
HazRPGHmm, I have no sound on ubuntu... and having trouble diagnosing as to why... can someone please give me a hand?04:35
HazRPGalsa 1.0.23, Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller04:36
MooDoohello al08:05
MartijnVdSHazRPG: check /proc/asound/devices08:17
MartijnVdSHazRPG: also ubuntu-bug audio08:17
MartijnVdSHazRPG: it has some basic checks08:17
MartijnVdS(and files a bug if they fail :))08:17
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:27
djonesMorning all08:30
djonesHappy last minute, crazy week, pre christmas shopping time08:30
bigcalmI need to get myself to the postoffice08:31
bigcalmWhat time do they usually start?08:32
djonesI think about 9am08:32
bigcalmWould rather go before work08:32
bigcalmActually, I only need some stamps. I think that part of the shop will be open08:32
MartijnVdSIf it's anything like .nl, they'll be open one hour after work starts, and they'll close 1-2 hours before it ends08:32
MartijnVdSsame as banks08:33
bigcalmThey don't want your business then08:33
MartijnVdSbigcalm: Obviously08:33
MartijnVdSbigcalm: but sometimes other people send me stuff that ends up at the post office because it's too big for my letter box08:33
bigcalmYeah, we have that option as well. But working from home has an advantage there08:34
bigcalmExcept I'm sure that delivery drivers wait for me to leave the house to call08:34
MartijnVdSthey try two days, then go to the post office08:35
MartijnVdSoh and they try around 13:00ish08:35
MartijnVdSso you can't even take HALF a day off08:35
bigcalmIt's nice to have something in common to grumble about ;)08:36
* bigcalm pops off to the shop before he gets engrossed in work08:36
christelit is really cold today08:49
MooDooi don't mind the cold08:50
christelsee, i wouldn't mind if it didn't feel warmer outside than it does inside08:50
christelmorning TheOpenSourcerer :)08:51
TheOpenSourcererI used to live in a house like that christel. My 1st house in Bracknell was fairly modern with double glazing but the previous owner had removed the central (warm air) heating,08:51
TheOpenSourcererIn the winter sometimes I'd open the front door to go to work and warm air would rush *IN* :-D08:52
christelthis house was buildt in the 70s, the previous owner did indeed remove some of the radiators -- i suspect they didn't find radiators all that pretty08:52
christelso downstairs they removed them in the kitchen and the lounge, there's one radiator in the hallway (which well, does f all as i have an open staircase and it just goes straight upstairs) :)08:53
christelevery winter since we moved here i've been saying "oh remind me to get some new radiators put in, at least in the kitchen (the majority of wall is window and patio doors)08:54
christeland then i promptly forget until it's really cold at which point i am not tempted to have any installed because it involves turning the central heating off whilst the plumber does his Thing!08:54
TheOpenSourcererWe are having some issues with our central heating right now funnily enough. Need to get a plumber out to look at it. Seems to be working but the rads/hot water are just barely warm... :-(08:54
christelchristmas is not the time during which you want your central heating to give up the ghost!08:56
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TheOpenSourcererdaubers: Like you think I would know?09:26
bigcalmGood morning christel :)09:33
bigcalmGah, why does it have to be a pixel hunt to resize windows?09:35
christelmorning bigcalm09:42
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: :) I dunno! You might know if you where getting him bits for christmas09:43
daubersAre they little spacemen or little knights?09:43
TheOpenSourcererdaubers: Nah - I took him to a Game Workshop place a couple of weeks ago where he spent some of his hard saved cash. It's the 40,000 version if that helps?09:44
daubersAh :) If he's relativley young and running of the advice from the staff, probably space marines09:44
TheOpenSourcererHe's 1109:44
TheOpenSourcererThat sounds like the right thing.09:44
* daubers spent last night painting these http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod149000509:44
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Something like these I would imagine http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod106007409:45
daubersI have a friend who plays space marines. They tend to fall pray to sheer brutal firepower of my armour every time :)09:46
* MooDoo keeps quiet :D09:47
daubersPainting the little models is surprisingly stress relieving09:47
MooDoodaubers: i know i've done it for years :D09:47
daubersMooDoo: 40k or fantasy?09:48
MooDoodaubers: 40k09:48
* daubers has yet to meet a smurfs player09:49
MooDoodaubers: no eldar harlequins09:49
daubersAh, fair enough09:50
daubersMy guard haven't faired well against any eldar force yet09:50
daubersneed moar tanks09:50
daubersAnyone know of any tools for writing DMI information from linux rather than DOS?09:51
daubers(Also, this was my desk at work the day after the works christmas do.... http://daubers.co.uk/~matt/thurs_after.jpg)09:59
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popeymmmm kenco10:22
bigcalmMmmm Carte noire10:26
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:26
kikojust looking at Zorin os and wondering what its real raison d'etre is? Unless there is some real uner-the-bonnet difference, like some special wine integration out of the box, it essentially looks to be Ubuntu with a an ugly windows theme?10:28
AlanBellkiko: you would probably be best off asking the developers of Zorin10:29
kikoAlanBell: fair enough10:30
directhexnever heard of it10:31
kikojust stumbled on it going through distrowatch looking for potential alternative to ubuntu10:31
AlanBelldunno why people keep making vanity operating systems rather than improving existing ones10:32
kikothere are a lot of ubuntu derivatives now, including zorin. the name caught my eye, as they were the evil company in the 80's bond film with grace jones10:32
kikoAlanBell: I agree... its one of teh down-sides of open-source I suppose.... I don't know whether the Debian community felt the same way about Mark going off and creating Ubuntu?10:33
AlanBellkiko: oh, very much so10:33
AlanBellbut the debian community has many points of view10:34
kikoto be fair, I think Debian community would agree now, in the long run Ubuntu has brought something distinctly different10:35
kikodirecthex: beacause they include propriety codecs out of the box? They're not the only ones.10:36
AlanBellthat is one point of view :)10:37
kikoI like that there area  handful of various distros, but hundreds, different from one another by name and a theme only sometimes. Would be nice to see all that creative energy going into making better apps and improving existing distros instead of duplicating already existing work10:38
bigcalmA client's server is being upgraded to PHP 5.3. This will break the client's project. The server hosting company say that CGI PHP 5.2 will be available upon request. What would one need to do to make an existing PHP project use CGI instead?10:41
* popey notes that Zorin OS claim to have ~500M users10:41
popeyer, 500K users ☺10:41
alex__hello everyone! how to make writing permissions in samba? i need it for different autentificated users.. how to add users, and manage permissions?10:42
bigcalmalex__: I recommend using the samba web interface SWAT10:42
bigcalmalex__: alternatively, webmin10:43
alex__swat is not worked properly in my case10:43
bigcalmSamba is hell to configure :)10:43
kikopopey: never heard of them until last nite, but in 17th position on distrowatch10:43
bigcalmdistrowatch stats mean nothing10:44
bigcalmHaven't people learnt this yet?10:44
MooDooobviously not10:44
popeywe mentioned them on the podcast nearly two weeks ago. this can only have helped10:45
bigcalmLast podcast of the year/season/series tomorrow10:50
bigcalmHow will we cope?10:50
popeyoh you'll cope10:51
popeyits a fun one too10:51
* bigcalm bites his nails10:51
bigcalmI'd love for the WC to gatecrash10:51
kikomy 11.04 install seems to be crumbling. Either old pc or its a bug. I've resisted upgrading to 11.10 because my system was working just fine, and not too keen [still] on Unity10:54
bigcalmkiko: there are alternatives to fighting10:55
bigcalmErm, unity10:55
bigcalmStarWars stuck in my head now10:55
bigcalmI run xubuntu-desktop (xfce) and we get along fine10:56
kikobigcalm: I do prefer gnome to xfce, although I haven't looked at xfce in a long time10:56
bigcalmI tried Unity, it didn't work with my 3 monitor setup, moved to xfce. It looks like gnome 210:57
kikoxfce looks closer to gnome than kde but functionally quite different, no?10:58
bigcalmI'm less of a hacker and more of a user these days.10:58
bigcalmSpending my entire day on the computer has sapped geekyness from me10:58
popeybug 90624610:59
lubotu3Launchpad bug 906246 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Option to 'discard on shutdown' is greyed out." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90624610:59
kiko"Pornbuntu distro coming soon" lol  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/nsfw-adult-lens-and-porn-scope-ready-for-testing/11:06
smittixbah bug 786325 hasnt been resolved yet :/11:06
lubotu3Launchpad bug 786325 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Unable to change mouse cursor theme and size" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78632511:06
AlanBellpopey: with your usb creator thing, did you have 1024MB free space on that stick?11:07
popeyAlanBell: no11:10
popeyAlanBell: so it should let me select to have no persistence file11:15
popeywhich is what I want11:15
AlanBellyes, it is a bug, but that is why it is grey11:16
AlanBellI think it will not do a persistence file whatever it is set to11:16
popeythats not clear11:17
MooDoomorning c\11:21
MooDoomorning czajkowski11:21
jussiczajkowski: are you sick?11:22
alex__czajkowski you are Russian?11:22
czajkowskijussi: very tied11:23
czajkowskialex__: no11:23
czajkowskiMooDoo: hi11:23
jussiI dont htink Ive ever seen czajkowski say "morning" as a greeting on irc before...11:23
czajkowskialex__: no Irish.11:24
czajkowskijussi: yeah same on emails, if there is one missing means it's a cranky email11:24
jussiczajkowski: aww :(11:24
alex__huh.. czajkowski is great Russian musician11:24
jussiczajkowski: one of our sheep died on the weekend :(11:25
czajkowskialex__: it's a polish surname11:26
MooDoojussi: normally she says aloha :D11:29
jussiMooDoo: thats correct ;)11:29
AlanBellmy daughters are now arguing over whether firefox or chromium is the best browser for playing binweevils in11:34
* popey frowns at hamitron's rdns11:37
* hamitron frowns at popey's frown11:38
TwinkletoesMost of the articles I've found about squid, talk of authentication using apache2-utils.  Is that more preferred than pam_auth for squid?11:40
hooverhi folks11:46
jutnux\o hoover11:46
czajkowskiMooDoo: https://plus.google.com/103026851842985992505/posts  photographer from the weekend workshop11:46
MooDooczajkowski: yeah had a look at the weekend, looks fab :)11:47
czajkowskiMooDoo: it was nice and a reasonable price11:48
czajkowskiMooDoo: Nice thing was once I uploaded my pics to G+ he went through and gave tips on soe of them11:48
MooDooczajkowski: which is always good :)  are you getting into photography now?  or have you been for awhile and just putting stuff on net?11:49
czajkowskiMooDoo: just like to play with the gadgets usually have my point and shoot nikon with me, but wanted to get better with my D4011:51
czajkowskiMooDoo: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1605210/in/album/35581611:51
MooDooawww bless :)  I've just upgraded my D60 this weekend11:52
TwinkletoesI can find this manpage on pam_auth for squid, but can't find the package.  Am I missing anything?  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/squid3_pam_auth.8.html11:54
czajkowskiMooDoo: as I don't know London well I went on a photo walk http://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/41194111:54
AlanBellyou will have a cockney accent soon11:55
czajkowskiAlanBell: eh no11:56
kikohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qj8p-PEwbI&feature=related  bs media lies11:57
MooDooczajkowski: i like them :D  are you on auto on your camera or are you using something else?11:58
czajkowskiat the weekend auto was off11:58
czajkowskiand set to A or M11:58
czajkowskion pix.ie stuff it varies11:58
MooDoocool :D11:58
czajkowskinot great at night shots on the DSLR11:59
MooDooczajkowski: just purchased a Nikon D300s with battery grip :D11:59
czajkowskione guy had a battery grip on his11:59
czajkowskitried to hold it hand is not big enough to balance it properly11:59
MooDooit's easier when you're trying to do portraight shots and don't have to reach over the camera :)12:00
=== tonytige1 is now known as tonytiger
czajkowskihttp://pix.ie/czajkowski/2673613/size/800  was my fav from the weekend shot12:01
bigcalmczajkowski: that's lovely12:01
czajkowskithank you12:02
bigcalmLove the moody sky contrasting with the sun shining on the stone work12:02
bigcalmczajkowski: if you have an SLR, get a circular polarising filter - great for sky, water and cutting down reflections12:02
bigcalmczajkowski: good use of the golden rule as well12:03
AlanBellwhat rule is that then?12:04
bigcalmThe golden rule of 3rds12:04
MooDoorule of thirds?12:04
czajkowskipure fluke in that case12:04
bigcalmSorry, golden ratio, not rule12:04
bigcalmSome cameras will have an option to show a grid over the view to line things up12:05
bigcalmThis is quite interesting: http://www.jakegarn.com/the-rule-of-thirds/12:06
czajkowskiforn teh 29 quid we got over 3 hrs hands on workshop, leafelet and sticks to help us remember stuff.12:08
czajkowskiit was definately worth it12:08
czajkowskibought it via groupon for 29 quid and its on again at 70% off12:08
MooDooczajkowski: member of your local photography club?12:09
AlanBellbigcalm: thanks, that makes sense now, I was trying to figure out what thirds had to do with the golden ratio12:09
czajkowskiMooDoo: nope12:09
czajkowskithey'd proably be a lot more advanced than I am12:10
bigcalmI really wish I would make time to go out with my camera12:10
MooDooczajkowski: you should, invaluable, you might be the youngest there by about 70 years but they are worth it.12:10
bigcalmczajkowski: the best way to improve your photography after being helped with the basics is to take more photos12:10
MooDooczajkowski: our has people that have never picked up a camera to ones that take photos with mobiles :D)12:10
czajkowskimight look into that in the new year12:10
czajkowskiI'm only here for one more day12:11
bigcalmThere's a ruined abbey down the road from me. Must go there with a camera12:11
czajkowskibigcalm: next time you've a week off work I don't expect to see you on here, I expect to see some new pics!12:11
bigcalmHaha. Yeah, why not?12:12
bigcalmCan't I do both? :P12:13
bigcalmIt's piddling it down today. Might be a good time to take moody shots of the abbey12:13
MooDoobigcalm: czajkowski and any other photographer - http://prjmphotography.blogspot.com/2011/12/get-to-know-photographer.html12:14
czajkowskiBTW, if anyone here is intereted in a similar photo workshop http://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/south-london/mark-andreani-photography/218521512:16
czajkowskihe also runs more advanced ones12:16
czajkowskiMooDoo: that;s a lot of questions!12:16
MooDooczajkowski: i know :) :D12:16
bigcalmWho is this Paul Mellors fellow anyway?12:17
bigcalmSounds a little nosey12:17
czajkowskiMooDoo: poke tonytiger and gmb12:17
MooDoobigcalm: yeah it's a right git ;)12:17
bigcalmMooDoo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bigcuthy12:17
MooDooczajkowski: will do thanks12:17
MooDoobigcalm: rubbish ;)12:18
bigcalmI must admit, most of the photos on the 1st page aren't really concentrating on my photography and were used as a dumping ground12:19
MooDoobigcalm: moi - http://www.flickr.com/photos/prjmellors/12:19
czajkowskiohh you know the way we have a rugby Ubuntu meet up12:20
czajkowskiwe should have a photogroup meet up12:21
MooDoogood plan12:21
bigcalmMooDoo: this your job?12:21
MooDoobigcalm: nope, just a hobby, i would like it to be next year12:21
bigcalmGood luck :)12:22
bigcalmI turned my programming hobby into a job. But will always keep photography as a hobby12:22
MooDoobigcalm: got a few weddings, done a few photoshoots, it's all a learning process12:22
jutnuxCrisp Sandwich <312:23
bigcalmI was about to say that you can tell a lot about a person's tastes by their 'favorites' section on flickr. But then I found you've only fave'd 1 photo!12:24
MooDoolol yeah i don't tend to fave photos, just look12:24
MooDoobigcalm: and to be honest, i'm not sure why that's a fave12:25
MooDoobigcalm: s/was a fave :)12:26
christeli take rubbish pictures unfortunately, so i never really bother bringing my camera anywhere12:32
MooDoochristel: take it with you, get better :p12:32
bigcalmThat's the thing. The more you take the better you get12:32
christeli think i've used my dslr oh about 6 times since i got it like 3 years ago :s12:33
christel(it does, with the incredibly pricey sports lens, take some decent photos at the rugby and cricket, but that is down to the lens more so than me)12:33
MooDoochristel: the cam/lens only takes the photo, you tell it were to point etc12:34
christelah but see, anything else i try to take photos of just comes out rubbish :P12:34
bigcalmSport can be a bugger12:34
bigcalmA high ISO and an IS lens if you can12:35
MooDoochristel: change the lens, read the manual and then go play12:35
MooDoobigcalm: you a canon fanboy?12:35
bigcalmI say IS as a generic term12:35
* brobostigon remembers having to change the aperture etc and things manually on a camera.12:36
MooDoonot that there is anything wrong with canons :D12:36
bigcalmMy dslr is a Canon EOS 350D though12:36
bigcalmShowing its age now12:36
MooDoonice, i nearly came away with the eos 7d at the weekend12:36
bigcalmI really really want to reply to Barry Drake's mailing list email with "2012, the year of the Linux Desktop"12:38
bigcalmDo not feed the inner trolls12:38
christelmine is a canon also12:40
* bigcalm zooms in on christel12:41
christelEOS 450D, wheter it's any good i have no idea12:41
christelsince i am useless with it12:41
MooDooi only went for nikon as that's the cam and lenses i already own, would be silly to have to restart my collection12:41
bigcalmchristel: it's the newer version of my camera. Tis good, you should get to now it a little more :)12:42
livingdaylightbigcalm, testing xubuntu live :D12:42
bigcalmlivingdaylight: glad people are willing to try something different12:42
livingdaylightbigcalm, most definitely. Would never have tried a linux-based os many years ago now, otherwise12:43
bigcalmOh, haha. I meant something different to Unity. A different OS is good too :D12:44
livingdaylightyea ;)12:44
livingdaylightjust have to see whether I can get used to xfce and what if any significant differnences there are12:45
livingdaylightno, regards, unity, impression I get is that a lot of people are willing to try something different.12:45
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christelMooDoo: ah yes, lenses. i've spent more on lenses than i did on the body (a lot more) -- because i went through a phase of just buying * in the hope i'd take better photos with different lenses12:48
bigcalmDecent glass costs sadly12:48
christel(and then i went a bit mad and actually purchased a weird telephoto lens -- i think i must have intended to take pictures of AlanBell from the other side of town)12:49
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* MooDoo just got given a 24-70 2.8 sigma, that's lovely12:49
christelbut it's like fifteen feet long and i've yet to work out how to hold it up even when the cmaera is on a tripod and the lens is on a monopod!12:49
hoover_hey biggie12:49
bigcalmHowdy hoovie :)12:50
bigcalmDo I go out in the rain and take photos of the abbey, or stay in the warm and play minecraft?12:50
christeler sorry, helpful small hands12:50
bigcalmHi David12:50
hoover_Sweet ;-)12:51
czajkowskibigcalm: photos!12:51
christelphotos of minecraft!12:51
TwinkletoesAlthough the ubuntu manpages have an entry for pam_auth (for squid) it's not in the repos.  Do I just go ahead and create my own pam file for squid?12:51
hoover_I've taken up simflying again... Falcon 4 BMS 4.3212:52
hoover_terrible time killer like Minecraft ;-)12:53
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HazRPGhmm, MartijnVdS, thanks... just ran it and it said "This is not a genuine Ubuntu package" at the end o.O13:30
hoover_cheers all13:49
* Twinkletoes notices everyone is asleep15:07
andylockranI is awake15:07
* MooDoo is awake15:08
* jutnux is awake15:13
* mattt is sweeping15:24
czajkowskiany london folks here, how do ye normally get to heathrow?15:34
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: When I lived in Fulham I just got a taxi.15:35
directhexlots of it]15:35
czajkowskidirecthex: no jinxing me15:36
czajkowskiflight at 10am15:36
directhexi've taken the tube to get to the airport before, but urgh15:36
directhexit's like zone 10 million, and crowded all the way15:36
czajkowskitfl saying go to picdally circus15:36
czajkowskianother site says via padington15:36
czajkowskiand I hate paddington15:36
TheOpenSourcererBut then my firm were paying (or a Virgin Chauffeur picked me up).15:36
jutnuxczajkowski: would probably be easier to book a helicopter15:36
directhextbh i take the bus given the option15:36
directhexor even better, book a hotel&park nearby for the nighr before15:36
directhexno frantic travel on the day of your flight, just a short shuttle bus to heathrow from your hotel15:37
czajkowskidirecthex: I live smack bang in london, in theory it shou;dnt be an issue15:37
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bigcalmOh my15:48
bigcalmA coworker of Hayley has their business email using MS Comic Sans15:48
christeloh dear15:48
bigcalmThis is in the council15:48
* bigcalm shakes his head15:48
* jutnux brandishes shotgun15:50
Twinkletoesbigcalm: Any half-decent business doesn't use html at all in emails ;)15:54
bigcalmThis is the council15:56
jutnuxAnyone here use nVidia and KDE?15:57
jutnuxMy fonts just went super tiny.15:57
directhexjutnux, nope, you just grew super huge15:59
directhexeasy mistake to make15:59
directhexnext time, avoid eating mysterious cakes with "eat me" on the box16:00
ali1234lol, classic16:01
ali1234KDE has been doing that since 3.016:01
jutnuxIt's never done it before.16:01
jutnuxAny pointers? <316:01
ali1234it doesn't do it every time16:01
* jutnux kicks directhex16:01
directhextry the bottle marked "drink me"16:01
ali1234yes, override the display DPI in xorg.conf16:02
ali1234it will probably still do it though16:02
jutnuxThe problem: I don't seem to have an xorg.conf16:02
jutnuxAt least not in the usual place16:02
ali1234install nvidia binary driver first then16:02
jutnuxUgh, it's still being a bitch16:10
jutnuxFixed it, just forced the DPI on the fonts.16:17
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
jacobwdoes anyone know how to get the adsl username and password from a sky dg934g type router?16:49
jacobwevening zleap16:49
Twinkletoesjacobw: Yes16:49
Twinkletoesjacobw: Backup the config file and read it in a text editor16:49
Twinkletoesjacobw: Oh, I see - they've najjered the firmware.  I used a procedure to upgrade my sky-supplied one with a standard, some time ago16:50
jacobwyes, the firmware keeps the adsl credentials from the user16:52
bigcalmThey don't want you using 3rd party hardware16:52
bigcalmAs it will break their terms of service16:52
bigcalmPeople do it anyway16:52
jacobwhmm, its not mine to upgrade the firmware off16:53
jacobwsomewhat irritating seen as it takes a random amount of time to initalise its adsl connection16:54
jacobwo/ daubers16:55
jacobwbigcalm: i think they'd have less calls to technical support if they made it easy to keep a backup router with the adsl credentials in case of problems16:57
jacobwbigcalm: however, that assumes that more than 0.1% of people would do that :|16:57
ali1234jacobw: disassemble the router and find the serial port17:13
ali1234netgears always seem to have one17:13
jacobwali1234: i think that would void the technical support too17:14
ali1234then you can look at what user/pass pppd is using17:14
jacobwali1234: its my landlords device17:14
ali1234my old netgear could be disassembled without damaging any stickers17:14
ali1234also try enabling telnet login17:15
ali1234go to
ali1234if that doesn't work there is another thing you can try17:15
ali1234some windows tool that you run and it enabled telnet17:16
zleapjust redone my posters to include qr codes17:17
jacobwi considered connecting the adsl the the adsl of a more friendly router and dumping the incoming pap/chap traffic17:17
ali1234that doesn't work17:17
jacobwiirc, pap sends passwords in the clear whereas chap doesn't17:17
ali1234you cant connect dsl modems back to back17:18
jacobwwhy not?17:19
ali1234i dunno. try it17:20
ali1234let me know if it works17:20
ali1234i'll be very suprised17:20
jacobwi'm reading about the windows tool now17:25
bigcalmThat sounds like an insult17:27
bigcalmCalling somebody a windows tool17:27
jacobwi'm not going to mess with adsl routers shortly before christmas17:30
jacobwit'll have to wait :|17:30
zleapi mean hello18:17
zleaphi MonsterKiller18:29
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=== Guest58401 is now known as issyl0
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jacobwwho uses giffgaff?22:13

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