
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
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=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: Translation statistics may be incorrect (bug 903532), build delays due to missing builders | Help contact: allenap | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
jussiHello all.11:50
jussiWhen using a poll, how do people in the team know about it? I mail them and tell them, but do I need to then give them a url? or?11:51
apwdoes anyone know how often the 'tarball' importer runs for 'series' in launchpad, for example: https://launchpad.net/linux/trunk11:51
* apw has fixed the URL for it, and wondering when i might find out if i did it right11:51
StevenKapw: That's productreleasefinder, and I think it runs nightly.12:25
apwStevenK, thanks then i'll look again tommorrow :)12:26
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bullgard6'~$ ubuntu-bug banshee' reports: "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gobject/constants.py:24: Warning: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion `g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed;   import gobject._gobject; ERROR: hook /usr/share/apport/package-hooks//source_banshee.py crashed: Traceback..." What should I do?14:17
dobeybullgard6: on what version of ubuntu?14:32
bullgard6dobey: Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell
dobeybullgard6: did it pop up a dialog asking for a choice on what to report the issue on?14:36
bullgard6dobey: Yes. And I answered that I suppose that the banshee interface is the culprit.14:37
dobeybullgard6: that's why; the apport UI is runing under gobject-introspection, and that path imports static bindings for gconf/glib, which is causing a crash, it seems14:39
dobeybullgard6: so maybe you should file a bug against apport too :)14:39
bullgard6dobey:  I'll give it a try. --  Thank you for advising.14:40
dobeybullgard6: for banshee, choose the music store option, and comment on the bug that you couldn't choose the banshee option, because of the apport bug14:40
bullgard6I'll try.14:41
dobeybullgard6: and in future, apport questions are probably better asked in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel14:41
dobeysomeplace pitti might be ;)14:42
bullgard6Ah! I see.14:42
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jelmerhmm, is it just me or is launchpad unusually slow today?16:25
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
gmbjelmer: I haven't noticed any slowness myself, but I'd like to have that question enshrined in crystal and set upon the mantlepiece at Launchpad towers. No-one would _ever_ have used the phrase "unusually slow" about Launchpad two years ago.16:34
jelmergmb: :)16:36
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
hrwhmm I had an idea but more and more I think of it I see it useless or hard to make good use of it17:01
hrwI was thinking about page which would allow to choose which builds user wants to see. I have ppas, recipes and would like to see all builds in one place instead of opening few pages.17:06
hrwbut how to limit amount? or set which to track? if user is member of ubuntu-dev then amount would be scary17:07
bigjoolshrw: it would not be difficult to do a basic page, there's already a well-defined interface that objects have to implement if they want to show builds17:11
micahghrw: are you familiar with this? https://launchpad.net/~hrw/+related-software (lacks recipies AFAICT)17:17
hrwmicahg: yes, I am familiar with it17:18
hrwmicahg: but it lacks recipes17:18
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
psusibug #39846 shows the big red dash and says lp could not connect to the gnome bug tracker, but when you expand the task, it says it was updated 5 hours ago, and looking at the watch details, it completed successfully the last 3 polls, what gives?20:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 39846 in GParted "creates partitions in wrong order" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3984620:38
=== jcsackett_ is now known as jcsackett
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: Translation statistics may be incorrect (bug 903532), build delays due to missing builders | Help contact: - | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
allenappsusi: It could be that a more recent attempt to contact the bug tracker failed, though I think bug watches are normally only meant to be synced once per day. If Launchpad is trying to sync comments too then they'll be checked more often.21:22
psusiallenap: it says that was the most recent attempt, next one is scheduled for tomorrow21:24
allenappsusi: Oh yes :) I guess it failed to connect 6 hours ago, so it keeps the status from the most recent successful sync. The recent activity list may only shows when there's a change.21:26
psusiit says it succeeded 6 hours ago...21:27
psusiohh, nevermind... I guess not21:28
psusiusually when that happens the recent activity shows the red x with the failure report21:28
psusithen I guess the question is why does it keep failing to connect ( and not logging it )21:29
Ampelbeinpsusi: for the first part: bugzilla.gnome.org can be really really slow to respond so it may hit some kind of set timeout.21:31
psusilooks like it's been unable to connect for the last 10 months.. it loads right up for me in under a second21:33
psusilooks like an LP problem?21:35
Ampelbeinseems so21:38
dobeyor the xmlrpc on bugzilla is not working right21:39
dobeythough an oops would be nice to see for sure21:40
allenappsusi: Other bug watches on b.g.o have succeeded more recently.21:42
psusiallenap: so why does this one keep failing?21:45
allenappsusi: Ah, I should go to bed, I keep missing things. Right, so the bug watch has the correct synced status - UNCONFIRMED - but the bugtask is showing New. Which, believe it or not, is correct. I would have guessed it would map UNCONFIRMED to Incomplete, but the code says it gets mapped to New.21:50
Ampelbeinallenap: bugzilla UNCONFIRMED == launchpad's new21:52
EvilResistanceis there a reason i'm getting ppa.launchpad.net 404s in my aptitude update logs?21:52
Ampelbeinallenap: to add to the confusion: bugzilla NEW == launchpad's Confirmed21:52
allenapThe way the checkwatches/(external) bugtracker/bugwatch (often interchanged terms) works is arcane and not nearly transparent or obvious enough.21:52
allenapAmpelbein: Yes, that's right.21:52
allenapAmpelbein: Yes :)21:53
Ampelbeinallenap: So the mapping is correct, launchpad INCOMPLETE would be bugzilla NEEDSINFO21:53
psusiallenap: sure, but why does it keep failing when it tries to update?21:54
allenappsusi: Has it been showing the red dash in the expanded bugtask for a long time? As in, days or weeks?21:55
psusiallenap: I don't know how long that's been there, but the log for the bug task says it has not had a successful update in 10 months21:56
psusilog for the watch rather21:56
allenappsusi: Where does it say that?21:57
allenappsusi: Do you mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/39846/+watch/30985?21:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 39846 in GParted "creates partitions in wrong order" [Wishlist,New]21:57
psusiallenap: yes21:58
allenappsusi: That doesn't seem to show the last check. I think that shows the last time something changed.21:59
psusiallenap: does it only show when things change, or when the check was successful?  I thought it was supposed to show all checks, whether they were changed, or the check failed22:02
allenappsusi: I'm trying to figure it out. This code is not nice!22:04
cjohnstondo the build delays effect the diffs for MPs? its been 15 minutes since i pushed a branch and the diff hasnt updated.23:08
pooliecjohnston, no, it shouldn't23:24
poolieit shouldn't take that long either23:24
pooliecjohnston, ah, i think there are some bugs with the new feature of live updates to the diff though23:24
poolietry forcing reloading the page23:24
cjohnstonpoolie: still nothing23:27
pooliewhich one?23:29
cjohnstonpoolie: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-team-portal/locale-teams/+merge/86300?23:30
cjohnstonpoolie: no matter what i do, i can't get it to show the new diff23:33
pooliecjohnston, it looks ok to me, eg it has the UpdateLocaleTeamForm definition23:34
poolieyou don't see that?23:35
cjohnstonI just now got the updated diff.. I refreshed right before I posted and it still showed the yellow waiting bar23:35
pooliehm i'm not sure then23:37

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