
shazzner_yay my gitolite charm is finally working :)04:45
_mup_Bug #906176: Gitolite charm <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906176 >07:06
shazzner_pretty sure it doesn't meet all criteria for inclusion but wanted to get it in there07:06
koolhead11hi all09:14
niemeyerGoooood mondays!09:22
rogniemeyer: yo!09:27
niemeyerHey guys09:31
nijabagood morning charmers and hackers!09:37
nijabashazzner_: I posted a few comments on you new charm bug for gitolite09:37
_mup_juju/go-new-revisions r15 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net09:59
_mup_Integrated new tip and fixed it.09:59
koolhead11quick question10:00
koolhead11juju deploy --repository=example local:mysql10:00
koolhead11does not work for me10:00
koolhead11juju deploy --repository=/home/atul/example local:mysql  does work10:00
koolhead11so am i supposed to give complete path?10:00
koolhead11or since i was not in my home directory while running juju deploy --repository=example local:mysql10:01
koolhead11i got the error10:01
koolhead11also i wrote a charm and trying to deploy it, i got state: install_error10:11
nijabakoolhead11: juju deploy --repository=example local:mysql will work if you are in the parent dir of example10:11
koolhead11how can i see that error in detailed form?10:11
koolhead11nijaba: yes, got that part :P10:11
nijabakoolhead11: juju debug-hook in one terminal, then juju resolved --retry in another10:12
nijabakoolhead11: in the juju debug-hook window you will sent be able to manual execute hooks/install and see what went wrong10:12
koolhead11nijaba:  juju debug-hook gives nitthing, am i supposed to provide some argument too10:16
nijabakoolhead11: juju debug-hooks needs to be given a unit name and should open a terminal session on the unit10:19
nijabajuju debug-hooks --help10:19
koolhead11nijaba: thanks am inside the box.10:21
koolhead11nijaba: also am i supposed to do some config changes after installing juju to see /var/log/juju ?10:38
nijabakoolhead11: /var/log/juju?  was not aware there was such a thing.  I always use the command 'juju debug-log' to see juju's logs10:40
koolhead11nijaba: cool. got it. :)10:41
koolhead17i have one more issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/775206/11:48
koolhead17i had to forcefully switch off my machine while juju was running11:48
koolhead17now juju -v bootstrap giving me this error11:48
koolhead17i had to do sudo juju -v bootstrap to get it working11:49
koolhead17hi again13:30
koolhead17hostname=`unit-get public-address`13:33
koolhead17i can define it in my install hook13:34
niemeyerkoolhead17: So, what's up there?13:47
koolhead17[19:11] <koolhead17> this is the modified owncloud install script http://paste.ubuntu.com/775300/ [19:11] <koolhead17> and this is the error am getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/775293/ [19:11] <koolhead17> hostname: unbound variable13:47
koolhead17am i supposed to do anything else13:48
koolhead17in the charm13:48
niemeyerkoolhead17: It's telling you that the $hostname variable is unbound13:50
niemeyerkoolhead17: Which is true13:50
niemeyerkoolhead17: You have to fix it13:51
koolhead17niemeyer: where am i supposed to mention about that13:51
koolhead17am modifying this13:51
koolhead17after testing it on my juju env13:51
niemeyerkoolhead17: Sorry, I don't understand the question13:52
niemeyerkoolhead17: You see the error message you pasted there?13:52
niemeyer2011-12-19 13:24:57,987: hook.output@ERROR: /var/lib/juju/units/owncloud2-0/charm/hooks/install: line 5: hostname: unbound variable13:52
koolhead17niemeyer: yes13:52
niemeyerkoolhead17: Go to line 5 of your script13:52
niemeyerkoolhead17: What do you find there13:52
koolhead17  5 juju-log "Retriving  hostname: $hostname"13:53
niemeyerkoolhead17: Precisely13:53
niemeyerkoolhead17: Now, what does the error message say>?13:53
koolhead17$hostname variable is unbound13:54
niemeyerkoolhead17: Right.. and where is it being bound/defined?13:54
koolhead17niemeyer: just below that line13:55
koolhead17got it13:55
niemeyerkoolhead17: Bingo13:55
koolhead17lemme rerun it13:55
koolhead17niemeyer: am looking at exiting juju charms 4 writing one13:59
niemeyerkoolhead17: That's a great approach14:00
koolhead17i will update this trunk and need a review on same once am done.14:01
koolhead17although i also need to work on integrating mysql db in same currently it works with sqlite14:01
niemeyerkoolhead17: That'll be fun14:04
niemeyerkoolhead17: Charms get a lot more exciting once they start to glue things together14:05
koolhead17niemeyer: i have my charm ready now without mysql :D14:05
koolhead17its working on my LXC14:05
* koolhead17 is happy14:06
koolhead17need to know about getting mysql part integrated14:06
niemeyerkoolhead17: Woot14:11
koolhead17niemeyer: i have a owncloud2 charm running which uses sqlite14:11
koolhead17SpamapS: suggested me to keep mysql optional14:14
jcastroowncloud will be a great charm14:17
koolhead17jcastro: i will have it uploaded once am home, but it will use sqlite by defualt. am working on mysql integration as well. hopefully that will be added in few days too :D14:18
nijabahazmat: : Hello. thanks for the pointer to twisted.conch.  do you know if that will support scp and rsync as well?14:20
nijabahazmat: the answer is no: "    def execCommand(self, proto, cmd):14:32
nijaba        raise Exception("no executing commands")"14:32
nijabaor I guess I would need to implement it14:33
jcastrokoolhead17: that will be great!14:52
jcastronijaba: thanks for the review on gitosis!14:52
koolhead17jcastro: if you will help me with bzr merge issue i will upload the latest working charm at launchpad14:52
nijabajcastro: my pleasure14:53
jcastroniemeyer: random idea for you:15:11
jcastrowe should do a large "juju status juju"15:11
jcastrowe haven't really told anyone what's going on at a macro level since UDS.15:11
jcastronot changelog-regurgitation level, but more things like "We want to do what we call colocation, it does foo, bar, and baz, and we need it for certain charms to do foo,bar, and baz, and for this and that."15:12
jcastro"So far so-and-so has finished this part and that part, so we're making good progress there, we expect that to be ready to test in a few months."15:13
koolhead17jcastro: is there a way one can help in updating juju wiki?15:15
* koolhead17 will upload owncloud2 charm from home15:16
jcastroI have a work item/rt ticket to sort out the ACLs15:16
robbiewkoolhead17: \o/ on owncloud2...nice15:43
koolhead17robbiew: yes sir. :P15:44
jcastroSpamapS: Is there an easy way to see who has submitted which charms?15:47
jcastroother than just going through the list of course15:48
jcastrosorry I should specify, is there an easy way to see who has submitted charms that have been accepted into the store15:48
niemeyerjcastro: That sounds good15:54
jcastrook so maybe for this week's team call at the end I'll record it and then everyone can just say what they're working on in a few sentences and then I can write it up16:08
amithkkHow do i make a charm :D16:11
niemeyerjcastro: It may be tricky to go that way16:15
niemeyerjcastro: The call will get long and boring, _or_ it won't be enough to give you good contnet16:15
niemeyerjcastro: I suggest email for that16:15
jcastroniemeyer: should I just mail people directly or use the list you think?16:16
niemeyerjcastro: I suggest mailing the list with your idea, and then building up content somewhere like the wiki16:17
* jcastro nods16:17
koolhead17so when i say "juju add-relation wordpress mysql" the hook db-relation-changed gets invoked/working for wordpress?16:21
m_3_koolhead17: yes, it will often get fired multiple times until all the relation-set calls have resolved16:36
koolhead17m_3_: say i have a charm which by default uses sqllite and for that i have not created ant db-realtion-changed file16:39
koolhead17now since i have mysql as optional Requires: in my yaml16:40
koolhead17now what i see is the configuration file gets written once i select either mysql or sqlite via dashboard16:41
=== brtsz_ is now known as brtsz
m_3_koolhead17: so I'd maybe do this by specifying sqlite during install and then have the mysql db-relation hooks change this config and restart... (?)16:45
koolhead17m_3_: got my answer!! :P16:46
koolhead17this is what i was looking for16:46
m_3_requiring a config setting first, and _then16:46
m_3__ relating is more work16:47
koolhead17m_3_: i will need your help in sometime. :)16:47
=== brtsz is now known as l
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m_3_koolhead17: sure, just ping me16:49
=== v is now known as brtsz
shazzner_nijaba: thanks for your feedback on the gitolite bug report16:49
nijabashazzner_: my pleasure16:50
nijabam_3_: thanks for the vote of confidence :)16:56
nijabam_3_: what's the policy about your own charms? wait for someone else's review or bypass?16:58
marcoceppinijaba: Wait for review :)17:00
m_3_nijaba: don't think we have a policy per se... it's a good idea to mark it as 'new-charm' and wait for review17:00
nijabamarcoceppi, m_3_: ok, sounds very reasonable17:00
mchenetz1Good afternoon17:35
jelmerhi mchenetz117:37
mchenetzHi jelmer17:37
koolhead17if someone has time to review owncloud2 charm https://code.launchpad.net/~koolhead17/charm/oneiric/owncloud2/trunk18:00
koolhead17it will be good18:00
koolhead17as of now i am able to get default sqlite working. am working on mysql part as well18:00
m_3_koolhead17: please tag the corresponding bug with 'new-charm' and relate the branch.  It'll get added to the charm review queue18:01
koolhead17m_3_: ok18:01
koolhead17jcastro: got your mail thanks :)19:01
mchenetzWorking on a gccless version of the brew repo and easy_install, will update shortly… Next up Virtualbox provider...20:10
robbiewjcastro: so what if we took the juju world tour spreadsheet and made a blueprint with workitems on it?20:41
robbiewor do we already have that?20:41
robbiewthen we can have assignees to each item...knock them out as the go from TODO to DONE20:42
jcastrorobbiew: I have a call with michelle tomorrow hopefully, where I hope to merge that one with the overall list20:42
jcastroand then we can make WIs into it if you'd like?20:42
jcastroI plan to have the entire worksheet/list done before break20:42
robbiewjcastro: just thinking it would be good for external folks to have an idea of where we plan to be...could just wikitize the list too, I suppose20:42
robbiewcool deal20:43
jcastrook I'll make a note to have it in an easily consumable manner20:43
robbiewblueprinting is probably overkill...K.I.S.S.20:43
robbiewso...nevermind...I'll let you do your job20:43
mchenetzWhat does jcastro do with Ubuntu/juju?20:44
jcastrorobbiew: I think an easy fix would be a wiki page + adding it to the fridge calendar or something20:44
mchenetzhehe… I am trying to figure out who does whqt20:44
robbiewmchenetz: well...depends on what you need...;)20:45
jcastromchenetz: I'm your cloud community liaison.20:45
robbiewjcastro: is a good first start for everything ;)20:45
jcastrobut I can't find your nick in the directory?20:45
mchenetzrobbiew: I don't need anything as of yet. :-) I am still just contributing what I can to a project a whole heartedly believe in20:45
jcastrorobbiew: ok I'll make something after I integrate this with michelle20:45
robbiewmchenetz: amen to that ;)20:46
jcastroI want to avoid multiple event lists (again)20:46
jcastromchenetz: oh dude, you're our soon-to-be-OSX hero!20:46
robbiewjcastro: ack...multiple lists suck20:46
mchenetzjcasto: I hope to get a easy install for osx… I am not sure what the end result will be. I think that the "Easy_install" program and/or python setup.py scripts will be the best way. The only piece i need to figure out is how to distribute some precompiled dependendies20:47
mchenetzI may end up packaging a install for those who do not want package management too..20:48
jcastrodo you happen to know what it needs for something like the OSX store?20:48
jcastrothe main OS store, not the iOS one20:48
mchenetzjcastro… I can look into that… I don't think it takes too much. I forgot about it actually… :-)20:49
mchenetzI did some iOS development a while back and i think it is pretty similar in terms of the procedure20:49
mchenetzhmmm… IOS juju… hehe20:49
mchenetzAndroid juju20:49
mchenetzjuju juju20:50
jcastroyeah it's just that "Go find it in your OS store" rolls off the tounge better than "check out easy_install yo."20:50
jcastrowhatever keeps EvilBill happy.20:50
mchenetzyour right… Give me a few days… I'll figure it out20:50
mchenetzTHe only reason i like a repo like easy_install or brew is that you can automagically update versions20:51
jcastroif you get something sort of working, ping me, we can screenshot it and get the word out at least, in that way if you get stuck we'll at least have something20:51
jcastro<--- your media tool20:51
mchenetzjcasto: sounds good20:52
mchenetzright now, my brew repo (I believe) works, along with easy_install… The only thing is… you need Xcode installed20:53
mchenetzI am not sure if you guys looked at: https://idserver.inventivedigital.com/wiki/pages/W2g0F6q6a/Juju_Brew_Repo_V01.html20:54
robbiewjcastro: ^ looks like cloud.u.c material to me! ;)20:55
jcastrooh nice!20:55
jcastrorobbiew: let me wiki this first, so we have one canonical place for OSX people to look20:56
jcastromchenetz: who has tried this so far?20:56
mchenetzJcastro: I haven't got any feedback yet… I tried it on 3 of my macs and it worked with either method20:57
mchenetzThe easy_install seems to be a little easier thogh20:57
mchenetzI really would love comment20:57
jcastroawesome, ok, I can help you there.20:58
jcastrois that curl from a github gist the right way to install brew?20:58
jcastrohah, awesome20:58
jcastromchenetz: ok I'll post this to the list first21:00
jcastroask for some testers21:00
jcastrothen I'll put the word out on cloud.u.c21:00
mchenetzjcastro: Thanks… Yeah, testing would definitely be good first21:00
mchenetzOkay, back to working on the virtualbox provider...21:01
jcastrohow's this look?21:03
jcastrois easy_install available by default on OSX?21:03
mchenetzEasy_install is eavaialbe by default21:04
jcastroah, but you still need xcode?21:04
jcastrowhich one needs xcode installed, both?21:04
mchenetzyes because, i think, txzookeeper needs to be compiled21:05
mchenetzthey both need Xcode right now21:05
mchenetzYou don't need to do anything… It' just needs to be installed21:05
mchenetzit looks good except in firefox, the easy_install line on the wiki doesn't wrap for some reason21:05
marcoceppimchenetz: Doesn't wrap in Chrome either21:06
jcastrothat's just a sucky wiki21:06
mchenetzmy default, piece of crap, osx server wiki wraps. :-)21:07
mchenetzyeah, it doesn't wrap on my new Nexus either. :-) No wrappy21:10
shazzner__how would it best work for adding a distributed fs relation for gitolite?21:19
shazzner__if I add a relation, copy the contents of the local repository to the mounted directory?21:19
shazzner__and if the relation is broken, copy the contents back?21:20
shazzner__trying to figure out the best way to approach this21:21
m_3_shazzner__: so your charm uses a particular directory for serving repos..21:31
m_3_shazzner__: we could use an nfs-client hook to mount that directory from an nfs server (for instance)21:31
shazzner__yeah by default it creates a repositories folder in the home directory21:31
m_3_so basically the charm would default to using the local filesystem21:32
m_3_but then that local filesystem is an nfs mount from the server21:33
shazzner__oh I see what you mean21:33
m_3_that would be a little brittle potentially21:33
m_3_but would allow you to potentially turn the nfs server into longer-term storage21:33
m_3_but would also allow for horizontal scaling (if desired)21:34
shazzner__I'm shooting for optional ceph, nfs relations21:35
m_3_right... that sounds cool21:35
shazzner__but this cloud scaling stuff is new to me haha21:35
m_3_I'd recommend making it solid without the distributed filesystem hooks21:38
shazzner__yeah, that's my first step21:40
m_3_there are lots of cases where you really want that... and it'd be fun to add in later21:40
shazzner__it's functional now, but needs some clean up21:40
shazzner__yeah :)21:40
m_3_git on a remote mount would probably be pretty slow and not need the horiz scaling that it would enable21:42
shazzner__then gitweb hooks etc21:42
m_3_never know though... and again, it'd be fun to add in :)21:42
shazzner__"fun" ;)21:43
jcastroshazzner__: welcome to #juju, thanks for working on this charm!21:44
shazzner__hello Jorge, thank you :)21:46
shazzner__I wonder if gitweb should be an option component to gitolite or a separate charm21:48
jcastrocan you swap out different UIs with the different hosting solution ones?21:49
m_3_shazzner__: great question... dunno.  it'd probably be easy to add it as a configurable option... but makes sense either way21:51
jcastroshazzner__: want to do gitourious next? :)21:51
shazzner__for gitweb all you need is a path21:52
shazzner__jcastro: haha maybe, I just picked gitolite since I've worked with it before21:52
=== shazzner__ is now known as shazz
m_3_jcastro: should file a bug for osx testing... somebody can pick it up from there22:00
statikI'm about to test on OSX now22:01
jcastrom_3_: I will do that, I just want to know if it works on more than one person's machines, then do a proper call for testing22:01
jcastroi've had 2 people ping so far which is good.22:02
jcastroI just want to make sure it's not totally hosed before exposing it on cloud.u.c22:02
m_3_yeah, I need to install juju on the wife's machine :)22:04
m_3_last time I installed stuff didn't go over well tho22:04
jcastroI learned never to touch her machines unless it's an LTS.22:05
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jcastromchenetz: ok so I'll have one bug for "getting juju working on osx"22:06
jcastroand then I'll ask people who find bugs to file new ones and tag them "osx", sound like a plan?22:07
nijabam_3_ or jcastro or marcoceppi: SpamapS seems to be off today, and I think I should go ahead and fix bug #906030.  Could you please give me a +1 on doing the merge?22:10
marcoceppinijaba: Link?22:11
* marcoceppi LAZY MODE ENABLED22:11
* nijaba was expecting mup to provide the answer...22:11
nijaba_mup_: hello?22:12
nijabaniemeyer: is there a problem with mup?22:12
m_3_nijaba: there was talk about part of it migrating to juju-dev, but it doesn't look to be up there either22:16
m_3_nijaba: mup, that is22:16
nijaba_mup_: ok.  I think we would still want the bug part of mup here, at least for charms22:17
nijabathat was meant for m_3_22:17
marcoceppinijaba: +1 from me, everything seems to work here.22:18
nijabamarcoceppi: thanks22:19
* marcoceppi prepares to merge, m_3_ has about 60 seconds to yell NO!22:19
nijabamarcoceppi: would'nt mind the pleasure of doing my 1st merge22:19
marcoceppiHey! You're in the Charmers group now \o/22:20
marcoceppimerge away22:20
nijabamarcoceppi: thanks22:20
m_3_marcoceppi: haven't run the test suite myself, but it looks fine22:20
marcoceppim_3_: Tests were happy here22:20
jcastro"haven't run the test suite myself, but it looks fine"22:25
jcastrocalibrated eyeball Mark?22:26
nijabajcastro: the size of the change is indeed ridiculous22:27
m_3_jcastro: just read the code in the MP... didn't pull it to test22:27
m_3_it's a "trivial" as they say in juju core-dev22:28
jcastromarco ran the tests. :p22:28
m_3_charm-browser parses readme files... woohoo!22:30
* m_3_ work-item: add readmes _everywhere_22:30
jcastroooooh when did that land22:31
nijabajcastro: last week22:31
nijabajcastro: did you do something on limesurvey or do you want me to blog about both?22:32
jcastroI did limesurvey22:32
jcastroI need the mail one22:32
nijabajcastro: sorry, missed it then :(22:32
jcastroand I asked Clint to add a part 2 to the limesurvey one to talk about how charm authors can test with haproxy to make sure it all works.22:33
jcastronijaba: I talked to translation and I'll talk to other teams about using it for ubuntu related stuff22:34
jcastrorun your own survey for your ubuntu team sort of thing22:34
nijabajcastro: this is what I have been using for the server survey... but I did not have the charm22:34
nijabajcastro: nice piece. Thanks22:35
nijabamarcoceppi: merged done.22:39
* nijaba feels so empowered :P22:39
jcastromarcoceppi: ^^22:39
jcastromight want to mention common functions that new people might need22:39
nijabajcastro: nice choice of example :)22:45
nijabahazmat: thanks for the great change to the charm-browser, I like it!22:46
koolhead17do we need charms for mail server like postfix?22:48
nijabakoolhead17: yes, we do, but it is a tough one to do properly22:50
nijabakoolhead17: actually, the imap part is the toughest22:50
koolhead17hmm.  //o.0\\22:50
koolhead17because most of the CMS and webapps also needs mail server 4 sending user credentials and stuff22:51
nijabakoolhead17: look at what I did in limesurvey or roundcube22:52
nijabakoolhead17: for now, let's rely on external ones22:52
koolhead17nijaba: okey.22:52
koolhead17my problem is am working on local LXC of mine :(22:53
nijabakoolhead17: the biggest problem for imap is that it is a tough one to scale22:53
nijabakoolhead17: and you can't send email to any smtp server you want through it?22:54
nijabanot sure how to interpret your yes.  are you able to or not? sorry22:55
koolhead17nijaba: yes i got it.22:56
koolhead17my concern was not a bare-bone mail server but web applications like drupal/joomla/wordpress and others22:57
koolhead17which uses postfix simply 4 sending password reset option and others :D22:57
koolhead17nijaba: as you suggested i will check limesurvey charm22:58
nijabakoolhead17: limesurey only does smtp client.  roundcube does smtp and imap client.22:59
koolhead17i will only need smtp :)22:59
mchenetzjcastro: sounds like a plan… I will keep an wye on the bug report23:03
niemeyernijaba: Good question23:04
niemeyerbug #12345623:04
niemeyerLooks like it's unhappy23:05
koolhead17also whats magic charm-helper-sh does :)23:05
jcastrowe need a nice convenience charm tool for "webapp needs to send mail" but doesn't need a fullblown SMTP charm23:05
nijabajcastro: really?  It's really trivial to implement and will really depend on the implementation of the tool you want to connext23:06
jcastroI am thinking aloud23:07
koolhead17jcastro: that is what i was thinking :D23:08
koolhead17otherwise what we do is apt-get install postfix23:08
koolhead17that reminds me i have not added mail server configuration 4 owncloud yet :P23:09
* nijaba off to bed.23:16
mchenetzJcastro: Just looking at the wiki… Maybe you should mention that those install methods are mutually exclusive. I am just thinking that some people might run all instructions down the page...23:16
koolhead17jcastro: just pull everything from here http://askubuntu.com/questions/65359/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-local-usage/65360#65360 in doc for LXC23:19
jcastromchenetz: good idea on it.23:19
koolhead17let me know if you need any help with documentation. Also in charms separate revision file needs to be created instead putting the same inside the yaml23:20
koolhead17charms example23:20
* koolhead17 off to bed23:21
jcastroI am hoping for the official docs to be more contributable soon23:21
jcastrobut I need to catch up with hazmat on that23:21
koolhead17jcastro: just let me know how can i help :)23:21
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|zzZZ
jcastrostatik: thanks for your detailed analysis23:22

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