
Kilosmorning inetpro and others06:21
inetprogood morning Kilos and everyone else06:35
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:35
maiatodayhello Kilos and everyone else07:08
fulcrumanyone here08:48
superflyhi fulcrum08:58
fulcrumhows it going09:08
superflyfulcrum: I'm alright, and you?09:17
superfly(just a bit busy, as you might have gathered)09:17
fulcrumsuperfly:  good thanks09:17
fulcrumsuperfly:  me too... on leave from tomorrow though09:17
fulcrumsuperfly:  that job come through?09:17
superflyfulcrum: nope09:18
fulcrumsuperfly:  nope nope or still waiting to hear?09:18
superflywish I was working right now... dunno how I'm going to pay rent, medical aid, etc and have money for grocery shopping next month09:18
superflystill waiting to hear09:18
fulcrumgah... :-(09:18
superflyif it was just me, it would be OK, but my wife and kid also gotta eat09:19
zerefi lold11:00
LangjanHi Kilos12:18
Kiloshi there Langjan 12:18
Kilosim glad your xchat is fixed12:19
Langjansorry I'm late, got bogged down in town, yes so am I12:19
Kilosno prob12:19
Kilosdo you want to learn how to get maaz to google for you?12:20
LangjanPeter Nel sent me an e-mail with some suggestions about my slow 11.10 problem, perhaps I should work thro that first and see what happens12:20
Kiloshe fetches the first 4 or so relevant links. not same as actually googling12:20
Langjanso how is your headache problem today?12:21
Kilosnot a good day but i maintain ty12:21
LangjanEish, sorry to hear that, am thinking of you and praying for you...12:22
Kilosty sir12:22
Kiloshere is one unity slowness link12:23
Langjanmy privilege my friend12:23
Langjanthanks for the link12:23
Kilosyour welcome12:23
Kilosgood luck to finding the cure12:23
LangjanThanks, I will do some homework and let you know how things are progressing. 12:24
Kilosi saw mails with 11.04 way back that were similar and they found the probs12:24
LangjanAlles sal regkom12:24
Kilosjust remember you dont have a nvidia graphics card in there hey12:25
LangjanWill do. OK take a break and drink plenty water12:25
Langjanmoet net nie verdrink nie...12:25
Kilosha ha12:26
Langjanand thx for your patience with my xchat prob12:26
Kilosek kan goed swem ek was n lewensredder by toti12:26
Kilosanytime my friend12:26
LangjanO jys een van die 'toti helde, daai bruingebrande manne met die spogspiere 12:27
Kiloshiya superfly you guys ok?12:27
superflyja, we're ok for now12:28
Kiloslmga ja maar 35 jaar terug12:28
Langjanmaar 'toti was 'n gevaarlike swemplek12:28
Langjanhet jou groot borskas nou afgesak?12:28
Langjantot waar?12:28
Kilosja die see het bietjie skeef getrek party keer12:29
Kilosek was daar toe die eerste haai aanval daar was12:29
Langjansjoe, dit was seker ''n ervaring12:29
Kilossuperfly, thats nice to hear12:30
Langjannouja, ek word geroep - die pantoffelregering. Mooi loop kilos12:30
Kilosek het geleer om op water te loop daai dag12:30
superflyKilos: not really... now is OK, next month will not be12:30
Kilosselle daar12:30
Kiloseish superfly we all praying for you12:30
superflydankie oom12:31
Kilosi'll be back later. be good all of ya12:36
Kilosi have a terrible problem. somehow i cant get into the second partition of my external17:38
Kilosthats the error message i get17:38
Kilosfrom  dmesg | tail17:39
Kilosyeah. i have everything saved there17:44
superflyyou should be able to read the drive without the journal though, but I am unfamiliar with that sort of stuff17:45
Kilosif i look in places it actually shows as the storage drive it is but when i try open it then i get the error message telling me to run that tail command17:46
Kilosi copied ms office there this avy to take with to tara and dunno if that could have caused it17:47
Kilosthe drive is partitioned as backup and storage and only the storage part wont open17:48
Kilosi gonna try mount with cli17:50
roryythere are some scary e2fsck things to do with using superblock backups17:51
roryyif it's feasible perhaps you should use dd to back the drive up, and play with the backup image.  i'm guessing the partition is too big for that, though17:51
superflyeish, it's already past time to start the monthly meeting17:52
Kilosi dont understand anything about superblocks. its just a partition i keep everything on17:52
* superfly prods nuvolari, drubin, tumbleweed, inetpro17:52
superflyzeref: you around?17:52
superflysdehaan, Squirm, Kerbero, bmg505: you guys?17:53
Kilossuperfly, we can have a small meet and just say everyone has gone on holiday17:53
superflyKilos: eish, I need to go deal with the little man, will only be back in half an hour... but I agree with you17:57
Kilosnp superfly 17:58
Kiloshiya tumbleweed 17:58
Kiloswe can wait for superfly and then have our monthly meet17:58
Kiloswhat you think17:58
tumbleweederm, what's the agenda?17:59
superflytumbleweed: I don't think we really have one at this stage :-)17:59
superflyanyways, gotta go, bbiab17:59
Kilosi spose just to say we actually having a meet but everyone is on holiday18:00
tumbleweedsure, re waiting18:00
Kiloswe missed having a meet last month as well18:00
Kilossorry internet died18:06
Squirmhello superfly18:07
Squirmhello Kilos18:08
Kiloshi there Squirm 18:08
Kilostumbleweed, do you know how i can get past this superblock please18:13
KilosError mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc2,18:13
Kilossomething funny happening. if i go places computer then it sees my storage drive as sdb218:16
Kilosbut still wont open18:16
Kilosso where this mix up with sdb and sdc coming from?18:17
SquirmKilos: is it an ntfs drive? do you have ntfs-3g installed?18:22
Kilosno its ext418:23
tumbleweedKilos: sdb and sdc are different devices18:23
Squirmthen I'm as lost as you :P18:23
tumbleweedare you sure the mixup isn't in your head?18:23
Squirmdmesg should tell you where it is18:23
tumbleweedcat /proc/partitions will show you what partitions the kernel sees18:23
Kilosya tumbleweed but its the same external. always sdb now it sees it as sdc as well18:24
Squirmyou don't have a flash disk or anything in there?18:24
tumbleweedprobably re-added it before it noticed that it was removed (due to a temporary disconnection or something like that)18:24
tumbleweeddoes /proc/partitions show the same partitions for sdb and sdc?18:25
Kilosshows as sdc18:25
tumbleweedno sign of sdb?18:26
tumbleweedthen I don't see a problem18:26
tumbleweedunless you still have sdb mounted, in which case, yes you do have a problem :P18:27
Kiloswhen i plug it in the first part opens but second one gives error message18:27
Kilosthere isnt any othe usb goodie mounted 18:27
Kilosjust walked aroung pc to check18:28
Kilosonly modem and external18:28
tumbleweed"sudo sfdisk -l /dev/sdc" <- please pastebin the output18:28
tumbleweedsudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt18:31
tumbleweedI assume that gives you your bad superblock error?18:31
tumbleweed"dmesg | tail" should give more hints18:32
Kiloseven that output is different to what is was earlier18:33
tumbleweedok, corrupted journal maybe18:34
tumbleweedhave you run an fsck on it?18:34
tumbleweedfsck -C0 -f -y /dev/sdc218:35
Kilosdont know how to do that tumbleweed 18:35
Kilosty will try18:35
superflyI'm back18:37
Kilosstorage: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****18:37
Kiloswb superfly 18:37
Kiloswe ready for you18:37
superflymkay, well... let's see if I can drive Maaz18:39
superflyMaaz: how do I use meeting?18:39
Maazsuperfly: Take minutes of an IRC Meeting. You can use it like this:18:39
Maaz  (start | end) meeting [about <title>]18:39
Maaz  I am <True Name>18:39
Maaz  topic <topic>18:39
Maaz  (agreed | idea | accepted | rejected) <statement>18:39
Maaz  minutes so far18:39
Maaz  meeting title is <title>18:39
Kilosyay ty tumbleweed its fixed18:39
tumbleweedKilos: np18:39
superflyMaaz: start meeting about Ubuntu-ZA Monthly Meeting18:40
Maazsuperfly: Just do it yourself18:40
Kiloscan just copying winsucks stuff to there do that?18:40
superflystart meeting about Ubuntu-ZA Monthly Meeting18:40
tumbleweedMaaz: permissions18:40
Maaztumbleweed: Permissions: chairmeeting and nmap18:40
superflyah, I don't have meeting permissions, I think18:40
tumbleweedMaaz: start meeting about Ubuntu-ZA Monthly Meeting18:40
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:40
superflythanks tumbleweed18:40
tumbleweeddo we have an agenda?18:40
KilosMaaz, i am Miles Sharpe18:41
MaazKilos: Righto18:41
tumbleweedMaaz: I am Stefano Rivera18:41
Maaztumbleweed: Sure18:41
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:41
Maazsuperfly: Righto18:41
superflytumbleweed: uh, not really, I don't think... I'm quickly looking up the last minutes18:41
Kilosbmg wb log in to meet please18:42
KilosSquirm, log in18:42
Kiloszeref, ping18:42
superflytumbleweed, Kilos: do you remember when our last meeting was?18:43
Kilos2 months back superfly 18:43
tumbleweedhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings seems to be a little sparse18:44
tumbleweedMaaz: topic review previous minutes18:44
MaazCurrent Topic: review previous minutes18:44
Kilosyip we missed last month because kbmonkey didnt have internet connection18:45
tumbleweedkbmonkey seems to have won all the action items18:45
Kilosand he apologised again today18:45
tumbleweedso I assume we don't have much review to do without him18:45
superflywell, he and I were supposed to organise an Ubuntu hour, but that never really materialised, partially my fault, I forgot :-(18:46
Kilosmethinks we just need to have showed we are here and havent given up18:46
tumbleweedsuperfly: so it goes18:46
superfly(there was also the just got back from holiday, and then the losing my job bits)18:46
Kilosmost of the guys are away on holiday18:47
tumbleweedin that case18:47
tumbleweedMaaz: topic agenda18:47
MaazCurrent Topic: agenda18:47
tumbleweedanything we need to discuss?18:47
superflyI'd like to have a slightly more local Ubuntu hour, especially now that I have a netbook18:47
tumbleweedthat'd be lovely18:47
superflybut I think we should look at doing that in about Feb, when people are back at work18:48
* tumbleweed thinks we should do some vaguely dev-oriented event while highvoltage is in town, if we can twist his arm :P18:48
superflyooo, that would be cool18:49
tumbleweedlast call for agenda items18:49
superflyso possible events are a Cape Town Ubuntu hour and a dev event when highvoltage is in town18:49
superflytumbleweed: I think those two events?18:50
superflyshould go on the agenda, I mean18:50
Kiloslo rossouwap 18:50
tumbleweedMaaz: topic CT ubuntu hour18:51
MaazCurrent Topic: CT ubuntu hour18:51
tumbleweedsuperfly: if you are taking that on, it'd be great18:51
superflyI'll do my best... I'd like to have at least one other person who can "guarantee" they'll be there though18:51
superflyI hate sitting alone in a coffee shop :-(18:51
tumbleweedheh, I'll do my best to be there18:52
tumbleweedwhen and where are you thinking?18:52
superflyMaybe the second or third Saturday in Feb? the 11th or the 18th?18:52
tumbleweedsounds good18:53
superflyNot too sure where... maybe somewhere accessible by train? or even on the train? :-P18:53
rossouwaphi Kilos18:53
tumbleweedMaaz: agreed superfly to organise a CT Ubuntu Hour in mid-feb18:54
MaazAgreed: superfly to organise a CT Ubuntu Hour in mid-feb18:54
tumbleweeddone with that?18:54
* superfly diarises it18:54
tumbleweedMaaz: topic a dev event of some sort18:55
MaazCurrent Topic: a dev event of some sort18:55
tumbleweedwe could just have a geeky corner of the ubuntu hour, but speciased events probably aren't a bad idea18:55
tumbleweedwhe had quite a successful little global jam a few months back18:55
superflytumbleweed: do you know when highvoltage will be around?18:56
tumbleweedhighvoltage: are you keen for something?18:56
tumbleweedsuperfly: another 2 months, I think18:56
tumbleweedthis must probably be discussed out of this meeting...18:57
tumbleweedMaaz: agreed tumbleweed to possibly organise a little dev event18:57
MaazAgreed: tumbleweed to possibly organise a little dev event18:57
tumbleweedMaaz: topic Any Other Business?18:57
MaazCurrent Topic: Any Other Business18:57
Squirmbit late18:59
Squirmbut log in where?18:59
superflySquirm: identify yourself18:59
Kilosjust say maaz i am and your name18:59
superflytumbleweed: No, everyone is on holiday19:00
Squirm-Notice- {from NickServ} You are already logged in as Squirm.19:00
Kilosrossouwap, you wanna sign in here at the meet?19:00
Kilosno man Squirm 19:00
Kilos just go maaz i am and your name19:00
rossouwapno thanks Kilos, just got here without realising what the time was :S19:01
SquirmMaaz: I am Sinjin Swanepoel19:01
MaazSquirm: Sure19:01
tumbleweedthen we can end :)19:01
tumbleweedMaaz: end meeting19:01
MaazMeeting Ended19:01
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2011-12-19-18-40-35.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2011-12-19-18-40-35.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2011-12-19-18-40-35.html19:01
Squirmyes, I know I know, I made a big contribution, no need for applause19:01
Kilosty tumbleweed superfly we legal for another month19:01
superflythanks tumbleweed19:02
tumbleweedcocooncrash: please give superfly chairmeeting19:02
* tumbleweed copies and pastes some team reports together19:02
superflytumbleweed: I was going to make a monthly meeting page, are you busy with that?19:05
tumbleweedsuperfly: haven't started anything yet19:06
* superfly does so19:06
Kiloshaha hiya zeref 19:11
zerefhi there Kilos 19:12
cocooncrashMaaz: grant chairmeeting to superfly when authed19:13
Maazcocooncrash: I don't know who superfly is19:13
cocooncrashMaaz: create account superfly 19:14
Maazcocooncrash: Okay19:14
Kilosoh my19:14
cocooncrashMaaz: grant chairmeeting to superfly when authed19:14
Maazcocooncrash: Alrighty19:14
Kiloshi cocooncrash 19:14
superflyheya cocooncrash19:14
cocooncrashHi :)19:14
garamanhello all.  graham here19:17
Kiloshiya garaman 19:19
superflyhi garaman19:20
superflycocooncrash: are you almost ready for the move?19:20
cocooncrashsuperfly: Getting there slowly :-/19:21
cocooncrashStill trying to decide what to ship and so on19:21
superflycocooncrash: are you paying for the move yourself, or is the company paying for it?19:22
cocooncrashsuperfly: I've got an allowance to spend on the move19:22
superflyah, ok19:22
Kilosnight guys. keep cool19:35
* nuvolari facepalms19:38
nuvolarithe email came, the email went...19:38
nuvolariand I miss another meeting19:39
nuvolariwhere are you ging cocooncrash ? :-/19:40
cocooncrashnuvolari: California19:40
nuvolarimeh. Why is everyone leaving ZA?19:41
nuvolaricocooncrash: best of wishes!19:42
Kerberowant dis lekker hier in die buiteland19:42
nuvolarinaand Kerbero 19:42
Kerberodis nie eers koud nie19:42
nuvolariKerbero: ballito is ook nie koud nie, en dit is nie buiteland nie19:42
bmg505o_O rather the devil you know than the one you don't19:51
* Kerbero ken nie ballito nie19:52
bmg505die sosialistiese republiek van california is nogals lekker, behalwe dat jy in die kak kom as jy 'n krimineel skiet19:52
Kerberomaar dit lyk vir my ons gaan nie 'n wit kersfees in Europa he^ hierdie jaar nie19:53
cocooncrashnuvolari: Shot19:53
cocooncrashnuvolari: I'll be back in a few years :)19:53
bmg505kom terug met sak vol usd as jy R150.00/$ kry, dis soos 'n jackpot :)19:54
nuvolaribmg505: klink baie soos ZA, kriminele het meer regte as die eerlike mense19:54
Squirmnight all19:55
bmg505ja daar kom jy in die kak, en die krimineel tree af op jou omkoste met die hofsaak teen jou19:56
sdehaansuperfly: affirmative20:21
superflysdehaan: a bit too late I'm afraid...20:21
superflybut thanks for showing up anyways :-)20:22
sdehaanhrm howso?20:22
zerefhmmm, is it possible to install 2 linux disto's on a flash drive??20:22
sdehaansuperfly: ah ok20:23
superflysdehaan: yeah, we just wanted to see how many folks were present for the meeting20:23
cocooncrashbmg505: Heh, might have to wait a while for that exchange rate20:59
zerefaahh so confused23:17

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