
nickmoeckJust wondering.... how the heck did I end up as the admin of the Ubuntu Wisconsn group on FB ?07:45
nickmoeckSecondary question.... who wants to be the admin?07:45
greppyIf I had an active fb account I'd consider it, sorry.11:16
h00koh my.16:38
h00khello friends.16:38
h00knickmoeck: probably because I quit facebook16:48
h00knickmoeck: unintentional16:49
nickmoeckh00k: haha, well thats precisely why I'm looking for someone to take over20:50
h00knickmoeck: cool.20:57
CheeseheadWhat's facebook?22:41
* Cheesehead lifts his rock out of the way22:41
h00kCheesehead: it's bad news22:56

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