
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
egonHow do you find what kernel diffs have been applied to a specific kernel? I'm finding things in bzr/launchpad isn't matching what's in git00:59
tedgHowdy, looking to try and get an OAuth token with the LP API so that I can move it from my desktop to a server.04:52
tedgCan't seem to figure it out.  Anyone got a pointer there?04:53
lifelessthere is a wiki page about using plain text files rather than the keyring04:54
lifelessdoing that you can generate a token on the server with w3m04:54
wgrantYou can also just use the link that it gives you in a desktop web browser on any other machine.04:55
tedgHmm, haven't found that.  Link?04:55
tedgIs this changing the authorization backend?04:56
wgrantIf you run it outside a desktop environment, it should automatically prompt you to authorize.04:58
wgrantDoes it not?04:58
tedgIt does.05:03
tedgSo I guess I thought I needed to authorize on my desktop and copy.05:03
tedgBut, what I'm understanding now is that I need to login to the machine.05:03
tedgAnd authorize there.05:03
tedgIs that a reasonable understanding of what should happen?05:03
wgrantRight, you're meant to generate the token on the machine.05:04
wgrantIt will give you a URL that you browse to to authorize the token to your account.05:04
tedgOkay, cool.  It seems we were entirely overthinking this.05:06
wgrant(you can copy them around if you really want to, but that's generally a good way to overcomplicate things)05:06
egonHow do you find what kernel diffs have been applied to a specific kernel? I'm finding things in bzr/launchpad isn't matching what's in git, and doesn't seem to match what's in the source package.05:15
wgrantegon: #ubuntu-kernel may be more informative.05:16
wgrantegon: The kernel build system is a bit special.05:17
egonahh, thanks05:17
DreadKnightanyone willing to help out with getting a package in launchpad and making ubuntu binaries for it? :D09:58
AmpelbeinDreadKnight: You want #ubuntu-packaging or #ubuntu-motu for that ;-)10:04
DreadKnightAmpelbein, thanks, I'm completely lost10:04
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czajkowskimrevell: that is rather cool the wy teams are broken down by colour to explain what they are working on11:15
czajkowskicheers for the update nice to be able to follow11:15
mrevellczajkowski, My pleasure. Giving the squads the colour names reflected that they could work on anything. Before that, we had a bugs team, a translations team, a code hosting team, and so on. Now things are much more agile :)11:16
czajkowskimrevell: that makes a lot more sense than naming. Nice idea, is it something that only LP team does?11:18
mrevellczajkowski, Inside Canonical, I believe so.11:18
czajkowskimrevell: nice way to pilot it.11:18
czajkowskidanhg: you about ?13:15
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hrwany info why https://launchpad.net/~hrw/+archive/test173/+build/3015343 failed?13:52
hrwall what is shown is 'failed to build'13:53
hrwhttps://launchpad.net/~hrw/+archive/test173/+build/3015342 has same14:03
bigjoolshrw: if there's no log it means it didn't reach any builders, it's safe to retry14:08
hrwbigjools: it was unpacking rootfs and installing packages14:09
hrw342 had same and then same when I retried14:09
hrw342 started on papaya, 343 on samarium14:11
hrwuf. this time it was better - failed but I know why14:15
czajkowskimaybe Monday ?15:21
bil21alhey helo is there  any problem with launchpad16:16
bil21ali was trying to open the second list of my bugs but no working?16:16
bil21almean  pressing next16:16
dobeydid you get an oops?16:18
bil21alno wroking i press on next and than nothing heppens16:19
bil21alany idea  what is going on?16:22
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Translation statistics may be incorrect (bug 903532) | Help contact: - | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
bigjoolsbil21al: are you using the new beta listings?16:25
bigjoolsin that case, I defer to deryck!16:25
bil21alwhat is deryck?16:25
deryckwe have a bad bug we've introduced and will turn off the beta until the fix can work it's way through the system. sorry about that.16:26
bil21also can i get back to the previous version of launchpad or any thing  i can do i have to triage the bugs16:27
bigjoolsbil21al: just leave the beta team for now16:29
bil21althan it will solve automatically or i logout than login?16:30
alkisgHi, we have exceeded the size limits in our PPA (https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr): 2.1 GiB (100.00%) of 2.0 GiB17:41
alkisg1) We (a team under the Greek ministry of education) use that PPA to support about 250 schools. Is it possible to raise our quota?17:41
alkisg2) I just deleted some packages, how longs does it usually take for the space to be freed?17:41
Ampelbeinalkisg: I think you need to ask a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad for 1)17:48
alkisgThank you Ampelbein, will do17:58
=== danilo is now known as danilos
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
ahasenackhey guys, can I use precise on a ppa already?19:59
micahgahasenack: sure (I assume you mean upload or copy something to precise in a PPA)20:04
ahasenackmicahg: right20:04
ahasenackmicahg: I'm getting an upload error, permission denied, I'm rechecking my ssh keys20:04
micahgahasenack: is this bug 79895720:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79895720:05
ahasenacklet me see20:05
ahasenackmicahg: hm, doubtful, I uploaded packages on the 14th without errors, then yesterday was a holiday, and now I got this error20:06
ahasenackUploading to ppa (via sftp to ppa.launchpad.net):20:07
ahasenack  landscape-client_11.11-0ubuntu0.12.04.0.dsc: Permission denied (publickey).20:07
ahasenackUnable to connect to SSH host ppa.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation20:07
ahasenackE: Error uploading file.20:07
ahasenackit's like the key is wrong20:07
Noldorinno poolie :-(22:19

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