
micahgdoes anyone who's testing ATM care that we're oversized?07:23
micahgamd64 live only07:23
Unit193I personally wouldn't as I don't have 64bit for testing07:25
* micahg guesses he'll have to repeat in the morning for Charlie07:31
micahgdo we have a meeting later today08:05
ochosigood question08:36
knomefeel free to have one, but i'm sick so i don't know if i can be up08:59
knomewe should send the notes to ubuntu-release today about changes in xubuntu08:59
knomemadnick should be able to do this if we get to gather those09:00
* ochosi won't be able to be around before 9pm UTC (or possibly not at all)09:06
* micahg can't make it later than 2100, should we reschedule?09:15
ochosihm, depends on who could actually make it09:25
ochosisry, g2g09:26
knomemadnick, the problem is the notes should be sent today10:49
knomemicahg, ^10:49
knomethe (most) important things are technical things anyway10:50
knomeeg. if something could affect other flavors10:50
knomeor if something from other flavors have affected us10:50
knomeif not, then send a mail saying "there is nothing to tell you" :P10:50
TREESofRIGHTEOUSWith 10.10 we have also dropped support for i586 and lower processors, as well as i686 processors without cmov support. 13:16
TREESofRIGHTEOUSWith 10.10 we have also dropped support for i586 and lower processors, as well as i686 processors without cmov support. This is an issue for older computers... help I can't use Xubuntu anymore13:25
mr_pouityou have to use another distribution13:32
mr_pouit(this is not xubuntu specific, it was a decision taken for ubuntu as a whole)13:32
TREESofRIGHTEOUSYeah but Xubuntu is supposed to be for older computers13:36
TREESofRIGHTEOUSOr is that the unsupported Lubuntu team?13:37
mr_pouitLubuntu is supported, and has the same minimum processor requirement13:37
TREESofRIGHTEOUSSo what Ubuntu flavour is there for the older computers?  Lucid Puppy??  :)13:39
debfxdo you want to have gstreamer0.10-gconf on the xubuntu cd? currently it's pulled in by gstreamer0.10-plugins-good but I want to drop the dependency since it pulls gconf and gtk3 onto the kubuntu cd.14:41
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madnickare we gonnna have a meeting today?15:25
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knomeis there something to tell the other teams to bevare, or something that they did which affected us in the last 7 days?19:08
knomeerr, beware19:08
knomemicahg, madnick, mr_pouit: ^ ?19:10
madnickknome: i was thinking of uploading my stuff to LP after this weekend, dunno if its relevant19:39
madnickI will start with the plymouth stuff after19:39
knomemadnick, we can note them about that19:39
madnickSo, I guess i have some progress19:39
madnickon that19:39
knomecould you send the email?19:40
knomei have a flu and can't think very logically19:40
knomeat least in english19:40
madnickI could, but I don't know how to layout it, and im not sure what to write :P19:41
knomejust use the layout i used the last time19:41
knomeand just tell them what you're about to upload next week19:41
knomethey're just regular people19:41
madnicki supose19:42
madnicknobody has anything else to add?19:42
micahgknome: madnick: mr_pouit: idk about the last 7 days, but we're oversized now since python3 is now being pulled in by lsb-release now20:01
knomemadnick, that would be cool to add20:02
knomemicahg, it was just 64, right?20:02
Unit193That's what he said last night20:05
micahgknome: yes20:05
micahgI think python3 being supported is a release goal, so we'll have to deal with it20:06
micahgbut I wanted to wait for the meeting to take any action unless it's preventing testing20:06
knomearen't they going to drop p2?20:06
micahgin which case I'll drop a langpack20:06
micahgknome: no20:06
micahg2.7 and 3.2 will be on the CD most likely20:07
micahgwe'll also have GTK2 and GTK3 and webkitgtk-1.0 and webkitgtk-3.020:07
madnickim using -3.020:07
madnickill send the email, but its not really much information in it .P20:22
knomemadnick, do you think there was last week? :P20:23
madnickNo, and i felt really bad for sitting there, with alot of people having tons of ideas and reports20:24
madnickand im like "here" then ".."20:24
knomehah, we don't have to have ideas20:24
knomeas jono said, most ubuntu developers probably aren't interested in xubuntu20:24
knomeso, so what?20:24
knomewe'll create a good os.20:25
madnickokay, ive sent it20:26
Unit193knome: I like it, and that's all that matters to me (Well, having the devs like it would help make it better for me ;) )20:27

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