
Guest90916hi there10:34
Guest90916anyone know how to restore .bashrc file on ubuntu?10:34
gorillaGuest90916: Try copying the one from /etc/skel10:40
Guest90916gorilla : yeah I have10:40
Guest90916but when I put the command like10:41
Guest90916euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 default10:41
Guest90916it gave me an error like this10:41
Guest90916EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable must be set.10:41
Guest90916Connection failed10:41
gorillaGuest90916: you are going to need to add that variable :-)10:50
Guest90916gorilla : o I have found the solution. Thanks :)10:50
gorillakk. sorry I was in the middle of fixing dinner.10:51
head_victimsagaci: you were chasing me last night?12:20
gorillahead_victim: the word you are looking for is stalking. :-)12:21
head_victimgorilla: hey I'll take any attention I can get ;)12:21
gorillafair enough. Better than chasing other people.12:22
DarrenShead_victim: ping23:32
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci

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