
robin0800Firefishe: in kubuntu the setting is in system settings/sessions00:01
Firefisherobin0800, OerHeks:  Well, I just logged in and out of every desktop I'm using on this box, namely gnome-shell and unity.  I didn't bother with fluxbox or enlightenment, as they're not affected.  However, I did find that the nautilus window only opens on kde now, not the others.00:06
FirefisheUmm...I need to log in and out again...forgot to see what folder opens up, duh.00:07
Firefisherobin0800, OerHeks:  The folder that opens is my user's home folder.00:08
OerHeksFirefishe, oke, did you check ~ System -> System Settings -> Advanced -> Autostart ?00:11
Firefishechecking now00:11
FirefisheOerHeks: kde or gnome system settings?00:12
OerHeksin KDE ofcourse00:12
FirefisheOerHeks: For me, I believe that would be the equivalent of:  K > System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Autostart -- That sound right?00:14
OerHeksyes :-)00:14
OerHeks( i am on a dutch version, but this sounds good)00:15
FirefisheOerHeks: Yeah, the interface is the same, depending on what menu one is using.00:16
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FirefisheOerHeks: I do have something, apparently a shell script.  In Autostart, there is a Pre-KDE startup occurrence listed, and what is starting is named:  gtk2-default-theme.rc.sh00:17
fk6amason/robin0800/0erHeks: CD is installing fine, so the current 32bit alternate image somehow cannot be burned on a USB stick, even when following the instructions on the kubuntu webpage to the letter...wonderful...00:19
OerHeksmaybe that is the thing what opens nautilus, i am not sure.00:19
FirefisheOerHeks: It says gtk2...  Don't the newer gnomes, both gnome-shell, and unity, both use gtk3?00:20
amasonfk6: i guess..i dunno it works for me00:20
fk6thx for suggestions...00:21
OerHekseydaimon, i wouldn't recommend a wubi installation to upgrade, save your data, uninstall and do a fresh wubi installation, note that wubi is just a test, not for real production.00:22
FirefisheOerHeks: I just did a locate on the CLI.  That script is in three places.  More than likely, the main one is in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/gtk2-default-theme.rc.sh and the others listed for each user (me and my wife) are probably symlinks.00:23
Firefisheso it's kubuntu/kde-centric, and probably is used to assign the default themes for gtk2 apps when run in kde.  I don't think that's it.  It could be, but I do not see how at this stage.00:24
FirefisheOerHeks: Meaning, I do not see how it could open the nautilus window at login./00:25
FirefisheI appreciate your help.  robin0800:  you too :).  I'll continue my troubleshooting.00:26
fk6Firefishe: you tried logging in with another/new user?00:27
OerHeksFirefishe, me 2 .. i just did locate myself, and i have that file too, but i did not have gnome installed.00:27
robin0800Firefishe: in kubuntu if you had one open at session end it would save and then reopen unless you told it to start with a clean session00:27
FirefisheOerHeks: That would seem to suggest my hypothesis is true.00:27
fk6I have has such issues. then did a grep in my home dir on the command that started the program, in this case nautilus, this helped me find the culprit config/script00:27
Firefishefk6:  What am I looking for?00:28
fk6have you tried logging in with another "fresh" user?00:28
Firefisherobin0800: So how do I set it to open a clean session?  I prefer that anyway.00:28
fk6if it happens with that one too, then it is a default config file00:28
robin0800Firefishe: in kubuntu the setting is in system settings/sessions00:28
Firefishefk6: You mean with a newly created user?00:29
fk6if it only happens with your user it is one of your config files, if so grep in your home dir for the command to start nautilus, it should not be noted anywhere, afaik, if you find it, make backup of that file and comment that line out, or delete the file00:29
fk6Firefishe: yes that's what i mean00:29
Firefishefk6: Well, it does happen with my wife's user, as well.00:30
FirefisheI need to run a parallel session of kde to this one...let me see if I can do that and if the folder opens up again.00:30
fk6have not read the whole thread, struggling with my own prob, may i ask why you have nautilus installed on a kde system?00:31
fk6two fixes, if you don't require it, rename the nautilus executable, or uninstall it.00:32
Firefishefk6:  I also have gnome installed.00:32
fk6ah ok00:32
fk6that's a tad messy then.00:32
FirefisheI use a lot of gui's, switch when I get bored, etc.00:32
eydaimonhow do you tell what version you have? /etc/debian_version says sid/wheezy which doesn't seem right00:33
Firefishefk6:  Well, it became messy when unity and gtk3 came alone.00:33
amasonFirefishe: you can tell kde not to load your old session00:33
amasonsettings->startup and shutdown -> session management00:33
Firefisheamason: Thank you, let me try that.00:34
amasonselect start with empty settings00:34
amasonsession rather00:34
amasonalso check in autostart00:34
fk6Firefishe: make a backup of your etc. grep in your etc for the nautilus command, and eliminate it bit by it from the config files.00:34
amasonand the service manager00:34
amasonfk6: gnome uses their gconf so it may not be greppable00:34
fk6amason: they don't have human readable configs? gah00:35
amasoni'm not sure.....could be serialized00:35
fk6Firefishe: and if your wife has had a user for longer on the system, try a new user account, a fresh one, with no config files in it.00:35
Firefishefk6, amason:  I've gone ahead and set it to log in with a fresh user.  Simple things first.  Also, deleting anything in the /etc/ directory without knowing exactly what I'm looking for is dangerous,.00:36
FirefisheI'm going to log in and out again...be right back.  Again, thanks for all the help.  I'll probably have to log in to my wife's account and manually adjust that, too.00:37
amasoni didn't recommend deleting anythign in /etc00:37
amasoni actually didn't say to delete anything at all00:37
Firefisheamason: I know, that was for fk6.00:37
Firefisheamason:  That did the trick!  Thank you! :)00:45
OerHeksamason +100:46
Firefishefk6, OerHeks, robin0800:  Also thank you for your suggestions. :)00:46
OerHeksFirefishe, have fun00:46
FirefisheOerHeks: oh heck yes! ;) hee.  I'd have more fun if I could write software in at least one language.00:47
fk6Firefishe: gratz :)00:48
Firefishefk6: thanks :).  Anyone here need any help with anything?00:49
fk6Firefishe: well, your married, so no thank you ;)00:50
Firefishefk6: heh00:51
fk6Firefishe: not in the way that you are not qualified, but in the way that you are already "occupied" ;)00:51
Firefishefk6: ya, I get it.00:52
OerHeksi know, kubuntu users are very attractive :-D00:52
Firefishefk6: might want to move this to #kubuntu-offtopic00:53
fk60erHeks: famous, indeed....00:53
fk6Firefishe: nah, it's all part of the Kubuntu service level agreement ;)00:54
Firefishefk6:  oh, we can chit chat in here a bit?00:54
FirefisheI know they get really edgy in #ubuntu, and the #ubuntu-offtopic chan is pretty active.00:54
Firefisheno mattah00:55
fk6Well #ubuntu has way more business than #kubuntu...in like 2h 4ppl....and what's the worst that will happen ;) I will slap them with the usbcreator screwup ;) nvm i am off, pleasure meeting you guys....gn00:56
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N00bishis this the right room for help q's?04:43
N00bishanyone around?04:46
frogonwheelsN00bish: ask. don't ask to ask.04:53
frogonwheelsN00bish: you _may_ have to wait depending on the time and the question :) ask and stick around for an hour or so04:54
N00bishis this the right room for help tho04:54
N00bishi was told to goto kde help04:54
N00bishbut there isn't one lol04:54
N00bishjust you guys...?04:54
KingSphinxI'm not sure whether or not this goes into this channel or for Wine, but ever since I removed my "Program Files" menu entry a while back, nothing I install with Wine will appear in Kickoff. Anyone know how to get my stuff to start appearing again?04:55
frogonwheelsN00bish: you on kubuntu?04:56
frogonwheelsN00bish: or ubuntu and using kde?04:56
N00bishi have a freshly installed Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 LTS + x2go04:56
N00bishso nothing yet, but i would like kubuntu04:57
N00bishi used debian and gnome previously on the same hardware04:57
amasonN00bish: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:57
N00bishbut i tried to install the above desktop but ran into problems with the intel graphics card04:57
frogonwheelsN00bish:  well kubuntu is just ubuntu with kde as the default environment really.04:58
N00bishvnc server ran fine and i could connect to it, but kubuntu wouldnt start "startx" just reported intel n10 graphics card problems04:58
amasonwhat is your graphics card ?04:58
frogonwheelsN00bish: so it won't make a difference to the xserver - so you'll need to work that out.04:58
N00bishi tried a few google fixes, got nowhere and figured id made such a mess paying around with the config that i should do a fresh install04:59
N00bishit just says intel n10 chipset?04:59
N00bishgoogle results finds a lot of known bugs :/04:59
KingSphinxWait, found something about having to fiddle a bit with my .config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu file.05:00
N00bishthe remote desktop worked but i only got the grey screen so it was like kubuntu didnt install correctly05:00
N00bishbut i got no error messages on the install :/05:00
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N00bisham doing apt-get install update on it now but i dont know if installing kubuntu is the best choice?05:02
christopher_N00bish: installing KDE is always the best choice05:02
N00bishlol no bias on here huh? ;)05:03
christopher_NEVER second gues KDE ;)05:03
N00bishso kde is the first thing to install before the vnc4server?05:03
N00bishi keep thinking im making some fundamental flaw in it05:03
N00bishsame hardware but debian, gnome and xrdp worked fine05:04
christopher_idk I use VNC without issue05:04
christopher_I would use Ubuntu server, but Kubuntu works fine as a server05:04
N00bishcheers christopher, ill go read, yeah the vnc server and viewer worked fine - but the kde wouldnt start :/05:05
N00bishno gui to see, just the grey background05:05
christopher_its nice to have the overhead GUI when working with it and I hardly if ever see any issues with my server bogged down, but then again I am running 4 xeons and 128gig of ram05:05
N00bish:o thats quite a set up!05:06
christopher_I like it05:06
christopher_its older DDR2, my work was just gunna throw it out05:06
N00bishat the risk of being flamed... windows server 2008 rc2 also worked fine on this hardware05:06
christopher_im like "I want the blade!"05:06
N00bishbut i dont want windoze or debian :(05:06
christopher_I like win server05:06
christopher_I use it at work05:07
christopher_it is actually quite nice05:07
N00bishit takes more resources though05:07
N00bishive only got a single core and 2gb ram05:07
N00bishi need all i can get out of them :)05:07
amasonwe use x2go at work, it works pretty well.05:07
christopher_on servers running 512+gb of ram and 16 processors per blade... resources are a misnomer05:07
christopher_its a hospital05:07
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amasonN00bish: i think you will find that it's just driver issues. from the looks of it your intel card isn't able to use the 'proper' intel drivers05:08
christopher_guthrie clinic and emergency medical center05:08
N00bishamason: yeah the forums for my server recommended x2go in fact the reinstall script includes it on the server05:08
christopher_I didnt get any hard drives with the blade because of redords and crap but I got the hardware I run Kubuntu on it, its beautiful05:08
N00bishamason: that is why im here. im too noobish to be able to work out what to do re: a working driver05:09
christopher_if only it had a pci express slot, it would be my gaming rig lmao05:09
N00bishdo i solve my driver issues (or try to) before installing kde or after?05:09
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amasonN00bish: well you don't have much option really with that version of ubuntu05:11
christopher_Kubuntu is pretty much Ubuntu with all of GTK removed and KDE superglued on top05:11
amasoni don't know if the situation would improve either since iirc that chipset is just not well supported05:11
N00bishbreak it to me gently why dont you lol05:12
amasonintel write drivers for their chipsets and they are very good...however i don't think intel actually made your chipset05:12
christopher_what chipset05:12
amasonit's just branded as such05:12
N00bishim installing kde atm05:13
christopher_the g41?05:13
N00bishill see if i can get a version number or something05:13
N00bishanything better than lspci?05:13
christopher_if it is the wifi it is a stupid uhhh cant remember who made the chipset but it isnt Intel05:13
N00bishfor a more specific answer?05:13
christopher_I do believe so05:14
N00bishmy face right now! :o05:14
DarkriftXbroadcom = shit05:14
amasonchristopher_: graphics ?05:14
amasoni didn't know broadcom made graphics drivers ?05:14
N00bishi think my nokai 3310 would have better graphics :/05:14
DarkriftXnever gotten their crap to work right in linux without hassle05:14
christopher_I use an nvidia gtx 550 TI OC to 950mhz05:14
christopher_oh is he having graphics issues?05:14
christopher_with an Intel driver?05:15
amasonyeh :)05:15
amasonyeh but i don't think it can use the intel driver05:15
christopher_well supported graphics set05:15
christopher_I thought it was a wifi issue05:15
amasonhmm ok05:16
christopher_maybe you have a bad graphics chip05:16
christopher_or bad ram05:16
amasonif that's the case if you can use i915 you might have other issues05:16
N00bishmy previous server i toasted the cpu on it05:16
amasonsince i915 is what i use and it's pretty rock solid05:16
N00bishthey're gonna stop selling me them soon!05:16
christopher_I know :(05:16
christopher_but their new chipset is already FLOSS friendly so im good05:17
christopher_entering the gaming market and making an actual gaming chip for their graphics05:17
amasonchristopher_: i have a sandy bridge at work which is super smooth05:17
christopher_sandybridge imho sucks05:17
N00bishill see if maybe i can update the lspci and get some more details on the n10 junk05:17
christopher_I use old 1366 stuff and it still out performs sandybridge05:17
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christopher_but im also on a 98005:17
christopher_6 gigs of tri channel 1600mhz ram05:18
christopher_when Intel comes out with their new chipset (their answer to AMD's 24 core processor) then I will upgrade05:19
N00bishfrom the looks of it it's onboard graphics05:19
N00bishoh god05:19
christopher_until then, sandybridge was an interim build to make up for what 1366 offered that their other line lacked05:19
N00bishfrom lspci: "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller"05:20
christopher_QPI, there is nothing that compares to it05:20
christopher_run ramcheck86 or whatever the hell its called05:20
christopher_let it run twice05:20
christopher_if it passes twice, reinstall the OS05:21
christopher_from a new iso, new burn05:21
christopher_redownload the iso, reburn it05:21
N00bishits a remote server so it was installed from a script05:21
N00bishbut i will run the memtest now05:21
christopher_ive seen Kubuntu do some screwey things from a disk that didnt burn properly05:21
christopher_or a bad file that got corrupted during download05:22
christopher_md5 is good but its not perfect05:22
christopher_md5 works great for large isos05:22
christopher_for smaller files it is give or take05:22
christopher_omg im running the new plasma desktop on my android 3.5" phone05:24
christopher_it is so nice05:24
christopher_you plug it into a KDE machine and you can drag a file off to a "drop box" plasmoid and it drops it on the device05:24
christopher_you can even drop other plasmoids into the plasmoid and it installs it on the device without any real input05:25
N00bishis memtest something i need to run at boot?05:25
christopher_thats hot05:25
N00bishlike do a reboot and do it05:25
N00bishah ok05:25
christopher_run it from the live cd05:25
christopher_or make a live usb stick05:26
christopher_and boot off of that05:26
N00bishits a remote server05:26
N00bishi think there may be something in my server manager for it05:26
N00bishovh fance05:26
N00bishfrance* even05:26
christopher_that sucks05:26
N00bishim starting to realise that too :(05:27
christopher_you can install memtest05:27
christopher_sudo apt-get install memtest-8605:27
christopher_when you run it, it will ask you to reboot I believe05:27
N00bishim just looking at the management console to see if perhaps they already have a memory test?05:28
christopher_sounds like screwey hardware if you installed from script05:28
N00bishit was their script so i presumed it would work05:28
N00bishbut maybe they expect all to run headless servers05:28
christopher_I never run servers headless05:29
christopher_I am a hands on kinda guy05:29
christopher_even if I have to carry a 7" portable USB display05:29
christopher_and keyboard and mouse with me05:29
N00bishi do that between my phone and windows desktop machine05:30
christopher_one thing I noticed with headless servers, they still have graphics chips in them, even if no VGA port is available, you can still run a USB display05:30
christopher_I don't trust other technicians network cable work all the time lol05:31
N00bishthe server manager just reports one 2gb stick of ram05:31
N00bishim going to install the memtest and reboot :)05:31
christopher_people are lazy, its a rule of life to live by, if you overcompensate always you can never be totally wrong05:32
christopher_just dont be an ass about it05:32
N00bishi may end up going down that usb display route - dont go anywhere christopher_ ;)05:32
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christopher_I might actually get that to replace my 7"05:33
christopher_I like the price05:34
christopher_really handy to have for well basically anything05:34
christopher_broken laptop display, server work...05:35
christopher_sometimes, the well trodden path of physically working on something is the best way05:35
christopher_this way you know it is right05:35
N00bishok. memtest installed... whats the command to run do i need to do a run and reboot command?05:39
N00bishits memtest86+ btw05:39
christopher_you select it from the grub menu05:40
christopher_it should have automatically loaded it05:40
christopher_as a boot option05:40
christopher_honestly, I think it should be a part of every linux install05:40
christopher_sometimes it is a pain in the ass to make a live USB stick or a live cd05:41
christopher_just to find out its a bad update that broke something05:41
N00bishexcuse my ignorance but how do i get into grub (its grub2 iirc on this machine)05:42
christopher_just reboot05:42
christopher_it should show up with a new boot option added giving you like 2-3 seconds to press down05:43
N00bishim using putty to access the server though05:43
N00bishno way to run it without a restart?05:43
amasonyou need a serial console05:44
christopher_memtest requires that no other processes be loaded in ram05:44
amasonor ip vnc console or something like that05:44
N00bishim really in the sh!t arent i?! lol05:44
* christopher_ uses ip vnc05:44
christopher_I love my little vnc box05:44
amasoni like serial console :) it's quicker in most cases although with ubuntu you do need to set up grub to use the serial console first05:45
christopher_really great like tonight when I dont wanna drive in the bad weather to work, just to run system tests and backups and do reports05:45
christopher_ew comcast...05:45
christopher_I think I would shoot myself05:45
amasonwhat is the comcast in reference to ?05:46
christopher_I feel for you kirk...05:46
amasonah comcast are evil i take it ?05:46
christopher_just a pain to deal with05:46
christopher_they actually have hard line limits on the amount you can download05:47
christopher_and charge you more if you go over a certain amount05:47
amasonwe have bandwidth limits in Australia too05:47
christopher_plus they throttle your network05:47
amasonshaped beyond a certain point05:47
christopher_well austrailia I can understand05:47
christopher_you are an island thousands of miles from anywhere else in the world05:47
christopher_the amount of cable just to get you connected to the rest of the world is phenominal05:48
amasonwell we are pretty close to some parts of the world :) just not the US05:48
amasonindonesia and  south east asia is only a few hours from the north coast05:48
christopher_but here in the US, bandwidth limits are undeard of except comcast and wireless05:48
christopher_right but thats 3rd world countries, you probably get your line off of china05:49
amasonno we have 12 undersea cables05:49
amasonmight be more now05:50
christopher_but still the amount of money it takes for something of that nature05:50
christopher_bandwidth limits are a must for the time being05:50
christopher_gotta pay for the work somehow05:50
amasonwell most of the traffic stays in australia05:50
amasoni work at an isp05:50
amasonsmall one but still05:50
christopher_then thats BS05:50
christopher_unless it is routing out of the country, it should be unlimited05:51
amasonso what happens when we fill our ACG ? just keep buying more and pass on the cost to the customers ?05:51
christopher_verizon is cool like that, if I use US servers, my downloads are always surcharged for 0bytes05:51
amasonthe pipe from the exchange05:52
amasonto the concentrator05:52
christopher_why does it have to be regulated if it is all within the confides of the country?05:53
christopher_its all local data05:53
amasonyeh but it doesn't mean your not filling your pipes05:54
amasonif i have 20mb backhaul from the exchange05:54
amasonand 12 users all leeching at the same time it's going to fill that easily05:54
amasonso without limiting it in someway i have 2 choices05:54
amasoni can reduce everyones download speed05:54
christopher_get better hardware, or reduce dl speed05:55
christopher_I get ya05:55
amasonnot hardware, physical cables05:55
amasonso no one likes slow internet05:55
amasonso my only choice is to provide some limit so the pipe isn't always full05:55
amasonor i buy bigger pipes05:55
amasonand pass that on to the customers05:55
christopher_right what are you on? cat5?05:56
amasonwhic people don't like either05:56
amasonbackhaul is fiber05:56
amasoncopper to the node05:56
amasonbut that's not an issue really05:56
christopher_I have a fiber optic to my house through verizon05:56
christopher_and I never fill my pipe05:56
amasonok but thats just _your_ pipe05:57
amasonthere is an aggregation point05:57
christopher_I work for a hospital and am always uploading and downloading data to my home servers for extra backup even though im not suppose to, but nobody is getting past my pitbull and shotgun05:57
amasonand at the aggregation point you are paying for a certain portion of the fiber channel05:58
christopher_it has saved me hours of work because some numpty dumps a file without first asking me05:58
christopher_well $60 USD a month05:58
christopher_not too shabby05:58
christopher_but I had to buy all the equipment up to the pole05:58
amasonbut that still doesn't get you to your ISP's data center05:59
christopher_that explains a lot05:59
christopher_they just bypass it on to me05:59
christopher_then again I never abuse it05:59
amasonso i guess what i'm saying is while you have unlimited data, your probably not allowed to download at the maximum speed your connection can provide...at least not at peak hour06:00
christopher_which is why I do all this at night06:00
amasonok, where as in australia we get the full speed 100% of the time06:00
amasonbut you have a download limit06:00
christopher_night time speeds 50+Mb/S, daytime its like 1.5~306:01
amasonso it's horses for courses06:01
amasonbut it means that you can for example run really reliable voip over regular dsl etc..06:01
christopher_I have a dl limit if I use an out of country server to download from or visit a foreign page06:01
christopher_yeah I have beautiful voip service06:02
christopher_never an issue06:02
christopher_even though its slow during the day, my voip doesnt cut out06:02
christopher_I love it when time warner cable comes knocking on my door offering "the fastest internet service in the area" and I tell them that I have a nice 50Mb/s fiber optic, please move along06:03
christopher_ive been with verizon for quite some time im not about to switch for a "cheaper service" anyway, its called customer satisfaction06:04
christopher_I like my uptime06:04
christopher_ok lunchtime ill be back sometime tomorrow, I need to head in to drop off a chart of printed automated BS documents06:08
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N00bishwell ive reinstalled the os - 11.4 vs 10.4 so maybe that will help with the intel drivers06:44
N00bishit did help. the quality is v v bad though07:07
N00bishbut i have a gui at least!07:07
N00bishany advice on how to crank down the colour and display quality on kde please?07:09
N00bishive done it on my rdp viewer but it's still a mess on screen07:09
bodohhallo all .. what's the trigger for installing jre?07:30
bodohapt-get install jre?07:31
N00bishcan anyone give me some command line instructions to reduce colour quality on kde? its so bad with the intel chipset that i cant navigate the menus properly :/07:38
N00bishcan anyone give me some command line instructions to reduce colour quality on kde? its so bad with the intel chipset that i cant navigate the menus properly :/07:52
sfearsN00bish: look into f.lux08:14
N00bishhey sfears08:14
N00bishive updated to 11.4 but my crappy intel integrated graphics is all kinds of wrong08:15
N00bishthe display text is almost unreadable08:15
sfearsadjust your resolution frequency and see if that helps08:15
N00bishim not familiar with the menus on kde to know where that is with no text :(08:16
N00bishmy graphics card is labelled as "unknown" so i think thats my fundamental prob08:16
sfearsnot necessarliy08:16
sfearscan you set your resolution to 800x600?08:18
N00bishno because its so bad i cant read the sceen08:18
N00bisheverything is composed of black dots08:18
N00bishthe K menu on the bottom left is completely blank except for the icons08:18
N00bishthink f.lux will help?08:19
sfearsno, i misunderstood your issue08:20
N00bishsorry its like i have no display driver :(08:20
N00bishits a crappy onboard intel n1008:20
sfearsyou asked about reducing quality.  i don't think that's what you need to do08:20
sfearsyeah, your having driver issues08:20
N00bishive come from debian and i dont have enough command line knowledge to know how to identify and update my drivers08:21
=== Guest35091 is now known as waky
N00bishlspci tells me it's an n10 though08:22
N00bishfrom lspci: "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller"08:22
sfearstry finding a generic xorg.conf file and placing it in your /etc/X11 directory08:22
N00bishok thanks for the suggestion :)08:22
sfearsfrom there you can get a limited display so that you can navigate to the additional drivers installation08:23
N00bishwhere abouts should i be looking for that in the menu's?08:23
sfearsno, on google08:24
N00bishoh ok :)08:24
sfearsbodoh: have you figured out java installation?08:25
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I've got an interesting problem.09:04
LINKSWORD2For some reason, my system works fine when running a live CD, but hangs during loading with an installed Kubuntu OS.09:05
bodoheh .. this gnome-shell is really not bad at all09:06
bodohI think it simply wants to copy Mac's look09:06
bodohthat I dont really like09:06
LINKSWORD2Linux is designed to be customizable, nearly down to every byte that the system processes.09:07
simion314hi, is Ctrl+Alt+Numpad -/+ some shortcuts in KDE/Kwin? or X11 I can't find them, i want to disable them09:28
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aLeSD_hi all11:00
aLeSD_someone knows how to use mtp for my icecream ?11:00
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=== ubuntu is now known as DemonWitch
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BluesKajHi all13:59
=== af_ is now known as Guest32197
Rosha hey guys ! when I want install digikam/virtualbox/vlc/kaffeine or something like these i have too many packages for installing ! but in debian these pkgs installed with maximmum 20 mb ....14:35
=== cdg is now known as Guest79365
vohehi. I got kubuntu installed. Everything works fine. Now i want merge my Thunderbird with the windows partition, that i can access under /media/data. But Thunderbird reports an error (file not found) so i have to mount first.15:28
vohehow can i get access to the /media/data partition right after boot? I found this: "UUID=48E3-A3AF /media/daten vfat " in /etc/fstab. But that doesn't work.15:29
DemonWitchi try to run wicd-curses and i get this error: http://dpaste.com/674277/ . how to fix it?'16:09
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vohedoes someone here uses tellico?17:14
OrdosTrinituscan anyone reccomend a good global occupy server and channel17:34
BarkingFishOrdosTrinitus: Ask in #defocus - we provide tech support here :)17:36
BarkingFishyou might also want to /msg alis list *occupy*  which will also help17:37
=== basti2 is now known as basti
Antikillerпомогите kubuntu настроить, плиз!18:42
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:44
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:45
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:47
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:12
littlegirlHey there, I use Kubuntu Lucid Lynx, and for a few weeks now I haven't been getting notifications of updates in my tray like I used to. I haven't changed anything. The package manager settings are such that I should be notified, and I haven't deleted any widgets. Is there something I can do to fix this?19:15
littlegirlAlso, when I right-click the tray and look in System Tray Settings, everything is checked, so it's not like it's disabled there, either.19:16
Vainohi !19:18
BluesKajlittlegirl, as an alternative , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , in the terminal19:19
littlegirlBluesKaj: Thanks, but I knew that already. I'd like something to pop up like it used to. (:19:19
* BluesKaj shrugs ..maybe there aren't any updates if the notifier isn't notifying :)19:20
littlegirlThere are currently updates. (:19:20
littlegirlThis has been happening for a while now, and I've tried checking my settings, checking if there's a widget that somehow got removed that I could put back, and checking if maybe there are no updates. But there have been updates many times recently and no notification. I'm hoping someone here will know what I could check.19:21
BluesKajlittlegirl, then it's not problem , if there's an alternative ...maybe the update in the terminal will fix the notification problem19:21
littlegirlBluesKaj: That's what I thought the last few times there were updates. But thanks. (:19:22
littlegirlBluesKaj: Do you know who the developer of the notification interface is?19:23
littlegirlMaybe if I write to him or her directly I could find out what needs to be fixed. (:19:23
Vainohi, i have a little problem with the 2 last updates, naybody can help me?19:28
Vainothe updates stop at 66% of the instalation... that's quite strange...19:29
max_Anyone could please answer me about dolphin ?19:47
BluesKajmax_, more details pls19:55
max_since KDE 7.4.4 dolphin doesn't display personal icon on my remote folder (nfs mounted system)20:04
max_First, I think it's a problem with KIO wich don't read the .directory file when it's a remote file system20:05
max_But, the display mode ( recorder from this file too) is save corectly20:06
=== Guest78567 is now known as zkriesse
ROmeyrohello guys, is it better to install kubuntu or ubuntu 32bits into a 64bits system or its better to to get a 64bits for a 64 bits?21:14
ArchangelSe7enROmeyro, question21:16
ArchangelSe7enhow much ram do you have ?21:16
ROmeyro4gb ram21:17
badboyyyyyyhello all21:20
=== Guest64304 is now known as Aranel
messertingHi, I just installed kubuntu x86_64, chose to encrypt my home folder, but after installation, I was not able to log in - incorrect password. Known issue?22:07
messertingI did boot in rescue mode, reset the password, "passwd <user>", but still, I couldn't login22:09
* messerting re-installing now22:09
messertingNevermind - worked after re-installation it seems :P22:16
messertingOn first login, kubuntu 11.10, I get "Local folders: Maildir '' for collection '' is invalid.". Okay...22:18
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Guest26079Hello, I need some help changing my DPI on a fresh kubuntu 11.10 install with updates22:29
Guest26079Can anyone tell me where to find the "Force Font DPI" setting on the new KDE?22:34
mike_I figured it out (DPI)22:37
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