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micahgpitti: so, I finally got Firefox uploaded, it's building on i386 now, should be done in ~2 hrs, I think the other archs should be ready to copy to -proposed in ~7-9 hours, I'll be back in ~7hrs07:13
pittiGood morning07:31
pittimicahg: ah, nice; the langpacks are ready for upload as well07:31
pittimicahg: so I'll upload them when we copy firefox to -proposed from the PPA07:31
micahgpitti: ok, I'll check on it when I wake up (early morning for DMB Meeting :))07:32
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dholbachgood morning07:52
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pittijibel: the server ISOs built and have no uninstallability; https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-server-amd64_default/lastFailedBuild/console looks like a problem in the test system itself?08:11
pittijibel: or is there something wrong with the cdimage publishing/checksums generation?08:12
pittioh, holiday08:13
pittiScottK, Riddell: kalgebra doesn't build kalgebra-dev any more; the changelog makes this look like an accident/merge error instead of deliberate? (it's needed by cantor)08:18
pittiin http://launchpadlibrarian.net/87670525/kalgebra_4%3A4.7.3-0ubuntu1_4%3A4.7.90-0ubuntu2.diff.gz08:19
pittiit also dropped libanalitza4 and -dev08:19
pittigema: good morning, how are you?09:36
gemapitti: hello, I am good, you?09:37
pittigema: I'm great, thanks!09:37
pittigema: jibel and jamespage are on vacation now, and it seems that the server ISO tests are broken (looks like a bug in the test setup)09:37
pittigema: do you know if anyone jenkins-literate is still available in your team?09:38
pittiI can't make any sense of this, I'm afraid :(09:38
pittiinternal error process exited while connecting to monitor: chardev: opening backend "file" failed09:38
gemapitti: patrick will be working later today, but we've created a wiki that should help us figure out what is wrong09:38
gemapitti: let me pull it out09:38
gemapitti: I am going to have a look using this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/UnderstandingJenkinsResults09:39
pittigema: right, but it doesn't have any existing "infrastructure failure conditions"09:39
gemapitti: then why is it failing?09:40
pittigema: I don't know :) the ISO is present and working09:40
pittiI pasted the error message above09:40
gemapitti: give me 5 mins to  have a look , I have been trying to learn about it, now seems like a good time to test what I learnt09:40
pittiit's not something from the server ISO itself, it doesn't even start booting it apparently09:40
pittigema: ah, heh09:40
pittigema: well, on the bright side, Rick is now _also_ on holiday, so he will hopefully not look at jenkins today and get another heart attack :)09:41
gemapitti: larry and pete were in Lex last week adding machines to the lab, maybe something was left in the wrong state09:41
gemapitti: haha09:41
gemapitti: everything's red, not just server09:42
pittigema: I think this problem has just one clean solution: let's just go to holidays as well :)09:42
gemapitti: sounds good to me, actually, if I had any days left :P09:42
pittigema: ah, indeed, just refreshed; I suppose an hour ago the desktops etc. didn't start testing yet09:42
* pitti has his last official day today09:42
pittimission: inbox zero09:43
gemapitti: select all -> mark as read, works wonderfully09:43
hrwsmoser: can grub-legacy-ec2 provide grub? This way Xen/cloud instances will not get grub-pc installed (as it is recommended by kernel: grub-pc|grub|lilo).09:47
gemapitti: the virsh start command seems to have failed, so something is wrong with the VMs (I think)09:47
Chipzzpitti: last day of the year, or moving on to greener pastures?10:02
pittiChipzz: just EOY vacation10:02
pittiChipzz: will be back on Jan 310:02
Chipzzpitti: ah k :)10:02
Chipzzhave a nice and relaxing vacation then :)10:03
pittiChipzz: thanks! I guess you'll have some as well?10:03
Chipzzpitti: I started mine over a week ago :)10:03
Chipzzpitti: had a lot of unspent vacation which I all took in December10:04
ChipzzI use public transportation to go to work, and since December usually is way too cold for my taste, that happens to work pretty well :)10:04
gemapitti, Chipzz: spotify with Christmas carols will have to do for me until Wed evening... :(10:28
gemapitti: did you do anything to jenkins?11:00
pittigema: FTR, I only see the R/O frontend, I can't actually "do" anything to it11:04
gemapitti: ok, I thought you had access :)11:04
pittimeh, seems everytime we do an auto-sync from Debian we import gazillions of NBS11:11
* pitti catching up11:11
dholbachdid anybody else run into bug 906248?11:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 906248 in python3.2 (Ubuntu) "package python3.2-minimal 3.2.2-2 failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/bin/python3« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket python3-minimal 3.2.2-0ubuntu2 ist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90624811:12
pittidoko: ^ missing B/R:?11:12
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pittialthough I guess /usr/bin/python3 is supposed to be in -minimal, not in python3.211:13
cjwatsonshould be, yes11:14
dokopitti, my bad, should be in the udeb. will fix11:14
pittidoko: thanks11:14
pittiso, what the heck is the libverto build complaining about (depwait on libev-dev); we have that since lucid11:16
pittioh, nevermind; someone NEWed it to main, putting back to universe11:17
apwdholbach, /me just hit it too11:29
* apw wonders if a fixed version will fix this this up or if manual intervention is required11:29
dokopitti, needs manual intervention :-/11:29
pittidoko: why? the next upload will just drop the file and should install again?11:30
dokopitti: because b-d's are not installable. let me try something11:30
pittidoko: oh, does it b-dep on itself?11:31
dokopitti, lsb_release depends on python311:32
pittioh; so we could temporarily switch that back to py2, build py3 with that, and switch to py3 again?11:33
cjwatsonhm, ubiquity seems to fail on today's ISO image; did jenkins not catch that?11:33
pitti(yay for 30 minute publisher cycles)11:33
dokono, avoiding lsb-release in the python3 build11:33
pitticjwatson: no, all the autotests ran fine11:34
pitticjwatson: perhaps because it's using pre-seeding and avoids some UI? does the UI crash or the logic?11:34
cjwatsonsomewhere in between; it's possible that a preseeded install would avoid this though, yes11:35
cjwatsonanyway, looking into it now11:35
apwcjwatson, do we have somewhere to file bugs against the QA jenkins tests?  seems we should "failed to catch this regression"11:35
pittiI think gema mentioned that she wanted to file a bug against the jenkins tests11:36
pittigema: ^ is there a specific LP project for this?11:36
cjwatsonit's something non-Unicode somewhere in the language list11:36
pitticjwatson: oh, sounds like bug 90542911:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 905429 in language-selector (Ubuntu Precise) "gnome-language-selector crashed with ValueError in _build_localename(): too many values to unpack" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90542911:37
pitticjwatson: something in pygobject changed to return unicode, but setlocale() doesn't like that11:37
cjwatsoncould be yes11:37
cjwatsonnot convinced though11:38
pittiI worked around it in language-selector by .encode('UTF-8') in the setlocale() call11:38
cjwatsonit's nowhere near a setlocale call11:38
dokopitti: ok, building11:38
dokoLaney, some more haskell packages will build once the kernel with bug 861296 fixed is on the buildds. checked with haskell-src-exts11:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861296 in linux-ac100 (Ubuntu Precise) "mmap fails to allocate 2030Mb heap on ARM" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86129611:46
Laneyoh awesome11:46
* Laney subscribes11:46
cjwatsonpitti: I think I just need a "make sure this is unicode if it isn't already" helper everywhere11:46
cjwatsonrather than assuming it's str and using .decode11:47
Laneyah, no task which would tell me that11:47
gemapitti: we have a project ongoing with the community to add test cases from bugs into our regression suit11:47
cjwatsonwouldn't surprise me if this showed up elsewhere mind you11:47
gemapitti: depending on the problem, it wouldn't be ISO testing but more generic type of testing11:47
gemapitti: but language selector sounds like daily iso , agreed11:47
gemapitti: I believe that the project would be https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-server-iso-testing11:48
pittigema: no, I meant for "it didn't catch the ubiquity failure"11:48
pitticjwatson: calling encode() on a str should be a no-op, though11:49
gemapitti, add the bug against that project, tag it with qa-test-code and we will look into it11:49
pitticjwatson: ah, no, it's not; sorry11:49
Riddellpitti: it as an accident to upload it yet but analitza has been split out and I'll fix it later today12:21
pittiRiddell: ah, thanks12:22
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pittiapw: btw, is linux-meta in git anywhere? IOW, if there's an ABI bump, could someone like me just upload the corresponding -meta after binNEWing the kernel, or should we always bug you guys?12:55
pittiapw: (waiting for the armel build still)12:55
apwpitti, its in our git repos, i've already reved it for the -6, its not all built yet though is it12:56
pittiapw: ah, ok; so "bug you guys" it is :)12:56
pittiapw: no, armel will need another 3 hours12:56
apwpitti, its one we can cope with at least if its done by you just about, we've had one or two done by AAs in the past12:57
apwpitti, we are usually waiting on tenta-hooks for it to complete12:57
mr_pouitpitti: mmh, micahg and I had hoped to stick to abiword 2.8.x for precise (for xubuntu), as 2.9.x is a development branch...12:59
pittimr_pouit: hm, it's in Debian testing; the new one doesn't depend on the NBS gucharmap any more13:09
pittimr_pouit: but if that was wrong, I can also roll it back to 2.8, and see whether that one works without gucharmap13:09
pittiwill be back later, just off to lunch, but will read scrollback13:10
pittimr_pouit: sorry, I wasn't aware that you wanted to say at 2.813:10
mr_pouitwell, we didn't advertise it at all, so you couldn't have guessed ;-)13:11
apwdoko, you will be pleased to hear that and update as of now the python3 thing seems resolved, and following the onscreen prompts seems to have installed it without other human intervestion13:11
mr_pouitpitti: I'll rediscuss with micahg, and the xubuntu testers to see if 2.9.x fixes lots of issues present in 2.8.x, so no hurry13:12
Thomas_JaszokI'm studding "economy and computer since" and I'm nearly finished with my studies.13:13
Thomas_JaszokI would like to write about the working plan and the business process of Ubuntu and wanted to ask you if I somebody would have some time for a small Interview13:13
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smoserhrw, we actually want the cloud-images to have grub-pc installed.13:16
smoserwithout it they would not function in kvm13:17
hrwsmoser: xen ones do not need it - they are fine with grub-legacy-ec213:23
smoserhrw, well, yes. but the cloud-images "just work" on xen or kvm. so having "provides" would break that.13:25
smoserperhaps there could be another itility that *did* provide that, and possibly it could depend on grub-legacy-ec2.13:25
smoserbut i am hesitant to build thinkgs on grub-legacy-ec2, when i think the right solution is to get "pv-grub2"13:26
hrwsmoser: ok13:27
smoserif you were nice enough to cjwatson, he might comment, and maybe even do the pv-grub2 work for you .13:28
smoserbut i've failed to be so nice.13:28
smoser(he has mentioned that he understands what would have to be done there)13:28
cjwatsonthere was a patch posted upstream recently13:29
cjwatsonI don't know how complete or, er, productised it is13:29
cjwatson(haven't had a chance to read over it)13:30
smoserah. thanks cjwatson.13:34
smoserhrw, for reference http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2011-11/msg00088.html13:36
hrwsmoser: will stay with pygrub for now - works fine.13:40
smoserhrw, but we coul definitely consider something else providing "grub" that was that.13:42
hrwsmoser: ok, just wanted to know opinion13:44
hrwsmoser: I remember day when I did lucid-maverick-natty upgrade and ended with nonbooting system. learnt more then needed on xen, xen console stuff13:44
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apwpitti, we have a kernel waiting to be copied out to -proposed which appears to have been there since the 14th, what triggers that, is it manual?14:06
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pittiapw: just slipped attention, I guess; I'll do the outstanding stuff now14:18
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micahgpitti: why did you sync abiword 2.9.1, I had a note on MoM not to sync it14:32
pittimicahg: I merged with Debian (well, was a sync) as the current one still needed the libgucharmap gtk2 libs which are gone now14:33
pittimicahg: see discussion with mr_pouit from an hour ago14:33
apwpitti, thanks14:33
pittimicahg: mr_pouit | pitti: I'll rediscuss with micahg, and the xubuntu testers to see if 2.9.x fixes lots of14:33
pitti... issues present in 2.8.x, so no hurry14:33
pittimicahg: in response to "want me to roll back"14:33
micahgpitti: ah, silly freenode dropped me :)14:33
micahgpitti: so  I missed it, thanks14:34
pittibut then we need to figure out how to build it without gucharmap14:34
pitti(probably not that hard, though)14:34
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micahgpitti: well, we're stuck with GTK2 in Xfce land, but as abiword/pyabiword are the only rdepends, I have trouble keeping the lib around just for that, but if 2.9.1 is crashy, I'd suggest doing just that, but will follow up with the xubuntu team14:37
pittimicahg: right14:38
apwdoko, ok the oneiric/ti-omap4 is in proposed now, which has the fixes you wanted; that should cover the newer buildds at least14:40
dobeypitti: btw, some of the apport hookutils seem to be broken, and import static bindings14:43
pittidobey: oh, which?14:43
pittifrom gi.repository import Gio, GLib14:43
dobeypitti: at least the gconf one anyway; it imports gconf/glib static bindings14:43
pittidobey: oh, that's gone in precise14:43
pittidobey: attach_gconf() is a no-op now and the import is gone14:44
pittidobey: attach_gsettings_schema() is the new kid in town14:44
dobeyoh; so the banshee apport hook is just broken in precise now :)14:44
dobeyand broken in oneiric because of the imports :)14:44
pittidobey: broken because it doesn't collect gconf data?14:44
dobeypitti: broken because the hook expects it to, and it now doesn't, in precise, yeah14:45
micahgpitti: if you have time, could you look at bug 906110, it fixes a depwait14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 906110 in python-cogent (Ubuntu) "Please move python-cogent to universe" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90611014:49
dobeypitti: someone was just asking about a problem reporting a bug against banshee in oneiric in #launchpad, and i asked him to report this bug against apport; and do a work around to file his bug against banshee14:49
ScottKpitti: kalgebra was uploaded to the archive by accident.  It was meant to go to a PPA for now, but it'll be in the archive eventually and it'll all be OK, so I think it's best to just leave it for now.14:51
pittizul, Daviey: the nova upload in -proposed is a bit hard for trackign -- almost all of the referenced bugs only have an upstream task, and there is no meta-bug for tracking verification; any idea how this should be done?14:52
pittiScottK: right, will do14:52
pittizul, Daviey: I'll accept it for now to unblock testing, but I guess for the next update we need something like the kernel guys do with their tracking bugs14:53
zulpitti: the SRU tracking one is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+bug/901710 (however can you reject the horizon package, there is a couple of things i want to do to it)14:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 901710 in nova (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Meta SRU for openstack updates" [High,New]14:53
zulpitti: how does the kernel guys do it?14:54
pittizul: they create a metabug for each new release which documents the current status and testing, like in bug 89933914:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899339 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "linux: 2.6.32-37.81 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89933914:57
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dokoapw, \o/15:20
dokolamont, any chance to get these installed on the buildds?15:22
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jdstrandpitti: hi! fyi, got your canned 'moved to -proposed/verification-needed' comment in 868360. this is already fix released and there are no nova packages in -proposed. fyi in case of script error15:34
pittijdstrand: I just accepted it maybe 30 mins ago, it should turn up on the mirrors soon?15:35
pittihmm, /me checks LP, where did it go?15:35
jdstrandpitti: ok. thing is, I did a security update for that bug last month. not sure why it was on your report15:36
jdstrandah, it was closer to 2 months ago15:37
jdstrandanyhoo, no worries on my end. only fyi15:38
lamontdoko: we don't have any buildds that run 2.6.32, other than arm and ppc15:41
lamontor were you referring to the l/m/n omap/4 kernels?15:42
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micahgpitti: still another 2-4 hrs to go before the firefox copy for lucid (powerpc is behind), maverick is still waiting on powerpc as well, I'm fine with both happening tomorrow if you want15:42
lamontdoko: in any case, it will happen in the normal course of things, once they show up in -security or -updates15:43
pittimicahg: sure, WFM15:43
pittijdstrand: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+publishinghistory has it, t hough15:49
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jdstrandpitti: ok, so 6.2 is what 868360 is referring to. that was fixed in Oct. 6.3 (http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1305-1/) was a different security update, which also shouldn't have gone through -proposed or gotten the verification-needed comment.15:56
jdstrandpitti: neither 6.2 or 6.3 went through -proposed and 868360 was already fix released, which is why I thought the verification-needed bug update was odd15:58
pittijdstrand: well, the whole update is a bit weird -- pretty much all of the bugs are upstream tasks only, cf. my question to zul/Daviey an hour ago15:59
jdstrandpitti: ok. I see that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/nova/2011.3+git20111117-0ubuntu1 does reference that bug, which must be why it was on your list16:00
* jdstrand didn't see that one before16:00
jdstrandI guess the server team should verify that bug doesn't regress...16:01
jdstrandanyhoo, I let you guys handle that16:01
pittiyes, this is the first trial run of a microrelease exception proposal16:02
pittithey now need to throw lots of test suites at that16:02
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pittiapw: kernel built now, binNEWed, so you can go ahead with l-meta16:19
pittiapw: I'll update seeds and d-i16:19
apwpitti, thanks16:19
apwpitti, uploaded16:21
jasoxI just compiled vim with qt gui http://code.google.com/p/vim-qt/wiki/Packages. It works perfectly, better than gvim. I am wondering would anyone help me to make package for ubuntu, I never try to make packages for any linux distro.16:23
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dokopitti, you libverto MIR ... libverto can be built against libevent as well, which already is in main16:29
pittioh, nice!16:29
dokoI don't know which one is better suited16:29
micahgpitti: have you seen Bug #905389?16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 905389 in language-pack-sv-base (Ubuntu) "Depedency problem in lucid-updates: language-pack-sv-base requires proposed version of language-pack-sv" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90538916:31
pittimicahg: oh, I thought I already caught them all16:34
pittimicahg: right, I see it on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/lucid-updates_probs.html; will fix asap16:35
dokoSweetshark, how stable is graphite2? if we backport newer lo versions, won't we have to enable the internal copy anyway?16:52
dokothen we'll have two different graphite versions to maintain :-/16:52
porthosepitti, would it be ok to do the debian-med-1.10 merge?16:52
pittiporthose: you mean you want me to do it, or you want to do it?16:53
pittiporthose: (I won't have time any more today, need to run in about 10 mins)16:53
porthoseme :)16:53
pittiporthose: ah, thanks; I have no personal relationship to the package, I just fixed installability a while ago16:54
porthoseok cool16:55
Sweetsharkdoko: yes, anyway one does it, one loses. :/16:56
pitticjwatson: can I just move gnome-{panel,applets} from "ubuntu-desktop" to "desktop-extra" set? I suppose ubuntu-desktop is just because it once was in the ubuntu seeds? (they are in universe now)16:57
pitticjwatson: or is that also a case where manual changes won't stick?16:57
pittiLaney, jbicha ^ Cc:16:57
LaneyI am under the impression that ubuntu-desktop is fully automatic, i.e. some external change will need to happen to make the packages drop out16:57
Laneybut maybe it is just semi automatic16:57
pittithis part has always been a bit magic to me16:58
cjwatsonpitti: ubuntu-desktop changes you make won't stick - see lp:~cjwatson/+junk/packageset16:58
cjwatsonpitti: feel free to add it to desktop-extra though16:58
cjwatsonthat's not one I manage16:58
Laneyit should be dropped out of ubuntu-desktop first16:59
cjwatsonit apparently already has16:59
pitticjwatson: ah, so it should just be dropped from" exceptions" then?16:59
cjwatsoner, oh16:59
cjwatsonyeah, probably, let me do that ...16:59
pitti$ edit_acl.py -s gnome-panel query16:59
pittiArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: archive 'primary', package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in precise16:59
pitticjwatson: want a MP?17:00
cjwatsoneasier to JFDI :)17:00
pitticjwatson: ok, thanks17:00
Laneypanel and applets17:00
pitticjwatson: indicator-applet as well (it doesn't exist any more)17:01
pitticjwatson: cheers17:01
cjwatsonalso done17:02
jonois anyone having any issues with wireless dropping off the network in Precise?17:09
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jonoover the last few hours I have had a number of drop-outs where I seem to stay connected to the LAN but there no net access, when I reset the connection (by flipping the hardware wireless card switch) I get back online and everything is fine17:10
jonoI wasn't sure if this has been reported recently17:10
tgardnerhow do I resolve python3 v.s. python3.2 interdependency issues ?18:02
tgardnerPreparing to replace python3.2-minimal 3.2.2-1build1 (using .../python3.2-minimal_3.2.2-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...18:02
tgardnerUnpacking replacement python3.2-minimal ...18:02
tgardnerdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python3.2-minimal_3.2.2-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):18:02
tgardner trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/python3', which is also in package python3-minimal 3.2.2-0ubuntu218:02
cjwatsonput it on hold for now - doko is aware18:05
cjwatson(dpkg --force-overwrite is possible but probably not a good idea in this case because the file is actually supposed to be in python3-minimal not python3.2-minimal18:06
cjwatsonI think https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.2/3.2.2-2ubuntu2 plus https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.2/3.2.2-2ubuntu3 should fix it18:07
tgardnerI'll give 'em a try. its a test server anyway18:08
cjwatsonyeah, looks like it18:08
dokotgardner, should resolve itself with the updated packages18:20
tgardnerdoko,  I pulled python3.2/3.2.2-2ubuntu3. now all is well.18:23
ManDayI need to know how you make GCC work on a multilib system? Do you put the PATHs into the enviroment or is there something that I can set on Buildtime so that it finds ./x86_64-gnu-linux ?18:26
ManDayj #workingset18:28
ManDayDid you understand my question?18:38
smosercould someone take a read of bug 905419 ?18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 905419 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "cloud-init messages going to syslog, not cloud-init.log" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90541918:38
smoserto me, this seems like a regression between rsyslog 5.8.1 and 5.8.6.  at very least it is a change in behavior.18:38
smoseri'll raise it upstream, but i'd appreciate if someone familiar with syslog and/or python logging (and syslog) could tell me here if its just my (or python logging) misuse of syslog.18:39
AmpelbeinHi there! Is Ubuntu planning on using gnutls 3.0 ("gnutls28") for PP or stay on gnutls26 for the LTS?18:57
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mvoRAOF: hey, good morning! the SRU verification for bug #905413 is done now, could this package please be moved to oneiric-updates? (for the app-install-data-partner packages we waive the 7 days aging requirement)22:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 905413 in app-install-data-partner (Ubuntu Natty) "SRU for vmware-view" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90541322:22
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci

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