
RAOFUrgh.  Steaming is not kind to slightly-less-than-fresh milk.01:21
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RAOFHuh.  Thunder.04:29
RAOFCrazy weather!  Who moved Sydney's rain down to Hobart?05:06
jasoncwarner_RAOF: I had so much rain over hte weekend...yesterday I was cleaning the mini-flood from our basement.05:22
jasoncwarner_RAOF: stupid weather05:22
pittiGood morning07:32
pittiRAOF: ah, installing linux-image-3.2.0-6-generic now, let's see whether that cures the hangs07:59
RAOFpitti: Oh, we've got a new kernel, based on rc6?  Sweet.  I can have both a non-crashy system *and* have sbuild work!08:00
pittiRAOF: yes, it's -rc608:00
pittiRAOF: I grabbed it from NEW08:00
pittiRAOF: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/3.2.0-6.12/+build/302123208:01
pittistill need to wait for the doorstopper arches to finish building, then NEWing, l-meta, etc. until everyone gets it08:01
GunnarHjpitti: Good morning, Martin!08:20
pittihello GunnarHj, how are you?08:20
GunnarHjpitti: Fine, thanks. Hope you are as well.08:20
GunnarHjpitti: Can you please take a look at bug 905429? It's a regression from the pygobject upgrade last Friday.08:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 905429 in python2.7 "gnome-language-selector crashed with ValueError in _build_localename(): too many values to unpack" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90542908:21
pittiI am08:21
pittiGunnarHj: yes, already on my list for today08:21
pittiit's my last official day, need to clean up my list :)08:21
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, great.08:21
GunnarHjpitti: Does it include the a-s and l-s MPs? :)08:22
pittiless urgent than above crash, but in general, everything which is sitting in my ubuntu mailbox :008:22
pittiat least it seems this morning we didn't get any major iso build breakage or other nasty bug08:22
pittiso no firefighting to do this morning08:22
GunnarHjpitti: Sounds promising. :)08:22
pittilast week was full of that08:23
mainerrorSo that is what you do to make my early Precise journey that pleasant?08:24
pittibasically, watch like a hawk for problems, and fix them :)08:25
pittiand since we have a dedicated team for this, this actually works08:25
pittisupported by daily automatic testing in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/08:26
pitti(bad example today, the server tests are broken, but the server ISOs themselves should be good)08:26
pittiand a general mindset of developers to not break stuff so hard08:26
mainerrorYea I was listening to the stream for that session.08:27
RAOFpitti: Do you know what I need to do to turn a PPA into something that we can copy into the archive?08:28
pittiRAOF: hm, kindly ask the launchpad guys to give you one of these "blessed" nonvirtualized PPAs?08:28
RAOFOk.  I think we may have done that.08:28
mainerrorI should totally get cracking with learning how to package. Sounds like something that should be fun.08:29
pittimainerror: you'll find a lot of agreement in this channel :)08:30
RAOFI'll finish the rest of the world-building, then scream at someone that the world *still* breaks when the gesture extension is not available, then prepare to copy to the archive :)08:30
pittiGunnarHj: did you already happen to send a bug to python upstream? if not, I can do it now08:44
pittiit's not a problem in python3, but ought to be fixed in python2.7 indeed08:45
pittiGunnarHj: nevermind, known already -- http://bugs.python.org/issue306708:48
pittiso it seems setlocale is not meant to work with unicode in py2.708:48
pittihey rodrigo_, how are you?09:00
rodrigo_hi pitti, I'm fine and you?09:02
pittirodrigo_: quite fine, thanks! trying to mop up everything outstanding on my last official day today :)09:02
pittirodrigo_: how are you? looking forward to the holidays?09:03
rodrigo_pitti: last official day?09:03
rodrigo_ah, before vacation?09:03
pittirodrigo_: yes09:03
rodrigo_ah ok09:03
pitti"official" since I figure I'll need to do a few things here and there until Wednesday, but then I'll disappear09:04
rodrigo_going anywhere, or just staying at home relaxing? :D09:04
pittirodrigo_: no, we'll go to Dresden again to spend the holidays with our families and friends09:06
pittiall of my friends will also come to Dresden (many are living in different cities or even countries these days), so looking forward to that09:07
GunnarHjpitti: Saw your comments on the python issue. Only fixing it in l-s  means that locale.setlocale() keeps being broken in Ubuntu, doesn't it?09:15
pittiGunnarHj: right; but it's always been like that09:17
GunnarHjpitti: Yes, but the news is that type 'str' strings now are converted to type 'unicode'.09:18
GunnarHjIn gi/overrides/Gtk.py09:20
pittiso that would happen if you stuff e. g. the contents of an input field right into setlocale() without conversion09:21
pittiindeed it would be better to fix setlocale(), but seems upstream already rejected that09:21
pittiand at some point we'll use python3 anyway09:21
pittiso I guess the committed workaround will do for now09:22
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, you are the one with a helicopter perspective on it. :)09:22
pittiwell, it's more like the pragmatic perspective :)09:23
pittiGunnarHj: I have an outstanding MP for l-s which I want to take a look at, then I'll upload09:23
pittirodrigo_: do you know if g-settings-daemon starts syndaemon?09:45
pittirodrigo_: I'm trying to understand bug 868400, apparently we sometimes get two syndaemons running09:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 868400 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Synaptics touchpad stops working" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86840009:46
rodrigo_pitti: yes, it does09:47
pittirodrigo_: hm, could that happen if g-s-d spawns syndaemon, then crashes, then restarts, and starts another syndaemon?09:48
rodrigo_that might be the cause indeed09:48
pittisyndaemon_spawned is only valid while g-s-d is running09:48
pittiSo there is the conflict: two syndaemon instances, one from lightdm and one from logged in user.09:49
pittior that09:49
rodrigo_hmm, lightdm runs it?09:49
pittibut comment 69 has two syndaemons from the user09:49
rodrigo_then it might be the g-s-d-crashing-and-restarting thing09:50
pittiand comment 81 is the one with one from lightdm and one from user09:50
pittirodrigo_: if g-s-d respawns, could it even use the old syndaemon?09:52
pittior does it need to know its pid and some fd to it?09:52
rodrigo_it needs to know the pid09:54
rodrigo_let me double check09:54
rodrigo_yes, it keeps track of the pid09:55
pittirodrigo_: but only for internal housekeeping09:55
pittirodrigo_: not for actually communicating with it09:55
pittirodrigo_: once syndaemon is started, does it work completely on its own or does it need to be controlled from outside/g-s-d?09:56
rodrigo_it works on its own09:56
pittiin the former case, it could just call pidof instead of manager->priv->syndaemon_spawned09:56
rodrigo_hmm, just saw it doesn't kill the pid on exit, although not sure it should09:56
rodrigo_yes, it could do that, yes09:56
pittithen if pidof returns true, it coudl just grab that pid09:57
pittiso that it can kill it if the user disables the function09:57
rodrigo_right, that should be the best way09:57
rodrigo_syndaemon needs to not run if the feature is disabled09:57
pittirodrigo_: I updated the bug accordingly; I gave the lightdm task to robert (I think we should just disable syndaemon completely there via gsettings)09:58
pittirodrigo_: I guess you won't have time any more to work on this, though?09:58
rodrigo_pitti: I'm almost done with the install languages, so once I'm done, if there's time I can work on it09:59
rodrigo_assign the bug to me for now, if you want09:59
rodrigo_if no time, I'll assign it back09:59
pittirodrigo_: ok, will do; thanks!09:59
rodrigo_although this is an upstream thing, so I can fix it next week also10:00
pittirodrigo_: oh, nice! g-c-c language selector is working now?10:00
rodrigo_a few details missing still though10:00
rodrigo_but almost there :)10:00
pittirodrigo_: I guess we are still missing the aptdaemon part for returning the set of packages to install?10:01
pittiwhat-provides('locale', 'es') or something10:01
rodrigo_I have a branch with that10:01
rodrigo_so all should be done tomorrow, or Wed I hope10:02
pittioh, already? I had expected to work on this in January, after my stable+1 team shift10:02
pittirodrigo_: are you using l-s' pkg_depends file for this?10:02
pittior just call check-language-support?10:03
rodrigo_yes, needed a backend to test, so aptdaemon was the best fit for now10:03
rodrigo_just calls check-lang-support10:03
rodrigo_the missing thing would be to move the script to aptdaemon, right?10:03
pittirodrigo_: ah, good; so I can just change that to use the pkg_depends file in January without disrupting anything else10:03
pittiyay for having encapsulation behidn a d-bus api10:03
pittirodrigo_: I'll throw the script away (or just change it to call the d-bus api)10:04
pittirodrigo_: in aptdaemon it's much cheaper to figure this out by re-using an existing apt.Cache() instance10:04
SweetsharkBonjours toujours!11:08
pittiSweetshark: argh, noo! the French mafia brainwashed you already?11:08
Sweetsharkpitti: I am just infiltrating them!11:09
Sweetsharkpitti: dont blow my cover.11:09
* Sweetshark has LibreOffice (Libre in the name was also an success of the french mafia) 3.5 beta0 completing ./debian/rules build.11:10
Sweetshark(on precise)11:10
Sweetsharkbut there is still MIR galore ahead (I just switched to --with-system-foo for the stuff we are missing for now)11:11
pittiah, good; that should hopefully greatly reduce the MIRs?11:12
Sweetsharkpitti: well, I can do a lot more --without-system-foo stuff, that would make my life a lot easier (however the LO package bigger and if there is a security update in the external libs that would suck) ...11:16
pittiSweetshark: well, the size will increase either way, as these new external libraries would need to get added to the CD, too11:17
pittibut external libs are still better for security updates, of course11:18
Sweetsharkpitti: however, it seems some stuff that _rene_ is using isnt even published at debian (libcmis, libtextextcat-dev), so IMHO I would just go with --without-system-foo for those for now.11:18
pittiSweetshark: we still have -4MB space left on the CDs, so that's how much they can grow :)11:18
pitti(i. e. we are already oversized)11:18
Sweetsharkpitti: and I dont think a lot of other apps reusing these libs as of now. If they would we would have them duplicated (once in LO, once system-wide), which really would waste a lot of space.11:20
Sweetshark(possibly also CD-space)11:20
pittiSweetshark: right, for stuff that isn't prone to security vulns, the bundled stuff will do fine for now11:21
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* rodrigo_ lunch12:57
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Laneystgraber just created desktop-extra14:39
Laneyhave at it :-)14:39
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mterrycyphermox, I'm looking at the 'iw' MIR16:08
mterrycyphermox, there are some seemingly important bugs in LP.  Is the package working?16:08
cyphermoxit was :)16:10
cyphermoxlet me check those bugs again, IIRC it's all stuff that needs to be closed or something16:10
cyphermoxas far as I'm concerned, it works, I can see scan results, etc.16:11
rodrigo_out for a bit, bbl16:48
jbichaLaney: thanks16:52
Laneywe can't 'drop' stuff from desktop like that since it's autogenerated16:52
Laneythe seeds need to be fixed16:52
Laneyafaik anyway16:53
Laneymaybe pitti knows more16:53
pittiLaney: what is "like that"?16:54
* pitti is missing jbicha's questino apparently16:54
jbichaI think gnome-panel and gnome-applets should be moved from desktop to desktop-extra16:54
pittithat should be fine, they are in universe now16:55
pittiedubuntu-desktop-gnome still pulls them in16:55
pittiI'll verify with cjwatson in #devel16:56
Laneymaybe refreshing the packagesets is a manual process?16:56
jbichasince we're going with GTK 3.4, is there a reason why I shouldn't upload gedit 3.3 to precise?16:59
pittijbicha: as we want to stay on 3.2, I'd turn that question around17:02
pittijbicha: i. e. "does or will it depend on anything else in 3.4 and does it improve things noticeably"?17:02
jbichapitti: do we want to stay on 3.2? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.017:04
jbichagedit doesn't yet depend on 3.3, but it's hard to predict what'll happen17:05
pittijbicha: so far it's: glib/gtk 3.4, gnome 3.2, consider g-control-center as we have some active work going on on that17:05
pitti(or backport the new region panel)17:05
jbichathe whole 3.2/3.4 thing is still confusing, the pad only lists a few things to keep on 3.217:08
pittineed to run, see you tomorrow!17:12
pitti(I'm officially on vacation from tomorrow on, but need to wrap up a few things)17:12
jbichaI wonder if gnome-games will still be ok since they've been doing a lot of work on it (porting games to vala for instance)17:12
pittijbicha: yes, we can update individual parts if they don't introduce regressions and dependencies to other 3.4 parts17:13
jbichawell I think gedit will be fine but we'll talk more later17:13
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