
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
stgrabercjwatson: if you're still around. Do you expect anything bad to happen if I turn on CONFIG_PING and CONFIG_PING6 in busybox-initramfs? I'm mostly interested in having ping6 really as ping is currently provided by something else in our installer though I guess it'd make sense to turn both on if I do that.21:52
infinitystgraber: How much does busybox grow if you do that?22:14
stgraberinfinity: that's the next thing I need to check, I wouldn't expect a huge growth for just ping+ping6 but that's definitely on the list22:15
infinitystgraber: Also, what provides ping, and can we drop it if busybox provides it?22:16
infinitystgraber: Mostly, though, I suspect this is less of a concern for the installer specifically, and more of a concern for initrds growing in general.22:17
infinity(A potential concern for the installer if busybox ping doesn't provide the same interface as the other one being used, and we still need two)22:17
infinitystgraber: Third option, can whatever's providing ping also provide ping6, and we're just not doing so in the current udeb?22:17
infinity(From a "not related to the intaller" POV, mind you, I suspect people with NFS roots and the like might find ping/ping6 in busybox-initramfs handy as a diagnostic tool)22:19
stgraberinfinity: yeah, I still need to figure out exactly what provides ping at the moment, its output is quite different "blah is alive!" and it returns instantly so I'm guessing having a "real" ping may break things in the installer22:41
stgraberhaving ping/ping6 would definitely be useful in the initrd, also for LTSP as debugging things with busybox-initramfs is kind of tricky (IIRC the most useful thing in there is netcat)22:42
stgraberanyway, I guess I'll just do a local build with the extra options to check the size and will then build a custom installer initrd to see if the installer explodes because of it22:43
cjwatsonstgraber: sounds generally OK I guess; the installer doesn't care what's in busybox-initramfs, busybox-udeb is a separate build22:49
cjwatsonand a separate config22:49
cjwatsonmaybe first decide whether you're talking about the initramfs or the installer :)22:50
stgraberah, I assumed the installer was using the initramfs build, looks like I was wrong. I was mostly interested in the installer, so these changes would be for initramfs-udeb then :)23:13
cjwatson*busybox-udeb, I guess23:15
stgraberright ;)23:16
cjwatsonlooks like busybox already provides that then; turning on PING6 too seems like a no-brainer, go ahead23:17
cjwatsonsee 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu823:17
stgraberyeah, guess it helps looking at the right config file ;) turning PING6 on then and uploading that. I assume you're not too concerned about the size difference for the udeb?23:18
cjwatsonnot desperately23:18
cjwatsonI mean, I care a little bit, but ping6 shouldn't be huge23:18
cjwatsonin fact it looks like it shares code with ping23:19
cjwatsonso yeah, doit23:20
stgrabergood, uploaded23:22
stgraberok and with that, calling it a week, time to pack and change side of the atlantic ocean23:27
cjwatsontemporary or permanent?  (I think you did tell me, I just forgot)23:36

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