
Riddellyofel: hmm, plasma-desktop now uses kactivities on the linker command line but it doesn't actually link to it00:52
Riddellweird, uploaded to ppa anyway to let others check00:52
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Riddellerk, new KDE tagging this week, and I haven't even finished with the last one15:41
Riddellstill next one should be pretty simple in comparison15:41
Riddellwish I had written the clever cloud compiling scripts I wanted to do but I need to learn a bit more about scripting ec2 etc first15:42
apacheloggerwhat we need is CI-style packaging :P15:45
Riddellapachelogger: CI-style packaging?15:52
apacheloggerRiddell: well, continous packaging15:52
apacheloggerthat would allow release packaging to be done in less than a day15:52
ScottK4.7.4 didn't take me very long.15:59
ScottKIt's not hard to do it quickly when the content of what you're packaging is stable.15:59
apacheloggerScottK: hence the continouity16:20
apacheloggerbreak up the big change into a couple of small ones16:20
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apacheloggerScottK: do you by any chance have an unused machine? I did a halfway OBS setup some time ago and am somewhat confident that we could put an OBS in front of our ARM farm and make the arm machines nodes to OBS17:25
ScottKWhat kind of machine would it need to be?17:29
ScottKI don't have an extra at the moment, but I might in the next month or two.17:29
apacheloggerScottK: nothing fancy, from what I gather it'd only need to run mysql, some web server and a couple of obs daemons17:31
ScottKCould it run Ubuntu or would it have to be opensuse?17:33
apacheloggerthough to be perfectly honest, if we were to use the opensuse appliance deployment would be loads easier17:36
apacheloggerthough it might be a good excuse to get an OBS ppa started ^^17:37
ScottKI need to reinstall them anyway.  I was thinking it might be a good time to switch them to armhf.17:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: you're looking for a spare machine?19:29
ScottKshadeslayer: It needs to be at my house.19:40
ScottKJust updated 4.7.4 in the updates PPA with some post-4.7.4 patches that looked like things we'd want.19:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: send a machine to ScottK :P19:54
apacheloggerdebfx: your patch aint in kdelibs!!!20:02
debfxapachelogger: which patch?20:03
debfxah, don't complain to me about that20:04
apacheloggeryou be filing review requests that make no sense20:07
apacheloggerthe file says "this shoot must be copynpastable"20:07
apacheloggerand you propose changes that make it not copynpasteable20:07
debfxI don't follow20:10
debfxRiddell: what did rekonq/qtwebkit upstream say about their security support plans?20:14
apacheloggerdebfx: this change must be made in kdelibs20:18
apacheloggerand then imported into phonon20:18
debfxI though you were talking about the kdelibs review request20:19
apacheloggerI have a request pending for phonon20:22
apacheloggerwhich I will not accept until that change was accepted into kdelibs20:22
apacheloggerin particular because I have no clue about cmake20:22
apacheloggerqmake for world domination!20:23
Riddelldebfx: qtwebkit is going to keep doing it only in trunk which will be qt 5 only at some point.  I need to reply to the tech-board list20:32
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debfxhm ok20:42
debfxI share jdstrand's doubts that we can maintain precise for 5 years because of the limited kde upstream support and the number of releases we'd have to support in parallel20:44
ScottKdebfx: What do you mean?  It's one additional release for the last two years.20:45
Riddelldebfx: kde upstream  support is fine, and certainly better than say gnome20:45
ScottKSecurity support of a Qt Webkit based browser, I agree is concerning.20:46
Riddellit is but it's nothing we haven't had in an LTS before and their policy is no different from say firefox's20:48
ScottKRight, but there's no full time security staff to keep yet another web browser up to date in Main.20:49
debfxkde upstream will certainly not support 4.8 anymore in 5 years20:50
debfxfirefox is continuously updated with new upstream versions in Ubuntu so it's totally different20:51
Riddelldebfx: kde upstream do security releases for 12-18 months, that's never changed20:51
debfxyeah so how can we suddenly support kde for another 2 years?20:52
Riddellwell just like every other LTS, and just like every bit of software in main which doesn't have reliable security support.  gnome for example.20:54
ScottKThere aren't that many security issues in KDE.  The recent spate of SSL cert validation issues is an exception that should pass.20:54
ScottKAlso I think jdstrand's complaining about wanting Kubuntu to be supported like other flavors misses the fact that KDE is in Main.20:55
Riddellisn't that Qt only?  nokia does security patches for that and KDE upstream richmoore is happy20:55
ScottKIIRC there were also a few places in KDE that got hit, but I may misremember.20:56
Riddelland that Kubuntu is also a commercial product of canonical20:56
ScottK(someone who works for Canonical should probably quietly remind him of this)20:56
Riddellyeah needs me to get to my e-mail20:57
ScottKIt's also be somewhat tough to go 5 years for Ubuntu desktop support and then drop support for a lot of apps in Main that people use (like ones from KDE).20:58
bulldog98Riddell: pim-runtime override error /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.kde.Akonadi.MixedMaildir.Settings.xml is also in the -dev21:32
Riddellbulldog98: ta21:52
Riddellwhat's the script to rebuild something in a PPA?23:30
u2sanis kubuntu precise dead?23:44
Riddellu2san: ?  it's not even released yet23:45
u2sanseems the other flavors are on the 20-30 % done kubuntu is only at 4%23:45
RiddellI'm was nearly dead so that's why I haven't been doing my % but the PPA is coming along23:47
u2sanjust wondering bec the status is RED vs the others23:47
Riddellit's been slower than I'd like but there are good reason for that23:48
u2sanwhen you say PPA is coming along does it means 4.8 is there?23:58

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