
dholbachgood morning08:10
czajkowskialoha 09:48
czajkowski!lococouncil 10:47
ubot4lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com10:47
czajkowskijpds: ubot4 is the one that is misbehaving 10:47
paultagoh jeez 14:33
czajkowskipaultag: sup14:38
paultagczajkowski: aloha!14:39
czajkowskipaultag: howdy my dear 14:41
paultagczajkowski: what's new?14:42
czajkowskinot much 14:43
czajkowskihaving some soup and packing some boxes14:43
paultagczajkowski: my idol, christopher hitchens dies, I'm pissed14:45
paultagdied *14:45
czajkowskiaye seen a lot of comments on fb and G+14:47
paultagsuch a rad dude14:48

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