
rick_h__wgrant: ping03:11
wgrantrick_h__: Hi03:12
rick_h__wgrant: hey, saw your bug. I've got a fix I'm trying to land for that, but it got rejected by pqm for a bad commit message regex03:12
wgrantrick_h__: PQM is in testfix because of a bad db-devel landing.03:13
rick_h__with the lack of rollouts over friday/weekend it was decided to not rollback, just land03:13
rick_h__ah, so that's what it's saying03:13
wgrantLet's cheat.03:13
wgrantIf we force db-devel to build, you can land stuff until it fails again.;03:13
rick_h__wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/link_tags_894726 has the fix03:13
wgrantIt's forced -- try landing again at :21 or so03:14
rick_h__wgrant: ah ok. Will get that ready then03:14
rick_h__now this is just via a pqm land right? bypassing ec2?03:14
wgrantUse bzr lp-land03:14
wgrantOr bzr pqm-submit directly, if lp-land doesn't work.03:14
* rick_h__ hasn't tried that out yet03:14
rick_h__will do03:15
wgrantUse bzr lp-land just like ec2 land03:15
wgrantOr pqm-submit like 'bzr pqm-submit -m "[r=foo][bug=bar] blah blah blah"'03:15
rick_h__ok, will try bzr lp-land in a few then.03:16
rick_h__wgrant: "bzr: ERROR: No PQM submission email address specified for" quick search finds a request to add a feature to bzr, nothing in dev.lp.net?03:27
wgrantrick_h__: Hm, if you're using the directory structure generated by rocketfuel-setup that should work.03:27
wgrantOtherwise --public-location=bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/link_tags_894726 --submit-branch=bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel03:28
rick_h__yea, that's how I got things started...ok will poke at it.03:28
wgrantGive those two options to pqm-submit as well.03:28
rick_h__wgrant: ok, running03:29
rick_h__yea, same email error03:29
rick_h__sorry, that's from the bzr pqm-submit, let me try the other03:29
wgrantemail address03:29
wgrantYou are running it from the right directory, right? :)03:29
rick_h__yea, same...grr03:30
wgrantDoes your ~/.bazaar/locations.conf have a 'pqm_email' set?03:30
rick_h__no, nothing there03:31
wgrantrocketfuel-setup should have set that up.03:31
wgrantI think.03:31
wgrantMaybe not.03:31
wgranthttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/773959/ is what I use03:32
rick_h__yea http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/pqm-plugin.html seems to imply I need a bunch of stuff03:32
wgrantYou probably already have the second part of that.03:33
rick_h__yea, just missing the email bits03:33
rick_h__ok, got something going. lp-land still hates me, but the manual command with paths ran03:34
rick_h__can I manually change the tag then on the bug from qa-bad?03:35
wgrantIt's complicated™03:35
wgrantIt's technically not qa-bad.03:35
wgrantBecause we already deployed it, but disabled the feature.03:35
wgrantSo yes, it's no longer qa-bad.03:36
rick_h__yea, I seemed to have done this a bit wrong from the start unfortunately :/03:36
wgrantqa-tagger will automatically reset it to qa-needstesting once this lands.03:36
rick_h__ah ok then03:36
wgrantMeh, our QA workflow was designed before feature flags.03:36
wgrantNobody is quite sure how it works in this situation :)03:36
rick_h__I wasn't sure if pqm would even try this since it was qa-bad already03:36
wgrantPQM doesn't know about any of that.03:36
rick_h__gotcha, still figuring out the moving parts. Just a few of them :)03:36
wgrantYeah :/03:37
rick_h__It's nice to have the whole process, but sometimes miss $ ssh server && git pull03:37
rick_h__thanks for the help wgrant and the link to the pystache fix. I had missed that.03:38
rick_h__I really hate that thing, but can't find anything else with both server/clide side use :(03:38
wgrantYeah :/03:39
wgrantIt seems to work mostly.03:39
rick_h__yea, but it's got a lot of issues to watch out for like this03:39
rick_h__love that there's a branch named "spec-compliant"03:39
rick_h__kind of would hope that would be called ...oh... "master"03:40
rick_h__sweet, pqm emails say merged03:40
wgrantYou would think so :)03:40
lifelessright, mail sent07:05
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
wallyworld_lifeless: you around for a quick question?21:51
wgrantwallyworld_: He's not here this week.22:48
wgrantStevenK: around?22:49
wallyworld_wgrant: you weren't online yet :-) i just wanted to know, how to fix the deployment report to link rev 14540 as fixing qa-bad rev 1452622:50
wgrantThat's a trick question.22:50
wgrant14526 isn't really qa-bad22:50
wallyworld_it's marked as qa-bad22:50
wgrantBut it's a lie :)22:50
wgrantPerhaps not.22:51
wallyworld_if it were qa-bad, and a subsequent rev was landed without the correct tag, how do we fix that?22:51
wgrantrick_h__ confused me yesterday.22:51
wgrantI thought the bug listing beta was disabled so we could deploy that revision anyway.22:51
wgrantBut that revision is not deployed.22:51
wallyworld_ie to say that once 14540 is ok, so too is 1452622:51
wgrantWhich must mean there's another bad revision that caused the beta bug listings to be disabled.22:51
wgrantwallyworld_: There's no way to do that.22:52
wgrantYou have to lie that one of them is qa-ok, or just pretend that the deployment report is green.22:52
wallyworld_normally, landing a subsequent rev is rollback-xxx is the right thing to do, no?22:52
wallyworld_rollback=xxx i mean22:52
wallyworld_i'm keen to get my rev 14528 deployed since it fixes a regression22:53
wgrant"normally"" == if you want to wait 13 hours22:54
wgrantWhich you don't.22:54
wgrantSo normally doesn't apply here.22:54
wallyworld_what i meant was, rev 14540 should have been landed with rollback=1452622:55
wgrantAh, yes, probably.22:55
wgrantBut I was under the impression that the earlier rev was already deployed.22:55
wallyworld_and since it wasn't i wanted to fix but it seems we can't do that from what you said above22:56
wgrantYou can't, no.22:56
wallyworld_and it seems we can't deploy for a while then since there's a lot on un-qaed revs between 14526 and 1454022:57
wallyworld_so my regression fix will have ot wait :-(22:57
wgrantI also don't know why the bug listings are disabled.22:57
wallyworld_i thought there was an issue (which i can't recall) hence they were to only be for ~launchpad-beta22:58
wallyworld_are they now disabled for everyone?22:59
wgrantThey're disabled for everyone.23:00
wgrantThey're not out of beta yet.23:00
wgrantStill ages away from being ready.23:00
wallyworld_wgrant: so there must have been an issue then that cause them to be turned off since i joined the team which allowed me to see them23:01
wallyworld_and they are due out of beta this week afaik23:01
wgrantdue, yes :)23:02
wgrantMany things have been due out of beta before.23:02
wallyworld_we'll see then i guess. it did appear to all be under control23:03

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