
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
=== issyl0 is now known as Guest81151
=== kelemengabor is now known as MarcusTheOnlyOne
=== MarcusTheOnlyOne is now known as kelemengabor
sagaciI had a quick look in #launchpad-translators, which seems to be defunct... just wondering if there was a page or a way to generate the translatable project in launchpad11:19
dpmhi sagaci, what do you mean "generate the translatable projects"11:26
sagacisee what projects are translatable in launchpad11:29
sagaciI think of a project I'd like to translate and you go to their project page and most aren't translatable11:30
sagacibut for instance, Quassel and Chromium Browser are translatable but not part of Ubuntu, I'd like to know what other packages out there on LP are translatable in LP11:30
sagacianother random one I did today was gtk-recordmydesktop11:31
artnaysagaci: https://translations.launchpad.net/translations/+products-with-translations12:00
artnaysagaci: it's just a long list and you can't sort it (which sucks)12:01
artnaysagaci: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/81224312:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 812243 in launchpad "Allow translatable projects to be sorted in more versatile ways (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Low,Triaged]12:01
artnaysagaci: and although chromium is translatable, its translations are not maintained anymore12:03
artnaysagaci: that is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/88861712:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 888617 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Chromium translations on LP no longer updated (affects: 2) (heat: 32)" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:03
artnayI hope canonical will hire those webkit engineers soon enough12:04
artnayto get translation templates updated12:04
sagacithanks artnay, exactly what I was looking for12:07
sagaciartnay: how hard is it to update translation templates, can't someone from the community do it or does it require special permissions12:09
artnaysagaci: you're welcome. please +1 to those bugs if they affect you as well12:09
sagaciartnay: you can batch those templates into 300, wouldn't be a bad idea to export them and sort them properly on a wiki page or something12:10
dpmsagaci, artnay, Canonical has never maintaned Chromium translations, this was done by a community member12:17
artnaydpm: sure12:23
artnaydpm: I spoke with micahg and I was told that once chromium daily builds are on again, translations would be next12:25
artnaydaily builds are active now but translations are not12:25
dpmartnay, ah, cool. Would you mind following up with micahg to see what the translations situation is?12:26
sagacithanks, mainly because I use Chromium :)12:31
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=== issyl0 is now known as Guest58401
dpmsagaci, if you talk to micahg re: Chromium translations, please let me know, I'm also interested in them14:34
artnaydpm: I already asked, haven't received a reply yet14:44
kelemengabordpm: I just checked my calendar: no phone call scheduled for this week? Is it already Christmas? :)14:56
dpmhi kelemengabor, there should be a call scheduled on the calendar, let me check, _however_, I'll be on holiday already and possibly with no Internet, so I won't be able to chair the call15:55
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
dpmany translator up to help me for a non-translations-related test? Could you click on this link, log in and tell me what you see?17:41
kelemengabordpm: on it...17:49
kelemengabordpm: I was logged in via openid, then: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/pix/K%C3%A9perny%C5%91k%C3%A9p-Your%20applications%20-%20Mozilla%20Firefox.png17:51
dpmkelemengabor, excellent, thanks!17:52
dpmkelemengabor, can you see https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/390/ ?18:18
kelemengaborSimple English-Slovak, Slovak-English dictionary, written in Perl, compact, capable of looking up word from clipboard18:18
kelemengaborI guess I do :)18:18
dpmcool, thanks again kelemengabor :)18:50
kelemengabordpm: this package reminds me that it would be nice to see sometimes a list of templates which are no longer in main: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecore - we had such a few cycles ago19:35
kelemengaborokay, ecore disabled in natty & newer. also disabled pessulus and desktopcouch in precise.19:51
dpmkelemengabor, did we have that at all? I seem to think it was a web page generated by the desktop team for desktop packages in main we were using as a workaround19:51
kelemengaborI remember mails to the UTC list from Arne... and some wiki page too19:52
kelemengaborthis one19:53
kelemengabor"When generating language-packs, occasionally errors show up in the log." -yup, and this log is not available to anyone :(19:54
dpmah, yes20:05
dpmthey're generated manually when creating full langpacks20:05
kelemengaborand do you see any chance that these will be published somewhere? :)20:06
dpmit shouldn't be a problem to send them to the mailing list manually20:06
kelemengaborbtw, xine-lib went to universe too: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/xine-lib - deactivating...20:07
dpmI'm not sure I'll have time over holidays, though. I'll send an e-mail to pitti, as we need to generate the first langpack20:07
dpmfor precise20:07
kelemengaborthat would be nice :)20:07
=== Guest58401 is now known as issyl0
dpmI'm not sure I'll be much online these holidays, which I'm starting tomorrow. If I don't see/speak to you before I come back, I hope everyone has a fantastic time, whether you're celebrating Christmas or not!20:39
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci

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