
* ajmitch should set up a cron job to say morning on irc during the holidays, so that it's not completely quiet here18:58
* ibeardslee will be working through (except the stats)18:59
* ajmitch isn't quite sure yet when he'll be returning to work19:00
ibeardsleeat least 'when' is better than 'if' right?19:01
ajmitchthe question is more whether I work the week before LCA or not :)19:02
ibeardsleeI'll chugging through with the Academy19:02
ajmitchtime to try & get some work done for the day19:22
ajmitchthumper: please get wikkid to a state where it can replace moin, wiki.ubuntu.com is really annoying to edit when it takes ~5 min to save changes :)19:35
* ajmitch waits for the 'patches welcome' 19:38
AtamiraGood Morning all !19:49
snailibeardslee: i recall promising to send you a link to something, but it has completely escaped my mind what20:06
ibeardsleeNZ marc records?20:07
snailoh yes, http://www.natlib.govt.nz/about-us/news/new-bib-record-service20:13
thumperajmitch: :)21:50
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