
karnizacktu: if local files are more recent than cloud files, once U1 is turned on (working properly), it would not overwrite them. *if* you have changed files locally, and the files in the cloud were modified from elsewhere (like another computer B, while your computer A was disconnected), you would get a your_file.conflict file00:07
karnizacktu: In practice, U1 should never overwrite your modified files.00:07
karnizacktu: It would do a local rescan, and start uploading to Ubuntu One.00:08
karnizacktu: try launching Ubuntu One control panel and see what's up with U1.00:08
zacktukarni: U1 never resumed syncing.  If I right clock on a local file and select "start synchronizing with U1" nothing happens.  Perhaps it's the wording of an option, but it makes me think that U1 will overwrite from the repository.   I'm going to save a directory and then do an experiment.  Maybe then I'll feel confident and sync everything.  Thanks.  bye00:14
karniduanedesign: ping00:15
karniduanedesign: unping00:15
nhaineskarni: is Android 4.0 anything exciting for you?  :)00:20
karninhaines: O HELL YEAH? ;D ~00:21
karninhaines: howdy :))00:21
nhainesHaha, hi!00:21
karninhaines: TBH I thought it'd look nicer. But the APIs and possibilities are sweeet :)00:21
nhainesI'm just waiting for my T-Mobile G2 to get it (probably when I put Cyanogenmod on it).00:21
nhainesAlso my poor N1!00:21
karninhaines: uuu shweet! I doubt my Desire Z will get it any soon00:31
karninhaines: I'll probably get a galaxy nexus in January00:31
karninhaines: Although, TBH, I have become to like the physical keyboard for IRC purposes ;>00:32
nhaineskarni: yeah, my G2 is basically a Desire Z, I think.00:32
karniI've taken a little holiday at work, and need to get round to my university stuff. How boooring is that..00:32
karninhaines: \o/00:33
nhaineskarni: And yeah, I won't buy another phone without a hard keyboard.  I love my N1 but trying to use the screen keyboard with connectbot just made me want to punch a kitten.00:33
karninhaines: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2010/09/htc-desire-z-hero-september-15-2010-1284550160.jpg00:33
karninhaines: have you rooted it successfully?00:33
karninhaines: hahah, exactly!00:33
nhaineskarni: shiny!  Mine looks just like that but says T-Mobile and doesn't have SenseUI.  :)00:33
karninhaines: ah :)00:34
nhainesI don't think I've rooted it, but it's not hard.00:34
* karni wishes he hadn't SenseUI as well00:34
karninhaines: I've tried, and TBH I couldn't. It just wouldn't give me the dang su.00:34
nhainesActually, I did root it to revert back to stock, so I could apply the official Gingerbread update.  I ended up on a leaked test update from T-Mobile/HTC and couldn't apply the final one I think.00:34
karninhaines: oh right! I think I would need to downgrade first :/00:35
karniWhich doesn't sound appealing.00:35
nhainesI needed root to downgrade.  :)00:35
nhainesIt was simple.00:35
karninhaines: I envy phones with "easy root".00:36
karniI think I'll give it another shot.00:36
karniI could use root purely for development purposes. If I could load an ICS on it, wohoo \o/00:36
nhaineshaha \o/00:37
karninhaines: Are you running Ubuntu?00:38
nhaineskarni: yup!00:38
nhaineskarni: might have to think about upgrading to precise soon, but this secondary computer sort of became a work computer, hehe.00:39
karninhaines: I've tried Precise Pangolin 12.04 recently. Although I wans't a fan of Unity, and I'm still on 11.04, I've installed PP and.. I am greatly pleased :)00:39
nhainesI actually like Unity most of the time.  :)  What's nice about PP?00:40
karniI was just waiting for a little free time to make the switch :)00:40
karninhaines: I'll be honest with you. I don't know! Maybe that's the thing, maybe everything is working like it should, it looks great, and there's nothing to complain :)00:40
nhainesHaha, well, that's fine... that's always a nice thing.00:40
karninhaines: I like that webcam and printers appeared in the top right menu, I'm aware software center is crashing (hey, it's alpha 1)00:41
karninhaines: But it somehow gave me better impression than 11.1000:41
nhainesOh, that already happens for 11.10, but not the crashing.  :)00:41
karnihahah :D00:41
nhainesChoosing Webcam just makes Software Center come up with the page for Cheese, haha.00:42
nhainesI like the new web market for SC.00:42
nhainesI mean at apps.ubuntu.com00:42
karninhaines: I've noticed I recently skip every second release. Perhaps because I wouldn't want to break my developer setup, and I'm just too cozy to jump on new versions.00:42
nhainesSure, that makes sense.  The laptop gets every crazy new release but my desktop stays cozy until RC or Beta 1 or 2ish.00:42
karninhaines: (ad Webcam) oh, hahah :D00:43
nhainesIn fact, I'm doing Ubuntu Hour in about 75 minutes, maybe I'll burn an Alpha 1 CD.  :)00:43
karninhaines: Ubuntu Hour :)?00:43
nhaineskarni: sure, do you know them?  http://www.nhaines.com/ubuntu/hour/00:44
karninhaines: I have 11.04 (on it now) and 12.04 installed on my laptop, which is my primary machine :)00:44
* karni looks00:44
nhaineskarni: it's a *terrible* picture of me but I'm on the left in the picture there, if you click on it.00:45
karninhaines: oh that's an awesome thing! the Ubuntu Hour00:45
karninhaines: not terrible at all! \o/00:45
karniTalking about ubuntu over a sandwitch and tea sound like a nice thing to do.00:46
karniI could reach out to a LoCo in Warsaw, I think we have one. Never had time, though :(00:46
nhaineskarni: haha, the picture is skewed somehow?  Everything's slanted on the edges and no one's sure how the waitress managed it, haha.00:46
nhaineskarni: this is a *much* better picture of me.  :) http://ubucon.org/scale/scale9x/sessions.html#answersNH00:47
nhainesBut yeah, Ubuntu hour is definitely designed to be low work.00:48
karninhaines: ha! both are good. I think I'm blind, seeing no skew at all ;D00:48
nhaineshaha, thanks!00:49
karninhaines: is Long Beach a city or just part of Los Angeles? LA is pretty huge (no wonder)00:49
nhainesI'll take a new one soon like the ubucon.org one, where I have the new grey polo shirt.00:50
nhainesLong Beach is a city, and just south of Los Angeles.00:50
karniRight, sorry for my ignorance.00:51
nhainesNah, it's not ignorance. They're next to each other and LA is absolutely huge.00:51
karninhaines: I'll head to read a little more on Ant (yeah! still used by Android devs), and get some sleep. In the mean time, I wish you a great Ubuntu Hour! :)00:51
karninhaines: :)00:51
nhaineskarni: thanks!  Have fun and we'll talk another time (I know it's really late there!)00:52
nhainesDon't stay up too late.  ;)00:52
karninhaines: Thanks :) Take care o/ !00:52
alecubtw... EOY!01:27
alecubye all!01:27
nessitahello everyone!12:08
gatoxnessita, hi!12:40
nessitahello gatox, how is it going?12:40
gatoxnessita, fine..... fighting with ctypes....... ah i forgot to tell you..... for the next time we need to travel.... i'm going to buy a bag like yours.... i learn the lesson the hard way :P12:41
gatoxthey stole me a kindle from the bag :(12:42
nessitagatox: a kindle? oh no!12:42
nessitagatox: perritos' kindle?12:42
gatoxnessita, yep.... i gave him mine (that it's new)12:43
nessitagatox: qué mala pata :-(12:43
nessitagatox: FYI, people in our airports scan thru X-ray the bags and know if there are electronics in it12:44
nessitabrb in 10 minutes13:12
* nessita is back13:24
duanedesignmorning all13:41
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dobeyhey nessita14:23
nessitahi dobey14:23
dobeynessita: less crazy now for you? :)14:23
nessitadobey: yes, indeed14:24
nessitadobey: I took a look at the milestones, though I'm not sure what's the question. Is it the dates (which we already agreed) or the milestone names?14:24
dobeynessita: are you ok with the version numbering i picked for the milestones?14:26
nessitadobey: the idea is to have the same numbering in all projects, right?14:27
dobeymostly; am unsure about devtools and dirspec right now, but i've set up these same milestones on most of the projects already14:29
nessitadobey: yes, I like what you've done with the 99.5 vs 99.9014:30
nessitadobey: are you setting up the same milestones in all projects? (a script may help, I have one you can adapt(14:30
dobeyyes i am14:30
nessitadobey: you have my +114:30
dobeyi thought about writing a script to do it, but figured it's just as fast to just do it14:31
nessitadobey: I beg to differ, but since you're doing it this time, you are free to choose the method that works best for you14:31
dobeywell, it would be just as fast for me to do it by hand; as it would be for me to write a script, set up one project, and then run the script N times to copy to other projects (assuming script works on first try, which is not a common experience with my writing lp scripts) :)14:33
nessitadobey: I have a base script you can adapt, but as you wish. Let me know if you want it.14:33
dobeynessita: i have a base script i could adopt; it's in lptools. converts milestones with dates into an ical format file to import into a calendar :)14:34
dobeybut i'm almost done with setting up the milestones at this point anyway14:34
nessitaack then14:35
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
elopionessita: why are you suggesting to use .format instead of % ?14:39
dobeyelopio: % is deprecated, .format() is the new new14:42
elopiodobey: um, that's a good reason.14:43
dobeynessita: also, you are using nightlies, yes?14:43
nessitadobey: of course!14:44
nessitaelopio: and what dobey said :-)14:44
dobeynessita: can you install ubuntuone-control-panel-qt, and remove ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk, and tell me what all is broken? :)14:45
nessitaa ver....14:45
nessitadobey: you made them conflict?14:46
dobeywell, the launcher will be broken14:46
nessitado I need to remove the -gtk one?14:46
dobeyi don't see any good reason for them to conflict14:46
nessitadobey: so, why remove the -gtk one?14:46
dobeybut having both installed might hide some problems, if -qt actually depends on stuff in -gtk14:47
dobeythere are some images and such that i am not sure about, which are in the -gtk package14:47
nessitadobey: the first error I see is that the ..gui.qt/ python package has more python packages in it, which are not in the ubuntu package14:50
nessitadobey: so, right now, is failing with14:50
nessita    from ubuntuone.controlpanel.gui.qt import main14:50
nessitaImportError: cannot import name main14:50
nessitabecause the main/ python package is not installed14:50
nessitabesides the main/ packages there are some others to install14:51
nessitamain and ui, specifically14:51
nessitaalso tests, but I know we don't install those14:51
nessitadobey: so, you should add main/ and ui/ in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-control-panel/packaging-dailies/view/head:/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt.install14:51
dobeyso setup.py is broken?14:52
nessitadobey: .... no?14:52
nessitao si? let me checl14:52
dobeyif they are under qt/ they should get pulled in already14:52
dobeyif they're not getting pulled in, then setup.py probably isn't installing them14:53
nessitayes, setup.py is broken14:53
nessitaI wonder how roberto is installing this in windows if setup.py is broken14:53
ralsinanessita: manually14:53
nessitaralsina: hey there!14:53
ralsinanessita: hello from vacationland! ;-)14:53
nessitaralsina: was there any issue that prevent you to fix setup.py?14:54
ralsinanessita: it's one of those things where I did a workaround and forgot about14:54
nessita(Otherwise I will propose a fix now)14:54
nessitadobey: I will propose a branch14:54
nessitadobey: can you please file me a bug?14:54
ralsinaok, I will be really gone for a few hours, will be back eventually to push the windows release a bit.14:56
dobeynessita: bug #90535414:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 905354 in ubuntuone-control-panel "setup.py missing some packages for Qt (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90535414:57
nessitadobey: IRL tetsing instructions attached:  https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-setup-for-qt/+merge/8605315:01
nessitagatox, dobey: stdup?15:01
nessitaDONE: reviews, more on bug #834730, catch up with gatox re: creating link on windows15:02
nessitaTODO: fix tests for bug #834730, bug #90535415:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes15:02
nessitaNEXT: gatox15:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 834730 in ubuntuone-client (and 1 other project) "Use SignalBroadcaster and RemoteMeta from ubuntu sso client (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83473015:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 905354 in ubuntuone-control-panel "setup.py missing some packages for Qt (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90535415:02
gatoxNot very much.... keep fighting with ctypes... some access violation issues and stuff like that15:02
gatoxKeep doing that15:02
gatoxuntil i fix my ctypes problems :P15:02
gatoxdobey, go15:02
dobeyλ DONE: some trunk vs stable discussion, release planning, packaged u1cp-qt15:02
dobeyλ TODO: hack day, fixes in gireactor for twisted review15:02
dobeyλ BLCK: No.15:02
dobeygah, lp is being really slow, or dumb15:14
dobeyi'll go with dumb15:16
dobeynessita: approved15:16
* gatox lunch!16:05
=== Monk is now known as Guest42191
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
Guest42191I am after some help with a PC/XBox/Selling question...16:13
Guest42191I am looking at purchasing an XBox Live code online (NOT MICROSOFT) and I was wondering how it works. When I pay for the code they say its automatically sent to your email, how do they do that?16:14
dobeyi think you're asking in the wrong place. this channel is for the Ubuntu One service, not general questions16:15
dobeybut that sounds like a scam16:15
Guest42191Oh I don't even know what that means XP16:15
Guest42191It's not because a friend of my runs it and I wanna know how he does it lol16:16
dobeyask him then16:16
Guest42191He wont tell me, I'll have to keep searching for an answer16:16
dobeythis channel is for https://one.ubuntu.com/ services16:16
dobeywell, that was different16:19
Chipacathat use of "different" suddenly makes "think different" make sense16:32
dobeylunch time, bbiab16:43
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
DoughyI'm having a strage problem with U1. My files don't upload until a long time later, and after I have changed subsequent files.17:17
DoughyAnyone know what the issue is?17:17
DoughyFor example, if I change a file, sometimes it won't upload for a long time. But then if I go change some other files, I get a notification in the upper right side of my screen saying the original file is now being uploaded.17:18
DoughyI changed a file yesterday, and it never uploaded until just now.17:18
DoughyWow, this place is totally dead.17:31
DoughyKind of defeats the purpose of an IRC help channel.17:31
gatoxnessita, DID IT!!!!!!!!!17:43
nessitagatox: GROSO17:43
* gatox start crying :P17:43
nessitagatox: is the code too complicated?17:43
gatoxnessita, it depends.... if we can use a lib that i found that it's based on ctypes: no..... if we've to extract what we need from that lib...... it's a bunch of classes17:44
nessitagatox: what's the lib?17:44
gatoxcomtypes...... let me give you a link (it's something that used to be in python but then was removed, and someone created a independent lib to wrap com libs..... similar to pywin32, but at a more lower level)17:45
gatoxnessita, maybe using this we can even avoid some ctypes code that we already have17:46
nessitagatox: you mean the code for rename, for example?17:47
nessitagatox: do you know why it was moved away from python?17:47
gatoxnessita, nop.... i can research that if you want17:48
gatoxit used to be in ctypes.com17:48
nessitagatox: I would like to know if the lib has security issues or something like that17:49
nessitagatox: is weird that it was moved from python. So, that info may be interesting to make a decision on depending on it17:50
gatoxi think that it was removed because ctypes.com was old and was superseeded by comtypes and pywin3217:50
gatoxnessita, ok..... i'll look at that...... but the important thing, is that this is doable :P17:50
nessitagatox: :-)17:50
nessitagatox: congracs! I know you have worked very hard on this17:50
nessitaand I know how frustrating it can get17:51
gatoxnessita, thanks! :D17:51
gatoxwith ctypes. I intend to release comtypes separately.17:54
gatoxSome time ago I removed ctypes.com from the CVS repository, so you17:54
gatoxshould use comtypes for new code.17:54
nessitagatox: hum?17:55
dobeymeh; can't have @property work right on module objects :(18:17
dobeygatox, nessita: what all do we redefine, from os.path?18:28
nessitadobey: I'm not sure I understand the question18:29
gatoxmme neither....18:29
nessitadobey: all the methods we redefine are listed in os_helper.py in u1client18:29
dobey"more than 1" i guess18:32
nessitadobey: yeah, more than 10 I'd say18:32
dobeyi was hoping it was just expanduser18:34
dobeydo either of you have any idea how to have a property on a module object?18:35
nessitadobey: hum... what do you need to achieve that you want that?18:36
dobeytrying to keep API compat with xdg.BaseDirectory, the tiny bit that i hopefully can, to make switching less of a chore18:37
dobeybut just doing @property on def xdg_cache_home() for example, results in a property object, if i don't just call it as xdg_cache_home() but just use xdg_cache_home to reference it18:40
nessitadobey: i could not follow :-/18:43
dobeynessita: ^^ this behavior is what i am seeing18:46
* nessita looks18:46
dobeymaybe i am an idiot and doing something wrong; or maybe @property just can't be used this way18:46
nessitadobey: I would have expect to use property inside a class, but let me read a bit about that18:47
nessitadobey: from http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#property, "Return a property attribute for new-style classes (classes that derive from object)."18:48
nessitadobey: I don't think property is meant to be used for module-level defs18:48
nessitadobey: if I recall correctly, in python 3 modules will be objects as well18:53
nessitaso you would be able to do that then18:53
dobeywell that doesn't help me now :)18:54
dobeyunless you want to make all of u1 require python318:54
nessitadobey: LETS18:55
dobeybarry would love us anyway18:55
dobeyeveryone else would hate us18:55
nessitadobey: who cares about hate?18:55
dobeythey collect it18:56
dobeynessita: any ideas how to get the same behavior in python2?18:59
nessitadobey: I'm sure we can work something around, I'm not completely I understand the ultimate goal. So, you want to have a new module foo.py where xdg_cache_home can be used as a value, but you want to implement it as a method?19:01
nessitadobey: giving you a snippet in a few minutes19:01
dobeyi'm trying to write testable code for once ;)19:02
dobeyif i can't do it that way, that's fine19:03
nessitadobey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/772539/19:04
nessitadobey: and you can easily unittest TheFoo class on one hand, and the module level xdg_foo on the other19:04
dobeyah, yes; but don't need a class to do that19:04
nessitadobey: right, but is cleaner19:04
nessitadobey: specially if you come from a language where *everything* is class19:05
* nessita enjoyed her days working with Eiffel19:05
dobeyi don't think i will unneccessarily use objects :)19:06
dobeyi like how __all__ is basically useless, too19:07
nessitadobey: is Friday, ranting is only allowed from Mon ro Thru :-P19:08
dobeywell i just called something that wasn't in __all__ from the test, and the test passed just fine :)19:09
dobeyand i think i see a bug in the windows impl in sso :-/19:10
nessitadobey: what bug?19:14
dobeyit seems to put some of the xdg dirs in weird places19:16
gatoxeod see you on monday!20:06
dobeyman, python coverage is useless; the more tests i add, the lower the number is!20:26
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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