[01:42] hey folks, what is wrong with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ ? does not seem to have the correct info [01:42] pangolin: ive notified IS... theres no revision history to fix it [01:43] cjohnston: cool, thanks. [07:20] good morning all [08:09] good morning [09:47] aloha [10:45] jcastro: http://valoriewalks.blogspot.com/2011/12/wow-its-been-awhile-since-i-posted-here.html [10:45] your standing desk has been trumped :) [10:48] https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/302054_10150378755948857_514663856_8539663_1277070698_n.jpg [10:48] ^^ jcm walking desk [10:48] or 'ironing board' [16:08] AlanBell: would you mind sending your comment on the limesurvey charm to the mailing list? I'd like to capture the answer there. [16:09] * jcastro is working on some FAQs and whatnot [16:09] what mailing list? [16:09] juju@lists.ubuntu.com [16:10] * AlanBell subscribes [16:10] acrtually, any questions there would be helpful [16:13] yeah, I feel juju and such should probably be interesting to me, but they all seem very instance-hungry [16:15] I haven't seen any examples showing how to start with a server running a lamp stack and then scaling out from there [16:16] as in starting from "sudo apt-get install wordpress" yay that works . . . one year later, lets split out the database and run apache on a separate box [16:17] right [16:17] I am pretty sure we don't do what you want yet [16:17] but can't comment on it as intelligently as Clint can [16:17] I would be interested in writing charms for OpenERP and Alfresco and a few others, but they have to have a one box entry level starting point [16:17] I know it's a priority for 12.04 [16:17] right [16:17] you want the magic but not a ton of overhead [16:17] that's absolutely a use case [16:18] I want to not get laughed at when I list the server requirements when selling a solution to a customer [16:18] right [16:18] "all you need is a machine that can handle 15 VMs at once." [16:19] we do do containers, which are lightweight, but there's a tradeoff there [16:19] it's more for testing that your charms can use multiple instances [16:19] rather than "use LXC to deploy this on that one machine" [16:19] which is what I want [16:20] so openERP has postgres, the application server and a separate web server, that would be three instances [16:20] having a development/test/production environment means 9 instances [16:20] using LXC? [16:20] no that would be 3 containers [16:20] for LXC [16:20] if you were using orchestra [16:20] then yeah, you'd numbers look right [16:21] jono: WB! [16:21] jono: I have 2 things from while you were gone [16:21] a) Ping Olli today if you can [16:21] hey jono [16:21] b) MSM is putting together the shows for the year and wants to know about charm schools, so if you could link up with Robbie that would be swell [16:22] c) Also, dholbach secretly confessed to be that he likes Slayer. [16:22] Note: one of those bullets is made up. [16:24] jono, I've got a cold - jcastro must remember something I said in my delirium [16:25] thanks jcastro :-) [16:26] jcastro, I sent over the list to Robbie, waiting to hear back from him [16:26] why do I need to ping Olli? [16:26] jono: oh and I sent you a mail about putting the new AWS zone on the facebook account, I'll need that too pls. [16:26] and as for dholbach and slayer, even the worst cold would not make that happen :-) [16:26] jcastro, yep, doing that now [16:32] jono; thanks for your reply the other day concerning flavors and derivatives =) [16:33] no worries MrChrisDruif - Kate and I are going to try and get this language clarified [16:34] Good luck on that, I think a lot of misconception is about that. Just today I've seen a lot of people talk about derivatives on a post on OMGUbuntu [16:35] thanks MrChrisDruif [16:36] If your wondering about what post I'm talking about: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/ubuntu-desktop-team-suggest-ubuntu-spin-using-gnome-shell-by-default/ [16:37] jono then some wording needs to be changed on the following pages - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives [16:37] http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/derivatives [16:37] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedDerivatives [16:37] :-) [16:38] glad you and Kate are working on it - that's going to help a lot [16:39] akgraner, yep, that is part of what we are working on [16:40] jono sweet! thank you.. [16:42] :-) [16:43] akgraner, :-) [17:02] does anhone else want to be an admin on the loco contacts mailing list [17:02] we have me and 2 others but not sure how active they are [17:02] it gets a fair amount of spam [17:02] and a lot pf people posting to it with their wrong addresses so need to be modereated [17:04] czajkowski; wut? [17:08] bah [17:08] wrong window I moved things around [17:10] Still? What channel should've seen it? [17:12] loco council but it doesnt matter [17:12] Haha, alright =) [17:30] alright my friends - I call it a day and take out the dog for a walk in almost freezing rain - yay [17:30] see you all next week [17:40] <--- lcunhin! [17:43] lcunhin even =P (I think it's lunching ;-) ) [19:23] * popey wonders why if we're using UK English and the Software Centre is called 'Software Centre' does the url https://software-center.ubuntu.com/ exist [20:36] <-- caffeine break [20:36] bbi 10 [20:43] hi all [20:49] jcastro: we need a beer break [21:07] jcastro: the BP has been updated as per your request [21:18] cjohnston: thanks [21:19] jono: ^ [21:28] thanks jcastro, cjohnston [21:57] thanks mhall119 [22:17] cjohnston: did the mail I sent to LTP yesterday go through? [23:23] cjohnston: You about? [23:42] Pendulum: http://blogs.gnome.org/gnomg/2011/12/16/make-2012-the-year-of-accessibility-for-gnome/ [23:42] czajkowski: the with the questions went through, yes