
jelmer'morning poolie, wgz00:21
jelmerI'm sure a pangolin is safer than riding an ocelot.. :-)00:21
pooliehi there00:21
wgzNoldorin: bug 90610900:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 906109 in Bazaar "LockContention moving directory under symlink path to different volume" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90610900:59
wgzI think I put most of the relevent things in there00:59
wgzmaking lockdir error reporting a little less lame would probably be generally helpful00:59
Noldorinwgz, cheers01:02
poolievila, hi?07:22
vilahi all !07:33
vilapoolie: hey !07:33
pooliehi there07:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mgzmorning all!09:03
pooliehi mgz09:05
poolieok good night09:13
mgznight poolie :)09:14
jmlI just answered my own question09:54
jmlapparently I have to update my bzr plugin.09:55
jmlshame on you all!09:55
vilamgz: hi !10:01
vilajml: ECONTEXT ??10:01
jmlcannot import name get_trees_and_branches_to_diff10:01
jmlhave to update lp:difftodo to call the right API10:01
vilano deprecation warnings ?10:01
jmlvila: I didn't get any visible ones when running oneiric, no.10:02
jmlvila: might have been in the log though10:03
jmlanyway, it's been fixed. small enough change.10:09
mgzodd, lp just told me "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/" was not a branch10:17
mgzwhen I was actually trying to operate on a (non-existant) child of that10:17
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mgzmeh, the locale module is a mess11:16
mgzthe osx not being like posix bug is fixed in 2.7 at least11:17
jelmergarr, how do I fix the path used for relative paths when using imp.load_module() ?11:58
mgzwhy are you using imp.load_module?12:01
jelmermgz: loading plugins12:01
jelmermgz: and because I'm an imp.12:02
jelmermgz: we actually discover the kind of a plugin when we scan the plugin directories, and then discard that and actually use "exec 'import ...'" at the moment12:03
jelmerwhich then scans all plugin directories again, statting for .so, module.so, .py and .pyc everywhere12:04
mgzyeah, that's what I thought we did (exec)12:04
mgzfiddle with sys.path then use __import__?12:05
* mgz throws out more bad ideas for bzrlib.plugin12:05
jelmermgz: getting it to work is actually pretty easy - just passing path and description to _load_plugin_module, and calling imp.load_module there12:07
jelmermgz: the trouble is that that for some reason breaks relative imports12:07
mgzyou have a pathname that's relative, and it fails?12:09
mgz(as in, the third argument to load_module)12:09
jelmermgz: I don't have a relative path name actually12:11
jelmershould it be relative?12:11
mgzI was wondering what the difference between cases that work and cases that don't is.12:12
jelmerI haven't seen cases where it does work yet, but it's an interesting point.12:13
jelmerfound it, we were returning the info for the init file rather than the package12:30
jelmermgz: thanks for the teddybearing :)12:31
mgzhm, I wonder how many more things changing the setlocale behaviour will break12:35
mgzI guess that pretty much all bzrlib users other than the bzr script don't call it12:35
mgzbug 57049512:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 570495 in Bazaar "bzr should not change sys.platform or should limit it to the affected python versions" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57049512:46
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jelmermgz: changing the setlocale behaviour in bzrlib?12:56
mgzjelmer: well, changing some assumptions at least13:04
mgzbah, using DEPRECATED_PARAMETER seems more likely to break things than help13:05
roryyargh. i'm trying to add a test for bug 185211, but if i use UTF-8 encoded strings an unrelated problem happens with building the dirstate, and with unicode strings the bug isn't triggered13:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 185211 in Bazaar "renaming out of directory with unicode name fails with InconsistentDelta" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18521113:23
roryyit's not always hugely clear when strings should be unicode and when not13:24
jelmerroryy: I think we're reasonably consistent, but it's probably not very well documented13:24
* mgz giggles a little13:25
mgzrorry, try just a blackbox test to start with?13:26
mgzthat should give you a way into fixing the bug, it's hard to write a good unit test for an issue when it's not clear what level the problem is at13:26
roryyi have the fix13:27
mgzoo, diff? :)13:27
mgzthen I can probably help you with the test13:27
roryysure;  it's not very complicated13:27
mgzin fact, just post an mp with the blackbox test and the change, and we can go from there13:28
mgzI think I'm even pilot this week13:28
mgzlook at the current tests in bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_mv.py for the basics13:30
mgzthe ones at the bottom are nearly what you want already13:30
roryyok, it should be easy to make a test based off of the error reproduction script13:30
mgzroryy: ahahha13:31
roryyit just looked like the dirstate tests have an *ideal* place for it, if it weren't for this utf-8 weirdness13:31
mgzyeah, we probably want both anyway, so starting with blackbox is not bad.13:32
vilamgz: can you update bug #839461 now that 0.9.8 have been deployed on pqm ?13:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 839461 in Bazaar "can't run selftest for 2.2 with recent subunit/testtools" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83946113:35
lalatenduMHi, I want to fix bugs in https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/guake13:38
mgzvila: sure, will put in my results from the other day as well13:39
lalatenduMbut dont know how to import code from launchpad using bazzaar13:39
vilamgz: thanks, my understanding is that it's not critical anymore and I suspect that's the main point of poolie's question13:40
jelmerhi lalatenduM13:40
lalatenduMso need  your help13:40
lalatenduMhi jelmer13:40
jelmerlalatenduM: are you trying to check out the packaging branch?13:41
lalatenduMyes, but i am not sure which branch i should chekout if i want to do bug fixing13:42
jelmerlalatenduM: presumably ubuntu:guake13:42
jelmerlalatenduM: e.g. "bzr branch ubuntu:guake guake"13:42
lalatenduMlet me try this..13:45
lalatenduMit works13:52
lalatenduMthanks jelmer13:56
jelmeryou're welcome13:56
mgzgood, I think I'm in net code deleted still for the morning14:09
mgzwonder what else can be got rid of after lunch...14:09
mgzand... jelmer has already fixed my docstring complaint on his future import branch14:10
mgz...which I seem to have not actually posted?14:11
jelmermgz: you didn't, but I noticed it myself too14:11
jelmermgz: with regard to your branch no_locale_hacks_57049514:12
jelmerI will say that the code looks prettier, but I'm not sure about what it actually does14:12
mgzjelmer: I shall try and explain a little more in the mp :)14:47
lalatenduMjelmer, can you please point me to the code branch of "bzr branch ubuntu:guake guake" in launchpad14:54
lalatenduMi can't find it lp14:54
lalatenduM*in lp14:54
jelmerlalatenduM: http://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/guake should have all branches relevant for the guake package14:56
lalatenduMaccording to http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/beta/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_launchpad.html, "bzr branch lp:project-name/series" should be the syntax14:57
lalatenduMbut i did something else14:58
lalatenduMi.e. bzr branch ubuntu:guake guake14:58
lalatenduMi am not able to co relate both sysntax'14:59
vilajelmer: regarding the error message, the initial issue is that "skipping {file} (larger than {add.maximim} of {20MB} bytes) " is bogus, (of what ?). How about "skipping {file}, larger than {add.maximim} ( {20MB} bytes)"  ?15:05
jelmerlalatenduM: that's for upstream projects; ubuntu:pkg is a shorthand for lp:ubuntu/pkg15:06
jelmervila: Is that message really bogus? it seems valid English to me15:06
jelmerlet's ask a native speaker :)15:07
jelmermgz: ^15:07
vilahehe, yeah :)15:07
hrwjelmer: did you tried to use git bzr to merge bzr branches?15:07
jelmerhi hrw, what's up?15:07
hrwjelmer: I have criss-cross merge and bzr gaves me 8 conflicting files never mind that those conflicts are fixed in branch which I merge in15:08
jelmerhrw: what do you mean with git bzr?15:08
hrwjelmer: bzr::lp: one15:08
jelmergit after git-remote-bzr?15:09
jelmerhrw: if you're merging in bzr, where does git come into the picture?15:09
hrwI have lp:~hrw/ubuntu/precise/gcc-4.6/gcc-linaro-ci-native branch which base on lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 + lot of changes. recently I merged lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 into it, fixed conflicts and pushed.15:10
lalatenduMjelmer: that explains it ubuntu:pkg is a shorthand for lp:ubuntu/pkg15:10
hrwnow I want to merge lp:~hrw/ubuntu/precise/gcc-4.6/gcc-linaro-ci-native into lp:~hrw/ubuntu/precise/gcc-4.6/gcc-linaro-ci-cross15:10
hrwci-cross one and ci-native one have same base but some differences15:10
hrwjelmer: and I am thinking about doing git tree with both branches as separate ones + merge them in git15:11
hrwjelmer: but git/bzr fails on 'git remote update': http://pastebin.com/WpeT1RGD15:13
hrwjelmer: same for ci-native15:13
jelmerhrw: going through git means losing all bzr metadata15:14
jelmerhrw: so I wouldn't recommend doing this until git-remote-bzr supports roundtripping bzr metadata15:14
hrwis bzr and merges between few branches asking for problems?15:17
hrwI have branch-upstream + branch-c/branch-n. both -c and -n branched from upstream and merge them and each other15:17
mgzvila, jelmer: not having the parens at all would be good, and maybe statng what add.max actually is (the name of a config option), but the current does make sense15:21
jelmerhrw: that should be fine - you're getting conflicts in that case?15:22
jelmerhrw: if you're doing criss-cross merges, you may want "bzr merge --lca"15:22
hrwjelmer: --weave and --lca == same15:22
jmlyou guys are running pkgimport with bzr as a branch dependency, right?15:23
vilamgz: ok, so either I'll leave it as is or you can give me your proposed phrasing and I'll take that15:25
vilajml: by setting PYTHONPATH yes15:25
vilajml: by the way, I've tested udd trunk with your changes locally and will deploy it next time I can15:26
jmlvila: hurrah.15:26
jelmerhrw: same results you mean? They're definitely different merge algorithms.15:27
hrwjelmer: same as '8 files conflicted'15:28
hrwjelmer: now I am merging file after file and see same merges which I did in ci-native (which I merge into)15:28
jelmerhrw: right, that's often an issue with criss-cross merges15:30
jelmerhrw: you might want to post to the list about this, I'm not really an expert on merge algorithms15:30
hrwjelmer: can you give me email to ml?15:31
jelmerhrw: bazaar@lists.canonical.com15:31
lalatenduMjelmer: after I imported code from lp. I have created a personal branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~then4way/+junk/guake15:31
jelmerhrw: or, if you have a short script of reproducing it for a merge that you think we should be handling better, please file a bug15:31
lalatenduMand pushed the code to it15:31
lalatenduMbzr push --use-existing lp:~then4way/+junk/guake15:32
hrwwill report bug15:33
lalatenduMFor maintaining a version system, i think i have to do "bzr init;bzr add; bzr commit -m "Initial Import"". Right?15:33
lalatenduMI have used wincvs, perforce but new to bzr15:34
jelmerlalatenduM: yep15:37
hrwbug 90637015:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 906370 in bzr (Ubuntu) "merging generated conflicts which should be handled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90637015:40
hrwI do not have better idea for title at the moment15:41
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jelmermgz: I'm going to approve your locale branch15:45
jelmermgz: be aware though, that we'll assign all encoding-related bugs to you for the next couple of months :P15:45
mgzanyone want to review my "oops, I completely broke windows" branch?15:56
mgzjelmer: I'm also interested in if you have debugging ideas for tracking actual socket connections15:57
mgzas I still need to work out if the gap between transport tracking old and new is real or bogus connections15:58
jelmermgz: hmm16:10
jelmermgz: it doesn't seem particularly tricky to me - we just have to call out to a new hook when we create a socket or ask somebody else (curl, paramiko, ...) to create one for us16:12
jelmermgz:  your last sentence doesn't parse for me16:12
mgzhm, okay16:13
mgzbasically, I did some testing on... Friday? that got me a list of transports seen by both the old get_transport hack and the new hook16:13
jelmermgz: ... and you saw a difference?16:14
mgzI want to work out which of the differences are due to bugs fixed (a transport that wasn't connected now not tracked),16:14
mgzand which are due to bugs created (a transport that is connected now not tracked)16:15
jelmermgz: I guess as long as you're just interested in seeing what the difference is16:15
jelmermgz: you could move the body of get_transport_from_url() into a new method, and have that method's return value indicate whether it reused an existing transport16:16
jelmer... and then use that method in bzrlib.tests as well, and discard anything that reused an existing transport16:16
mgzI think I cover that already by using set()16:18
mgzbut perhaps not.16:19
mgzhm, no, _reuse_for does get a new instance16:19
mgzso, eg, currently bb.test_branch.TestRemoteBranch.test_branch_local_remote sees 4 _SharedConnection objects16:25
mgzand with the hook the same test has 3 _SharedConnection objects16:27
jelmercan you tell what the classes of those connections are?16:31
mgzyup, paramiko.SFTPClient in this case.16:32
mgzand using that as the key gives different results again16:33
vilamgz: forget about SFTPClient, they use a dedicated thread that you cannot track, they are the cause of the last known  leak IIRC16:35
mgzbut we can see if the connection actually happens I trust?16:36
vilathe hook should be more precise in this case though16:36
vilahmm, I think so, the shared connection is not the socket itself but rather the paramiko transport object right ?16:36
vilaso I think you get one only after the connection really occurs16:37
mgzand if we have one do we known the underlying sock... cool16:37
vila90% sure16:37
vilado we have a disconnect() implemented there ?16:38
vilabah, certainly, so you may not precisely track the underlying socket, but it's good enough as paramiko will close it later (in theory)16:39
mgzyup, the hook looks good here16:40
mgzthe difference is on the following transport:16:41
vilamgz: sry, my memory is failing me again, did you end up fixing the news_merge config on pqm ?16:41
mgz('sftp://foo@', None, None)16:41
mgzvila: nope, we need to know where the real locations.conf is16:41
vilaha, right, mthaddon should know16:42
mgz^that's (transport.base, transport._shared_connection.connection, transport._shared_connection.base)16:42
mgzso, it's a transport that gets created but never connects16:42
mgznext, the http case...16:44
vilatransport._shared_connection.base ??? What's that used for ?16:44
mgzno idea, I thought I'd print it to see16:45
mgz's always None in this case16:45
vilaweird, both 'connection' and 'credentials'  is used as an opaque container are supposed to be opaque and transport specific but still related to the connection, having a 'base' there.... sounds bogus16:48
vilanm, unrelated to your work anyway16:48
mgz...looks like it's just used by the smart server?16:50
vilait should probably be part of either connection or credentials16:51
hrwhelp? I created small recipe to test something. It uses lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 as base branch and then merges my lp:~hrw/+junk/ci-gcc-cross-armel branch into it. my branch contains one commit which adds debian/target file. But on 'bzr dailydeb' run I am getting merge conflicts... on directory ;(16:54
hrwhttp://pastebin.com/mLEmqPpr is output and recipe16:55
jelmerhrw: looking...17:07
hrwjelmer: thanks17:08
jelmerhrw: is lp:~hrw/+junk/ci-gcc-cross-armel actually derived from lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 ?17:08
hrwjelmer: not at all17:08
jelmerhrw: it doesn't appear to be, so the identity of the debian/ directory is different.17:08
hrwjelmer: so I should base on gcc-4.6 and remove all files in one commit to get same result but mergeable?17:09
jelmerhrw: I'd recommend creating lp:~hrw/+junk/ci-gcc-cross-armel as a branch that derives from lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 and actually adds the the file that way17:09
hrwjelmer: I want to not do any changes in my branch - just to have one file there so launchpad will do all work for me17:09
jelmerhrw: right, my suggestion should do that17:10
jelmerhrw: just create lp:~hrw/+junk/ci-gcc-cross-armel as a clone of lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 with one additional commit that adds debian/target.17:10
hrwjelmer: this way I would have to update my branch each time when lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 is updated.17:11
hrwjelmer: will try my idea17:11
jelmerhrw: no17:11
jelmerhrw: launchpad will happily merge, as long as nobody creates a target file in lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.617:11
jelmerif somebody creates a target file in lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 then it will (correctly) conflict17:12
hrwjelmer: ah. now I see - had to think a moment17:13
achianghello, should 'bzr launchpad-login' be expected to work in a console environment? (remote server)17:22
jelmerachiang: hi17:22
jelmerachiang: yes17:22
achiangjelmer: hm, perhaps i'm just hitting an issue in precise?17:23
achiangubuntu@server-3424:~/Projects$ bzr launchpad-login achiang17:23
achiangWARNING: gnome-keyring:: no socket to connect to17:23
jelmerachiang: what are you seeing?17:23
jelmerachiang: are there any plugins installed on the remote server ("bzr plugins") ?17:23
hrwjelmer: it works - thanks17:24
achiangjelmer: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/775503/17:24
mgzvila: okay, I think I'm caught up with your thinking on the post_connect hook17:28
jelmerachiang: hmm, I don't think any of those use gnome-keyring17:30
achiangjelmer: trying to recreate with an older version of ubuntu now17:31
jelmerachiang: my guess is that we're loading launchpadlib and that's using gnome-keyring17:31
jelmerlp-login shouldn't actually be using launchpadlib though17:31
* achiang patiently waits for another openstack instance to start up17:33
achiangjelmer: ok, as a test, i tried natty, and bzr launchpad-login works fine in headless mode17:43
achiangjelmer: shall i file a bug?17:44
jelmerachiang: please do17:48
achiangjelmer: ok, will do17:48
jelmerachiang: can you perhaps run "bzr --profile-imports lp-login ... 2>x" and pastebin x ?17:48
achiangjelmer: what plugin provides profile-imports?17:50
jelmerachiang: sorry, nevermind. it requires a lp:bzr checkout17:50
jelmerI forgot about that17:50
Noldorin_hi folks18:14
jelmerhi Noldorin_18:16
Noldorin_jelmer, hey18:16
achiangjelmer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/906452 ; it probably needs to go into the proper bucket, etc.18:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 906452 in Bazaar "console launchpad-login broken in Precise" [Undecided,New]18:22
jelmerachiang: oh, it doesn't actually let you continue? I thought it just warned18:27
jelmerachiang: in that case, can you run "BZR_PDB=1 bzr lp-login ..." ?18:27
achiangjelmer: oh! maybe it does let you continue. i didn't realize that was just a warning18:30
achiangjelmer: um, except the big huge WARNING on the command line18:30
achiangnot sure why my brain turned off18:31
achiangjelmer: yes, so it does actually work18:31
jelmercool, that warning is still odd though18:31
jelmerI'll change the title on the bug report though, thanks for filing it18:32
achiangjelmer: thanks18:32
ggherdovhi all, how do I run just a single unit test from bzrlib/tests ?19:44
ggherdovthe page http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/testing.html isn't quite clear about it, it mention testrepository but... well... there is no cut-and-pasteable commands :-)19:48
jelmerggherdov: ./bzr selftest <python-path>19:49
jelmerggherdov: e.g. ./bzr selftest bzrlib.tests.test_foo19:49
ggherdovjelmer: thx. trying right away!19:49
ggherdovjelmer: enigmatic answer, http://pastebin.com/cDmWYfV619:53
ggherdov0 tests ?19:53
ggherdovcan I make it more verbose?19:53
jelmerggherdov: verbose in what way?20:00
jelmerggherdov: the test you specified doesn't exist20:01
jelmerggherdov: I think you want bzrlib.tests.test_merge.TestPlanMerge.test_plan_merge_tail_ancestors20:01
ggherdovyou are right.20:02
Noldorin_hi wgz20:23
wgzNoldorin_: didn't mention yesterday, another option is just using the cygwin bzr package: <http://cygwin.com/packages/bzr/>20:46
wgzggherdov: use -s too! see `bzr help selftest`20:46
ggherdovwgz: thank, checking it20:47
pooliehi jelmer, wgz21:01
wgzhey poolie!21:01
jelmer'evening poolie, wgz21:16
Noldorin_wgz, lol, nooow you say ;-)21:28
Noldorin_wgz, that would probably do the job yeah :-)21:29
Noldorin_hi poolie21:42
Noldorin_haven't seen you around in a while21:42
pooliehi there21:43
Noldorin_wgz, i mean, it would do everything i want right? :-)21:43
pooliei have been taking some holidays21:43
pooliebut i'm back for a few days now21:43
Noldorin_ah nice21:43
Noldorin_well deserved i think21:43
Noldorin_before Christmas i suppoe.21:43
Noldorin_well-timed :-P21:45
iamfuzzIs there a way in bzr to have it automatically checkout and nest another branch, i.e. submodules (IIRC) in svn?21:54
iamfuzzwe keep our packaging in one branch and code in another, and I was curious if there was a way to have the bzr checkout do such a thing21:54
poolieiamfuzz, for the specific case of packaging you might like to use bzr builder21:55
pooliewhich is what we use for ubuntu recipes21:55
poolieotherwise http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/scmproj-plugin.html21:55
iamfuzzmany thanks, I'll givem a read21:55
Noldorin_poolie, so, do you think it would be possible to stage a dev version of launchpad on y win2k8r2 box?22:17
poolieNoldorin_, hi, do you mean running it natively on windows?22:50
poolieit might be fairly hard22:50
pooliethere are probably a lot of unix assumptions22:50
poolieNoldorin_, i would probably run ubuntu in a vm to start with22:50
Noldorin_poolie, hmm how about cygwin??22:51
pooliewhat are you trying to accomplish?22:52
poolieto be able to fix bugs or add features to lp?22:52
poolieNoldorin_, so i think i can guarantee it will not just work under cygwin23:09
pooliethe problems might be surmountable23:09
pooliei think it would be at least days to get everything installed and working23:10
poolieit depends a bit on whether you want to run just one thing or the whole deal23:10
Noldorin_poolie, sorry, back now23:57
Noldorin_poolie, yeah, so by far the easiest would be a Ubuntu VM eh?23:57

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