
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
spaceneedleHow do you format a usb stick in Xubuntu 10.04?01:15
holsteinspaceneedle: i use gparted, but im sure theres a simpler tool01:16
CrownWheelHey, Xubuntu users.  Anyone try installing the R statistics pakages under Oneiric, v11.10 yet?  It's giving me peculiar dependency issues.01:51
k_szehi guys02:16
CrownWheeloh. hey.02:17
CrownWheelFor a long minute there, I didn't think anyone talked on this channel...02:17
CrownWheelwhat's on your mind?02:18
k_szeI need some assistance with re-installing 11.10 over a failed 11.04-to-11.10 upgrade.02:18
k_szeI want to re-install 11.10 *in-place*, without having to wipe the existing ext4 partition.02:19
CrownWheelwow. beyond my expertise, I'm afraid.  I just came in to get advice on installing R under 11.10...02:22
w30k_sze, just tell the installer to put it on that partition and format it again as ext4 as it installs02:36
k_szew30: "without having to wipe the existing ext4 partition"02:38
w30k_sze, well formatting it again will wipe it for everyone except the FBI02:39
amgineI cannot get my Logitech headset to work in xubuntu. As I now need to reboot into windows daily for meetings to use the headset, xubuntu is now a liability for me. Anyone able to help resolve this?06:32
TheSheep!bt | amgine08:41
TheSheep!bluetooth | amgine08:41
ubottuamgine: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:42
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:10
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:43
csenger41hello! anyone active here?13:15
csenger41I'm using Mail Watcher and wanna set the run on click command to open a link with default browser13:17
csenger41could u help?13:18
TREESofRIGHTEOUSactually I got on to post a problem I had found13:19
Kurdistanhi will the stable kernel 3.1 find its way to 11.10?13:19
Kurdistanany one who knows how to remove keyring in xubuntu? it asks me password everytime I use ex chrome.13:20
KurdistanI have tried with seahorse (password manager)13:23
Kurdistanno luck13:23
csenger41no clue sry13:23
csenger41never mind, found a solution :)13:26
VanessaECan someone please tell me how to disable the password/lock when resuming from suspend (in 11.10)?13:34
amgineThanks TheSheep, but it's a USB headset.14:39
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_Pete_for somereason my audio is not working when using xubuntu session16:52
_Pete_when logged in to gnome unity it works16:52
_Pete_I suspect xubuntu deciced to switch to output to HDMI output16:52
_Pete_how to change that in xubuntu?16:52
Sysitry with mixer, if that doesn't work, get pavucontrol/paprefs16:55
_Pete_ok found it thanks16:55
_Pete_just wondering why it was switched in first place16:56
Sysistuff happens16:59
Sysiso doing it from mixer worked?17:00
_Pete_from gnome-settings17:00
_Pete_how about this: is there way define how much it will go forward/backward in parole video player when one presses keyboard arrows left/right?17:00
_Pete_now it jumps way too much17:01
Sysithat's the same as using pavucontrol.. it should work from xfce-mixer too, but that's not fully confirmed17:01
SysiI think you can't17:01
Sysiyou can use vlc or gnome-mplayer (but I'm not sure about that on them)17:02
_Pete_yeah, in vlc it is by default alt+left/right17:02
_Pete_did boot to newest kernel today so that changed the audio outputs I guess17:08
powercircleHey together, I need some help with adjusting to the xubuntu experience coming from 20 years of Mac OS :) Anyone willing to help? :-)17:59
holsteinpowercircle: sure...18:00
holsteinmight i suggest taking a few days and approaching it similarly to when you first started using macOS18:01
powercircleOkay, first it's great to am switching, finally, after four years of considering :P18:01
holsteininstead of trying to immediately make "this" be like "that"18:01
holsteinlinux/ubuntu is open, and can be configured to look and feel literally any way you would like18:01
powercircleI'm on xubuntu since november already after first trials in may. This is my long thought out plan to leave apple behind :P18:01
holsteinbut, i find taking some time to get used to the defaults can be easier on everyone involved18:01
holsteinyou might also consider going with a desktop environment that might be more like OSX out of the box18:02
holsteinthough xubuntu is not a bad choice18:02
powercircleI'm switching to get away from defaults. I've got around of 14 years professional linuy _SERVER_ exp. on my back, but have some problems with more specific things.18:02
holsteinask what you like here then, and if someone can, they will help :)18:03
holsteinpowercircle: welcome18:03
powercircleFor example I now have around 27 Terminals open, but can't distinguish them in the tasklist.18:03
_Pete_powercircle: if so, I guess you handle all well from shell?18:03
powercirclehrhr, youre reading my thoughts?18:03
powercircleI'd like to set the title of the terminals to the currently running process, but can't find something that can do that. I suspect it's an environment variable?18:04
_Pete_it depends wich xterm/cloneofit you are using18:05
TheSheeppowercircle: I got rid of the task list and just use the workspace switcher18:05
_Pete_I guess you can use pure xterm too18:05
powercircleBTW.: I'm not stupid. An URL or a small hint like "look at TERMINAPP_CMD variable" is totally sufficient :-)18:05
powercircleNah, I like the look and feel of the xfce terminal. Also as you said, I'd like to stick to defaults as much as I can.18:05
_Pete_I have similar background18:06
TheSheepxfce terminal has an option to set the title in the preferences18:06
_Pete_but I prefer to mix what best suits me18:06
powercircleYeah it has such a field where it just says "Terminal" now. Can I use variables in there?18:06
holsteini would consider looking at other terminal emulators that might do what you are looking for http://martin.ankerl.com/2007/09/01/comprehensive-linux-terminal-performance-comparison/18:06
holsteini use screen a lot personally, and tend to label the running screen sessions.. not sure if that would help you locate18:07
TheSheeppowercircle: I think so, mine displays the name of the process there18:07
_Pete_powercircle: just curious, where do you need 27 terminals? :)18:07
powercircleWhat's in your field there,then?18:07
powercircleMaybe you're using this $PS1 somewhere in .bashrc or .profile?18:08
TheSheeppowercircle: but I'm afk now so I can't check :(18:08
powercircleOkay, next annoyance. I've had a great and simple way to store passwords in mac os x. a passwords disk image. It mounts when double-clicked and asks for a master-password.18:09
powercircleThe only solution on linux that comes to mind for me is dm-crypt+losetup+xterm. Is there something fancy that saves .txts ? :-)18:09
TheSheepin xfce you have the keyring18:09
TheSheepthere is also a fuse filesystem that encrypts single files on the fly18:10
powercircleI looked at various password safes already, they seem too limiting to me, unfortunately.18:10
holsteinyou could transition to truecrypt on both OS's18:10
TheSheepencfs or something18:10
powercirclebrrr, truecrypt? I'm running multiple FDE servers and tried it. It performs poorly, IMHO.18:10
powercircleBut thats a great Idea to look for GUI passwords-asking youre right. Thanks :)18:11
powercircleI'll need some seamlessly integrated Windows/Mac OS programs, too. I'm looking into buying VMWare Workstation, but would like to stick with KVM. Can KVM provide windowed seamless integration?18:12
* holstein uses virtualbox18:13
holsteini think they all support that now though18:13
TheSheepI think even qemu/libvirt does18:13
powercircleI searched around for an hour and could find info about that for KVM.18:13
TheSheepuse libvirt-manager18:14
TheSheepit's the cool thing for ubuntu18:14
_Pete_powercircle: just curious part 2: what did make you do this switch?18:14
powercircleI'm stuying network security, so I need to work lots with latex omnet++ and this stuff, but Mac OS X did it all perfectly well.18:15
powercircleThere are two things which make me switch (second only discovered during the switch).18:15
powercircle1. Linux doesn't tell me how to love to do things. I hate being told: You can't do that, because It's complicated.18:16
powercircleAlso I come from an evangelist standpoint. I loved mac os 7,8,9,X... But then they added the appstore, the iPhone etc.18:16
powercircleI don't want to hand out my freedom to do as I please with the stuff I pay for and pay for lots.18:16
powercircleAlso, as I work so much with Linux it's the natural alternative. I can compile the kernel I want, use the hardware I want, etc-18:18
powercircleThe second point is, it's _TOTALLY_ cheap. I've got a MacPro with 24Gb RAM and 3 SSDs sitting next to the stinker I'm working with now.18:18
powercircleAnd guess what? The stinker is faster. It has 4gig of ram and can handle more Browser Tabs than the Mac could. Thats amazing.18:19
* powercircle is planning this switch since 2009.18:19
_Pete_under the bridge?18:20
powercircleanother example would be chatting on over 64 irc networks. mac os x's colloquy crashes when trying. xchat doesnt care :)18:21
_Pete_is that where you need all those 27 terminals?18:22
_Pete_btw, just curious part3:18:24
_Pete_when you did run your macos7, was it on 68k or ppc system?18:24
Sysimacp pro means probably mac os x18:25
Sysioh, misread18:27
_Pete_powercircle: I suggest, while being there under bridge, and planning next trolling, try to figure out something more intelligent18:31
powercircle_Pete_, I'm sorry to hear that you think about it that way.18:47
csenger41hello everyone19:15
csenger41knome: could u help me with mail watcher?19:15
csenger41u know that program?19:15
_Pete_but if you brief it very well19:16
knomenope, haven't got experience with that19:16
_Pete_then we might know what the problem is19:16
csenger41u can add it to the panel and it checks a specified email address and changes icon if u got new email19:17
csenger41and u can set it up to execute a specified command if u get a new email19:17
csenger41my question would be if with what command can i put a notification to the desktop19:18
_Pete_it's sure you can19:19
_Pete_with "primitive" X tools like xmessage19:19
csenger41u know the same as when u plug a pendrive into the comp and it shows up that its mounted etc.19:19
knomecsenger41, notify-send "Summary" "Text"19:19
_Pete_but maybe there's some better way for xfce?19:19
csenger41knome: sec gonna check19:19
_Pete_csenger41: ah, nice to know!19:20
csenger41_Pete_: what?19:20
csenger41yay, working, thanks19:21
csenger41does this work on other distros, like Ubuntu or Kubuntu?19:25
knomecsenger41, yes, should work.19:25
knomecsenger41, that's the general bin for notify messages19:25
csenger41thank you very much for the help :)19:29
csenger41thank you for the help again, ur awesome knome :)19:40
csenger41bye i g2g now19:40
Arpad2I've got an error message while trying to remove a software, that there is an error in aptdaemon, software that allows to install/remove software21:05
GridCube!pastebin | Arpad221:06
ubottuArpad2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:06
Arpad2and gives this in Detail: http://paste.ubuntu.com/771587/21:11
puffThe window bar at the top of my screen has gone blank.  The background color is still there, but nothign else.21:12
GridCubepuff press alt-f2 and write > xfce4-panel --restart21:13
GridCubeArpad2, sorry, i don't know21:13
puffGridCube: Thanks.21:20
havane31hi, i need some help please23:05
well_laid_lawnhavane31: it's best to let ppl know what's not working and if someone knows about it they'll help out23:07
havane31if there is someone who could help23:08
havane31so i have installed xubuntu for the first time for me and now i can t have access to internet23:08
havane31i don't how to resolve the problem i am new with xubuntu23:09
TVasEyeshavane31: more detail please.  which version xubuntu? laptop or desktop? wireless or cabled? does internet work for other machine(s)?23:11
YeahRighthavane31 : you can start a xterm in the menu somewhere23:12
havane31xubuntu 11.10 on a old desktop a hp pavilion 7965 cabled23:12
YeahRightthen try "man ifconfig"23:12
havane31and internet is working with the same ethernet cable with another pc23:13
havane31what i have to do with ifconfig?23:15
YeahRightyou can check if you got an ip address23:18
YeahRightand set one if you dont23:18
YeahRightman will tell you how23:19
preecheris it possible to change the icons that are in the top panel--not all just one?23:20
havane31i have a green light flickering on the ethernet port23:48

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