
MrChrisDruifLater peepz00:16
mhall119AlanBell: is there a bug for that?01:36
mhall119It should be possible, if Unity can't find an existing .desktop file, for it to generate one based on the executable01:37
mhall119which is probably why "Keep in Launcher" isn't working, lack of .desktop file01:37
dholbachgood morning07:52
nigelbMorning dholbach07:53
dholbachhi nigelb07:54
nigelbdholbach: Good Weekend? :)07:54
dholbachnot too bad - I went out partying on Friday night and drove ~700km to my parents' place yesterday07:55
dholbachhow was yours?07:55
nigelbNot too great.07:55
nigelbMy grandmother passed away and the funeral was this weekend.07:56
dholbachugh :/07:56
nigelbI'm spending some time working out of the family home this week.07:56
dholbachI'm sorry to hear that07:56
dholbachwas it very unexpected?07:57
nigelbNo, it wasn't.07:57
* dholbach hugs nigelb07:57
* nigelb hugs dholbach too07:57
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
mainerrorOh, I'm sorry to hear that.08:11
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
=== pangolin is now known as Guest38282
akgranerashams, even I blow off steam by doing mind numbing things :-)13:04
akgranerjeez :-)13:05
ashamsakgraner, hehe, I can barely find a game you did play before :P13:05
akgranerI tried them all almost - what's the big deal?13:06
=== snap-l_ is now known as snap-l
jonodpm, all set?16:30
dpmjono, yep16:30
jonodpm, invite sent16:31
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
dpmjono, I think I lost you again16:42
mhall119dpm: you lost him?16:43
mhall119great, now what are we supposed to do16:43
dpmmhall119, party?16:43
jonodpm, hey16:47
jonoI rebooted to see if it fixes it16:47
jonoloading FF to invite you now16:47
jonoinvite sent16:47
dpmok, joining in!16:48
* mhall119 puts the bottle away16:48
* dpm hugs mhall11916:49
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
jcastrojono: btw precises up to date works with G+ now17:18
jcastroif you want to give that a shot17:18
jonojcastro, my cam works, I just need to figure out how to choose the right cam17:20
jonoI keep seeing my internal laptop one and not my usb one17:20
dpmhi all, just checking out if the free software apps queue in myapps is public. Could someone try to click on this link and tell me if you see a queue of applications?17:21
jcastroI see it!17:21
jcastrowoo, that's a nice list!17:21
dpmcool, thanks jcastro17:23
dpmjcastro, do you see a link to that list when you go to https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/17:23
dpm(you might have to log in)17:23
jonodholbach, all set?17:30
dholbachjono, yep17:30
jonodholbach, invite sent17:31
jcastrodpm: I see it, and correct, I need to be logged in17:42
dpmjcastro, cool, thanks17:46
* popey hugs dpm 17:54
jcastrojono: 10 minutes!18:50
jcastrojono: I can go whenevs though18:50
jonojcastro, let's go now18:53
jcastrojono: you dropped out audiowise19:31
dpmjono, separation for arb/commercial apps metrics landed: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps_dashboard/20:18
jcastropleia2: howdy, scheduling User Days is done right? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-irc-workshops20:34
jcastrowant me to DONE it?20:34
pleia2jcastro: on it20:36
* jcastro DONEs a few things today20:37
jcastrohigh five20:37
dpmeveryone, I'm not sure I'll be much online these holidays, which I'm starting tomorrow. If I don't see/speak to you before I come back, have a fantastic time, whether you're celebrating Christmas or not20:38
dpmsee you!20:38
jcastroI will see you on the flipside20:39
jcastroget some rest!20:39
dpmoh, I'll definitely will :)20:40
* dpm hugs jcastro20:40
* dpm hugs #ubuntu-community-team20:40

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