
adam_gSpamapS: around?00:42
SpamapSadam_g: yeah, whats up?00:42
adam_gSpamapS: nvm.. was about to start with "am i losing my mind or...."  turns out i am :)00:44
SpamapSadam_g: welcome to the club!00:45
SpamapSadam_g: wait till you attend one of our parties00:45
* hazmat signs out00:47
* nijaba is back after an unwanted rm -rf which included a mount --bind /usr/bin03:24
nijabaSpamapS: I'm finishing sc_peer_copy (rsync/scp)03:25
nijabaSpamapS: the hardest part is the test function03:25
nijabaSpamapS: should be almost there03:25
nijabahazmat: thanks :)03:25
shazzner_does anyone know how to write juju charms?04:34
shazzner_I'm working on one and had some questions04:34
shazzner_try to make a charm of gitolite: http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/04:35
robbiewshazzner_: it's pretty late for most of the team, so you might be better off asking tomorrow or posting to the list juju@lists.ubuntu.com05:19
SpamapSshazzner_: agreed with robbiew, I'm about to head to bed myself. Note that the instructions on that first page are basically your 'install' hook, and the "mirroring" instructions look like they might be good for peer relations (so you can scale out your gitolite servers on demand)06:11
shazzner_thanks guys, i'll try again tomorrow07:37
fwereadeheya rog09:01
mplhi all09:18
rogmpl: hiya09:20
mplhi rog09:21
mplrog: btw, did you guys get man answer to gustavo (about the zk/ssh thing) a couple or so days ago? I thought I sent it, but I'm a bit distracted these days. and since I haven't gotten any reply...09:30
mpls/man answer/my answer/09:30
rogmpl: yes, we did thanks09:31
rogmpl: well, i did anyway09:31
rogmpl: i hadn't noticed ssh.Client.Dial...09:31
mplrog: ok, and did I seem to have understood correctly gustavo's plan?09:31
rogmpl: i think so.09:32
mplrog: I hadn't noticed it either, Dave had to point it out to me :)09:32
mplimho it's not obvious enough in the documentation that this is the way to achieve ssh port forwarding.09:32
mplone way at least.09:33
heyhohello there10:46
koolhead11heyho: hi10:47
heyhoi've a problem with juju bootstrap can you give me a hand?10:48
koolhead11don`t ask just ask :)10:48
heyhook, i'm getting the error: dict object has no attribute read10:49
koolhead11heyho: you will have to tell me your environment and yaml config along with error. please pastebin it10:50
fwereadeheyho, I've heard a couple of reports of something similar10:52
fwereadeheyho, you're running against orchestra, right?10:52
heyhoyeah.. the problem is also that I'm using juju in a virtual machine and I can't copypaste it..10:52
fwereadeheyho, apt-get install pastebinit :)10:52
fwereadeheyho, but I'd be most interested to know what OS and cobbler version you're running on the orchestra VM10:53
heyhoi'm using ubuntu 11.10 oneiric server x6410:54
heyhomy environment.yaml is this: http://pastebin.com/SWiNejBc10:56
fwereadeheyho, the environents file looks fine10:57
fwereadeheyho, sudo cobbler --version10:57
fwereadeheyho, (no idea why it wants superuser powers to get the version)10:57
heyhoi also think i'm using the latest version of orchestra (2.26)  and cobbler (2.1.0)10:58
heyhois there any limitations if i'm running orchestra as a VM?10:58
fwereadeheyho, orchestra should be just fine in a VM10:59
heyhook..I also configured cobbler and added new systemz but, while in my previous attempts I received an ssh error by juju status but the bootstrapped worked, recently i reinstalled completely orchestra and juju and now i get the error on juju bootstrap11:01
fwereadeheyho, it doesn't look like that issue's been captured in a bug yet11:03
fwereadeheyho, am I correct in thinking that the only difference you're aware of between that, and your previous setup, is the orchestra version?11:04
heyhoI managed to get the full error I receive on bootstrap http://pastebin.com/JcF4989s11:04
heyhoI think so11:05
fwereadeheyho, thanks very much for the error log; I'm quite sure I've seen someone else reporting that here, I'll make a bug and try to get onto it as soon as I can11:06
heyhoI saw an irc log with my same error11:06
fwereadeheyho, would the local provider be an OK workaround for you in the meantime?11:07
heyhoI didnt understand your question..11:08
heyhois  maybe the problem related in the interaction beetween juju and the cobbler ks_meta?11:10
fwereadeheyho, I mean that -- since orchestra doesn't work and I can't immediately supply a fix -- it may be possible for you to experiment with juju using the local LXC provider instead of orchestra in a VM11:10
fwereadeheyho, it certainly is11:11
fwereadeheyho, but tracking down the precise cause and fixing it may take a little time11:11
fwereadeheyho, and so I'm keen to find you some way to be able to work with juju despite this bug11:11
fwereadeheyho, hence the local provider suggestion11:12
heyhoI imagine and I thank you for your alternative, but I'm not aware how to use Juju as you suggested me.. What's the local LXC provider11:12
fwereadeheyho, let me try to find you a writeup -- basically it runs the "machines" as LXC containers, which are a bit like chroots11:14
fwereadeheyho, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/provider-configuration-local.html11:15
niemeyerGood morning all11:15
fwereadeheya niemeyer11:16
fwereadeheyho, btw, where did you get juju from?11:17
heyhofrom juju pkgs11:17
fwereadeheyho, thanks11:18
heyhoI'm reading your link right now11:18
koolhead11heyho: you can also see http://askubuntu.com/questions/65359/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-local-usage :D11:20
koolhead11hello niemeyer11:20
heyhothat's even better thanks11:21
heyhodo i have to install juju on a physical machine I presume..but do I add pkgs repository or no?11:23
heyhohello to niemeyer11:24
koolhead11heyho: you can use the default pkg from oniric repo and it works too :)11:30
_mup_Bug #905286 was filed: orchestra: dict has no attribute read <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/905286 >11:34
heyhoI'm getting this error at local juju bootstrap http://pastebin.com/b3JxLRKu11:42
heyhoI previously rebooted networking service..do I need to reboot the entire system?11:42
nijabaSpamapS: your comments for ch_peer stuff should have been addressed.  Let me know11:43
fwereadeheyho, I'm sorry, I don't recognise that error -- probably best to just try a reboot, according to koolhead11's link, anyway :)11:49
koolhead11heyho_: You may also need to set net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 in you /etc/sysctl.conf11:56
koolhead11and then reboot the system11:56
heyhohello, I rebooted twice (first time I removed my bridge in interfaces) but I'm getting the same "network is already active" error . I also configured ip4 forward12:06
koolhead11heyho: am running juju on my physical machine running oneiric. I had same error you mentioned and i followed exact steps as given in askubuntu and it worked for me12:13
fwereadeniemeyer, re constraints spec... I'm becoming concerned about the overlap between ec2-instance-type and arch/cpu/mem12:15
niemeyerfwereade: It crossed my mind too12:16
heyhook I'll retry again12:16
niemeyerfwereade: Are you finding any practical issues?12:16
fwereadeniemeyer, so far, only in thought experiments12:17
niemeyerfwereade: Ok, anything in specific that you're concerned?12:17
fwereadeniemeyer, well, consider an environment in which you specify cpu/arch/mem, and then try to set service constraints to an ex2-instance-type which is below those specs12:18
niemeyerfwereade: Ok?12:19
fwereadeniemeyer, according to the spec, the harshest constraints win, which will be the env-level "mem=16G" rather than the service-level "ec2-instance-type=t1.micro", for example12:19
fwereadeniemeyer, I feel this rather violates the principle of least surprise12:19
niemeyerfwereade: That's not what I had in mind when we talked about that12:20
fwereadeniemeyer, ah, sorry, I must have misinterpreted you :(12:21
niemeyerfwereade: What I had in mind is "the most specific constraint wins", which would highlight ec2-instance-type in this case12:21
fwereadeniemeyer, most specific in terms of scope?12:21
niemeyerfwereade: most specific in terms of the provider12:21
niemeyerfwereade: If we know the instance type, everything else is more vague12:21
fwereadeniemeyer, so I can't override an env-level m1.small with a service-level mem=16G?12:22
fwereadeniemeyer, I suppose it's reasonable12:22
niemeyerfwereade: The interaction between several levels is a good question12:22
fwereadeniemeyer, I suppose it's reasonable to say that once you've specified m1.small you need to override with m2.xlarge12:23
niemeyerfwereade: Maybe we should take the most specific on each level12:23
fwereadeniemeyer, ok, I think that could work12:25
fwereadeniemeyer, looks like lunchtime, I'll ponder a bit longer :)12:26
niemeyerfwereade: So in your example, mem on the service would win12:26
fwereadeniemeyer, if the user expresses that they want service machines to have 16G, I feel we should prbably give them service machiens with 16G regardless of underlying env constraints12:38
heyhoI'm still getting the same error after 3 retries. I'm taking a break now..after that I'll try on another oneiric machine (this one had libvirt and virtual bridges already installed for virt-manager..I removed them but maybe there's still some configurations left that are causing the problem)12:42
hazmatfwereade, for provider specific vocabularies, its not going to be clear what the default is  in many cases12:45
hazmatthe juju default is, since its a detail of the provider12:46
niemeyerfwereade: Right12:47
fwereadehazmat, the spec has defaults for all the constraints, what's not clear?12:48
fwereadehazmat, ok, the defaults are often "unset"12:48
hazmatfwereade, for provider specific vocabularies its not very clear what a reset to default implies, what's the default ec2-region, what's the default rack, what's the default cpu-firmware12:49
fwereadehazmat, I imagined the default to usually be "don't filter on this at all"12:49
fwereadehazmat, but the default ec2-region is us-east-112:49
hazmatyup, but unset is can still a imply default value for the provider, but its internal to the provider12:49
hazmatand not per se documented or discoverable12:50
hazmatnot much to be done about it i guess, i'm just curious/concerned about discoverability of these default values12:50
fwereadehazmat, it seems to me that, tautologically, people who don't care about cpu firmware or rack placement... don't care about cpu or rack placement, and so they can get what they're given and like it ;)12:52
fwereadehazmat, and indeed, as you say, maybe not much can be done anyway12:52
heyhoHello again. So I managed to bootstrap juju successfully (I had to disable previous installed virtual bridges); how can now deploy charms (ex: mysql) ? I need a local repository? I used charms getall and created a directory named jujulocal but i get this error "ERROR Charm 'local:oneiric/mysql' not found in repository /home/stefano/jujulocal"13:34
fwereadeheyho, is there a charm at /home/stefano/jujulocal/oneiric/mysql?13:35
fwereadeheyho, if they're just flat inside jujulocal, it won;t find them13:36
heyhoNo, It would be in /home/stefano/jujulocal/mysql without oneiric dir..13:38
heyhodo I need to change that in environment.yaml and bootstrap again?13:38
fwereadeheyho, (sorry, I'm semi-lunching) repository structure is: repo contains a dir for each series; each series dir contains charms for that series13:48
fwereadeheyho, so if you move everything from jujulocal to jujulocal/oneiric, you should be fine13:48
heyhothat's what I just did. And I also changed data-dir in environments adding /oneiric13:50
heyhoNow i successfully deplyed mysql and wordpress and I get this with juju status http://pastebin.com/zTCRXz84  Why are them in pending state (and not started)?13:54
=== TeTeT_ is now known as TeTeT
=== lborda is now known as lborda_afk
hazmatheyho, if its the local provider, it has to build the container via debootsrap14:10
hazmatwhen you first deploy14:10
hazmatit takes a few minutes depending on the speed of your hard disk and net connection14:10
hazmatits a one time operation, the packages and a template container are cached on disk14:10
hazmatso subsequent deploys or add-unit are fast14:10
heyhoso I deployes 3 services but they are still pending just because they need time, right?14:14
heyhohow does juju assign a public ip to the services?14:15
hazmatheyho, you should be able to see the activity of the container creation with lxc-ls which shows extant containers and runing containers14:33
hazmatheyho, all containers/services deployed with local provider are only accessible from the host machine14:34
hazmatheyho, effectively their services under local provider are behind a NAT, the only public ip is the hosts14:35
hazmatheyho,  of course other providers don't have this issue, but local provider in particular was intended for development and prototyping14:35
heyhohazmat, I think something went wrong because the report of my juju status http://pastebin.com/fUSyUL1Z is missing services' relations and ip assigned to them14:44
m_3heyho: it looks like they're still installing... takes a _while_ for the first local install14:47
hazmatwell.. its been an hr..14:48
hazmatso not that long14:48
m_3wow... ok14:48
hazmatheyho, there's some logs in the $data-dir variable you specified in environments.yaml14:48
hazmatthat would hold additional error information14:49
heyhoit contains only charms directories14:50
heyhomaybe i should destroy environment and create a new one?14:51
m_3I'd recommend a cleanup ( destroy-environment, wipe lxc cache /var/cache/lxc )14:51
m_3maybe deploy a single service next time around... once that's 'started' then you know the lxc template has been built out14:52
heyhook I'm doing this14:52
m_3from there you should be able to bring things up quickly... or debug that single lxc instance14:52
heyhoI get this error with destroy-environment "INFO Destroying unit containers... lxc-wait: bind : Address already in use"14:55
m_3you can watch the lxc images get built out on the filesystem at /var/lib/lxc I think14:55
m_3hmmm... ok, then something more complicated is going on here14:56
heyhomaybe I should remove the images in /var/lib/lxc?14:56
m_3Do you have a stock libvirtbin install?  i.e., with dnsmasq serving up the 'default' network for virsh?14:57
m_3when my local env is destroyed, /var/lib/lxc is empty14:57
heyhoI had virt-manager installed but i removed it and installed libvirtbin again.. ok, i'm removing images in that directory14:58
m_3the local provider docs and inststructions definitely assume you haven't tweaked your libvirt setup... I'm a tweaker and've been hit by that before :)14:59
m_3cool... with a purge and re-install of libvirtbin you should be golden14:59
m_3easy enough to check that `ps auwx| grep dnsmasq` is running and `ip addr show` shows virbr0 correctly15:00
heyhook I purged libvirt-bin.. dnsmasq is runnig and ip addr shows vbr-default-015:03
m_3vbr-default-0 looks strange15:03
m_3virsh net-list --all15:03
heyhoit's something like name:default state:active autostart: yes15:05
m_3/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml contains the name of the bridge15:06
m_3yours might've been added by something else, hence the strange name15:07
heyhoand "ip addr show" contains, besides lo and eth0, these two things: http://pastebin.com/9AsXFqVj15:07
heyhoi should remove them?15:07
m_3heyho: I'd `/etc/init.d/libvirt-bin stop` and then remove any bridge interfaces that're there15:12
m_3heyho: then check the contents of /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml to look like stock (http://paste.ubuntu.com/772295/) and restart libvirt-bin15:13
heyhoi removed them with "virsh net-destroy default" and after that I tried to do "service libvirtd restart" with response libvirtd: unrecognized service!15:14
m_3don't remember the name of the service... looking15:15
m_3you'll need a default net for libvirt though15:16
m_3(BTW, I'd recommend EC2 over local provider at this point if that's an option)15:16
=== lborda_afk is now known as lborda
hazmatso.. removing /var/cache/lxc isn't generally useful its just the debootstrap cache15:25
hazmatthe error about lxc-wait bind, is because there is already an lxc command currently running on the system15:25
hazmatthat device vbr-defat-0-nic is odd15:25
heyhook I think i removed them15:26
m_3even the vbr-default-0 is odd too15:26
heyhonow ifconfig looks clean15:26
heyhoi reinstalled libvirt-bin15:26
hazmatheyho, does the output of `groups` contain libvirtd for you?15:26
heyhoi still have installed libvirt-0.. do you know what's that?15:26
heyhoyes it contains it15:27
m_3libvirt0's ok to be there15:27
hazmatits the libvirt runtime library files15:27
heyhook so i basically have eth0 and lo.. but not virbr0 comparing in ifconfig.. is that ok?15:28
hazmatheyho, there was no files in your data-dir?15:29
heyhoactually there were, now i deleted them.. In environments.yaml I should write the data-dir path excluding the distribution subfolder right?15:32
heyholike /home/stefano/jujulocal and not /home/stefano/jujulocal/oneiric15:32
heyhoi tried another juju bootstrap resulting in this error http://pastebin.com/jzd6xz1i15:36
_mup_Bug #905366 was filed: local provider needs a dedicated network <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/905366 >15:37
hazmatm_3, re last bug, how many bridges can you attach to a physical device15:38
heyhoi'm trying to reboot the machine again, brb15:38
m_3heyho: grab the default.xml from http://paste.ubuntu.com/772295/ and then something like `virsh net-define default.xml`15:39
m_3i.e. the default net's gotta be created15:39
m_3hazmat: unknown15:39
m_3hazmat: it's actually not attaching to a physical device though, right?15:40
m_3there are bridges that do that, but not the virbr's we're using15:41
hazmatyeah.. i thought there was a reason it was problematic .. but its not clear why.. if we're not attaching it15:42
m_3I've had 4 virtual bridges working at the same time w/o any problems (other than iptables spaghetti)15:44
m_3in addition to a physical-bridge15:44
m_3(sad attempt at euca HA)15:46
heyhook, I succeded in juju bootstrap15:49
heyhonow i need to getcharms and then deploy one of them right?15:50
m_3yes, get a charm and deploy a single service to to kick off the lxc template build15:50
m_3that'll be 'pending' for a few minutes while it installs15:51
heyhook..and i also need to create a oneiric subfolder in my localdir right?15:52
m_3'charm get mysql' is faster than 'charm getall'15:52
m_3yeah, so I 'mkdir -p ~/charms/oneiric'15:53
m_3'cd ~/charms/oneiric && charm get mysql'15:53
m_3then your deploy lines will need a repo like 'juju deploy --repository ~/charms local:mysql mydb'15:53
m_3i.e., charms don't need to live in the local provider's 'data-dir'15:55
heyhowell, that's a very effective explanation thanks15:59
jcastrom_3: let's do a quick charm update later today even though we've been gone16:00
m_3jcastro: cool man.. we've got a colorado-canonical-crew holiday lunch, so maybe a mobile hang-out on the drive up?16:03
jcastrothat would be perfect16:03
jcastroI'm thinking it's 5 minutes, tops16:04
* SpamapS is having breakfast right now with the los angeles canonical crew... 16:13
* m_3 proscribes thorazine for that16:15
m_3whoops... s/proscribes/prescribes/ :)16:16
* SpamapS proscribes rhymes16:20
m_3forgot your gang-sign16:30
heyhoguys thank you very much for your support! With your help I managed to fix the configuration issues16:31
m_3heyho: woohoo!!16:32
SpamapSheyho: was there something wrong with your system, or is there something we could do to make this process easier?16:34
heyhonext big step will be for me to use juju on ec2 and orchestra!16:34
heyhothere was a previous configuration of libvirt (because I used virt-manager) that I think it may have caused problems16:35
heyhoeven if i removed that16:35
SpamapSheyho: that sounds like something we could fix in juju16:37
heyhoyeah, with my issues i think i made you think about a couple of things to improve.. expecially in Orchestra with that dict read problem16:38
heyhoI found another guy had my same exact error reading a previous irc log16:39
SpamapSyeah I believe the fix for that is pending16:39
fwereadeSpamapS, heyho: I'll be on hat one just as soon as I can, I think it's a pretty serious problem16:40
fwereadeheyho, thanks for the extra information :)16:40
heyhoNo problem! And if you have other questions that could be useful to you, shout16:42
heyhoAs you surely have noticed, I'm  pretty a beginner in the cloud computing world.. Do you think it would be better if I start trying to configure and use Openstack the hard way, or If I use orchestra to make, maybe, things go smoother?16:46
SpamapSheyho: orchestra is, I would say, the most complex target for juju.16:47
SpamapSheyho: local is second, and then ec2 is the simplest.16:47
heyhoI also tried ec2 and juju bootstrap worked like a charm actually :D ... but I had issues in the juju status step.. But it's a big story that I maybe be explaining another time mainly because it's 17:52 pm here and I'm about to go home :D16:52
koolhead11heyho: was that ssh error during status16:53
SpamapSheyho: well thanks for sharing all your troubles with us. :)16:53
heyhoyeah ssh error problem16:55
heyhoand thank you for your help16:55
koolhead11heyho: u need to generate a keypair :) and it will work16:55
koolhead11SpamapS: i was looking at owncloud, our repository still has owncloud116:56
koolhead11there newest release is owncloud216:56
heyhokollhead11, actually i generated it but had problems however.. I'll explain in details another time.. for now, cheers!16:57
SpamapSMaintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>16:59
SpamapSOriginal-Maintainer: Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>16:59
SpamapSkoolhead11: yeah, maybe file a bug? ;)16:59
koolhead11SpamapS: doing right away17:00
mchenetzFinally have a fully functional openstack environment… 2 servers with 6 cores each… Seems to work pretty well…. Now for the development of virtualbox as a provider in Juju… :-)17:07
SpamapSmchenetz: how did you manage only 2 servers?17:08
mchenetzSPamaps: That is the minimum… You can run everything but compute on one node and then compute on the other17:08
SpamapSmchenetz: so did you do that manually, or figure out some way to trick juju into installing more than one thing onto one box? ;)17:09
mchenetzI used stackps.org distro (Ubuntu 10 derivative) to install… Super easy… It was great to learn on…17:10
mchenetzused 2 nics… One for the service network and the other for public17:11
mchenetznow i am just setting up the Juju environment for EC2 compatibility and see if i can deploy to it...17:12
koolhead11jelmer: i think you helped me with the bzr thing17:20
jelmerhi koolhead1117:20
lynxmanhazmat: ping17:20
koolhead11jelmer: i will trouble you again in sometime. :)17:21
SpamapSlynxman: hey, you expired from charmers. I assume you'd like to stay in it right? (new memberships are getting much longer periods than we initially gave people.. not sure why we did that. ;)17:21
lynxmanSpamapS: yeah would love to stay in :)17:22
lynxmanSpamapS: if that's okay, of course!17:22
SpamapSlynxman: yeah, you've been quite active. :)17:23
lynxmanSpamapS: trying to, right now doing some juju client hackery that will make hazmat shriek ;)17:23
* SpamapS makes sure everybody expires "never" :)17:24
lynxmanSpamapS: lovely, thanks man :)17:24
SpamapSI figure we can start expiring people when we get to 20 charmers. :)17:24
SpamapSmedberry: aplogies to you, the one guy I did let expire. ;)17:25
* koolhead11 listens17:25
* koolhead11 rushes 4 home17:26
medberrySpamapS, nope, I pulled myself off the list. You didn't let me expire. :^)17:27
* medberry still had a day left at that point17:27
hazmatlynxman, pong17:34
lynxmanhazmat: trying to do something a bit crazy, even if I know this will fail, would just like to try the concepr :)17:35
lynxmanhazmat: I'm writing an stunnel client charm, I'd like to deploy that using juju client then once its deployed connect to the zookeper node through the stunnel17:36
lynxmanhazmat: how do you see that? :D17:36
hazmatlynxman, sounds interesting, the client is going over ssh now, but a generic stunnel charm would be interesting, its seems to me like its better targeted as a subordinate/plugin charm17:37
hazmatsince you'll need some local per charm state about the endpoint its setting up17:38
lynxmanhazmat: yeah, I think so, I'd like to try the basic concept for now and expand on that17:38
lynxmanhazmat: so my questions are, 1. how can I use juju client to deploy a charm without zookeper being present? 2. How do I tell the client where to find zookeper17:38
hazmat1) does not compute ;-) 2) its in the provider storage under a special named key 'provider-state'17:39
SpamapSlynxman: is there a reason you are shunning SSH?17:40
* SpamapS shhhould shun sh words17:40
hazmatre 1) it would have to be incorporated into juju's bootstrap17:40
lynxmanSpamapS: the idea is to be able to setup a machine in a remote location, then use stunnel to connect back to zookeper to tell it "I'm here and available"17:40
* hazmat grabs some lunch17:41
SpamapSlynxman: ahh, you want what I was thinking.. a "just run the agent somewhere" provider17:41
lynxmanSpamapS: exactly! we talked with sabdfl also about it last week, be able to just run a charm in "standalone"17:41
lynxmanhazmat: enjoy :)17:41
SpamapSlynxman: I think with orchestra you could cheat and do this by defining a machine in orchestra, and then running the late command manually.17:41
lynxmanSpamapS: hmm how so?17:42
SpamapSlynxman: just put it in orchestra... tell juju to claim it, and then run the "late command" that gets shoved into ksmeta17:42
SpamapSlynxman: you still need zookeeper though17:43
lynxmanSpamapS: hmm thats the thing, I really don't fancy having a local zookeeper, that's plan B17:43
SpamapSThats far too ingrained into juju to mock out. :)17:43
SpamapSlynxman: I'm 99% sure that its just not going to work without ZK17:43
lynxmanSpamapS: so maybe I can mock up something through cloud-init, of the sorts "install this stuff, then run the command to join zookeeper"17:43
SpamapSlynxman: you can certainly run ZK wherever you want and just point the client at it.17:44
lynxmanSpamapS: that'd be a good concept imho :)17:44
SpamapSas hazmat said.. just change the data stored in the provider state bits.17:44
lynxmanSpamapS: cool, will investigate into that then ^^17:45
lynxmanSpamapS: hazmat: thanks for the feedback guys :)17:45
SpamapSlynxman: very interested in this, as it would be nice for the scaled-down services.17:45
lynxmanSpamapS: that's the direction I'm taking indeed :)17:46
lynxmanSpamapS: I'm keeping this under wraps for now, but #siteam will show something awesome in the next month if all goes right17:46
SpamapSlynxman: w00t17:49
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r442 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:54
koolhead17jelmer: hi again17:54
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r443 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:55
_mup_Merged trunk17:55
koolhead17jelmer: i modified a file and before that i did  "bzr lp-login" and then bzr commit -m "added revision number in revision file"18:05
koolhead17i got message Committing to: /home/atul/bazaar/boa/trunk/18:05
koolhead17modified revision18:05
koolhead17Committed revision 2.18:05
koolhead17so does that mean this committed file is still in my local system? i need to push it again18:06
koolhead17ooh it was bzr push :D18:24
koolhead17got it.18:24
jelmerkoolhead17: yes, commit only does the change locally - you have to push to get it onto launchpad18:24
jelmerkoolhead17: you can make "bzr commit" automatically propogate the change to launchpad by "binding" your local branch to the one on Launchpad18:25
jelmerkoolhead17: see "bzr bind"18:25
koolhead17jelmer: cool . let me check18:25
koolhead17SpamapS: ariund?19:21
SpamapSkoolhead17: sort of :) whats up?19:22
koolhead17SpamapS: could you tell me that command for modifying the juju documentation, i want to remove "revision" part from yaml file, as user will get deprecated warning thing.19:23
SpamapSkoolhead17: recently the docs were split out of the trunk..19:23
SpamapShazmat: are the online docs built from lp:juju/docs ?19:23
hazmatSpamapS, no.. thats the last item till i can close that ticket out and announce19:35
SpamapShazmat: still not sure of why we can't just pair the docs with the trunk. ;)19:39
SpamapSbut I'd rather just see it move forward so koolhead17 and others can start updating them19:39
hazmatSpamapS, exactly19:39
hazmatSpamapS, if it doesn't work out in by precise release, we change it back to the old model19:40
SpamapSI think I do see one benefit19:41
SpamapSwhich is that it will have its own review queue19:41
robbiewSpamapS: hey, so would you (or hazmat) know anyone who could port our juju client to OSX?19:42
SpamapShazmat: my prediction is that it will eventually be split into lp:juju/docs-precise lp:juju/docs-q19:42
robbiewor anyone else in this channel :D19:42
EvilBillrobbiew: I don't know of anyone, but I second the request.19:42
SpamapSrobbiew: I have 3 macs here (all running ubuntu.. but.. I can reboot ;).. I can probably figure it out. ;)19:42
hazmatit should just work, just a question of getting it installed19:42
hazmatpython-zookeeper being the only non-trivial dep19:43
SpamapShazmat: somebody recently found a dependency on python-apt that broke for obvious reasons on osx ;)19:43
hazmatSpamapS, they where using the local provider i thought19:43
SpamapSoh well thats just not gonna work ;)19:43
hazmatSpamapS, the local provider clearly won't work on osx, and the code is not imported otherwise19:43
SpamapSyeah I think it should "just work" but we need to pick a single thing, macports or homebrew, and get it working19:44
* hazmat looks for the wires to plug his mac19:44
SpamapSProbably need to focus on Lion19:44
SpamapSactually I can run Lion in a VM on either of my macs19:45
SpamapSso I don't even have to reboot19:45
SpamapSrobbiew: sounds like something that needs a bug. :)19:45
robbiewbtw...I wasn't suggesting either one of you add this effort to your plate ;)19:45
SpamapSrobbiew: seems like users who are on OS X will pick it up if we can help them out.19:45
shazzner_hello everyone19:46
SpamapSfrom what I see, the macports that lynxman submitted have been ignored19:46
hazmati guess bug 826498 sort of assumes the client works, but nothing explicit19:46
_mup_Bug #826498: virtualbox machine provider for osx local dev <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/826498 >19:46
SpamapSso maybe need to go with brew19:46
SpamapSanother (evil) way to go is a direct installer19:47
hazmatand they already have python-zookeeper (in their zookeeper dist)19:47
hazmatafter that its just pure python libs19:47
SpamapShazmat: oh then maybe setup.py will work after brew installing that?19:47
SpamapSwe could at least have a juju.ubuntu.com/OSX page then19:47
mchenetzI am working on a virtualbox provider and brew repo for juju19:47
shazzner_I tried last night but everyone was asleep, I'm working on a charm for gitolite: http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/19:48
hazmatSpamapS, it won't we don't have deps marked explicitly19:48
SpamapSmchenetz: RIGHT and you are also working on being *our hero*19:48
robbiewwelcome back shazzner_19:48
shazzner_I figured out one issue but still have one question19:48
shazzner_hello :)19:48
shazzner_so part of installing gitolite requires a copy of your public key19:48
hazmatSpamapS, easy to fix that though, so it is easy_installable19:48
* SpamapS must feed himself, but is interested to help upon return.19:49
shazzner_and I'm not sure how to do this with the juju script19:49
shazzner_I know juju  requires a key, but I'm not sure how to send this19:49
shazzner_or possibly to copy it from authorized keys on the server19:49
shazzner_just trying to figure out the best way to do this19:49
_mup_Bug #905467 was filed: Allow juju to be easy_installed <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/905467 >19:50
hazmatshazzner_, juju will use a public key it finds by default from the user's ~/.ssh dir19:50
hazmatshazzner_, a separate one can be specified19:50
hazmatshazzner_, you could have it as a config setting of the gitolite service19:51
hazmatbut i would assume it would have a better method if its multi-user19:51
shazzner_ah ok, that's what I was thinking19:51
shazzner_I wasn't sure to add a config setting for something that's only used once, but if several hosts are setup it makes sense19:53
shazzner_it's enough to get this newbie on track, thanks hazmat19:54
robbiewmchenetz: you get juju working on mac...and you'll get first dibs on juju shirts and sponsored invite to the next UDS ;)19:56
hazmatSpamapS, the disk image install sounds pretty intriguing19:57
mchenetzRobbiew: It's a deal... I will work on it. I don't think the brew repo willtake a lot, but it wont support local provider. So, i was planning on getting a virtualbox provider working first19:57
robbiewfantastic ;)19:57
shazzner_juju on mac would be nice :)19:57
hazmatmchenetz, i'd go with the brew stuff first, that at leasts gets it out into people's hands.. but whatever works19:58
mchenetzI have it working with a combo of port packages from lynxman, brew, and pip. It is currently running on my macbook19:58
mchenetzI can do the brew stuff first19:59
shazzner_I suppose it's better to use the official package in the repository than to clone it from git20:30
=== mchenetz_ is now known as mchenetz
EvilBillI'm happy to try and help with the juju on OS X effort.20:31
EvilBillI can't run with it myself, but I can certainly help and test and such.20:31
mchenetzEvilBill: Thanks… I think i will have a brew repo up very shortly20:31
EvilBillmchenetz: awesome :)20:31
EvilBillthat won't conflict badly with macports, will it?20:31
EvilBill(I have to run macports stuff for work)20:31
mchenetzThey don't recommend it, but i have both installed and they seem to work okay so far20:32
mchenetzBrew has a lot of the same stuff as port20:32
mchenetzI actually got the port version working with some help from pip too20:32
mchenetzI needed to use pip to install tx-zookeeper20:33
EvilBillyeah, tx-zookeeper was blowing up for me when I tried.20:34
mchenetzyup… I think some dependencies changed since it was submitted20:34
mchenetzafter that, everything else was good20:34
SpamapSnijaba: around?20:41
robbiewSpamapS: he's on holiday now21:02
SpamapSahh right21:02
koolhead17SpamapS: owncloud uses sqlite mysql both21:05
koolhead17do i have to write charm saperately 4 both21:06
SpamapSkoolhead17: no, you can just make the mysql requirement optional21:08
koolhead17SpamapS: cool21:08
SpamapS  db:21:08
SpamapS    interface: mysql21:08
SpamapS    optional: true21:08
SpamapSkoolhead17: you do need to think *hard* about how to migrate the data from the local sqlite to the mysql database.. or warn the user that by relating to mysql, they will lose all their data in the sqlite db.21:09
koolhead17SpamapS: yes. actually am testing by basic install script/bash to do all the needful and which does not use mysql.21:11
koolhead17SpamapS: also how does this database schema gets created? any easy charm you will suggest me to look at to understand it well21:15
SpamapSkoolhead17: it different always. Just turn the install instructions into scripts.21:15
koolhead17SpamapS: let me check from our available charms as how its been done21:16
mchenetzHere are some quick instructions for installing juju on OSX before i get the Brew Repo working: https://idserver.inventivedigital.com/wiki/people/82L0T5Y7X/blog21:29
hazmatmchenetz, umm.. zkpython?21:32
mchenetzzookeeper python bindings21:32
hazmatmchenetz, there in the brew zookeeper pkg21:33
mchenetzhazmat: The python zookeeper didn't seem to work without that21:34
hazmatmchenetz, hmm.. https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/zookeeper.rb#L6621:35
mchenetzi know its there… It's part of my install, but it didn't seem to work until i used the pip install zypython command21:35
hazmatmchenetz, the zkpython on pypi does look like it will compile with brew correctly, but its a little suspect on versioning, zkpython is distributed with zk21:35
mchenetzit seems to work. :-)21:36
mchenetzIf you find that it works without it. I would be more than happy to change the instructions21:36
mchenetzI am now working on the brew packaging21:37
mchenetzThis was just a quick way to get poodle to checkout juju21:37
mchenetzpeople, not poodle… Damn word replace… :-(21:38
hazmatmchenetz, fair enough.. i'm just concerned because older version of zkpython have known bugs that can cause problems, but i guess the client doesn't exercise the lib to the same degree that the server side does21:38
hazmatthe bugs tend to segfault or exception, so its fairly obvious when its a problem21:38
mchenetzi am still testing… I will fix the instructions if i find bugs. But, again, my main intention is to build the brew repo now21:39
hazmatmchenetz, i think you need to specify the option when installing zookeeper via brew to get the python bindings21:39
mchenetzlet me check it out.. I forgot about this options21:40
hazmatamusing copyright on apple javascript.. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/772706/21:45
hazmater. license.. by visiting the page on non osx, you violate the license21:45
robbiewnice :/21:46
mchenetzhehe… I remove zkpython and I tried the brew install zookeeper --python and it installed everything, but it did not like it when i ran juju21:47
mchenetzI think i ill keep it for now as it seems to be running good21:47
mchenetzI will worry about it when i create the formula for brew21:48
koolhead17SpamapS: would you like to test owncloud charm? half-baked though :P23:41

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