
dpmgood morning everyone07:20
jmlgood morning09:10
noodles775Morning jml - are the connection woes getting sorted?09:10
jmlnoodles775: maybe? Virgin's engineer will come next week to upgrade us to 50Mbit09:11
jmlnoodles775: not sure about the escalation on our other network problem09:11
dpmjml, is the installation in /opt requirement only for ARB apps? I thought it was for all apps09:19
jmldpm: well, it's for all apps, but I thought we were talking about an open source one here.09:20
jmlsince it was zero cost.09:20
dpmjml, ah, I see. The way I read the reply made me think that the requirement is only for open source apps, but not for commercial apps09:21
jmldpm: well, tbh, I'm not sure it *is* policy for commercial apps09:22
jmldpm: if they give us a tarball, that's what we do with it.09:22
jmldpm: but if they gave us a proper debian source package that installed to standard paths I'm not sure we'd change it09:23
jmldpm: don't know how I'd figure that out either09:23
noodles775jml: what if myapps allowed a ppa/package name to be specified instead of an upload?09:24
jmlnoodles775: hmm.09:24
dpmjml, you mean figure it out in pkgme?09:25
jmlnoodles775: I guess then we'd have a source package and a traceable build09:25
jmldpm: no, I mean figure out whether it's policy or not :)09:25
dpmjml, ah, I see :)09:25
jmlnoodles775: we'd need the version also, I think.09:25
noodles775jml: right, so the revieweer has everything they need already?09:25
noodles775jml: yep.09:26
jmlnoodles775: so maybe a .dsc in a trusted location09:26
jmlnoodles775: yeah, I think o.09:26
jmlnew qt creator in precise09:38
jml(it crashed on me, and doesn't fix my menu bar bug)09:38
ajmitchit's a little worrying that install paths are *still* unclear & being debated now :)09:54
coolbhaviwendar, hi12:26
jmlI'm having no luck w/ Qt Creator in precise12:48
jmlYour computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyse the problem and send a report to the developers.12:48
jml\o/ menu bar problem w/ qt creator sorted out13:29
jmlwas in fullscreen mode13:29
jmlToggle w/ Ctrl-Shift-F11 (thanks to kkoehne on #qt-creator)13:29
james_wjml, 10 minutes then sdk?15:49
jmljames_w: yeah.15:50
* jml races out15:50
wendarcoolbhavi: hi16:23
tomtiger11Im making a package in PHP, but i dont know much about debian source packages19:49
tomtiger11so, how do i go around this?19:50
* tomtiger11 coughs a little bit louder | *COugh*19:52
JanC13 minutes...20:05
zoopsterdoes janc need 13 min?20:18
zoopsterso tomtiger11 what do you want to do?  you've made a php app and want to package it up as a deb?20:19
JanCzoopster: he left (after 13 minutes)20:19
zoopsterdidn't even notice20:19
zoopsterglad to see he's patient20:20
* zoopster needs to pay more attention to the little things sometimes20:21

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