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jcastrokenvandine: hey21:10
jcastrokenvandine: fill in the blank for me here21:11
jcastrokenvandine: In order to check which packages in the archive for sure use an indicator, we need to check for a dependency on __$packagename___21:11
jcastroand then I need the command, is it an rdepends?21:11
kenvandineapt-cache rdepends libappindicator3-121:12
kenvandinefor example21:12
kenvandinefor appindicator21:12
mhall119ah right, I forgot about rdepends21:12
jcastrokenvandine: you are awesome, thanks!21:12
kenvandinejcastro, and for python apps check against python-appindicator21:12
kenvandinejcastro, anytime!21:13
andyrockbschaefer, hi23:08
bschaeferandyrock, hey23:08
andyrockbschaefer, how do you want to fix #869122?23:08
andyrocki'm just curious :)23:09
bschaeferandyrock, not sure just started looking at it haha23:09
bschaeferandyrock, have you looked at it before?23:10
andyrockbschaefer, ah... good luck than ;) don't yell to X11 to much23:10
andyrockballoons, not but i guess that without take the mouse grab23:11
andyrockballoons, sorry23:11
bschaeferandyrock, yeah I checked if that signal was working already...so now I am just going through the header file23:11
andyrockbschaefer, it's difficult to exit from the keyboard navigation on mouse down without take the mouse grab23:12
bschaeferandyrock, hmm maybe I can find out why the mouse grab isn't working then23:12
andyrockbschaefer, because we don't take the mouse grab on key navigation :)23:13
andyrocksomeone removes the function GrabPointer()23:13
bschaeferandyrock, well that saves some time haha. Did you have use that in the quicklist problem on start up?23:14
bschaeferto figure it out23:14
bschaeferor workaround...(random digression)23:14
andyrockbut you cannot just use it otherwise you cannot implement as described in the bug description23:15
andyrockwhat do you mean for "did you have use that..."? :)23:15
bschaeferI ment. Didn't you use that...for a workaround23:15
bschaeferjust a random flash back of that function being used somewhere else haha23:16
mhr3bschaefer, re 711199 - the string will be passed from scopes, it will be accessible using the hints parameter of SearchFinished signal23:18
andyrockbtw i've not used that for a workarount23:19
andyrockif i'm not wrong it was a not-initialized problem23:19
bschaeferandyrock, yeah it was23:19
bschaefermhr3, thanks!23:19
bschaefermhr3, wasn't sure if you were up as it is late over there23:20
mhr3bschaefer, going to bed now :)23:20
bschaefermhr3, good night23:21
mhr3speaking about late... sup andyrock? :)23:21
andyrockmhr3, ehehe sometimes I work until 5:00 AM23:21
mhr3andyrock, wow, you're like sam23:22
andyrockI've to study to... a lot!23:22
mhr3exams coming now?23:22
andyrockmhr3, two exams23:22
bschaeferandyrock, what are the exams on?23:22
andyrockmhr3, two math exams23:22
bschaeferandyrock, good luck with those23:23
mhr3i really dont miss that part of uni life ;)23:23
andyrockbschaefer, physics and linear algebra23:23
mhr3andyrock, where do you study anyway?23:23
andyrockmhr3, in Italy :/23:23
mhr3yea, but where23:24
andyrockat least for this year23:24
mhr3cause my synapse co-developer is from italy as well23:24
bschaeferandyrock, nice!23:24
andyrockmhr3, who?23:24
mhr3andyrock, albyrock8723:25
mhr3dunno why all of you are *rocks :D23:25
andyrockmhr3, ahahhaha but didrocks is not Italian :/23:28
mhr3andyrock, right but in didrocks case it literally means "didier rocks" ;)23:28
andyrockmhr3, yeah i forgot to add an "s" one year ago23:31
mhr3andyrock, ok, now it makes sense :)23:31

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