[02:49] Hey guys [03:01] hey, turns out I haven't left yet :) [03:01] Is there anyone here for the meeting? [03:01] hi [03:02] Oh good... Lyz, do we want to postpone the next meeting (Jan 1st) at all? [03:02] last time we talked about it we said we wouldn't postpone (I'll be around, and some others said they would too) [03:02] Okay cool. [03:02] Well, in that case. [03:02] Welcome to the meeting. [03:03] * jtatum waves [03:03] There is only one item on the agenda. [03:03] SCALE 10x [03:03] Woot! for SCALE [03:03] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale10x [03:04] That is the project page. [03:04] We are looking for volunteers for both Ubucon and the Booth. [03:04] Manning the booth isn't so bad. Meeting people, handing out CDs [03:04] talking to people. Very nice and fun. [03:05] some photos from last year: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-us-ca/sets/72157626169907536/ [03:06] we also need to pull over our "stuff" list from last year and get people to commit to bring stuff [03:06] Aye we do. [03:06] You want me to setup getting the conf pack and CDs? [03:06] were you going to talk to jono about CDs? [03:06] Aye [03:06] that sounds good [03:07] I'm gonig to drop him an email plus corner him in IRC [03:07] Half of me hopes I can make it and half of me hopes I have a job by then. [03:07] jobs are good [03:07] * Darkwing has visions of an Ubuntu Booth at E3 [03:08] Does anyone have any questoins about SCALE? [03:09] Anyone have any comments about it? [03:09] I wish I could make it :( [03:09] :( [03:10] we don't have the booth documents yet, but we do have the coupon code and registration instructions for volunteers, so ask one of us if you need them [03:10] pleia2: Gareth said I should have those soon. [03:11] * Darkwing zaps Gareth with a caddle proad [03:11] we also have a half off code for folks who want a discount to attend but don't want to volunteer with the booth: UBUCO [03:11] (anyone can use that) [03:12] Does anyone have any other buisness? Questions? Comments? announcements? [03:13] Ubunth Hour and Debian dinner this past week was a lot of fun :) 7 attendees at each, 9 people total between them [03:13] nice [03:13] SV was awesome too [03:14] Darkwing: is the Dec 20th San Diego Hour happening? [03:14] it's still on the schedule, so it should be removed ASAP if not [03:14] As far as I know, yes. [03:14] who is running it? [03:15] I am AFAIK. [03:15] Phil is up north. [03:15] ok :) [03:15] yeah [03:15] I think. [03:15] I haven't seen kdub in a bit [03:15] Neither have I. [03:15] He got a girl and his job [03:15] * philipballew cant get kevin to text him back also [03:16] Neither can I. [03:16] Hey philipballew [03:16] hey Darkwing [03:16] pleia2: I'll know for sure by tomorrow morning. [03:16] ok, great [03:17] Biggest issue is no car and its 25 miles away :) [03:21] sounds like we're doing :) [03:21] err, done! [03:21] Aye, thanks for coming out [03:22] * Darkwing waves and goes to put kids in the bath === greg_g is now known as greg-g === jtatum_ is now known as jtatum [20:57] nhaines: ping [22:06] Gareth: pong [22:11] nhaines: do you have the UbuCon schedule ready go to? [22:11] to go. [22:20] Gareth: no, but I know what it's going to look like, more or less. Do we have a printing deadline coming up? :) [22:20] I have a partial schedule and can get it to you tonight. [22:30] * bkerensa is having dreams of California [22:30] :D [22:36] nhaines: nope. want to get it up on the website soon. [22:41] Gareth: oh, okay! Even better. In that case... uhh.. I can get it to you tonight. :) [22:42] perfect. [22:45] Any hardware geeks in the bay area: Halted has a pile of $5 GPS modules. No idea (yet) how good they are. [23:25] neat, thanks akk [23:54] jtatum: If you get one and try it, let me know how it works. (I got one but may not have time to hook it up for a while.) [23:54] * akk right now would be happy if I could get this $%^ relay to work [23:56] took the train to work today unfortunately so not sure when i'll be able to make it over. [23:56] i really wish they carried bare avrs somewhere in the bay area [23:57] Bare avr like the cpu from the arduino? Or the higher-end ones? [23:59] I think Anchor carries the small Atmel processors.