
pleia2I try to use my ubuntu wiki page for that, but mostly fail00:00
DarkwingSame here.00:00
Darkwing90% fail00:00
DarkwingI really need to get back in gear with the Cali team.00:00
seidoshi everybody00:01
seidosall right, i guess i should've just kept lurking00:03
DarkwingI'm on crunch for this project00:04
DarkwingSo, I'm lurking and whining.00:04
seidosi was working on sdl in perl00:05
seidosi got an 800x600 window, huzzah!  >_>00:05
seidosi got inspired after playing kq 100:06
seidosapparently the original game cost $700,00000:06
seidosto make that is00:06
DarkwingI'm addicted to Skyrim00:07
seidosthat won't run on my hardware00:07
DarkwingIt runs great on my PS3 :P:P00:07
seidosand i couldn't afford a copy, and would feel too guilty to try and get a copy00:07
seidosah, PS300:07
DarkwingWife got it for me on our anniversary.00:07
seidosis she working?00:08
DarkwingNot as much as we would like.00:08
DarkwingMy freelancing is doing alright for us on and off00:08
seidoswell, that's good00:10
seidosi started recycling :o00:10
seidosi mean, in addition to normal00:10
* pleia2 3DS download fury06:39
pleia2new ambassador games \o/06:39

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