
jedijfEvilResistance: on one of the links?00:06
EvilResistancejedijf:  on the entire schedule page for the link you sent out00:06
EvilResistancesee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/natty00:06
EvilResistancealso, if i wanted to give the Command Line Basics one, if that's still open, what would you recommend i look at for content?00:07
EvilResistancei.e. what to include?00:07
EvilResistanceof course, navigating dir structures (cd), basics such as cat, rm, etc., ...00:07
jedijfEvilResistance: that was a link to logs, to see previous user day info00:07
EvilResistancetar maybe, but i'm not a pro on that00:07
EvilResistancejedijf:  i see00:07
EvilResistancejedijf:  any idea what topics are planned this time round?00:08
jedijfEvilResistance: i would email lyz what i wanted to do; if there was a conflict, she will tell you00:09
EvilResistancelyz = pleia2?00:09
EvilResistance*searches for lys00:10
EvilResistancei need to find her email then :p00:10
jedijfi would join the ml too: ubuntu-classroom@lists.ubuntu.com00:11
EvilResistancejedijf:  does it need confirmation for users to join that list?00:12
jedijfEvilResistance: yep, i just joined, but there is nothing in the archives, so it looks like the world is yours00:13
jedijfwell there's stuff, but nothing specific in nov or dec to this session00:13
EvilResistancei've emailed lyz about it via my @ubuntu.com address so :P00:14
EvilResistanceholy freaking crap, there's 45 emails in my inbox o.O00:14
pleia2EvilResistance: refresh the suggestions page, I hadn't finished updating all the wiki but it should link to the right place now00:15
EvilResistanceyep the schedule page works now00:16
EvilResistancepleia2:  check your @ubuntu.com email00:16
pleia2I saw, thanks00:17
=== rhpot199` is now known as rhpot1991
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
=== TheEvilPhoenix is now known as EvilResistance
rmg51not good so far10:21
rmg51computer troubles10:21
JonathanDtoo early for that.10:22
JonathanDit's too cold in here.10:22
rmg51my laptop just decided to logout on it's own10:22
JonathanDoh nice.10:23
rmg51trying to setup the morning paper and the laptop just froze10:23
rmg51I had to sit on the power button to shut it down10:24
rmg51just got back on10:24
JonathanDIt's probably too cold. It's freezing.10:26
JonathanDLol. Lol.10:26
JonathanDI'll be here all week.10:26
rmg51seems to be working again10:28
rmg51for now10:28
rmg51I thought I would have to use my Windows laptop10:29
InHisNameFunny about auto logout.   My ubuntu desktop has REBOOTED by itself to the login screen.  I checked other appliances that blink if power off for even less than one second, but no loss of power there.12:25
InHisNameIt has done it twice in two weeks.12:25
InHisNamebtw good morning all12:26
=== pangolin is now known as Guest38282
=== yoda_van is now known as jedijf
jedijfhell week13:21
morechee1egood morning13:46
MutantTurkeywhats going on here?13:55
=== MutantTurkey is now known as MutantlTurkey
=== MutantlTurkey is now known as MutanlTurkey
MutanlTurkeyprogress for progress's sake!14:20
InHisNameManifest Destiny !15:19
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
ChinnoDoggobble gobble19:15
MutantTurkeygobbleee gobblee19:15
MutantTurkeyInHisName: shoulda visited me at work19:15
InHisNameyou're working ?   School should be done now.19:16
MutantTurkeyschool? finals today19:21
InHisNameworking and finals same day....   Mutant for punishment19:23
MutantTurkeyno no no19:24
MutantTurkeyi meant you should have visted saturday!19:24
InHisNameYou work at Giant ?19:25

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