
pangolinhello mazda01 how can i help you?01:41
mazda01how do I use whois in xchat? or is this the wrong place to ask?02:00
CarlFKwrong place02:01
mazda01ok, sorry. goodbye02:01
CarlFKno prob02:01
stu-2hi  my ubuntu crashed the other day    now i get a message that my profile has not loaded properly   what does it all mean?04:21
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangwhoops sorry09:18
ikoniait's fine, the guy does this all the time09:19
pozicikonia: are you out of your freaking mind?09:19
ikoniapozic: every time you are in #ubuntu you cause a problem with your ranting09:19
pozicikonia: let me guess: you are affiliated with Canonical?09:19
ikoniapozic: if the distro does not meet your needs, change distros09:19
ikoniapozic: if the distro does meet your needs and you want help, then ask and we can try to help09:19
pozicikonia: uhm, just because Ubuntu sucks, doesn't mean I cannot say that it does.09:19
ikoniapozic: sure it does09:19
pozicikonia: I did ask for help.09:20
pozicikonia: the help quality just sucked.09:20
ikoniapozic: it's a support channel, you adding "ubuntu sucks" isn't helpful to anyone09:20
pozicikonia: because I still have the problem.09:20
ikoniapozic: then don't use the channel, everytime you are in #ubuntu you cause a problem,09:20
pozicikonia: I think you are just an ASSHOLE, and nothing else if you have this attitude.\09:20
pozicUbuntu has multiple bugs open.09:20
pozicAre you saying it is the fault of those users?09:20
ikoniait has many bugs and problems09:20
pozicNo, the software sucks. Period.09:20
ikoniathen don't use it09:20
pozicYou shouldn't ban me for pointing out flaws.09:21
ikoniaI didn't09:21
pozicWell, _someone_ did.09:21
ikoniahowever you are adding no value with your comments.09:21
pozicikonia: yes, I am adding value.09:21
ikoniayou where warned enough times on this occasion and you've had warnings in the past09:21
pozicikonia: because I am saying that it doesn't work.09:21
ikoniaso I'm tried of giving you warnings09:21
pozicikonia: so, that is feedback.09:21
ikoniano it's not09:21
pozicikonia: at this moment, Canonical QA personal should FIX the issue.09:22
ikoniafeedback would be logging the bugs, updating them, pushing them through09:22
ikoniasat in #ubuntu saying "ubuntu sucks" isn't09:22
pozicikonia: I am sure that someone could reproduce the problem with the information I gave them.09:22
ikoniaI'm sure they could09:22
ikoniabut why would they want to09:22
pozicikonia: exactly.09:23
pozicThey do not want to provide bug free software.09:23
ikonialog a bug09:23
ikoniaput as much detail in the bug as possible09:23
ikoniapush the bug through09:23
pozicBecause that would destroy their business model.09:23
ikoniaok - whatever, this conversation is done09:23
pozicThat's why Linux will never succeed.09:23
ikoniapozic: until you can contribute to the channel, you're not going to be allowed into the channel09:23
pozicThere is not reason to make it good.09:23
ikoniagood bye09:23
pozicikonia: I contributed tons of times.09:23
pozicikonia: also, you are just a sucker.09:24
pozicikonia: you likely don't even have a degree in CS.09:24
pozicikonia: you sound like a stupid system administrator in any way.09:24
pozicikonia: just a piece of garbage that can only ban people when they have a different opinion.09:24
pozicYou are nothing different than Hitler.09:25
pozicAlso, which moron decided to ban me?09:25
bazhangthis is going nowhere09:25
bazhangonce you reference Nazi's, it's over09:26
pozicI just cannot have any respect for a bunch of idiots.09:26
pozicWhy should I?09:26
Tm_Tpozic: as you keep that attitude, I have to ask you to leave until you can behave09:26
bazhangpozic, you won't be unbanned at this time. please exit the channel.09:26
pozicI have no problems with anyone that I didn't communicate with.09:26
pozicI have a problem with ikonia.\09:26
pozicHe/she clearly lacks the intelligence to communicate with me.09:27
Tm_Tpozic: I ask you again, please leave when you have that attitude09:27
bazhangthats quite enough of the insults09:27
pozicIt is not an insult.09:27
pozicIt is a fact.09:27
pozicNot everyone is created equal.09:27
* Tm_T fails with scripts sometimes09:27
Tm_Tno, my own aliases for irssi09:28
bazhangheh ok09:28
Tm_TI forgot to add the nick before hitting enter09:28
ikoniaand he'll start in +1 in 30 seconds09:28
bazhangand more insults now09:29
ikoniaand he's gone09:29
Tm_TI was on it ):09:29
ikoniasorry, didn't know if you where in +109:29
Tm_Tnp, you just keep pointing out how old and slow I am (:09:30
* Tm_T huggles the young an fast ikonia09:30
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (Soul)10:50
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ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...13:20
FlannelShouldn't there be an additional call for IRCC nominations instead of a vote?  How can we elect four people to five seats?14:58
PiciGood question.  I must not have been as awake as I thought when I read it earlier.14:59
jussiI have no idea to the answer. I suggest you ask the CC.15:02
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mneptokubottu: i nom-nom-nominate you!16:25
ubottumneptok: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:25
* genii-around votes for the bot16:28
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
pangolinleast we know the bot will attend the meetings16:58
genii-aroundpangolin: Good point17:14
pangolin!guidelines > iToast17:23
jussiI think meetings should be abolished. stupid waste of time. :)17:44
genii-aroundI'm not crazy about meetings either actually.17:46
pangolinas of wednesday you no longer have to attend17:46
pangolinlet it be written, let it be done.17:46
genii-aroundIf there are 4 candidates and 4 positions, doesn't everyone just get acclaimed?17:50
jussigenii-around: read the email again, and then the link in it :) :) :)17:51
CoreyI'm not a Ubuntu member, else I'd throw my hat into the proverbial ring.17:51
jussiits basically a yes/no vote17:52
* genii-around re-examines email17:52
pangolinthing is doesn't the ircc require 5 members?17:53
* jussi points that question to the CC17:53
ikoniaI didn't think elky's term was expiring yet17:55
pangolinthe CC said they were going to start a fresh IRCC17:55
pleia2having a strong council that the CC is confident is more important than a specific number17:57
pleia2s/confident is/confident in17:57
pangolinanswers like that is why you are on the CC17:59
* genii-around sets an alarm to remind him to vote in about 6 hours18:02
pangolinsince the voting is secret and all that. I am voting yes for all four nominees.18:15
pangolingood luck and looking forward to working with you folks :)18:16
ikoniajita = known troll19:30
daxpleia2: Well, I imagine certain numbers wouldn't work. Four people being an even number would be interesting voting-wise, for example (two vs. two?).20:33
daxAlthough I guess you could just require 3/4 to pass things. Not too different from how things work now.20:34
pleia2dax: there is really no perfect solution to this, and if there is a decision that is so contentious that we'd need such a tiebreaker I'd rather it was discussed more widely with the community so council members could agree somehow rather than simple council majority deciding20:35
pleia2(or discussed with the CC, whatever is more appropriate for the sitation)20:37
genii-aroundBut as I understand... there are 3 positions which are at the end of their term... one position which the member is stepping down.. which makes 4 positions. And there are 4 candidates...20:38
* genii-around goes to make more coffee20:38
daxgenii-around: elky's position is being voted upon also.20:38
mneptokpleia2: i strongly disagree with that approach, and can muster the votes to ensure that ..... snow!!! LOOK AT THE PRETTY SNOWFLAKES!!!!!20:38
daxgenii-around: The CC feels it's best to re-elect a full council, basically.20:38
pleia2genii-around: as the email about this said, every council member is being removed20:39
* mneptok scampers off20:39
pleia2we're voting on the 4 proposed to staff the council20:39
genii-aroundAh, this starts to make more sense then20:39
daxpleia2: I'd suggest throwing a CC member on there and making it 5, but then they'd have yet another hat to juggle.20:40
JoshuaPI'd like to staff the council if there is a position open. :)20:40
daxpleia2: One hopes that the efforts towards fixing Ubuntu's derth of leaders will actually work. That you can't find five people out of a core ops team of almost 100 kinda points at it again.20:40
pangolinyou need to be an ubuntu member JoshuaP20:40
pleia2dax: the CC will be closely working with the IRCC moving forward (not formally replacing the 5th because we do want that space available should a suitable replacement be found)20:40
pangolinJoshuaP: How can we help?20:40
daxtrue. 100 is too high, then :\20:40
JoshuaPpangolin, how do I become an Ubuntu member?20:41
pangolin!membership > JoshuaP20:41
ubottuJoshuaP, please see my private message20:41
pleia2dholbach, myself and Gwaihir have already committed to helping, don't want to overwhelm CC members either by just making one of us do it :)20:41
daxpleia2: (What's Gwaihir's realname? This must be the first time I've known someone by that and not IRC handle)20:43
pleia2Milo Casagrande :)20:43
daxah, right20:43
pleia2I didn't actually know his IRC nick either before he joined the CC20:44
pleia2but I've met him20:44
pangolinJoshuaP: if there is nothing else please don't idle in this channel.20:44
JoshuaPI'm reading the article Dx20:44
JoshuaPI'm a bot slow at it as my eyes are strained from staring at a command line for 19 hours20:45
pangolinJoshuaP: ok well, there is a no idling policy in this channel. unless you have immediate business with the ops team please /part.20:45
Pici!cookie | ikonia21:16
ubottuikonia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:16
ikoniaha ha ha21:16
ikoniafor what ?21:16
Piciikonia: for today, you've been dealing with a bunch of problem users in #u21:16
ikoniaha ha ha, not too bad21:17
ikoniathe main issues seem to be solved, well, manday is anyway21:17
* genii-around gets a 30-minute warning alarm22:31
genii-aroundWhat the hell. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-members/+polls said an hour ago opening in 1 hour. Now the hour is gone it says one more hour. ( actually 55 minutes now)23:05
ikoniayou're keen23:05
genii-aroundikonia: I stayed an hour at work for it. Now it looks like another one.23:06
ikoniaaren't you a good operator23:06
ikoniastaying late23:07
genii-aroundikonia: I don't usually use a computer from home after being around them at work all day, etc.23:10
ikoniaunderstandable, still good effort23:10
* genii-around makes more coffee and settles in for the second hour23:10

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