=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond | ||
nhaines | pleia2: I'm going to send a request for a bunch of Ubuntu CDs for Ubucon. | 01:08 |
nhaines | If any are left over they'll go to the LoCo for use at the SCALE booth... that should be a nice addition, since I know you guys always run out. | 01:09 |
pleia2 | nhaines: ok, if you need my team contact powers just let me know | 01:42 |
pleia2 | at ITT Tech in Oakland, talking about Ubuntu to a Linux class again tonight :) | 01:44 |
* pleia2 goes to do that | 01:55 | |
jtatum | good luck pleia2 | 02:35 |
* jledbetter ubuntuhours. | 02:38 | |
jledbetter | Very crowded 2nd floor | 02:39 |
jyo | Leaving now. | 02:40 |
jtatum | see you soon jyo | 02:40 |
jledbetter | Cool. See ya soon | 02:41 |
jledbetter | j's in da haws | 02:41 |
jledbetter | Ok, we have 3 macs here. This is funny | 03:07 |
jledbetter | pleia2, Sorry I missed you this eve. Maybe next UH | 03:42 |
Darkwing | Well, looks like I have a phone interview in Las Vegas | 05:10 |
akk | Wow, just went through the list of tutorials at pycon -- I want to go to about three of them per timeslot. | 05:57 |
akk | so ... much ... coolstufftolearn | 05:58 |
jyo | jtatum: http://youtu.be/5-DNt_erbL4?t=16s | 06:59 |
jyo | PETA <3 | 07:00 |
derpstep | lol nice | 07:49 |
jtatum | greetings Derpstep. was nice meeting you last night | 17:35 |
nhaines | I just hit 150 days 0 hours uptime on my server! \o/ | 18:27 |
jtatum | cool :) | 18:33 |
pleia2 | nhaines: what's the status on Ubucon speakers? Are you extending the deadline to submit or do you have enough? (I'll mention it in a blog post if you need more) | 18:57 |
nhaines | pleia2: I need at least one more, and am going to invite someone from Canonical to talk, I think. | 19:49 |
nhaines | So yeah, if you can mention it, that'd be great. :) | 19:50 |
pleia2 | nhaines: ok :) | 19:50 |
paulproteus | akk: Yo (: | 20:55 |
paulproteus | When you say "any time through Wednesday" does that mean daytimes stand a chance? | 20:55 |
paulproteus | Mon or Tue daytime (coffee in SF?) would be great for me. | 20:56 |
paulproteus | Also, dear world, I will be in the Bay Area next week, though fairly busy during evenings but let's see what can work if people want to hang out (-: | 20:56 |
akk | paulproteus: Daytimes are great but SF is hard to get to. | 20:56 |
paulproteus | You're typically where at, say, 3pm? | 20:57 |
akk | san jose or other south bay areas | 20:57 |
akk | but getting to the peninsula (redwood city, san mateo) isn't that hard either | 20:57 |
pleia2 | paulproteus: where are you staying? | 20:57 |
paulproteus | In the Mission with a friend, near 24th St | 20:58 |
pleia2 | ah, right near BART :) | 20:59 |
paulproteus | akk: I'd be quite open if you can suggest something near San Mateo BART. Also I'm 585 506 8865 | 20:59 |
paulproteus | Ya (-: pleia2 | 20:59 |
akk | paulproteus: I can do some research -- don't know san mateo well at all but probably google does :) | 21:01 |
nhaines | paulproteus: Google knows that forever now. | 21:01 |
paulproteus | nhaines: It already did, so no worries. | 21:01 |
nhaines | paulproteus: good. :) | 21:01 |
nhaines | I was in San Mateo a couple years back. It was pretty cool. Saw the Computer History Museum. | 21:02 |
akk | That's in Mountain View. | 21:02 |
nhaines | That's over in Mountain View. | 21:02 |
paulproteus | I guess I mean San Bruno BART, or Milbrae BART. | 21:02 |
akk | oh, yeah, I guess it doesn't go to san mateo | 21:03 |
pleia2 | I still haven't actually gone to the computer history museum for real (went for a company party last year, but most of it was still closed for renovations) | 21:03 |
akk | I went a few years ago with a linuxchix group -- that was fun. | 21:04 |
paulproteus | If others can join the akk paulproteus party I'd be a fan. Like you pleia2, don't know what your schedule is like! | 21:04 |
pleia2 | my fiance works in mt view all week, so I always feel guilty about asking him for us to go down there on weekends to go to the museum :) | 21:04 |
akk | Of course I was the only oldster saying "hey, I used to have one of those! Oh, wow, I used to really lust after those ..." | 21:04 |
pleia2 | paulproteus: solid work week, I can sneak out for coffee/lunch for 45 minutes somewhere near Montgomery St BART mon-wednesday but otherwise no go | 21:05 |
akk | I have to AFK for a while (was just about to head out the door when paulproteus showed up) but I'll keep the window up in case there are any plans made. BBL | 21:07 |
paulproteus | Thumbs up | 21:07 |
paulproteus | I have to afk a few but will be back in 1hish | 21:07 |
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond | ||
Darkwing | How the heck do I condense everything I've done for Ubuntu for a cover letter? | 23:55 |
* Darkwing shakes his fist at his IT recruiter :D | 23:56 | |
pleia2 | lol | 23:56 |
Darkwing | It's been great working with this guy | 23:56 |
pleia2 | I just put the impressive sounding stuff and the stuff that's applicable to my job | 23:56 |
Darkwing | He found me via Charlie-TCA | 23:57 |
Darkwing | I guess this recruiter is dating Charlies daughter. | 23:57 |
Darkwing | Well, he wants it for the job but, he also wants to know more about me so he can find better jobs based on what I've done. | 23:58 |
Darkwing | So, I can't really skip things. | 23:58 |
pleia2 | ah, gotcha | 23:58 |
Darkwing | Not an easy task... I now realize I should be taking highlight notes whenever I do something. | 23:59 |
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