
twblilstevie: does your load average always exceed 1?03:23
twbMind does, it seems weird03:23
twbThere's nothing in the process tree to account for it03:23
lilsteviemine does not03:26
lilsteviemine rarely exceeds 0.503:26
twbMin is usually 1.02 to 1.08, I suspect the 1 is that stupid resize2fs or something03:32
lilstevieyou know that program quits out as soon as it has finished its job right03:34
twbThen why do I get printks about kinteractiveup hanging?03:34
twb{ dmesg | grep -2 kinteractiveup; ps u 61; }| pastebinit ==> http://paste.debian.net/149581/03:36
lilstevieI get them too, but what makes you think that is resize2fs causing them03:41
lilsteviefwiw I even get them when running a stock asus android rom03:42
twblilstevie: uh, because kinteractiveup is the kernel side of resize2fs03:44
twbAt least that's what google indicated, I haven't RTFS03:45
twbIf you're getting them from android then I'll RTFS now since I am likely wrong03:45
lilstevieok, but that has been a problem since long before resize2fs invoked03:45
twbOK, then ignore me :-)03:46
twbI'd still like to know where the load is from, tho...03:46
lilsteviealso I googled kinteractiveup to see where you got this information from and nothing of the sort showed up03:48
twbI may have asked it leading questions like googling for "resize2fs AND kinteractiveup" :P03:49
twbI mean it's an interactive fs resize, it needs kernel help, it seemed reasonable to me... :-(03:49
lilstevieand the only results on google are you mentioning resize2fs and kinteractiveup in this room03:50
twbhttps://duckduckgo.com/lite?q=kinteractiveup%20resize2fs has a few03:51
* lilstevie starts searching the kernel source tree for kinteractiveup03:51
lilstevietwb: none of those really mention the two together, well except the first one and I would say that is unrelated :)03:52
twbMea culpa03:53
lilstevieand infact I probably can kill the kinteractiveup thing quite easily03:53
lilstevieit is the cpu govener03:53
lilsteviethe symbol "kinteractiveup" belongs to /drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_interactive.c03:53
lilsteviea simple grep of the kernel source gave that :)03:54
lilsteviebut see I have it marked as low priority so I never looked03:54
twbCan't find it in the 3.2 source, which is the only one I have handy03:54
lilstevienow I know what it is though, dead03:54
lilsteviewell that is funny, cause the source I am using is based from the 3.203:54
twbI accidentally helped03:54
twbI'm probably Doing It WrongTM03:54
twbI don't even have a drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_interactive.c ...03:55
twbDoes git blame say where it's from?03:55
twbI mean I just pulled thirty seconds ago03:55
lilsteviethat does not sound like an asus pull just fyi04:00
lilsteviebut it is an androidification patched into the tree04:01
twbStupid google04:01
twbWell, at least I'm not trying to run Debian/kFreeBSD on this thing04:11
asiekierkalilstevie - i'm using one of your ubuntu ARM images for the asus eee pad transformer... how do I get GLES up and running07:02
asiekierkaor is it already up and running and i'm just doing something wrong07:02
lilstevieasiekierka: you don't :)07:03
lilstevieit is not a supported configuration at this point in time07:03
lilsteviewell, you can; but you need to know how to compile u-boot07:03
asiekierkawell to be honest the current dualboot situation i use is linux normal, android recovery07:04
lilstevieyes well you won't have that07:04
asiekierkaanother bootloader? is that really needed, is there no kernel with the drivers or even just the drivers themselves?07:05
asiekierkadoes the bootloader unlock something or is there some magic going on i don't know about07:05
asiekierkaif that's too complex to explain then just say it's magic07:07
lilstevieno its quite simple really07:09
lilsteviethe kernel does not work properly on the asus bootloader07:09
asiekierkathat's new07:09
lilstevienono the 2.6.38 kernel07:10
asiekierkai mean, this information07:10
asiekierkathe fact the kernel doesn't work properly is new07:10
lilstevieoh :p I have said it a few times07:10
lilsteviethe muromec ported kernel is based off working with u-boot07:10
asiekierkai just found it07:10
lilstevieand it has a hell of a time working on the asus bootloader07:10
asiekierkai found an uboot binary by muromec07:10
asiekierkaas i'm scared of bricking my phone to death07:11
asiekierkaerr, tablet07:11
lilstevieclocking is all whacked, the emmc driver doesn't work around the asus custom layout07:11
asiekierkai'm scared of bricking my tablet forever, is it safe enough?07:11
lilsteviealso you cannot brick :)07:11
lilstevieAPX will always be there to save your ass07:11
lilsteviebut the muromec binary will not work for you :)07:11
asiekierkaoh. so i have to compile it myself.07:11
asiekierkaany instructions or do i have to use magic07:11
asiekierkaand figure it out myself07:11
lilstevieI customised the bootloader a little more to be a bit more normal07:12
lilsteviegrab it from my git07:12
asiekierkaas i have to go soon, when i grab the uboot, what's the next step07:12
lilsteviebut you flash u-boot you say goodbye to booting android07:12
lilstevieyou *can* boot 2.6.38 with a microsd07:12
Pratik_Hello All, I am not able to install flash player on my OMAP device running ubuntu 10.1007:12
lilsteviejust YMMV07:12
asiekierkalilstevie well i probably use ubuntu more than android by now so...07:13
asiekierkaalso do i need a different kernel07:13
asiekierkai used a hacked one from the topic with the hacked touchpad support07:13
asiekierkathat was a few months ago07:13
lilstevieoh wow, no need to use that one :p07:13
asiekierkabefore there was any kind of official touchpad support07:13
lilsteviethe newer kit includes that kind of stuff07:13
asiekierkaoh good07:13
asiekierkaso i grab everything from your git, correct?07:13
lilstevieand wifi working with network manager07:14
lilstevieI would say, wait a few days :)07:14
asiekierkawhy so?07:14
asiekierkaare you doing something special07:14
lilstevieenough people have been asking about u-boot so I am going to enable it in the next release07:14
asiekierkai will wait a few days07:14
asiekierkathanks, bye07:14
Pratik_I am not able to install flash player on my OMAP device running ubuntu 10.10, Could you help me?07:15
lilstevieflash is not supported on an arm target07:16
twbBecause adobe are foss-hostile douchebags07:17
twbYou don't need it anyway, just tell youtube to use HTML507:18
twbI guess gnu thingoflash might work on arm, inasmuch as it works anywhere...07:18
micahgPratik_: try gnash or lightspark07:19
twbYeah, gnash was what I was thinking of07:19
Pratik_ok will it as adobe flash player 10?07:20
* micahg plans on SRUing gnash when they make another stable release07:20
Pratik_thank you07:20
micahgPratik_: well, the non-armel one in natty does :-/, idk about the one in maverick07:21
Pratik_i will try this07:22
Pratik_actually I want to take camera input flash.07:24
twbWTF is "camera input flash" ?07:25
Pratik_web cam input to running flash in web browser07:26
Pratik_to stream it to rtmp server like red5 and wowza07:26
twbThat's horrible07:27
twbWhich web monkey thought it was a good idea to give the RPC sandbox access to raw hardware07:29
twb(Don't argue; flash is just as much an RPC as PostScript.)07:29
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dokolool, ogra_, janimo: do we know all the packages, where neon code is built explicitly?09:52
janimodoko, you mean where there's neon assembly code activated based on hwcaps at runtime?09:52
janimoI am not sure we have a list09:53
dokojanimo, either this or where a neon variant is built explicitly09:54
janimodoko, I hope we do not have any hardcoded neon builds, if we do it is a bug we overlooked09:55
janimomost cases should be optional runtime toggles and I know qt has that of the main packages we touched often09:55
janimoalso libav09:56
dokojanimo, looks like we need to identify all these to get them rebuilt after a toolchain fix09:56
janimodoko, is there a neon related bug?09:56
ogra_doko, i only remember pixman ... probably cairo too11:04
ogra_doko, we definitely *shouldnt* have any packages that are neon only11:05
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ogra_janimo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/+bug/90395111:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 903951 in linaro-android "The kernel on staging-panda does not boot with the 11.12 released toolchain " [Critical,Confirmed]11:58
janimoogra_, hmm, sounds like our ac100 issue?11:58
* janimo checks11:59
ogra_and we should see it on other boards soon too11:59
janimothat woudl rule out old kernel tree bugs, as panda has a much newer kernel11:59
ogra_gar, the nvidia driver just killed all font rendering11:59
* ogra_ restarts X11:59
janimoogra_, the new tegra l4t driver?12:00
lilstevieI hate it when that happens12:02
lilsteviejanimo: I would guess alpha :p it was very common for me12:02
janimoI hope the beta is better :)12:03
ogra_janimo, right, the one from precise12:03
* ogra_ is on vacation, so its ac100 time :)12:04
lilstevieheh ouch12:04
lilstevieso beta doesn't fix that issue then I take it12:04
ogra_its oneiric i test on12:04
ogra_we'll see how it behaves on precise12:05
lilstevieit happened quite frequently with L4T alpha and oneiric on the tf10112:05
lilsteviemaybe 2/3 times a day12:05
ogra_seems for oneiric the alternatives are wrong12:05
ogra_also console switching is still broken12:06
ogra_and suspend doesnt bring up the backlight on resume12:06
ogra_beyond that it works great#12:06
ogra_hdmi plugging is immediately recognized and gets me full 1080p12:06
lilsteviethats nice12:07
ogra_the overall load of the system as well as ram usage has dropped significantly12:07
lilsteviemy hdmi plug wouldn't recognise with alpha12:07
ogra_es2gears runs with about 2000frames12:08
ogra_i think the font issue was flash ... i was testing that alongside12:09
lilstevielol nice12:10
* ogra_ curses gnome-power-manager for not keeping the backlight setting12:11
ogra_wow, even the dash comes up at a usable speed now12:12
lilstevieheh nice12:12
ogra_around 3sec ... vs 15 or so12:12
lilsteviedash is a little slow on fbdev12:12
xranbyogra_: are you running with the 256kb default stack on this setup as well?12:13
ogra_i always blamed disk IO ... but that doesnt seem to be it12:13
xranbyfor pthreads?12:13
ogra_i seem to, yes12:13
marvin24lilstevie: hdmi problem is know and fixed if janimo pulls again ;-)12:14
lilsteviemarvin24: not ac10012:14
marvin24ah, sorry12:15
marvin24so tf101 has 2000 fps?12:15
lilstevieno, ogra is talking ac10012:15
lilsteviethe issues I am talking about are tf10112:15
* marvin24 confused again12:15
janimomarvin24, I will pull for next 3.0 upload, sure. Not sure ATM to work around the issue by forcing a build with 4.5 or wait till gcc is fixed - it appears to be raised by others too12:16
lilstevieogra said he was getting 2k fps on es2gears12:16
ogra_i said that in #ac100 before12:16
ogra_but since janimo isnt a resident there anymore i repeated it here :)12:16
marvin24janimo: you can build with the recommended option12:17
janimoyeah, I was unable to keep tabs on everything happening on that channel :)12:17
marvin24ogra_: you said 460 on #ac10012:18
* ogra_ wishes we would find a quirk for suspend/resume 12:18
marvin24and this is the value I also get12:18
janimomarvin24, right, more or less same amount of change as forcing 4.5. Just wondering it should do any toolchain workaround at all, or wait till it is fixed, it should not be more than a week or two since it appears serious12:18
ogra_marvin24, 2000 frames .... 400 something FPS12:18
lilstevieI'm only in #ac100 cause ogra recommended it for kernel stuff12:18
janimoogra_, suspend/resume broken only with the L4T driver right?12:18
janimoare there no issues it was released for 2.6.36 only?12:19
ogra_janimo, yep, backlight doesnt seem to come back12:19
* ogra_ treis console switching again without having a broken flash running12:19
* janimo contemplates building Libreoffice on the ac10012:21
janimopanda would likely be faster though12:21
ogra_well, that didnt go so well12:25
ogra_i can switch to the console and also switch consoles then ... but as soon as i switch back to X everything hangs hard12:25
* ogra_ will try precise later today ... that requires an armel resinatll though12:26
janimoxranby, hi, I suppose the mmap() bug you reported is still present on the ac100. Can you check if it is ok with the 3.0 kernel you tried?12:27
janimoI applied the supposed fix to the 2.6.38 branch for oneiric but I still got an error with the app built from your original .c file attached to the bug report12:27
ogra_janimo, oh, btw did you check what mmap_min_addr is defaulting to in the ac100 build ?12:27
janimocontext for others https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/86129612:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 861296 in linux-ac100 "mmap fails to allocate 2030Mb heap on ARM" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:27
ogra_seems it was wrong in all our arm kernels12:27
xranbyjanimo: i will check in a minute12:28
janimoogra_, I did not as it was mentioned in that bug ac100 is fine :)12:28
ogra_(should be 32k but it was 64... only procps saved us from hard locking)12:28
janimobut I could double check I guess12:28
janimoogra_, it is 32K in precise now12:28
ogra_ogra@horus:~$ grep MMAP_MIN /boot/config-2.6.38-1001-ac10012:29
ogra_yep, looks fine12:29
ogra_thats oneiric :)12:29
ogra_so it was always right12:29
janimoso same in both cases as the configs are the same ,more or less12:29
ogra_yay for community kernels *g*12:29
janimoyay for sheer luck :)12:29
ogra_well, i created the vers first config after a lucid panda kernel12:30
ogra_i guess that value was always just carried over12:30
janimoso panda was not affected either?12:30
lilstevieac100 has an awesome community :p12:30
ogra_it was12:30
ogra_but the breakage occured in natty for panda iirc12:30
ogra_lilstevie, definitely12:30
xranbyjanimo: i have to activate some swap in order to run that test on my ac10012:30
ogra_i wish we had more such communities for other devices12:30
janimoxranby, so it only triggers with swap?12:31
janimocan it be reproduces w/o swap but other alloc size?12:31
* ogra_ is really impressed how the nvidia driver seems to have sped up the world on this device12:31
lilstevieogra_: heh I wish the tf101 had as awesome of a community12:31
janimoxranby, anyway you know better. The 3.0 kernel has the two changes applied that are supposed to fix it so I hope all is well12:31
xranbyjanimo: no but you cant pass the test without 4Gb of memory12:31
xranbyso you need to add swap since the ram on the ac100 are too limited12:32
lilstevieas it stands the tf101 community is, well me Lo12:32
janimolilstevie, if it only was as easy to boot and rewrite as the ac100 :) I hear it is locked down in newer models12:32
lilsteviejanimo: that is correct12:32
janimoxranby, ah, had no idea. Will add more swap when testing my oneiric backport then12:32
lilsteviewell not so much newer model12:33
lilsteviethe only difference is the production run12:33
xranbyjanimo: the test passed on the 3.0 ac100 kernel running armhf using 3gb of swap12:33
janimoxranby, thanks, great12:37
janimoI'll more confidently test for the SRU kernel then :)12:37
* ogra_ wonders why he has a "zaurus" module loaded12:39
ogra_hmm, and shouldnt i see some tegrafb stuff in dmesg ?12:46
ogra_i suspect thats the bit breaking console switching12:46
ogra_hmm, tegrafb is set on my kernel12:50
ogra_hmm, the kernel thats shipped in L4T has the backlight lcd driver enabled13:00
ogra_i wonder if it relies on this for resume13:00
ogra_hmm, we have LCD compiled in ... while they have it as module13:05
* ogra_ finds it really intresting that hsi system stays below 300MB using the binary driver ... with the same set of apps open i usually got it using all RAm and at least 100-200M swap13:19
ogra_oh, i so wish we had an armhf version :(13:20
ogra_it would fly !13:22
lilsteviehf really does fly comparitivly13:23
ogra_and el flies with the binary driver13:23
lilstevieI wish I had a stable kernel13:24
lilsteviefor accel13:24
* ogra_ has a hanging totem that even doesnt let the ps output finish13:29
ogra_killing doesnt help either13:29
* ogra_ reboots13:29
ogra_hmm, or not ...13:30
ogra_even reboot hangs13:30
ogra_time for a hard reset13:30
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looldoko: I don't have a list, however I tried to have such NEON flavors only be built when the toolchain does *not* default to NEON, I did that in a couple of packages, a bit like the vfp pass on Debian armel and not Ubuntu armel by checking whether vfp is turned on or not15:56
loolI think that's what we should generally do, so that if someone rebuilds Debian/Ubuntu sources with different toolchain defaults, he gets the best thing15:56
dokolool, right, but do you still know which packages you did touch?16:19
dokoGrueMaster, kernel test ping16:19
GrueMasterI'm here (but not necessarily awake).16:20
GrueMasterWhat would you like tested?16:20
dokoGrueMaster, the linux-ti-omap, just copied into oneiric-proposed16:21
GrueMasterIs there a specific test you need or just run my normal SRU test suite?16:22
dokojust your tests, and maybe the test case in bug 861296, although I already did that16:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 861296 in linux-ac100 "mmap fails to allocate 2030Mb heap on ARM" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86129616:24
GrueMasterOne of my tests actually hits that, so I'll see pass/fail fairly easily (test takes ~1.5 hours to run though).16:27
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GrueMasterStarting job now.  Will post results in a few hours (have to reimage as part of the test, and other tests take time).16:29
janimoGrueMaster, is omap4 armhf image in good shape? I need to set it up to build Libreoffice on the panda16:30
GrueMasterI reimaged on Saturday and it seemed ok (netinstall).  Haven't checked the daily pre-installed.  I can fire one up here very quickly if you want.16:31
kintaHello,  what tablet do you think is working better with ubuntu? (i am planning to get new one)16:37
dokojanimo, armhf chroot should be enough16:41
janimodoko, right but I need to test armhf more seriously so may do the full switch16:42
janimoGrueMaster, no, thanks, just wanted to make sure there's no outstanding issue so I don't find out about it at the end of the ubiquity run :)16:43
GrueMasterWell, I haven't looked at desktop in over a week (SRU automation).16:43
GrueMasterNor server.16:44
ogra_youwill still have to manually run oem-config-remove after first login16:44
ogra_there is still a dbus bug that prevents it from running16:44
GrueMasterogra_: That's desktop only, right?16:44
* ogra_ will look into that right after vacation16:44
GrueMasterI don't remember server being an issue.16:44
ogra_i think thats server preinstalled too16:44
ogra_but not sure16:45
ogra_adam tested that one iirc16:45
ogra_i only did a few different desktop tests here16:45
ogra_and during vacation i will only do ac10016:45
GrueMasterWell, the only image I can't test at this time is mx5.  I am almost finished with SRU automation (it runs a full install and test suite from jenkins now).16:46
GrueMasterMy next automation setup is server images.16:47
GrueMasterCore is already mostly automated, just need to integrate it into a daily job.  Might also expand it to run in LXC.16:48
Francis_Alberthow are you ?17:32
RoyKhi all. trying to install ubuntu 11.10 on a pandaboard fails - installer restarts somewhere 75% into the installation - anyone taht knows a fix for this?17:45
GrueMasterRoyK: Yes, once the installer restarts, switch to a console (<ctrl><alt><F1>), login, and type "sudo oem-config-remove && sudo reboot".17:48
GrueMasterThere is a dbus race condition that we are working to resolve.17:48
GrueMasterWon't fix in Oneiric (would require image respin), but we want it fixed in Precise.17:49
dokoGrueMaster, could you ping me (and lamont) on test results? trying to convince to install the kernel from -proposed once it's tested17:49
RoyKGrueMaster: thanks17:50
GrueMasterDoko It is in testing now (since 1.5 hours ago).  Should have results in ~1 hour (The current test takes 2.5 hours according to my success history from when I tested the mmap patch).17:51
infinityogra_: The oem-config-remove thing (A) only happens with the GTK frontend, and (B) only happens sporadically (hasn't happened to me yet this cycle).18:30
GrueMasterdoko:  Kernel SRU tests passed.18:49
parinwhen try to install omap4 extras is syas available from "ti-ompa4-ppa" source, i hit use this source it says not found19:12
parinit says there is not a software package called "ubuntu-omap4-extras" in your current software source19:12
parini aslo tried installing from command line same result19:12
GrueMasterparin: Which release are you trying to use?19:15
parinI am using Ubuntu 11.1019:19
GrueMasterHmmm.  Did you to an apt-get update?19:20
parini dont exactly remember i did that19:21
parinbut i can try it now19:21
parinok now i di update and getting package dependencies error19:25
=== Crisco is now known as Crismas
RoyKwhere can I find the ubuntu-omap4-extras* packages?19:28
GrueMasterCan you type "apt-cache madison ubuntu-omap4-extras"?19:33
GrueMasterHave you tried the ti link on the unity launcher?  It should setup the ppa and install the packages for you.19:33
RoyKseems there was an apt-get update missing after the repo was added19:39
parini added ppa:tiomap-dev/release, applied apt-get update still not able to install19:54
parinif i do sudo apt-get install libegl1-sgx-omap4 libgles1-sgx-omap4 libgles2-sgx-omap419:57
parinit asks me to delete some libegli-mesa packages19:57
parinis that ok?19:57
parinnow after installing omap4-extras i restared the pandabaord and i am gettinng errors20:28
parinti_st_open st_register  failed -2220:28
parinand only command line access20:28

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