
=== eu is now known as Guest13696
JamesTaitOh, um, good morning all. :)09:49
mandellate morning everyone!10:02
gatoxgood morning!11:02
mandelgatox, morning!11:12
mandelgatox, how are the shortcuts coming?11:12
gatoxmandel, not coming yet :P...... i've tried several things, and the problem persist in setPath.... i'll keep testing somee things now11:13
mandelgatox, ok, let me know if I can give you a hand11:13
gatoxyep, thanks11:13
mandelgatox, for what is worth, I'm also stuck, P has a diff squid version :(11:13
gatoxmandel, it seems that this isn't a really successful week :P11:14
mandelgatox, yes hehehe11:14
mandelgatox, It happens I suppose :P11:14
gatoxmandel, ok.... i'm going to have a quick breakfast before links destroy my brain and i'll be back :P11:20
mandelgatox, sure, enjoy your salad ;)11:20
ryegatox, do you have UK keyboard too? :)11:25
ryehm, weird, looks like sso is timeouting11:26
ryemandel, the installer ralsina posted last, does it contain some magic branch for already existing accounts?11:28
mandelrye, it does contain some magic branch for new accounts AFAIK11:28
ryeweird, can't login with existing one11:28
ryeaaand i have 4 syncdaemons11:29
mandelrye, that should not be happening...11:31
mandeljesus christ.. we need to sort out this bloody mess in the installer generation and stop using bloody personal branches11:31
* mandel not happy11:31
ryewe definitely need to check upgrade procedure from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 - does not seem to be working for me11:32
mandelrye, what do you mean?11:33
ryemandel, syncdaemons hang for me11:33
mandelrye, bu what do you mean reagarding the upgrade procedure, the auth-update, the installer, the code...?11:34
ryemandel, but i was previously testing a broken build, so need to re-test with clean state11:34
ryemandel, install 2.0.2, check that it it working. install 2.0.3 - check that it is working11:34
mandelrye, well, the installer steps on everything, so it should not be an issue.. but I'm not sure atm11:35
gatoxrye, uk keyboard?? nop...11:42
mandelgatox, I need to do some errands I'll be back in 30 mins or so12:05
gatoxmandel, ack12:05
mandelgatox, by the way, I  HATE squid12:05
* mandel is not talking about the naimal12:05
gatoxi hate links api :P12:05
nessitahello everyone!12:55
gatoxnessita, hi12:57
nessitahola gatox12:57
alecumomaitei nessita, maiteipa gatox, mba'éichapa everybody!12:59
nessitaalecu: remind me this, please you're off already? :-)12:59
gatoxWHAT??!! :S12:59
alecunessita, I'm EOY in 8 hours13:00
nessitaalecu: AWESOME. You need something from me?13:00
alecunessita, probably some reviews, but in some hours.13:01
nessitagatox: how is it going?13:07
gatoxnessita, difficult...... i'm trying a lot of things, now i have a bunch of code written using ctypes but some data types are failing... i'm trying to get that working... but the problem is always in SetPath13:09
* mandel back13:10
mandelnessita, buenos dias!13:10
nessitahola mandel13:10
nessitagatox: setPath where? I don't have the code fresh in my head13:10
mandelalecu, I though you had holidays?13:10
alecumandel, starting tomorrow, yes13:11
mandelalecu, ah.. ok, then, I'm working on the proxy tests and it turns out that when I moved to P I noticed that squid3 is isntalled, I'm trying to get that working although I'm getting some stupid errors related to the ocnfig :(13:12
gatoxthe SetPath method from IShellLinks in Windows API..... that method is fraking the encoding of the string13:12
alecumandel, oh, sad.13:12
mandelalecu, yeah, is a PITA, but I hope to get it running and then get back to the webclietn code, I'm correctly using the deferred from the first factory and I just have a small issue with the 407 that I hope to fix13:13
mandelalecu, actually, I just managed to get the tests working with squid3 :)13:15
alecumandel, probably we'd need two config.in files and we'd use each as appropiate, right?13:15
mandelalecu, yes, that is what I did, first try to find squid, if not try squid3 else fail, and according to the squid version load the correct squid.config.in the rest is the same13:16
gatoxnessita, (i don't know if you get this message): the SetPath method from IShellLinks in Windows API..... that method is fraking the encoding of the string13:16
alecumandel, cool13:16
nessitagatox: fraking as in breaking?13:17
gatoxnessita, as in changing the encoding to anything else, so the path points to nowhere..... so i'm trying to figure it out how to use some API that allows me to set that path in proper unicode13:18
mandelnessita, a very geeky use of a word from battle start galactica fraking == fucking13:18
mandelnessita, maybe more polite that the real word, but if you know the meaning is as rude ;)13:19
nessitagatox: ok, if by today after lunch you have not reach any solution, let's talk alternatives13:19
gatoxnessita, ok13:19
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* mandel has improve, getting a 405 :)13:32
mandelok, I'm off to lunch13:44
mandelalecu, as sson as I'm back I think I have sorted the webclietn issue, I just need to ask you soemthing I don't understand about the callback chain13:45
* mandel lunch13:45
alecumandel, sure13:45
mandelalecu, http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/12/15/qt-4-8-0-released/13:46
mandelalecu, Multithreaded HTTP13:46
mandelI guess it will take longer for pyqt, but is nice to know, now I really go for lunch :)13:46
dobeyso looks like bzr is not working at the moment :(14:03
nessitadobey: oh yes?14:17
dobeyit's working again now14:21
dobeysigh, lucid.14:37
* mandel back14:42
mandelalecu, so, my question is the following, if I return a deferred in a callback, what does it happed? do I have to add errbacks and callbacks to that deferred so that they get added to the execution?14:43
mandelor is it done atumatically?14:43
alecumandel, if you return a deferred from the callback, then the callback chain will not proceed until the deferred is fired.14:44
alecumandel, and it will proceed with the next callback or the next errback in the chain, depending on the result of the deferred.14:45
alecumandel, it's what you would usually like, so it looks automatic14:45
gatoxmandel, nessita, holly crap!!! i did it..... but....... i think you are not going to like it :P14:47
gatoxin just one line of code :P14:47
nessitagatox: os.system?14:47
mandelgatox, show it!14:47
gatoxnessita, jejej nop14:47
gatoxprint QFile.link(location, 'c:\\Temp\\link1.lnk')14:47
gatoxQt handles unicode really well14:47
gatoxsoooooooo..... i thought that this could work......14:48
gatoxand it work...... the problem...... is that it needs Qt :P14:48
mandelno no no no14:48
nessitagatox: we can't add Qt to syncdaemon :-/14:48
mandelsorry :(14:48
nessitagatox: can you check what that implementation does?14:48
nessitagatox: is open source :-)14:48
mandelnessita, alecu, gatox, dobey, mumble?15:02
mandelor not..15:02
nessitamandel: ralsina is not here, so let's do the daily standup?15:02
mandelnessita, sure no15:03
mandelproblem :P15:03
mandelbut I have to write my notes..15:03
nessitaralsina is on holiday (FYI)15:03
dobeyhe is?15:03
dobeywell what a bother15:04
* alecu is in a middle of a refactoring, so a standup sounds much better :-)15:04
nessitadobey: he is, today and tomorrow15:04
nessitadobey: say me please?15:05
nessitaDONE: more reviews, more on bug #834730, 1-1 with ralsina15:06
nessitaTODO: more on bug #83473015:06
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes15:06
nessitaNEXT: mandel15:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 834730 in ubuntuone-client (and 1 other project) "Use SignalBroadcaster and RemoteMeta from ubuntu sso client (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83473015:06
mandelDONE: Work mor ein the bloody proxy support with base auth and twisted webclient. Implemented the solution using the deferreds correctly after talking with alecu yet I'm getting a 407 with the second request with the correct Auth Header.. I need to look at the Squid logs. Also added support for squid3 in the tests since is found in P.15:06
mandelTODO: Look at that bloody 407 issue. Talk with alecu on how to progress the few days I work before holidays.15:06
mandelBLOCKED: well, looking at squid logs :(15:06
mandelcylon, I mean dobye,please :)15:06
mandeldobey, ups :)15:06
gatoxNEXT: alecu15:06
alecuDONE: worked on internal branches15:06
alecuTODO: EOYing15:06
alecuBLOCKED: no15:06
alecuNEXT: year15:06
alecuI mean...15:06
alecuNEXT: gatox15:06
gatoxTested a lot of possibilities for the make link windows api15:06
gatoxKeep working on make link.15:06
gatoxdobey, go15:06
dobeyλ DONE: proposed gireactor upstream, qt4reactor in nightlies15:06
dobeyλ TODO: fixes in gireactor for twisted review, discuss trunk vs stable, release planning15:06
dobeyλ BLCK: No.15:06
nessitadobey: I think it would be best if the trunk vs stable talk is made when ralsina is here...15:08
dobeynessita: so monday?15:12
nessitadobey: yes :-)15:13
nessitadobey: leaving the details aside, can we schedule release from stable-3-0?15:13
dobeyyes, we need to set up all the milestones and make a release plan for the whole cycle15:16
dobeywe also need to get the windows fixes backported, and get ralsina to release from the correct places15:16
* mandel is going to kill himself for being this stupid!15:17
nessitadobey: despite I agree, that sounds like a lot (but yes, I repeat I agree :-))15:17
mandeldobey, +1 from release from the correct places, is a PITA to know what the hell is going on in the client when I have to merge the branches from private places :(15:18
dobeymandel: i mean releasing from stable-2-0 branches for 2.0.x releases, vs from trunk, but yes, that too :)15:21
dobeyand i just had a very bad phone call15:22
nessitadobey: ?15:23
dobeyGM made some poor design choices about routing the brake lines on their trucks, and I get to pay for it15:27
* gatox lunch time!15:29
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mandelalecu, dobey I have updated https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/proxy-testcase/+merge/85019 can you please take a look, it know uses webclient to perform the request as well as it adds support for squid315:33
mandelnessita, FYI ^15:33
alecumandel, will do15:34
alecumandel, please remember to review https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/proxy-web-client/+merge/8513515:34
mandelalecu, on it right now15:34
dobeymandel: i'll look at it again after lunch15:43
mandeldobey, cool thx15:43
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nessitagatox_lunch, mandel, alecu: there is a not minor issue with this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/not-validated-account/+merge/83055 (made by gatox, approved by you)15:48
mandelnessita, this needs a +1 from you :)15:48
nessitamandel: ack15:48
nessitagatox_lunch, mandel, alecu: the API of not_validated_cb was changed, and that will break the GTK dialog15:49
mandelnessita, he, I get red when someone talks to me and your last message sounded like a thread :)15:49
nessitaso, before, it was sending app_name and email, and now it sends app_name and a dict15:49
mandels/thread/threat I don't know what my brain is doing..15:49
mandelnessita, ok, was that landed?15:50
alecumandel, it looks like it was landed, yes.15:50
nessitamandel: yeap15:50
alecumandel, it says "merged"15:50
mandelalecu, slow internet here :(15:50
nessitaalecu, mandel: just FYI, since I will fix it now. But let's remember that SSO must work on both frontends (for future releases)15:51
nessitagatox_lunch: you too please ^15:51
nessitaso API changes are not trivial to add, we need to also change both implementations15:51
mandelnessita, certainly!!! one question about this, is there a doc page for such API? just so that next time I take a look before hand15:52
mandelor after hand :)15:52
alecumandel, or with both hands!15:52
mandelalecu, no soy un fanfarron ;)15:52
nessitamandel: yes, the API is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingleSignOn/UbuntuSsoClient15:53
* mandel bookmarks15:53
mandelalecu, question about https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/proxy-web-client/+merge/85135 why don't we use the funny thing we had realted to the timestamp, the one we used to get the time from the server etc..15:58
mandelalecu, or is that not longer a problem?15:58
alecumandel, it's a TODO for the proxy web client15:58
alecumandel, there's a # TODO around the MP15:58
mandelalecu, ok15:58
gatox_lunchnessita, ack!15:59
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mandelalecu, there is some code duplication in the request method when you are building headers, do you recon you can share that between the clients?16:04
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alecumandel, I recon, yes. Perhaps we can add it as a new bug and I'll fix that in the upcoming branch that fixes some TODOs16:06
mandelalecu, sure, do you want me to create the bug?16:07
dobeyok, off to get lunch; bbiab16:07
alecumandel, sure, and assign it to me, with the u1-proxy label, please.16:07
mandelalecu, one stupid thing, we are suppose to remove oue names out of the headers in the files.. (not that I care to be honest)16:08
mandelalecu, also, headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + auth with squid I was failing because the headers name is 'Proxy-Authorization' and not Authorization, can you confirm that?16:09
alecumandel, "Proxy-Authorization" is for proxies, yes. And afaik, "Authorization" is for webservers.16:12
alecumandel, they could be combined if using an authenticated proxy to reach an authenticated server.16:12
alecumandel, is that what you are asking?16:12
mandelalecu, so in line 725 of the diff, which one are you using?16:13
mandelproxy or not proxy?16:13
alecumandel, 706+    """A simple web client that does not support proxies, yet."""16:13
alecumandel, it's just basic auth for servers.16:14
mandelalecu, ok, just making super sure about that :)16:14
alecumandel, and yes, line 345 is a copypasta, I'm removing it.16:15
alecumandel, pushed revno 82516:16
mandelalecu, why is  from gi.repository import Soup, SoupGNOME inside the __init__?16:17
mandelalecu, in 188 and 191 would it be better to use the http constants?16:18
alecumandel, constants: yes, I can probably use the constants from httplib in the stdlib, since those would be available all the time.16:35
alecumandel, re: import inside __init__: it's breaking right now on Oneiric if I don't do it that way, because there are issues with GI16:36
alecumandel, if I do it that way I can run it on oneiric, and I can test it on natty where GI works.16:37
mandelalecu, ok, we might as well write the reason so that no one touches it :)16:37
alecumandel, ok, I'll add a comment.16:37
mandelalecu, I say it mainly because I know that someone in the future will wonder why is there (I thinking of the manuel of the future :) )16:38
gatoxmandel, the qt magic is here: hres = psl->SetPath((wchar_t *)fileName(AbsoluteName).replace(QLatin1Char('/'), QLatin1Char('\\')).utf16());16:39
mandelalecu, ragarding the oauth headers, do we really want to step on them if they have been passed from the extra_headers parameters?16:39
mandelgatox, so you need it to be a multibyt and ensure that it has no /, right?16:40
gatoxmandel, the / i think that is only for qt uses....16:41
mandelgatox, well, if you have \\?\ it will break with / :P16:42
alecumandel, I'm not really sure about that point...16:44
alecumandel, what's your opinion? should we step on those headers, or not?16:44
alecumandel, my idea was that we should move all oauth signing into this module16:44
alecumandel, so it should be the only module responsible for that.16:44
* alecu will do a little pause, to grab some food.16:45
mandelalecu, well.. if that is the plan, I think it makes sense, otherwise I can easily imaing people trying to pass the headers16:45
mandelalecu, besides that comment the code looks perfectly ok to me16:46
mandelalecu, I approved the branch and added a buf regardint the code resuse, also added a comment about the constants :)17:01
mandelnessita, alecu, gatox is EOD for me, tom I'm just working in my morning and I have holidays 'til tuesday, then I have 2 more days and xmas :)17:02
mandeldobey, ^ forgot about you sorry ;)17:02
nessitamandel: two more days, that would be mon and tues?17:02
mandelnessita, no, that will be tues and wend, I updated my calendar so that you have all the updated info :)17:03
mandelnessita, is it missing?17:03
nessitamandel: haven't check today, let me see17:03
mandelnessita, please let me know so that I update it accordingly :)17:04
nessitamandel: tomorrow looks like you work all day, at least in the calendar?17:04
gatoxmandel, ok!17:05
mandelnessita, let me update that, I just check and Canonical Admin has it17:05
mandelnessita, sorted, everything should be uptodate :)17:06
nessitamandel: looking...17:06
dobeyyou spaniards and your weird holidays17:07
nessitamandel: oh, so I will not see you tomorrow (you finish before I start)17:07
nessitamandel: ok, thanks for updating the calendar17:07
mandelnessita, I'll pop in to say hello :)17:07
mandelok, then have all a great weekend, alecu have an awesome xmas and if you ski do not fall too often :)17:08
nessitamandel: no worries, I think that tomorrow I'm starting later than usual since I need to run some errands17:08
nessitamandel: so, have a great holidays!17:08
dobeyhe'll be all hopped up on gin 'n juice, too17:08
mandelnessita, oh, well, I'll see you before xmas, right?17:08
nessitamandel: yeap17:08
nessitamandel: next week I work MOn, Tue and Wed17:08
mandelnessita, ok, then now happy holidays for you 'til then heheh :)17:08
* mandel goes to walk the dog, adios!17:09
joshuahoovernessita: can you tell me how we start the tests for u1-client? (trying to get the details in for our projects/packages here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEngineering/12.04/UpstreamDevelopment/ProjectTracking)17:15
dobeyugh; python-defaults on maverick is old17:17
dobeyjoshuahoover: hrmm, i have no idea what that page means exactly17:18
nessitajoshuahoover: once you have your env setup, you need to export this env variable:17:18
joshuahooverdobey: i think that was the point ;)17:18
nessitaset TRIAL_TEMP_DIR=C:\Temp (or any temp dir, but always in the C: drive)17:18
nessitajoshuahoover: and then just run run-tests.bat17:19
joshuahoovernessita: and on ubuntu?17:19
dobeynessita: i don't think that page is about windows :)17:19
dobeyjoshuahoover: are we going to list all our projects on that page?17:19
dobeynessita: qt4reactor is in nightlies now btw; it failed to build on maverick and lucid, but that's an easy fix17:20
joshuahooverdobey: yeah...here's what i'm thinking, tell me what i'm missing: libu1, python-configglue, u1-client, u1-control-panel, ubuntu-sso-client, u1-storage-protocol17:20
dobeya lot17:21
nessitadobey: oohooo! when did you do that? :-)17:23
nessitajoshuahoover: sorry, I thought windows because I'm damaged :-D17:23
joshuahoovernessita: np :)17:23
nessitajoshuahoover: on ubuntu, ./autogen.sh && make check17:23
dobeyjoshuahoover: in alpha order, they will be (at least): banshee-ubuntuone, configglue, dirspec, libubuntuone, rhythmbox-ubuntuone, ubuntu-sso-client, ubuntuone-client, ubuntuone-client-gnome, ubuntuone-dev-tools, ubuntuone-installer, ubuntuone-storage-protocol17:23
joshuahoovernessita: cool, thanks17:23
joshuahooverdobey: thanks17:24
dobeyjoshuahoover: i'm not sure we need to be on that page though17:24
joshuahooverdobey: i'm told we do need to be...i'll plug stuff in and that'll be that...make the platform team's day (or not)17:25
dobeywell, i don't want to create race conditions between platform and us :)17:25
dobeynessita: this morning17:25
nessitadobey: great, point me to the branch, so I can take a peek :-)17:26
nessitalunchtime now!17:26
dobeynessita: no branch17:27
dobeynessita: do you know how one runs tests in the qtreactor source?18:15
nessitadobey: good question! I think there are no tests?18:16
dobeyso it would seem; i guess we need to add it to the twisted test suite somehow18:17
dobeybrb, gotta test something in unity18:23
gatoxbrb..... going to get some food for the brain18:30
dobeyhrmm, i am not feeling so great right now; stupid sinuses :(18:40
dobeyok, where was i18:52
dobeyah, need to fix something in -gnome18:53
alecuen lp:ubuntuone-client/stable-1-4 hay una clase "ubuntuone.api.restclient.RestClient" que usa urllib2 para hablar con las webapis de one.ubuntu.com19:26
alecudoh, wrong window.19:27
dobeyno hablo19:29
dobeynessita: what is your schedule like?19:43
nessitadobey: I'm working on refactoring the windows IPC in SSO, so we can have a unified API from both OS so we can run SSO QT on linux as well19:44
nessitadobey: whatchaneed?19:44
dobeynessita: would like to make a milestone/release schedule19:45
nessitadobey: I would like to do that. You were planning mumble/email/other?19:46
dobeyirc is fine with me; we can do mumble if it's necessary19:47
dobeyshould we have joshuahoover involved also?19:47
nessitadobey: yes, and ideally ralsina, no?19:47
dobeynot sure if he needs to be19:47
nessitadobey: do you have some proposal in your "head" already? or were planning to start from scratch brainstorming?19:48
dobeynessita: i think we can decide on a release schedule without him, no?19:48
nessitadobey: we can propose a schedule, I think he needs to approve it19:48
dobeynessita: mostly from scratch. looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule19:48
dobeyin my head, i'd really like to release every other tuesday, starting next tuesday :)19:49
nessitadobey: just to be sure I understand the same as you, every other means one week yes, the next one no?19:50
dobeyright; release every 2 weeks19:50
nessitadobey: I really like that idea, releasing every two weeks. So, we should have in the stable-3-0 the changes we want to release by Monday EOD, right?19:52
nessita(the Monday before the release, not every Mon)19:52
dobeywell, ideally friday; and ideally we test it all on monday :)19:53
nessitadobey: can you please repeat when you're leaving for xmas holidays?19:53
dobeyand return on jan 319:55
nessitadobey: ok, so ideally we would start with releases this Tue, no?19:55
* nessita opens canonical calendar19:55
nessitadobey: ok, let s add the release days to the calendar, so we (at least I) can have reminders19:56
nessitadobey: event added, tuesdays every two week, you, ralsina and me added19:58
nessitaadding joshua as well19:58
dobeynessita: well, i want to add all the milestones for them to launchpad :)19:59
nessitadobey: which sounds perfect19:59
dobeyand you are happy with every 2 weeks?19:59
nessitadobey: yes, I am. I think is great20:00
dobeyjoshuahoover: ^^ you?20:00
nessitadobey: I just confirmed and on Feb we just have one on Feb, 14th, so looks in time for the FF20:00
nessita(if we stick to every 2 weeks starting next Tue)20:01
joshuahooverdobey: yes, every 2 weeks is good as long as we stick to it (and don't extend beyond that)20:01
dobeywell, 2 in feb20:01
nessitadobey: what do you mean?20:02
dobeynessita: we might want to move the second one in feb up 1 week, to align with beta freeze20:02
dobeynessita: feb 28 would be the second one in feb, but that is during week of beta freeze20:03
nessitadobey: so, we should have 2 week-releases without an non-release week, you say20:03
dobeynessita: i think we should try to align with the ubuntu schedule where possible; with the current 2 week plan, up until beta1 freeze, we are ok. but at that point, the current 2 week schedule kind of breaks20:05
dobeybut maybe at that point we probably can either release more, or less, often, as needed20:06
dobeysince we should remain stable20:06
nessitadobey: stable on stable, yes :-)20:06
dobeybut i'd like to have scheduled release points up until final freeze20:06
dobeyand on april 10, we release 3.0.020:07
nessitadobey: so, with the current just-built schedule, we should just tweak the release for Feb 28th, ideally moving to the week before20:08
nessitathe rest looks ok20:08
nessitadobey: do you concur?20:09
dobeynessita: the same issue happens for beta2, if we don't move the releases following that up, as well20:09
dobeybecause mar 27 is during beta2 freeze week (beta2 freeze is on mar 22)20:09
nessitadobey: let me add the freezes to the calendar :-)20:10
nessitaotherwise is a mess going back and forth with the wiki page20:10
dobeynessita: which calendar are you adding them to?20:10
nessitadobey: online services20:11
dobeygah, google multiple sign-in feature is totally broken20:11
nessitadobey: it works surprisingly well for me20:12
dobeyand now it's not even loading the calendar correctly20:12
nessitadobey: any idea what the "Beta UI" means in the wiki page? on March20:14
dobeynessita: ah, you can ignore that column i think. it's what platform team should be working on/testing, afaik20:15
nessitaso we have no freezes during March20:15
dobeywell, just the freeze period for the beta2 release20:15
dobeyso there's the beta freeze, 1 week of testing, then the beta release20:16
nessitadobey: where's the beta2 freeze?20:16
dobeywhich is what screws up the scheduling20:16
dobeymar 2220:16
nessitaah, I now understand the wiki20:16
dobeyit just says BetaFreeze20:16
dobeyi hope my laptop doesn't break, after i install the amd64 kernel on it20:18
nessitadobey: ok, I updated all the events, moving some accordingly20:18
nessitadobey: we have string freeze the week before final freeze20:18
nessitaso we may need to release 2 weeks in a row there20:18
* alecu needs to run and fetch Amelia.20:20
alecuI'll be back later to finish running some tests and EOYing20:20
nessitadobey: you able to see the calendar now?20:23
dobeywell, we should probably have strings frozen by ui freeze; we shouldn't be changing them after that, unless there are typos or something, i would think20:23
dobeylet me try20:23
dobeyno, i don't see any new events in the online services calendar :(20:24
dobeyah, of course, maybe it will help if i look at next week, instead of this one20:24
nessitadobey: :-D20:25
nessitadobey: I'm looking using the by-month view, works pretty well for this case20:26
dobeyyeah, that works better20:26
dobeygoogle breaking before confused me i guess :)20:27
dobeyi moved the one that was on mar 13, up 1 week to mar 620:27
dobeysince i don't think we need one on 13 and 20 there, but 6 and 20 would be good20:27
dobeyand installing amd64 kernel didn't work out so well20:28
nessitadobey: ok, the schedule looks fine20:29
dobeyok, i'll set up some milestones20:29
nessitadobey: thanks20:29
gatoxoops..... eod already.....20:30
gatoxnessita, i think that i almost have it....... i hope so :P20:30
nessitagatox: WHOOOHOOOOO20:30
gatoxTHINK was the key word!20:30
nessitagatox: let me know, tomorrow, how that goes. I may start a little later than usual20:31
nessitagatox: I need to run some errands20:31
gatoxnessita, ok!!20:31
joshuahoovernessita: is there a blueprint or any other way we're tracking the qt control panel work for p?20:50
nessitajoshuahoover: nopes... what can I provide to you that will fir your needs?20:51
nessitajoshuahoover: we have some bug reports20:51
joshuahoovernessita: need some way to know progress on that feature...proxy support too (though you're not working on that one)20:51
joshuahoovernessita: are they tagged consistently? just need some way to track things20:51
nessitajoshuahoover: hum, I see. Can I think about this and getting back to you after the shutdown? or is it too late?20:52
joshuahoovernessita: no, that's fine...do you have a bug # that you're working on currently (that'll suffice for now)20:52
nessitajoshuahoover: the 2 bugs I must have ready before doing anything else are: bug #834730 and bug #80252520:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 834730 in ubuntuone-client (and 1 other project) "Use SignalBroadcaster and RemoteMeta from ubuntu sso client (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83473020:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 802525 in ubuntu-sso-client "Allow the ubuntu-sso-login service to run the Qt UI (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80252520:53
joshuahoovernessita: cool, thanks20:53
nessitajoshuahoover: then I have some UI-related bugs20:53
joshuahoovernessita: k, if i can get a way to track that work starting mid-next week, that will be most helpful :)20:54
dobeynessita: https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-gnome/stable-3-0 <- these are the milestones i created for the releases. any complaints aobut them?21:24
nessitadobey: looking21:24
nessitadobey: 2 bugs are there, right?21:25
nessitano complains on those, +121:25
dobey2 bugs are where?21:25
nessitafor that milestone21:25
nessitaah, no, sorry21:25
dobeyfor the 2.99.0 milestone?21:25
nessitaI read the page wrongly (sorry, I'm doing something else)21:25
nessitadobey: can I review that tomorrow, please?21:25
dobeyah ok21:25
nessitaso I don't say nonsense :-)21:25
dobeynessita: how close to working on linux is the qt control panel?21:57
nessitadobey: the control panel? is already working. SSO and the installer are the not-trivial port, which I'm working on21:58
nessitadobey: why?22:00
dobeynessita: wondering if we're going to just have the gtk one on tuesday, or package the qt one as well22:00
nessitadobey: I would love to see the QT packages, we can certainly give it a try (I haven't tried yet)22:01
nessitadobey: but just for the controlpanel, of course22:01
nessitaok, I'm eoding now22:04
nessitasee ya tomorrow crowd!22:04
dobeybuenas noches22:05
nessitachau dobey22:07
nessitaalecu: have a great holiday!22:08
nessitaalecu: do you need to catch me up with anything?22:08
dobeyi think there is some issues with the test inheritance with alecu's stable-1-6 and stable-2-0 brnaches for u1client22:09
dobeybut technically we need to get the new release into precise first, before we can get those fixes into the SRUs22:10
alecunessita, yes: I'm having some issues when trying to run tests on the lucid VM22:11
alecunessita, and they seem to be related to protobuf22:11
alecunessita, do you have any idea on that?22:11
nessitaalecu: nopes, as far as I recall.... I have no info on that22:12
nessitadobey: would you have any input on that? ^22:12
dobeyi don't kow; i'd need to see the errors22:14
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
dobeyso lets see if this packaging attempt works22:16
* nessita needs to run22:19
dobeyalecu: what re the errors?22:20
alecudobey, AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'FileDescriptor'22:22
alecuwhile trying to run u1-client tests on a freshly installed lucid22:22
dobeythat i do not know about22:23
dobeyrunning stable-1-2 tests on lucid?22:24
alecudobey, yes. That's the stable for lucid, right?22:26
dobeyalecu: can you pastebin the full trace?22:29
dobeywhat versions of python-protobuf and python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol do you have installed?22:31
alecuii  python-protobuf    2.2.0a-0.1ubuntu1  Python bindings for protocol buffers22:34
alecuii  python-ubuntuone-s 1.2.0-0ubuntu1     Python library for Ubuntu One file storage and shari22:34
alecudobey, ^^22:34
dobeyhrmm, that should work22:34
alecudobey, as a workaround, I manually installed the lastest protobuf, and it worked.22:35
dobeyalecu: does fresh stable-1-2 branch also fail?22:35
alecumanually, as in "make install" :P22:35
dobeylatest as in?22:35
dobeyalright, i'm out. later all23:10
zacktuI installed an OS update, and UO stopped syncing, so local files are more recent than cloud files.  How can I delete everything in the cloud and start syncing again?23:51

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