
zoopstermaxolasersquad: I can intro you to the ARB02:43
zoopstermaxolasersquad: shoot me your email to my john.pugh at c.c addr and i'll get you noticed02:44
govatentitnet7: ping03:02
maxolasersquad_hWonnenangshonat: Hola04:49
WonnenangshonatHello maxolasersquad05:42
Wonnenangshonathow are you05:42
maxolasersquad_hWonnenangshonat: Very tired and ready for bed.05:43
maxolasersquad_hCreated http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tallahassee and made all these edits http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/maxolasersquad/edits05:50
maxolasersquad_hAnd now I'm off to bed.05:50
zushello everyone, Happy Christmas!16:07
zus(Right i can say?, i mean i cant tell if its christmas since its 74DEGREES!)16:08
zoopsterchristmas in florida...love it.16:18
zoopsteranyone care to fire up the software center, go to buy a app, and tell me if they see paypal as a purchase option?16:18
zusi dont mind  but as i have no money is there a back out option?16:19
zoopsterdon't need to buy...just see if it's an option16:33
maxolasersquadzoopster: It is an option.16:33
zoopsterthanks maxolasersquad16:34
zoopstermaxolasersquad: made intro to allison...let's see where that takes you16:34
maxolasersquadSaw it, thanks.16:35
maxolasersquadIs Google checkout in the works by any chance?16:35
DammitJimhas anyone seen the Fairchild Oak Tree in Bulow Creek State Park?16:35
maxolasersquadzoopster: Once you are into processing the payment, backing out isn't so easy.16:36
maxolasersquadOnce you select PayPal there is no cancel button to back out before actually making the purchase.16:36
zusdoes anyone use teamspeak3?16:38
zusthere is a Linux Distro Community server everyone is welcome to come and use16:39
zushttp://linuxdistroteamspeakcommunity.blogspot.com/  even has a linux installer from the blog16:39
zus- actually  IF anyone does join me in ts3 and uses the installer let me know how that worked out. (so far its worked  on various ubuntu distros  )16:42
zoopstermaxolasersquad: we won't see other payment options anytime soon16:56
zoopstermaxolasersquad: I just closed the window  and never proceeded to pay once I saw paypal was an option16:56
maxolasersquadzoopster: That's what I did as well.17:01
maxolasersquadIt just felt like a clumsy solution.17:03
maxolasersquadWhat's that command you can run where it will tell you what package an application is from by clicking on it?19:33
maxolasersquadI'm trying to report a bug, and I'm not exactly sure which application this window belongs to.19:33
zoopsterdpkg -S <string> ?19:37
maxolasersquadzoopster: When the command is run, the cursor becomes a crosshair, and when you click on something a dialogue box gives you information about it, I think it would give you the PID.19:46
maxolasersquadWhen I try to print to the printer on our Samba network it always asks me for my credentials after a log in.  I always click "Remember Password" but it forgets it upon log out.19:48
maxolasersquadWould that be Seahorse?19:48
maxolasersquadSeahorse remembers all my other credentials just fine.19:48
mhall119maxolasersquad: xprop?21:10
maxolasersquadmhall119: That's it!  Thanks.21:43
maxolasersquadWhat's the best bet for using MySQL with Python3?23:52

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