
EvilResistancelooseparts:  you need *tons* of patience here, fwiw00:26
loosepartsthank you. like... many hours. I can do that : )00:28
pythonirc101how do i make /var/run writable by group www-data?03:41
twbpythonirc101: you don't; what is the broader goal?03:48
twbGuessing, the answer is probably start-stop-daemon(8) or even init(5)03:49
pythonirc101twb: Here is my problem03:52
pythonirc101I'm using uwsgi that creates ".sock" files in /var/run -- and it gives me a warning that i'm running it as root03:53
pythonirc101so i thought i'd run it as a webuser03:53
pythonirc101when i do, i get permission denied03:53
twbUsually daemons create a pidfile and then change UID03:56
twbOr you don't bother creating a pidfile, just let upstart take care of it for you03:56
pythonirc101I guess i'm stuck with uwsgi -- at least for now03:58
twbpythonirc101: is that a daemon or what?03:58
pythonirc101you can run it in both modes04:01
pythonirc101trying to figure it out04:01
yabooother than using ufw for firewall, if I was to use iptables, where would the config file reside so that it is loaded during boot please?04:16
twbrulesets are not loaded at boot by default04:20
twbYou probably want either ufw or iptables-persistent, or do it by hand.04:21
twbNote that rulesets can and should be loaded BEFORE the network interfaces exist; all you need is $local-filesystems.04:21
sp4zanybody know why logwatch is not emailing me apache information? i have the http.conf in the logfiles folder and it errors correctly if i put a break in the http.conf but i just dont get anything via email? there is information in the logs..04:27
twblogwatch or logcheck?04:27
yabootwb ok, so I guess its ufw then04:29
twbsp4z: sorry I don't do logwatch04:33
sp4zalso, i AM getting logwatch emails just missing the apache2 log file information04:38
twbYou might need to enable the apache module within logwatch?04:40
sp4zyep i had. i had the wrong date range though >x|04:48
sp4zthanks anyhow twb04:48
sp4zall fixed04:48
pythonirc101how do i find out which package installed uwsgi?04:53
pythonirc101which is in /usr/local/bin/uwsgi04:53
twbpythonirc101: packages are not allowed to install in /usr/lcoal04:54
twbTherefore you have installed it by hand which is Bad Juju04:54
loosepartsHello - I'm moving my servers from their own static IP addresses to an ISP where I'll be connecting via DHCP - I have installed ddclient, but do not know how to adjust my apache2 httpd.conf05:17
twbWhy would you need to adjust your httpd.conf ?05:17
twbDo you listen on instead of just *:80 ?05:18
loosepartsmy httpd.conf lists my static IP addresses that are my static ones and they're going to change05:20
loosepartshere's my current httpd.conf (ten years old)...05:21
loosepartsHere's my httpd.conf:05:21
looseparts= = = =05:21
loosepartsNameVirtualHost 69.9.xxx.xxx05:21
loosepartsServerName 69.9.xxx.xxx05:21
looseparts<VirtualHost 69.9.xxx.xxx>05:21
loosepartsServerName something.com05:21
loosepartsDocumentRoot /www/html05:21
loosepartssorry.. I don't know how to use pastebin.05:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:23
twbAre the xxx's all the same?05:26
twbIt would be easier to help if you didn't elide useful information05:26
twbAnyway, you would normally just have <VirtualHost *>05:26
loosepartsi don't want to publicize my ip addresses05:27
twbDon't be such a big girl05:27
twbIf your security relies on keeping your IP address secret, you are fucked.05:27
twbSorry that should be <VirtualHost *:80>05:28
loosepartsmight be without knowledge rather than cowardly05:28
loosepartscan you point me to an example of an httpd.conf that will work w/ dynamic IP ?05:29
twbNameVirtualHost *:80 \n Listen 80 \n <VirtualHost *:80> \n ... </VirtualHost>05:29
loosepartsdoes \n mean new line ?05:32
twbyes because I'm too lazy to pastebin05:32
twbYou might also want to try #httpd05:32
loosepartsk thank you05:33
loosepartsI must say that I found pastebin to not require much effort.05:34
yaboowhats the best way to turn my 10.04 server for a internet gateway, has two nics, one to a adsl unit05:34
yaboocurrently have my own script that is applied during boot time, can I use ufw to automate this05:35
whalesaladhey guys! I just updated to precise pangolin, now two of my VPS' are sitting at a GRUB screen and I am at a total loss06:00
whalesaladduring the update it asked me if I wanted to install the upgraded grub and I said no06:00
twbwhalesalad: did you maybe upgrade from grub1 to 2 without installing the new MBR ?06:01
whalesaladtwb: that is possible. it said something on the lines of "if you're not using a boot loader or using a headless machine blah blah" say NO06:01
whalesaladso I did… since these don't have displays they're just in a closet somewhere06:02
twbYou know 12.04 hasn't been released yet, right?06:02
whalesaladdid not know that06:02
twbYou're not supposed to use it unless you're capable of fixing these kinds of issues06:02
twbUnfortunately I'm stll on 10.04 LTS and I'm not familiar with your specific issue, and I usually "fix" grub issues by throwing it out and installing extlinux, but that is not something newbies should be doing.06:03
twbYou probably want to start by booting a live CD, chrooting into the system on disk and issuing a grub-insatll and update-grub06:04
whalesaladunfortunately these are in a different continent06:04
whalesaladI have a grub terminal06:04
twbI'm a pretty big anti-grub bigot because when I try things like that it often goes tits-up, ilke e.g. I boot from a rescue USB key and grub decides to install itself on top of the key instead of the HDD :-/06:04
twbwhalesalad: so you have some kind of LOM?06:05
whalesaladi'm not familiar with that word, LOM06:06
twblights-out management06:06
twbAs in you can see grub despite not being physically present06:06
whalesaladbasically i've got a client in sweden who gave me some vmware credentials and told me to get two servers setup06:06
twbLOM is about the same as KVM over IP.06:06
whalesaladyes, exactly, I have a vmware console open where I can do that06:06
twbOK, so these are virtual machines06:07
twbIn that case you can just tell vmware to boot from CD and give it a live CD as an ISO06:07
whalesaladtwb: thanks for your help, fortunately there are some guys at the datacenter who are either gonna just wipe these and install 11.10, or try and fix this issue06:20
pythonirc101I've a daemon that i can run using -- > "/usr/bin/uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi --pidfile /var/uwsgi/uwsgi.pid --daemon /var/log/uwsgi.log" -- how do i run it at startup on ubuntu server?06:24
eprasadrc.local ?06:27
pythonirc101eprasad: vs /etc/init.d? -- which one and why?06:29
eprasad/etc/rc.local coz this scripts executes after all other init scripts.06:30
eprasadwhatever you put in this file gets executed on reboot.06:31
eprasadnp pythonirc10106:33
twbSigh, 12GB single-folder maildir06:38
twbpythonirc101: write an /etc/init/uwsgi.conf containing these lines: "start on runlevel [2345]" "stop on runlevel [^2345]" "respawn" and "exec uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi --daemon /var/log/uwsgi.log".  Note: no --pidfile.  You may also need either "expect fork" or to tell uwsgi not to do an extra fork.06:39
twbSorry, "expect fork" or "expect daemon" -- depends on whether it zero-, single- or double-forks.  Often you can simply tell it not to with an option like --foreground or (sometimes) --debug06:40
whalesaladpythonirc101: i'd roll with supervisord06:45
whalesaladits python based and i use it for managing uwsgi processes06:46
pythonirc101twb: am talking to the author of uwsgi -- brb :)06:47
pythonirc101how do i find out who installed /usr/local/bin/ubuntu -- without installing dlocate?06:52
twbdpkg -S06:54
twbBut it won't be any .deb because that would violate policy, so either it is an EXTREMELY poor .deb, or it was installed by hand.06:54
pythonirc101twb: dpkg: /usr/local/bin/uwsgi not found.06:54
pythonirc101means someone else installed it?06:55
twb(dlocate is just a cached version of dpkg -S)06:55
twbpythonirc101: precisely06:55
twbpythonirc101: someone with superuser privileges and no brain06:55
pythonirc101its called python pip i think06:56
twbYou mean the cheeseshop thing?06:56
twbA la cpan/cabal/pear/&c ?06:57
pythonirc101twb: k I think i can write a /etc/init/uwsgi.conf07:08
pythonirc101what do i do after that -- how do i deploy it?07:08
pythonirc101twb: something like this -- http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/browser/contrib/upstart/uwsgi.conf ?07:08
whalesaladpythonirc101: honestly take a look at supervisord07:11
whalesaladquick google search reveals this which is similar to my setup: http://lurkingideas.net/deploying-django-projects/07:11
whalesaladi gotta run though07:11
twbpythonirc101: uh, "deploy" it by putting the init script there and doing "start uwsgi" or so07:12
twbinit script looks OK to me at a glance07:13
pythonirc101twb: thanks -- but my executable line looks like: exec $BINPATH --manage-script-name  --emperor "/home/cg/www/*.xml" --pidfile /tmp/uwsgi.pid --daemon /var/log/uwsgi.log07:14
pythonirc101so i remove the "--pidfile..." and "--daemon ..."  as well?07:14
twbDepends on uwsgi, which I'm not familiar with07:15
pythonirc101lemme try with both in...see what happens?07:16
twbBasically you rely on upstart to track the PID and you want to make sure the app doesn't change its own PID, either by forking during startup, or by e.g. completely restarting itself on HUP07:16
twbThe latter is uncommon; nsd3 is an offender :-/07:16
pythonirc101k, so i dont have to track it then ?07:17
pythonirc101hence no --pidfile07:17
twbUnless something else needs to, which is unlikely07:19
pythonirc101k, trying07:19
twbupstart makes adding new daemons easy provided the daemons behave the way upstart wants07:19
pythonirc101looks like its working...does it automatically start at reboots?07:20
pythonirc101nah didnt work07:20
pythonirc101that broke my machine? upstart?07:21
twbYou might want to remove "respawn" while debugging07:21
pythonirc101rebooted, can cant ssh to it!07:21
twbit surprises me that you managed to trash it that badly with that one change07:22
twbupstart is pid 1, it's in charge of everything, so it's certainly POSSIBLE07:22
twbSorry about that, maybe I should've made that clearer07:22
pythonirc101so what really happened?07:23
twbI don't know07:23
twbupstart is a stone cold bitch to debug07:23
pythonirc101i dont have access to the physical machine...! :(07:23
twbI guess at this point you need to call the local NOC monkey and get him to go look at the scren07:23
twbMaybe try to get him to turn off the uswgi job07:23
pythonirc101its a virtual machine...lemme see if i can see its output07:25
pythonirc101twb: so someone has to login in single user mode and remove /etc/init/uwsgi.conf and reboot?07:27
ZanzacarI am confused and dont know where to look. If I do ls -lh I get an iso to be 695M but the gui properties say 726M? whats going on?07:27
Zanzacaractually it is 729, it appears as if when it converts from bytes to megabytes it is just dividing by 1000 instead of 1012 but why?07:29
pythonirc101twb: will that work by any chance?07:30
twbpythonirc101: well, it depends why it went tits-up07:31
twbpythonirc101: but booting into single or break, or a live CD, is most likely to work07:31
pythonirc101twb: after that if we remove that file, should work, right?07:32
twbpythonirc101: well, it depends why it went tits-up07:33
pythonirc101i didnt change anything else07:33
pythonirc101i am hoping it was that07:33
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pythonirc101twb: i'm in07:38
pythonirc101not sure what happened, i rebooted again, removed uwsgi.conf07:38
twbDunno, sorry07:39
pythonirc101i'm back up07:39
twbThat shouldn't take out sshd07:39
twbIf you were messing with plymouth or mountall jobs, THAT could easily take out sshd, but shouldn't be runlevel [2345]07:39
pythonirc101i've no clue what happened...maybe it was just waiting for something too long07:39
pythonirc101i dont see why i should not just stick that daemon in rc.local?07:40
twbBecause upstart is better and just as easy?07:40
twbWith upstart it'll restart if it dies, and allow easy manual restarting and reloading07:40
twbrc.local's a filthy hack07:40
pythonirc101twb: Is there a way to replicate a machine thats online with ssh access locally?07:40
twbDefine "replicate"07:41
pythonirc101i guess i cant -- since the hardware is different there...and i've no clue what virtual machine i'm running on...07:41
pythonirc101i wud like it to behave as close to the machine online as possible :)07:42
ZanzacarDoes anyone know why in the terminal I get 695M with ls -lh on a file, but in nautilus I get 729M?07:55
pnormanZanzacar: that difference works out to a factor of (1024/1000)^2, could it be that?07:58
twbZanzacar: du, du --apparent-size ?08:00
twbYeah could also be what pnorman says08:00
twbls -hl, ls -hl --si08:00
ZeroeCan anyone direct me to a good documentation on securing ubuntu server edition for commercial use in eCommerce. I probably won't be hosting it in the end, but I would like to know the ins and out in order to administer it better when it is hosted at a service08:01
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VivekHow do I provide a user name and password for automated servers I bring up via orchestra ?09:02
VivekI have the server up and running but no login credentials.09:03
koolhead11hi all09:14
eprasadHello koolhead1109:15
koolhead11eprasad: hi09:15
eprasadVivek, what's the orchestra?09:15
eprasadYup koolhead11 tell me09:18
Vivekeprasad: I did not get  you. What do you mean by 'what is the orchestra?' ?09:31
eprasadIn last reply you mentioned that you bring up server via orchestra. I just want to know what is the orchestra here ?09:33
Vivekeprasad: Ubuntu Orchestra.09:34
Vivekeprasad: https://launchpad.net/orchestra09:35
drt24Vivek: so I think that tere is no password for login - it is done via ssh keys09:35
eprasadOh! ubuntu release codename :09:35
drt24eprasad: no.09:36
VivekIf I install 100 server do I need to set ssh keys for all th100 servers ?09:36
VivekI don't think that is practical.09:36
drt24Vivek: the ssh key specified on the the control sever should get propagated to the servers that get created09:36
eprasadOh, Got it, similar to kickstart in fedora09:37
VivekCan you kindly point me to any docs ?09:38
Vivekeprasad: Orchesta is a cloud management software.09:38
drt24Vivek: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/10/getting-started-with-ubuntu-orchestra-servers-in-concert/ http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/09/oneiric-server-deploy-server-fleets-p1/09:39
drt24though I found that there were some issues not covered in those guides which took me a little while to work round.09:39
drt24still at a developer preview level of stability and documentation on the basis of my one attempt to use it with juju09:41
Vivekdrt24: I have followed those docs.09:44
Vivekdrt24: Point me to ssh key authetication section please.09:44
drt24sorry, I don't know where to find that.10:10
Vivekdrt24: ok.10:17
VivekBut you just said that authentication was via ssh  keys, right ?10:17
drt24I think that it is - that is how I understand it to work, using passwords would be wrong.10:19
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alex__hello everyone! how to make writing permissions in samba? i need it for different autentificated users.. how to add users, and manage permissions?10:42
Vivekdrt24: No it is not, just figured out. The default user name is ububtu and password is ubuntu.10:44
Vivekdrt24: I had to check the pre-seed file for it.10:44
Vivekalex__: Please ask in #samba10:44
alex__cheers mate!10:45
drt24Vivek: but you can't use that over ssh right?10:51
VivekYou can do that.10:52
drt24 /o\10:52
VivekYou can ssh into that newly deployed machine from the server as it has an I.P address range on the second ethernet card the same as the newly deployed machine.10:53
VivekNot from the external world yes.10:53
drt24I still really dislike that.10:54
drt24one app on one node gets compromised and suddenly all your machines are compromised.10:55
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samba35i have installed virtualbox on ubuntu and want to configure vde networking  after getting vde console i am not able run any command13:11
Techdude101Strange problem, I have 2 ubuntu machines, 1st has a samba share and when I mount it on the 2nd machine it changes the uid of the folder13:30
zulgood morning13:52
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a_okI need an updated version of tar (1.23) on a Hardy machine. What would be the best way to achive this?13:58
xranbya_ok: try apt-get source tar  and rebuild the package using dpkg-buildpackage14:02
xranbyalso you need apt-get build-dep tar14:02
a_okapt-get source tar gets mee 1.19 sources14:06
drt24a_ok: generally what I try is seeing if a later version of ubuntu has the package in the correct version and is still compatible with the dependencies in the version of ubuntu I am using.14:08
a_okxranby, it seems that the only dependency that is different from the mavarick package is libc. could I use those sources?14:08
xranbya_ok: hold your thumbs if it compiles then it most likely runs as well14:09
xranbya_ok: if it break then you get to keep the parts14:09
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a_okxranby, I can't figure out how dpkg-buildpackage works14:24
a_okxranby, ah never mind need dpkg-source first ;)14:26
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goddardmy server keeps booting my out of my ssh session after i login I get "Connection to closed."14:43
uksysadmingoddard, ssh -vvv to see if that helps14:55
uksysadmintail -f /var/log/{messages,syslog,secure} on the server14:56
uksysadmin(if you have alternative access to said server to tail the logs)14:56
a_okxranby: I think everything ran succefull but now what?15:06
xranbycd ..15:06
xranbya_ok: you should have a .deb file built15:07
xranbya_ok: dpkg -i tar*.deb15:07
a_okAh lol now I see it ../tar_1.23....15:07
xranbya_ok: install it and then you should be using tar 1.23 on your hardy system15:08
goddarduksysadmin: gave me exit status 5315:08
xranbyhe did?15:08
a_okThanks xranby seems to work15:09
xranbya_ok: excellent! you have just done a backport of tar to hardy15:09
xranbygoddard: sorry.. i thought something went wrong with a_ok deb install15:10
goddardxranby: no worries15:13
yaksterhello all….15:15
yaksterhave an issue, perhaps one can help15:15
yaksterwhat happened if I go to sudo a command, it says I must use "setuid root" - Install super, but I cannot sudo apt-get…. make sense?15:15
drt24yakster: what is the command you are using?15:19
yakstersudo apt-get ….. but I can't sudo, says I need to setuid, can't set kid cause I don't have super installed, I can't sudo apt-get…. stuck in a loop…15:20
drt24what is the exact error message you get when you do sudo apt-get install <package>15:20
drt24where <package> is the package you are trying to install15:20
yakster"sudo apt-get install …. " package is not of the matter, I can't sudo ANYTHING…. says I must "setuid root"15:21
drt24what is the exact error message15:21
xranbyyakster: do you have a root password set on this machine? if so then you can run su and login15:21
yaksterok, so you can't login as root, you have to login as a user then su?15:22
uksysadmingoddard, any other info? like - user not in allowed groups, or your key isn't accepted.. maybe disk full on your server?15:22
drt24your really really should not need to login as root15:23
drt24yakster: what is the exact error message you are getting?15:23
xranbyyakster: it sounds to me like the sudo command have the wrong premissions set on your system so if thats the case ... check if you can access the package manager15:23
xranbyand try remove and then reinstall sudo15:23
yakstersudo: must be setuid root15:24
samba35is there any gui program to start /install guest15:24
drt24so what does stat `which sudo` give you?15:24
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yaksterstat: cannot stat 'sudo' : No file or directory15:25
drt24so what does "which sudo" give you?15:25
yakster"/ usr /bin/sudo"15:26
drt24and stat /usr/bin/sudo gives?15:27
yaksterstat: cannot stat 'sudo' : No such file or directory15:27
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drt24so stat /usr/bin/sudo fails with No such file or directory but /usr/bin/sudo gives must be setuid root?15:29
yaksterwtf well I have a wife looking at me anxiously, sparently I spend to much time on this damn thing….15:30
yaksterI can't become root in aptitude, says it exited15:31
drt24so I suspect that xranby is right and that somehow your installation of sudo has got broken and needs to be reinstalled but doing that is harder without having sudo15:32
yaksteryeah, ok thanks that is what I thought15:32
yaksterthx… bye15:32
a_okxranby: I tried to crosscompile for a am64 machine, this seemed to work (eg. it build fine) but when I try to start tar it says no such file /bin/tar and apt seems to need it15:41
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a_okit just packed it as amd64 but it contains i386 files15:44
samba35how to add time in grub /how to change default boot time of grub ?15:51
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uvirtbotNew bug: #906382 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90638216:01
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rbasakzul, could you review/upload https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/precise/ipxe/905099/+merge/86207 for me please?16:17
zulrbasak: sure gimme a few16:18
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zulrbasak: done16:24
rbasakthanks zul!16:26
xranbya_ok: for best result, take the up to date source and built it on the hardy machine directly16:27
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xranbya_ok: take the source from the i386 machine and copy it into the x86_64 hardy machine and then perform the build on the hardy machine16:28
zulrbasak: no probs16:29
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uvirtbotNew bug: #906410 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.8 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90641016:55
Dl145Hi, I've tried a couple of installations of Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS AMD64 on my HP ProLiant Dl145 Server. im installing from a usb key.. The problem was, whenever I installed ubuntu, post installation when I booted up, there only was a blinking cursor.. Culdnt get to terminal or open Grub..17:03
Dl145Now I'm installing for the fourth time, and I've noticed that the drive (36 GB) on which i want to install ubuntu on, is called SDB and the USB key is called SDA..17:04
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lolufailwhat is more wise: new server on 12.04 daily build, or 11.10, and then upgrade to LTS as soon as it's available?17:14
hallynlolufail: depends on what you are doing.  If there are customers accessing it, best to go with 10.04 or 11.10, not 12.04 yet!  12.04 is  under heavy development right now.18:43
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adam_g_if anyone wants to help with this massive nova SRU verification, keeping track of whats been verified @ http://etherpad.ubuntu.com/nova-sru-verification-dec-201119:19
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raubvogelWill ubuntu 11.04 or above warn me of an expiring kerberos password? If so, how can I configure when it will warn me about impending doom?19:27
patdk-wkraubvogel, ask pam?19:33
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raubvogelpatdk-wk: trying to. I would think pam_krb5 would know, but it is not telling me.19:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #906500 in lxc (main) "lxc-create fails with errors that it is unable to access archive.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90650020:16
raubvogelnfs question: does the -N 2 option in rpc.mountd mean not to offer NFSv2?20:30
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twbOK, I have a local apt repo made by hand with apt-ftparchive.  I have a bunch of hosts pointing at it.  ONE of those hosts doesn't trust the repo, and I can't see why.  They all have the repo's keys in listed apt-key.23:44
twbWhat else can I check?23:45
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|noms

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