrtdusf, is the partition encrypted at all?21:13
jclbrtjust out of curiosity21:13
dusfi don't think so21:13
dusfthink i skipped that option21:13
dusftelemoney: i ran chkdsk because gparted advised me to21:13
NightDogWhat services has taken a early holiday when my ubuntu unity search thingy only gives med files and no programs?21:13
dusfmattgyver: can you tell me how to check the uuid?21:13
mattgyverdusf, sudo blkid <device>21:13
patrick_ 21:14
patrick_algum brazilian21:14
dusftelemoney: excuse me?21:14
telemoneyno i was talking to someone else of course.21:15
dusfmattgyver: that command has no output, tried sda and sda1 sda221:15
tjiggi_fo!br | patrick_,21:15
ubottupatrick_,: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:15
mattgyverdusf, like; sudo /dev/sda1  ?21:15
dusfmattgyver: no i was just putting in sda1 thanks. comparing now to fstab21:16
mattgyverdusf, yeah if for some reason you were pointing to devices in /etc/fstab like /dev/sda1 specifically, it could have switched21:17
robin0800dusf: if you have only one disk you don't need device21:17
mattgyverI hae had that happen before and its a pain in the butt, if your already using UUID's then its unlikely the case21:17
dusfonly one disk 7/8 partitions21:17
meerkatsi need help with xsane:21:17
meerkatsXsane sends the order to the scanner to scan, and it does so, it even creates a .jpg file in the directory I want, with different sizes depending on each page, but when I use any image viewer all I see is black background against a single white vertical line21:17
dusfmattgyver: i don't have an /etc/fstab dir21:17
mattgyverdusf, not a directory its a file21:18
jclbrtinfinite bandwidth my ass21:18
mattgyveryou could open it with like gedit, vi or just page it with less21:18
jclbrtthis is definitely NOT infinite21:18
mattgyveras root of course21:18
mattgyverIf you want, you could pastebin the blkid info for all partitions and your /etc/fstab and I could take a peek too21:18
dusfmattgyver: standby for pastebin21:18
mattgyverdusf, np21:19
robin0800dusf: well sudo blkid will work21:19
robin0800dusf: fstab is a file21:19
mattgyverjclbrt, maybe you have reached the end of infinity?21:19
dusfmattgyver: robin0800 http://pastebin.com/LW6mqMrh21:19
jclbrtmattgyver, how?21:20
mattgyverjclbrt, dunno but if so be sure to document your findings21:20
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razieliyoI've just installed gnome-shell but it seems a little weird to me, what do you think about it?21:20
sskalnikWhen I try to do a cp or mv in a Makefile, e.g., "mv rc.nslink $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/nslink", the autobuilding fails with "Not a directory".21:20
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MeQuerSatAnyone knows howto fix this? "quotatool: Error while detecting kernel quota version: No such file or directory"21:21
dusfmattgyver: robin0800: DUMP is sda8 and the partition giving trouble21:21
mthiffauHas anybody run into a problem upgrading to 11.10 where things will refuse to link with libpthread?21:21
mattgyverdusf, im looking at it now lemme re-read your thread to make sure I totally follow the issue21:22
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dusfmattgyver: ty friend21:22
mattgyverdusf, did you ever try to recreate the partition table with fdisk?21:24
dusfmattgyver: i did not no21:24
dusfmattgyver: GParted gives me the option to create a partition table but it warns all data will be lost21:25
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mattgyverdusf, yeah im not sure myself the safety of it.  I was thinking you could go in with fdisk and tell it to rewrite the table and see what happens but..21:26
mattgyverbecause everything is on that main disk its a crapshoot and I dont want to put you in worse shape21:26
jon23dcan somebody help me get SSL set up for local virtual hosts?  I am having a lot of trouble getting it to work.21:26
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jrbassjon23d: it was a pain for me too21:27
dusfmattgyver: yeah21:27
MahaVishnudusf$ what you trying to do ?21:27
ncupteaHello all, i'm new in this room. Plis teach me if wrong21:27
dusfMahaVishnu: would you mind viewing the support thread? there's a lot i've done21:27
jon23djrbass: do you have a resource that you could recommend?21:27
dusfMahaVishnu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189579521:27
ncupteaany body from indonesia?21:28
dusfMahaVishnu: i'm happy to at least be able to boot, i got a shock seeing the grub error earlier today21:28
mattgyverhey dusf I just noticed something21:28
dusfmattgyver: spit it21:28
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mattgyvermake a backup of your /etc/fstab, and then change /dev/sda5 to /dev/sda821:28
MahaVishnudusf$ did you try booting a livecd sudo grub-install /dev/sdx21:28
guntbertncuptea: welcome to the ubuntu support channel - please use it for technical support only21:28
jrbassjon23d: i used this tut > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/server/apache2/SSL21:28
dusfMahaVishnu: yes, i did that a few hours ago - it's in the thread i linked you :)21:28
mattgyverthen either reboot or do a mount -a, a reboot would be best really so you can verify the message goes away21:28
MeQuerSatSo quotatool is borked for Ubuntu 11.10?21:29
ncupteaoke guntbert21:29
dusfmattgyver: bear with me21:29
mattgyverI think it changed your /dev/sdaX numbers during the partitioning but we can get to fixing those to use UUID after this21:29
guntbertncuptea: if you just want to chat - join #ubuntu-offtopic21:29
mkjackson_mobilehey folks, i'm having issues calling a shell script from a shell script21:29
ncupteaoke, i'm understant21:30
MeQuerSatmkjackson_mobile, post the script to pastebin21:30
mattgyverdusf, basically its trying to mount /dev/sda5 which it thinks is an ntfs drive but is currently an ext3 partition21:30
mkjackson_mobilecan I just put in a line /path/to/script/script.sh?21:30
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MeQuerSatmkjackson_mobile, yes21:30
mkjackson_mobileMeQuerSat: sorry, didn't see the reply until after I hit enter21:30
dusfmattgyver: is that the 4gb one?21:30
jon23djrbass: but what if I want to use multiple named virtual hosts?21:30
mkjackson_mobileMeQuerSat: kk, I'm gonna check21:30
mattgyverdusf, it doesnt say but I can tell you that its an NTFS drive21:31
mattgyverand dev/sda5 is not21:31
dusfmattgyver: okay well sda8 is DUMP and ntfs21:32
ncupteaejactly i'm found trouble with openvpn server, device tunnel has see if i use "ifconfig" but other certificate has error if i check21:32
dusfi corrected the file21:32
jrbassjon23d: im guessing you would direct each vhost to a dif cert file21:32
mattgyverokay, can you just humor me and paste your new file?21:32
dusfmattgyver: but i don't know why it says # /home was on /dev/sda8 during installation21:32
dusfwell i guess i could have changed it at some point21:32
dusfsure pastebin coming21:32
mattgyverdusf, dont worry about /dev/sdaX at this point21:32
mattgyverI think they are all screwed up tbh but we can sort this out21:32
bobalazscan anybody help me set up xorg.conf?21:33
MeQuerSatbobalazs, you dont need to probablty21:33
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bobalazsMeQuerSat i need to set up the external monitor to proper resolution21:34
MeQuerSatwhich vid. card do you have?21:34
OY1Rhow do i recursively change the ownership of directories and their content ?21:34
MahaVishnubobalazs$ you could just use xrandr -s resolutionxresolution on the affected monitor.21:34
MeQuerSatOY1R, "sudo chown user:group -R /path/"21:34
bobalazsxrandr and by default the external is not recognized21:35
bobalazstherefore i'd want to make a xconf manually21:35
OY1Rwhat's group ?21:35
dusfmattgyver: http://pastebin.com/9qNpKStD file saved, say when to reboot21:35
OY1Rwhat group do i belong to ?21:35
MeQuerSatOY1R, if you need to ask, I suggest you do this first "man chown"21:35
mattgyverdusf, okay and the blkid stuff is just for reference at the top right, its not in the file?21:36
guntbert!permissions | OY1R21:36
ubottuOY1R: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:36
MahaVishnubobalazs$ different cards. or the same card for both screens ?21:36
bobalazsMeQuerSat neither nvidia nor intel or ati therefore those options don't work -its a via s3 chrome igp integrated21:36
dusfmattgyver: the fdisk stuff? i added that for you21:36
MeQuerSatbobalazs, I wouldn't know then, sorry21:36
mattgyverdusf, thats what i thought cool thanks, reboot that jamalama21:36
ncupteafile permission struktur : root--group--user21:36
dusfmattgyver: brb21:36
mattgyvernp, ill be here21:37
ncupteacorect me21:37
BadDesignI'm trying to install Qt 4.8 SDK after I chmod u+x and I do ./Qt_SDK_Lin32_offline_v1_1_4_en.run it says bash: ./Qt_SDK_Lin32_offline_v1_1_4_en.run: No such file or directory (and yes I'm in the same directory as the file I'm trying to run) anyone knows what's the problem?21:37
bobalazsMahaVishnu same card laptop internal connected to external hd monitor21:37
MeQuerSatBadDesign, do "ls"21:37
BadDesignMediaDoneRight: The file is there21:37
MahaVishnubobalazs$ intel chip or?21:37
MeQuerSatsee if the file is there, if it is, try "bash Qt_SDK_Lin32_offline_v1_1_4_en.run"21:37
BadDesignMeQuerSat: the file is there21:37
BadDesigntried that21:37
bobalazsMahaVishnu via21:37
MeQuerSattry "bash ./file"21:38
BadDesignand it says  cannot execute binary file21:38
MeQuerSatthen you didnt set the execute flag properly21:38
MeQuerSat"chmod +x ./file"21:38
escottBadDesign, it could be that the error is coming from the *.run script. not your execution of it21:38
BadDesignthe file has rwxrwxr-x21:38
MeQuerSatthen I suggest you re-download the file21:39
bobalazsA properly set up xorg.conf could override and set up both screens properly21:39
BadDesignescott: ok, let me check on to see if there is md5sum to check against21:39
MahaVishnubobalazs$ http://pastebin.com/6SyFPM6z   that is mine, you can edit it to suit you if you have any questions let me know21:39
ncupteaby the way webhtb free edition uplink konfiguration always not work, can explain?21:39
BadDesignescott: MeQuerSat the file was corrupted I redownloaded and now it works, thx for your time21:40
danyhi, huys , can u help me make my ubuntu 10.04 connect to wireless , my laptop is aspire 5733 , it's working fine with windows 7 , but with ubuntu not at all21:41
MahaVishnubobalazs$ you can use lspci to find the BUSID for your devices21:41
MahaVishnuerr drvice.21:41
ncupteadany : install wvdial21:41
danyncuptea, how i can do that21:41
ncupteadebian? try apt-get install wvdial21:42
mattgyversi dusf21:43
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danyhi, huys , can u help me make my ubuntu 10.04 connect to wireless , my laptop is aspire 5733 , it's working fine with windows 7 , but with ubuntu not at all21:44
guntbert!repeat | dany21:44
ubottudany: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:44
mattgyverdusf, any luck?21:44
dusfmattgyver: sorry lol :) dude that worked - there was some message that flashed up for a second but so fast i couldn't read it21:44
mattgyverdusf, sweet, were getting somewhere21:45
dusfmattgyver: disk mounted automagically :)21:45
mattgyvernow what we need to do is assign it by UUID21:45
mattgyverso the pointer doesnt get changed if you do any more partitioning in the future21:45
ncupteadefault file konfiguration scrip on /etc/wvdial.conf after install21:45
mattgyverNow, I had some questions about your other partitions but ill bug you over PM with that21:45
dusfmattgyver: what will that do? also if you have time, can we look at gparted thinking the whole thing is unallocated after21:45
omidcan i install Synaptic and use it beside Ubuntu software center without them conflicting and causing problems ?21:45
almoxarifeomid: yes21:46
MeQuerSatomid: Sure.21:46
MeQuerSatomid: just don't run them at the same time.21:46
Zorhey folks! I'm having trouble with a boot hanging at "mounting root filesystem". what can I do to figure out the cause?21:46
guntbertomid: just not at the same time21:46
danyhi, huys , can u help me make my ubuntu 10.04 connect to wireless , my laptop is aspire 5733 , it's working fine with windows 7 , but with ubuntu not at all21:47
LovelyBaconIs linuxmint server spotchat down?21:47
ibolmomy ubuntu release is no longer supported.. and i'm gettting 404s for apt-gets21:48
ibolmois there anyway i can still use apt-get?21:48
guntbert!eol | ibolmo21:48
ubottuibolmo: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:48
LovelyBaconDont use unsupported distros21:48
ibolmoyes i'm trying to reinstall with a new distro21:48
ibolmobut i'm stuck until i can reinstall ssh21:49
MeQuerSatguntbert, what to do if a default /etc/init.d script is borked?21:49
omidthankyou guntbert  and almoxarife  and MeQuerSat21:49
guntbertMeQuerSat: borked in what way?21:49
MeQuerSatguntbert, installed "quota" and "quotatools", "sudo /etc/init.d/quota start" does nothing, but ".... stop" seems to work21:50
ibolmolsb_release -a the only way to know the ubuntu release i'm on?21:51
ibolmothre's some confusion.. i thought i was on lucid21:51
danyhi guys, need to install wireless driver for my ubuntu 10.0421:52
MeQuerSatdany, can you give us the output of "lspci | grep Network" ?21:53
mkanyicyibolmo, how can we help you?21:53
guntbertMeQuerSat: no recent experience with quota here - at the moment there are several way to start/stop services,   1) /etc/init.d/......     2) sudo service quota start     3) sudo start  quota      (the confusion comes from the migration towards upstart)21:53
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MeQuerSatguntbert, thanks, but I actually knew that and I tried "sudo start quota" as well (its not upstart yet)21:54
guntbertMeQuerSat: sorry, no help from me then - bed is calling :-)21:54
MeQuerSatnp :)21:54
danyMeQuerSat, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771625/21:54
ibolmomkanyicy, one sec. i think this is a slice problem prior to reaching you guys.21:54
MeQuerSatAR9485 support21:55
MeQuerSatAR9485 is a cheaper version of the AR9285. Should consist of some initval updates and a few ath9k_hw changes. Goal is to get most code in synch for ath9k_hw through HAL unification principles.21:55
FloodBot1MeQuerSat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:55
MeQuerSatI guess it's not supported at the moment yet21:55
ibolmook so i'm on karmic (9.x) is there any way to install via apt-get, ssh? my ssh seems to be broken21:56
iceroot!eol | ibolmo21:56
ubottuibolmo: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:56
icerootibolmo: and yes21:56
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ibolmoyep i know of EOL and I'm trying to reinstall, but i need to move my data out. but scp is broken21:57
MeQuerSatibolmo, if you really don't wanna upgrade you can always google "ubuntu packages" (first hit) and search the desired package for your release there21:57
eo-heliosTwo sound cards volume level question. The volume is reset to 100% after a powerdown?21:57
eo-heliosAny suggestion?21:57
omidPLEASE HELP21:59
omidi installed a software and i didnt noticed that its going to remove some of my software22:00
omidhere is the output : http://paste.kde.org/159692/86360132/22:00
omidi want to revert changes22:00
omidand change everything back22:00
omidwhat should i do22:00
FloodBot1omid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
MeQuerSatomid, maybe read next time you press enter?22:00
MeQuerSatyou can also just reinstall them via "sudo apt-get install <your_packages>"22:01
omidMeQuerSat,  is there a way to change them back ?22:01
MeQuerSatnot really22:01
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omidi mean install everything which is removed in the last command22:01
ibolmoi'll try that MeQuerSat22:01
MeQuerSatyes, by doing "sudo apt-get install <package1> <package2>"22:02
ibolmoMeQuerSat well yes, i'm trying to install ssh22:03
omidthank you22:03
MeQuerSatibolmo, did you do as I said?22:03
ibolmobut i get: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/ssh_5.1p1-6ubuntu2_all.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 91.22:04
ibolmo189.92.183 80]22:04
malibuDoes anyone know a way to register a new URI scheme in ubuntu?22:05
kenjcalgaryneed some info for tech support cost for home desk top through canonical as indicated 89 pounds22:05
eHAPPYthats correct22:06
sumosui have a notebook without HDD. Boot hangs for 1 minute saying "ata1:link to slow to respond" and "SRST error". how could i fix this? i'd like to adjust the timeout, disable the probing or the ata altogether22:07
alishahhi i am trying to install ubuntu 11.10 from live cd and i get an alert box telling me to unmount a disk . i tried unmounting a disk and it gives me this error "unmount: /media/games is not in the fstab (and you are not root)22:08
alishahwhat should i do22:08
alishahplz help22:08
kenjcalgaryI beleive $105 is indicated for basic tech support for business desk top22:08
MeQuerSatibolmo, try http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/ssh_4.7p1-8ubuntu3_all.deb22:08
alishahwhat the password for root user on live cd and how can i unmount a disk from terminal.22:10
MeQuerSatalishah, there is no password22:10
MeQuerSatyou can unmount something with "sudo umount /mount/point"22:10
MeQuerSatand replace /mount/point with the actual mount point22:10
aj00200How can I backup my password keyrings?22:10
alishahMeQuerSat: Thank you very much22:12
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ibolmoMeQuerSat i figured it didn't properly install since i had a previous version22:31
ibolmoso i sudo apt-get remove to clear out any traces of ssh stuff openssh-server and client22:32
MeQuerSatgood :)22:32
ibolmonow that i'm doing wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh-client_4.7p1-8ubuntu3_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i openssh*22:32
bobalazscan someone check out the xorg.conf i written?22:32
ibolmogetting: error: no alternatives for ...22:32
ibolmoupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for rsh.22:32
tablesi'm trying to install printer drivers on ubuntu and i think mine uses hplip22:32
ibolmorsh, rlogin, and rcp22:32
tableshow would i install this?22:33
tablesso i can start printing anything, like webpages22:33
MeQuerSattables: "sudo apt-get install hplip" ?22:33
somsiptables: it's a package, so through software manager or apt-get install hplip22:33
Dark_ApostropheHello, I'm using CompizConfig and trying to find the option for setting the number of virtual desktops, but I can't find it... can anyone point me to where it is?22:34
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tablesi have hplip installed and i'm not sure how to use it22:36
tablesdo i need the hplip toolbox as well?  i'm  basically trying to install a network printer22:36
edbianIs there anyway to diff two .docx files in linux?22:37
somsiptables: maybe this will help - it's for 11.04 but may offer some guidance http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/setup-network-printers-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/22:38
MeQuerSatedbian, docx is basically a doc file wrapped in a zip22:39
MeQuerSatedbian, unzip and then diff?22:39
edbianMeQuerSat: I'll try that...22:39
edbian(can you diff two docs?)22:39
alsoericI want to replace libre office with open openoffice22:39
alsoericpointers to process?22:39
MeQuerSatalsoeric, they are the same22:39
alsoericno. there are not22:39
edbianMeQuerSat: there is much more than a .doc in there22:40
somsipedbian: this refers to spreadsheets but has suggestions for other formats in the body http://stackoverflow.com/questions/114698/how-do-i-diff-two-spreadsheets22:40
alsoericI spent an hour last night wrestling with bullet lists and formatting22:40
MeQuerSatalsoeric, why would you wanna replace them anyway?22:40
alsoericnever failed me in oo22:40
mattswecan anybody answer a question about upstart?22:41
MonkeyDustalsoeric  isnt that a bit drastic22:41
somsip!anyone | mattswe22:41
ubottumattswe: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:41
alsoeric3 things are pushing me back to win7:  flash, oo/li office, skype22:41
MeQuerSatalsoeric, I think you can just install "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org"22:42
edbianopenoffice writer offers a 'compare' in the file menu that works great22:42
bubbles|aptitude tells me libapache2-mod-php5 conflicts with libapache2-mod-php5filter - how could i install those in the first place if they conflict?22:42
mattsweI'm have an upstart task that I would like to run after all pre-boot processes, is there a condition for that?22:42
MeQuerSatflash is fully supported on Linux, just like oo/li office and skype22:42
alsoericnot so much on flash22:42
mattswesomsip: yeah.. my bad22:42
alsoericI've tried 304 solutions all end with a power cycle reboot22:42
sanderltHeyo everybody! i need to get to whole bash terminal from gdm.. any suggestions?22:42
alsoericsb 3-4 solutions22:43
MeQuerSatalsoeric, I have yet to encounter a situation in which flash failed22:43
MeQuerSatyoutube works fine22:43
alsoericfacebook games22:43
MeQuerSatalsoeric, you on the 64bit version?22:43
MeQuerSatI think I know the problem22:44
alsoericwould love a solution22:44
MeQuerSatyou need to get the "adobe-flashplugin" package22:44
bullgard6sanderlt: Do you speak about gnome-terminal?22:44
MahaVishnualsoeric$ lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark' pastebin.com that22:44
MeQuerSatalsoeric, you can install it with "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin"22:44
alsoericMeQuerSat, let me check22:44
MonkeyDustor flash-plugin-installer22:45
MeQuerSatMonkeyDust, nope not that one22:45
somsipmattswe: you looked at the 'start on' directive as implied here? http://serverfault.com/questions/117584/upstart-scripts-run-a-task-after-networking-goes-up22:45
sanderltbullgard6: yep22:45
MonkeyDustMeQuerSat  ?22:45
MeQuerSatMonkeyDust, that one doesnt use the native 64bit version22:45
MeQuerSatit just wraps the 32bit version in using nspluginwrapper22:45
MeQuerSatthe native version works much better here22:46
sanderltbullgard6: or just in terminal, without Xserver22:46
deforolHi all22:47
rodayoHow do programs get their icon to appear in the over-head task bar? Tomboy notes for example...22:47
MeQuerSatubuntu-restricted-extras still use flash-plugin-installer, which is why many people are complaining about shitty flash performance22:47
alsoericMeQuerSat, http://pastebin.com/ScCh3L8G22:47
bullgard6sanderlt: Just install the gnome-terminal package if you  are in GNOME.22:47
skegeekThe GRUB boot menu displays too far left, but splash shows up correctly. How do you fix this?22:47
MeQuerSatalsoeric, remove the flashplugin-downloader:i38622:47
somsiprodayo: maybe this might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/19846/adding-icon-to-the-system-tray-notification-area22:48
* MonkeyDust switches intaller with adobe22:48
MeQuerSatalsoeric,  install adobe-flashplugin and adobe-flash-properties-gtk, then restart firefox22:48
MahaVishnualsoeric$ sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-downloader:i38622:48
deforolwhat channek for russian users?22:48
somsip!ru | deforol22:48
ubottudeforol: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:48
MonkeyDust!ru| deforol22:48
MahaVishnuMeQuerSat$ he already has them installed22:48
sanderltbullgard6: it can give me to select terminal form login menu?22:48
somsipdeforol: /join #ubuntu-ru22:49
bullgard6sanderlt: If you are in a virtual console, what is your problem with  bash?22:49
sanderltru is not exist22:49
alsoericMahaVishnu, dpkg, not apt-get/22:49
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deforolbullgard6: thanks22:49
alsoericMahaVishnu, dpkg, not apt-get?22:49
MahaVishnualsoeric$ yea dpkg is fine22:49
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MahaVishnualsoeric$ then do a sudo dpkg update flash22:50
=== Guest93074 is now known as dusf_
rodayosomsip: awesome! lots of different library names thrown around, this is perfect. thakns22:50
deforolHow I can install ubuntu on my netbook?22:50
somsiprodayo: np22:50
MahaVishnualsoeric$ should say... update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so to provide /usr/lib/iceape/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so (iceape-flashplugin) in auto mode.22:50
sanderltbullgard6:i want to choose on login screen to login just to bash terminal, some times i dont need any shells like unity or gnome22:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:51
MeQuerSatsanderlt, all you need to do then is press Control+Alt+F1 or F2,F3,F422:51
bullgard6sanderlt: I do not understand your question: "it can give me to select terminal form login menu?" very well. Say it in other words, please.22:51
tableshow could i connect to a wireless hp printer on ubuntu?22:51
tablesi'm not saying through the network, but it's a wireless printer22:51
somsiptables: did you check the website I posted earlier for you?22:51
tablesyea it shows how to connect to a network printer22:52
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tablesbut i'm not sure if it's directions for wifi22:52
tablesbecause the printer isn't connected to my network22:52
alsoericMahaVishnu, from eariler I wsa told :  install adobe-flashplugin and adobe-flash-properties-gtk,22:52
tablesbut says it has wifi22:52
alsoericstill valid?22:52
MeQuerSatalsoeric, yes22:52
tablesand another computer on my network is set up to use the wifi th eprinter has22:52
EvilResistancetables:  your wifi printer needs to be connected to a wifi netowrk in order to use wireless network print22:52
somsiptables: maybe worth looking at the cups interface https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanonPrintersCanonMP62022:53
bullgard6sanderlt: In those cases simply press Ctrl+Alt+F1, and you can login on a virtuel terminal.22:53
diverdudeWhat is the httpd binary renamed to in ubuntu?22:53
diverdudeand where is it located?22:53
tablesok, thx, i thought the printer wasn't connected to network for some reason22:53
MahaVishnualsoeric$ according to the pastebin I told you to make you already have them22:53
MeQuerSatdiverdude, what server backend? (apache/lighttpd)22:54
diverdudeMeQuerSat,  apache222:54
sc30317does anyone know why when I run a game in Ubuntu 11.10 my whole computer locks up, but every other time is fine?  I have 2 ati cards driving 3 monitors with xinerama, that may be the issue?22:54
alsoericMahaVishnu, what next22:54
codepalhow might I rebuild the gnome menu in ubuntu 10.04?22:54
MeQuerSatdiverdude, do you have GUI access or only command line?22:55
MahaVishnualsoeric$ did you do both commands I told you?22:55
sanderltbullgard6: sorry, for my English, but anyway if I do like you say, X server will be still open22:55
tablesno the wifi printer is not connected to my network22:55
diverdudeMeQuerSat, i have gui access to ubuntu22:55
tablesit's just wifi22:55
MeQuerSatdiverdude, you can open synaptic, right click the apache2 package and see the list "Installed files"22:55
rarillowhereis httpd22:55
rarillowrite this in terminal22:55
diverdudeMeQuerSat, how do i do it in commandline?22:55
brightsparksc30317, I wouldn't assume that's the problem, but you could check- disable one card/unplug some monitors and see if it gets better.22:55
tablesEvilResistance, are you 100% about wifi printer has to be connected to my network to print?22:55
MeQuerSatdiverdude, what rarillo mentioned would be good22:55
rarillowhereis httpd, diverdude22:55
tablesEvilResistance, nevermind, i'm dumb, yea it does22:55
EvilResistancetables:  yeah i'm 1000% sure22:56
diverduderarillo, no its not called httpd on ubuntu22:56
EvilResistancei've set up wifi printers for office networks too :P22:56
diverdudeits called something else i think22:56
rarilloit is22:56
EvilResistancerarillo:  its called apache2 on ubuntu22:56
rarilloin my ubuntu its httpd xD22:56
bullgard6diverdude: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html22:56
rarilloanyway, whereis apache222:57
bobalazshey ya guys how can i edit xorg.conf from root shell? or remove it?22:57
rarilloit will give you the path22:57
MahaVishnubobalazs$ your back! lol22:57
somsipdiverdude: /usr/sbin/apache2 ?22:57
sanderltbullgard6: thanks anyway..22:57
rarillobobalazs, vim /path/to/xorg.conf22:57
bobalazsyeah i cant boot x22:57
rarilloOr nano22:57
MahaVishnubobalazs$ why not?22:57
YeePhas anyone tried installing reactOS on virtualbox 4.1.6r74713, in ubuntu 11.10? It keeps crashing right at start of install. reactos people telling me it is because the virtualbox version an it's "VT-x" issues...22:58
bullgard6sanderlt: Yes, in that case the X server is still on. You can switch it off if you like.22:58
bobalazsgot a blank screen- and i thought i did everything right22:58
MeQuerSatbobalazs, you can edit it by running "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"22:58
MahaVishnubobalazs$ you can also pastebin that file so we can all take a look22:58
diverdudesomsip, i dont think thats httpd22:58
MeQuerSatbobalazs, from a root shell, you can remove "sudo"22:58
bobalazsrarillo vim is not installed alternative?:22:58
MeQuerSatbobalazs, id suggest you try "nano" first, vim is complicated :o22:59
bobalazsnano worked great22:59
sanderltbullgard6: it possible to kill x from another terminal?22:59
bobalazsi dont have to add inputdevice and so on for sections do i?22:59
rarilloi just know how to edit xorg.conf, but i never did it23:00
brightsparksanderlt, run "sudo service gdm stop" I think.23:01
MeQuerSatsanderlt, /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:01
MahaVishnubobalazs$ I don't *think* you do23:01
MeQuerSatsanderlt, brightsparks solution is nicer23:01
bobalazsideal horizsync and vertrefresh for a 21 inch led monitor is?23:01
MahaVishnubobalazs$ find out by doing cvt 1024 768 or something23:02
somsipdiverdude: so what are you trying to find? a file called httpd that's installed as part of the apache2 package?23:02
alsoeric_yet another flash lokup23:02
sanderltbullgard6: cheers buddy.. good night23:03
bullgard6sanderlt: Try xkill.23:03
bobalazsMahaVishnu what command gives the boardname and BusID?23:03
sanderltis not working in ububu23:03
MeQuerSatbullgard6, that wont work for what he wants23:03
MahaVishnubobalazs$ do lspci | grep vga23:03
alsoeric_took 10 seconds of video to freeze the system needed power cycle to bring it back23:03
mattswesomsip: thanks, that helped!23:03
MahaVishnubobalazs$ or just lspci and search for the vga line23:03
sanderltCHEERS EVERYONE!!!23:03
somsipmattswe: I don't remember what it was, but you're welcome23:04
the^useris there some on that have a hdi dune max23:04
bobalazsMahaVishnu Error writing xorg.conf: Read-only file system .... solution?23:04
alsoeric_every so often I an do somehting an xorg server is at 100%cpy23:04
bullgard6MeQuerSat: Why don't you help him if you know better?23:04
MahaVishnubobalazs$ use sudo ?23:04
sc30317brightspark, thanks23:04
MeQuerSatbullgard6, I already did ;)23:04
sc30317do you think it would more likely be the cards or the xinerama23:04
bobalazsMahaVishnu yes23:05
MeQuerSatsc30317, to be honest: with AMD, its probably both23:05
bobalazsMahaVishnu you dont need that anyways at root shell23:05
MahaVishnuI didnt know you were in root shell23:05
RyuGuns...Sorry, anyway, my printer is not printing anything.23:05
sc30317MeQuerSat, yea :\23:06
MahaVishnubobalazs$ is your / mounted rw ?23:06
bobalazsMahaVishnu i cant load X :/23:06
RyuGunsUbuntu just gives a notice about low ink, but all the windows machines print it anyway...23:06
MeQuerSatbobalazs, to start X, you executed "startx" ?23:06
RyuGunsHow can I get ubuntu to just print it anyway?23:06
aaron_hello there i have a laptop hp 620 my sound card the sound output is creating is very low, volume in windows it sounds much better than now.23:06
n00bplz I have installed ubuntu today and applied all updates but when i boot my system freezes and it works after about 30 seconds pause using 11.10 and dmesg have this error init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (1419) terminated with status 123:06
MahaVishnubobalazs$ apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/x11/xorg.conf23:06
bobalazsMahaVishnu how can i check? MeQuerSat yes23:06
MahaVishnubobalazs$ check with command mount23:07
bobalazsi have no network23:07
MeQuerSataaron_, you can execute "alsamixer" from the Terminal and turn up several options there23:07
aaron_MeQuerSat, there already up 100 %23:07
alsoeric_MahaVishnu, MeQuerSat  any other ideas for making flash work?23:07
MahaVishnualsoeric_$ it just doesn't work ?23:08
aaron_but the funny thing is when i'm playing a song with audacious and youtube and then youtube does not create no sound back so that's odd.23:08
alsoeric_MahaVishnu, MeQuerSat  100k 10 se to lockup23:08
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/23:08
alsoeric_MahaVishnu, MeQuerSat  took  10 sec to lockup23:08
MeQuerSatwhich version does it display?23:08
alsoeric_not sure23:09
alsoeric_how tell?23:09
bobalazsMahaVishnu (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0)23:09
MeQuerSataaron_, thats because audacious probably takes control over the whole soundsystem23:09
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, cant you view that apge?23:09
MahaVishnubobalazs$ then you should be able to write to /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:09
MahaVishnubobalazs$ to help you I NEED to see that file.23:09
bobalazsMahaVishnu meh. how can i remove it?23:10
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, no.  hulu video locks before you can do anything23:10
MahaVishnudo you want me to help you or not.23:10
danyhi guys need help to connect my ubuntu 10.04 with the wireless23:10
Si2100dany, whats your wireless card?23:10
bobalazsMahaVishnu i will send that file once i get into x23:10
danySi2100, how do i know it23:10
Si2100er.. 2 secs23:11
brightsparkdany, lspci23:11
MeQuerSatIts an AR948523:11
brightspark^run that in the terminal23:11
Si2100thanks brightspark23:11
n00bwhat is  this error mean in dmesg init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (1419) terminated with status 123:11
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, I've noticed xorg runs at 100% sometimes and I'm running dual monitor and nvida23:11
MeQuerSatSi2100, I helped him some time ago, he has an Atheros AR948523:11
MeQuerSatSi2100, but I couldnt find if its supposed to be supported or not23:12
Emiruhow do I permanently disable the screen saver ?23:12
danySi2100, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771692/23:12
MahaVishnuEmiru$ where the screen goes blank or an actual screen saver ?23:12
labcoattechhi all23:12
FreezingColdHi, I'm trying to backup my computer through SSH and I want to pipe it23:13
danybrightspark, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771692/23:13
EmiruMahaVishnu: When it goes black23:13
chamunksDoes anyone know if fglrx is anywhere near compatible with gnome3 yet?23:13
MeQuerSatFreezingCold, for backing up remotely, I suggest using rsync23:13
chamunksAti apparently promised a fix by the end of november.23:13
Si2100dany, try thus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5703118&postcount=323:14
MahaVishnuEmiru$ gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the monitor section remove Option        "DPMS"   then sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart and it will take  you back to login screen. it should not black after that. *might require a reboot but I donot believe so*23:14
FreezingColdMeQuerSat: I don't have rsync, I only have SSH open and I'm not allowed to open anything else, work policy23:14
EmiruMahaVishnu: Thanks a lot mate, appreciate it :)23:14
MeQuerSatSi2100, wrong wifi card?23:14
chamunksWho knew that even if AMD bought ATI they still wouldn't improve their driver releases at all.23:14
MahaVishnuEmiru$ no problem.23:14
bobalazsso then, how do i go about removing xorg.conf if the file system is said to be read-only when it isin fact  mounted23:14
MeQuerSatFreezingCold, wow, that sucks23:14
RelondoHey, everyone. My Ubuntu won't boot-I've got it installed, and supposedly my computer should default to Ubuntu, but it just boots straight to Windows XP with no menus.23:14
FreezingColdMeQuerSat: Yeah, I know there must be some way I can pipe it through with cat and tar23:15
Si2100MrQuerSat, would it hurt to try it ?23:15
kasadhey guys, how can i disable sleep from command line (i have server installed so no gui), my plesk install fails because comp goes to sleep23:15
MahaVishnuRelondo$ boot an ubuntu live cd and do a sudo grub-install on /dev/sda make sure you do it on the root of the drive not a partition like /dev/sda123:15
MeQuerSatFreezingCold, it could23:15
MeQuerSatI meant that for Si2100  ^23:15
danySi2100, i don't understand this documentation23:16
RelondoMahaVishnu, Hold on. Too much tech-speak there. I understand what the grub is, but sudo-grub?23:16
harry_I'm using linux mint 11 but for some reason haven't been able to connect to the linux mint x-chat server all evening. Any ideas?23:16
MahaVishnuRelondo$ you prefix the command with sudo cause you need root access to do sudo grub-install /dev/sda23:16
MeQuerSatFreezingCold, cant just login via FileZilla ssh and copy the files?23:16
mneptokFreezingCold: rsync works over ssh23:16
Si2100dany, i think its saying you need to get this " madwifi-hal-" driver for your wirelesscard to work23:16
kasadhow to disable sleep from command line, anyone?23:17
FreezingColdMeQuerSat: No, that's scp23:17
aminebonsoir a tous23:17
danySi2100, can you guid me to how doing that23:17
RelondoMahaVishnu, I'm not doing this through command line.23:17
FreezingColdmneptok: Wait, how does rsync work?23:17
Si2100dany, Yeah ill try23:17
MeQuerSatSi2100, that a different Atheros card, it wont work...23:17
MahaVishnuRelondo$ well that *IS* what you need to do brother.23:17
MahaVishnuopen a virtual terminal23:17
RelondoMahaVishnu, Oh. I don't know how.23:17
MahaVishnuctrl+t ?23:17
danySi2100, thanks , tell me what to do , i will follow your steps23:17
RelondoMahaVishnu, I'm new to this.23:17
MahaVishnuRelondo$ no problem :-)23:18
mneptokFreezingCold: rsync syncs data. it can be incremental, mirrored, etc etc. it can use different transport protocols, ssh being one of them.23:18
Si2100MeQuersat, would the driver work for it thought23:18
RelondoMahaVishnu, Hold on, BRB.23:18
dusf_is there a way to check from terminal if a drive is logical or primary? gparted is not an option23:18
brightsparkkasad, see this url, you should be able to adapt it to a non-gui editor:23:18
dusf_perhaps something like fdisk?23:18
mneptokFreezingCold: in fact, scp uses ssh as a transport protocol, too. so scp works over ssh.23:18
aminebonne surfffffffffffffff a tous23:18
kasadbrightspark: thanks23:18
FreezingColdmneptok: It's like a router with nothing but the basics, and it rejects scp for some reason23:19
danySi2100, i can install teamviewer if it working for ubuntu and give u access23:19
MeQuerSatSi2100, I would take the simple way and install "wicd"23:19
Si2100dany, an just looking at Google, and reading teh somethink23:19
MeQuerSatsee if that enables the wifi-card to be utilized23:19
Si2100try it then23:19
MahaVishnudany$ what is wrong with your wifi card man ??23:20
mneptokFreezingCold: scp uses ssh and its port (22). you may not have the ability to form interactive sessions.23:20
FreezingColdmneptok: it says "sh scp not found" or something like that23:20
RelondoMahaVishnu, Actually, I need to go for about twenty minutes.23:20
RelondoMahaVishnu, Will you probably be on then?23:20
MahaVishnunah im gonna go eat dinner at 6:3023:20
danyMahaVishnu, i don't know , it's just not working in ubuntu 10.04 , but it's fine with windows 723:20
mneptokFreezingCold: on a Linux machine?23:20
danyMahaVishnu, can u help on that plz23:21
MahaVishnuill be back later after that probably23:21
Si2100dany, have you checked the aditional drivers /23:21
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RelondoMahaVishnu, Alright, thanks. I'm sure someone else can help too :)23:21
WaraudonXI want to flush the route table on a Ubuntu Server acting as a gateway, but I don't want it to remove the routing table for the network interfaces. Possible?23:21
MahaVishnudany$ can you describe just not working? what have you tried? I heard someone said its an atheros card23:21
danyMahaVishnu, i have no idea how to do that (New with linux)23:21
MeQuerSatdany, how do you mean it "doesnt work", can you view any wifi routers nearby?23:21
alsoeric_MeQuerSat,  MahaVishnu:  thanks for the help. I'll assume that flash is not a viable option for me at this time23:21
Si2100Yeah, mahavishnu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771692/23:22
MahaVishnualsoeric_$ I don't see why not. is it just not showing ANY flash ??23:22
Si2100thats what he gave me23:22
danyMahaVishnu, no there is no wifi detected , i don't know if it's atheros or something else23:22
Gary_Bwhats the easiest way to get debug symbols?23:22
brightsparkdany, do you know whether you have the drivers installed for your wireless card?23:22
alsoeric_MahaVishnu, flash *locks* my system23:22
brightsparkdany, on a new install these drivers are often not included by default23:22
MahaVishnudany$ can you pastebin for me. lsmod | grep ath5k and sudo lshw -C network23:22
MeQuerSatIts an Atheros AR9485, I think its supported by athk923:22
danyMahaVishnu, no i have no idea abt that23:22
danyMahaVishnu, okay23:23
MahaVishnulsmod | grep ath23:23
alsoeric_MahaVishnu, I can not recover without pulling power23:23
=== rarillo is now known as DolGuldur
mneptokalsoeric_: how was Flash installed?23:23
MeQuerSatMahaVishnu, its an AR9485 ;)23:23
MahaVishnualsoeric_$ what are your specs?? old machine?? you have flash installed.23:23
Si2100dany, have you checked to see if the aditional drivers have got a driver for it ?23:23
Gary_Bi seem to need symbols for libdl.so.2  libc.so.6 d-linux.so.223:23
alsoeric_mneptok, first vis stock process.  really was not paying attentiond23:23
MeQuerSatMahaVishnu, Im just not sure if the AR9485 is supported by ath9k at the moment23:23
mneptokalsoeric_: on AMD64 or i686?23:24
MahaVishnumneptok$ for alsoeric_  http://pastebin.com/ScCh3L8G23:24
alsoeric_MahaVishnu, then  I took the ubuntu forum advice and used flash-fix23:24
danyMahaVishnu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771698/23:25
MahaVishnuI told him to purge the i386 one and do a dpkg update adobe-flashplugin23:25
danySi2100, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771698/23:25
Si2100Mahavishnu: product: AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter23:25
labcoattechis it possible to change the grub bootloader to something that is GUI23:25
MahaVishnuSi2100$ yea. I saw23:26
skegeekWhere can I find settings telling GRUB menu to align correctly?23:26
MahaVishnudany$ is it blank for lsmod | grep ath9k23:26
MeQuerSatSi2100, yeah, what I said about an hour ago xD23:26
mneptokalsoeric_ / MahaVishnu: last i knew the native AMD64 Flash plugin was not in the repos. instead you got the i686 Flash plugin, and nspluginwrapper. ugh.23:26
Si2100labcoattech: have a look for super-boot-manager on google23:26
alsoeric_when all options failed, a friend suggested a package that used nspluginwrapper23:26
MahaVishnumneptok$ adobe-flashplugin *is* native 64bit23:26
danyMahaVishnu, yes23:27
MeQuerSatmneptok, adobe-flashplugin is native 64bit, flashplugin-installer is the wrapper setup23:27
MahaVishnupeople get the i386 version by doing installing ubuntu-restricted-extras23:27
=== DolGuldur is now known as rar
rarbye byes23:27
danyMahaVishnu, it's just as you saw , nothing show up with the first cmd23:27
MahaVishnuhappened to me and I didn't know till I came here to help someone else23:27
sumosui have a notebook without HDD. Boot hangs for 1 minute saying "ata1:link to slow to respond" and "SRST error". how could i fix this? i'd like to adjust the timeout, disable the probing or the ata altogether23:27
conntrackLike I didn't notice23:27
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, MahaVishnu  the dpkg update option.  I wonder if I did  that23:27
Si2100or you could just go to adobe website and download it ??23:27
MahaVishnualsoeric_$ lsmod | grep ath is different from lsmod | grep ath5k23:28
alsoeric_sudo dpkg update adobe-flashplugin23:28
alsoeric_dpkg: error: need an action option23:28
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, you need to use apt-get23:28
MeQuerSat"dpkg" has different options23:28
MahaVishnusry lol23:28
MahaVishnusudo dpkg-update adobe-flashplugin23:28
MeQuerSatthat would be it23:28
MahaVishnuI try to go too fast some times.23:29
Si2100i do that =)23:29
MahaVishnuor you can just do 'flash'23:29
MahaVishnuthat also works for me23:29
danyMahaVishnu, what i have to do ?23:29
kasadno luck, can't disable sleep from cmdline23:29
kasadanyone else have some ideas? it's really annoying me23:30
alsoeric_no dpkg-update23:30
MahaVishnudany$ well, did you install the propreitary drivers in the app. for your atheros? cause lshw is showing no driver/module loaded for your wireless card23:30
kasad(i don't have any gui installed btw)23:30
MahaVishnukasad$ sleep like a black screen?23:30
kasadMahaVishnu yes23:30
Si2100mahavishnu, therefore it woundnt work... xD23:30
kasadMahaVishnu it borks my plesk setup23:30
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, did you already do "sudo apt-get remove --purge adobe-flashplugin:i386" ?23:30
MahaVishnukasad$ remove option "DPMS" from your /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:30
danyMahaVishnu, how to install it ?23:31
MahaVishnuSi2100$ indeed23:31
Si2100dany, check if theres anything in the hardware drivers,23:31
MeQuerSatdany, search for "driver" and click on the program called "Additional Drivers"23:31
MahaVishnuyea meng23:31
OerHekskasad, Ensure that all Powermanagement Settings in your machine's BIOS are disabled.23:32
kasadMahaVishnu: i don't have xorg.conf, no gui installed23:32
brightsparkkasad, is it screenblank or suspend you are having trouble with (does it stop the hard disk & fans or just turn off the monitor)23:32
kasadMahaVishnu: it's fresh install and i have only sshd installed atm, no xwindos23:32
kasadbrightspark: yeah it's suspend it's a laptop23:32
MahaVishnuoh its suspend23:33
MahaVishnuidk then..23:33
lnx_1Does anyone have experience setting up Mutt? more specifically the .fetchmailrc file?23:33
kasadbrightspark: it's a laptop which i am going to turn into new test server because old one is like really old23:33
kasadbrightspark: and this old laptop saves me one UPS :P23:33
MeQuerSatlaptop as server :S23:33
Si2100sounds funny ?23:33
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, yes, I did the remove and adobe-flashplugins are up to date23:33
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, did you also restart firefox?23:33
danyMahaVishnu, where to search23:34
kasadMeQuerSat: it's fine for my needs it's only a test server23:34
Si2100dany, you need to go to System > perfrances > aditions drive or Aditions hardware or Hardware dirvers23:34
kasadMeQuerSat: it has better hardware then my current test server which served me well for years23:34
Si2100i forget..23:34
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, type this in Firefox: about:plugins23:34
MeQuerSatand check for flash23:34
MahaVishnugtg dinner time bbl23:34
MeQuerSatcya MahaVishnu23:35
kasadOerHeks: i did check the bios first, thanks for the tip tho23:35
MeQuerSatkasad, "sudo nano /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.upower.policy"23:35
MeQuerSatthen search for "<allow_active>yes</allow_active>"23:36
MeQuerSatchange it to "no"23:36
jrib1lnx_1: you should just ask your real question23:36
danySi2100, sys>admi>hardware drivers23:36
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, found shockwave-flash23:36
kasadMeQuerSat: thanks, lemme try it23:36
Si2100dany, Yeah and let it search and tell me what comes up23:36
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, which version?23:36
kasadgotcha, brb23:36
alsoeric_Shockwave Flash 11.1 r10223:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:37
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, thats the correct version, it should work23:37
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, if you really wanna be sure, you can try a reboot and see again23:37
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, I know.  could it be a side effect of my video setup?23:38
danySi2100,  there is no option for search , but there is message in french , i can tell what does it mean in english "there no hardware driver in use in the system23:38
MeQuerSatalsoeric_, big chance it is23:38
kasadMeQuerSat: i don't have polkit-1 folder23:38
Si2100dany, hmmm that means that Ubuntu ant liking it, so we must turn to google23:38
Si2100unless anyone else can help23:39
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, :-)  marvee23:39
kasadMeQuerSat: im looking for policy elsewhere atm23:39
brightsparkkasad, sounds like this guy had a similar problem: http://serverfault.com/questions/321499/how-to-disable-all-power-management-in-ubuntu-for-a-server-netbook23:39
MeQuerSatkasad, do a "ls /usr/share" and check if its maybe called a little differently23:39
danySi2100, i can install teamviewer and let u check that with yrself , I really new with ubuntu23:39
kasadbrightspark: thanks again gonna check it out23:40
danySi2100, my ubuntu in french so tell me how i can change it to english if that possibble23:40
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, latitude d830, intel cpu, nvidia chipset, dual monitor23:40
Si2100dany, yeah what we really need is the driver for it23:40
FreezingColdI tried google'ing this but I'm a little confused....  I want to use rsync with a ssh comand (let's say "ssh -l freezingcold 333.333.333.333") to copy over a dir on the server named /myfiles to my local machine on a dir called /thisismyfiles.  How can I do that with rsync?23:40
Si2100dany, so we need to make sure that ur wireless card is supported23:40
kasadMeQuerSat: nothing remotely similar only folder that starts with po i spopularity-contest wtf23:41
danySi2100, yes thanks , how we can do that ?23:41
kasadi think that link from brightspark will help, reading now23:41
konayaThe SOPA hearing moves about as quickly as a bug on launchpad23:41
Si2100dany, try and find the driver ?23:41
Si2100dany, check Ubuntu forums and google23:41
Si2100dany. i started with  " Atheros Communications Inc. AR9485 ubuntu wireless "23:42
MeQuerSatdany: I actually found the solution23:42
Si2100dany, and had a look for that23:42
danySi2100, ok thanks , but i  did that before with no result23:42
MeQuerSatdany: you need to do this:23:42
MeQuerSatsudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential23:42
Si2100dany, okie23:42
danyMeQuerSat, can u go ahead plz23:42
MeQuerSatthen: wget http://www.orbit-lab.org/kernel/compat-wireless-3-stable/v3.2/compat-wireless-3.2-rc1-1.tar.bz223:42
MeQuerSattar jxvf compat-wireless-3.2-rc1-1.tar.bz223:43
MeQuerSatcd compat-wire*23:43
MeQuerSatdid you get that?23:43
Si2100extract and install from terminal ?>23:43
kasadbrightspark, MeQuerSat : ok now we are getting somewhere, i have to install acpi-support first :P23:43
alishahhi when i run 'sudo apt-get install php5-fpm' in terminal i get this error 'package not found'23:43
alishaheven if i do '23:44
alishahapt-get install php5 '23:44
kasadbrightspark, MeQuerSat : hopefully this will do the trick, thanks again guys, will get back to ya23:44
alishahi get error 'package not found'23:44
FirefisheI'm using Oneiric/11.10.  Every time I log in, a nautilus window opens.  I want to stop this effect, but it happens, no matter what desktop I am using.23:44
MeQuerSatalishah, did you do "sudo apt-get update" first?23:44
brightsparkgood luck kasad23:44
danyMeQuerSat, still downloading23:44
MeQuerSatdany, can you do a "uname -a" and show us?23:45
MeQuerSatIm off to bed now, Si2100 you can help dany with this if you want to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1857808&page=723:45
MeQuerSatits post #6323:46
Si2100MeQuersat; Sure nite23:46
MeQuerSatjust replace 2.6 by 3.0 if dany has kernel 3.023:46
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icerooti am searching for a way for removing all conffiles for packages matching "dpkg -l | grep ^rc" so something like "sudo apt-get remove --purge foobar" but that is telling me that the package is not installed23:46
Si2100ill try xD23:46
Si2100dany ?23:47
icerootah, sudo apt-get purge instead of remove --purge23:47
danySi2100, thanks , the download will be done in 1 minute23:48
danySi2100, MeQuerSat told me to download this wget http://www.orbit-lab.org/kernel/compat-wireless-3-stable/v3.2/compat-wireless-3.2-rc1-1.tar.bz223:49
alsoeric_MeQuerSat, if you still have the energy to tackle a video problem  latitude d830, intel cpu, nvidia chipset, dual monitor23:49
Si2100dany, Yeah23:49
Si2100he sent me the forum link23:49
wereverHI friends, I looking for help to reset to default my user account settings by command line, I am pretty sure there is a config file I can edit by hand, (uuntu 11.10) what do you think?23:50
alishahhow can i navigate opened windows in  ubuntu 11.1023:50
danySi2100, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771726/23:50
alishahi minimized a window and now i can't find it23:50
Si2100dany, is that saying its download and installed ?23:50
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danySi2100, i just download it , not installed yet23:51
Si2100next is to intall it23:51
sumosuOT: is the linux mint irc server down or something?23:52
OerHekssumosu, we don't know, mint is not supported here23:53
danySi2100, what's the next step ?23:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:53
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Si2100dany, Wheres it downloaded to ?23:53
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Si2100dany ?23:54
danySi2100, http://paste.ubuntu.com/771729/23:55
wereverHI friends, I looking for help to reset to default my user account settings by command line, I am pretty sure there is a config file I can edit by hand, (uuntu 11.10) what do you think?23:55
Si2100dany, okie so thats in your home folder ?23:55
danySi2100, yes23:55
Si2100dany, Okie so extract it to there for desktop23:56
Gentoo64werever, just rm -rf /home/user23:56
danySi2100, how i can do that23:56
Si2100double click on the tar,23:56
Si2100and then click Extact23:56
wereverGentoo64, trying thanks23:56
Gentoo64werever, delete the config files in there23:57
Gentoo64werever, i think dconf or gconf is the main one23:57
Gentoo64for the general de settings23:57
kasadbrightspark, MeQuerSat : so far so good, thanks a lot guys <323:57
brightsparkkasad, excellent, glad to help23:58
kasadi owe you a 6pack man23:58
kasad<3 respect23:58
dannytrace danny23:58
danySi2100, how i can do that23:58
Si2100dany extract the tar ?23:59
dannytar -xf23:59
Si2100dany, you trying to ectract it from terminal ?23:59

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