
milamberRokcStar: doesn't rmdir only remove empty directories?00:00
milamberRokcStar: rm -r maybe?00:00
elneifi know i have only a few mb left, such as 800mb or less,00:01
RokcStarmila, perhaps yea..i just gave him the command00:01
RokcStarim not sure if he will use this under windows or linux..00:01
elneifok, lets see if that will do the trick00:02
elneifwill be back in a few mints00:02
elneifno under, ubutu recvoery00:02
RokcStartype rmdir --help00:03
almoxarifewhat is kde version of synaptic?00:03
EvilResistancealmoxarife:  try asking in #kubuntu00:04
histo!info kde | almoxarife00:05
ubottualmoxarife: Package kde does not exist in oneiric00:05
OerHeksalmoxarife, muon00:06
histoalmoxarife: you could apt-cache showpkg kubuntu-desktop  and see00:08
almoxarifeEvilResistance and histo, not as sexy enough a question as ones that allow the script kiddies to froth at the mouth showing off their terminal skills when something as simple as a click in nautilus would have done the same?00:08
histoalmoxarife: We're not running kde00:08
almoxarifehisto: how about if I just look it up in synaptic00:08
histoalmoxarife: there ya go00:08
abstraktis defacto "chrome" available for ubuntu? or just "chromium"00:08
abstraktI can't remember the difference between them really00:08
abstraktgoogle is not much help on this angle00:09
almoxarifeabstrakt: chromium-browser00:09
almoxarife!info chromium-browser00:09
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.0.874.106~r107270-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 18844 kB, installed size 69092 kB00:09
abstraktalmoxarife, yesh I know that chromium is available via PPA, what about "chrome" proper though?00:10
histo!info kde-window-manager | almoxarife00:10
ubottualmoxarife: kde-window-manager (source: kde-workspace): K window manager (KWin). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 1855 kB, installed size 7160 kB00:10
abstrakthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsers doesn't actually say anything about a chrome package00:10
histoalmoxarife: there ya go00:10
abstraktonly chromium00:10
almoxarife!info chrome00:10
ubottuPackage chrome does not exist in oneiric00:10
abstraktalmoxarife, isn't chromium like the development version of chrome?00:10
ok_waitdoes anybody know how to configure notify in unity as notifyconf doesn't apply the settings it shows anymore. i used to have mine to time out after 4 seconds and it stays there for thirty million seconds now. is there a new configuration file to this that notifyconf doesn't write to anymore?00:10
almoxarifeabstrakt: it is, although there are stable versions too00:11
almoxarifeok_wait: live a little, use the nightlies chromium00:12
ok_waitwhy would i want to update chromium nightly?00:12
Charybdisalmoxarife: You use Chromium?00:13
almoxarifeCharybdis: I do, been doing so now for long time00:13
Charybdisalmoxarife: Do you ever have issues with buttons (like java buttons) not working sometimes?00:13
abstraktalmoxarife, so how do I get the stable version(s)?00:13
almoxarifeCharybdis: I can't say I noticed, no, it may be a disconnect between open-java and chromium, I did notice for a while back where chromium was asking me each time to allow java applets to run, have not noticed that for a while00:15
lfuser-866can I use my VM as a local webserver00:15
almoxarifeabstrakt: you want the chromium stable? install chromium-browser00:15
paulsomebodyHello. Do anyone know how can I change a color of the _panel_ on the lock screen on Oneric? Not the background, but the panel itself.00:16
paulsomebodyI would like it to match the color of the upper panel in Unity, is it possible?00:16
almoxarifeCharybdis: I can't think of using another browser since I have gotten chromium set to my taste, good thing ubuntu includes it default00:17
Charybdisalmoxarife: I gave it a good go a while back.  It was about 95% of what I am used to dealing with.  If I could get it to stop popunders, I'd say it was 100%.00:18
almoxarifepaulsomebody: you want to match what? to the panel?00:18
almoxarifeCharybdis: that's simple, got a min?00:18
paulsomebodyalmoxarife: Yes, I would like it to match the color of a panel in the Ubuntu Mono Dark.00:18
paulsomebodyalmoxarife: Upper panel in Unity.00:18
Charybdisalmoxarife: Sure, feel free to pm me.00:19
paulsomebodyalmoxarife: Do you know, if it is feasible?00:19
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jakrif i install mint onto my ubuntu partition, how can i edit grub2 bootloader from mint?00:21
milamber!grub | jakr00:25
ubottujakr: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:25
usr13jakr: The mint installer will install grub for you.00:26
usr13jakr: ... no need to edit the bootloader00:27
jakrusr13: right now i am dual booting xp and ubuntu.  Will i have to reinstall xp if i use mint's bootloader?00:29
usr13usr13: Mint's bootloader is the same, and the installer does just like Ubuntu's and will look for other OS's to set grub to boot to.00:32
ok_waitso has anybody figured out how to configure notify in 11.10 yet? i found the config file at /usr/share/notifyosdconf/default.def and changed the timeout to 4sec and it's still not affected.00:37
bfridoes anyone know of a good vpn client program that has audio capabilities?00:37
paulsomebodyalmoxarife: Okay, I assume you do not know that.00:41
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twocarlois there a way to change the cursors00:43
twocarlomouse cursors00:43
almoxarifepaulsomebody: I don't understand what you want to do no, if I was wanting to color match the panel to the desktop I would decide what desktop background best fits the panel00:43
paulsomebodyalmoxarife: My background is fine. I want this thing to match the color of the panel, since I cannot see the language indicator. http://tombuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/ubuntu1110_lockscreen.jpg00:45
bfridoes anyone know of a good vpn client program that has audio capabilities?00:47
icezNot sure if this would be better in a networking channel, but... Basically I have multiple machines with the same IP address (and I can't change them.) I have a machine with multiple network interfaces, and I need a way to launch a web browser that's tied to one specific interface. Any ideas how I could go about it?00:47
yeatsbfri: can you explain what your actual need is?00:47
bfriyeats i want to remote in to my desktop and be able to not only have a visual but sound also00:49
StevenRbfri: use a network aware audio daemon over the VPN? such as pulse audio00:49
twocarlowell thanks anyway peeps happy ubuntuing00:49
bfristevenR can that be used through the web or do i have to be on the same network?00:50
dbuggerhello guys00:51
yeatsbfri: when you say "vpn", do you mean "virtual private network"?00:51
bfriyeats yet00:51
almoxarifepaulsomebody: I see now what you mean, I don't have any answers though, not positive but look at 'greeter' background00:51
bfriyeats yet00:51
bfriyeats yes like a remote desktop00:51
paulsomebodyalmoxarife: Thanks for the direction.00:52
dbuggerI need some help. I have a new computer and Ive installed natty 64bits. But ive notices when I have the terminal on full screen that I can see a vertical flickering on my monitor. Why could that be? Ive installed the closed source drivers from Nvidia...00:52
qmanjr5Every time I plug my USB in (Sandisk Cruzer with U3 on it), GParted freezes. What's up with this?00:52
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hacked_kernelis Qt auto shipped with Ubuntu?00:54
almoxarifebfri: what you are trying to do is a two parter, video and sound, you need to pipe the sound from the host to the client, it can be done, 'paprefs' I think is the thing you need00:54
almoxarife!info paprefs00:54
ubottupaprefs (source: paprefs): PulseAudio Preferences. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 62 kB, installed size 652 kB00:54
bfrialmoxarife i really just want the audio00:54
RingZer0just upgraded hardware drivers for nvidia, now X wont start00:54
RingZer0any thoughts on how to roll back a driver?00:55
RingZer0or at least start xorg config from scratch?00:55
almoxarifebfri: paprefs!00:55
* RingZer0 is very familiar with linux servers but is new to running it as a home OS00:55
SwashBucklahow do I launch Unity from .xinitrc?00:56
SwashBucklaI want to add some custom commands, but still keep Unity00:56
icezRingZer0: try moving/removing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restarting X?00:56
bfrialmoxarife do you know of a good tutorial for that00:56
paulsomebodyRingZer0: Unless you deliberately written it, there is no xorg.conf on Ubuntu 11.10 by default.00:57
paulsomebodyRingZer0: My best guess would be to remove the associated package, then the driver should deactivate.00:57
qmanjr5Every time I plug my USB in (Sandisk Cruzer with U3 on it), GParted freezes. What's up with this?00:59
paulsomebodyRingZer0: Or, alternatively, you can use 'lsmod' to list all activated driver modules, and then use 'sudo modprobe -r <module_name>' to remove that driver.00:59
paulsomebodyRingZer0: I meant, driver module.00:59
IbisAnyone using an intel based z64 motherboard and having any issues with it? Specifically, network issues.01:00
wookienzhi, im looking for a find command that will look through all the files in a directory for a search term, then return the filename. Any takers/01:01
RingZer0icez: thanks for responding, did not work01:01
RingZer0I have removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:02
paulsomebodyRingZer0: Did you read my response?01:02
hacked_kernelis Qt auto shipped with Ubuntu?01:04
RingZer0still wont boot... (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)  Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 285.05.09, but the NVIDIA driver component has version 280.13.  Please make sure the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version.01:04
RingZer0paulsomebody: I will try that now01:04
xanguahacked_kernel: no, you may wanna try Kubuntu (kde)01:04
ki7rwwhy am i getting this when trying to start shorewall in ubuntu? Please read about Debian specific customization in.....01:04
paulsomebodyRingZer0: Use 'sudo modprobe' to add back modules if it won't help.01:05
RingZer0I did sudo lsmod | grep nv01:05
RingZer0paulsomebody: okay01:05
MrPumpkincitiswhen responding to someone who answered my question, how do I highlight his name in color?01:05
trismqmanjr5: I had to use http://kb.sandisk.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2550/~/removing-u3-launchpad-on-a-pc to remove u3 before my cruzer was usable (from windows)01:06
paulsomebodyMrPumpkincitis: I don't know about color, but to address someone directly, you just type in their name.01:06
SwashBucklahow do I launch Unity from .xinitrc?01:06
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: Why would you want to do such a thing?01:06
MrPumpkincitispaul somebody, you just responded and your username is highlighted in yellow01:07
SwashBucklapaulsomebody: I want to add other commands to launch on login01:07
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: Would it not be simpler to add them via 'Startup Applications'?01:07
MrPumpkincitispaul somebody: you must responded and your username is highlighted in yellow01:07
SwashBucklapaulsomebody: I didn't know that existed. Will look into it :)01:08
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: Wow.01:08
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: People usually learn Linux from the GUI to command line, not the other way around. :)01:08
RingZer0Not sure I understand this:  sudo lsmod | grep nv produces: nvidia    11919144  001:09
MrPumpkincitiswhy do they call the root    root01:09
RingZer0but sudo modprobe -r nvidia produces: FATAL: Module nvidia not found.01:09
paulsomebodyMrPumpkincitis: Not for me. It's look depends on the client you use.01:09
paulsomebodyRingZer0: Hmm. Have you tried removing the package?01:10
RingZer0which package?01:10
paulsomebodyRingZer0: It looks to me, that version of the driver module in your kernel is different from the one you have installed, which produces the error you mentioned.01:10
RingZer0i've never used a linux GUI before, so when I used the "hardware driver installer" i am not sure what happened.  I just downloaded and installed the (Recommended) one01:11
paulsomebodyRingZer0: I have got that once, when the installation got interrupted.01:11
paulsomebodyRingZer0: I just re-installed it and things got back to green zone.01:11
RingZer0man, but I havge everything setup perfect.01:11
qmanjr5trism, I can't do that...U3 doesn't even launch on Linux01:12
RingZer0all of my shell windows, my ssh keys, everything01:12
RingZer0can you think of any way to just "reset" video modes?01:12
paulsomebodyRingZer0: Not the system. :) The driver.01:12
trismqmanjr5: as I said, I had to do it from windows, I don't know of another way to remove it01:12
RingZer0so, how would i use apt to search for the driver?01:12
RingZer0apt, pkgtool, yum, or whatever it uses.01:13
SwashBucklapaulsomebody: so adding xsnow to Startup Applications didn't work. What happens: xsnow launches, and then the nautilus desktop loads and blocks it out01:13
unreal-dudecommandline searching for apt is `sudo apt-cache search packagename`01:13
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: It definitely works for other applications, must be something app-specific.01:14
RingZer0so, does ubuntu use apt to manage drivers?01:14
paulsomebodyRingZer0: Yes.01:14
blackshirtunreal-dude not really need sudo for searching01:14
SwashBucklapaulsomebody: yes this is likely, xsnow requires the desktop to load before xsnow01:14
SwashBucklabecause it is a desktop overlay, similar to conky01:14
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: Add an option to launch it after the desktop is loaded.01:15
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: I think it can do that, look in the manual.01:15
SwashBucklapaulsomebody: what manual01:15
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: For xsnow, of course.01:15
SwashBucklaah :)01:16
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: You open the terminal, type the 'man xsnow' and enjoy. :)01:16
bbbbbbbbi just accidentally closed firefox, but the session is still running ("<01:17
bbbbbbbbis there a way to reopen the running session?01:18
RingZer0that happens to me all the time on windows01:18
paulsomebodybbbbbbbb: I don't think so, it probably just hung up.01:18
paulsomebodybbbbbbbb: Open the System Monitor, kill the 'firefox' process and start it again. This should help.01:18
RingZer0find a way to reattach a zombie process to an xord window id01:18
RingZer0sudo killall -9 firefox01:18
paulsomebodyRingZer0: GNU/Linux is the totally unholy system — demons, zombies.01:19
paulsomebodyRingZer0: And the USER commands them all!01:19
RingZer0back in the day, i used slackware, and loved it01:19
CharybdisSlackware is awesome.01:19
RingZer0but 95% of what i do is behind console, behind screen / ssh or vim/emacs01:19
aitdmaybe someone know the reason...would be grateful for some advice01:19
Charybdisaitd: What's the problem?01:20
paulsomebodyaitd: Reason for what?01:20
RingZer0i remember using the .bat files for windows 3.1 to create slackware bootable 3.5'' floppys01:20
bbbbbbbbokay... just found out i didnt close it, i just moved it to another desktop without knowing. no idea how, was that some accidental keyboard shortcut?01:20
aitdwell if i try to open some wikipedia link..on linux (xubuntu) its very slow...seems something is blocking01:20
aitdon windows open normaly01:21
aitdsystem is...xubuntu...i used different browsers..always same story01:21
RingZer0ya, my ubuntu on my lappy is very slow as well, i thought it just did not have the correct driver, so i tried the "recommended" one, and boom, no more Xwindows01:21
aitdits just on wikipedia site...here..pretty strange01:22
paulsomebodyaitd: I am quite sure it is just Wikipedia, not you.01:22
aitdusing "tor"...the issue is solved01:22
SwashBucklapaulsomebody: nah there's no option for loading xsnow after the desktop loads01:23
paulsomebodyaitd: For objective measurement, try speedtest.com — it will tell you if the internet speed is lower on Ubuntu.01:23
SwashBucklaI feel silly for looking for it actually01:23
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: Then use a 'sleep' option and a bash script.01:23
aitdthe download speed is same like on windows01:24
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ok_waitcan't configure notify anymore? remove the notify-osd package provided by ubuntu and install this one http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/finally-easy-way-to-customize-notify.html by leolik01:25
aitdit hangs on bits.wikimedia.org01:25
KimbleHow can I make sure a crontab runs even when no users are logged in?01:27
SwashBucklapaulsomebody: yay. Good idea :)01:27
CharybdisKimble: set it us as root.01:27
SwashBucklait's kinda hacky, I'd rather use .xinitrc, but this works01:27
paulsomebodyaitd: I think there are simply some maintenance works.01:28
KimbleCharybdis: that's what I suspected. Thank you for confirming :)  Now, get back to spinning!01:28
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: I am not geeky enough to know how to use .xinitrc — sorry about this. :)01:28
CharybdisKimble: Thank you!  You are the first person that has gotten my nick.01:29
SwashBucklaah that's cool. This does the job just fine.. I suspect it will fail if the desktop loads slower than the sleep time though01:29
paulsomebodySwashBuckla: But I am pretty sure that if you want to do this so badly you can simply google it. :/01:29
SwashBucklayeah I've tried that01:29
KimbleCharybdis: I'll tell you the truth - I had to look it up. But I recognised your nick as being significant - do I get credit for that?01:29
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CharybdisKimble: If I had a way of tracking, sure.01:29
KimbleWell, cheers for the assist :) Tattie-bye :)01:30
ibodivbox guest ram max=50% host ram, is it correct?01:33
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Scott0where is cgi-bin supposed to be in ubuntu?01:38
Scott0having some issue getting php cgi to work01:39
IHateHavingToRegHow do I move an entire directory tree? mv directory/* . ???01:40
IHateHavingToReg(including subdirectories, is what I mean by "directory tree")01:40
abu-bakrcannot get a software raid 1 to boot.. can anyone help?01:40
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abu-bakrRaid anyone?01:41
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:41
Guest24439I have somehow changed my admin/root password to an unknown password, not sure how i did it but that is beside the point, I've looked everywhere but can't seem to find how to change it so that I can access my admin account, anyone know how?01:42
mhikuhow can i install memcached mysql not only mysql.01:43
Ibismhiku: Join #mysql01:44
mhikuit think theres an apt-get install mysql-server libmemcached that i can use01:44
mhikuits ubuntu..01:45
Ibismhiku: Try: $ apt-get install php5-memcache01:46
abu-bakrcannot get a software raid 1 to boot.. can anyone help?01:47
Ibismhiku: With sudo apt-get install memcached          or sudo apt-get install libmemcached01:47
somsipmhiku: you need to be sure whether you want the memcache client or the memcahced client01:47
omarstfollowerHow do i install flash player 11 in ubuntu 11.10?01:48
xanguaomarstfollower: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer01:49
omarstfollowerany must do´s for ubuntu 11.10 after installation?01:50
MrPumpkincitisHello Hackers01:52
CharybdisMost of us are ethical, even.01:53
mhikuim not using php here, im using mysql as a server for memcached.. i believe its libmemcached.so if anyone successfull here. please teach us01:53
somsipmhiku: this might help http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/Clients01:55
jasonmchristosneed help removing rtkit!01:55
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somsipmhiku: hhang ok - you're using mysql as a server for memcached? I don't understand why. memcached is a purely ram-based server01:56
JonnyRwhat you done so far jasonmchristos?01:56
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mrmjguys why cant i log in as root or run a file in root?01:59
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mrmjdid they change the command?01:59
somsip!root | mrmj02:00
ubottumrmj: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:00
warfarenmrmj: what command are you trying to run+02:00
mrmji get that.. i just cannot run a file at all02:00
JonnyRwhat file is it?02:01
mrmji cant get it to open from the terminal, and right clicking to run as root only ask for password and doesnt open it02:01
warfarenif you give us the exact command and error message it would be easier to help02:01
Sinjetmrmj: What type of file?02:01
mrmjwhen i double click and run in terminal it opens a new one so i cant log as root there02:01
mrmjits a .run file02:01
warfarenwell try opening a terminal normally, cd to the folder where the file is located in02:02
warfarenthen type sudo ./whatever the filename is.run02:02
Sinjetmrmj: sudo ./foo.run02:02
warfarenyou may have to do chmod +x on the file aswell, if it doesn't have executing permissions02:03
warfarenyou'll notice if you get permission denied02:03
mrmji checked the box on it, should i do chmod also?02:04
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MrPumpkincitiswhat was that?02:04
CharybdisThat was a netsplit.02:04
warfarenmrmj: nah, checking the box is enough02:05
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:05
mrmjhmm still cant open it02:05
MrPumpkincitis:) thanks02:05
warfarendid you run sudo ./filename.run?02:06
warfarenfilename being the name of the file02:06
mrmjoh it works, but i need to kill X because its a driver02:07
warfarenah, the nvidia driver isn't it02:07
mrmjyes lol02:07
mrmjwill it work with ubuntu 11.1? the ancient driver02:07
warfarenyeah, i've installed that myself too. you should go to a virtual terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) login and type sudo gdm stop (this will kill your X and all the programs you launched in it)02:08
warfarenthen go ahead and run it just like you just did02:08
mrmjright on ill try it02:08
warfarensudo service gdm stop02:08
warfarenmy bad, i always get that wrong sorry02:08
mrmjor is it sudo service lightdm stop?02:08
warfarenperhaps? i run ubuntu 10.04 with the default gnome and i use gdm02:09
gavin_does anyone know any xhtml website development02:09
mrmjcool i can try both02:09
mrmjty very much02:09
warfarenno problem let me know how it went when you are done02:09
mrmjcool will do02:10
warfarengavin_: just stating your actual question is probably the best02:10
gavin_I'm currently struggling on the website development02:10
omarstfollowergavin_, whats the problem?02:10
jasonmchristosneed help removing rtkit!02:11
gavin_I have to use notepad to design the whole website and it won't validate with the xhtml 1.0 strict02:11
dr_willis!info rtkit02:11
gavin_my website won't validate02:11
ubotturtkit (source: rtkit): Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.10-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 34 kB, installed size 208 kB02:11
warfarenoh dear i thought you meant rootkit lol02:11
gavin_so I don't know if this is the best place to ask02:11
somsipgavin_: #html02:11
dr_willisgavin_:  have to use 'notepad.exe' from windows?02:11
almoxarifejasonmchristos: assuming you mean the package, remove it02:11
dr_willisgavin_:  dare we ask why?02:12
gavin_but I have to save it in a .html format02:12
gavin_its my uni work and at uni, I've been asked to use notepad02:12
gavin_to recreate the doc type and stuff02:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:12
gavin_but each time when I'm trying to create something in my .html file, it won't validate02:13
somsipgavin_: type "/join #html"02:13
omarstfollowergavin_,  join #ubuntu-offtopic or #html02:13
hendaushelp me please02:16
dr_willishendaus:  and the problem is?02:16
ohziegavin_: the question is, why does your school assignment require your finished product validates to nearly 12 year old guidelines02:16
jasonmchristosneed help removing rtkit!02:16
gavin_what do you mean 12 year old guidelines?02:16
dr_willisjasonmchristos:  how did you install rtkit?02:17
ohziegavin_: xhtml 1.0 strict was published in January 2000, revised in january 200202:17
gavin_ohzie: what do you mean by 12 year old guidelines?02:17
jasonmchristosdr_willis: I didn't must be a rootkit02:17
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ohzie(there are newer and better things)02:17
JonnyRjasonmchristos, have you installed rkhunter?02:17
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JonnyRand chkrootkit?02:17
hendausdr_willis,  i have two hd installed one is primary master ide and the second primary on sata does it conflict anything on my pc?02:17
JonnyRgive them a run02:17
trismrtkit is a recommend of pulseaudio02:18
gavin_ohzie: I've no idea but on the assignment that I was being given, it told us to use the xhtml 1.0 strict602:18
ohziejasonmchristos: Out of curiosity, do you know how you might have acquired a rootkit?02:18
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jasonmchristosJonnyR: no02:18
dr_willisI dident think sata even used Master/slave.... hendaus02:18
Charybdisdr_willis: They do.  They are labeled as master and slave, but they don't require special jumpering.02:18
jasonmchristosohzie: either by exploits , or they are packaged in the repos, or someone got to my computer wile i was away02:19
dr_willishendaus:  ive used IDE drives alongside sata drives with no issues.02:19
ohziejasonmchristos: how did you become aware of a rootkit. That may give us incite on how to direct you to remove it.02:19
MrPumpkincitisIs it best to learn the command line stuff  before learning Ubuntu GUI? Somewhat like learning DOS before Windows?02:19
JonnyRjasonmchristos, install rkhunter and chkrootkit if you can and scan your system.02:19
jasonmchristosohzie: dont think it was physical intrusion if they would have that much effort they wouldnt name it rtkit02:19
brightsparkhendaus, I had a similar setup recently, the only issue I find is that the BIOS doesn't always allow me to boot into the one I want.02:19
JonnyRMrPumpkincitis, learn the command line if you can first. :)02:19
dr_willisMrPumpkincitis:  not really. but its good to learn the command line stuff eventually.02:19
jasonmchristosJonnyR: chkrootkit says wpa_supplicant is a packetsniffer and also dhclient02:20
dr_willisMrPumpkincitis:  the CLI is so handy.02:20
ohzieMrPumpkincitis: depends on what you want to do. If you're just learning linux, use the gui and delve into the command line as necessary. The command line does a lot of things much more cleanly and efficiently than the gui.02:20
MrPumpkincitisthanks to both of you02:20
Charybdisjasonmchristos: Are you talking about the package rtkit, or a rootkit?02:20
hendausdr_willis,  ok  i have the ide installed as primary master and using ubuntu and the new sata 250gb installed as sata primary how can i mount this on ubuntu02:20
CharybdisThere is a serious package named rtkit.02:20
MrPumpkincitisgot it02:20
jasonmchristosCharybdis: i didnt install any package rtkit02:20
dr_willishendaus:  via the proper mount command it the normal way02:20
dr_willis!mount | hendaus02:20
ubottuhendaus: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount02:20
Charybdisjasonmchristos: You don't have to.02:20
Charybdisjasonmchristos: It's part of pulseaudio.02:21
jasonmchristosCharybdis: how do i pull up info on the package then02:21
MrPumpkincitisohzie are you from oz02:21
Charybdisapt-cache search rtkit02:21
ohzieMrPumpkincitis: No, sir. I am from Northern Virginia. Currently residing in Austin, Texas.02:21
MrPumpkincitisok, thanks02:21
milamberCharybdis: if you do apt-cache policy it will tell you what is installed also02:22
CharybdisThank's for the info, milamber.02:22
hendausdr_willis,  can u help me please how to do it coz i am really confused02:22
jasonmchristoshow about aptitude instead of apt02:23
Charybdishendaus: What is the issue?02:23
dr_willishendaus:  read the info at the MOUNT help just mentioned?   what filesystem is on the hard disk in question?02:23
hendausCharybdis,  how can i know if my new hd detected on ubuntu and i cant see it02:23
ohziehendaus: "duso fdisk -L"02:24
Charybdishendaus: Try typing: cat /proc/partitions and see if there is a new drive there.02:24
ohziehendaus: or dmesg | tail02:24
hendausdr_willis,  this is a NEW HD02:24
CharybdisThen do an fdisk -l of the new drive.02:24
CharybdisUnless you haven't formatted it yet.02:24
jasonmchristoswhy is there so many processes running under top02:24
dr_willishendaus:  then you need to partion, and format it as needed...02:24
Charybdisjasonmchristos: Your system has processes running all the time.02:24
dr_willishendaus:  this to be used only on a linux system?02:24
jasonmchristosCharybdis: i cant keep track of all of those02:25
Charybdisjasonmchristos: I know.  That's why you keep your system locked down as tight as you can and only use trusted sources.02:25
jasonmchristosCharybdis: is there a way to redue it to say 5 or 1002:25
Charybdisjasonmchristos: Hell no.  Those are system files.02:25
Charybdisjasonmchristos: Do you mean the display?02:25
hendausmajor minor  #blocks  name02:25
hendaus 251        0     497796 ramzswap002:25
hendaus   8        0   39121488 sda02:25
hendaus   8        1    1998848 sda102:25
hendaus   8        2   37121024 sda202:25
FloodBot1hendaus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
hendaus   8       16  244198584 sdb02:25
jasonmchristosCharybdis: i like to know whats going on though02:25
Charybdisjasonmchristos: Why would you want to do that?02:26
jasonmchristosCharybdis: why not, people act like knowing is a bad thing02:26
Charybdishendaus: sdb is your new drive.02:26
hendausCharybdis,  see the result02:26
Charybdishendaus: Now you need to format it.02:27
hendausCharybdis,  so its working?02:27
Charybdishendaus: I use fdisk for that.02:27
CharybdisYeah, it looks like it is.02:27
ohziejasonmchristos: Linux is very very modular. You may not be running any applications at the moment, but top is going to show all of the processed, including each little process that has anything to do with any services or your gui(whether it be gnome or kde or xfce)02:27
CharybdisThat 244_ entry is the new drive.02:27
CharybdisIt's just not formatted yet.02:27
Charybdisjasonmchristos: That's every driver, every file, every daemon, every process the system needed to boot and run and maintain itself, still running.02:27
hendausCharybdis,  but there is no conflict if i have the two hd installed one is primary master and the second is sata primary02:28
dmorrison42I can't get my ssh server to authenticate using keys. I've checked my config files, I've rewriten my keys, and I've rebooted. But it still won't work. Any ideas?02:28
Charybdishendaus: Try: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb to format it.02:28
jasonmchristoswll there has got to be a way to reduce all of this02:28
dr_williserr.. fdisk partitons...  then you format..02:28
Charybdishendaus: Absolutely not.  sata and pata do not relate to each other.02:28
Charybdishendaus: You can have as many sata drives as your system can hold and it won't interfere with pata drives.02:28
Charybdispata = ide02:29
jasonmchristosif i dont know every process i cannot spot a trojan process02:29
jasonmchristosthats why!02:29
dr_willisjasonmchristos:  its not like the process is going to be called 'Trojan process' anyway....02:29
almoxarifejasonmchristos: since you want to know who the little machine is talking to, type this in a terminal        lsof -I     <-- after all, its what's outside the machine that is evil02:29
Charybdisjasonmchristos: Here's a hint... if you are that paranoid, pull the plug, you don't need to be on a computer.02:29
hendausCharybdis,  ok everything i show you is ok02:29
jasonmchristosdr_willis: thats my point on why i want to know what all of these are02:29
Charybdishendaus: Yes.  It's normal.02:29
Charybdishendaus: I'm sending you a private message.02:30
dr_willisjasonmchristos:  you will NEVER know what all of them are unless you spend a lotof time googling about.. and even then. the badguy process will make its name appear as a normal process..02:30
mrmjso wow lol02:30
jasonmchristosok i did the lsof -I02:30
dr_willisrootkits spend a lot of time learnng how to hide :)02:31
mrmji went into tyy and saw updates so i rebooted and installed - 1 failed but it added the driver i need in the repositories02:31
jasonmchristosthat reminds me how do i strip down my kernal from generic to only the drivers in use02:31
mrmjbut it failed to install02:31
mrmj Depends: xserver-xorg-core but it is not going to be installed02:31
mrmjthat was my error02:31
jasonmchristosalmoxarife: -I invalid character02:31
mrmjin synaptic trying to install it02:32
almoxarifejasonmchristos: that would be because its  an 'eye' not an 'el'02:32
jasonmchristosalmoxarife: no caps02:33
jasonmchristosDoes anyone have a detailed overview of all processes in the default lucid install ? PLEASE02:33
almoxarifejasonmchristos: no02:33
jasonmchristosalmoxarife: why not02:34
mrmjany ideas about this error?02:34
pozI need help.02:34
mrmj Depends: xserver-xorg-core but it is not going to be installed02:34
pozanyone here that can help me?02:34
jasonmchristoshow about just a list of the default processes02:34
wh1zz0Guy's I'm trying to login to an ssh box from my ubuntu on port 333 but when I type ssh -l user -p 333 ipaddress/hostname I get this error ---->02:34
wh1zz0Protocol major versions differ: 2 vs. 1 ... Please help02:34
pozI need help02:35
wh1zz0Why can't I connect?02:35
pozcan anyone here help me?02:35
zkxsvmware has eaten my usb drivers.  Is there a way to reload them?02:35
Tech-1just state your question poz02:35
pozI installed the program called desktop from the software center and now i do not know where to access it02:35
milamberwh1zz0: add a -1 to your ssh02:35
jasonmchristoswh1zz0: do a --help and see how to specify protocal02:35
almoxarifemrmj: you have broken dependencies most likely due to using ppa's02:36
jasonmchristosDoes anyone have a list of  all processes in the default lucid install ? PLEASE02:36
wh1zz0milamber: Pls what do you mean by a -1 ?02:36
pozI installed the program called desktop from the software center and now i do not know where to access it02:36
mrmjoh ur right, there are wacko ppa's in there02:36
mrmjjust remove them?02:36
tbruff13does anyone need help i am bored02:36
pozI need help!02:36
pozI installed the program called desktop from the software center and now i do not know where to access it02:37
milamberwh1zz0: ssh -1 -l user -p . . .02:37
Coreyjasonmchristos: It depends on what type of install you've had.02:37
tbruff13poz: what do you need02:37
jasonmchristosCorey: desktop02:37
mrmjand will that remove the driver i need?02:37
mrmjthat driver is in a broken ppa?02:37
pozI think that application will give me the option of changing my desktop every 15 mins automatically02:37
pozunless you know of an easyer way02:38
wh1zz0milamber: Thanks! works like a charm.. What's the reason for the 1?02:38
almoxarifeCorey: its not a good idea to recommend the addition or deletion of ppa's, sort of makes you the guy who said it was ok02:38
Coreyalmoxarife: Say what?02:38
pozi also have another problem with getting rid of the indication icons on the top right of my ubuntu 11.1002:38
wh1zz0poz what distro are you on?02:38
pozubuntu 11.1002:39
milamberwh1zz0: ssh defaults to 2, so if you were getting version errors it had to be version 1, but you have to tell it that02:39
mrmji added the ppa's knowing it wasnt recommended lol02:39
wh1zz0poz: Are you on gnome or unity?02:39
wh1zz0milamber: Ahh.. I see, makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks!02:39
pozactually i am not sure. but i think i am on unity. i am new with this02:39
milamberwh1zz0: np02:39
cconstantinehow good is ubuntu's support for current macbook pros ?02:39
tbruff13cconstantine: is your mackbook intel based02:40
milamberwh1zz0: for the sake of saying it . . . whoever you are connecting to should really upgrade to 202:40
almoxarifemrmj: ppa-purge will try to bring your system back to virgin, but it does not always work, so it leaves you as broke as before02:40
poztbruff13, any ideas?02:40
cconstantinetbruff13, I don't have it yet; my employer wants to get me one for development, but I prefer linux02:40
tbruff13can you tell me your issue please i kind of missed it02:41
pozwh1zz0, do you know how to sole my problems?02:41
tbruff13cconstantine: give me the exact name of your macbook please02:41
tbruff13poz: can you state your problem02:41
tbruff13please im sorry i was in another channel02:41
poztbruff13: I installed the program called desktop from the software center and now i do not know where to access it. I think that application will give me the option of changing my desktop every 15 mins automatically. unless you know of an easyer way...02:41
mrmjcan i just remove those ppa's, or that wont work?02:41
rockbandcan anyone help me with this..i got 421 processes running, most copies of same instance..consuming almost 100% of my ram02:41
tbruff13poz: Im checking02:42
cconstantinetbruff13, something like http://store.apple.com/us/configure/MD322LL/A?select=select&product=MD322LL%2FA02:42
xanguamrmj: you can remove ppa's with ppa-purge02:42
MrPumpkincitisIs leadership of Ubuntu going to continue with pushing Unity over Gnome?02:42
mrmjhow about manually, the ones i added?02:42
xanguaMrPumpkincitis: unity runs on top of gnome02:42
MrPumpkincitisI mean rather as the default02:43
milamberxangua: do you know of a good tutorial/explanation of unity/gnomeshell/kde vs gnome vs x?02:43
sm_hi everybody, i'm having a problems with b43-legacy driver, so my wifi card does not work02:45
milamber!broadcom | sm_02:45
ubottusm_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:45
almoxarifemilamber: wikipedia must have a comparison by now02:45
crassusWow, I'm in love with the latest 11.0402:46
crassuserm, 11.1002:46
crassusthis is coming from the guy who has warily been on 10.04 for the last year or two02:46
mrmjhmm still the same error02:46
zkxsWell, my problem went away on its own.  It's always a little scary when that happens...02:46
milamberalmoxarife: nothing i have found that is new-user friendly. i get too many people (irl) that ask if none of their apps will work with unity. i used to want to facepalm, but the more you look into it the more their confusion is legit02:46
crassusUnity is actually pretty awesome. I can't wait until 12.04's LTS.02:46
pozubottu, i love you02:47
ubottupoz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:47
pozoh, but you are02:47
mrmjsays when i go to install... to be removed Ubuntu-desktop02:47
mrmjand others02:47
lefty_umm.. can I make a bigger partition other than 30GB?02:47
zkxsmrmj- that means that what you are installing conflicts with the base packages your ubuntu version shipped with02:48
milamberlefty_: yes, can you provide details of what issue you are having?02:48
mrmji see02:48
mrmj Depends: xserver-xorg-core but it is not going to be installed02:48
mrmjgraphics i guess...02:48
FloodBot1mrmj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:48
lefty_milamber: I am not having issue other than space. That is why I am wondering how would i do a partition bigger than 30Gb02:49
xanguawith gparted lefty_02:49
milamberlefty_: then all i can really say is that parted is the tool you would use to do that and !gparted is the graphical version02:50
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:50
mrmjis there any way around this?02:50
mrmjis that because i need to kill the X to install that driver?02:51
MrPumpkincitisdo you need gparted to see how your drive is divided up when your computer is a one OS?02:51
lefty_milamber: so this lets me expand the size?02:51
milamberlefty_: i don't know any of the specifics of what you are trying to do, but if there is more space on the drive gparted will let you change the partition sizes02:52
mrmjive tried to get the older driver for a couple days now and downloaded it, now i see one that will work in the repositories but cannot install it lol02:52
almoxarifemrmj: you tried the purge?02:53
milamberMrPumpkincitis: just to see how the computer is partitioned? do: sudo fdisk -l02:53
mrmji removed the repositories that i added manually but ill try that02:53
mrmjppa -purge in the terminal?02:53
milambermrmj: removing the repos doesn't remove the programs02:53
MrPumpkincitiswhen one installs gparted from the command line, where does the installation come from?02:54
milamberMrPumpkincitis: can you be more specific? all of the programs you install via the command line are stored in repositories02:55
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:55
tbruff13MrPumpkincitis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu02:55
jakrI type in "sudo apt-get install gnome-session fallback" and get the error "unable to locate package fallback"02:56
lefty_does anyone know how to use gparted so they can tell me what to do? lol02:56
milambermrmj: so whatever driver/program you installed via apt-get you have to: sudo apt-get remove <programname>02:56
VcDeveloperQuestion regarding the "Clock Setting", I'm trying to add another time zone "Manila" which us UTC + 08:00, what is the propper format for the "Choose Location" dialogbox?02:56
tmv92anybody have any ideas why installing fglrx won't let me enjoy dual monitors?  with the open source drivers, i just use xrandr to set one of my monitors to the right of the other.  but, with fglrx, it only allows a maxium 1680 x 1680, which is very low.02:56
xangua!nounity | jakr02:56
ubottujakr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:56
mrmji didnt install any driver yet02:56
almoxarifelefty_: how did you come up with the amount '30gig' ?02:56
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mrmjppa -purge is the command to clear those?02:57
lefty_almoxarife: when running the wubi so i can dualboot the max amount was 30 gig02:57
almoxarifelefty_: wubi :) , forget the gparted recommend02:58
lefty_almoxarife: what?02:58
xangualefty_: if you mean wubi, you can not get your ubuntu install be bigger than 30GB02:58
almoxarifelefty_: I used wubi too once, and no, that size is fixed, what you want is to add another drive02:59
bodohhallo list .. how to install firefox jre plugin?02:59
brightsparkHi, is there a way to see which Master Boot Record GRUB is on?  I want to be able to put things back the  way they were if I break something...02:59
almoxarifelefty_: you would create a file that is actually going to be seen as a drive by ubuntu02:59
milamberlefty_: why i asked for more specifics :)03:00
almoxarifelefty_: and another thing, there is no reason why the 'host' can't be used as space03:00
xanguabodoh: if you mean oracle java, is no longer incluided on ubuntu's repository03:01
lefty_almoxarife: it does matter when i am building cm7 for various devices.. and it doesn't work when in host03:01
milamberbrightspark: what do you mean which mbr?03:02
almoxarifelefty_: alrighty then03:03
mrmjThe program 'ppa-purge' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:03:03
mrmjsudo apt-get install ppa-purge03:03
mrmjinstall that i guess lol03:03
crassusIs it possible to install Windows side-by-side with Ubuntu 11.10 from a DVD to a computer with Ubuntu already occupying the whole harddrive?03:03
lefty_almoxarife: so you have no answer for my problem? lol03:04
crassusI'm assuming I'll have to make a partition for the new Windows from Ubuntu's GParted03:04
aeon-ltdcrassus: yes, but you'll need to reinstall grub03:04
milambercrassus: yes, you have to resize the partition, install windows, and then fix grub03:04
milamber!grub | crassus03:04
ubottucrassus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:04
crassusuh oh ... I don't have good memories of wrestling with GRUB from 8.0403:04
crassusis it relatively straightforward, or are there difficult things I have to account for/edit ?03:05
milambercrassus: that particular process is pretty well documented03:05
almoxarifelefty_: yeah, I told you to add a virtual drive to ubuntu wubi , can be done, did do it, but you say its not possible, I won't argue with you03:05
lefty_almoxarife: but couldn't there be a possible way so when first using i can set the installation size to like 100gigs ?03:06
brightsparkmilamber, if there are multiple disks in a machine, I know that the installer lets me choose which to install GRUB to.  I don't remember which one I installed to, but would like to know because this works and if I break something fiddling with it I should know how to put it back.03:06
almoxarifelefty_: argue that with the wubi developers, they have a channel I believe03:07
xangualefty_: yes, make a real install...not wubi03:07
mrmjwhat command in this ppa-purge do i use to clear them all?03:08
mrmjall the commands?03:08
lefty_xangua: I don't have a usb stick nor a cd.. just external hard drive.03:09
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xanguamrmj: what ppa¿03:10
mrmjthe ppa-purge03:11
lefty_Toshiba Desktop External Hard Drive03:11
xanguamrmj:  What PPA03:11
mrmjit does it automatically or i must add another command?03:11
lefty_woops. did not mean to press enter.03:11
milamberbrightspark: i think everything is in grub.cfg03:11
mrmji have to do it for each one?03:11
milambermrmj: to see your options do: man ppa-purge03:12
mrmji manually deleted those ppa's so im not sure how i can see their names lol03:14
almoxarifebrightspark: copy /etc/default/grub to a safe place03:14
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brightsparkmilamber, I do not see where the MBR is in that file; I do see where ubuntu itself lives, but that is not my goal.03:16
almoxarifebrightspark: MBR? your machine boots into MBR first?03:17
lefty_o.O the external harddrive can be used as a virtual cd03:17
brightsparkalmoxarife, GRUB is installed to an MBR one one of two disks.  I want to know which disk's MBR GRUB lives in, not the Ubuntu install proper.03:17
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milamberbrightspark: i think it is supposed to be the first partition so whatever disk your first partition is on should be where the mbr lives. also sfdisk might be able to help - not sure though03:19
VcDdeveloperQuestion regarding the "Clock Setting", I'm trying to add another time zone "Manila" which us UTC + 08:00, what is the propper format for the "Choose Location" dialogbox?03:22
brightsparkmilamber, thanks.  sfdisk -s returns 0, so it clearly isn't seeing any of my stuff.  The 'first' partition is the lowest-numbered sdaXX?03:23
VcDdeveloperQuestion regarding the "Clock Setting", I'm trying to add another time zone "Manila" which us UTC + 08:00, what is the propper format for the "Choose Location" dialogbox?03:24
milamberbrightspark: how many hard disks do you have?03:24
VcDdeveloperadd to repost, I exit from using the web irc...03:25
brightsparkmilamber, 2- an old hard-disk and a new, larger solid-state.03:25
milamberbrightspark: can you pastebin a: sudo fdisk -l03:29
RokcStardoes anyone here use dvd's to backup data?03:30
crassusRokcStar: DVDs aren't really a viable form of backup imo03:31
RokcStarwhat would be, besides drives?03:31
crassusif your backup is physically in the same area or room as your primary is, it's not really a backup03:31
milamberRokcStar: tape03:31
RokcStarbesides tape?03:31
crassusRokcStar: it works fine of course. i just prefer off-site/online backups for important stuff03:32
crassusDropbox is a nice commercial product for starters03:32
crassusthere's others like VPS hosting03:32
milamberRokcStar: besides tape and harddrives?03:32
dr_willisRokcStar:  so whats the actual question...03:32
brightsparkmilamber, http://pastebin.com/k4FhcCSd03:34
RokcStari just wanted opinions03:34
milamberbrightspark: that looks like it only has one drive identified, sda - the numbers after are the partitions. i would say your mbr is going to be on that drive.03:36
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cptp4nI'm trying to increase the amount of lines that scrolls when I'm scrolling by using the touchpad. Any suggestions?03:37
MrPumpkincitisThis has nothing to do with linux but perhaps you can explain to me.....Once per day I get disconnected from the World Wide Web but stay connected here. So I have to reset my cable modem and router and then I am connected back to the WWW. What is happening?03:37
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milamberMrPumpkincitis: you are getting hosed by your isp03:38
crassuscptp4n: for the terminal?03:38
MrPumpkincitiscan you explain milamber03:38
crassusor for just general browsing documents and the web browser?03:38
cptp4ncrassus: for general browsing and the web browser, yes.03:38
SwedeMikeMrPumpkincitis: you need to provide more information and do more fault finding before there is any chance of understanding what's going on.03:38
cptp4ncrassus: I find that I need to stroke the whole side of the touchpad to do a full "page up/down"03:39
brightsparkmilamber, thank you.  If another drive ('sdb'?) were shown, sda would be the likely site still by virtue of being higher alphabetically?  I'm trying to understand how to arrive at the answer generally.03:39
crassuscptp4n: ok, in that case, probably a browser extension03:39
crassusthere's ones like Smooth Scroll for Chrome and Firefox fwiw03:39
cptp4ncrassus: understood. was just hoping for another option because smoothscroll can cause lag on graphics-intensive pages03:40
milamberbrightspark: i don't do too much with the mbr so someone else correct me if i am wrong - but i would say yes. sda is the first sata disk it finds sdb the second, and so on03:40
crassuscptp4n: I've noticed that as well03:40
crassusI tend to not scroll with the keyboard much anymore, PgUp/PgDown is a lot faster03:40
cptp4nAlso, there's a delay when I tap-to-click on the touchpad. As in, when I tap-to-click, it takes a second before the computer recognizes I'm clickin'. If I'm using the hardkey/physical click, there is no delay.03:41
brightsparkmilamber, my home system (no ubuntu on it yet) has a similar set up, but one is on pata and the other on sata- is there a way to examine the boot records there (as one would likely be hda and the other sda)?03:42
w30dffffffffe2q wsedfrtguyhiop[]\03:42
brightsparkmilamber, thanks again for your help.03:43
aikInsaan|homehey..how do I find the ip address & default gateway info....something like 'ipconfig'....'ifconfig' doesn't show that info03:43
milamberbrightspark: there is only one mbr for the whole system and i'm sorry i can't be more help03:43
Charybdismilamber: Hi.03:44
Charybdismilamber: What's the question?03:44
aikInsaan|homehang on...sorry I was just being a bit blind....it's all there in 'ifconfig'03:45
milamberCharybdis: he's gone now, but he was having an issue on figuring out which drive his mbr was on. i had him do an fdisk and there was only one on the system so i am not sure why he still had questions03:45
milamberone drive*03:46
CharybdisUm, there is an mbr on each device (sda, sdb, sdc, etc)03:46
Charybdisfdisk will only tell you how an individual device is partitioned.03:47
CharybdisIt saves that partition table to the mbr.03:47
dr_willisthere is the drives mbr. then each partition can have a boit record i think03:47
CharybdisWell, not exactly, but that's all most users need to know.03:47
CharybdisNo, each partition has a file table.03:47
CharybdisThere's only one mbr.03:47
CharybdisThat's for the whole disk.03:48
CharybdisThat tell's the disk where to go for the bootable partition.03:48
kclarkI'm using a RAID0 for 5 disk's on my server, is there any easy way to update the raid after I add a new drive?03:48
artieHi, guys. I need some help. When copying files to the different location, there could be some links (symbolic), which will be broken (they will still refer to an old location, not new one). Is there a way to auto fix those links when copying?03:48
SwedeMikekclark: please define "update"03:48
kclarkSwedeMike -- I want to add another drive making it a total of 6 drives in my RAID03:49
SwedeMikekclark: yes, you use the mdadm --grow command.03:49
dagerikI have had a laptop for five years, never cleaned it. The fan is working really hard. What could cause this? How can it "sense" this?03:50
kclarkSwede - nice, will it prompt me for any info or just do an autodetect?03:50
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SwedeMikekclark: hm, halt that. let me look into this further.03:50
SwedeMikekclark: mdadm manual seems to indicate that raid0 can't be grown.03:51
kclarkSwede -- What03:52
kclark*What other raid config do you recommend for striing?03:53
dr_willisdagerik: dust inside can be bad03:53
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dagerikdr_willis: Can hardware be destroyed?03:53
SwedeMikekclark: https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/articles/g/r/o/Growing.html03:53
kclarkThanks Swede!03:54
dr_willisdagerik:  heat it up enough..... it can fail03:55
crassusSo, I have GParted open and I'd like to make a new partition for the Windows install. For some reason, I can't drag the big Ubuntu ext4 partition to resize it, and the menu options are grayed out. Also, Partition names have a lock next to them. How do I unlock them so I can resize at least the '/' ext4 partition ?03:55
kclarkWhile I'm in here, anyone have any good tutorials on working with the stack in c?03:55
br0adcastHello room, I am trying to make an livecd from an ISO, but ubuntu startup disk creator doesnt seem to be showing my cdrom drive.. Can anyone help?03:56
dr_williscrassus: you normally cant resuze in use filesystems03:56
kclarkbr0adcast -- do a lspci and tell us the results03:56
urlin2ubr0adcast, that app is for thumbs.03:57
crassusdr_willis: ah...how do I about making a new partition then, since Ubuntu's / takes up most of the space03:57
br0adcastI have a cdrom drive, i have just cleared the disk..03:57
crassusis it impossible then?03:57
br0adcastjust for thumbs?03:57
dr_williscrassus: i tend to use gparted live cds03:57
crassusI could just use a live cd yeah03:57
crassuslemme try that03:57
urlin2ubr0adcast, loading usb thumb drives use brasero.03:57
br0adcastthat would explain it urlin2u03:57
xanguabr0adcast: just burn it as an image, startup is just for usb03:57
br0adcastright, i get it03:57
br0adcasti must have missed the part where they said "if however you want to use a thumbdrive...."03:58
br0adcastI only got dumb with it because its crated from a backup with remastersys and I wasnt sure if it implemented the boot stuff03:58
br0adcastthanks :)03:58
br0adcastits only a tester anyway, nothing serious03:58
br0adcastI just want to see if it keeps my wireless driver patches03:59
br0adcastsure beats the ubuntu UCK method, that seems well complicated03:59
br0adcastthankyou too xangua03:59
crassusSo, Windows should be notice the new open partition when I'm installing it from the DVD I'm assuming04:04
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makaraHi. 11.04 won't start. A list of tasks shows "Stopping automatic crash report generation" failed, and the last one in the list "Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox04:11
makaracursors winks at me04:11
makarahdd led going nuts04:11
makaraanyone there?04:13
HazRPGhey guys, I'm having some issues with my sound... can someone please help me?04:14
makarajust ask04:15
HazRPGI have no audio at all, details from lspci are: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller... gnome-volume-control won't run at all (not even from terminal, and doesn't report any errors)... and the icon on my bar just shows "---" as if it was muted04:16
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HazRPGnot sure what to do04:18
dagerikI need to install a package, but I do not know the exact name of the package so that I can go apt-get install <name>04:20
dagerikHow can I find the name og a package that I am looking for?04:20
HazRPGusing alsa 1.0.23 as far as I can tell04:20
HazRPGdagerik: do you know what type of package is it? i.e. even the application name? Since that question is rather vague04:21
urlin2udagerik, loo for it in the software center.04:21
makaradagerik: use synaptic04:21
dagerikHazRPG: its ncurses04:21
crassusDoes partitioning happen faster on SSDs vs HDDs?04:21
crassusie, like moving or resizing partitions?04:22
makaradagerik: what are you trying to accomplish?04:22
HazRPGdagerik: you could try "apt-cache search <name>" to try and find things, alternatively as others have said software centre, etc04:23
aeon-ltdcrassus: yes i'd assume since read/write; but really i would not buy a SSD for it's partition speed04:23
stu-2hi  my ubuntu crashed the other day    now i get a message that my profile has not loaded properly   what does it all mean?04:23
crassusaeon-ltd: of course, there's other awesomer reasons to buy one, like burning your excess cash weighing you down04:24
HazRPGdagerik: try "apt-cache search ncurses" and read the descriptions of the software it pulls up and you should be able to find it04:24
aeon-ltdcrassus: but really it's microseconds you are saving for partitioning04:24
crassusi c04:25
aeon-ltdor at most 1-2 seconds04:25
ZanzacarHas anyone had any success install/playing league of legends on ubuntu 11.10?04:25
dagerikHazRPG: Thanks. Using apt-cache to search for programs was really easy.04:25
aeon-ltdnow doing something like intensive overwrites, say zeroing the disk the SSD would win by far04:25
crassusaeon-ltd: what do you think about that news from HP about some uber fast storage system that beats the pants off of flash/SSD stuff even?04:26
HazRPGdagerik: remember, if you've added a new ppa or software source to your list, make sure you run "apt-get update", otherwise "apt-cache search" won't find anything04:26
HazRPGdagerik: also, your welcome ^_^04:27
aeon-ltdcrassus: got a link?04:27
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aeon-ltdcrassus: the memristor thing?04:28
HazRPGanyone able to help with with my no audio issue? I know its being detected (by lspci), I just don't know how to diagnose why I'm getting no sound, nor why all the audio applications won't run...04:28
crassusodd http://www.electronicsweekly.com/Articles/06/10/2011/51988/ief2011-hp-to-replace-flash-and-ssd-in-2013.htm04:29
crassusstuf wasn't pasting, sorry04:29
stu-2hi  my ubuntu crashed the other day    now i get a message that my profile has not loaded properly   what does it all mean?04:30
Bublik2002quick question... i just discovered gnome extensions and its pretty amazing... is unity going to have some kind of feature like that?04:31
ubuntu-for-mewhen i type C-c C-c to compile lisp source file in slime-sbcl,it said notcontect,(yestoday i reinstall my ubuntu,and i use slime before with no problem),how can i solve this problem?04:31
samba35if i am using kvm or any other networking ,if i am using bridge i have to use same ip address in /etc/network/interface and guest os04:31
crassusstu-2: try restarting04:32
stu-2crassus   it does this every time i reboot04:32
artieCheck what process shows the message, then read this process log?04:33
artieAt least you will be sure what is broken.04:34
stu-2i have also had one that says debconf failing04:34
amit0520I just upgraded to 11.10 and its running slow just like windows04:34
jayproanyone happen to be familiar with acomdata external enclosures with the raid 0 or 1 selection on the outside? i think i accidentally changed the switches, and now i cant read the data04:35
jayproi ran ubuntu data rescue, testdisk, and got nothing!04:35
makarahelp. 11.04 won't load. Get the purple screen, then a list of jobs - but it gets to a different point in the list each time?04:35
jayprosoo pissed right now! that data was important!04:35
amit0520I missed the simplity city and speed of ubuntu.. this new polished version sucks04:36
aeon-ltdcrassus: did some reading just now and it sounds promising,but no read/write data has been released so far from hp.04:36
crassuswell, I can't wait :)04:36
dr_willisjaypro:  so you dont remember if you were using eaid 0 or raid 1 ?04:37
jayprodr_willis... no no... i was using raid 1... but i was fumbling with the enclosure when i accidentally switched it to 004:38
dr_willisso now you switched back to 1 and the data is gone?04:39
makarahow can I restart xserver from tty1?04:40
jayprowhen it wasn't recognized in windows 7 anymore, i figured one of that hard drives failed. so i took it apart and loaded each of the two harddrives separately in ubuntu...still cant read data04:40
aeon-ltdmakara: kill x then start it again?04:41
dr_willismakara:  sudo service lightdm restart04:41
jayprowhen i fdisk, and testdisk, it didnt even have partitions04:41
artieWhen copying files to the different location, there could be some links (symbolic), which will be broken (they will still refer to an old location, not a new one). Is there a way to auto fix those links while copying?04:41
jayproso i was wondering,... if i changed those switches, does it automaitcally wipe the data?04:41
jayproso i used testdisk to analyze partitions...and it did not find anything04:42
pk__i have two interfaces eth1 and eth2  ...i have bridged them ..this is my interfaces file http://pastebin.com/7TD9eWk2  ...but as soon as my computer starts bridge is created but eth1 and eth2 are down..i need to do ifconfig eth1 up and ifconfig eth2 up..is there any way to automatically make up these interfaces?04:43
makaradr_willis: unrecognized service04:43
basic`hi there, anyone running ubuntu on their macbook w/ the touchpad?  I can't seem to resize windows or do anything that requires a click+second finger to drag04:45
basic`and i must be googling for the wrong thing04:45
basic`(ubuntu 11.10, xubuntu build)04:45
basic`i have gpointing-device-settings installed but don't see anything that would fix the issue04:45
makaraactually, it looks like it hasn't started04:46
makarahow would I know?04:46
makarai type 'startx' and it says no screens found??04:46
amit0520I just upgraded to 11.10 from 10.04. Is there is a way to downgrade it back to 10.04 ? Please advise04:47
cgkadesamit0520: not that i've ever heard of04:47
somsipamit0520: no - reinstall is required04:48
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urlin2ubasic`, starting with the cursor in the window header you can not move the window?04:48
amit0520ok thanks somsip04:49
basic`i have to use a finger to click, and another to drag04:49
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bjrohan_I am a new user of Ubuntu from Windoze. What is the best way to subscribe to podcasts in Ubuntu?04:49
urlin2ubasic`, generally window move in ccsm should be clicked to work.04:51
researcher123is it possible to create an image of my PC and host it on a cloud?04:51
urlin2ubasic`, actually called move window04:52
doctor_hJust run teamviewer on ur pc. View from anywhere.04:52
witakrhello olkfs04:53
basic`urlin2u, trying the mactel synaptics driver04:53
urlin2ubasic`, compiz configsettings manager, personally wouldn't know about a driver.04:53
Naynaywhy is ubuntu 11.10 not remembering security passwords to known wireless access points?04:54
witakrcan someone please help me? I am trying to compile Jahshaka video editor but I am getting this error when I run ./configure : "Project LOAD(): Feature Settings.pro cannot be found." can someone help me figure this out so I can get Jahshaka running? Please?04:54
urlin2uNaynay, set it to connect automatically if that is the pt=roblem.04:55
witakrI'm using Ubuntu 1004:55
cgkadeswitakr: have you tried pasting the error into google?04:56
HazRPGokay... so I've narrowed the problem down to pulse I think... since alsa can still play sound from what I can see04:57
Naynaywhere's the toggle for that?04:57
cgkadeswitakr: i'm not trying to be a gerk, thats just what i do when iget a strange error04:57
witakrcgkades, yeah i did and I found s couple things that fixed other errors I had but I can't find a resolution for this error message so i came here04:58
witakrI've been working at this for an hour now04:58
pp7anyone have that annoying bug where windows dont move smoothly any more after a while?04:58
witakrSearching and reading04:58
urlin2uNaynay, right click the wireless-edit connections04:58
NaynayThe auto connect check box was already on04:59
witakrpp7, i had that one....04:59
pp7witakr: had?04:59
Naynayit automatically tried to connect but then prompted the password04:59
pp7witakr: how did u resolve that???04:59
NaynayI keep having to enter it each time I connect04:59
NaynayI've tried to save it in the security tab04:59
urlin2uNaynay, how about all users?04:59
Guest74901anyone know if .pem file is same as the key you get when you do ssh-keygen -t rsa ?04:59
Naynayhrm, will try that04:59
witakrpp7, I'm sorry, i was just commenting... I thought you were talking about MS Windows... I thought you were making a joke about windows being slow05:00
urlin2uNaynay, tried to save it05:00
Guest74901anyone know if .pem file is one that gets created when you do ssh-keygen -t rsa ?05:00
pp7witakr: damn i thought someone could help me resolve it :(05:00
NaynayI'll log off and back again to see if this works now05:00
Naynayok that seemed to go better05:01
witakrpp7, I know, I instantly felt bad when i realized you weren't just ragging on MS Windows.. I'm sorry..05:01
makaralinux really need to sort out these graphic driver issues. Apparently I need to rebuild NVIDIA for the new kernel?? How can I setup Ubuntu for a non-techy if this is going to happen on an upgrade?05:01
pp7witakr: haha no problem05:02
argot|pryerpp7: stop using windows05:03
cgkadesmakara: it's a pain.. i have to do that at work to 17+ systems05:03
argot|pryerperfect fix05:03
pp7argot|pryer: i'm not using windows05:03
witakrLook what i started...05:03
pp7i'm talking about windows on the ubuntu desktop05:04
pp7not windows OS05:04
argot|pryerso after a while of a window being open it stops moving smoothly?05:04
pp7argot|pryer: yea like after a few days05:05
pp7argot|pryer: windows in general on the desktop are jittery when moving them around05:05
tbruff13does anyone need any help05:05
pp7never had this problem before 11.1005:06
pp7tbruff13: yes i do05:06
tbruff13whats up man05:06
makarawhere's the decent error messages on no boot? I have no idea what to do now. It could be absolutely anything05:06
tbruff13makara: what error message05:06
witakrcan someone please help me? I am trying to compile Jahshaka video editor but I am getting this error when I run ./configure : "Project LOAD(): Feature Settings.pro cannot be found." can someone help me figure this out so I can get Jahshaka running? Please?05:06
pp7tbruff13: moving windows in ubuntu 11.10 become jerky after a while05:06
makaraexactly - it just doesn't boot05:06
makarashows a list of jobs and then blinks05:07
makaracan I show you dmesg?05:07
tbruff13makara: maybe i not that good though05:07
tbruff13i can check through google and with some friends05:07
makarano worries05:08
makarai'll askubuntu.com05:08
tbruff13makara: im so sorry05:09
tbruff13pp7: you here05:09
tbruff13can you see the dialog i opened with you05:09
cgkadesmakara: your system crashes because of the vid driver?05:10
tbruff13makara: what vid card do you have05:11
johnnyzeroHey can anyone help me to to figure out this.05:11
tbruff13johnnyzero: sure what is the issue05:12
basic`got it figured out, have to use only 1 finger to click and drag05:12
basic`two fingers doesn't work05:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 886449 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[USB-Audio - USB Camera-B4.04.27.1, recording] Pulseaudio fails to detect card" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:12
johnnyzeroI can't understand what the guy means05:13
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johnnyzeroor how to fix that issue05:13
johnnyzero"As fahr as I understand your output above alsa has no Profile to assign05:13
johnnyzerothe channels of the cam, so it tests diferent Profiles but fails."05:13
johnnyzeroHow could I fix something like that05:13
tbruff13johnnyzero: i can't really help you with a confirmed bug05:14
tbruff13I don'05:14
tbruff13i dont have a solution for it dude im sorry05:14
tbruff13but they are working on it05:14
tbruff13it will get solved soon05:14
johnnyzeroYeah I was just confused as to why that guy told me to try that stuff.05:15
johnnyzeroand creating an .asoundrc file05:15
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vagothcppon oneric there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf for my system, has it moved?05:16
HazRPGif anyone is still following, this is the info the alsa-info.sh script returned for me: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2ae88001355a23c564f608414dab0102714ff1bc05:17
somsipvagothcpp: no xorg.conf as standard. Files that make up the various sections are in...somewhere I forget now, but they should not be overriden so if you want to add anything, just create your won xorg.conf to override the defaults05:19
HazRPGseems after having done "killall pulseaudio", I now have sound... however using "alsamixer" to control audio is a pain (too use to my keyboard shortcuts)... so alsa is working, after killing pulseaudio and that using "pulseaudio --start" makes everything work again... however I can't control my applications volumes, etc... can someone help me with that? I've got this far05:20
cgkadesvagothcpp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config05:20
vagothcppsomsip, well im installing the nvidia driver for my laptop, so i wanted to backup my current configuration incase it all goes wrong05:21
tbruff13HazRPG: have you tried reinstalling pulseaudio05:21
HazRPGtbruff13: I haven't, no05:21
somsipvagothcpp: no idea then. Not something I've had to do05:21
HazRPGtbruff13: how would I completely reinstall it properly?05:21
tbruff13HazRPG: i will get you a guide and work with you05:22
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ you can easily make keyboard shortcuts to control alsa sound level, want an example file ?05:22
vagothcppi would use the restricted drivers suggestion but it doesnt give me one...05:22
cgkadesvagothcpp: good luck. you'll have to reinstall every kernel upgrade.. just an FYI05:22
HazRPGtbruff13: much appreciated :)05:22
vagothcppcgkades, why is that05:22
HazRPGMahaVishnu: sure, I'm always up for learning new tricks :)05:22
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vagothcppand shouldn't that simply be "just FYI"05:22
cgkadesvagothcpp: if i remember correctly it uses the kernel headers, and those change with every kernel05:23
vagothcppcgkades, so why not simply have my kernel header installed >.>05:23
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ pretty much you just install the package xbindkeys. then open it with xbindkeys -k press the key you want to map to it will give you the keycodes and edit this file to your liking. then save it to ~/.xbindkeysrc. start 'xbindkeys' and you are good to go. http://paste.ubuntu.com/774983/05:24
cgkadesvagothcpp: everytime you upgrade your linux kernel, you will have to reinstall the video driver. at least that has been my experience with nvidia05:25
HazRPGMahaVishnu: I have heard about xbindkeys before... might give that a go, much thanks :)05:25
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ this works while using pulse audio also. I do this because the on screen display thing always has problems for me and this is much more reliable.05:25
RokcStarno wonder some programs break after kernerl upgrades!...ahh now i know!!05:26
vagothcppcgkades, the 'additional drivers' doesnt provide me an alternative05:26
vagothcppcgkades, oh, i misunderstood your first statement05:26
cgkadesvagothcpp: yeah. just something to keep in mind. it's a pain, but not horrible05:27
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ what is your general issue? just got here05:27
almoxarife!info nvidia-current05:27
bobethi everyone any idea on how to enable admin console on openfire pls help its has been disabled by our last admin05:27
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)05:27
HazRPGMahaVishnu: No sound on boot-up.05:27
vagothcppsee, i thought you were saying that I would have to reinstall every kernel version upgrade if i were to install this driver05:28
bobetPls. PM me05:28
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MahaVishnuHazRPG$ ubuntu 11.10? what kind of sound card? what fixes the sound if anything ?05:28
dr_willis!info openfire05:28
ubottuPackage openfire does not exist in oneiric05:28
cgkadesvagothcpp: ah yeah.. i didn't type that very clearly05:28
bobetwhat room for openfire topic?05:29
bobetcan you pls give me one...05:30
vagothcppor i could just install nvidia_current; thanks almoxarife05:30
HazRPGMahaVishnu: ubuntu 10.10, "Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller" (straight from lspci), doing "killall pulseaudio", "alsa force-reload", "pulseaudio --start" seems to fix sound... but no controls using either "gnome-volume-control" or "pavucontrol"05:30
KindOnebobet - /join #openfire05:30
cgkadesvagothcpp: packages are always the best05:30
vagothcppcgkades, indeed, reason i stopped using my LFS05:31
almoxarifevagothcpp: do install it, script kiddie method is for people with a lot of time on their hands05:31
vagothcppalmoxarife, i remember when i had lots of spare time, i get one day a month where i dont have anything to do (in general)05:32
ZanzacarHas anyone had success with having league of legends run on linux? There seems to be a lot of speculations on if it can or cant run on linux through wine.05:32
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ hrm im hard pressed to come up with an answer for that other than some kind of bug in the underlying alsa/pulse audio code. never heard of it working with no sliders. but all devices show up in alsamixer ?05:32
HazRPGMahaVishnu: yup05:33
HazRPGMahaVishnu: I find it odd too, I've not come across anything like it before05:34
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ yea its pretty buggy on linux.05:35
nimbioticsHello evry1, I was once sent a link in this channel with instruction s on how to install 11.10 w/o unity. Can some1 plz point me to this link?05:35
MahaVishnusound that is now a days with alsa + pulse audio ( still not 100% sure what pulse even does )05:35
somsipnimbiotics: you can use the minimal install CD, or one of the other flavours of Ubuntu, such as Xubuntu05:36
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ is it an option to upgrade to 11.1005:36
HazRPGnimbiotics: if someone's already linked you to it, if you remember what day it was, might be worth looking at the online log to see if you can find it again05:36
bobetKindOne its seems no one is available on #openfire05:37
nimbioticsHazRPG: no, cant remember, but thx05:37
HazRPGMahaVishnu: not really, not until I have a proper play with gnome3 to see if I actually like it05:37
nimbioticssomsip: I'm not sure i wan to change 2 another flavor, but I have considewred it; Unity suckcs big time05:38
MahaVishnuHazRPG$ I heard ya I am on 11.10 but using fluxbox my self. reason I ask is because pulseaudio/alsa can be complicated to reinstall properly in my experience and upgrading might just 'fix' the issue silently ya know what I mean ?05:38
somsipnimbiotics: so you've already installed?05:38
HazRPGMahaVishnu: yeah I get what you mean05:39
nimbioticssomsip: oh yes, but I want to make a fresh  install now05:39
somsipnimbiotics: so what are you looking to replace it with?05:39
HazRPGalthough people will disagree with me, I think however dated gnome2 might be... it still "just works" and does the job its meant to well... gnome3 is just too new for me to see it as viable05:40
nimbioticssomsip: gnome3? I dnt know; whatever is closer to last version and that would allow me to use compiz, which I love. Any suggestions?05:40
somsip!nounity | nimbiotics05:41
cgkadesHazRPG: i agree. i hate gnome3 (and unity)05:41
ubottunimbiotics: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:41
somsipnimbiotics: but with this, you wouldn't uninstall unity. Just not use it05:41
nimbioticssomsip: THX, what is the point of having it if I dnt plan on using Unity? Can I just get rid of Unity completely? TIA05:42
somsipnimbiotics: I believe it's pretty integral to a base install, which is where I started with my first point - reinstall a version that does not use a standard install05:43
nimbioticssomsip: u lost me; what do u mean?05:43
somsipnimbiotics: if you use a minimal install, then install gnome-shell or gnoma-panel, you might avoid the unity packages. Dunno. I don't use gnome05:44
nimbioticssomsip: what do u use? xubuntu u said?05:44
MahaVishnunimbiotics$ here is a guide http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-oneiric-remove-unity-and.html05:44
somsipnimbiotics: minimal install and Awesome WM05:44
HazRPGcgkades: same, even if unity did fix all the inconsistencies that I feel it has (along with fighting over the screen since I'm a dual-head user), I still don't think I could live with a "dock" over my application bar05:45
nimbioticsMahaVishnu; THX, will check05:45
nimbioticssomsip: WM?05:45
somsipnimbiotics: Windown Manager05:46
nimbioticssomsip: got it05:46
somsipHazRPG:nice link. Didn;t realise unity could be nuked05:46
nimbioticssomsip: never heard of it05:46
HazRPGsomsip: guessing you meant MahaVishnu05:47
somsipHazRPG: yup :) Hope you got that MahaVishnu :)05:47
MahaVishnusomsip$ this is linux :-)05:47
somsipMahaVishnu: heh :) Just not seen that info before. I only ever see ! nounity used for that question on here.05:48
nimbioticssomsip, MahaVishnu, HaxRPG, THX a lot for your insight(s)!05:51
somsipnimbiotics: np. Happy to help get someone off unity05:51
nimbioticssomsip: lmao!05:51
HazRPGnimbiotics: no worries05:52
HazRPGnimbiotics: btw, for future reference, you can view this channel's logs from here if you need to: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/05:53
bobetany room for openfire?05:56
whalesaladhey guys is there a server specific room?05:58
cptp4no wut, didn't kno i wuz still in dizz channo06:00
* dr_willis wonders what openfire is..06:05
bullgard4I have an .ogg file containing several songs. What Ubuntu program will parse this file into several .ogg files containing one song each?06:06
dr_willisbullgard4: automatically?06:07
dr_willisbattery dead. bbl06:08
bullgard4dr_willis: It suffices if the program helps me doing it by hand.06:08
dr_willis!info audacity06:08
ubottuaudacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.13-5 (oneiric), package size 2441 kB, installed size 6436 kB06:08
dr_willisthat is a nice gui app06:09
Folkloresu keeps failing for root06:23
FolkloreI was sure I set it was same pass as other user06:23
Folklorealso sudo works fine06:23
Folkloreso how I fix this06:23
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anomaliespasswd root06:23
anomaliesafter that u can use 'su' command06:24
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:24
anomaliesor sudo su without having the need to put password at root account06:24
Folkloreyou rock anomalies06:25
anomaliesit's not a good practice to put password for root account :)06:25
iceowlif you really really really really really really really really need to drop to a root shell, you can do $ sudo su -06:25
pnormaniceowl: Isn't sudo -i also an option?06:25
iceowlpossibly, I don't remember06:26
FolkloreI don't take root that serious guys06:26
Folkloreno worries06:26
Folkloreappreciate the help06:26
iceowlroot is srs bizns.06:26
anomaliesany antivirus for home user linux that actually work (except clamav) on ubuntu?06:27
anomaliesneed them for my smb06:27
iceowlwhy would you need an antivirus program for linux?06:29
anomaliesbecause most machine connected to my home network is running windows06:29
pnormanSomething to scan files for viruses, not for catching viruses on the server itself?06:30
unreal-dudethats probably more effective than a local antivirus as far as file access is concerned since the machine with the antivirus is not easily compromised06:31
pnormanunreal-dude: well, it won't catch viruses that are just running locally on the machines06:32
unreal-dudehence the "as far as file access in concerned" part06:32
anomalieslast time, someone put infected files on my smb and get a virus outbreak06:33
anomaliestake half day to clean it.. it's a mess06:34
JerrryVirus on Linux?06:34
anomaliesyerp.. the ubuntu smb as carrier06:35
anomaliesinfecting my home network06:35
makarahow can I restore to original graphic drivers? no nvidia anything06:35
JerrryI'm really noob at Linux. I thought it was really hard to get a virus on Linux.06:36
tbruff13HazRPG: hey can you see me06:36
HazRPGtbruff13: yup06:36
anomaliesJerrry; my ubuntu isn't infected, but act as carrier since it servicing smb for my home network06:37
anomaliesso anyone connected to my ubuntu smb, got infected06:37
JerrryOh, I see.06:37
JerrryIt's like how ticks don't get affected by lyme disease but they still transmit it.06:37
andynwell, modern medical chemistry is mostly geometry06:39
andynif the proteins fit spaitially, they'll interact. in this case the samba share was the common base to attach to.06:40
andynspatially even06:40
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
dagerikIf I change screen settings here: http://folk.ntnu.no/dageriv/s.png it does not persist when I close the window.06:51
dagerikIf I reopen the screen settings, I discover that the changes did not persist.06:51
dagerikUsing 11.10 with Gnome 306:51
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dagerikBasically, changes I do in the system settings do not persist.06:54
alicia81Hi, I just installed ubuntu and sometimes after booting the machine, ubuntu doesn't fully load.06:58
iceowlhow much RAM do you have?06:58
alicia81By "doesn't fully load" I mean the display doesn't work06:59
dagerikI cannot change system settings anymore,06:59
iceowlwhat do you mean by "doesn't work"?06:59
alicia81or it drops to showing the text load prompts, the lines with the [ok]06:59
alicia81and sometimes it just shows a purple screen07:00
alicia81but when you power down07:00
alicia81it starts the power down logo and turns off07:00
alicia81Any ideas what it could be?07:01
Kartagisgood moning07:01
alicia81It this a new machine07:01
Kartagishow do I get my bot to identify to nickserv?07:01
audigood evining07:01
audialicia81 need more info07:02
alicia81Ok, what else can I tell you?07:02
alicia81This only happens sometimes07:02
audiversion 11.04?07:02
iceowl /msg nickserv help07:02
bullgard4!enter | alicia8107:03
ubottualicia81: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:03
audiwhat kind of video card, and monitor07:03
alicia81on board display07:03
alicia81samsung lcd monitor07:03
alicia81be back in 20 mins07:04
Kartagisoops, I have just realized I was in the wrong channel07:04
audineed help locating audio card for mplayer07:04
sinisterstufKartagis, who hosts your bot btw?07:05
audiused aplay -l and it is device 1,207:05
Kartagissinisterstuf: it's on my VPS07:05
audi*card 1 device 207:06
bullgard4Audacity 1.3.13-beta (Unicode) > Help > Fast Help (in Internet browser): "Apparently you did not install the Help." What package do I have to download in order to install the Fast Help?07:06
sinisterstufKartagis, where'd you get the VPS? or do you have your own server?07:06
audicard 1: CMI8768 [C-Media CMI8768], device 2: CMI8738-MC8 [C-Media PCI IEC958]07:06
evilwombatHello. Is there a reason why my KDE (Qt) applications look like GTK applications, regardless of the choice of the Qt theme (but only for one user), and is there a way to remedy this?07:06
Kartagissinisterstuff some company in my country07:07
sinisterstufoh ok...07:07
audimplayer -ao ????????? -afm hwac3 XXX.iso07:07
wxlhey is encrypted swap like common fare now? i wanted to increase my swap and blkid was only showing /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 which is alll that is in /etc/fstab07:09
ZeroeHey, can anyone direct me to which node I should go to to get help configuring a linux server securely?07:10
Kartagishow do I get the latest apache with ubuntu? through a ppa?07:13
Zeroewhat is ppa?07:13
prince_jammys!ppa | Zeroe07:14
ubottuZeroe: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa07:14
ikoniaKartagis: why do you need it ?07:14
Kartagisikonia: to be on the latest stable?07:14
ikoniaKartagis: why ?07:14
ZeroeAhh, I see, well then why would you use a ppa. Just update your current installation, if not install it the usual way07:15
ZeroeI believe it is sudo apt-get install apache207:15
ikoniaZeroe: you can't use it as an install source07:15
ikoniaZeroe: you can only use it as an additional software source07:15
Kartagisikonia: is there a problem with it?07:15
ikoniaKartagis: no, but is there a problem with what ubuntu ships/supports/manages ?07:15
wxlholy crow apt-cache search apache is insane07:15
Zeroeyou mean ppa?07:15
ikoniaZeroe: correct07:15
Kartagisikonia: no07:16
ikoniaKartagis: ok, so why update and break that07:16
Kartagispoint taken07:16
ikoniaKartagis: what is in the version you want to use that is not in the version ships with apache07:16
ikoniawith ubuntu07:16
Kartagisikonia: no idea really, just the tendency to be on the latest07:17
ikoniaKartagis: that is a very very bad tendency07:17
ikoniaKartagis: I would try to break that habbit if I where you07:17
Kartagisikonia: generally, or only for ubuntu?07:18
ikoniaKartagis: generally07:18
anomaliesbleeding-edge almost all the time need more time to spend than stable one07:18
audineed help with mplayer dts07:19
ActionParsnipaudi: could ask in #mplayer  too07:20
wxlso is the uuid for /dev/mapper/cryptswap the same uuid of the partition it's pointing at?07:20
audihave posted at http://pastebin.com/6X9gGpvN .as per mplayer07:21
auditake a look07:22
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amiritehow do i make processes startup at boot?07:23
anomaliesvim /etc/rc.local07:24
hearnoseenoi'm interested in looking at my rc.d files.........how can i display all the files that contain rc*.d07:24
alicia81audi, are you still there?07:24
blackshirtamirite: you can configure through start up application utilites07:24
hearnoseenocan i pipe to ls -r?07:24
amiritei added to runlevels with update-rc.d but when server crashes and comes back up the services dont seem to have started07:24
alicia81Right so my problem is intermittent.07:25
anomaliesso call it manually at rc.local07:25
amiritecan someone tell me what the equivalent of rc-update and rc-status (gentoo) for ubuntu are07:25
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:25
anomaliesput your own shell script to do the automation for you07:25
alicia81I'm on the machine in Ubuntu now07:25
dagerikI cannot change system settings anymore,07:25
alicia81but an hour ago I kept trying to boot the machine07:25
leftistmorning what is the command that you can use to identify devices from a shell? i forget it and i need to know the chipset for this sound card to get drivers for it07:26
xuser1good morning !07:26
alicia81and with each attempt it would fail to load the display07:26
dagerikIn gnome-control-center I am unable to change the screensaver settings.07:26
anomaliesleftist; never play music when i'm in console07:26
amiritesomeone give me an example etc rc.local file so i can follow the format/syntax07:26
leftistno it is a command i forget the syntax07:26
alicia81After unpluging the power and leaving it out for 5 mins07:26
alicia81I booted up and managed to get into Ubuntu07:27
xuser1i use gnome 3 and the <create new launcher > in desktop menu is missing07:27
alicia81Any ideas what could be the problem?07:27
cconstantineI"m using gnome (with awesome as the wm) and my batter monitor recently disapeared from the systray.  Anyone know how to get it back or figure out what went wrong?07:27
anomaliesamirite; what is the command u use when need to start you service(s)?07:27
xuser1any ideas?07:27
anomaliesput it then on rc.local07:28
blackshirtamirite: some script has been converted to upstart script07:28
llutz_!upstart | amirite search the web for poor upstart-documentation how to create start-/stop-scripts07:29
ubottuamirite search the web for poor upstart-documentation how to create start-/stop-scripts: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:29
amiritei just added /etc/init.d/foo start before exit 007:29
amiritehopefully that does it07:29
anomaliesamirite; i usually create a shell script to do the dirty job, then put it at the rc.local, so next time when the machine reboot.. i don't have to do anything again anymore07:29
creazyrohilai have lenovo y510 laptop, i installed 11.10 in it, my speakers (4.1) not working now. any suggestions07:30
leftist i worked for lenovo / ibm and i never had an issue. did you try suse?07:30
leftistsuse is the defacto for that crowd07:30
leftistsince ibm supports that platform. but i dont use suse07:31
xuser1 i use gnome 3 and the <create new launcher > in desktop menu is missing07:31
xuser1any ideas?07:31
creazyrohilalast time i have 10.04 then i put some code in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf07:31
xuser1how can i fix that?07:31
creazyrohilabut this time its not working07:32
anomaliescall the apps then stick it to the bar07:32
leftistmorning what is the command that you can use to identify devices from a shell? i forget it and i need to know the chipset for this sound card to get drivers for it07:33
llutz_leftist: lspci, cat /proc/asound/cards07:33
leftistthanks llutz_07:33
creazyrohilaleftist, HDA Intel at 0xfeaf8000 irq 4807:34
grape_does running windows on a virtual drive let you do everything you would normally be able to do on windows? I want to know if it is better than wine07:36
keepguessingHi I do not have a network connection on my ubuntu machine. I have an ubuntu cd and I am trying to install packges from it. however using dpkg -i fails for some because of the dependencies. I usually use apt-get to install on ubuntu. Is there a way in which I could configure apt-get to use also my cdrom as a repository?07:37
somsipgrape_: I've found that to be the case. Sometimes osme issues with usb peripherals though07:37
keepguessingI am using ubuntu 11.0407:37
Flannelkeepguessing: the Desktop CD or the alternate CD?07:38
keepguessingFlannel: the cd I used to install the Ubuntu07:38
Flannelkeepguessing: That could be either.  Did you use a GUI or a text based install?07:38
grape_somsip: cool, so whereas windows drivers will not work with wine, they will work with the virtual machine? i am trying to hook up a webcam that is old and has no linux drivers/support07:38
keepguessingFlannel: text-based07:39
ZeroeDoes anyone know where I can get the documentation for securing ubuntu for server purposes in eCommerce?07:39
somsipgrape_: AIUI, this is where there can be problems with USB and VMs, though I've had no experience with that myself. When my webcam was so old and crap that Ubuntu didbn't support it, I bought a new one.07:39
Flannelkeepguessing: That's the alternate CD.  USUALLY the CD is already in your sources (although it may be disabled).  You can check, OR if you just want to add it, stick the CD in, and use `sudo apt-cdrom add`07:40
keepguessingFlannel: apt-cdrom add gives me errors such as version GLIBCXX_3.4.14 not found07:40
Flannelkeepguessing: once you've done that, you can sudo apt-get update, and then install whatever from the CD like normal (with your favorite package manager)07:40
grape_somsip: thanks07:40
somsipgrape_: np07:41
Flannelkeepguessing: That's odd.  Ok, well, lets look to see if you already have the CD in your sources.  Since you seem savvy enough, go ahead and peruse /etc/apt/sources.list and the various files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for a deb cdrom:[blahblah line.07:42
keepguessingFlannel: probably it would be write to mention that I do not have gcc in my machine. I was trying to install that and found dependency failures07:42
Flannelkeepguessing: If I was wrong in assuming you're comfortable with that, let me know, I'll step you through it.07:42
Flannelkeepguessing: You do have gcc, you don't have any libraries for it.  At least, by default.07:43
ikoniaFlannel: I don't think gcc is installed by default07:43
ikoniaFlannel: the libc warning is a concern, quite a big one, smells of mixed versions or a very non-standard install07:43
ZanzacarI noticed something odd. When I do ls -lh in the terminal I get a file at 695M but in the properties in nautilus I get 729M why is that?07:44
keepguessingFlannel: Actually I did not have gcc and the deb pakg installation failed with the error of missing dependencies07:44
mr_louIn my Ubuntu installation at home, I can press WindowsKey + N or M to invert all colors. What is it I have installed in order to be able to do that? I'd like to be able to do the same at work.07:44
keepguessingFlannel: hence I thought using apt-get it woudl be able to find dependencies install them first and then install gcc.07:44
Flannelikonia: gcc is, but you can't compile anything, because it's missing all sorts of dependencies to actually be useful: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.manifest07:45
Flannelkeepguessing: Alright, lets... step back.  This is a fresh install?07:45
ikoniaFlannel: that is crazy that gcc is now installed by default.07:46
Flannelikonia: Well, I guess they're not dependencies, I guess it'd just be libraries and headers and whatnot.  To my knowledge, you can't compile any type of programs, but 'gcc' exists.07:46
Flannelikonia: It's always been that way, I think it's a lsb requirement.07:46
ikoniaFlannel: lsb does not include gcc07:46
ikoniaFlannel: big security risk07:46
Flannelikonia: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.manifest07:47
pnorman!info build-essential07:47
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB07:47
keepguessingFlannel: Yes its a fresh install07:47
Flannelkeepguessing: Alright, What CD did you use to install?07:47
ikoniaFlannel: that makes no sense (although I see that it's true) the ammount of times I had to install gcc (not libraries) to do something07:47
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ileahi all07:47
keepguessingFlannel: I found the de cdrom: ... it was commented and uncommented it07:47
Flannelkeepguessing: Alright.  That should get you going, although I agree with ikonia, something seems off with your install.07:48
ileawhen i try to enable desktop cube everithing on the desktop disapears and i cant eneble them back now i am in guest sesion because only this works07:49
keepguessingFlannel: then ran apt-get update and it failed with "apt-get: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_2.3.14' not found( required by apt-get)"07:49
ileahow to fix this problem or how to activate desktop cube and dont get this07:49
ikoniahow can it be missing the core libc07:49
Flannelkeepguessing: Yeah, like we were saying, something is awry.  What CD did you use to install?07:49
frustroI was working on a vm and tried a key combo, ctl-alt and - I believe, then my desktop went 800x600, not I have it back to 1280x720 but I have a back bar all around.07:49
keepguessingFlannel: Downloaded the 32 bit 11.04 iso from the ubuntu website07:50
keepguessingFlannel: and installed the default stuff07:50
Flannelkeepguessing: I'd try redownloading via bittorrent, then burn and verify from the booted, burned CD.  Just to be sure.  You definately shouldn't be missing libstdc by default.07:51
ActionParsnipilea: what video chip are you using?07:51
Flannelkeepguessing: Here's the link: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent07:51
ActionParsnipilea: and did you install the proprietary nvidia driver?07:51
keepguessingFlannel: hmm ok07:51
ileayes i installed the recomanded updated driver07:52
ileafor curent version07:52
ileawobly window works but i get that when i try to enable desktop cube07:52
ActionParsnipilea: ok then the default shortcut is Ctrl+ALT plus click and drag afair, or Ctrl+ALT+leftcursor or rightcursor07:52
ActionParsnipilea: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc07:53
ileathe problem is that when i activate desktop cube everithing on desktop disapears07:53
ileathe unity bar and the other one07:54
ActionParsnipilea: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc07:54
ileahow to check this?07:55
ileain terminal?07:55
ZeroeSo no one has a response to my last question? How about how to connect to a WPA2 wireless router through terminal using the ubuntu server edition07:55
blackshirtZeroe: you can use iwconfig07:55
pm-here is a a nice video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h86ml5iJBz4&feature=fvst discuss07:56
Zeroewell I think I used that, but it didn't let me connect07:56
ikoniapm-: that is nothing to do with ubuntu - so a.) please don't post it b.) don't discuss it07:56
ActionParsnipilea: yes, in terminal07:56
pm-i am so sorry07:56
ikoniapm-: not a problem07:56
pm-but you are now a super faggot07:56
FloodBot1pm-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:56
pm-and i will07:56
pm-find you07:56
ileai tried and dosnt work it says comand not found07:57
solarieshi all07:59
solarieshow can I check why my headphone jack does not work? It used to work using KDE/pulseaudio, but now I try to run bare ALSA and only got it working with the normal Laptop speakers07:59
ActionParsnipsolaries: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh08:00
solarieshere we go: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d59ac5be4f6d122052571d784e75396faa9da26b08:01
solariessorry for utmost noob questions ahead :-|08:01
lotecho45hi anybody here08:02
solariesActionParsnip: also I have not understood the relationship between pulseaudio and alsa yet08:02
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
lotecho45hi can anybody conecto to facebook or msn?08:02
ActionParsniplotecho45: on facebook rightnow using chromium daily build08:03
ActionParsnipsolaries: so the headphone jack doesn't give sound?08:04
ActionParsnipsolaries: do the speakers cut out when you shove in the headphones?08:04
lotecho45is there a problem with msn, i cant conect to msn messenger anymore and i can access facebook neather08:04
solariesActionParsnip: unfortunately now08:04
ActionParsniplotecho45: what client(s) have you tried? Can you ping the login server? is anyone in ##windows having the same issue.08:05
lotecho45i have windows on the on my lap and can acces to msn hotmail and facebook08:05
lotecho45but not in linux08:05
=== ericm|ubuntu is now known as ericm-afk
ActionParsnipsolaries: are any of the levels muted in alsamixer   (run it in terminal, use M to mute/unmute, cursors to navigate and ESC to exit)08:06
lotecho45i try other distros and same thing happen08:06
solariesActionParsnip: I already checked08:06
ActionParsniplotecho45: what clients have you tried?08:06
lotecho45all of them08:06
hearnoseenowhy are there 6 rc.d?'s08:06
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lotecho45emesene pidgin amsn08:06
lotecho45and i cant access hotmail, i try all webbroser, firefox opera, chomium08:07
hearnoseenoit seems as if there are multiple links within each rc*.d to the same init.d script wtf08:07
ActionParsnipsolaries: does sound work ok from speakers?08:08
ensihello, how do i change the colors of the theme in the latest ubuntu?08:08
ensicontrol-panel -> appearance08:09
solariesActionParsnip: yes. I just found the following: When I put my headphones into the laptop, it mutes Speaker and Master. Then I have to again unmute them08:09
ensicaon only change the theem but not the the colors and stuff08:09
solariesNow it works, but everytime I have to go to alsamixer and unmute08:09
ActionParsnipsolaries: try:  echo "'options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf08:09
ActionParsnipsolaries: least it works a little, the option may help, reboot to test :)08:10
solariessure, thx a lot!08:10
ActionParsnipensi: possibly gnome-tweak-tool08:10
solariesActionParsnip: reloading alsa won't work?08:11
ensiActionParsnip: dont have such tool08:11
ensiah rfound it08:11
ActionParsnipsolaries: you could unload and load the module if you want08:11
ActionParsnipensi: install it then.......08:11
ActionParsnipsolaries: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/537448/+index?comments=all08:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 537448 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "No sound in sony vaio VPCEB16FG (Realtek ALC269, snd-hda-intel driver)" [Undecided,Fix released]08:12
ensiActionParsnip: cannot change colors with this08:15
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ActionParsnipensi: gah, that's all I know personally, defaults are fine here except the wallpaper08:18
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ensiwell this theme appears to have black color for popup window background08:20
ensiand the font is also black08:20
ensiso not very useful08:20
ActionParsnipensi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/49348/how-do-i-set-a-theme-in-oneiric08:21
ActionParsnipensi: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html08:21
HDroidHi.. lately my fonts have been acting up, I run without anti-aliasing so some roughness is expected but the purple words are off: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/100/fontsc.png/ funny thing is, they fixed themselves, but after a while they.. unfixed themselves. Any idea what's going on? I've cleared font caches.08:21
ActionParsnipensi: gnome-tweak-tool has this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AV91jNOQrOA/TpcXSq-7kwI/AAAAAAAAFBU/NTPZW2iky0c/s1600/gnome-tweak-tool.png08:22
ensiActionParsnip: ok thanks08:30
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geplahi alls08:39
|Frodo|hello! I have a strange problem: booting my old notebook (256 MiB RAM; no harddisk) with kubuntu live DVD, my PCMCIA WLAN card (compaq WL 110) is recogniced and configured in a way, that I am able touse WPA.08:44
makarawhat frontend offers the functionality of the compiz-config-manager - where you can ctrl+alt+num9 to get the window into the top right - for instance08:44
pozicThe GUI told me that the upgrade to 11.10 failed while computing requirements. How can I upgrade in some other way?08:45
pozicOr to see some actual problem instead of some dumbed down interface which doesn't tell me anything useful.08:45
makaraFrodo: type "rfkill list" and see if any are blocked08:45
|Frodo|poorly I can not lealy work with ubuntu caused of the small RAM size. so I am trying to use "grml" live CD.08:45
|Frodo|the suppising problem is, that with "grml" my WLAN card is not able to use WPA, only WEP is supported there! how can I find out, what ubuntu makes "better" then "grml"?08:47
|Frodo|makara: ok, I#ll try rfkill08:48
bobetany idea how to change password on openfire admin console08:48
llutz_|Frodo|: check what kernel-module(driver) grml/ubuntu uses, check versions08:48
makarafrodo: its something else. really old card?08:49
|Frodo|makara: about 10 years old08:49
pozicI get: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may becaused by held packages.08:50
mr_louIn my Ubuntu installation at home, I can press WindowsKey + N or M to invert all colors. What is it I have installed in order to be able to do that? I'd like to be able to do the same at work.08:51
=== Gskerrig is now known as Gskellig
pozicHow do I do a release upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 on an extremely standard installation of ubuntu?08:53
pozicI don't get how you have managed to make it not work with everything configured with defaults.08:53
pozicIt's not like I am the only one on the planet with these issues.08:54
ActionParsnippozic: what is the output of:  tail -n 1 /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades08:55
Nitrodistwhere do I start if I were to update a piece of software that ubuntu hosts?08:56
pozicActionParsnip: Prompt=normal08:56
ActionParsnippozic: ad who is this "you" you are referencing?08:56
NitrodistI mean, a piece of software that exists in ubuntu's repositories08:56
icerootpozic: output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "cat /etc/issue"08:56
ActionParsnipNitrodist: could report a bug, there may be a ppa too08:56
pozicActionParsnip: 'you' = whoever implemented this non working system.08:57
ActionParsnippozic: run:   sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade08:57
ActionParsnippozic: pastebin the result if there are any issues08:57
NitrodistActionParsnip: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/beanstalkd is the only package that's 1.4.3 while the rest are up to date at 1.4.608:58
ActionParsnipNitrodist: is there a ppa?08:58
ActionParsnip!ppa  | Nitrodist08:59
ubottuNitrodist: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa08:59
NitrodistActionParsnip: does not appear so09:00
ActionParsnipNitrodist: then all I can recommend is a bug report09:01
NitrodistActionParsnip: thanks09:01
ActionParsnippozic: is it running?09:01
pozicActionParsnip: not yet09:01
ActionParsnippozic: np09:01
Nitrodistlsb_release -rd09:02
Nitrodistwoop :P09:03
pozicActionParsnip: I only don't really get why it bothers me with so many questions.09:03
ActionParsnippozic: its if you added any 3rd party sources and such09:03
pozicActionParsnip: like 'some sources have been disabled, press ENTER to continue'.09:03
ActionParsnippozic: quite normal09:04
pozicActionParsnip: and it doesn't work.09:04
ActionParsnippozic: can you pastebin the output please09:04
icerootpozic: output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "cat /etc/issue"09:04
pozicActionParsnip: http://paste.debian.net/149589/09:04
ActionParsnippozic: ok can you pastebin the output of:   sudo apt-get upate; sudo apt-get upgrade09:05
poziciceroot: http://paste.debian.net/149590/09:06
ActionParsnippozic: why do you have the proposed repo enabled?09:07
pozicActionParsnip: do you mean the held back packages?09:07
ActionParsnippozic: the whole output of the command I gave please09:07
icerootpozic: proposed is the dev-repo09:07
pozicActionParsnip: do you want me to run the command too?09:07
pozicActionParsnip: it needs to download about 1GB.\09:07
icerootpozic: something like "debian sid"09:07
poziciceroot: ok, so that's not what I want.09:08
ActionParsnippozic: those are the updates, it may square off the system and make things better09:08
|Frodo|mysterty: sorry, reboting took a while...  rfkill says, that nothing is blockled.09:08
gemunuIve installed php Eclipse on ubuntu10.04.3 and Start or Stop LAMP and Mysql is not working. It says Could not execute ......09:08
pozicProposed updates doesn't sound like sid.09:08
icerootpozic: also it seems your system is on 10.10 and your sourceslist and a broken update is showing 11.0409:08
poziciceroot: I am sure it is 11.04.09:09
poziciceroot: because I ran Unity on it.09:09
icerootpozic: you want to update from 11.04 to 11.10?09:09
poziciceroot: yes09:09
ActionParsnippozic: you can create an Oneiric install media, part of the CD is to upgrade an established install09:09
pozicActionParsnip: http://paste.debian.net/149592/09:10
ActionParsnippozic: wow, you have a lot of packages, have you ever upgraded the install?09:11
icerootpozic: i would suggest to run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and then do the release-update09:12
ubuntucan someone help me09:12
Scott_SWhat do you need, Ubuntu?09:12
pozicActionParsnip: I have +-4500 packages installed.09:12
ubuntuwhere can i download adobe flash player and what version09:12
Scott_SUbuntu: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer09:12
ubuntuor better yet how can i use terminal to get it09:12
pozicActionParsnip: yes, I have.09:12
ubuntuthere we go thanks09:12
pozicActionParsnip: although, why would I want to update every single day>09:12
pozicActionParsnip: I have better things to do.09:12
pozicActionParsnip: also, all this system administration is not what I want to do.09:13
pozicI just want to press a button 'upgrade' and have it be upgraded.09:13
pozicIf Ubuntu cannot do that, I must find greener pastures.09:13
Scott_SPozic: Updates are available twice a year for installations. However, dependencies change every time you update, causing incompatibilities.09:13
ubuntuE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?09:14
Scott_Subuntu: sudo apt-get update09:14
pozicScott_S: lack of QA causes incompatibilities.09:14
pozicScott_S: this is a chronic problem.09:14
pozicScott_S: the problem doesn't lie with whoever creates the actual software; the problem lies with the packagers.09:15
ikoniapozic: please stop talking nonsense09:15
icerootpozic | ActionParsnip: although, why would I want to update every single day>  <- security-updates09:15
pozicikonia: All I can see is Ubuntu wasting time of my life.09:15
poziciceroot: it is not a server.09:15
ubuntuReading package lists... Done09:16
Scott_Spozic: Are you a Windows user mainly?09:16
ikoniapozic: don't use it then, there are other distros09:16
icerootpozic: you have a support question or just flaming? if just flaming please type /wc else you are welcome to discuss your issues here09:16
pozicScott_S: ...09:16
ubuntuflash player still isnt loading youtube09:16
icerootubuntu: restarted the browser?09:16
pozicScott_S: I likely used Linux longer than you did.09:16
Scott_Subuntu: Did Flash player install correctly? restart your browser if it did.09:16
ubuntuah nope09:16
ikoniapozic: I suggest finding another distro instead of ranting in here09:16
pozicScott_S: I just expect things to work, except somehow every single time it doesn't. I don't have that problem with other distros.09:16
icerootpozic: stop it now09:17
ikoniapozic: using other distros is the way forward, please stop ranting09:17
Scott_Spozic: I've never had an issue with Ubuntu; either drop the distro, or deal with inevitable issues amongst different releases of a distro. I will drop this argument now.09:17
ikoniaScott_S: thanks09:17
pozicIt almost seems as if Canonical breaks things on purpose.09:17
ikoniapozic: last warning - you've had many warnings in the past09:17
bazhangpozic, thats enough.09:17
ikoniapozic: use a different distro if you don't like it, it's that simple09:18
pozicikonia: you are bad at coping with criticism.09:18
Scott_Sikonia: My apologies for fueling the argument.09:18
ikoniaScott_S: you didn't know, he has form09:18
ubuntuflash player is now working09:20
ubuntuthanks for the help09:20
Scott_Subuntu: Good to hear. If you need more help, just come back here, or use Google to try and solve the issue first. We're always here to hel.09:21
ubuntuill probably be back later, since im running off a live cd and its my only choice to, more computer problems but working things as i get to it09:21
ubuntugoogle will be my first choice, if google cant help iljust come back hereto bug you for a few more minutes09:22
skilzIs there any program where I can speak and it is typed as text on te screen into any selected window09:23
skilzLike if I click on a pigin conversation window and say hello how are you? it is typed into coversation window09:24
skilzor if I click my browser and say google.com its typed09:24
Scott_Sskilz: This is slightly outdated, but it might be what you're looking for: http://vedics.sourceforge.net/09:25
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KryczekHi everybody! I have a slight problem and I hope you can help: I'm using TrustedGRUB (Grub 0.9 with TPM support, not in packages unfortunately) and regularly the Ubuntu updates try to overwrite it with Grub 2; I tried to "hold" grub-pc but it doesn't seem to work when the package is uninstalled... Any ideas?09:41
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:41
makarajust installed 11.10 64bit. Wireless not connecting on an ath9k card. What to do?09:42
ActionParsnipmakara: what wifi chip?09:42
shadeswhen I'm installing something all I see is a progress bar, can I get more information about this in the Ubuntu Software Center?09:43
shadesoh wait I see it now09:43
makaraActionParsnip: AR928509:45
hacked_kernelwho maintain the Unix-Philosophy nowadays?09:47
bazhanghacked_kernel, what does that have to do with ubuntu support?09:48
oratedHello! Is there a way to play media file in command line mode itself? .m3u files specifically09:48
Scott_SMakara: Add "blacklist acer-wmi" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf09:48
bazhangorated, tried with mplayer?09:48
popeyorated: mplayer?09:48
conntrackHow do I change time_wait in tcp.h without recompling the kernel?09:49
oratedNo, will try it now. I remember reading about mpeg123 and probably vlc allowing that09:50
hacked_kernelbazhang, Ubuntu is a Unix-like, so where else should I discuss that?09:50
Scott_Shacked_kernel: ##linux09:50
bazhanghacked_kernel, use alis to search a unix channel09:50
bazhang!alis | hacked_kernel09:51
ubottuhacked_kernel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*09:51
makaraScott_S: it's still soft blocked09:51
Scott_Smakara: Reboot.09:51
oratedhacked_kernel: ##unix ##linux09:51
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shal3rWhere to write commands to be executed at Ubuntu Server startup?09:53
KryczekActionParsnip: thanks; I read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto but I do not see how to prevent grub-pc from installing... I tried writing a /etc/apt/preferences file with "Package: grub-pc" and "Pin-Priority: 1001" but I don't see how to tell APT to keep it uninstalled and "Pin: release n=(none)" does not work09:53
Kryczekshal3r: /etc/rc.local09:53
makaraScott_S: rfkill list all unblocked, but not connecting and I notice I don't have an IP address on wired or wireless09:54
Scott_Smakara: Have you rebooted the system? Sorry, you didn't state if you had or not lol.09:54
makarayes i have09:54
Scott_Smakara: That's odd. Sorry, I am still searching for solutions.09:55
hugokuohi all09:56
ActionParsnipKryczek: that's all I know or can recommend, sorry09:56
hugokuohow can I change the name of scsi driver  .... for example   change /dev/sda   to /dev/sdb09:56
Scott_Smakara: Apparently it's "acer_wmi" instead of "acer-wmi"09:56
cousin_luigiEmpathy doesn't open windows, for some reason.09:57
cousin_luigiAny idea?09:57
oratedbazhang: popey: Perfect. Mplayer plays a m3u playlist with <mplayer -prefer-ipv4 -playlist playlist.m3u> Thanks!09:57
geirhahugokuo: Not much point in that really, just use UUID and/or LABEL instead of /dev/sda1 etc...09:57
hugokuogeirha , got it ... thx09:58
conntrackHow do I change time_wait in tcp.h without recompling the kernel?09:59
cousin_luigiOh, I see now it's a reported problem.09:59
conntrackIt is set too high09:59
conntrackFor my needs09:59
makaraScott_S: i don't think so. It worked with acer-wmi10:00
Scott_Smakara: Then unfortunately I don't have too many solutions for ya', that was the only solution I found.10:01
spr1813244Good grief, I upgraded to 11.10, now I've lost my networking, and probably about 2 hours of my life googling and trying solutions. Anyone have any experience here....10:03
makarascott: thanks for trying10:03
ManDayTrying to build gcc,    collect2: ld returns 1 exit status    adn that's it. No error message, only 1 exist status. What is that?10:03
shal3rKryczek, isn't it executed at each runlevel?10:03
spr1813244What are you supposed to do when you upgrade and your box can't connect to the lan anymore?10:09
KNUBBIGHey, I need a LaTeX editor with automagically compiling to a PDF. Can you recommend anything? Spellchecking and other features would be nice as well. #ubuntu-bots has only three votes, that's why I'm asking here. Thanks!10:09
bullgard4How to decompose a .ogg file containing 20 songs in 20 .ogg files containing 1 song each?10:11
Kryczekshal3r: no no, it is executed towards the end of startup (runlevels 2, 3, 4 and 5, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel#Ubuntu )10:13
nafisKNUBBIG: have you looked at any editors so far? can you recommend anything?10:13
skilzPlease help!!! http://pastebin.com/v7B49Gi210:14
KNUBBIGnafis: I need recommendations :< I dislike emacs and vim and I'm currently looking into texmaker10:15
nafisKNUBBIG: sorry I cant help, I am looking around too I currently use vim10:18
kiddstarr788hello everyone10:20
KNUBBIGkiddstarr788: hi10:20
kiddstarr788just having a small problem10:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:22
kiddstarr788cant get my andriod commander program on my pc to get root access to my andriod samsung infuse10:22
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:23
KNUBBIGI'm not entirely sure but, without 'rooting' shouldn't root access be forbidden?10:24
KNUBBIGand that might be !ot cause it's not really Ubuntu-related10:24
kiddstarr788i have successfully rooted the phome and connected it to my pc and the andriod commander picked it up on the device list but says that root access is unavable.10:25
bazhangkiddstarr788, how is this related to ubuntu support?10:26
bullgard4How to decompose a .ogg file containing 20 songs in 20 .ogg files containing 1 song each?10:27
kiddstarr788first time on this website really didnt know what channel to go to for this problem10:28
bazhangkiddstarr788, try an android channel10:29
jntuhai everyone.....after installing ubuntu 10.10 in my pc.i am unable to boot into windows it automatically booting into ubuntu please help me fix this problem10:29
bazhang!alis | kiddstarr78810:29
ubottukiddstarr788: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*10:29
icerootjntu: at boot press "shift" to bring up the grub-bootmenu and choose windows there10:30
icerootjntu: to change the order have a look at the links from ubottu10:30
iceroot!grub | jntu10:30
ubottujntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:30
ActionParsnipbullgard4: could use mp3splt10:34
ActionParsnipbullgard4: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/ogmsplit.1.html10:35
ActionParsnip!info ogmsplit10:35
ubottuPackage ogmsplit does not exist in oneiric10:35
ActionParsnipbullgard4: seems mp3splt does it http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/oggsplt.1.html10:36
osmosis_paulHi, I'm trying to expand the permisions of one user to can access the system by ssh but I cannot found how10:36
osmosis_paulhe only have now sftp access?10:36
osmosis_paulany idea please10:36
icerootosmosis_paul: sftp and ssh are the same10:36
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: did you set the user to the shell /bin/flase10:36
icerootosmosis_paul: if you have ssh access you have sftp access, if you have sftp access you have ssh access10:37
ActionParsnip/bin/false   sorry10:37
EmoBoiix3anyone compiled Android using Ubuntu?10:37
ActionParsnipiceroot: if youo set a false shell (false instead of bash) will that stop sftp access10:37
icerootActionParsnip: yes10:37
osmosis_paulno, no I'm my configuration we give rules to connect some users only with sftp tools no by terminal10:37
ActionParsnipiceroot: bums10:37
icerootActionParsnip: sftp needs a valid login-shell too10:37
icerootosmosis_paul: you mean sftp? not ftps? or ftp?10:38
icerootActionParsnip: imo there was a special login-shell to have sftp and not ssh10:38
icerootActionParsnip: but that is not the default10:38
icerootosmosis_paul: sftp = ftp over ssh10:38
osmosis_pauliceroot, I know10:38
osmosis_paulbut I create a special rule to give them sftp access but not by terminal10:39
osmosis_pauland now I dont know how to give them that rights again10:39
osmosis_paulso sftp yes but not ssh by terminal.10:39
icerootosmosis_paul: usermod -s /usr/lib/sftp-server username  so give only sftp access, usermod -s /bin/bash username to give ssh and sftp access10:40
osmosis_pauliceroot, thanks a lot dude!10:41
icerootosmosis_paul: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/9410:41
osmosis_paulI will put in my bookmakrs thanks again10:41
alex__hello everyone! how to make writing permissions in samba? i need it for different autentificated users.. how to add users, and manage permissions?10:41
bullgard4ActionParsnip: I have installed now the package »mp3splt« and associated dependencies. I will try my luck now. --  Thank you very much for your help.10:42
EmoBoiix3Hey guys, noob question here.....but which desktop takes up the least RAM?10:43
icerootEmoBoiix3: from the supported ones, lxde (lubuntu-desktop)10:43
EmoBoiix3I see, thank you :)10:44
osmosis_pauliceroot, does not work, are you sure is usermod -s /bin/bash username???10:44
icerootosmosis_paul: sudo usermod -s /bin/bash username10:45
EmoBoiix3well, there's a strange thing with LXDE.....it doesn't allow me to overwrite folders. It'll come up with a "Directory not empty" error.10:45
ActionParsnipbullgard4: np man10:45
icerootosmosis_paul: -s, --shell SHELL The name of the user's new login shell. Setting this field to blank causes the system to select the default login shell.10:45
osmosis_pauliceroot, I'm connected as root10:45
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: is that in pcmanfm?10:45
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: let me try10:45
EmoBoiix3I'm logged in as root.....if that helps10:46
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: could be why10:46
icerootEmoBoiix3: dont use the desktop as root10:47
EmoBoiix3:/ I need root for other stuff.....10:47
EmoBoiix3Oh well10:47
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: I just made an empty folder, then the same named folder in a different location and I was asked if I wanted to overwrite10:47
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: just use sudo, you don't need root all the time and running an X server as root is not very smart10:48
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: nor is running a web browser as root either...10:48
DarkStar1Hi all Does the amd 64 download of ubuntu means that I can install it in a core i5 system?10:49
EmoBoiix3I see.....yeah Chrome is an ass to install when as root hahahaha10:49
deej1976DarkStar1: Yes10:49
EmoBoiix3DarkStarl: I think so10:49
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: if its a 64bit cpu, it will work10:49
DarkStar1deej1976: thx10:49
ksx4systemhttp://wklej.org/id/650784/txt/ any idea how to cut this so I can see only first field (time itself, two examples provided)?10:49
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: the OS is geared around people using the OS correctly, as user. That's why10:50
FloodBot1Soul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
iceroot!ops | Soul10:50
ubottuSoul: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!10:50
EmoBoiix3ActionParsnip: I see....10:50
EmoBoiix3Is Android, iOS and Meego based on Linux?10:51
cousin_luigiEmoBoiix3: android and meego are10:51
LjLEmoBoiix3: Android and Meego yes, iOS no. anyway, #ubuntu-offtopic would be much more appropriate for this10:51
icerootEmoBoiix3: #anbdroid, #ios, #meego10:52
EmoBoiix3LjL: oops, sorry10:52
ActionParsnipEmoBoiix3: yes, if you have an android phone go to Settings -> About phone     and you'll see your kernel version10:52
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mazda01anyone care to try to assist and tell me why my iphone 4 won't pop up when i plug it into my highly custimized 10.04.3 install? running gnome?10:55
icerootmazda01: dmesg10:55
mazda01i plug it in and it doesn't even show up in fdisk -l10:55
iceroot!iphone | mazda0110:55
mazda01iceroot, sure10:55
ubottumazda01: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:55
mazda01iceroot, i'll check out the links, dmesg is showing usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 12  so is it a udev issue?10:56
icerootmazda01: i dont know, i never used apple products, maybe its not a bug maybe a feature10:57
icerootmazda01: there was something about gtkpod to mount these strange apple products10:57
EmoBoiix3brb going to restart to ubuntu 10.04 LTS10:57
mazda01iceroot, lol, the reason i know it works out of the box is because It works in a brand new install of 10.04.3. i'lll  read the link, thanks10:58
mazda01iceroot, oh, and I tried gtkpod10:58
mazda01DOH! If you have a password set up on your device, unlock it first before connecting the USB cable, otherwise Ubuntu will not recognize it.10:59
conntrackah gone11:00
icerootmazda01: :)11:00
mazda01iceroot, nope, still nothing, now it shows as address 13. this "issue" will require some digging  :-)11:01
jwtiyari have dual boot , after formatting my windows i cant now boot to my ubuntu11:08
GeorgeJHello folks. How would one make thunderbird start in the background under Ubuntu 11.10?11:08
iceroot!grub | jwtiyar11:08
ubottujwtiyar: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:08
mazda01jwtiyar, that's because windows overwrote grub right?11:09
mazda01iceroot, you're on top of your game. :-)11:09
jwtiyarANY ONE HERE?11:10
mang0jwtiyar: There are 1474 people here.11:10
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c4g2hi kids!11:11
c4g2anybd in here?11:12
c4g2whats uuuuup!!??11:12
jocowho are you11:12
c4g2im fucking awsome11:12
c4g2a both11:13
master__hey c4g211:13
jocoda mi go kuris pusov11:13
c4g2hi sweety11:13
master__gon sie11:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:13
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:13
jocogive me your fb11:13
LjLplease keep the chit-chat out of here11:13
master__give me a minute11:13
jwtiyarwhen i want install some program to install with live usb it say no space on device how to make more space?11:14
HaematomaDoes anyone here have experience recovering deleted data?11:14
LjL!recover | Haematoma, there might be some useful hints here11:15
ubottuHaematoma, there might be some useful hints here: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel11:15
e01my notification area is hidden in unity, is it possible to show it again?11:15
e01restarting x seems not help11:15
jwtiyarwhen i want install some program to install with live usb it say no space on device how to make more space?11:18
WaltherFIDoes Ubuntu support the newest Intel HD graphics in the sandy bridge cpu's?11:20
nb-benWaltherFI, yes11:23
WaltherFInb-ben: How well does it perform?11:23
nb-benI am currently running Ubuntu with Intel DH61WW11:23
nb-benwell, doesn't seem to miss anything11:23
nb-benWaltherFI, just as it should11:24
WaltherFISo, talking about the i5-2500k and i7-2600k here11:24
MrPumpkincitisanyone have a command line command to send a jpg pic from my desktop to usr/share/backgrounds?11:25
nb-bencp /home/YOU/Desktop/pic.jpg /usr/share/backgrounds11:25
sagaciMrPumpkincitis: sudo cp ~/Desktop/*.jpg /usr/share/backgrounds11:25
jwtiyarwhen i want install some program to install with live usb it say no space on device how to make more space?11:26
jake_i need help11:32
jiderobonjour à tous11:33
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fhonorsomebody can help me?11:35
jwtiyarplzzz help11:35
fhonori need know how i can writte in partition NTFS11:35
fhonorsomebody know it?11:36
fhonorplease private11:36
Twinkletoesfhonor: You just weant to create an NTFS partition, or write a file to an existing one?11:38
MrPumpkincitiswent to Places and cannot find my usr/ directory. Where is it located. I am showing hidden files11:38
utilizadorbo dia11:40
pybitusr/ directory is in the File System...11:40
TwinkletoesMrPumpkincitis: If you browse to the top level of your file system (in My Places?), usr/ is a directory in there11:41
mazda01brainfart, how do i get the location bar at the top of nautilus to appear?11:41
pybitcntl +l11:42
TwinkletoesMost of the articles I've found about squid, talk of authentication using apache2-utils.  Is that more preferred than pam_auth for squid?11:42
coldwindit's my (subjective) impression that bugs and regressions in the Ubuntu desktop increase with each new release; isn't there a plan to solve this problem? there seems to be too much focus on new features and new shiny desktop technologies while a lot of laptops are working worse with each new release...11:44
MrPumpkincitisis there a command I can use to locate the  usr/directory11:44
MrPumpkincitisthat shows its path11:45
TwinkletoesMrPumpkincitis: I told you where it is... it's there alright11:45
TwinkletoesMrPumpkincitis: It's path is /usr11:45
MrPumpkincitisi went to my /home and showing hidden files and not seeing it11:45
TwinkletoesMrPumpkincitis: If you open a terminal, and type:     ls -al /usr     you'll see it's contents11:45
tightworkcoldwind: I agree. There does not seem to be the notion of a 'stable' branch anymore11:46
TwinkletoesMrPumpkincitis: /home is NOT the top level...11:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:46
Giammy94how i can take the list?11:46
tightworkcoldwind: I can generally find a bug for much of what I try out11:46
MrPumpkincitisso how do i get to the top level11:47
tightworkcoldwind: I suppose a lot of this is because ubuntu follows debian tooth and nail11:47
TwinkletoesMrPumpkincitis: The top level is referred to as   /11:48
TwinkletoesMrPumpkincitis: This will help you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard11:48
tightworkcoldwind: So debian will change packages, and then ubuntu will try to integrate there will be duplicates, things will get jumbled packages will get backported, dependencies wont catch up11:48
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coldwindtightwork: actually I think it's because of too rapid changes. All technologies in the ubuntu desktop are turned upside down with pretty much every release. This leads to many regressions if the release cycle is too short11:48
tightworkcoldwind: sure thats the idea of having a stable branch11:49
coldwindtightwork: yep, of course Debian does not have this problem because each stable release takes years before launch ;)11:49
coldwindbut Ubuntu is probably too on the other extreme these days11:49
tightworkcoldwind: I come from Gentoo world myself, where there was a strict x86 stable branch and one could choose to go testing by unmasking keywords11:52
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pybitlooking forward april lts release11:52
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tightworkcoldwind: unfortunately when it comes to automation gentoo has not been a good candidate11:52
coldwindtightwork: I come from being a Gentoo developer myself ;)11:52
tightworkie; chef11:53
tightworkcoldwind: I'm using sabayon on the desktop atm :)  ubuntu for servers (I still have my gentoo servers here and there of course)11:53
coldwindtightwork: I guess Sabayon could be an option for me; I just want a binary distribution that just works and has recent development tools. I just want to go ahead and develop my stuff, not develop my distro.11:56
tightworkcoldwind: If you came from Gentoo you will like it. It is bleeding edge too. I am doing a little fighting with ruby atm, but who isnt.11:57
coldwindwell, my point is that I don't want to do any fighting at all, except when I'm trying something exotic11:58
tightworkwhat are you trying to do?11:58
tightworkjust code?11:59
coldwindtightwork: yeah, most of the time11:59
coldwindcoding Python, Java, Mono, Octave, etc.11:59
mazda01brainfart, how do i get the location bar at the top of nautilus to appear?12:00
dr_willismazda01:  ctrl-l12:00
mazda01dr_willis, thanks12:00
coldwindmy rant comes from silly regressions: mouse stops working is the latest one12:00
dr_willismazda01:  theres some setting to make it always show.12:01
mazda01dr_willis, my issue is that somehow the built in cd/dvd creator app has a file owned by root in it so I cant delete or do anything to it12:01
tightworkcoldwind: hardware is good?12:01
dr_willismazda01:  odd.. You running nautulus as root right now?12:01
coldwindtightwork: sure, it's a new X-related bug12:02
mazda01dr_willis, i can12:03
tightworkcoldwind: on oneiric?12:03
coldwindtightwork: yeah, it's already filed12:03
coldwindtightwork: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/884255 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/873191 <- my latest ones12:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 884255 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "[HP G62] System is non-responsive to mouse/touchpad clicks" [Undecided,New]12:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 873191 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu starts with lowest brightness on HP G62[regression]" [Medium,Confirmed]12:03
dr_willismazda01:  from what ive seen in here.. often running nautilus as root, can cause some config files and so forth to get made in the users home, but owned by root. so i make a point to never run nautilus as root. :)12:03
tightworkcoldwind: oh synaptics touchpad eh12:03
mazda01dr_willis, it's gksudo, not sudo12:04
coldwindtightwork: USB mouse stops clicks stop working too ;)12:04
tightworkcoldwind: if it makes you feel better. I recently ran my i5 acer laptop all weekend on the sabayon live cd for testing.. all good12:04
dr_willismazda01:  honestly cant say ive ever notice it make a differance. :)   im on a headless server 90% of the time these days12:04
tightworkif u like that :)12:04
coldwindtightwork: I might give it a try at some point12:05
mazda01dr_willis, lol, gotcha. i have gnome on my main workstation12:05
tightworkcoldwind: i feel your pain .. pretty crappy we cant get a mouse to work12:06
bobalazswhere can i set the pc so that it doesnt go out to welcome screen after 5 minutes?12:06
dr_willistouchpad is special :)12:06
dr_willisnoticed the touchpad on my new netbook supports 2 fingers = scrolling today.12:06
Gorilla_No_Bakaquick question lads...(been looking on google but could not find anything ) how can i figure out /calculate the type of encryption based on the number of digits a password has?12:06
tightworkyou cant12:07
tightworkunless you just  or guess the cipher. its not gonna happen12:07
tightworkknow or guess12:08
Gorilla_No_Bakaok lemme refrase it..  wpa/wpa 2 type of encryption selected on my router... right? say... around 63 digits... how many bits of encryption would result 128 256? is it a formula to calculate or someting?12:09
mazda01dr_willis, so, here's a photo of my dillema.  https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-NpnZSo2Crr0/Tu8pbvLdE3I/AAAAAAAABmc/jk4qFTRcaNk/s800/IMAGE_EF280070-8649-42EA-A436-0AF55B145AF9.JPG12:09
pybitprolly a 128bit12:10
iSeeDeadPixelsoi :)12:10
Gorilla_No_Bakaa character would  be a 4 bits right?12:10
dr_willisheh. that url is so long.. i cant click on it.. :)12:10
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: char = 1 byte = 8 bit12:10
mazda01dr_willis, alright, one second12:10
mazda01tiny url here I come12:10
dr_willisgotta reenable that tiny-url script for weechat someday12:10
dr_willisit auto-tinyurls  those things.. which is handy12:10
mazda01dr_willis, http://tiny.cc/359ia12:11
Gorilla_No_Bakaiceroot:  stand by... lemme do some calculs12:11
Gorilla_No_Bakaiceroot:  8multipled by 63 that is 504 .. would that mean i just set a 504 bits encryption on my router (wpa/wpa2)12:12
dr_willismazda01:  i missed what the problem is...12:13
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: i would suggest to do some reading on wikipedia about encryption12:13
mazda01dr_willis, can't get that iso image out of that burn box12:13
Gorilla_No_Bakathere must be a forumula to calculate this kind of things...i tryoed.. there is nothing.. telling you how would you go on about calculating the type of encryption resulted from a certain lenght of a password12:13
dubeyi have downloaded ubuntu 11.10 server edition to try UEC, but didn't find any option during installation12:13
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: that has nothing to do with ubuntu and is offtopic here12:14
dubeydoes it require to install something else after installation ?12:14
dr_willismazda01:  you can find that .iso in your users home?12:14
dr_willis!info uec12:15
ubottuPackage uec does not exist in oneiric12:15
Gorilla_No_Bakaiceroot.. as far as i am aware ubuntu comes with a networkmanager , wirelesss and ethernet and the whole nine.. things that require a password... encryption and all that12:15
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: but an easy example echo "hello_world" | md5sum and "echo "foo" | md5sum  will get the same hash-lenght...12:15
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: windows also use encryption on wifi12:15
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: and mac os, unix, android, debian, fedora and so on12:16
Gorilla_No_Bakawho cares about windows..?12:16
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: so its offtopic here12:16
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: do some reading about that on wikipedia12:16
Gorilla_No_Baka:) iceman.. i repeat.. there is nothing on wiki..12:16
Gorilla_No_Bakathanks anyway12:16
mazda01dr_willis, no, it's not stored in home12:17
mazda01dr_willis, it came from a network drive.12:17
dr_willismazda01:  so thats just the history of stuff you burnt in the past?12:17
icerootGorilla_No_Baka: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCMP12:17
mazda01omg, how do i stop the audio bell of a alarm-clock alram? LOL12:17
mazda01dr_willis, that's what I burnt last, yes12:18
mazda01dr_willis, this is a new problem as I never copied and pasted stuff owned by root in there in the past12:18
dr_willismazda01:  could be some config file in .config or .local then im guessing.12:18
dr_willisthat is listing the history12:18
dubeyany suggestion ?12:18
mazda01dr_willis, DING, thought just came over me, 1 second12:18
Gorilla_No_Bakaiceroot:  reading...12:18
mazda01dr_willis, changed the ownership of that iso and still, i can't choose remove or delete. there has to be some way of accessing burn///: as root but it wont go12:20
iSeeDeadPixelsdoes anyone know how to install ubuntu server autonomously? i have a PC of which the GPU is broken, so i want to access it through SSH...12:20
iSeeDeadPixelsbut it's not yet installed12:20
mazda01iSeeDeadPixels, sure, you can use the textual installer12:20
mazda01iSeeDeadPixels, oh wait, no GPU at all?12:21
iSeeDeadPixelsumm nope12:21
iSeeDeadPixelsno gpu12:21
dr_willismazda01:  so you ran the burner app as root at one time?12:23
Future28Anyone here running ubuntu server?12:23
mazda01dr_willis, so, i put in new blank dvd and this pops up. if I lick yes then I cant do anything because it has that iso image in it. what command is it to launch that box so I can just alt-f2 and run gksudo before the commnd?12:23
mazda01dr_willis, no12:23
Future28If so, what's the best program to monitor traffic?12:23
mazda01dr_willis, http://tiny.cc/kg4sj12:23
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dr_willismazda01:  im not even sure what burner program that is you are using12:23
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mazda01dr_willis, it's built  in, see photo12:23
mazda01dr_willis, ubuntu 10.04.312:24
dr_willismazda01:  it could be the history/config for that app is for some reason owned by root. so your user cant change it.12:24
mazda01dr_willis, stock install with tons of customizations BUT i doubt i changed anyting with that burning box that pops up12:24
mazda01does anyone know how to run the built in nautils iso burner as root? it looks like this: http://tiny.cc/kg4sj12:27
iSeeDeadPixelsuse brasero12:27
mazda01iSeeDeadPixels, thanks but that doesn't anwser question12:28
iSeeDeadPixelssearch the process name, run it as root?12:28
Wiz_KeeDcan someone tell me how i can use the same browser but with different sessions? so i can login on a site with one browser and with another on the next one?12:30
Wiz_KeeDshould i install another browser or how could i use firefox for that?12:30
mazda01iSeeDeadPixels, i'll try that12:32
conntrackWiz_KeeD: search for "multiple mozilla session" in google12:32
mazda01iSeeDeadPixels, ps aux shows tons of stuff but nothing sticks out for burning12:32
iSeeDeadPixelstry ps aux | grep nautilus12:33
iSeeDeadPixelsor grep iso12:33
mazda01/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-burn --spawner :1.5 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/112:33
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mazda01now it won't run though by merely adding sksudo12:34
qosmosnick AAA12:35
mazda01iSeeDeadPixels, alt-f2, i enter gksudo gvfsd-burn --spawner :1.5 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/1 BUT nothing appears after I enter root password12:36
iSeeDeadPixelstry gksudo gvfsd-burn --spawner12:37
BluesKajhey all12:37
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mazda01iSeeDeadPixels, that can't be it because nautilus is launching12:38
dr_willisor gksudo nautilus, then click on an iso file and launch it?12:38
dr_willisI wonder if its a zetigiest history type entry.12:39
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mazda01dr_willis, that didn't work12:47
mazda01dr_willis, so, i can burn another iso whenever i want. the problem IS when I insert a new disk in 1 day, that darn iso is still sitting there12:47
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whiteAfricani need help12:50
whiteAfricani got SMTP 25 tcp open,but i want to close it12:50
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whiteAfricanhow do i do that12:50
icerootwhiteAfrican: stop the smtp-daemon or block the port with a firewall (iptables or ufw)12:51
MonkeyDust!infon ufw12:51
MonkeyDust!info ufw12:51
* Twinkletoes comforts MonkeyDust12:52
whiteAfricandoesnt work12:52
whiteAfricanim using uubuntu 10.412:52
ntr0pyHow would  am I supposed to resize a window in Gnome?12:53
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emcavntr0py: hold your mouse over a corner?12:55
whiteAfricanso how do i disable smtp12:55
whiteAfricani dont need it12:55
shajeershamrasi installed gnome shell...but no changes is there12:56
ntr0pyemcav: yes and clicking while moving the mouse freezes my whole computer12:56
mazda01wow, how can i change xchat 2.8.6 to stop telling me useless info?12:56
dr_willismazda01:  could go radical and try resetting your users settings/history.  (or just renname their .config dir) and see if it goes away12:56
MonkeyDustor not use xchat12:57
mazda01dr_willis, will try the .config dir rename trick.12:57
mazda01MonkeyDust, LOL, you suggest a better IRC client?12:57
mazda01dr_willis, what's the exact dir name?12:57
MonkeyDustmazda01  irssi, for one12:57
dr_willismazda01:  no idea. somewhere in .config im guessing12:57
phoenix_does anybody have network radio URL?12:57
mazda01dr_willis, ok, thank you12:57
alexxanderhelp, i have no sound!12:57
dr_willismazda01:  could be in .gnome* or .gconf* also12:57
mazda01MonkeyDust, irssi, is that a GUI type client?12:57
mazda01dr_willis, awesome thanks12:58
dr_willisIm using weechat these days instead of irssi12:58
mazda01dr_willis, is that GUI12:58
icerootmazda01: irssi is cli-based12:58
mazda01based IRC client12:58
dr_willismazda01:  No. :)12:58
emcavntr0py: that shouldn't happen.  i guess you can try alt+space12:58
alexxanderpackage manager has an error, and when i run apt-get install -f it says i dont have  permission12:58
dr_willisunless you count a ncurses interface a gui. :)12:58
icerootalexxander: sudo12:58
icerootalexxander: sudo apt-get install -f12:58
MonkeyDustgui's keep telling useless information12:58
iceroot!sudo | alexxander12:58
mazda01darn it. lol   either need new sugestion for irc client (gui) OR how to change prefs of xchat to telling useless info12:58
dr_willismazda01:  xchat had some decent docs at one time .12:59
dr_williswhat useless info>12:59
TwinkletoesAlthough the ubuntu manpages have an entry for pam_auth (for squid) it's not in the repos.  Do I just go ahead and create my own pam file for squid?12:59
alexxandernew message: dpkg was interrupted13:00
ntr0pyemcav: still the same, any attempt to resize a text based window freezes my whole box, not even REISUB helps, i just can cut the power13:00
Sid9_netplit de ouf13:00
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icerootalexxander: please post hte complete masssages13:01
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alexxanderdpkg was interrupted yoou must manually run "sudo dpkg --Configure -a"  to correct the problem13:04
alexxanderwhich i've done13:04
alexxanderand it's finished13:04
alexxanderbutt there's still the package manageer error icon on the toolbar and no sound13:04
apctrcan anyone tell me how to list files except the one having latest timestamp13:06
dr_williswhat if 2 files have identical timestamps apctr ?13:06
whiteAfricani want to change the colour of my ubuntu icons13:06
whiteAfricani dont like orange13:06
dr_willisuse a differnt icon theme perhaps?13:07
whiteAfricani mean folder icons13:07
apctrdr_willis: how can two files have some timestamps?13:07
jutnuxDownload something like FaenzaIcons whiteAfrican13:07
whiteAfricanapt-get install FaenzaIcons13:07
emcavntr0py: ctrl+alt+f1 do anything?13:07
whiteAfricanwill that work13:07
RaTTuS|BIGwhiteAfrican http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity may help13:07
apctrdr_willis: I'm assuming that no files are having identical timestamp.13:07
dr_willisapctr:  could write a little script that lists them, and uses head or tail to cut off the first line. :)13:08
Nishhi all. Anyone know which package contains dovecot-auth?13:08
dr_willisdepending on how they are sorted.13:08
phoenix_whiteAfrican,install faience-icon-theme13:08
dr_willisapt-cache search theme | grep icon13:08
dr_willisshows lots of icon themes. :)13:08
PiciNish: apparmor-profiles: /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.dovecot.dovecot-auth13:08
phoenix_you can use blue icon13:09
PiciNish: If thats not what you're looking for, please provide more context.13:09
ntr0pyemcav: no the kernel is completely frozen i guess13:09
isaHi, i would like that somebody help me with installing ubuntu 11.413:09
dr_willisNot sure what app you use in 11.10 to set the icon theme these days..13:09
isasome technical questions13:09
whiteAfricanboot from cd :D13:09
apctrdr_willis: I want one command with help of pipe or awk??because i have to give that output to zip to compress those files13:09
whiteAfricanthats it13:09
=== Guest53843 is now known as babilen
Piciapctr: ls -ltr | head -n-113:10
isaand also, is it possible that the tactil mouse is not working because i didn't update the system?13:10
Piciapctr: If that doesn't help, try asking in #bash13:11
Nishpici: I'm trying to set up postfix/dovecot, but the logs complains about dovecot-auth is missing.13:11
vv"56k faxmodem" is dialup modem or  adsl?13:11
Nishkan read mail (imap), and recieve mail, but not send mail.13:12
dr_willisvv:  56k is a term used for dialup modems in the past.13:12
dr_willisi would suprised at a adsl modem called a '56k faxmodem'13:12
whiteAfricanwhy the hell kate is 290mb ?13:12
whiteAfricanthats a simple text editor..13:12
apctrPici: it is not working13:12
jutnuxwhiteAfrican: Kate is an IDE.13:12
isaim not sure if somebody can read me13:13
apctrPici: displaying all the files as well as directories13:13
RaTTuS|BIGisa - 1) back all your data up , 2) insert ubuntu CD or usb, 3) reboot machine , 4) ffollow instructiuons13:13
vvdr_willis: Thanks a lot13:14
isaand the other question is13:14
jutnuxUbuntu is no harder than Windows to install isa.13:14
alexxanderi still have no sound, any ideas? it was working fine until i installed codecs after advice on here.13:14
isais it possible that the mouse is not working well because the system ys not upgrade?13:14
alexxanderi've fixed the package manager error now but still no sound.13:14
jutnuxWhat is wrong with the mouse isa?13:15
MonkeyDustalexxander  in terminal, type alsamixer, start there13:15
isathe tactil mouse13:15
alexxanderchecked alsa mixer and everything is on 10013:15
isasometimes is working sometimes not13:15
jutnuxalexxander: Can you take a screenshot of your alsamixer?13:15
isaand i don't know if is broken13:15
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isaand then sometimes it does this:==============13:15
isaall the time13:15
alexxanderdone, how do i paste on here?13:15
jutnuxompldr.org @alexxander13:16
MonkeyDustalexxander  try alsamixer|pastebinit and paste the url here13:16
jutnuxYou can pastebin? :o13:16
Pici!enter| isa13:16
ubottuisa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:16
isajutnux i already have ubuntu, i just want to upgrade the system13:16
jutnuxWhy did I not know of this.13:17
isalike this13:17
jutnuxisa: Then do a backup of everything (CloneZilla could take an image of your HDD) and back it all up.13:17
jutnuxThen place the disk in and update @isa.13:17
NishBah! F*** it! I'm reinstalling.13:18
alexxanderdone, took a while sorry13:20
CommanderMeatHi; I'm a pretty heavy gamer and I installed linux to get a smoother mouse input, But, I'm experiencing some sort of 'input lag' for lack of better terms, And I'm really not sure how to remedy it13:20
jutnuxUnmute the speakers alexxander.13:20
alexxanderthey aren't muted, are they? :s13:21
jutnuxMM = Muted.13:21
alexxanderwell, it's telling me they arent13:21
alexxanderwhen i hit mute/unmute, they go to muted13:21
alexxanderso how do i unmute on alsamixer?13:22
jutnuxPress M13:22
CommanderMeat(I don't wanna pry, but is this a bad place to ask my question?)13:22
jutnux!ask | CommanderMeat13:22
ubottuCommanderMeat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:22
dr_willisCommanderMeat:  you just installed ubuntu/linux to get a better gaming experience?13:22
CommanderMeatdr_willis: Yes, But I only play quake2/live, Which both have linux support13:23
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alexxanderbeautiful. cheers13:23
* codingmasters is testing IRC on his DS13:23
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codingmastersanyone there?13:23
isathis chat is more difficult that i thought13:23
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jutnuxcodingmasters: \o13:24
Techdude101Strange problem, I have 2 ubuntu machines, 1st has a samba share and I mount it on the 2nd machine it changes the uid of the folder13:24
NishHmmm... Sometimes it just works, for no apparent reason at all, which i guess is better than never...13:25
shajeerhow i can join another community on irc chat13:26
jutnuxshajeer: /join #channel_name13:27
i_is_brokeshajeer,  try /#channel13:27
bazhang!test | codingmasters13:29
ubottucodingmasters: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )13:29
conntrackSo be it13:29
naked89ttHow can opera play flash?13:30
naked89ttHow can opera play flash? anyone knows?13:31
icerootnaked89tt: installing flash13:31
icerootnaked89tt: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer13:31
dr_willisnaked89tt:  you mean can it? or how to you make it?13:31
naked89ttI have installed when I use firefox13:32
naked89ttbut ope13:32
naked89ttbut opera can't work.13:32
dr_willisjust tried it.. working fine for me at youtube13:33
dr_willisusing 11.1013:33
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dr_willissudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak13:34
dr_willisoops./ :)13:34
ksx4systemhow do I add keyboard shortcuts in 11.10?13:36
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e01ksx4system, system settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts13:37
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akemmy sound is totaly messed up i want to restat my driver however it looks like i don't have /etc/init.d/alsa-utils any idea what i should use?13:38
akemi only have alsa-store and alsa-restore13:38
naked89ttAnyone uses opera?13:38
ksx4systeme01: I can't add it. right_alt+pause13:38
ksx4systemnaked89tt: me13:38
e01someone that had problems with notifications in indicator-complete (skype is hidden) and is solving?13:39
naked89ttksx4system, My opera can't play flash,How can I solve this pro?13:39
BluesKajakem, sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils13:40
isaim doing the backup, but i don't have permission to copy the folder "private"...13:40
i_is_brokenaked89tt, try uninstalling opera and reinstalling. i use to have to do that with flash sometimes.13:40
naked89tti_is_broke, ok I'll try13:40
akemBluesKaj, "alsa-utils is already the newest version."13:41
ksx4systemnaked89tt: tell me your Ubuntu version, your Opera version, architecture (32 or 64-bit Ubuntu?) and what is most important - where from have you installed flash?13:41
dr_willisnaked89tt:  how did you install flash?13:41
akemBluesKaj, but the package have no bin or etc13:42
akemso maybe it has change since then13:42
naked89ttdr_willis, I go to 'adobe' and download 'deb' then installed.13:42
dr_willisnaked89tt:  its most likely a better idea to use the  pacakge manager flash installer tool.13:43
i_is_brokenaked89tt, should of used apt-get13:43
dr_willisthats what i did. and flash in opera is working.13:43
naked89ttI used apt-get and it said it's lastest version.13:44
naked89ttdr_willis, firefox can play flash.13:45
afflictoHey all, I have ubuntu 11.10 and I have 3 monitors. they are working great. But it seems all my windows on my left and right monitors are displayed on all virtual desktops? I want all 3 monitors to be duplicated via virtual desktops.13:46
drake01Hi guys, I want to have linux tty to show the output using one of the pagers instead of just dumping on the tty screen when its more than one screen.. Its a bit annoying.. Any solution??13:47
BluesKajakem, open alsamixer in the terminal , make sure the soundcard is listed at the top left13:47
akemok restarting pulseaudio did it.13:47
dr_willisdrake01:  for every command ran? not sure thats really possible.13:47
akemBluesKaj, thanks anyway.13:48
dr_willisdrake01:  screen can give you a scroll-up feature.. actually the console might have one by default without screen13:48
dr_willisbbl ya all..off to the store13:49
drake01dr_willis: Not every command but when the output of the command is more than one full screen. Scroll up is still possible using shift+pageup..13:49
ksx4systemwell, I literally can't set up custom keyboard shortcuts13:50
qr223keyboards are cool13:50
ksx4systemwhatever I do it always shows as disabled13:50
qr223i have one13:50
ksx4systemqr223: I have around ten13:51
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goudkovhi, how can i create a user account with a password that can't be matched? in the same way as default root install.13:53
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Lufti_oOhi ;)14:00
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Lufti_oOI'm in the strage LAN of my university. There we have to use vpnc and a socks proxy to use the internet. In windows I can use an app called "Proxifier" to route ALL of the internet access through this socks proxy. Is there a similar way for ubuntu?14:03
Augustoolá, boa tarde!14:04
Lufti_oOI know tsocks but I'm tired to have two menu entries for EVERY application: one with and one without tsocks in front of the application command!14:04
Lufti_oOAny idea?14:05
AugustoPreciso de informações de como fazer meu linux reconhecer meu monitor14:05
bazhang!br | Augusto14:06
ubottuAugusto: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:06
usr13I have a friend that just did the last batch of updates and she says not that her Ubuntu LTS system will not stay connected to the wired connection to her DSL router.  Any ideas as to what that could have been?14:09
usr13She's called me and I don't know what to tell her.  Anyone?14:10
jutnuxusr13: Impossible to tell without being there, especially with a friend.14:10
usr13jutnux: Yea, I know.14:10
usr13She is 250mi from me.14:10
jutnuxusr13: tell her to put iwconfig into a terminal and get her to tell you the output14:11
usr13But she thinks it has to do with the last updates.14:11
usr13BUT, I think she may have put off updating for a couple months, so....14:11
usr13(reason I say that is that I had talked to her last week and I told her to see if there were updates pending and there were, after she pulled the trigger on it and rebooted, there have been networking issues.)14:13
usr13I suppose there is nothing I can do.  At least, not from here.14:14
elb0wWhats chkconfig in ubuntu?14:15
usr13elb0w: fsck14:15
usr13fsck - check and repair a Linux file system14:15
usr13elb0w: Sorry,   service14:17
Twinkletoeselb0w: update-rc.d is the equivalent in Ubuntu as standard14:17
Twinkletoeselb0w: What are you trying to do?14:17
usr13elb0w: You mean   chkconfig  -  updates  and queries runlevel information for system services ?14:17
silvercathow do i force x to send video signals to VGA instead of laptop builtin monitor? my laptop screen is broken14:17
usr13!upstart | elb0w14:17
ubottuelb0w: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:17
elb0wI want to turn off mysql from startup14:18
vic20gmrdo i need to defrag a 10gb partition[fat32] to increase its size using gparted on 11.04 live cd?  its a windows xp partition, i want to make it ~32gb14:18
usr13elb0w: see man service14:18
usr13elb0w: You could just uninstall it.14:18
nibbierusr13, update-rc.d i believe14:18
Twinkletoeselb0w: As he said, although you *can* instal chkconfig from the repos, if you really want to use it14:18
nibbieroops was said before ;-) sorry14:18
usr13nibbier: Yea, you are right.  If  you turn it off with service it will be only for one session.14:18
Twinkletoeselb0w: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-runlevel-configuration-tool-to-start-service/14:19
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elb0wTwinkletoes: I was more asking what to use in ubuntu14:19
elb0wchkconfig is the last one I used14:19
Twinkletoeselb0w: ^^^14:19
nibbierecho pkill mysql > /etc/rc.local ;-)14:19
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Twinkletoeselb0w: rcconf is the easiest14:20
usr13nibbier: Yes, that would do the trick14:20
elb0wTwinkletoes: I honestly dont need anything past disabling mysqld could you possibly give me that command14:20
MrPumpkincitiswhen writing the path is there a space after /    e.g.      usr/ Desktop/   OR    usr/Desktop14:20
elb0wI would appreciate it14:20
usr13nibbier: May be a bit subversive but ....14:21
micromJava is no longer working in firefox14:21
usr13elb0w: Why do you want to stop mysql from running?14:21
elb0wTwinkletoes: nvm read that site14:21
theadminMrPumpkincitis: There normally are no spaces after slashes unless it's a part of the name14:21
elb0wusr13: we moved servers14:21
elb0wusr13: want to make sure no processes were missed14:21
vic20gmrdo i need to defrag a 10gb partition[fat32] to increase its size using gparted on 11.04 live cd?  its a windows xp partition, i want to make it ~32gb14:21
usr13elb0w: Maybe just uninstall it?14:21
Twinkletoeselb0w: update-rc.d mysqld disable14:22
elb0wusr13: why would I want to uninstall something I may want later?14:22
elb0wTwinkletoes: ty14:22
Twinkletoeselb0w: update-rc.d --help        is a good start though :)14:22
theadminMrPumpkincitis: Also, a space is $IFS by default (i.e. Internal Field Separator), that means if a space is a part of a folder/file name you must enclose the name in quotes, like "a b c" or 'a b c'14:22
usr13elb0w: or   man update-rc.d14:23
usr13elb0w: In answer to your last question:  Why not just uninstall it now and just re-install it later on if you decide you want to use it again?14:26
elb0wits not neccesary14:27
usr13my point exactly... if it is not necessary and not being used, uninstall it.14:27
elb0wusr13: why are you arguing that point lmao14:27
elb0wWhy need to store a mysqldump or the structure or any residual data vs disabling it from starting up?14:28
usr13elb0w: Just answering your question.14:28
elb0wI never asked if I should uninstall mysql14:28
usr13elb0w: Ok, well you've been told how to dissable it, (and I don't understand  your last question), so enough on that subject.14:29
elb0wlol, I love how you turned your bad thought around on me asking a simple question. Kinda confused but thanks anyway14:30
usr13elb0w: Sorry I confused you.14:30
busconhi, I'm writing a script to execute some commands on a remote machine14:31
busconI need to execute some commands as root, so I'm connecting with my normal user and using sudo14:32
busconnow I'm looking a way to prevent sudo to ask me the pass for every command that I run14:32
busconhow can I do that14:32
fidelhow can i prevent the unity launcher from hiding ?14:32
elb0wbuscon: you would have to connect as root which I wouldnt do14:33
fideli expected it should work via compizconfig14:33
elb0wbuscon: what language?14:33
fidelcompizConfig Settings Manager14:33
deej1976!ccsm | fidel14:33
ubottufidel: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:33
busconelb0w, exactly, that's not a good idea, the sysadmin is of the same idea ;)14:33
busconelb0w, bash14:33
theadminbuscon: err, well...14:33
deej1976!sudo | buscon14:34
ubottubuscon: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:34
theadminbuscon: EDITOR=your_favorite_cli_text_editor_eg_nano_or_vim sudo visudo # Edit the file, add something like this at the end: your_username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL14:34
fideldeej1976: i do have compiz-config settings manager installed - unity plugin enabled14:35
fidelbut it doenst seem to work14:35
fidelthat **** launcher/dock still autohides14:35
fidelhide launcher: never is supposed to be the correct setting right?14:35
usr13buscon: You would need to edit the sudoers file (visudo) but we don't recommend doing it.  Not haveing to use a password for admin privileges is a breach of security.14:35
busconusr13, ok, I know but I need to execute some commands and to check if they worked14:36
deej1976fidel: So in CCSM, ubuntu unity plugin, Behaviour, Hide Launcher - Never ?14:37
busconon the other side I cannot enter the pass for every command...14:37
fideldeej1976: yes that what i tried already14:37
usr13buscon: Start a super-user session14:37
fidelit still hides14:37
usr13buscon: sudo su -14:37
fideldo i need to relogin to make that setting active? i doubt that14:37
busconusr13, do u mean root ?14:37
deej1976fidel: Close the CCSM ?14:37
fideli did already14:37
busconthat's remotely14:37
usr13buscon: Yes.14:37
busconthat's not on my machine, I'm executing some commands remotely14:38
fideldeej1976: well seems to be broken here - is there a way to completly disable the launcher then?14:38
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deej1976fidel: It works here and on an a laptop14:38
usr13buscon: Through a ssh session?14:38
deej1976fidel: Sorry I don't know14:38
busconusr13, the sysadmin doesn't want me to open an ssh session with root14:38
fidelk- thanks anyway14:38
usr13buscon: DO these commands require admin priviledges?14:39
fidelseems like i have to move to xfce/gnome-shell or something different then14:39
fidelthanks once again14:39
busconusr13, yes14:39
theadminbuscon: "sudo -i" will grant you a root shell.14:39
usr13why not just give the password?14:39
usr13buscon: Or yes,  sudo -i14:40
busconusr13, because I have plenty of commands to run...14:40
elb0wwhats the difference between sudo -i and -s?14:40
usr13I'm sure the sysadmin wouldn't want you to change sudoers so that no password is needed.14:40
llutzelb0w:  -i (simulate initial login)  -s (just a shell)14:41
usr13buscon: But it's up to you.  We have given you adequate information.14:41
Pumpkin-elb0w: subtle things related to getting a brand new environment, or inheriting bits of your current one.14:41
busconusr13, definitively, thanks14:41
elb0wPumpkin-: ah figured ok thanks14:41
buscontheadmin, thanks too14:41
theadminelb0w: What they said.Generally, you never want -s.14:42
elb0wtheadmin: if im just editing files I like s so I get all my vim config14:42
Pumpkin-I pretty much only use -s if I'm doing something odd, like running some lump of crap installer that needs X and root (hi Oracle !).14:42
theadminPumpkin-: gksu?14:43
jutnuxWasn't gksu removed?14:43
elb0wBut if you dont normally use root and have your JAVA_HOME and such set in your own user config why not sudo -s?14:43
theadminjutnux: Same stuff on Ubuntu by default14:43
jutnuxOh right, my bad. I thought it had been removed.14:43
goddardmy server keeps booting my out of my ssh session after i login I get "Connection to closed."14:44
Pumpkin-nah, I knew about gksudo, but it doesn't work with this oracle rubbish. sudo -s does however, so I'm sticking with what I know works if I've got to use this horrible stuff :).14:44
theadminPumpkin-: Crazy installer they haz14:44
fideldeej1976: the problem i didnt realize in the first place - it was unity-2d14:45
fideland in that case the ccsm settings dont work14:45
fidelit works via dconf14:45
usr13looks like the only difference in -i  and  -s  is the working directory is changed, or not changed.14:45
theadminusr13: No, not really, check all the environment variables, some of them end up changing14:46
deej1976fidel: Thanks for the information14:46
usr13Looks to me like su -i  is equivilent to:  sudo su -    and sudo -s   is equivilent to: sudo su14:46
usr13theadmin: Yea probably a difference of environment variables, but the use has mostly same.14:47
usr13But   sudo -i   is the recommended method, (and fewer keystrokes).14:48
cldwalkerhi all, does anyone know of any repositories where I could get poppler-utils 0.18.x on lucid?14:48
cldwalkergoogling is returning nothing :(14:48
EthekHow might I rebuild a missing home directory from a root prompt?14:48
jutnuxWhy not compile from source cldwalker?14:48
theadminEthek: "rebuild a missing home directory"?14:49
ikoniabecause that is a bad idea14:49
theadminEthek: You mean, you accidentally removed a home folder of some user and want the basics of it back?14:49
Ethekcorrect. Deja-dup doesnt seem to restore properly without at least the basic structure14:49
isoman2kxeh hehehehe14:50
cldwalkerjutnux: i've been trying to avoid compiling anything directly on the production box and have apt-* handle it14:50
theadminEthek: sudo mkdir /home/whoever && sudo install -t /home/whoever/ /etc/skel/* -g whoevers_group -o whoever14:51
theadminEthek: That's the basic idea14:51
usr13theadmin: Is there a command or a way to test difference in enviornment variables?14:52
theadminusr13: "export" should list all current environment vars14:52
Ethektheadmin: thanks, I'll try that14:52
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silvercatmy integrated laptop display is broken. how can i force ubuntu to boot into VGA instead of LVDS?14:57
diverdudeHow can i edit metadata in jpg files?14:57
fidelsilvercat: ignoring your question but: considered replacing the screen - depending on the hw it might be pretty easy - did that with an eeepc some days ago14:57
fidelsilvercat: ignoring your question but: considered replacing the screen? - depending on the hw it might be pretty easy - did that with an eeepc some days ago14:58
theadminfidel: You know, most laptops are hard to fiddle with (not as hard as phones/tablets, of course, lol)14:58
fideltheadmin: it depends on the model yes - but in case of the eeepc (laptop) it was easier then expected14:59
silvercatfidel: well yeah kinda, it's a full HD 16" screen, dual lamp and all. wanted to use this computer as a media center whenever i get around of buying a TV with HDMI, so don't want to put a lot of money into it14:59
usr13silvercat: YOu could put an xrandr command in /etc/rc.local15:01
usr13silvercat: Well, it would probably need to be run as user, not root.... I think.15:02
theadminusr13: That doesn't even make sense, those are executed before X even starts and xrandr needs x...15:02
usr13theadmin: Yea it needs to be done in user space too.15:02
* theadmin is /away15:02
theadmin(NOT an automated away message, just saying so nobody bothers me)15:03
silvercatusr13: i tried invoking an xrandr-command in x but it claims it didn't detect anything on the vga..15:03
usr13silvercat: man xrandr15:03
silvercatusr13: however the nvidia-settings-application does detect my monityor15:03
usr13silvercat: Oh  yea, that is a separate problem.15:04
CarlFKsilvercat: you have a vga monitor plugged in?  I am thinking there is a bios settting to make that the primary/main/only display15:04
gweltersilvercat: you can use the video kernel parameter for disabling/enabling outputs15:04
usr13silvercat: You will also need to specify proper screen size15:04
gweltersilvercat: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/KernelModeSetting15:04
silvercatCarlFK: my laptop bios is kinda limited, its not there15:04
CarlFKsilvercat: grumble :)15:05
Kaapahey there - I'm trying to use skype with usb headset. Skype reports that it's using pulseaudio as the only option. How do I tell pulseaudio to use the usb for skype?15:05
usr13silvercat: CarlFK has a good idea, look for display settings in bios15:05
silvercatusr13: it's not there.15:05
gweltersilvercat: but i think you need to use nouveau instead of the blob for it to work15:05
tomodach1has aonyone any POSITIV experience with nvidia 9400GT and nouveau? for me i just get random hangs on two different computers15:06
CarlFKyou need to use nouveau to bring peace and happyness to the world :)15:06
silvercatgwelter: hm, everywhere i read says i should use the binary instead of nouveau :P for hardware acceleration and 3d and whatnot15:06
tomodach1silvercat: actually if you dont play games its quite nice , felt even smoother in unity, untill it just stopped working for me.15:07
gweltersilvercat: yeah, that's a problem :)15:07
tomodach1silvercat: integratinon with the desktop was nicer, you connect a screen it automatically pops up and sets the right resolution etc.15:07
CarlFKI have been using nouveau for over a year - works fine for whatever I do15:07
usr13silvercat: I wonder if it would make a difference if you switch to open-source video driver?15:08
ichbinderhello channel. How can I add words to the default dictionary? I'm writing a thesis in latex using Texmaker and it does automatic spellchecking. The selected dictionary is /usr/share/myspell/dicts/en-US.dic How can I add a word to that dictionary? It's not a texmaker specific question, rather about these default dictionaries in Ubuntu, in general. Thanks for taking the time to read this!15:08
CarlFKtomodach1: I have nVidia Corporation G96M [Quadro FX 770M]15:08
tomodach1CarlFK: give it a shot15:09
usr13ichbinder: Isn't there an option for adding the word when it tries to correct it?15:09
tomodach1CarlFK: worst case, switch back to the binary15:09
silvercatI'll give it a shot.15:09
CarlFKtomodach1: um.. you dialied the wrong nick ;)15:09
silvercatinstalling noveau that is15:09
ichbinderusr13: not really...15:09
ichbinderi can right-click and there are a bunch of recommended words15:10
tomodach1CarlFK: you started!15:10
CarlFKtomodach1: wern't you looking for positive reports?15:11
amukherjeedoes anyone have a way to disable the emacs bindings in firefox text boxes? I've tried changing it in gconftool but it doesn't seem to stick/15:11
tomodach1CarlFK: ah , well more about positiv as in using my card and finding a fix.15:12
CarlFKtomodach1: ah, sorry, no help here.15:12
ichbinderhm, I can also click on "Ckeck Spelling Selection" and that has an option saying "Always Ignore"... not the same as "adding" it to the dictionary, is it? If I click "Always Ignore" it also does not remove the red wave underneath the word. So it is still considered wrong...15:12
devsysHi all, quick question about using apt-get... I seem to be having a problem installing the vsftpd package. It isn't a issue where it is just failing to build, it does not even download, and I get a "Warning: The following packages could not be autheticated" for the update-inetd package. Here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/775375/15:13
alishahhi, how to install java on ubuntu 11.1015:13
alishahdo i have to manually install it from java's website15:13
ichbinderalishah: http://askubuntu.com/questions/52154/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-sun-java15:14
ichbindergoogle helps.15:14
usr13ichbinder: In other words, if you put the words in a text file and then run ispell against it.15:14
devsysI think you need to do a sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre15:14
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:14
usr13ichbinder: "A line starting with '*' tells ispell to insert the word into the"15:14
usr13ichbinder: "A line starting with '*' tells ispell to insert the word into the user's dictionary"15:14
AaronCampbellIs there a package I can set up that would let you right click on images in nautilus to resize them?15:15
ichbinderdevsys: http://mobile.freecode.com/articles/ubuntu-new-vsftpd-packages-fix-security-vulnerabilities-2 maybe that's the reason?15:15
silvercat"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/nouveau" gives 404 error when updating :o15:16
ichbinderAaronCampbell: nautilus-image-converter15:16
devsysichbinder: good info. I'll manually download that package15:16
ichbinderusr13: I'm gonna try that.... complex. Thanks. :)15:16
AaronCampbellichbinder: Thanks...I'll go look15:16
devsysstill not sure why the repo is broke15:16
ichbinderdevsys: no idea if that's really your problem, but maybe it helps... :)15:17
ichbinderAaronCampbell: np! :)15:17
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devsysWell they have a package available on security.ubuntu.com15:17
usr13ichbinder: xorg-edgers/nouveau is not a good URL15:17
devsysBut im not sure why it wouldnt be in the normal repo15:17
ichbinderdevsys: no idea... it's funny anyways, that the "Very secure" ftp daemon with that particular motivation has a major security issue... :D15:19
ichbinderusr13: is that related to ispell?15:19
ichbinderusr13: or was that intendet for somebody else?15:19
devsysichbinder: yeah I *HATE* ftp servers but I am being forced to install it15:20
ichbinderdevsys: :)15:20
devsysls /etc/apt15:22
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gaafarhi this is a test15:24
gaafarenjoy the music15:24
ichbinderusr13: it seems like ispell is not even installed...15:26
AaronCampbellichbinder: I installed nautilus-image-converter but I don't have a "resize images" in the context menu15:26
ichbinderAaronCampbell: have you logged out and logged back in again?15:26
AaronCampbellichbinder: no, I just closed all nautilus windows15:27
ichbinderAaronCampbell: nautilus is sometimes not so easy to kill, at least for me it wasn't... just give it a try. :)15:27
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Guest48899i am new here15:33
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ichbinderseems like AaronCampbell is not coming back...15:37
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e1venIs there a place I can get a list of back ported Kernel patches? I know the ubuntu versions aren't stock, and often include back ports, but I can't seem to find a list anywhere.15:40
sanderlthow to change unity to gnome in xrdp???15:41
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ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity15:41
jutnux!notunity | sanderlt15:41
ubottusanderlt: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:41
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devsyshey all I have ubuntu 9.10 server (karmic) which will not update because I believe they shut down the repo... is there a way to do a dist-upgrade on this?15:46
josiphello, what was the command to make a process use only 1 core?15:46
ManDayBy which command (I assume "stop <SOMETHING>") can I terminate X?15:47
devsyskill ManDay15:48
ljuspunktjosip: do you mean taskset15:48
ManDaydevsys: I don't think so.15:48
slakcphilManDay, kill -15 <pid>15:48
slakcphilor -915:49
ManDayslakcphil: I still don't think so.15:49
devsysManDay: find your pid using ps15:49
slakcphilman kill15:49
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gwelterManDay: 'killall X' works for me15:49
samba35how to add time in grub /how to change default boot time of grub ?15:49
ManDaygwelter: Yes, I'm sure it "works". BUt I'm sure it's not the proper way.15:49
ManDayUpstart exists for a reason.15:49
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gwelterManDay: do you mean a X session without a window manager?15:50
ManDayI mean a complete X session with everything. In fact, I mean the X session as I get it on the LiveCD15:50
slakcphilhow to make ubuntu 10.04 use the old boot screen from 8.04? the one that says ubuntu with like a silver background and has the bigger orange status bar?15:50
slakcphiland the old sound to login?15:51
Scarra3I am having trouble deciding if I should stay with ubuntu or move back to windows15:51
gwelterManDay: what are you trying to accomplish?15:51
whyslakcphil: ?15:51
ManDaygwelter: Terminate X and friends for the sake of freeing memory15:51
slakcphilwhy, accident...15:51
slakcphilScarra3, why?15:52
vic20gmrdo i need to defrag a 10gb partition[fat32] to increase its size using gparted on 11.04 live cd?  its a windows xp partition, i want to make it ~32gb15:52
gwelterManDay: switching to runlevel 3?15:52
Scarra3slakcphil: I am running into some hardware compatability problems and can not seem to find support for it15:52
ManDaygwelter: Was that an answer or a question?15:52
slakcphilScarra3 what type of hardware?15:53
ManDayAnd if former: How sure are you?15:53
gwelterManDay: answer :)15:53
slakcphilScarra3, personal or commercial use?15:53
ManDayThat would be the command    "initctl 3", right?15:53
gwelterManDay: runlevel 3 is multiuser without X15:53
gwelterManDay: init 315:53
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jutnuxScarra3: What is the problem?15:53
Pici!runlevels | gwelter ManDay15:53
ubottugwelter ManDay: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.15:53
ManDaygwelter: Do I have to be afraid of casper doing crazy things?15:53
gwelterManDay: try it out. I haven't tried it on a livecd15:54
ManDaygwelter: Well, it didn't work. I ran "init 3". Nothing happend.15:54
vic20gmris there a better place to asl about gparted than here?  i plan on using the version included with ubuntu 11.04, i didnt see an obvious gparted channel in list15:54
ManDayIs there no Job that I could stop with the "stop" command?15:54
gwelterManDay: with admin privileges?15:55
vic20gmri meant ask, not 'asl'15:55
gwelterManDay: try stop gdm, but I'm not sure it unloads X15:55
ManDayyou meant lightdm?15:55
ManDayThere is no GDM in oneiric15:55
gwelterManDay: yeah right, that's the new manager15:55
ManDaySeems to have worked, at least X is gone.15:56
gwelterManDay: i deal with too much RHEL systems :)15:56
ManDayAnd memory became free, too. Thanks15:56
gwelterManDay: np15:56
supuersAnyone have any ides for a good ide for c#15:57
jpdssupuers: MonoDevelop?15:57
gwelterManDay: if you want a memory stricken pc to run without X, you can let is start in runlevel 3 so it never starts X15:57
ManDaygeany :P15:57
ManDaygwelter: Hm yeah, but I guess I'm good for now.15:58
leftistwhat is the command for graphic nautilus? i forget15:58
jutnuxgksudo nautilus15:58
vic20gmrleftist i think u just tye nautilus15:58
devsyshey all I have ubuntu 9.10 server (karmic) which will not update because I believe they discontinued updates, and I get 404 errors when using apt-get... is there a way to do a dist-upgrade on this?15:58
ManDayBonus Question: What happens if I move 2 GB from a 2GB tmpfs to another 2GB tmpfs if I only got 500 megs of free memory. Will it start swapping?15:58
nick55556HELP MEEEEEeeeee....15:58
Picidevsys: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:59
webnetnick55556 | !ask15:59
jutnux!ask | nick5555615:59
ubottunick55556: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:59
devsysty Pici15:59
leftisti thought it was something else but it worked15:59
david_j_r11.10 Live CD issue: just hangs! Any advice/pointers?15:59
gwelterManDay: yes, i would think so15:59
jutnuxdavid_j_r: Check the checksum of the CD, retry the installation, make a new CD.15:59
jutnuxIn no particular order.15:59
webnetjutnux, thank you. haha. i always put the !ask and the uname backwards. lmao15:59
nick55556how to let the terminal use a proxy setting ?16:00
nick55556apt-get is not working16:00
nick55556ubuntu 11.0416:00
webnetnick55556, what makes you think you need a proxy to fix it?16:00
david_j_rjutnux: CD fine - have used it before16:00
nick55556webnet and how to fix it ?16:00
nick55556update also not working16:00
jutnuxnick55556: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Setting_up_apt-get_to_use_a_http-proxy16:00
david_j_rjust hangs now when it gets to the "Try Ubunut" / "Install Ubuntu" stage16:00
nick55556synaptic can go thru a proxy so it works16:00
jutnuxdavid_j_r: How long have you given it?16:01
david_j_r5 mins? +? And no CD or HD action.16:01
supuerseither a corrupted cd or video card16:01
RaTTuS|BIGnick55556 sudo apt-get update | pastebinit16:01
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nick55556export http_proxy=http://yourproxyaddress:proxyport how this works ?16:02
nick55556ok i found it16:03
webnetnick55556, yes thats how irt works16:03
nick55556yeah but what if i want it to to go throw socks 4 or 5 ?16:03
nick55556what about https ?16:03
webnetinsert https into the address16:04
webnetinstead of http16:04
nick55556yeah ok16:04
nick55556thanks for the straigh answer16:04
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supuersAnyone have any ides for a good ide for c#16:04
webnetnp nick5555616:04
RaTTuS|BIG!ot supuers16:04
RaTTuS|BIG!ot | supuers16:04
ubottusupuers: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:04
webnetsupuers r u on ubuntu or win?16:05
webnetit is off topic but i may be able to give you a simple answer16:05
ManDaygwelter: confirmed.16:05
supuerswhat is that16:05
webnetsupuers, try monodevelop16:06
webnetits free and works for windows AND linux16:07
supuersthanks a million16:07
webnetnp :)16:07
agus_sintanghttp://ompldr.org/vYnRnNw <<-- what's wrong?16:08
usr13hummmmm .,... THAT'S what people come here for.    Free stuff.16:08
Scarra3jutnux:  Well its my video card I have an integrated one and one in the PCI slot I install ubuntu and the boot screen is all choppy, its mainly black but the top has multiple colors then I install the restricted drivers and then there is a purple boot screen but no the ubuntu name with the loading bar than later on the word with the loading bar shows up on a later reboot but its really big and pixilated16:09
sskalnikWhere are manpages typically stored?16:09
webnetusr13, were you referring to my answer to supuers?16:09
Scarra3jutnux: I can't disable the integrated one in the bios because there is no choice for it16:10
usr13.... just  sarcastic humor .....16:10
usr13sorry, couldn't resist16:11
niftylettuce_anyone care to figure out why this dbus stuff doesn't work with ubuntu 11.04+? https://github.com/pilt/spotify16:11
usr13agus_sintang: Not sure what is wrong.  Can you give us another hint?16:11
Scarra3Any Ideas?16:11
Leon_NardellaWhen I try to build gcc on 11.10, it can't find stub-32.h. It searches in /usr/include/gnu/, but in 11.10 the file is in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/gnu. How can I pass the correct path to the build scripts?16:12
agus_sintanghave you seen that picture? usr13 :)16:12
einseenaiguys, when my linux box has 2 active connections - wifi and usbmodem one - which one programs like browser will use?16:13
Dl145Hello, I've installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS on a DL145 Server from an USB stick, the installation process goes through fine, but now when I try and boot, it just shows BIOS info etc etc and then gets to a black screen with a blinking cursor.16:13
usr13niftylettuce_: Did you put spotify.pl, spotify_playing.sh in ~/.irssi/scripts ?16:14
usr13niftylettuce_: Did you put spotify.pl and spotify_playing.sh in ~/.irssi/scripts ?16:14
webnetusr13, gotcha. i didnt mean it like that when i said it was free. lol. i just meant as a comparison to microsoft visual studio which is the "recommended" ide for c# which you need to sell your kidneys and put a 2nd and 3rd mortgage on your house to afford... lol.16:14
usr13webnet: Yea, I know....16:14
sskalnikDl145:  If you use Ctrl + F2, do you get a terminal?16:15
webnetsskalnik, yes.16:15
usr13webnet: My point exactly ....   :D16:15
webnetusr13, haha :D16:15
einseenaiguys, if my linux box has 2 active internet connections, which one will be used?16:15
rex1980my screen is trembeling!!HELPPPPPPP16:16
usr13webnet: Ubuntu = Lots of free open-source software.16:16
ikoniainsectatorious: no lists here16:16
theadmineinseenai: Depends on how will you set routing up.16:16
Dl145sskalnik: no i dont.. I suspect there is a problem with grub, pressing shift during startup doesnt do anything either16:16
webnetusr13, Exactly! thats what i love, and if i truly like software and use it ALOT i will usually donate to the devs once in a while16:16
usr13webnet: Very commendable of you.16:17
webnetdevs need food too. lol16:17
theadminOh that reminds me, I gotta donate to Arch now that they accept donations again.16:17
shai28Hello, I would like to copy file to existing folder and I would like the copy action to override files without asking me?16:17
theadminshai28: cp -f file /your/folder/16:18
usr13(I have too, not as often as I should tho...)16:18
einseenaitheadmin, thanks a lot. and if i don't set up anything at all? and how would i set it up? can i make some programs use one or another?16:18
theadmineinseenai: man route16:18
theadmineinseenai: And, eh, if you don't set it up I doubt it will even work... Not so sure on this one.16:18
theadmineinseenai: I never had tried two active connections, that's messy, really.16:18
glebaronI have a dumb question about smb mounts. When I mount an smb share, it shows up on my desktop and I can browse it with nautilus. Where is it mounted in the filesystem and how can I browse it from the shell?16:19
rex1980screen tremble??????16:19
usr13good to see there are plenty of donation-minded folks here  :)16:19
yeehawglebaron: /mnt/ ?16:19
theadminglebaron: Ctrl+L in the nautilus window where it's opened, you'll see the location16:19
untermenschI'm running in tty1, (no x server). and i can't access my external hard drive. do i need to mount it first? if so how?16:19
theadminyeehaw: No, /mnt is never touched by graphical utilities.16:19
theadminuntermensch: man mount16:19
yeehawtheadmin: Did not know that, always use a command line mount :P16:19
untermenschtheadmin: will mounting it fix the problem?16:20
iceowlglebaron: open a terminal and type "mount", and you'll get a list of everything that's mounted and where16:20
theadminuntermensch: Yeah, likely16:20
untermenschthen i shall return16:20
einseenaitheadmin, thx. the thing is just i now have 2 connection, wifi connection doesn't allow me to use irc ports, but usb one - does, that's why i'm here. that's what caused my question. usb connection was the second i estblished.16:20
glebaronyeehaw, nope.16:21
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theadmineinseenai: "USB connection"? As in a USB modem? Gross.16:21
einseenaitheadmin, yes, usb modem i mean :)16:21
sskalnikDl145:  Checked the install image and HDD for errors? Also, if you boot to a live environment, what can you determine about the installed OS?16:22
theadmineinseenai: Still, I honestly have never used multiple connections, so I can't help, sorry.16:25
untermenschtheadmin: how do i mount an external drive?16:26
theadminuntermensch: sudo fdisk -l, determine which partition you want16:26
einseenaitheadmin, thanks anyway. :) i now know i have to see ip route. just wanted to understand mechanism behind it.16:27
untermenschtheadmin: that does not seem helpful16:27
usr13untermensch: sudo mkdir /mnt/usb-drive ; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb-drive16:27
usr13untermensch: Just an example16:27
theadminuntermensch: ...why are you running via CLI if you don't even know such very simple things?16:27
jutnuxman mount16:27
usr13untermensch: You could add a line to /etc/fstab  ....16:27
nathanaelCan anyone walk me through setting up Ubuntu for SSH connections?16:27
theadminjutnux: Told him/her that already16:27
untermenschtheadmin: xserver fucked up. i'm just trying to back up my shit so i can do a fresh install.16:27
theadminuntermensch: LiveCD can do that -_-16:28
jutnuxalternatively remove xserver?16:28
whyLiveUSB is faster16:28
mneptokuntermensch: can you do it without profanity?16:28
theadminuntermensch: Don't mess with CLI unless you know how16:28
usr13nathanael: sudo apt-get openssh-server16:28
jutnuxLiveUSB <316:28
untermenschif i had a livecd yeah that'd be the solution16:28
theadminjutnux: Or that :D16:28
whyuntermensch: contact your local LUG16:28
theadminuntermensch: Okay, well, let's see... Do you seem to have network access? ping google.com, please.16:28
untermenschyeah i have networking16:28
nathanaelusr13: I have that, wondered if there was any configuration needed :)16:29
usr13nathanael: Nope, that's it16:29
nathanaeluser13: thanks :)16:29
theadminuntermensch: Okay, please "sudo apt-get install pastebinit", we're going to need that one16:29
cconstantineeverytime I open a gnome-terminal the menubar is on, but I have it disabled in my default session.  Oddly enough the 'view' menu indicates that it is disabled, and I have to 'enable' it to disable it.  Is this a known bug?16:31
niftylettuce_usr13: where is that .pl and .sh stored?16:31
Dl145sskalnik: yes, the md5 sum is correct.. so is the hdd..16:31
untermenscheverytime i try to mount it it says it isn't a block device. what be ze issue?16:31
mneptokcconstantine: you want to be looking around on Launchpad, not on IRC ;)16:31
theadmincconstantine: I haven't heard of that before, so please "ubuntu-bug gnome-terminal"16:31
niftylettuce_usr13: nvm16:32
karthick87i have 250 GB of harddisk & 1 GB of Ram. Can anyone give me the partition schema for installing ubuntu? Like boot = ? Swap = ? Root = ?16:32
theadmincconstantine: And indeed, what mneptok said.16:32
cconstantinemneptok, I'm not using launcher16:32
usr13theadmin: You should ask if he wants to mount it peramently, or just for one session.16:32
mneptok!launchpad > cconstantine16:32
ubottucconstantine, please see my private message16:32
cconstantinetheadmin, that's a google query I'm guessing16:32
theadminkarthick87: /boot - 2G or so, swap = 2G, root = 30G, rest for home. Should be fine.16:32
whykarthick87: boot = 100 - 250 MB, Swap = 2GB16:32
whykarthick87: root 20 - 40gb, rest for home16:32
theadminwhy: With Ubuntu that much for boot is never enough, it doesn't autoremove old kernels16:32
cconstantinemneptok, ah, sorry.  I was thought the ubuntu unity stuff was called launcher16:33
whytheadmin: true :\ I should have accounted for that16:33
nick55556sometimes linux is like a bad nightmare16:33
jensphey there, I want to help a friend out with migrating his current ubuntu install to one with FDE, I was going to backup the files, create 2 partitions, one for /boot and one I'll crypt and then add lvm volumes for root, swap, home etc16:33
whytheadmin: although I do16:33
nick55556i want to put a bullet throu my head because of it16:33
whynick55556: why16:33
niftylettuce_usr13: I sent link to the wrong repo, I meant to ask, how do I fix dbus in this spotify-gnome project? https://github.com/jreese/spotify-gnome16:33
jenspis there anything special I have to do or is installing the tools and editing fstab/grub configuration enough?16:33
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jutnuxnick55556: that is what makes it fun.16:34
nick55556too much work to get it to do what i want16:34
theadminwhy: Even the ArchLinux installer (and Arch does remove old kernels) recommends no less than 2G for /boot16:34
usr13nick55556: What is it you want to do?16:34
jutnuxDo you run arch at the minute theadmin?16:34
theadminjutnux: atm I run Windows 7 lol, but yeah, I normally run Arch for Linux16:34
nick55556i don't want to talk about it..16:34
usr13theadmin: Why not just run slackware?16:35
jutnuxnick55556: How are we supposed to help you if you wont talk about it?16:35
whytheadmin: I have a 100MB boot partition and I'm barely using it16:35
jutnuxtheadmin: Hah, I was running arch until I switched back to kubuntu, arch is amazing though.16:35
nick55556jutnux because i finished working on it after 2 hours of pain16:35
theadminusr13: Arch just feels right for me, slackware is weird.16:35
theadminjutnux: Why'd you switch back?16:35
theadminjutnux: Also pm, this is offtopic xD16:35
usr13theadmin: Ok, well I don't know anything about Arch, (the reason I asked)...16:36
whyFollowed by a swap partition because having the swap partition near the front of the disk will give better speeds on non SSD media16:36
niftylettuce_usr13: specifically here https://github.com/jreese/spotify-gnome/blob/master/bin/spotify16:36
theadminusr13: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Compared_to_Other_Distributions#Slackware16:36
usr13theadmin: Tnx... will read.16:37
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usr13theadmin: Arch is one I've yet to try.  Curious ...16:38
karthick87How to disable usb in ubuntu 10.10?16:38
whyArch is for those who like to highly customize their PCs and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who can't run a distro without a GUI16:39
usr13for partitioning, I just use  swap, /boot and /home   (In that order)16:39
usr13for partitioning, I just use  swap, / and /home   (In that order)16:39
saptakHi , I am using ubuntu 11.04.I am facing a problem.when I run iReport-3.0.0 on my machine,after sometime the head of the iReport as well as other window like gedit,mozila browser header disappear.Window close,minimize,maximize disappear.Only if I give restart then it comes to the normal state.But it happens again when I run iReport.Please give some possible solution16:39
jutnuxI can run arch, just takes so long with my awful internet.16:39
usr13sorry,first one was typo16:39
SilverFoxwhat is the appropriate place to check for, and possibly log a bug regarding headset microphone not working on MBP 5,3 using Oneiric?16:39
whySilverFox: launchpad16:39
SilverFoxwhy: under oneiric?16:40
whySilverFox: yes16:40
gwbHi -- Anyone have this problem in 11.10?  I lock my screen (Ctrl-Alt-L) and the screen blanks but the titlebar from my session is still visible!16:40
cconstantine_theadmin, I found http://blogs.gnome.org/danni/2011/10/21/gnome-terminal-menubar-issue-in-ubuntu-11-10/ and did both of the things that should fix it (either one should have fixed it) and the problem persists :(16:41
usr13gwb: Maybe that is a feature, (rather than a bug_)?16:41
saptakcan anybody help me.....16:41
theadmincconstantine_: Well, odd, but then again -- Ubuntu always does tons of patches for most software so vanilla stuff doesn't usually work16:41
cconstantine_theadmin, can you recommend another term?16:42
theadmincconstantine_: I myself prefer terminal16:42
theadmincconstantine_: (yes, that's a name)16:42
theadmincconstantine_: In Ubuntu, it's called xfce4-terminal16:42
cconstantine_theadmin, thanks :)16:43
cconstantine_xfce is a good project16:43
whyHow to transition from Windows to Linux: Windows -> PCLOS (Windows-ish GUI learn general basics)-> Ubuntu (learn more basics and the more advanced) -> Arch16:43
iceowlI just wish I knew why, with thelatest updates, my windows redraw at about the speed of pluto orbiting the sun.16:44
me-1hi..why I need to accept Microsoft EULA in order to install wine..?16:44
whyme-1: because it has proprietary files in it]16:44
sskalnikme-1:  Some of the libraries required for some programs are proprietary agaik16:44
whysskalnik: you forgot the closing /16:45
me-1why,  proparity of MS..?16:45
sskalnikme-1:  Because MS won't open-source those files?16:45
sskalnikwhy:  Mea culpa16:46
silvercati can't get nouveau working, i get [drm] failed to open device. I'm using the "mini" xorg.conf file16:46
Gentoo64why, are you asking or telling16:46
Gentoo64how to transition?16:46
me-1sskalnik,  it is legal to use wine..?16:46
Gentoo64silvercat, try deleting the corg.conf16:46
* why faceplams16:46
linuxrealmhow come while doing simple backup using simplebackup, when i reinstalled my OS i could not pull back the backup to the same user on new clean install?16:46
sskalnikme-1:  Definitely! Otherwise I would personally be in a lot of trouble. :016:46
iceowlI really like XFCE, but it makes itself so difficult to keep it working16:47
linuxrealmi remotely saved the backup, and tried to pull it back, but could not pull the data?16:47
me-1sskalnik,  fine but I refuse to accept MS EULA16:47
LjLme-1: you don't have to accept any Microsoft EULA to use basic WINE. you have if you install additional proprietary files in it. that might be prompted by default, but you don't have to do it.16:47
silvercatGentoo64: i think it fell back to framebuffer16:48
linuxrealmis this how simplebackup works? what other products can i use to accomplish this...16:48
Gentoo64silvercat, nouveau should work without an xorg.conf16:48
linuxrealmalso, i was just trying to pull back home dir stuff, not system files and such16:48
sskalnikme-1:  While admirable on the face of it, wouldn't that same logic preclude your use of the probably proprietary software that you'd tun under wine?16:49
SilverFoxwhy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/488103 seems to cover the bug I'm concerned with, but was opened against 9.10, you think a new report is appropriate, or keep tracking this?16:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 488103 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.31 (Ubuntu) "Poor support for MacBook Pro 5,1: noise, no jack sense, no in-line headset microphones, broken volume control" [Low,Fix released]16:49
abu-bakrHI folks, is it just me or does the 'alternate' version of ubuntu desktop take aaages to install compared to the standard install?16:51
silvercatGentoo64: well in my case it doesn't. I installed xorg-xserver-video-nouveau from xorg-edgers16:51
abu-bakr(installing to Raid10 array)16:51
Gentoo64silvercat, doesnt the default kernel driver work?16:52
silvercatGentoo64: might be working now though.. hang on16:52
cconstantine_theadmin, awesome, I like xfce4-terminal.  thanks :)16:52
Gentoo64silvercat, also why not use nvidia? is it an old card or something16:52
sskalnikabu-bakr:  Installs at least as quickly here. Perhaps something else is causing the slowness?16:52
theadmincconstantine_: No problem16:53
theadmincconstantine_: Also, if you want a terminal which doesn't have a menu bar, try urxvt16:53
abu-bakrsskalnik .. strange :/16:53
silvercatGentoo64: i'm having problems with it detecting screens/dualview/etc so someone suggested using nouveau16:53
Gentoo64ok, not sure about dual screens16:53
cconstantine_theadmin, xfce4-terminal does colors, behaves with 'awesome' and the preferences work.  I'm sold16:53
abu-bakrbeen over an hour so far and at 67%.. doing plenty of config by the looks of things16:53
p223#lets say i have a list of libs i need to check if installed how do i do it?16:54
theadmincconstantine_: lol okay :D16:54
sskalnikabu-bakr:  That is definitely quite a long time. My last install on a RAID1 setup took less than 8 minutes16:54
mongyI <3 xfce.16:54
sskalnikabu-bakr:  Looking at the log, what seems to be taking the most time? A slow system or slow internet connection could be the source of the issue.16:55
Benji83hi someone can help me ?? i have a graphic problem (ati 5640)16:58
silvercatok so I've been fiddling around with X so much that my user login doesn't work anymore. It just goes black then returns me to the login screen. the guest session works. Any hints on how to solve this?16:58
isahi, i would like to know if anybody knows something about having problems in the mouse for not having upgrade  orupdate the system16:59
Gentoo64isa, no sense was made there17:00
theadminGentoo64: chinglish lol17:00
abu-bakrsskalnik, its a single core running at 1.8ghz however the standard install is done in about 30 mins..17:00
abu-bakrthe internet might have been a little slower than usual (not much) since I was doing a download on another machine.. also its in the config stage at the moment..?17:00
isaGentoo64, why?17:01
abu-bakroh well, i hope it works at least!17:01
Gentoo64isa, rephrase the question17:01
GTRsdk2Which package has GRUB 2 and the GRUB 2 configuration files?17:01
isais it possible that my mouse doesn't work because i didn't upgrade/udate the system?17:02
abu-bakrbtw does anyone use empathy for irc? (i want to turn off the '...has joined the room' notifications)17:02
Gentoo64isa, not if nothign has changed17:02
Dl145sskalnik: Im during the installation process again, it gets to where I can create partitions etc.. the drive on which I want to create the partition for ubuntu server is called "SDB" and the USB Flash Drive is SDA.. Does this do a difference?17:02
Gentoo64isa, does it not work at all?17:02
usr13GTRsdk2: grub217:02
isathe thing is that is working sometimes17:02
GTRsdk2usr13: Thanks. Is that installed in a vanilla Ubuntu install?17:02
Gentoo64isa, in what way does it not work?17:02
geekbriI'm trying to install a package that has a dependency that i have already installed (from sourcE).  Is there a way to tell ubuntu "Don't install this package, I have an equivalent installed already"17:02
usr13GTRsdk2: Yes17:03
isawhen i put turn my pc on in the black screen appears something like this: ================================================17:03
isaand the starts and the mouse doen't work17:03
GTRsdk2geekbri: I don't think that is possible if the package names are different. Or at least without trying to rebuild it.17:03
Gentoo64mabe an xorg driver bug17:03
Tech-1is one of the buttons stuck ?17:03
geekbriGTRsdk2: basically i built rubygems from source and it wants to install ruby gems from DPKG.  :(17:03
Gentoo64isa, check dmesg for the sake of it17:04
isano i don't think so, but maybve that's the problem17:04
sskalnikDl145:  That is kinda of odd, but shouldn't break the system. Confirm that the installer installs to the HDD and not the USB?17:04
RaTTuS|BIGisa is this after grub ? , does ctrl-alt-f1 show anything17:04
isawhat is dmesg?17:04
GTRsdk2geekbri: That would cause the issue. I think if you already have it installed, it should be safe to try to install it without installing rubygems from dpkg, but I don't know for sure.17:05
woozlyguys how to disable unity and revert old style look?17:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:05
Dl145sskalnik: That's confirmed.. I did a manually partitioning..17:05
Gentoo64isa, log files, its a command17:05
geekbriGTRsdk2: yeah, the problem is it views rubygems1.8 as a dependency... I suppose I am trying to look for a way to tell it, no this is installed already.  Maybe some sort of stub package?17:05
isaok, but i am a total beginner17:05
isai'm not sure how to do that17:06
Gentoo64isa: just type dmesg in terminal17:06
sskalnikabu-bakr:  That is indeed odd. You might file a bug or post in the forums.17:06
isaaah, ok i will do that and then i will tell you17:06
Dl145sskalnik: the setup looks similar to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=203602&d=131783648017:06
woozlybut can I switch between Unity and Gnome 3?17:07
Dl145sskalnik: except it says: SCSCI 6 SDB17:07
GTRsdk2woozly: you should be able to at the login screen17:07
DemonWitchcan someone tell me how to zoom out, shrink the text in links/elinks? i try to view the documentation but words are cut off, its like its zoomed in.17:07
woozlyGTRsdk2, oh thanks17:07
sskalnikDl145:  Is this in vbox or on a real machine?17:07
usr13woozly: You can install as many desktop enviornments as you want.17:07
Dl145sskalnik: it is a real machine.. HP ProLiant DL145 Server17:08
puffI'm working a job where they all use skype, is there some way I can connect to skype via empathy?17:08
GTRsdk2geekbri: If it is a dependency for the package, then the only way to install the package would be to rebuild it and have the dependency changed. But I don't think that is supported here, since that is advanced stuff and could cause more issues if not done properly.17:08
jpdspuff: No.17:08
iToastI just realized that my webserver has arch linux.17:08
geekbriGTRsdk2: mmm yes i see.17:08
Gentoo64iToast: and this is ubuntu17:08
iToastI've been booting ubuntu from a eHDD but it has Arch on its internel 2gb of storage...17:08
iToastGentoo64: And the sky is blue17:09
puffHm, speaking of empathy/gtalk, I just went to change my status from offline to online, and it says "untrusted".17:09
glebaronDl145, I had the same problem with an install I was doing from a stick. It installed to the stick instead of the server.17:09
puffSomething about the certificate being self-signed.17:09
woozlythanks guys!17:09
Gentoo64iToast: ok, so whats the problem?17:09
glebaronDl145, Rather than mess with it, I just switched to a CD and the install went perfectly.17:10
Dl145glebaron: using Guided Partitioning? Im doing it manually, so it should have installed to the right drive, but it doesnt boot up from the drive..17:10
iToastGentoo64: nothing, just found it interesting17:10
glebaronDl145, I always manually partition.17:10
iToastBut i do wan't to reset my root password17:10
Gentoo64iToast: whats that got to do with that? :s17:10
iToastIm following the advice of people here and transfering over SFTP17:10
iToastBut i'm using root.17:11
Dl145glebaron: problem is, I do not have a cd drive in the server17:11
iToastWhats with all the drops.17:11
Gentoo64iToast: why would you reset the password17:12
iToastGentoo64: Hmm, so I can access root directly17:12
iToastsudo su root17:12
sskalnikDl145:  Just to rule out the basics; Ctrl + F2/3/4/5/etc. get no shell, and the USB drive is disconnected, and Shift on boot does not get you a GRUB menu, and you are sure the BIOS boots to the right drive?17:12
iToastAnd my windows server crashed again...17:13
oCeaniToast: sudo -i is the correct way to start a root shell. Besides that, this channel does not support enabling the root password17:13
ironfoot495Hello I'm having a problem tranfering file from windows7 to ubuntu10.04lts. Keeps saying open for write:premissions failed file tranfer failed.17:13
=== unknown is now known as VEndix
ironfoot495using filezilla17:13
Dl145sskalnik: Youre correct. yea im quite sure..17:14
iToastNope someone used the wrong command17:14
VEndixwhen the new Ubuntu is comin out?17:14
silvercatnow i logged in and can only see the nautilus-menu.. whats up with this?17:14
sskalnikDl145:  If you get no shell and Shift doesn't work, it sounds like you are GRUB-less.17:14
iToastoCean, i've gotten help for that here before. stop acting like no one can tell me.17:14
ironfoot495can someone please help me with this?17:14
PiciiToast: if you have some weird need to sftp to root, you should do so with key based authentication, not by setting a password.17:14
Gentoo64VEndix: every 6 months i think17:14
puffI have an apt-related problem.  On friday I got an update popup, so I updated.  It said it needed to restart, a couple hours later I restarted.  When it came back up, a couple things broke.17:14
iToastPici. how.17:14
oCeaniToast: I'm not acting. We don't support setting the root password17:14
iToastoCean: Others here have.17:14
Dl145sskalnik: thats what I though.. does it have anything to do that the USB is called SDA and the Drive is called SDB17:14
GTRsdk2VEndix: April 2012.17:14
PiciiToast: The same way you would set it up for a user.17:14
iToastI forgot how.17:15
Gentoo64iToast: sudo passwd root17:15
iToastI installed ubutnu 8.04 about 2 months ago to test this.17:15
sskalnikDl145:  It is within the realm of possibility that GRUB was installed to the wrong drive.17:15
PiciiToast: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys17:15
iToastJust installed 10.4 for now17:15
oCeanGentoo64: really?17:15
pikaciuwhy not all the win apps work with wine (runtime error) ? thanx17:15
Dl145sskalnik: yea, but would it work when im installing on sdb instead of sda?17:16
iToastpikaciu: because wine isn't finished.17:16
Picipikaciu: wine is not windows.17:16
pikaciuthanx.... Pici ... meaning ?17:16
sskalnikDl145:  If GRUB somehow ended up on SDA instead of SDB, then if SDA is plugged in, it should boot17:16
iToastpikaciu: Meaning not everything will work.17:16
iToastSome applications require things wine doesn't have.17:17
pikaciuah... ok ;P17:17
usr13pikaciu: You might consider installing your favorite version of MS Windows in vbox17:17
sskalnikDl145:  That said, I would boot a live image and see where GRUB was installed17:17
Kyle__Pici: I think you mean, Wine Is Not an Emulator ;)17:17
iToastpikaciu: Consider wine more like a virtual machine...17:17
iToastA very buggy crash prone virtual machine.17:17
Dl145sskalnik: i will give it one more try..then i will try with a live image..17:17
sskalnikDl145:  sounds good17:17
iToastIt works amazing but not with everything17:17
lolufailwhat is more wise: new server on 12.04 daily build, or 11.10, and then upgrade to LTS as soon as it's available?17:17
Kyle__iToast: But when it works, it's amazingly nicer than using a full blown VM.17:17
usr13pikaciu: ... but we are here only to solve your Ubuntu problems.17:18
pikaciuiToast : ok17:18
iToastKyle__: By MILES17:18
sskalniklolufail:  Probably 11.10 since 12.04 isn't finished yet.17:18
iToastI hate using vm's17:18
Gentoo64lolufail: well for a server whats the point of a daily build? youd want something thats not gona crach17:18
iToastYour os takes ram then the vm then the geust os takes a sh!t load more17:19
pikaciuusr13: infact i'm trying to make the win apps working with ssh -X in my Ubuntu... :(17:19
oCeaniToast: if you have to obfuscate your words, don't use them17:19
iToastoCean: Your no fun.17:19
sskalnikGentoo64, lolufail: that said, I use 12.04 on several production sytems, but I knew what I was getting into when I did it.17:19
Kyle__I have never been so frustrated in my professional career. I've got 96 cores worth of server, just waiting for me to linuxify, and it's been sitting there, for a week.  Damned slow electricians.17:19
iToastKyle__: that sucks17:19
iToastYour gonna make a cloud?17:20
sskalnikKyle__:  that sounds awesome aside from the waiting part. XD17:20
Kyle__iToast: Yup.  And I need to do it before winter break is over.17:20
silvercatwhen I log into ubuntu I just get the background image, nothing else, not even the nautilus menu.. whats up with this?17:20
iToastKyle__: Damn!17:20
Kyle__silvercat: how long does it last?17:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:20
iToastKyle__: I want that machine!17:20
Kyle__Sorry pici.17:20
Atlantic777Where can I see defaultu ubuntu kernel config?17:21
silvercatKyle__: until i provoke a shutdown i guess.. i can move the mouse around etc17:21
Gentoo64Atlantic777: try zcat /proc/config.gz17:21
Gentoo64might not work idk17:21
Kyle__iToast: Lookup dell c5125.  Neatest hardware Dell has made in ages.17:21
iToastmy first server was a windows box.17:21
Kyle__silvercat: If you switch to console, can you log in?17:21
silvercatKyle__: yes17:21
Kyle__silvercat: CTRL+ALT+F1 should switch17:21
iToastIt just served up web pages.. then came freenas, and ubuntu17:21
Kyle__silvercat: Ah ok.  What does the load look like?  Anything in syslog?17:21
oCeaniToast, use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat please17:21
iToastoCean: Stop being no fun please17:22
oCeaniToast: you can follow the channel guidelines or leave17:22
iToastoCean: Your complaining about everything i say.17:22
Atlantic777Gentoo64: nope, no such file. Cheers from another Gentoo user! :D17:22
iToast'I understand it IS NOT recomended to change the root password, but I do that anyways just for my sanity17:23
silvercatKyle__: 0 load. compiz.desktop seems to get killed by what i can tell from syslog17:23
oCeaniToast: and rightfully so. The bot gave you a link to the guidelines when you entered, please stick to those guidelines17:23
iToastoCean: ...17:23
GTRsdk2iToast: well there are rules, operators, and normal people in this channel. Each have similar goals17:23
iToastAnyways like i was about to say, automatic updates, will it only update my packages and install security updates, or full upgrade's of ubuntu itself17:24
Gentoo64iToast: packages17:24
pangolinand security updates17:24
iToastGentoo64: So every ubuntu server update is manual?17:24
Gentoo64iToast: it should warn you of a ubuntu u[pgrade17:25
Atlantic777iToast: there's dist-upgrade which will upgrade to next ubuntu release.17:25
Dirangedif i have a package that was removed at some point on a system, is it possible to see why or when?… the package is listed as 'rc' with dpkg, but i dont see in the dpkg.log any reference to it being removed..17:25
iToastAtlantic777: Ty17:25
Dirangedim wondering whether i can see if some other package caused this one to be removed17:25
pangolinAtlantic777: that is wrong17:25
iToastIm not shure if ANY of you will understand this, but my server has a status LED, could i controll it?17:25
iToastEvery hour check for a update and flash the light from green to orange for 2 mins17:26
Atlantic777iToast: I'm currently working at similar thing. xD17:26
iToastAtlantic777: Lets work on it togeather.17:26
Gentoo64iToast: maybe youd have to code it yourself17:26
puffI had to jump through various hoops to get sun java installed for my browser (and I needed sun java, not just openJDK, to support a juniper VPN for work).  The I updated on friday, when I rebooted the browser java stopped working.  I jumped through the same hoops to reinstall the java, but this time I got an error message from the bin install.17:26
ikoniaiToast: look at lcdproc17:26
iToastGentoo64: Ubuntu seems to have full controll over the LED17:26
ikoniaiToast: I use it to control multiple LCD/LED displays17:26
Gentoo64idk, im not _that_ much of a ricer17:26
Atlantic777iToast: theres CONFIG_USB_LED driver in kernel, and there should be /sys/bus/usb/driver/usbled/version/something.txt file17:26
oCeanAtlantic777: dist-upgrade does not upgrade to new versions17:26
iToastAtlantic777: Ok, what hardware are you using17:27
Atlantic777oCean: do release upgrade or something?17:27
Atlantic777iToast: I'm just trying to help a guy on some forum with some usb webmail notifier.17:27
abu-bakrok installation using alternate installer also failed17:27
RootLUGHi. I know that's little of topic but I need to find someone to record two sentences in English. The best would be a female voice. Is here some volunteer please? :-)17:28
abu-bakronto raid 10 array17:28
Atlantic777iToast: you just need to write status for led into that file and led will do that. :)17:28
Gentoo64abu-bakr: what [art failed17:28
iToastAtlantic777: i wan'ted to do the same thing, but using a text message17:28
Atlantic777iToast: just write a script which will edit that file and you did the jub. Of course, if driver's work properly.17:28
iToastAtlantic777: Ok17:29
abu-bakrgentoo64 installation completed as normal, time to reboot.. on boot the cmoputer bios says : no such device and then reads a long number (like a drive id)17:29
abu-bakrand lands on grub rescue17:29
iToastUbuntu just got my system temp!17:29
isawell now, i restart the pc and the mouse is working, i mean the tactile mouse, because now i have to use a usb mouse17:29
iToastNever did in 8.04 o.o17:29
isais really weird17:29
Gentoo64abu-bakr: ah raid, cant help with that :s17:29
abu-bakrwell raid in ubuntu seems totally useless17:29
Gentoo64isa: ah was it a ps/2 mouse?17:29
usr13isa: Is there something wrong with the other mouse?17:30
abu-bakrand it has wasted over 20 hours for me so far!17:30
iToastisa: i have a isa card...17:30
=== iToast is now known as PCI
metaIs there a way to see what libraries installed software is using? Without looking at the source?17:30
usr13abu-bakr: Are you talking hardware rade or software raid?17:30
abu-bakrrediculous... 20 hours overtime at work would have bought me a brand new hardcore hardware raid set up!17:30
isawithisa card?17:30
abu-bakrubuntu softraid17:30
Gentoo64isa: was it a ps/2 mouse not working?17:30
usr13abu-bakr: software raid is a waste of time IMHO17:30
ManDayIs there a way to install packages without their dependencies? I want to install libc-dev  WITHOUT (!) gcc or anything else!17:31
abu-bakri now know that17:31
mickey1abu-bakr, don't let you fustration spill here..17:31
isathe ps/2 is the mouse of the pc, the one that is tactile, right?17:31
abu-bakrbut have grown a deep hatred for the developers of it to not tell anyone how useless it can be17:31
Gentoo64isa: idk what you mean by tactile17:31
abu-bakri have tried to install it in many diff ways and configs prob more than 10 times over 20 hours17:31
Gentoo64isa: is the motherboard an asus?17:31
Gentoo64isa: p7p55d?17:32
isais this the model?17:32
isai have to check, but why?17:32
buckyhi mighty !17:32
Gentoo64isa: what cpu do you have17:32
abu-bakranyone else in here understand RAID ?17:32
abu-bakror ubuntu software raid in particular17:33
isa`my god, this is high level for me17:33
RaTTuS|BIG!raid | abu-bakr17:33
ubottuabu-bakr: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:33
ManDayCan apt-get made just install the package specified on the commandline and NOT install the dependencies?17:33
usr13abu-bakr: What I understand about raid is that hardware-raid just works.  Software raid is a waste of time.17:33
Gentoo64isa: cat /proc/cpuinfo17:34
metausr13: thats not true17:34
Gentoo64grep name17:34
iToastThis is a bit more awkward of a question, since my server has a bluetooth and wireless card in it, can i take advantage of them?17:34
metasoftware raid just requires more effort17:34
isain the back of the pc says: Eee PC 1001PX17:34
iToastisa: Intel Atom17:34
abu-bakrRaTTuS|BIG, thanks but those guides are flawed.. it just doesnt work17:34
isayes, that's right17:34
metaabu bakr what distro are you using?17:34
isaIntel Atom, but...what about that?17:34
iToastisa: The cpu is a Intel Atom 1.6 ghz the system has 1gb of stock ram and from 4gb - 160gb of storage17:35
Kyle__usr13: In some cases software raid actually outpreforms hardware raid, or is more configuratble.17:35
iToastisa: Intel atom + ubuntu isn't the best choice17:35
abu-bakr11:10 alternate .. as suggested by those guides in ubuntu documentation17:35
iToastUse the Netbook Ubuntu edition17:35
isaand why is that?17:35
Gentoo64isa: hmm not the same mobo as mine then. my mobo has a ps/2 bug with linux thats why i asked. why not just sue the usb mouse if it works?17:35
abu-bakralso used standard 11:04 which is what I preferred to use17:35
metaI did it many times with the 10.04 server cd17:35
iToastisa: a full ubuntu install is more, demanding. a netbook install isn't17:35
usr13Kyle__: meta I just told what I understand about raid which is not to say that's all there is to it.17:35
buckyabu-bakr, i missed out on most of your posts but.. I usually set up  small a couple of raid 0 partions for /boot as the first primary partition and make both drives bootable with the partitioner whiled I'm at it... it takes the alt cd install to pull off soft raid17:35
Gentoo64iToast: afaik isnt the netbook edition discontinued17:35
iToastGentoo64: ?!17:36
iToastI was gonna install ubuntu on my netbook.17:36
SlayersZ11.04 broke my system.  Unity is gone :o17:36
Gentoo64i thought it merged into normal edition17:36
Kyle__usr13: Also, remember, even if a hardware raid card is supported under linux, the control software may not be.  That means any and all changes, updates, fixes, and other interactions, need you to reboot into the raid bios.17:36
isaso what do you thing is the best thing i can do? apart from using the usb mouse?17:36
metaI noticed it helps if the disks dont have any errors17:36
Gentoo64isa: no idea. how often does the mouse stop working?17:36
iToastisa: Try Xubuntu?17:36
metaie SpinRite them before configuration17:36
genii-aroundGentoo64: Yes, it should try to auto-decide which version at install time is appropriate17:36
abu-bakrbucky, thanks.. done just that.. still doesn't work17:36
iToastisa: ubuntu will run, but might have some ruff edges on a netbook.17:36
buckyabu-bakr, sorry to hear.. hmmm....17:37
Kyle__meta: :) if a disk has errors, it's generally on it's way out, and shoudln't be used, except for recovery testing.17:37
iToastI've had it run on a celeron 700mhz17:37
isathe mouse works when i restart 3 times the pc, that is what i noticed17:37
abu-bakri created a raid 1 (mirror) device for the /boot location.. i've tried putting /boot in a non raid part too17:37
metanot necessarily Kyle17:37
GTRsdk2isa: Which version of Ubuntu?17:37
usr13isa: Check for hardware problem17:37
iToastI have a very stupid'ish question17:37
isaso then i shouldn't upgrade the system to ubuntu 11.4?17:37
metaHard drives have their own error correcting software transparent to the OS17:37
abu-bakri think the /boot is discoverable but the imaginary raid array is never found .. nomatter how it is installed17:37
Kyle__meta: Depends on what smart says I suppose.17:37
usr13isa: and I would start with memtest17:37
metasometimes it fails17:37
iToastCan i mirrow my boot drive to a external drive...17:37
metasmart sucks man17:38
Atlantic777iToast: I'v just found out that the usbled driver's is compiled as module, so you need to load it with this cmd: sudo modprobe usbled17:38
JLucHint bubles are ivory on ivory, both on ubuntu and xchat. It is impossible to read them, thats a big problem. Plz help these apps to behave correctly with Ubuntu.17:38
isamemtest in the terminla?17:38
Gentoo64usr13: i doubt memtest will help there17:38
JLucHint bubles are ivory on ivory, both on SCRIBUS  and xchat. It is impossible to read them, thats a big problem. Plz help these apps to behave correctly with Ubuntu.17:38
metaI got two failed drives according to smart still going for less important stuff17:38
Kyle__meta: SCSI hard drives have good error correction, SATA/IDE drives the correction depends on the vendor.  Some pi** poor, some OK.  None of them as good as SCSI in my experience.17:38
Atlantic777iToast: try to google about that driver and play with config files.17:38
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buckyabu-bakr, can i private msg you17:38
iToastAtlantic777: its loaded.17:38
GTRsdk2isa: You might want to use an Ubuntu 11.10 Live CD for testing the mouse17:39
usr13Gentoo64: Yes, it is quite possible that the problem is not the RAM, but we do not know for sure, do we...17:39
Kyle__meta: If you've got ide/sata drives, SMART is all you can be garaunteed to get at.17:39
Gentoo64usr13: well its only the mouse, and a ps2 one so im 100% sure its not the ram17:39
isaok, so i need to get this 11.10 then?17:39
GTRsdk2isa: That is what I would do, since drivers are usually updated from version to version17:40
isaaha, so then it could be a problem of upgrades,no?17:40
Kyle__...mind you, if anyone has something better than smart that works with commodity drives, I'm all ears.17:41
Atlantic777btw Gentoo64, kernel config is in /boot -.- /usr/src/linux FFS!17:41
metaI think smart is the easiest indicator17:41
metaBut if you put some real stress on the drive you get a better idea17:42
ikoniaAtlantic777: tl e17:42
GTRsdk2isa: If the mouse is a wired mouse, it could either be a hardware issue or driver issue. If you are on 10.10, and it is a common mouse on a common computer, then please try another mouse (if possible) to see if it is a hardware issue17:42
ikoniaAtlantic777: tone it down please.17:42
ZanzacarI am trying to resize a my partition mounted at / with gparted but I cant seem to figure it out.17:42
metasuch as a zeroing17:42
Gentoo64Atlantic777, i thought you would have tried usr src linux :)17:42
metaeither it dies or the SMART data changes17:42
isano, is not a wired mouse is just the mouse on the keyboard17:42
Kyle__meta: Agreed, but you can't do destructive testing while a system is in production.17:43
metayeah thats true17:43
usr13Zanzacar: the partition must not be mounted when you attempt to resize it.17:43
iToastYou guys, ISA is using a netbook17:43
isaand thaks all for your patience, becuse i am an ignorant in all this pc issues17:43
metabut for RAID I recommend  you stress test the drives first17:43
GTRsdk2isa: A mouse on the keyboard? Is it a laptop or a desktop ? It is beginning to sound like it could be a driver issue17:43
mickey1Gentoo64, usr13  both are right hardware external cannot detect the usb..(old hardware) uncompitable issues..let him look for hardware instead17:43
iToastisa: Try changing your mouse setting to ps/2, if not, use generic usb17:43
Zanzacarusr13: I cant unmount it though so how do I do that? Should I boot to a liveCD or something?17:43
iToastShould work fine.17:43
isais a latop17:43
iToastisa: try it.17:43
usr13Zanzacar: Yes, you will need to user a liveCD or something....17:44
isai am going to try it17:44
metaI think ubuntu has problems with partitioning RAID though17:44
Zanzacarusr13: Is there something better then a liveCD?17:44
GTRsdk2isa: I would try using Ubuntu 11.10 if you are having driver issues17:44
metaI usually run into trouble by the third partition17:44
heloi'm getting 404's on http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main amd64 Packages17:45
usr13Zanzacar: live (bootable) usb17:45
Kyle__meta: I almost always use LVM if I'm not using software raid as one big partition.17:45
isayes, i am having it since i saw a signal in the upper bar saying something weird about missing a lot of updates, thats why i thought that could be this upgrade think17:45
silvercatonly Ubuntu(2D) works using nouveau, is this normal?17:45
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metaoh I get it17:46
trigrouafter last update, I guess the kernel 3.0, suspend is broken17:46
trigrouany hint ?17:47
metaso you can add more raids as you go Kyle?17:47
mickey1Zanzacar, depends if only you have data only the drive and if nothing or something on it live cd  better option17:47
Kyle__meta: so I can re-allocate and move data as needed.  Or move data off of the raid devbice onto a larger one, etc.17:47
metaI see17:48
metaIm never use LVM before17:48
Kyle__meta: Also, I've never had a DBA or contractor give me accurate information about how much space they needed.  It's _always_ 20 gigs more then they need, or 100 gigs too little.17:48
Kyle__meta: It's awesome stuff.17:48
mickey1silvercat, nouveau is the default drivers ; alteast to bypass the xorg...search of the properitery drivers for the graphics17:49
metaI need to try that17:49
metaI usually take hours to determine how much space I need on my home servers17:50
f0x00how can i spin down17:51
f0x00fan speed17:52
mickey1f0x00, fan speed is specific hardware ; bios stuff..nothing to do with ubuntu ..sorry17:53
f0x00mickey1: i have an alienware system and if i activate propietary driver it spins down but graafic performance is poor17:53
barrua6hello, can anyone help me installing Ubuntu? Having problems installing along with Windows 7 64b...17:54
mickey1f0x00, may be some one with alienware can come up keep the post..17:54
f0x00mickey1: but lm-sensors and that stuff17:55
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:55
barrua6im getting error "PARTED CANT RESIZE PARTITIONS MANAGED BY WINDOWS DYNAMIC DISK" while trying to install Ubuntu...17:55
barrua6anyone knows how to fix this?17:56
heloif a ppa package version is older than a version in the main repos, how do i install it?17:56
mickey1barrua6, i hope there is a wubi.exe so that's the error17:56
b0rsukHello, I have a laptop (samsung rf 711) where keyboard doesn't work when Ubuntu is booted from USB. I'm forced to use graphical programs only. What's the best GUI equivalent of fsck ?17:56
b0rsukBonus points if it doesn't need any keyboard input !17:56
barrua6wubi.exe? whats that? that fixes the problem?17:56
mickey1barrua6, wubi is a installer there is nothing as fix problems17:58
barrua6oh, ok like an installer for windows...17:58
barrua6ok thx, ill try. bye17:58
Zanzacarusr13: I had a ultimate boot cd with gparted on it, so I just used that and I am in gparted now moving/resizing my drive. Everything seems to be working well so far.17:59
inashdeenhi, i got a laptop asus a435 here, try to install driver but it says fail to load module ;nvidia'. specs : ram : 2gb ddr3  graphic :nvidia gt520m 1gb18:00
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ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:05
KimbleHey. I'm currently tunnelling VLC over SSH in order to view a webcam.  How do I use X11 to view VLC without tunnelling it?18:05
mickey1inashdeen, lspci | grep VGA paste the output18:06
=== scott___ is now known as RayzrShrp
RayzrShrpanybody know how to change the active windows in irssi?18:07
circulardnahello everyone18:07
Gentoo64RayzrShrp, ctrl p for previous18:07
Gentoo64RayzrShrp, ctrl n for next18:07
Tech-1RayzrShrp:  change rooms ?18:08
RayzrShrpGentoo64: thank you any way for a specific window?18:08
RayzrShrpTech-1: yeah i guess so18:08
Tech-1Gentoo64:  got it18:08
Gentoo64RayzrShrp, ctrl 1 etc i think18:08
Tech-1or the # of the room18:08
ZanzacarI have an odd question, why is it that in the terminal if I do ls -lh I get an iso to be 695M but if I am in nautilus it says it is 729M?18:08
paulsomebodyIs it possible to use 'xinput' to map a mouse button as a _combination_ of key presses?18:09
RayzrShrpGentoo64: hmmm no luck18:10
Gentoo64alt +118:10
blz!hi | kamilnadeem18:10
kamilnadeemIs there are way to stop the Ubuntu one from auto connecting on startup in 11.10 ? , I disconnect it but it agains renable at startup?18:10
kamilnadeemblz: Hi18:10
GTRsdk2Zanzacar: I think it is a bug in nautilus becuase I don't remember that happening in older Ubuntu versions18:11
KimbleZanzacar: probably a difference between actual data size and on-disk size?18:11
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: Yes, you can.18:11
kamilnadeempaulsomebody: Please guide me18:11
RayzrShrpGentoo64: nope18:11
RayzrShrpGentoo64: could it be a terminal emulation issue18:12
Gentoo64RayzrShrp: works for me18:12
Zanzacarwell I looked into it and it appears that nautilus just divided by 1000 instead of 1012 to convert from bytes to Mbytes18:12
kamilnadeemearlier I used to disable it and it stayed put but now it doesn't seems to be happening18:12
FurgerokaHello phantomofparis18:12
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: There is check box, 'Connect automatically' in the Network Connections utility.18:12
FurgerokaHello skyweb18:12
blzkamilnadeem, connecting to what?18:12
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: You can access it by clicking on the network indicator and then going to 'Edit Connections' dialogue.18:13
paulsomebody!jp | circulardna18:13
ubottucirculardna: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。18:13
paulsomebody!ch | circulardna18:13
ubottucirculardna: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.18:13
paulsomebodyOops, no luck.18:13
mickey1kamilnadeem, http://askubuntu.com/questions/71518/how-do-i-prevent-ubuntu-one-indicator-from-connecting-automatically-after-login18:13
ZanzacarIf you manually convert the bytes given to you fro nautilus it is the write size but the converted version in nautilus is wrong. Should I report this somewhere?18:14
inashdeenmickey1 : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 1050 (rev a1)18:14
kamilnadeempaulsomebody: what will this mean for my wired internet connection , will I have enable it every startup ?18:14
RayzrShrpGentoo64: are you using putty or securecrt?18:14
trismZanzacar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy might explain the reason18:14
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: Sorry, I thought you are talking about network connection.18:14
trismZanzacar: specifically the Exceptions section18:14
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: Use the link mickey1 sent you.18:14
FurgerokaWelcome to #ubuntu, plok18:14
kamilnadeempaulsomebody: :)18:14
kamilnadeempaulsomebody: I mean UBuntu one18:15
mickey1inashdeen, then try the properitary drivers18:15
Gentoo64RayzrShrp: no18:15
FurgerokaWelcome to #ubuntu, schnuffle18:15
FurgerokaHello pAt__18:15
RayzrShrpGentoo64: hmm it seems to work with putty but not with secureCRT18:15
FurgerokaHello SilverFox18:15
inashdeenmickey : is trying to download them from nvidia now.18:15
Gentoo64RayzrShrp: something to do with that then, i have no idea about that18:15
RayzrShrpGentoo64: guess i'll chalk it up to some kind of issue with securecrt18:15
kamilnadeemmickey1: Looking through it.18:15
FurgerokaHello lcfd18:15
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Gentoo64RayzrShrp: Yeah its probabkly something to do with the hotkey18:16
kamilnadeemmickey1: It doesn't answers18:16
b0rsukMy samsung rf 711 laptop doesn't boot. Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 are installed on it, but they stopped booting. In fact, it doesn't even get to GRUB ! What could it be ?18:16
b0rsukThe screen flashes after turning the laptop on. Flashes in cycles, bright, dark, bright, dark.18:17
RayzrShrpGentoo64: figured it out, ESC and then the number of the window18:17
b0rsukI can go to BIOS.18:17
projekt26I am trying to enable the apparmor profile for firefox on ubuntu 11.10. however, it does not seem to know the aa-enforce command18:17
Gentoo64RayzrShrp: ah yea that works18:17
b0rsukI booted Ubuntu from USB, performed a disk check using gparted and found nothing out of ordinary.18:18
Gentoo64RayzrShrp: sorry i only use ctrl p and n as i only normally have 2 or 3 windows open18:18
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: Can you remind me where you can get that indicator?18:18
RayzrShrpGentoo64: thanks for your help none the less18:18
kamilnadeemI have the same question as that guy, I don't want to it to connect automatically at login. It never used to happen when I disconnect it but now that doesn't works as at every startup it connect automatically18:18
b0rsukCan you point me to some general laptop channel ?18:18
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: I used to have it installed, but then purged the repositories and forgot where I got it.18:18
RayzrShrpGentoo64: found the setting for securecrt under terminal/emulation/emacs18:18
kamilnadeempaulsomebody: The Ubuntu one Indicator.18:19
paulsomebodykamilnadeem: Yes, but what repository? I don't think it is in the Universe.18:19
kamilnadeemI don't know the answer to that. Sorry18:19
paulsomebodyb0rsuk: Have you tried #laptops or #notebooks?18:20
b0rsukpaulsomebody: Yes I have, it's empty.18:20
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GTRsdk2b0rsuk: is it a hardware issue?18:21
paulsomebodyb0rsuk: I think you will have more luck trying specific manufacturers, like #samsung or #lenovo.18:21
mickey1kamilnadeem, may be a reverse question  http://askubuntu.com/questions/9486/why-wont-ubuntuone-service-start-automatically-at-boot18:21
Zanzacartrism: Thank you.18:21
circulardnaFriends from China here~18:22
GTRsdk2kamilnadeem: Have you looked at the automatic login items?18:22
kamilnadeemmickey1: I can live with it as it says it will be fixed18:22
b0rsukGTRsdk2: It looks a bit like it, but how do I check ? Gparted found nothing interesting.18:23
kamilnadeemGTRsdk2: You mean startup applications?18:23
b0rsukThe data on hdd can be accessed and looks ok on first glance.18:23
GTRsdk2kamilnadeem: I think so, but for when you log in18:23
b0rsukThere's no #samsung channel18:23
GTRsdk2b0rsuk: has GRUB been overwritten?18:23
mickey1kamilnadeem, they both contain script that you need pls compare and find a alternative youself..that's my idea :)18:23
PeyamI have a big issue18:24
PeyamI use a intel integrate graphic with my processor.. I have my computer connected to my TV.18:24
b0rsukGTRsdk2: The laptop is not mine, but I asked my roommate for these things (he doesn't even upgrade software on his linux partition). Nothing as far as I know.18:24
Peyambut I cant see anything with my tv . so I must use a vga cable18:25
b0rsukThere's no reason to believe GRUB has been overwritten.18:25
b0rsukUnless it was an automatic Windows 7 update.18:25
kamilnadeemmickey1: Thanks but I am Ok with it. There is something else that is more Important . Linux kernels have been updates many times after 11.10 and I see 3 options in drub while booting18:25
GTRsdk2b0rsuk: Okay. Could you boot into Ubuntu using Super Grub Disk?18:25
kamilnadeemis there a safe way to remove them as it delays my boot up because every time I have to select one18:25
b0rsukGTRsdk2: I haven't tried SGD, but I can boot from USB.18:26
b0rsukHowever, *keyboard doesn't work* !!18:26
PeyamDoes anybody now why I cant see anything with my hdmi cable ?18:26
b0rsukKeyboard works in BIOS but not in Ubuntu once you boot.18:27
GTRsdk2Peyam: Does your computer support HDMI?18:27
mickey1kamilnadeem, if that so it will take a single script to purge the old kernel ; but in case you get stuck with the generic kernel a fail safe option..:)18:27
PeyamGTRsdk2,  yes it does18:27
GTRsdk2Peyam: Which version of Ubuntu?18:27
kamilnadeemmickey1: I have tried it twice , 1st time I succeded removing the Linux Image from synaptic , 2nd time system won't run as I got an error18:28
b0rsukI don't think I can even try to restore GRUB 2 without a functioning keyboard.18:28
GTRsdk2Peyam: And the TV is set to HDMI?18:29
kamilnadeemmickey1: I should install startupmanager and set selection time to 0, what say? I don't want to mess my system and I am having this on my Ubuntu 11.10 and Kubuntu 11.10?18:29
PeyamGTRsdk2, INTEl (R) Graphics family18:30
mickey1kamilnadeem, you should read more instead jumping to conclusion and getting online advices understand your need act accordingly.18:30
DarkStar1anyone know if Anyone here use a PPA for mySQL 5.5?18:32
ActionParsnip!ppa | DarkStar1 try the link18:32
ubottuDarkStar1 try the link: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa18:32
DarkStar1Oops... I just want to know if anyone uses a 5.5 ppa for ubuntu 10.1018:33
DarkStar1ubottu and ActionParsnip: thx18:33
ubottuDarkStar1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:33
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: the link goes to launchpad's search. You may get a lot of results but may strike gold18:34
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: the folks in #mysql may know a way to get it installed too18:35
PeyamGTRsdk2,  do you know the solution18:35
CipherXanyone know of an easy way to break up output by space? ie: I execute command: `find /export/ -type f -mtime 0` and get a list of files as output but I want to break them up into single arguments so I can compare them18:35
DarkStar1ActionParsnip: (07:34:39 PM) thumbs: DarkStar1: then it's definitely a question for #ubuntu, not here.18:36
GTRsdk2Peyam: No. I think if you try searching, you might find the answer. I did a quick google search and found some UBuntu forums posts about it. That might help. I don't have a computer with Intel graphics and HDMI support, so I can't really help with that.18:36
CipherXbeen plugging away at if for a while, nothing I try seems to work18:36
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: bah18:36
PeyamGTRsdk2,  yes. please send me the link18:36
MrPopinjayAnybody want to recommend a GUI application that will decompress .rar files?18:37
DarkStar1ActionParsnip: (07:37:03 PM) thumbs: DarkStar1: we don't support ubuntu packages or repositories18:37
josephseraoshey, I'd like to access a computar from many others in same tim. How could I do it?18:37
dancekDarkStar1, googling gives me http://geek.co.il/wp/2011/03/02/mysql-5-5-on-ubuntu-10-10 which would suggest there's probably no binary packages for ubuntu 10.1018:37
ActionParsnipMrPopinjay: the rightclick menu in nautilus will once you install rar and unrar18:37
trismMrPopinjay: if you install unrar, file-roller (or Archive Manager as it is called from nautilus) will unpack rar18:37
DarkStar1dancek: Already been there and it fails18:38
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dancekDarkStar1, have you tried just compiling yourself (to /usr/local or something)18:38
josephseraoshow could I do this, please?18:38
DarkStar1(07:37:40 PM) thumbs: DarkStar1: however, they need to be aware that they must support their repositories and package manager.18:38
GTRsdk2Peyam: I don;t know exactly what you have, but you might want to try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170065618:39
ActionParsnipMrPopinjay: if you install unp you can use unp on nearly any archive and it will be handed rather than remembering the switches to extract the different filetypes18:39
dancekDarkStar1, as you're venturing to an unsupported area anyway, I see no real reason why you couldn't compile mysql yourself18:40
PeyamGTRsdk2,  it didnt help. I have a stationary computer. not a laotop18:40
ActionParsnipMrPopinjay: unp is a terminal command. I also recommend you install p7zip-full and p7zip-rar18:40
DarkStar1dancek: Well I'll try18:41
dancekDarkStar1, if you have problems with that, then #mysql should be helpful18:41
=== MrPopinjay is now known as MrCatinjay
DarkStar1dancek: lol... I know where this is going now :)18:42
dancekDarkStar1, i'd personally first try with the debian packages from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql BUT if that breaks you have absolutely nowhere to complain!18:43
merk5Hello, `make uninstall` command does not seem to work. How else do I remove the built module ?18:43
dancekDarkStar1, really situations like this suck as nobody wants to support what you need to do...18:44
merk5Because I'm trying to DKMS build it, and now it's saying I'm trying to install a version is not newer than the current, coz I rebuild with DKMS.18:44
ActionParsnipmerk5:sudo make clean    possibly. Check your makefile18:44
tahdahhi need help,18:44
DarkStar1dancek: That's almost always been the wild west way of the open source wonderland ;)18:44
ActionParsniptahdahh: ask away18:44
tahdahhcan someONE HELP ME?18:44
tahdahhi have ubuntu okay18:45
ActionParsnipKill the caps please18:45
mickey1merk5, sudo apt-get autoremove18:45
tahdahhi reall need to know18:45
merk5ActionParsnip: That's for cleaning the build, not uninstalling as I understand it. I'm not trying to clean the build,i'm trying to remove the module short of deleteing it from /lib/modules/2.6.38-12-generic/kernel/drivers/scsi/18:45
dancektahdahh, please don't use newline as punctuation (ie. keep your question in one line)18:45
afeijohi guys, how can I force a shell user to stay in his home dir only? to not let him cd to another dir?18:45
merk5mickey1: thanks, but I'm building from source18:46
tahdahhokay sorry, i have ubuntu okay and what i need to know is how do i download stuff normally on it and like use it, its really diffucult please help!18:46
theadminafeijo: ACL, mostly18:46
afeijotheadmin, you mean, chown and chmod ?18:47
dancekmerk5, generally with `make install` installations there's no other way to uninstall than to delete18:47
ActionParsniptahdahh: download what exactly?18:47
mickey1merk5, so source package will flood inside the directory itself..try and delete it don't work and then auto..:)18:47
theadminafeijo: No, I mean setfacl and getfacl18:47
tahdahhdownload just normal files, but how do i use them like i would normallu on ubuntu?18:47
dancektahdahh, just use them normally. that normally works. (seriously, what kind of files?)18:48
edbiantahdahh, what's a normal file?18:48
tahdahhlike do you know when it says run, save and that?18:48
ActionParsniptahdahh: yes, you have a browser which acts like you expect in any OS, you have a file browser you can open files with18:48
almoxarifetahdahh: its not windows18:48
merk5dancek: Hmmm that's weird. I thought the opposite of `make install` is `make uninstall` and as long as you did not do a make clean, it will know where to delete the files.18:49
edbiantahdahh, choose what wnat18:49
mickey1merk5, can you share what are you trying to compile..18:49
merk5mickey1: I don't follow you18:49
tahdahhon windows, but how do i use it in ubuntu, cos when i download it i dont know where it goes or anything?18:49
edbianmerk5, not all source code packages include an uninstall18:49
theadmintahdahh: You can't use exes on Ubuntu -_-18:49
merk5mickey1:  I have compiled rts5139 driver successfully...18:49
tahdahhwhat is exes?18:49
theadmintahdahh: exe files.18:49
merk5ok nevermind guys it looks like my DKMS  attempt was successful after all :D18:50
tahdahhim bloody 13 can you explain this a bit clearer!18:50
edbiantahdahh, files that end in .exe those are programs on windows18:50
mickey1merk5, yeh! good news, so its altered course for different package that i guess..18:50
merk5I just updated my kernel and it auto-compiled rts5139 so i guess it's working. Only way to find out now is to reboot and plug in a card :D woot!18:50
tahdahhokay thanks, so i cant use any of them, can i like change them or?18:50
edbiantahdahh, programs in windows are actually files that end in .exe  (the actual letters .exe are usually hidden in the name on windows)18:50
SunTsutahdahh: you realize that this is _ubuntu_ support, right? You better go and grab a basic book on linux and all the principles behind it18:51
almoxarifetahdahh: no, can't like change them, like its not windows, like something else18:51
edbiantahdahh, You might be able to use them with wine.  Usually it's easier to find an ubuntu app that does the same thing18:51
tahdahhyes i know this is support?18:51
scroteis it safe to run backtrack 5 as a corporate server?18:51
theadmin!bt | scrote18:51
oCeanscrote: this channel does not support backtrack linux18:51
theadmin!backtrack | scrote18:51
ubottuscrote: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:51
tahdahhi have downloaded wine, but not too sure on how to use it18:51
mickey1dir *.h can revil then18:51
theadminSomeone should alias !bt to !backtrack...18:52
theadminNot sure how to ask ubottu to do that18:52
almoxarifetahdahh: like google stuff about it18:52
merk5Thanks for taking time to answer my  Q: dancek, mickey1, edbian, ActionParsnip. ;)18:52
SunTsutahdahh: it's a ubuntu specific channel, your problems seem to be more general, it seems, that goes beyond the possibility of this channel18:52
f0gn0l0can someone suggest me an rpg style-game?18:52
edbianmerk5, sure18:52
scrotesorry wrong distro.  Is it safe to run ubuntu as a server in IT Closets.18:52
tahdahhok well thanks for attempting to help,18:52
edbiantahdahh, The way I know is to use the comand line18:53
dancekf0gn0l0, does nethack count?18:53
almoxarifelike wow18:53
mickey1scrote, pleaes can you details18:53
theadminf0gn0l0: Any MUD :P18:53
MonkeyDustf0gn0l0  i'm not a gamer, but start here http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html18:54
f0gn0l0thanks for all the hints ^^18:54
f0gn0l0dancek, nethack was the first one i installed18:54
mickey1! pm18:55
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:55
ManDayHow can I configure GCC so that it searches for include and library paths in the respective x86_64-gnu-linux subdirectories of /usr/lib and /usr/include ?18:56
annonymoushello, can't access ubuntu samba share from windows 7. if i first access first from the linux box to windows than everything seems fine until reboot. how can i fix windows to see ubuntu on start. is it iptables, samba or windows bug?18:56
ManDayWhy does Ubuntu not work normally with lib32 and lib64 directories? What is this nonsense with those x86_64-gnu-linux subdirectories good for?18:56
scrotemickey1: DNS, DHCP, LDAP, Web Server , pgsql,18:57
mickey1scrote, did some ask you about the servers..how many are they there are plenty more..18:58
ActionParsnipManDay: if you are running a 32bit app under 64bit, you will need to grab the libs needed and put them in lib32 afaik18:58
trismManDay: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec it is addressed in the design section18:59
annonymouswhy's ubuntu is invisible to windows 7? can only access by \\computer_name19:00
MonkeyDustManDay  could it be a ia32-libs issue?19:00
ManDayMonkeyDust: Uhm, no? Why would it?19:00
MonkeyDustok, just suggestiong19:00
ActionParsnipannonymous: if you run: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER    and set the password, you should now get challenged for authentication. Its not an iptables issue as the share does eventually work with no change to the rules19:01
mickey1annonymous, that nothing unsual..19:01
ActionParsnipannonymous: try mapping a network drive too, makes thingseasier19:02
ManDayActionParsnip: ?19:03
ActionParsnipManDay: what?19:03
ManDayActionParsnip: I'm trying to get gcc to pick up libc's headers and libs, which it expects to be in the normal places. But I don't want to change my enviroment for that. I want it to usually account for ubuntus bizarre filelayout19:03
jdavidboydActionParsnip: still trying to research the wireless failures on my Acer netbook.  The cable works great, the wireless used to work, and then was intermittent for a while, now doesn't seem to work at all.   Boot into windows, works fine, so it's not hardware....19:04
ManDayDo you understand what I mean?19:04
sstaManDay: gcc -I /path/to/libdir19:04
mickey1ManDay, that 's good point..but to save the time and headache i simply settle down the 32bit / instead 64bit in the end19:05
ActionParsnipManDay: i see the aim, i haven't compiled since i stopped using gentoo which was ages ago19:05
=== Bry8Star- is now known as Bry8Star{GB
ManDayssta: ...19:05
ManDayssta: I do *not* ("not!") want to do this.19:06
ManDaymickey1: What do you mean "settle down" ?19:06
scrotemickey1: I'll just take that as a no.19:06
sstaManDay: what *do* you want to do then?19:06
ActionParsnipjdavidboyd: use the wire to get full updates, then run: sudo lshw -C network    to see the wifi chip and find guides19:06
annonymousManDay, check ld.so.conf.d directory in etc i think it should already apear19:07
ManDayssta: I don't know. I assume a compile time option or a configuration file, a wrapper, a clever way of symlinking things up...19:07
ManDayannonymous: That would only be LD. What about gcc as a whole?19:07
ikoniaManDay: what are you trying to do ?19:07
mickey1ManDay, i have a 64bit and got tired and re-instated 32 bit as 64 bit has to take more time to develope that i guess19:07
ManDayikonia: Getting gcc to work "as usual" despite ubuntu's flavours to the filesystem19:08
ActionParsnipjdavidboyd: also run: sudo rfkill list     to see if the device is only software disabled, then you only need to use the switch or shortcut to enable wifi19:08
sstaManDay: this is what autotools is for.  If you want to do it by hand, then use -Ifoo.  That's *exactly* how autotools does it19:08
bf4648can someone tell me what the {} brackets are doing in the following command line: find * -maxdepth 0 -name 'test_mp4s.zip' -prune -o -exec rm -f /var/www/test/*.zip '{}' ';''19:08
mickey1! ask | scorote19:08
ubottuscorote: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:08
sstaManDay: if you want you can symlink the lib and header diretories, but that's hacky19:09
MonkeyDustbf4648  these brackets are part of -exec19:09
Picibf4648: they replace the filename that comes out of the find command. man find should you tell more.19:09
ManDayssta: Gcc DOES HAVE a default include path. It's just wrong for ubuntu. Somehow, gcc-multilib makes up for that, but how...19:09
Qualiais there a channel to discuss politics ?19:09
Qualiaor the death of North Korean leader ?19:09
SunTsuQualia: ask alis19:09
ManDayQualia: I guess you'd better be off at a forum. Discussing in IRC... well... you know...19:09
Pici!alis | Qualia19:09
Qualiawhats wrong with IRC19:09
ubottuQualia: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*19:09
sstaManDay: it does it by setting env variables, and tweaking include paths automagically19:09
ActionParsnipQualia: #politics  maybe19:09
ManDayssta: You sure of that, or are you just guessing?19:10
ManDayIf you are right, then I guess there is no "better" method than that.19:10
ActionParsnipQualia: not much wrong with irc really19:10
ManDayActionParsnip: Oh, you reall should know better...19:10
bf4648thank you pici...so what does the command actually look like visually?  find * -maxdepth 0 -name {test_mp4.zip etc..}?19:10
ActionParsnipManDay: how so?19:11
Picibf4648: you already posted what it looks like.19:11
sstaManDay: fairly sure.  You set MULTILIB_OPTIONS to some magic (google for the magic, I don't remember) in the Makefile...basically you do this with makefiles, you don't compile anything but the most trivial one-liners from the command line19:11
bf4648Pici...I'm just talking about pseudo code so I can understand what the find command is actually doing19:11
ManDayActionParsnip: Discussing polictics in the first place is a magical topic. Discussing politics on the internet? Even worse. But.. ON IRC? Unthinkable.19:11
sstathis is what make was invented for.  Automake does much of it for you19:11
bf4648What I'm trying to do is delete everything in a folder except 1 certain file19:12
PiciManDay: ActionParsnip: This is not the place to discuss whether IRC is a good conversationmedium.19:12
ikoniaManDay: what are you talking about, gcc works fine on ubuntu19:12
bf4648I deleted everything in my home directory19:12
ManDayMULTILIB_OPTIONS?! Never heard of. But I personally don't feel bad for my lack of knowledge on autofools19:12
ikoniaManDay: why don't you really explain the problem19:12
ActionParsnipManDay: its an interesting topic and people coming together to discuss and exchange ideas is healthy19:12
ManDayikonia: I'm talking about a custom built gcc-4.3.619:12
ActionParsnipPici: gotcha19:12
bf4648any idea how I could do that?19:13
ikoniaManDay: ok - so why are you moaning about your custom built gcc, thats your build19:13
ManDayikonia: ... You know19:13
SunTsubf4648: there's lots of ways. For instance ls | grep $fileyouwanttokeep| xargs rm19:13
sstaManDay: you can set the default include directories when you're building gcc19:13
ActionParsnipbf4648: copy the file out, delete the lot then move the file back in19:13
ikoniaManDay: no, I don't, that's why I'm trying to understand what you are complaining about to assist you resolve it19:13
SunTsuer grep -v of course19:13
ManDay*normally* gcc will not require special help for finding libc files in the *standard* places.19:14
bf4648what is xargs?19:14
ikoniaManDay: if it's built correctly it won't19:14
ManDayikonia: Premature return19:14
ManDayikonia: Help me out there, what do you mean by "built correctly"?19:14
ikoniaManDay: if you included the search paths correctly in the spec file, it will search where you've told it to19:14
sstaManDay: if you build it like that, it Just Works19:14
SunTsubf4648: what the man page tells it is ;) It takes stuff from stdin and feeds it as cli arguments to the command you provide19:14
ManDayThe closest to an option which dicates standard search paths I came is "--with-sysdir" which won't do ubuntu right19:14
ActionParsnipbf4648: my method is easier to understand, if a bit primitive19:15
ManDayikonia: The "spec file" is that a thing with compiling gcc?19:15
ikoniaManDay: ubuntu won't do right ??? what are you talking about it's YOUR build19:15
sstaManDay: the output of gcc --print-search-dirs for a "standard ubuntu build" of gcc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/775595/19:15
SunTsuyeah, ActionParsnip's method might be preferable to mine, I gues19:15
ManDayikonia: *IT* wont do ubuntu right19:15
SunTsuguess even19:15
ManDayForgive me my grammer19:15
sstathe ubuntu build *does* do it right19:15
ikoniaManDay: becuase YOU have built it wrong19:15
ManDayikonia: I got that claim the first two times you uttered it. Hence I'm asking you what I would have to do better19:16
ikoniaManDay: why did you do a custom gcc build ? what's the issue with gcc in ubuntu19:16
bf4648well, it beats deleting everything in your home directory....I could have really screwed up my computer19:16
ikoniaManDay: (or what's the end goal)19:16
ActionParsnipSunTsu: yours is actually what is asked for though :-). Nice bashfu19:16
ManDayikonia: I needed 4.3.619:16
ikoniawhy ?19:16
ManDayDoes it matter?19:16
ikoniaManDay: yes19:16
ManDayBecause another software expects it.19:16
ikoniaexpects or needs ?19:16
sstaManDay: you either build gcc correctly, or you use -Ifoo to set search dirs once, of you use a spec file to do it many times...19:16
ikoniaactually, I can't be bothered begging for information, good luck19:17
ManDayikonia: Can you please stop from straying off miles from the issue I'm having? You just said you knew how to built gcc in a way that it finds the files without further messing. What would that be, please?19:17
ActionParsnipAww I just got popcorn too19:17
sstagcc doesn't "just work".  It's a compiler.  It's assumed that you know how to drive it if you want to use it outside of the default parameters...and especially if you build your own19:17
ManDayActionParsnip: I hope you're getting well entertained...19:18
=== root is now known as Guest25613
almoxarifeManDay: do you have a question specific to ubuntu?19:18
bf4648ls | grep mp4s.zip | xargs rm *.zip is deleting all the files19:19
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest2561319:19
ubottuGuest25613: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:19
annonymousdidn't ia32-libs became obsolete on 11.1?19:20
mickey1ActionParsnip, a new user will understand..but is problem ??19:20
Ampelbeinannonymous: Nope, 12.04 will be the first release without it19:20
annonymousdoes anyone has a clue why ubuntu share is invisible to windows 7 64bit? (becomes visible after i access windows from ubuntu first)19:21
ActionParsnipMickey1: is what a problem?19:21
ManDayalmoxarife: Obviously, I have.19:21
jdavidboydActionParsnip: everything looks ok, and the systems reports that it works fine.  Although it does say that I have a 135 Mb/s connection, which I know is wrong.  I can't ping from it, or to it, and connect to anything.  Looks like a firewall blocking everything, but I haven't installed one.19:21
overdubbf4648: ls might list more than one file on a line19:21
genii-aroundannonymous: The trailing zero on 11.10 is pertinent, the 10 means the tenth month, October... not a one which would make it January19:22
ActionParsnipannonymous: is the ubuntu hostname pingable from windows19:22
ManDayikonia: Anything? You can't just make a claim "I configured gcc wrongly" and not prove it. Especially after ssta clearly stated otherwise.19:22
buckyManDay, if you just want to install an rpm into ubuntu use alien to create a deb and see if it works, if not remove it and try something else19:22
Picioverdub: not if you're piping it into something else.19:22
overdubbf4648: use ls -1 for each file on a separate line, or better still use find19:22
almoxarifeManDay: do you have a question specific to ubuntu?19:22
bf4648alright....I can't figure this out ...I'm really trying19:22
ManDayalmoxarife: Can you perhaps shut up?19:22
MonsantoAnyone try this unit http://www.amazon.com/Alfa-Waterproof-wireless-Integrated-ALFAUBDOGT12/dp/B0039KQFVQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top19:22
ikoniaManDay: tone it down19:22
ActionParsnipjdavidboyd: can you ping your routers internal ip? Can you ping
sstaManDay: when you built your gcc, did you try ./configure --help?  If you didn't I suggest you do.  That's my last word on this subject...19:23
Picibf4648: The folks and the topic in #bash may prove especially useful.19:23
annonymousActionParsnip, it doesn't seems to help, sometimes windows doesn't even finds it. workgroup is set correct. can access from windows until another computer joins and after that i need to access from linux to windows for it to work normally19:23
mickey1ActionParsnip, think at the prospect of new-un familiar to ubuntu simply shutting them down like this is irrelevent19:23
annonymousActionParsnip, other computer is vista19:23
ManDayikonia: I'm still waiting for your reply.19:23
paulo_gomeshi all19:23
ActionParsnipmickey1: shutting what down?19:23
ikoniaManDay: I said, I'm not bothered, I can't be bothered if I have to beg you for information surrounding your problem, good luck19:23
ManDayssta: I configured gcc as well as I could and I found no such as option as ikonia suggest it19:23
ikoniaI didn't say there was any option19:24
MonkeyDustManDay  maybe your question is beyond this channel19:24
AmpelbeinManDay: Did you find http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/gcc-4.6/precise/view/head:/debian/patches/gcc-multiarch.diff ? It's the actual multiarch patch applied in ubuntu.19:24
iToastCan i get a guide to setup samba on ubuntu19:24
ManDayikonia: That's really a poor excuse. As if it mattered *why* I need gcc-4.3.6 for *how* to configure it in the manner you claim to know.19:24
ikoniaAmpelbein: you can't use that19:24
iToastOne that is clear. not "DO THIS DO THAT THEN THIS THAT THIS THIS THAT"19:24
ikoniaAmpelbein: don't suggest people pull down different version software19:24
almoxarifeManDay: do you have a question specific to ubuntu?19:24
iToastI can't find a single clear samba guide.19:24
ActionParsnipItoast: on desktop or server?19:25
sskalnikiToast:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba19:25
ManDayikonia: At least you said that I configured it wrongly.19:25
ikonia!samba > iToast19:25
ubottuiToast, please see my private message19:25
iToastsskalnik: That wasen't clear.19:25
ManDay(or built, for that matter)19:25
htmlftp ... can i back data up  dircetly to a computer over the internet19:25
MonkeyDusthtml  use ssh19:25
Ampelbeinikonia: He wanted to know how Ubuntu does the multiarch gcc, and that is how it's done. Of course it can't be applied directly but it gives him the idea how it is implemented.19:25
=== MrCatinjay is now known as MrPopinjay
ikoniahtml: sure, just ftp what you want to backup to a remove location19:25
paulo_gomeshow do i disable startup applications that dont show on the startup applications gui?19:25
ActionParsnipItoast: install the samba package then edit /etc/samba/smb.conf19:25
ikoniaAmpelbein: not really as he doesn't appear to be aware of the basics so package from a different version won't really show him that19:26
ActionParsnipItoast: ill pastebin my file for you19:26
buckyManDay, is this in oneiric? there's a ppa for 4.3.619:26
ManDaybucky: Yes, 4.3.6 indeed19:26
sskalnikiToast:  What specific issue are you encountering? General questions beget general answers. (No snark intended; just not sure how to help sans more info)19:26
ManDayDo you happen to have the link bucky ?19:26
=== Crisco is now known as Crismas
buckyManDay,  which version of ubuntu do you have?19:27
htmlMonkeyDust,  ikonia   filezilla would this work?19:27
sstaManDay: http://paste.ubuntu.com/775604/  (lines 25 to 53 are interesting).  Also grab the source package for gcc in ubuntu and have a look at how it builds (although I'll admit, it's not the easiesty build system in the world to follow)19:27
buckyManDay,  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ppa/+build/283724319:27
mickey1iToast, there are plenty in the torrent..its not only samba..19:27
ManDaythank you bucky - I'll have a look!19:27
ManDayssta: Sorry man but you are completely wrong there.19:28
ManDayThis has nothing to do with the issue.19:28
ManDayThese are the install target dirs19:28
annonymousAmpelbein, thx for the correction19:28
ActionParsnipItoast: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77560919:29
jitaMy ubuntu 11.10 hung, i rebooted, now the icons and windows are as such they are from windows 9519:29
ActionParsnipItoast: i defined shares at the bottom of the file. I also use: sudo smbpasswd -a andy      so I can authenticate to my shares19:30
bf4648how do you pipe to a cd command ?  cd /var/www/test | find * -maxdepth ..etc. ?19:31
mickey1ActionParsnip, he's gone..asleep and even if reads gone for 2days19:31
RayzrShrpam i correct in saying there is no way to hide my hostname/ip information on irc?19:31
ikoniabf4648: you don't pipe a "cd" command19:31
ActionParsnipDamn. Oh well19:31
urlin2uRayzrShrp, no19:32
bf4648well, the following command works perfectly as long as I'm @ /var/www/test: find * -maxdepth 0 -name 'foo.2.zip' -prune -o -exec rm -f /var/www/test/*.zip '{}' ';'19:32
ActionParsnipbf4648: change the * for the folder and get rid of the cd command19:32
RayzrShrpurlin2u: so there is a way to do it?19:32
buckymickey1, cd /var/www/test && find * -maxdepth19:33
iToastActionParsnip: Ok19:33
ikoniabf4648: ok, so do find /var/www/test -maxdepth...blah19:33
ikoniabf4648: specify the path in the find command19:33
bf4648oh my goodness..I can't believe I'm so stupid19:33
iToastUghm, can you edit it so anyone without a login can access /public_share19:33
iToastPublic share is in root.19:33
ActionParsnipItoast: restart smbd service to apply changes19:33
iToastIts this or i get FreeNAS19:33
urlin2uRayzrShrp, it's not showing now.19:33
owenllRayzrShrp: use Tor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0Rk8JvQswM19:34
RayzrShrpurlin2u: yeah I got it on here but what about on say DALnet19:34
jdavidboydActionParsnip: can't ping either.  But I can ping localhost19:34
iToastActionParsnip: Can anyone access it without a login19:34
Pici!cloak | RayzrShrp19:34
ubottuRayzrShrp: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.19:34
urlin2uRayzrShrp, this is freenode and that's all I know.19:34
RayzrShrpurlin2u: ok so this is configured differently based on the irc network19:35
paulo_gomesto stop a service per user, i see some links in ~/.config/autostart. Do i have to make the links manualy, or is there some command to make them automaticly?19:35
iToastActionParsnip: you there19:35
PiciRayzrShrp: This is #ubuntu. Not dalnet support.19:35
ActionParsnipItoast: if you make and smbpasswd and give them it and smb.conf says they have write access, it should be ok19:35
trece8hi. How do I set up the VESA driver to be used as standard, in ubuntu 10.04.3?19:35
urlin2uRayzrShrp, probably not sure this is the ubuntu channel so I answered assuming you meant freenode.19:35
ActionParsnipItoast: patience child, jesus19:35
d1g1ta1Is there a Linux boot floppy that supports external USB DVD drives?19:36
RayzrShrpurlin2u: ok thanks19:36
iToastActionParsnip: I could run freenas in a headless vm.19:36
iToastMount a eHDD to freenas19:36
ManDayssta: At least there is no wrapper arround gcc-4.6 - So I don't see who would be setting those variables you mentioned19:37
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sstaManDay: get the debian/ubuntu source package.  They're set in debian/rules2 (of course, it's not an easy read)19:38
sskalnikiToast:  You might enjoy FreeNAS. I used it in the past with few issues. It is probably a good idea to keep services on separate machines/VMs when feasible, so you might give it a go if you're already considering it.19:38
sstaManDay: they're build time variable, when you're comopiling gcc19:38
=== Mud is now known as Guest60230
iToastI had freenas.19:39
trece8Hi. How do I set up VESA driver as default in ubuntu 10.04.3? (Sorry, pidgin crashed)19:39
ManDayssta: WHICH ones19:41
mickey1bucky, ! pm19:41
ManDayssta: I've been searching them all over the place!19:41
ManDayWhich built time variables are it?19:41
usr13trece8: Was the VESA driver being used before you installed proprietary driver?19:42
usr13trece8: If so:  sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:42
trece8I didn't install propietary drivers, the standard driver (it's a new installation) crashes the PC at some point19:42
trece8I actually made a xorg.conf so the standard driver wouldn't be used19:42
usr13trece8: How do you know it's the video driver that chashes the PC?19:43
trece8I made a xorg.conf file putting it to work as VESA19:43
trece8ubuntu started in 'low graphics mode' and it didn't crash.19:43
usr13trece8: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:44
mickey1trece8,  ! blacklist19:44
trece8mickey1: ?19:44
trece8usr13: I actually had no xorg.conf there, So I made one19:44
Picimickey1: If you're trying to use the bot. its !factoid | user19:44
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:44
trece8It crashed when no xorg.conf was there19:44
mickey1Pici, ok..19:44
trece8So if I erase it, I would be in step 019:44
trece8mickey1: I think you are offtopic19:45
Picitrece8: so if it worked when you set vesa manually, what is the problem.19:45
usr13trece8: Driver      "vesa"19:45
trece8Anyway. No other idea than to erase xorg.conf and get back to where it was when it crashed?19:45
usr13trece8: Let's start over.  Please ask question again.19:45
trece8Pici, setting it up manually gives me a 'ubuntu is starting in low resolution mode' screen at startup, that's the issue.19:45
trece8Hi. How do I set up VESA driver as default in ubuntu 10.04.3?19:46
trece8That's the original question.19:46
usr13trece8: What is your video card?19:46
Jay_LevittHow do I add the "proposed" apt repository to oneiric from the command line?19:46
usr13trece8: And the answer to your original question is to see that the line     Driver  "vesa"   is there.19:47
trece8usr13: It's and onboard Intel 82945G/G219:47
trece8usr13: It is there. I put it there.19:47
tomasm-hi, i have 11.10 and i installed gnome classic and am having trouble finding the dictionary applet .... it's just not in the list of available applets... is it just for gnome 3? or does it work for gnome classic too?19:47
usr13trece8: Ubuntu version?19:47
trece8But ubuntu starts with a warning19:47
trece8usr13: check the original question: 10.04.319:47
BluesKajJay_Levitt, which  "proposed" apt repository?19:48
usr13trece8: Fully updated?19:48
Jay_LevittBluesKaj: Good question.. whichever one this package is in! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/postgresql-9.1/9.1.2-0ubuntu0.11.10.119:48
trismJay_Levitt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed19:49
ManDayssta: I cannot find debian/rules2 - where is that file supposed to be?19:49
usr13trece8: Have you started without /etc/X11/xorg.conf since getting the system fully updated?19:51
usr13trece8: You can just move it. sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak19:51
trece8I know19:51
trece8But there would be the same situation as when it crashed.19:51
trece8not having a xorg.conf19:52
usr13trece8: And when you boot to it, after a bit, does it ask if you want to install additional driver?19:52
BluesKajJay_Levitt, try this , sudo apt-add-repository ppa:oneiric-proposed-ppa19:52
usr13trece8: Just a sec...19:52
trece8I'm trying things at the moment, anyway.19:52
buckyManDay, did that ppa work out for you?19:53
stowodaWhat does that mean: Then put it in a handy bin/ directory (like /usr/local/bin) and set it as the handler for "application/ms-tnef" MIME content.19:53
stowodaset it as the handler for..19:53
stowodahow to do that?19:53
anli__When I try to install php5-sqlite, I get the error message "php5-sqlite: Depends: php5-common (=5.3.5-1ubuntu7) but 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 is to be installed"19:53
anli__There seems to be no way out of getting that error message19:54
usr13trece8: Try   Driver "intel"19:54
anli__So what should I try?19:54
usr13trece8: Change    Driver  "vesa"    to      Driver   "intel"19:54
usr13in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:55
Ampelbeinanli__: What release? And what does 'apt-cache policy php5-sqlite' say?19:55
usr13let us know...19:55
ManDaybucky: Haven't tried yet. I'm not running Ubuntu atm, the whole sitatuion is a little complicated. I'll try it out, though.19:55
buckyManDay, because there's an i386 version too if you need it - google it19:56
ManDayI would still have liked to investiate ikonia's and ssta's claims. But apparently, both parties have dropped out before I could find anything supporting their claims.19:56
buckyManDay, don't get me in trouble with the 'gods'19:57
ManDayOf course not ;)19:57
trece8 usr13: Testing that at the moment.19:57
buckyManDay, if you drop into the build dir and dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc I think it might do the trick19:58
AmpelbeinManDay: Like I said, multiarch is applied as a patch to the gcc archive. You can get inspriation by looking at the 4.6 one and (given you have experience working with gcc) may be able to adapt it for 4.3. But surely it's easier to just fix the application to compile with 4.6?19:58
ManDayHm? Why should I not simply get the binary package provided by the ppa?19:58
buckyManDay, debian/ubuntu build system is complicated... look it up19:58
BluesKajbucky, they're mere mortals like the rest of us , with somewhat more knowledge :)19:58
sstawho's a god?19:59
ManDayAmpelbein: I did not read you say that. Sorry. However, it surely explains why I can't find any wrapper or config scripts, nor configure options.19:59
bucky ManDay you should whenever possible but your ubuntu version and the arch should match19:59
BluesKajssta, , nobody here19:59
ManDaybucky: My arch is amd6419:59
trece8usr13: tried that. It hangs the same.20:00
buckyclaod ?20:00
ubottuThe Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC20:00
ManDayHe is trying to hit the "cloak" button20:00
usr13trece8: So what happens when you change back to vesa ?20:00
trece8usr13: I'm changing back to vesa now.20:00
doodHi.  I'm having a HECK of a time getting my LTSP server going.   I have gotten DCHP working and the ltsp server installed.   On my clients when they connect they get a dhcp ip address from the server, and start loading pxelinux.0 .  On the clients I see the UBUNTU loader logo come up for about 10 seconds, then it drops to a busybox!!!  Arg.  So frustrated.  Any pointers?  I'm wondering if it is a permission issue to allow client20:01
doods to connect somewhere on the server.    Thanks in advance.20:01
DarkStar1Anyone know if the mysql version for 10.10 is different to 11.10 (the default that's shipped/installed)20:01
Plouj-what package has the manpage for pthread_setmask ?20:01
usr13trece8: "Low Graphics Mode"?20:01
tagOn a MacBook Pro 8,2, I'm unable to boot the live-cd.  initramvfs is erroring regarding partition20:01
tagregarding trying to find a partition, whatever20:01
DarkStar1tag: save yourself the headache and use virtualbox20:01
tagI don't f'ing want macos20:02
beandood, it probably can't find the correct file that it's looking for. I'd check the logs on the server.20:02
trece8usr13: Gets back to "ubuntu is running on low-graphics mode"20:02
usr13trece8: xrandr | pastebinit20:03
trece8Error: "(EE) VESA: Kernel modesetting driver in use, refusing to load ; (EE) No devices detected."20:03
DarkStar1tag:  I didn't at first but it's grown on me :) in anycase I tried and tried and just when I was about to give up......;20:03
doodbean: where are the logs kept in 11.10?  (Just converted to Ubuntu from another flavor)20:03
sskalnikdood:  Typically /var/log/20:03
sstadood: /var/log usually20:03
tagI've installed ubuntu on a mac before...according to the wiki it's relatively well supported (this particular mac)20:04
DarkStar1tag I tried again! End result was I got no nowhere so I just v boxed it and no issues since20:04
trece8usr13: xrandr: can't open display20:04
doodOkay will check the logs.20:04
phil_physdear friends20:05
htmlhow do i set up filezilla?20:05
phil_physi have two partition how can I add the space from one partition to another without losing my data20:06
phil_physcan you help me?20:06
usr13trece8: Does the prompt have a $   or a   # ?20:06
urlin2uphil_phys, you can shrink and exspand partitions yes.20:07
jutnuxphil_phys, use gedit.20:07
rakiruhi, how do i get to items that were previously in the System > Administration menu?20:07
usr13xrandr can't open display?  Not sure I understand ...20:07
rakiruspecifically the device drivers thing20:07
rakiruhardware drivers* rather20:07
The_BROSCan anybody help me? How to convert .flv file to .avi file? Thanks.20:08
urlin2uphil_phys, these two must be side by side though for what you describe, unless you want to resize any between.20:08
trece8usr13: I run xrandr. It yields "can't open display" as output20:08
sstaThe_BROS: ffmpeg20:08
usr13trece8: This is a laptop, right?  What is make and model?20:08
trece8usr13: It's a desktop20:08
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The_BROS<ssta> is it convertor?20:08
trece8It's an intel motherboard20:08
sstaThe_BROS: yes20:09
phil_physurlin2: How can I expand the partiton without losing my data?20:09
usr13trece8: Ok, well, we must be missing something here.  Tell me more.  What monitor?  Using a KVM?  ANything else we should know.20:09
trece8using a KVM, tried different monitors.20:09
trece8It's a CRT monitor, studioworks 441, at the moment20:09
trece8the computer hangs with the mouse frozen, and can't go to the ctrl-alt-fN consoles.20:10
trece8when using not the VESA driver20:10
BluesKajThe_BROS, in the terminal , ffmpeg -i pathtofile.flv file.avi , the avi file will be created in the same dir20:10
trece8Anyway, I'd be happy with using the VESA driver, but not with warnings about graphics mode at startup20:10
The_BROS<BluesKaj> Is any tool with GUI, cause I am not an experienced user20:11
jfwalshthis is my first time logging in20:12
urlin2uphil_phys, use the tab key to complete nics, it will show as colored like this one to you. Gparted will expand and shrink partitions without deleting, the drill is you back it up first, really you should have everything backed up.20:12
bf4648Alright, I give up....I can't get my command line to work...I'm trying to remove every zip except the file that I find using the following command line: find /var/www/its/tmp/ -maxdepth 0 -name test_mp4s.zip -prune -exec rm -f /var/www/its/*.zip '{}' ';'20:12
bf4648This just removes every .zip file20:12
josiah216can I have some help with a fresh 11.10 install? Wireless and tumbdrive not working20:12
oCeanhi jfwalsh, welcome to #ubuntu20:12
rakiruanyone able to help me?20:12
htmljfwalsh,  hi  welcome to the ubuntu channel20:13
urlin2uphil_phys, I suggest the backup for safety, a cheap free insurance .20:13
phil_physthe problem is that i don't have an external hard disk20:13
jfwalshI am having difficulty getting a usb hard drive to mount20:13
BluesKajThe_BROS, there are but they are clunky and don't work as well IMO ,  look at the path in the addressbar in nautilus where the file is located and copy that to the terminal , it's really quite simple20:13
sstabf4648: there's a lot of ways to do it.  Maybe the easiest to follow: ls /path | grep -v test.zip | xargs rm20:13
cyclicfluxWhats happening all!!!20:14
cyclicfluxI just had the weirdest thing in the world happen, & its really strange.20:14
josiah216jfwalsh I'm having the same trouble20:14
htmlrakiru,   please say what you want help "witH your question20:14
rakirui have20:14
jfwalshI tried gpart but the scan disk takes days20:15
rakiruno-one responded, so i thought people probably missed it20:15
sstabf4648: umm, ls /path/*.zip20:15
rakiruhi, how do i get to items that were previously in the System > Administration menu? specifically the hardware drivers thing20:15
BluesKajThe_BROS, then put ffmpeg -i in front and call output avi file whatyou want  with .avi at the end of the name20:15
rakirui said that ^20:15
usr13trece8: Bypass the KVM20:15
bullgard4In Ubuntu 10.04.3 there is a file /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit.desktop. In Ubuntu 11.10 this file is named /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit:conduit.desktop. What is the reason for this change of name?20:15
trece8usr13: I had the same problem without a KVM20:15
htmljosiah216, jfwalsh  did you see if its a common problem? also did you search the net ?20:15
trece8so, I already did that.20:15
The_BROS<BluesKaj> How will be a command if I put folder into Home folder or how can I find adress in Nautilus?20:16
usr13trece8:   and    xrandr   does not run?20:16
trece8didn't try xrandr at that time, I will do it now20:16
cyclicfluxI literally just got a Motorola Xoom a few days ago, and placed it on my desk near my monitor 'Dell ST2010 25"', and then the monitor turned a deep red, and then it was frozen(the PC=fine).  However, it appears that my monitor is now a tint of blue(turned to blue after restarting it).20:16
usr13trece8: xrandr   does not give a list of screen sizes available?20:16
bf4648ssta...thanks I'm working on your command line now to see if it works20:16
cyclicfluxHas anyone ever heard or seen something like this happen??20:16
josiah216html: I've searched Google for quite a bit and haven't found a solution20:16
oCeancyclicflux: do you have an #ubuntu question?20:16
ironfoot495HI is there someone who could help me reconstruct a website. I have the website written in mac but I'm using a win7 to upload the file to a ubuntu 10.04 server.20:17
cyclicfluxFYI: I checked my evdev.conf, & x display-settings(10-display.conf) as well20:17
cyclicfluxI am using Ubuntu20:17
cyclicfluxI didn't really know where to go with this20:17
josiah216i plug in my thumbdrive and the light blinks, however it isn't mounted. Nothing shows up in /media either20:17
oCeancyclicflux: maybe try channel ##hardware20:17
usr13trece8: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log  #And send resulting URL20:18
The_BROS<BluesKaj> Oh. I see it in file properties (file path)20:18
cyclicfluxoCean:sounds good20:18
jfwalshi will see if it is a common problem; my situation is a bit unique. originally, the external hardrive had linux on it complete with all file systems, the laptop had windows. I got rid of windows for good, loaded the latest linux; am trying to native linux to recognize the files in the old linux. code errors are numerous.20:18
BluesKajThe_BROS, right ")20:18
urlin2ujosiah216, do you have another computer say one running windows to try and fix the thumb?20:18
bf4648ssta...I'm getting rm: cannot remove : no such file or directory20:18
oCeancyclicflux: you're welcome20:18
htmljosiah216,  ten post your problem on ubuntu help forms / fill out a form so other can see its a common problem if they too have it20:19
josiah216urlin2u: the thumb drive works fine on windows and 11.04. absolutely nothing mounts with 11.1020:19
The_BROS<BluesKaj> Thanx. I will try). Can it work with any formats?20:19
sstabf4648: do each part of the pipe seperately.  Start with: ls /path/*.zip.  Does that list all the zips?20:19
BluesKajyes The_BROS20:19
maujhsnurlin2u How are you doing these days!20:19
urlin2ujosiah216, reformat it in windows it should work.20:19
bf4648yes it does20:19
urlin2umaujhsn, fine20:19
oCeanbf4648: what about  find . -type f -name "*.zip" | grep -v donotremovethisfile.zip | xargs ls  this should list all the files. Replace ls by rm to remove20:19
trece8usr13: didn't work anyway20:20
oCeanbf4648: the  find .  meaning start from the current directory all the way down20:20
sstabf4648: okay, now ls /path/*.zip | grep -v oneToKeep.zip (the -v says "print everything EXCEPT that one")20:20
josiah216it works fine everywhere else, but not 11.10. why should I format it?20:20
trece8tried with intel and vesa drivers, and still can't open display is the output of xrandr20:20
sstaoCean: he wasnted maxdepth 0, so I thought ls was simpler for him to follow20:21
Peyam_Have av issue with hdmi cable. please help someone20:21
urlin2ujosiah216, there are no bugs as far as I know with usb mounting in oneiric, it sounds like a little to much tweaking or a bad install who knows really.20:21
oCeanssta: I agree, there are many options to do this20:21
oCeanPeyam_: just state your issue (detailed, single line) in the channel20:21
jutnux!ask | Peyam_20:21
ubottuPeyam_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:21
bf4648ls /var/www/its/tmp/*.zip | grep -v test.zip just lists all the zip files in the directory20:21
josiah216I've installed 11.10 twice. Both times with wireless and usb troubles20:21
sstabf4648: including the one you want to keep?20:21
=== adnap_ is now known as adnap
oCeanbf4648: except test.zip20:21
maujhsnDoes anyone know if Debian Live have its own IRC channel?20:22
usr13trece8: What didn't work?20:22
geoffmccjosiah216: please explain further, if someone can help they will20:22
usr13trece8: What did  xrandr say?20:22
josiah216I'm trying to install the drivers for my broken wireless, but can't because I cant transfer the files20:22
Peyam_I have a stationary computer which I connected to my LCD tv. Ubuntu works fine with VGA but not with a hdmi cable. What do I do?. Ive searching alot but nothing works actully20:22
urlin2ujosiah216, if the thumb has a broken partition table reformatting would fix that, I wouldn't discount it due to the thumb working on other OS's20:22
bf4648Yup, test.zip (the one I want to keep) isn't in the list20:22
geoffmccjosiah216: what type of wireless card?20:22
trece8usr13: same as before:  Can't open display20:22
sstabf4648: okay, so add "|xargs rm" to the command, and that should delete the rest of them20:23
josiah216geoffmcc: this car: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683331504120:23
BluesKajThe_BROS, btw this site is very useful  http://www.wikihow.com/Use-FFmpeg20:23
usr13trece8: I really don't understand.  There is something fundamentally wrong and I do not know what it is.  Sorry, can't help you.20:23
josiah216I have the linux drivers and I'm ready to install, but I can't transfer them due to a usb error20:23
trece8usr13: It's ok, thanks anyway.20:23
rakirurestating my question as no-one has even acknowledged it yet:20:24
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urlin2umaujhsn, not sure about Debain live but the #debian channel has 1000 people on it.20:24
bf4648Alright, the following command line keeps giving me " rm: can not remove /var/www/its/tmp/other_tests.zip : no such file or directory20:25
maujhsnurlin2u thanks for the info!20:25
incorrecthow can i change the window manager to being mutter?20:25
urlin2umaujhsn, no problem I didn't know they had a channel my self.20:25
rakiruhow do i get to the System > Administration > Hardware Drivers screen in Unity?20:25
beanbf4648: because that file doesn't exist...20:26
sskalnikbf4648:  file doesn't exist then20:26
urlin2uincorrect, install gnome 3 it uses mutter unity you can't I believe20:26
geoffmccjosiah216: whats the usb transfer error?20:26
sstarakiru: system settings...additional drivers20:26
sskalnikbf4648:  confirm that the file exists and that the path in the command is correct20:26
oCeanbf4648: are you sure that file has no additional spaces or something?20:26
bf4648well, it still didn't delete the other additional files20:26
rakiruok, that looked different to me20:26
sstahmm, if ls found it, then it should be there20:27
josiah216geoffmcc: the usb drive will not mount. Absolutely nothing mounts, not externatl drives or anything20:27
maujhsnurlin2u "Debian Live on dvd is an excellent alternative to installing the OS on a windows machine!20:27
xTyraelany one knows why blender do nothing when i try to execute it?20:27
rakirumaybe just because i haven't used gnome in a year - been using linux on servers only20:27
bullgard4In Ubuntu 10.04.3 there is a file /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit.desktop. In Ubuntu 11.10 this file is named /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit:conduit.desktop. What is the reason for this change of name?20:27
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sstabf4648: ls -l /var/www/its/tmp/ | pastebinit20:27
incorrecturlin2u, i tried that but mutter was not installed and i don't see mutter running20:27
urlin2umaujhsn, I had debian installed for awhile to check it out, the gnome2 dsktop seems so outdated now lol.20:27
rakiruhow do i find various other places from the system menu? not all of them seem to be under system settings20:27
sstaand post the url20:27
bf4648well, it just made all kinds of copies to test ...so the files do have file_name_copy_1.zip, file_name_copy_2.zip, etc20:27
maujhsnurlin2u I am sure that the Debian Channel can give me a lot of insight!20:28
urlin2urakiru, such as?20:28
geoffmccjosiah216: ok, so when you plug in usb, it dont automount? have you tried to manually mount it?20:28
sstarakiru: yeah, they moved some stuff aroundm, removed some stuff, it's irritating until you get used to it20:29
rakirui'm not sure... as i've said, i haven't used it for a year and now i come back there's unity and i'm slightly lost20:29
beangeoffmcc: doesn't*20:29
rakirui see a lot of people have the same frustration, but there's no clear answer anywhere20:29
josiah216geoffmcc: no. How do I do that? I am familiar with the terminal20:29
maujhsnurlin2u You are right the desktop looks cheesy but alot of the packages work if you know what you want!20:29
sstarakiru: it's all "progress" (or something)20:29
rakiruit's pretty annoying when most solutions for problems are for pre-unity versions20:29
geoffmccbean: sorry my grammer not to your liking20:30
urlin2urakiru, open the dash top button in the oneric left panel at the bottom are icons try that.20:30
rakiruwell i personally very much dislike it, but i'm sticking with it to see if i can get used ti it20:30
Peyam_can someone help please20:30
rakirui can always swap to kubuntu if i still don't like it in a few weeks20:30
beangeoffmcc: it's not just not to my liking, your grammar and spelling are incorrect >.>20:30
beanPeyam_: ask away.20:30
urlin2urakiru, you can also install synapse or another like docky to help you search or have links20:31
Peyam_bean I asked20:31
Peyam_nobody helps20:31
Peyam_I connect my computer with a hdmi to tv (stationary computer)20:31
Peyam_I can't see anything20:31
Peyam_this is what I get from xrandr20:31
bf4648Alright, here you go: http://pastebin.com/8dD19MzJ20:31
sskalnikrakiru:  You may try another desktop environment.20:31
geoffmccjosiah216: first to be clear it not mounted run mount in terminal, verify dont see it there20:31
rakiruyay, workarounds20:31
krisss117Nazwa.localdomain - - [19/Dec/2011:20:42:07 +0100] "POST http://www.facebook.com/ajax/chat/buddy_list.php?__a=1 HTTP/1.1" - - "http://www.facebook.com/anonymous" "Mozilla/5.0 (Ubuntu; X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0"20:31
krisss117how get the url's ?20:31
sstabf4648: oh, the filenames have spaces in?20:32
rakiruanother desktop environment such as? i already said i may switch to KDE if i can't get used to this20:32
krisss117i alvays have http://www.facebook.com/ajax/chat/buddy_list.php?__a=1Firefox/8.0"20:32
sstabf4648: spaces in filenames are *evil*!20:32
krisss117have u any idea20:32
krisss117 ?20:32
FloodBot1krisss117: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:32
beanPeyam_: what do you get from xrandr20:32
rakirusince the old gnome one is being removed in the next version20:32
krisss117sorry for flooding20:32
bf4648I know ...I've been at this for a while20:32
oCeankrisss117: what is your question?20:32
bf4648yes they do have spaces20:32
ManDaybucky: I'm trying to use that PPA but apt-get is not working right again.20:32
htmlhow so i ssh or ftp to a remote pc20:33
krisss117i cant prepare sed and regexp, to get the url's20:33
oCeanbf4648: spaces in filenames will criple lots of (standard) shell commands20:33
sskalnikrakiru:  Exactly. you might give xfce or lxde a shot.20:33
josiah216geoffmcc: hold on one minute, I think I found a solution to my wireless problem. Thank you ayway!20:33
ManDayWhen I try to install gcc-4.3 it says something about "E: Unable to correct proble,s you have held broken packages." But it gives me now clue what the actual problem is!20:33
krisss117this is my command -> sed -e 's/.*[POST|GET] \(http.*\) HTTP.* /\1/'20:33
bf4648Alright, well, the file names should have spaces in them in production ...i just needed to make a copy real quick so I made a lot of copies20:34
bf4648hold on I"m testing w/ out spaces20:34
beankrisss117: This is for ubuntu support... not "fix my regex" support.20:34
rakirunever tried them, only really used KDE and Gnome (a bit)20:34
sstabf4648: FOO=$(ls /path/*.zip|grep -v onetokeep.zip); for filename in "${FOO}"; do ls "${filename}; done20:34
sskalnikbf4648:  the spaces are almost assuredly the source of the error20:34
rakiruspaces in filenames are a pain in the... yeah20:34
sstabf4648: run that, make sure it outputs the right filenames, if it does then replace the second ls with rm20:34
beanPeyam_: if you do xrandr --output VGA --auto --output HDMI1 --auto does it not do anything?20:34
sskalnikrakiru:  you might like them if you are into minimalism. I usually use xfce, but am about to try lxde20:35
krisss117i think u can help me with this, so where i can get answer for this quwstion ?20:35
buckyManDay, did you apt-get update ?20:35
sstaumm, typo20:35
oCeankrisss117: I'm still not sure what you really want to do, but if you echo that line and add an awk, like   echo $line | awk '{print $7}'20:35
sstabf4648: FOO=$(ls /path/*.zip|grep -v onetokeep.zip); for filename in "${FOO}"; do ls "${filename}"; done20:35
sstathat's better20:35
Peyam_bean I have my vga in tv. should I unplug the vga or what?20:35
cablophow can i create a new user with encrypted home via command line?20:35
Peyam_should I have the both Hdmi and vga in at the same time?20:35
buckyManDay, what's the ppa addy again20:35
beanPeyam_: don't you want it to work over HDMI?20:35
ManDaybucky: Stupid apt-get20:35
krisss117ok, i try awk20:35
buckyManDay, prefer rpm ?20:35
sstabf4648: but seriously...save yourself a LOT of pain.  Avoid spaces in filenames (if you can)20:35
Peyam_bean yes I want.20:36
Peyam_what do I do please help!20:36
beanPeyam_: do you have your HDMI plugged in?20:36
ManDaybucky: No, but a working package manager without stupidified output messages20:36
cablophow can i create a new user with encrypted home via command line?20:36
bf4648hey it works!!!!20:36
bf4648finally ....dang!!!!20:36
sstabf4648: awesome, well done20:36
seliteHow do I determine exactly the size of a structure in C?20:36
Peyam_bean no! becouse I cant see anything it is totally blank. (no signal)20:36
bf4648that was too difficult ....man20:36
seliteI know that there is data allignment, but I still don't get it.20:36
sstabf4648: remember, spaces in filenames are evil :)20:37
beanPeyam_: can you not plug in both VGA and HDMI at the same time?20:37
seliteHello, any C programmers?20:37
bf4648ssta...they are evil!!!20:37
ManDaybucky: Tells me it depended on several packages, all of which I can install individually. But then it still says "Unable to correct problems"20:37
sstabf4648: it's pretty loigical, if I'd known there were spaces to start with we could have gond straight there :)20:37
cablopselite maye in #c++ channel20:37
urlin2u!ask | selite20:37
ubottuselite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:37
sskalnikManDay:  calling the package manager names will not make it work better. The information it gives, while admittedly not precise, does seem to indicate what the error is; "you have held broken packages." Can you pastebin the exact output?20:38
Peyam_ bean yes waite20:38
rcmaehlhow do I burn a windows ISO to a usb on ubuntu (not a ubuntu iso)20:38
rcmaehlI've tried using unetbootin but windows doesn't have a kernel so it doesn't work20:38
Peyam_bean now both are inside20:38
=== Mud is now known as Guest97619
sstabf4648: FOO=$(...) says "assign the output of the command in $(...) to the variable FOO.  for file in "${FOO}"...the "" around "${FOO}" stops bash from splitting words around spaces.  The rest shiould be self explanatory (but ask if you don't understand it)20:38
urlin2urcmaehl, format the thumb to ntfs with a boot flag and extract with the file archive20:38
cabloprcmaehl: i think the windows website has a guide for it, the other option is to place the iso on a usb stick and put a grub on the usb to launch it20:38
beanPeyam_: what is the output of xrandr --verbose now?20:39
beanpastebin it plz./20:39
cablopthere are other grublike programs for the usb, too20:39
alex-How can I kill a program?20:39
ManDayCan anyone tell me what the hell apt-get is trying to tell me? http://pastie.org/304253720:39
alex-pidof and kill don't work20:39
urlin2ucablop, yeah windows tells how to do it it linux.20:39
beanalex-: what program?20:39
alex-bean: minecraft20:39
alex-runs on java20:39
beanyou could just do xkill and click on it20:39
rcmaehl:\ why isn't there a package for this20:39
alex-Systemmonitor says futex_wait_queue_me20:39
beanalex-: I'd say reboot :P20:40
alex-bean: this mean I will loose all my work20:40
bf4648thanks ssta....I'm going to have to learn a lot from the command line20:40
cablopurlin2u: i remembered to saw a guide for that, and... the app they made for putting win7 on a stick ended being gpl ed because they used a gpl code on it xD20:40
Peyam_bean: http://pastebin.com/StgKu6Jr20:40
sstarcmaehl: you can dd it usually20:40
alex-Thanks bean :D20:40
alex-xkill did the job20:40
rcmaehlso format usb to bootable NTFS20:40
urlin2ucablop, you mean the windows thumb loader that works only on windows... yea it was open source.20:40
sstarcmaehl: dd if=windows.iso of=/dev/sdX conv=sync20:41
beanPeyam_: still looks like your hdmi is disconnected.20:41
rcmaehlopen ISO with archive manger and extract archive to usb20:41
alex-bean: window is gone, but process is still there...20:41
sstathe conv=sync probably isn't needed20:41
Peyam_bean:  it is in! I swer20:41
bf4648ssta...I deleted all the kinds in my home folder today trying to use the rm command...I had no backup and they aren't in the home folder20:41
rcmaehlssta: since it is disk related will it require root?20:41
alex-bean: How can I kill the java process?20:41
cablopssta: i doubt it is going to work, because the loader of a CD expects to be working on a cd...20:41
ManDaybucky: Anything?20:41
sstabf4648: then they're gone.  Sorry20:41
sstarcmaehl: generally, yes20:42
urlin2urcmaehl, yes but put a boot flag on the y=thumb, sop format it with gparted and put the boot flag from there as well,.20:42
beanPeyam_: if you do xrandr -output HDMI1 -auto -output VGA1 -auto it doesn't work?20:42
ManDayMan... It feels good to be reminded why I use Gentoo :-/20:42
SunTsubf4648: btw. if what you were using was my example: ls --escape would have done the trick, which escapes spaces and other non-graphical chars20:42
buckyManDay, the link you gave me is for lucid not oneiric20:42
sstacablop: has always worked for me (alright, Linux CDs not windows, never tried it with a windows CD)20:42
buckyManDay, looking20:42
bf4648alright...thanks SunTsu20:42
Peyam_bean: http://pastebin.com/CFVhtbMA20:43
buckyManDay, the link you gave me is for lucid 4.6 or some such20:43
bf4648Yup, I wish the rm -rf command didn't delete things permantely20:43
rcmaehlcan you repost the command again.20:43
beanPeyam_: xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --output HDMI1 --auto20:43
sskalnikManDay:  used "-f" with apt-get?20:43
SunTsubf4648: _always_ check stuff befor running rm -rf, like put an echo before it and check what it delets20:43
rcmaehlI don't know how to scroll up in irssi20:43
ManDaysskalnik: no20:43
SolvedHow do I find the address of my network printer? (\\servername\MyPrinter)20:43
beanPeyam_: also try it with HDMI2 or HDMI3 to be sure.20:43
sskalnikManDay:  Give that a shot20:44
bf4648SunTsu...what do you mean?20:44
ManDaysskalnik: It should not be necessary.20:44
urlin2urcmaehl, why isn't there a package for loading a windows iso in ubuntu.. have you lost your critical thinking ability. There are 3rd party apps that will check out multisystem at pendrivelinux.20:44
bf4648Could you give me an example?20:44
ManDaysskalnik: Bloody apt-get should tell me what the heck is it's problem!20:44
sstabf4648: and use /tmp for testing stuff.  mkdir /tmp/somewheretotest and then test in there20:44
phil_physcan i modify a partition increasing space?20:44
ManDayUbuntu's unified error message: "Can't do it." - **** it20:44
sstaphil_phys: yes, if it's not mounted.  get gparted20:44
urlin2uphil_phys, yes20:44
rcmaehlssta: can you repost the command? I don't know how to scroll up in irssi and it's gone20:44
geoffmccPeyam_: just something maybe you havent considered. In the past was hdmi turned off in bios for any reason? I ask because before i had flatscreen i needed vga and had to disable hdmi in bios to get vga to work. if it not detecting hdmi maybe that could be why20:45
sskalnikManDay:  As in you know the error is false?20:45
cristian_cI have to change the key number code manager from the default one in ubuntu to that used by an alternative program, such as keytouch. I checked a configuration file called 55keytouchd_launch (found in / etc/X11/Xsession.d) whose content is as follows:20:45
ManDaysskalnik: I've no clue *what* the error actually is, since apt-get wont tell me.20:45
sstarcmaehl: dd if=foo.iso of=/dev/sdX (replace sdX with whatever the devide for your usb drive is)20:45
beancristian_c: don't paste it here, use pastebin20:45
phil_physssta: I used gparted but I cannot add the space of 8.04 into 11.10 partition20:45
Peyam_geoffmcc:  I have no problem when I used Windows 720:45
phil_physhow can I do?20:45
cristian_cbean, http://paste.ubuntu.com/774537/20:45
sstarcmaehl: http://serverfault.com/questions/6714/how-to-make-windows-7-usb-flash-install-media-from-linux20:45
SunTsubf4648: when deleting stuff script-wise always prepend "echo" to the rm command to see what is getting removed. like "ls | grep -v foo | xargs echo rm"20:45
Peyam_bean: Should I restart the system or just switch to hdmi?20:46
urlin2uphil_phys, imagebin a screen shot of gparted.20:46
rcmaehlI'm trying the win8 dev preview20:46
sstaphil_phys: delete the partition with the free space, then expand the other one into that space20:46
SolvedWhat's the address of my network printer? (\\servername\MyPrinter)20:46
sskalnikManDay:  please do "apt-get -f" and pastebin the results.20:46
cristian_cbean, I do not think it is very useful to the cause :(20:46
SolvedLike what's the servername20:46
beanPeyam_: what video card do you have?20:46
SunTsubf4648: only when you are sure only stuff gets removed you want to get rid of remove the echo and fire away20:46
phil_physI deleted it so I cannot see it20:46
Peyam_bean Intel family20:46
beanPeyam_: and that has HDMI output?20:46
Peyam_bean: Intel family graphic or something. integrated20:47
phil_physthe problem is that i cannot expand the 11.10 partition20:47
blitzkrieg3rawbdor: yo20:47
cristian_cbean, What should I do to bypass the management of numerical codes by udev?20:47
urlin2uphil_phys, a picture would be helpful.20:47
Peyam_Peyam_:  yes?20:47
Peyam_bean: yes?20:47
ManDaysskalnik: same error as before20:47
bf4648I've never thought of doing that...thank you very much SunTsu20:47
Peyam_bean:  im not sure. please help me20:47
ManDaysskalnik: http://pastie.org/304253720:47
cristian_cbean, may also be the X server to run this stuff by default in ubuntu20:47
sskalnikManDay:  Same error about broken packages?20:48
ManDaysskalnik: I just pasted it20:48
sskalnikManDay:  Roger that20:48
cristian_cbean, so for you too?20:48
Peyam_bean:  it says no video signal20:48
=== marcuy_ is now known as marcuy
beanPeyam_: I'm not sure. Sometimes it won't work if you have both HDMI and VGA connected.20:48
beancristian_c: I have no idea.20:49
cristian_cbean, This of course if the X server is running, but I do not know of any other known video servers, so I do not think anything else could be running it20:49
Peyam_bean:  it still says disconnected onverbose20:49
sskalnikManDay:  I seem to have entered in the middle of things; which Ubuntu version are you using and what are you trying to do? It looks like you're trying to install gcc.20:49
Peyam_on verbose20:49
cristian_cbean, There is also this?20:49
ManDaysskalnik: install gcc-4.3 on oneiric20:49
htmlhow so i ssh or ftp to a remote pc20:49
beanPeyam_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HDMI is the best place i can point you to.20:49
ManDaysskalnik: you know what, **** apt-get. i can't be arsed to put up with that all day. I'll just install it manually20:50
ikoniaManDay: stop with the staring out of words20:50
ManDaybucky: ^ thanks to you, but I cant take that any more20:50
beancristian_c: I don't know what you're asking, all I told you was to not paste things here.20:50
ikoniaManDay: you know the rules bu now, if you have to star the word, don't use it20:50
beanManDay: ... lol20:50
ManDayikonia: don't worry. I'll stop talking alltogether20:50
sskalnikManDay:  language please.20:50
geoffmccPeyam_: was hdmi connected when computer started?20:50
ikoniaManDay: thanks20:50
Peyam_bean:  how do I make a startup program that runs when computer turns on?20:51
Peyam_with that codes20:51
SolvedHow do I determine my "printer address" in ubuntu?20:51
Peyam_geoffmcc: no!20:51
geoffmccPeyam_: restart with cable connected, will detect just fine20:51
cristian_cbean, so I have to tell? :)20:51
sskalnikManDay:  purely out of curiosity, why 4.3 instead of 4.4?20:51
buckyManDay, you just have to search for it.. this guy built it but i can't find his ppa right now.. it takes searching on google20:51
Peyam_geoffmcc: are you sure?20:51
geoffmccPeyam_: yes20:51
phil_physcan I extend the space inside the partition without deleting data?20:51
beanPeyam_: you might want to try it just by rebooting with the HDMI connected first. You would edit your X config.20:51
ikoniathat error looks like it's a package from the wrong ubuntu version20:51
phil_physin which way?20:51
ManDaysskalnik: A propriatary software called "matlab" needs it.20:51
Peyam_geoffmcc:  but it says disconnected.20:52
ikoniaManDay: matlab will work with most versions of GCC, I have it running with 4.220:52
beancristian_c: please restate your question.20:52
Peyam_bean:  I cant see anything with hdmi. I cant edit anything20:52
ManDayikonia: Yes, older than 4.320:52
geoffmccPeyam_: when computer booted and loaded everyhting hdmi was not connected, when it boots up and its connected it will notice and enable20:52
cristian_cbean, ok20:52
ikoniaManDay: so why are you trying to install 4.3 ?20:52
Peyam_geoffmcc: i will try it now20:53
ManDayikonia: Because that is the newest GCC supported by matlab 2011b20:53
ikoniaManDay but it will support older versions20:53
buckyManDay, you can dl them and install them one by one here20:53
geoffmccPeyam_: first try just hdmi connected as bean is right, sometimes hdmi and vga can cause issues if not prop configured20:53
urlin2uphil_phys, instead i=of asking the same question posta a screen shot of gparted in a imagebin and get this task done.20:53
buckyManDay,  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1978603/+listing-archive-extra20:53
buckyManDay, that's the best i can do20:53
cristian_cI have to change the key number code manager from the default one in ubuntu to that used by an alternative program, such as keytouch. I checked a configuration file called 55keytouchd_launch (found in / etc/X11/Xsession.d) whose content is as follows:20:54
phil_physwhat is a screen shot?20:54
sskalnikManDay:  Aha. It looks like Matlab wants an old version, e.g., 4.2.3. :/20:54
sskalnikManDay:  I understand your predicament now.20:54
cristian_cI do not think it is very useful to the cause20:54
nimbioticsHello all. Im using ubuntu 11.10 with gnome classic (I'm a Unity hater). I installed compiz but I cannot see ANY of the effects y select using CompizConfig Settings Manager. Why isn't Compiz working?? TI20:54
urlin2uphil_phys, open gparted hit the prtsc key and post it here. http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add20:54
cristian_cWhat should I do to bypass the management of numerical codes by udev?20:55
cristian_cmay also be the X server to run this stuff by default in ubuntu20:55
cristian_cso for you too?20:55
sskalnikManDay:  Does Matlab refuse to work, or does it just five warnings about the version?20:55
beancristian_c: I'm confused as to A) why you need to install keytouch, and B) what isn't working for you.20:55
buckyManDay, make sure you get your versions right... also there's a matlab compatible (mostly) in the repos called freemat20:56
urlin2unimbiotics, try #compiz20:56
cristian_cbean, I've installed keytouch, but it uses a own keycode manager20:56
nimbioticsurlin2u: THX20:56
sskalnikManDay:  Might give this a read http://whowhywhathow.blogspot.com/2011_01_01_archive.html20:56
ManDayikonia: I can't figure out how to get the PPA URL and the key from that url you gave me.20:57
sskalnikManDay:  You may have already tried it, but it might be worth a look.20:57
ManDaysskalnik: It refuses to work.20:57
ikoniaManDay: I didn't give you a PPA20:57
ManDayikonia: I couldn't tell.20:57
ikoniaManDay: I still don't understand why are you pushing gcc 4.3 ?20:57
cristian_cbean, keytouch's keycodes are different from the default keycodes manager in ubuntu20:57
ikonia!info gcc20:57
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.107ubuntu5)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.1-2ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB20:57
ManDayikonia: I'm not? I'd just prefer it over an even older version, obviously.20:57
ikoniaManDay: why ?20:57
ManDayWhy would I want an older version?20:58
beancristian_c: keytouch-editor ?20:58
ikoniaManDay: compatability, support,20:58
ikoniaManDay: a newer version is not "better"20:58
cristian_cbean, then keytouch codes do not work on ubuntu, because ubuntu uses its codes20:58
ikoniaManDay: compilers can often not work with code if the code is not designed for the way that compiler works20:58
cristian_cbean, yes20:58
ikoniaManDay: xorg used to be very fussy with certain compilers, even the kernel did at one point20:58
ManDayikonia: So which do you suggest? Since they (everything older than 4.5) appeared equally hard to install I simply chose the newest among them-20:58
sskalnikManDay:  by "refuses to work", what exact errors are you seeing? The apt-get output, or something else?20:59
ikoniaManDay: you're using ubuntu 11.10 ?20:59
ikoniaManDay: or 11.04 ?20:59
ManDaysskalnik: You asked about matlab.20:59
ManDayikonia: 11.1020:59
cristian_cbean, the default keycodes' manager in ubuntu should be X20:59
ikoniaManDay: ok, so that comes with 4.4 - is there a problem using 4.4 ?20:59
beancristian_c: keytouch only supports certain keyboards.20:59
ManDayYes, matlab only supports 4.320:59
ManDay(and possibly older)20:59
beancristian_c: and you cna use keytouch-editor to 'train' your system21:00
ikoniaManDay: ok, according to the matlab website ubuntu 11.04 is fully supported with gcc and glibc versions, have you conisdered using 11.04 to that the whole distro meets the support requirements ?21:00
sskalnikManDay:  Ah, okay, my mistake. Looks like I'm up to date on your issue then. Cool, thanks for the info. Now I guess we just need to get gcc 4.3 then.21:00
ikoniasskalnik: I wouldn't suggest that looking at the matlab support requirements on libc as well,21:00
cristian_cbean, but keytouch-editor recognizes the keys on my keyboard21:00
sskalnikikonia:  Link?21:00
cristian_cbean, it assigns the right functions21:01
ManDayikonia: sskalnik Really, I'm just using the manually installed version now. Even though I will have hack arround the non-standard locations of libs and includes. But I'm tired of this hassle with trying to get it to install through apt-get21:01
ikoniait's beyond gcc, which inferes libc/binutils and all other fun stuff21:01
ikoniathere is also a more detailsed one21:01
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
ikoniaManDay: the libraries ARE standard21:01
beancristian_c: then I'm confused as to wtf your problem is?21:01
ManDayikonia: /usr/lib/x86_64-gnu-linux  is hardly a standard location21:01
ikoniaManDay: the fact that you have no idea how to build gcc suggests it will not be a sane compiler21:01
ikoniaManDay: it is for a multi-lib distro21:01
ManDayikonia: It's still not a standard.21:02
phil_physurlin2U: How can I obtain the image?21:02
ManDayAnd as I said I already got gcc running21:02
ikoniaManDay: you need a sane compiler21:02
ikoniaManDay: how do you know ?21:02
sskalnikikonia:  But according to ManDay, matlab is not working on 11.10 for him/her, yes?21:02
ikoniaManDay: it is standard21:02
ikoniaManDay: what have you done to provie it's a sane version21:02
Peyam_it didnt work21:02
ManDayikonia: I compiled a test program21:02
ikoniaManDay: hello world ?21:02
Peyam_bean: it still doesnt work21:02
ManDayikonia: yes.21:02
cristian_cbean, therefore rit ecognizes the keyboard, but the system also favors another manager, not keytouch21:02
ikoniaManDay: ok, that's not a compiler test21:02
Peyam_bean:  please send me the same like21:02
ManDayikonia: I know.21:02
cristian_cbean, that is the problem21:02
ikoniaManDay: then why did you just say it was21:02
urlin2uphil_phys, you have two options in the menu is screenshot or the prtsc key save it then put it on the http imagebin site I posted.21:03
beanPeyam_: xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --output HDMI1 --auto ?21:03
alecbenzerwhere should the standard magic file be in ubuntu? /usr/share/misc/magic is an empty dir, for example21:03
ikoniasskalnik: I would use 11.04 personally as that is confirmed supported by mathworks21:03
Peyam_the link21:03
ManDayikonia: I just said I compiled a test program.21:03
Peyam_on ubuntu wiki21:03
ikoniasskalnik: out of the box/stock21:03
bullgard4In Ubuntu 10.04.3 there is a file /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit.desktop. In Ubuntu 11.10 this file is named /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit:conduit.desktop. What is the reason for this change of name?21:03
ikoniaManDay: yes, and you then said you know it's not a valid test21:03
urlin2u!imagebin | phil_phys21:03
ubottuphil_phys: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.21:03
ManDayikonia: So why do you suggest gcc does not find the libs in that place, if they are "standard", as you claim.21:03
ManDayikonia: Yes, I did.21:03
alecbenzer(although the file command does work so I'm assuming the data is somewhere)21:03
ikoniaManDay: because you built gcc wrong21:03
cristian_cbean, I have to disable the default manager in ubuntu, that operation should be not made by it21:04
ikoniaManDay: which is why I'm saying your compiler is not sane and you should not try to use it21:04
cristian_cbut by keytouch21:04
sskalnikManDay:  did you manually build gcc 4.3?21:04
ManDayikonia: We were already there. And you are the only person saying that. I was already told that gcc requires special patches to find libs in that dir. Clearly, they are not standard21:04
ikoniaManDay: they are21:04
ManDayikonia: Then prove it.21:05
ikoniaprove what ?21:05
sstaManDay: no, iot just requires the right options to ./configure (which several people told you to hours ago)21:05
ManDayThe ubuntu wiki itsself says that such a FS structure is made up sepcially for ubuntu21:05
htmlsskalnik,  thanks,,, but i was hoping to use filezilla im new to it21:05
ikoniaManDay: what ?#21:05
ManDayssta: And which, to the current point in time, still remains unproven and unbelievable.21:05
AmpelbeinManDay: The locations of the libs standard on debian/ubuntu systems, the FHS currently does not recognize those directory paths.21:05
ikoniaManDay: why don't you just use 11.04 which is supported out of the box21:05
ikoniaManDay: it works with matlab out of the box and you know everything will be sane21:06
sstaManDay: whatever.  You haven't even tried21:06
skegeekckserv identify 91fordgeek1121:06
ManDayikonia: I wanted to use the newest ubuntu.21:06
Piciskegeek: Please change your password, and consider identifying in a status window next time.21:06
ManDayAnd since I set everything up from a debootstrap it didn't really matter for me.21:06
ikoniaManDay: I appreciate that, but if your driver is matlab and you are not confident with what you are doing, surly a sane build environment is better to play with programming tools like matlab21:06
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ManDayikonia: Is gcc4-3 in the 10.04 repositories?21:06
Peyam_bean:  How do I make a start up program who runs this code when I log in? get-edid21:07
ManDayI mean 11.0421:07
skegeekDarn it.21:07
ikoniaManDay: I don't think so, but I don't know, I'd have to check, but it's in 11.04 which is fully supported, so if you want to change versions 11.04 would be where to go21:07
ikoniaManDay: yes, 11.0421:07
sskalnikManDay:  Would it be feasible for you to switch from 11.10 to 11.04?21:07
ikoniaManDay: http://www.mathworks.co.uk/support/sysreq/current_release/linux.html21:07
ikoniaManDay: 11.04 is fully supported out the box21:07
ManDayikonia: Ok, I'll change over to 11.04 then21:07
sskalnikManDay:  That seems like a safe option with less hassle for you.21:07
beanPeyam_: you could throw it in /home/peyam/.bash_profile21:07
beani think21:07
ManDayOk, thank you, I'll start building now21:08
ikoniabuilding ???21:08
ikoniayou just need to install it21:08
khaimehello to all21:08
htmlikonia,  i need help with file zilla is there a channel?21:09
ikoniahtml: no idea, probably21:09
cristian_cbean, any ideas?21:09
phil_physurlin2u: I don't see these two options21:09
khaimei just bought a wireless device that is on the list of supported wireless devices, and I still can not get this thing to work ....Ubuntu cna see it, and I followed the instructions on installing the device21:09
khaimecan anyone help ?21:09
Pessimisthtml: try #filezilla21:09
Peyam_I can choose the start up program on application21:09
urlin2uphil_phys, you running oneric21:10
Peyam_bean:  I can choose the startup applications and I want a command21:10
Peyam_is it .bash get-edid?21:10
beanPeyam_: i don't know what you're trying to accomplish with that.21:10
nick5556hail !! my good people !21:10
khaimei have ran iwconfig....lshw -C network......and have not gotten the desired results21:10
urlin2uphil_phys, prtsc is a key on our keyboard top right of it.21:10
beanPeyam_: in startup applications you could just do get-edid but I don't know what that attempts to accomplish21:11
ManDayikonia: 11.04 isn't even supported by canonical!21:11
ikoniawhat ?21:11
nick5556is there an apple browser for ubuntu?21:11
ikoniawhat are you talking about ? it's fully supported21:11
beannick5556: what do you me3an apple browser?21:11
ManDay10.04 is supported in LTS ikonia - where is 11.04 supported?21:11
geoffmcckhaime: what kind of card, what seems to be the problem?21:12
Peyam_bean:  in that page it says..I should run those command while im in with hdmi.. and I guess it will be good if the command runs automaticly?21:12
ikoniaManDay: it's supported for 18 months after release.21:12
ManDayikonia: I can't even download it on the ubuntu.com download pag21:12
ikoniaManDay: same as 11.10 is supported for 180 months21:12
beanPeyam_: you'd have to save the output somewhere.21:12
ikonia18 months sorry21:12
nick5556bean apple browser21:12
beanManDay: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS21:12
nick5556what els21:12
nick5556to browse the itnernet21:12
beannick5556: um, theres no browser called apple browser.21:12
Pessimistnick5556: Safari isn't released for Safari, you can try wine with it though21:12
khaimegeoffmcc ...it is a NetGear N150 (WNA1100)21:12
Pessimistfor ubuntu*21:12
urlin2uManDay, http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/21:12
nick5556pessmisist guy.. i know it's based on webkit GTK21:13
Peyam_bean: please help me21:13
cristian_cbean, it would be important for me to disable this feature in the default handler21:13
beancristian_c: I have no idea how.21:13
beanPeyam_: I have no idea.21:13
nick5556asagain.. is there an apple borwser for ubuntu ?21:13
cristian_cbean, ok, thanks21:13
Peyam_bean:  it kills me21:13
beannick5556: ... theres no such thing as apple browser, anywhere.21:13
khaimeI have a few wireless devices of my own and they do not work , i went to  ; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsNetgear21:13
geoffmcckhaime: ok so whats the results you were expecting21:13
beannick5556: just use the standard browser.21:13
Peyam_geoffmcc:  it didnt work21:13
Pessimistnick5556: Try better alternatives, like firefox, opera, chrome21:13
beannick5556: Firefox, etc.21:13
ManDayikonia ok thank you21:13
nick5556bean yeah there is an apple browser for OSX21:13
nick5556you call it whatever you like21:14
beannick5556: that's called safari.21:14
cristian_cPeyam_, thanks anyway, is a volunteer help :)21:14
nick5556i call it an apple browser21:14
ikoniaManDay: just slow down and clam down before making rash claims, people will help you but only if you stop spouting nonsense21:14
khaimegeoffmcc, I was expecting the usb device to work !   Ubuntu sees the card, and I installed the driver...now I can't get it to work21:14
nick5556bean thank you again. is there an apple browser for ubuntu ?21:14
ikonianick5556: no#21:14
insectatoriousIs there an alternative to Nautilus? I have to run killall everytime I boot before it works21:14
nick5556thank you21:14
ikonianick5556: safari is not available on ubuntu21:14
beannick5556: what does having an "apple browser" do for you that another browser doesn't.21:14
Peyam_cristian_c:  why?21:14
nick5556ikonia something based on it21:14
ikonianick5556: it's not open source21:14
nick5556just like google browser21:14
ikonianick5556: it's not open source21:14
nick5556ok thank you21:15
nick5556wasted 10 minutes of my life to get an answer21:15
cristian_cPeyam_, bean is not obligated to help :)21:15
nick5556thank you for questioning me for that long21:15
beannick5556: ....? we said that from the beginning21:15
Pessimistnick5556: Safari isn't released for ubuntu. Try better alternatives like firefox, opera, chrome21:15
nick5556i don't trust google browser21:15
beannick5556: I don't know what an 'apple browser' gets you that firefox, etc doesn't. Either.21:15
nick5556they track you online if you use their search engine21:15
ikonianick5556: there are other options as you've just been told21:15
nick5556and you want me to use their browser too21:16
geoffmcckhaime: how did you install the driver?21:16
beannick5556: I said firefox.21:16
khaimegeoffmcc, I just did a iwconfig and got nothing21:16
ikonianick5556: don't use it, it's simple, use a different one21:16
khaimegeoffmcc, yes, I installed the driver21:16
Peyam_cristian_c:  Can you help me please?21:16
nick5556bean yeah that's the default21:16
nick5556for uubntu21:16
nick5556thank you21:16
beannick5556: and what's wrong with the default?21:16
witakrHello folks21:16
nick5556i want to use extra browsers21:16
cristian_cPeyam_, what to do in practice?21:16
nick5556for testing21:16
phil_physyes 11.1021:16
sskalnikThere's always links...21:16
geoffmcckhaime: no, im asking how did you install it? did you follow a guide so i can see what was done21:17
Peyam_cristian_c:  I cant get my ubuntu work with hdmi21:17
mkanyicynick5556, you have been given options of alternative browsers21:17
nick5556mkanyicy ok thank you guys21:17
cristian_c!hdmi | peyam_21:17
khaimegeoffmcc, I ran the following file : ath9k_htc-installer_1-0-4.deb21:17
beannick5556: then there are many browsers. Firefox, Iceweasel, Chromium, Google Chrome, lynx, etc.21:17
nick5556bean based on which engine ?21:18
cristian_cPeyam_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HDMI21:18
cristian_cPeyam_, sound or video?21:18
khaimegeoffmcc, if you go here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsNetgear .....   and look toward the bottom of the page, you will see what I am talking about21:18
insectatoriousGuys, are there any alternatives to Nautilus on Ubuntu?21:18
nick5556Gecko, webkit or GTK or presto21:18
Peyam_cristian_c: both21:18
khaimethe ath9_htc-installer was not foudn on the link provided21:18
beannick5556: firefox is based on Gecko, as is Iceweasel. Chromium / Google Chrome is based on webkit.21:18
cristian_cPeyam_, sound is easy21:18
nick5556i don't touch google browser but what is ice weasel ?21:19
cristian_cPeyam_, you have to enable hdmi device in pulseaudio21:19
phil_physurlin2u: Sorry i didn't know that function and that buttom21:19
sstait's firefox21:19
Pessimistnick5556: This isn't browser support channel. insectatorious: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/daily-5-5-alternative-file-managers/21:19
cristian_cPeyam_, hardware tab21:19
Peyam_cristian_c: how?21:19
nick5556ok but i rather install something based on a good feed back from a user21:19
cristian_cPeyam_, pavucontrol21:19
insectatoriousPessimist: thanks21:19
nick5556not for a review21:19
Peyam_cristian_c:  I have a desktop computer..21:19
beannick5556: theresz no reason to not touch googles browser. They won't track you without permission.21:19
urlin2uinsectatorious, your question on the web. http://askubuntu.com/questions/28556/are-there-any-alternatives-to-nautilus21:19
nick5556he reviews.. not all of them are his main borwser21:19
ikonianick5556: people have different views, so try them, see what you like, don't like it, remove it21:19
cristian_cPeyam_, of course21:19
Peyam_cristian_c:  im beginner please step by step21:20
witakrIs there anyone here who is familiar with Jahshaka Video Editor? I believe the problem may actually be with qt4 as I get an error with I run ./configure to compile Jahshaka. The error I get is : "Project LOAD(): Feature Settings.pro cannot be found." Can someone help me figure out how to fix this so I can get Jahshaka running, please? Thanks!21:20
cristian_cPeyam_, opena terminal and type: pavucontrol21:20
Jef91Does anyone know what scripts are run when a system comes out of suspend? I need to add a command to be run when my system stops suspending21:20
urlin2uphil_phys, no problem now you know yo want the imagebin link again?21:20
nick5556ok who is in here using something other than the popular browsers ?21:20
beannick5556: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_IceCat21:20
witakrOh, I'm running Ubuntu 11.1021:20
insectatoriousurlin2u: much obliged21:20
Jef91nick5556 Midori is slick.21:20
nick5556Jef91 yeah that one is made by japanese21:21
geoffmcckhaime: and after you installed the .deb you ran the installer?21:21
phil_physurlin2u: http://imagebin.org/18941621:21
khaimeyes I did....21:21
cristian_cPeyam_, done?21:21
khaimegeoffmcc, yes I did21:21
khaimegeoffmcc , from "system tools"21:21
beannick5556: seriously though, most people just use firefox or chromium or google chrome21:21
nick5556ok thank you Jef91 and bean21:22
cristian_cPeyam_, I've got a little time21:22
nick5556i will try few of the browsers mentioned by you21:22
beannick5556: http://www.chromium.org/Home is like google chrome but open source build.21:22
nick5556naaa i will never touch google browser21:22
phil_physurlin2u: I'd like to add ext3 to ext4 can I?21:22
Peyam_cristian_c:  yes. it is installed now. that program you mentioned21:22
nick5556even if it's the last one to survive the market21:22
cristian_cPeyam_, Iaunch it21:22
urlin2uphil_phys, so you want to expand the sda5 to the left?21:22
beannick5556: it's not google browser... it's just the same code... lol21:22
beannick5556: I don't get the google-phobia, but to each their own I suppose.21:23
phil_physurlin2u: Yes i want to extend sda421:23
Peyam_cristian_c:  yes21:23
Peyam_and now21:23
geoffmcckhaime: and is wireless listed as an option in network conenctions and it wont connect. or it just not listed?21:23
khaimegeoffmcc, it is just not listed21:24
urlin2uphil_phys, you need to not be using it first, and turn the swap off use a live cd.21:24
suelhello world21:24
Peyam_cristian_c:  and then?21:24
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bf4648how do I make a directory & then change the file permissions on that directory so that "others" can access the directory:  mkdir /var/www/its/tmp | chmod 777 tmp ?21:24
cristian_cPeyam_, select hardware tab21:25
urlin2uphil_phys, it looks as if you booted into the sda5 right now sda4 is the extended your using it.21:25
Peyam_cristian_c:  it is just colym21:25
Peyam_cristian_c:  and then?21:25
easypiewhat name should i give my file in /etc/sudoers.d/<file> so i can add users to allow root privilege?21:25
phil_physurlin2u: How can I turn the swap off?21:25
cristian_cPeyam_, select colym? What's mean?21:25
phil_physthe swap is sda6?21:26
bf4648I answered my own question21:26
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cristian_cPeyam_, *colym, what's mean?21:26
Peyam_cristian_c: volume21:26
Peyam_and then?21:26
MrPumpkincitisHello Hackers21:26
urlin2uphil_phys, you right click the partition then swap off. Notice the keys on the partitions as well it means they are mounted you have to unmount them. Ubuntu does not resize partitions while using them like windows does.21:26
cristian_cPeyam_, no, you have to select a tab in the window21:26
PistahhI installed 11.10, installed the gnome-shell package, logged in with "Gnome" session. Now on the top menu there are "applications" and "places", but no "Activities" - any idea why?21:27
nick5556easypie what are you using the computer for ?21:27
cristian_cPeyam_, you have got two devices: a sound card and a hdmi device21:27
Peyam_cristian_c:  there is nothing with hardware . it is just configuration..21:27
suelwho knows a site where i can practice english speaking???21:27
beaneasypie: I usually just do visudo and edit the file that way.21:27
cristian_cPeyam_, take a screen21:27
Peyam_cristian_c:  no just one. volume21:27
beansuel: this is an ubuntu support channel...21:27
cristian_cPeyam_, take a screenshot21:28
Peyam_cristian_c:  it is in swedish21:28
urlin2uphil_phys, so you need to shrink the sda3 to exspand the sda4 into it you will need to use a gparted or live ubuntu cd.21:28
suelbean: do you know a channel about what i ask?21:28
beansuel: no21:28
MrPumpkincitisalways have open 5 desktops and each one has 1-3 applications running. When I reboot I have to manually open each one. Is there a way all can open automatically? I am running 11.0421:28
easypienick5556, web server to host website. i want a user other than root to login and su for root if needed.21:28
livingdaylightI don't know how to diagnose my problem. Computer will be working fine but after some time or if I've left it idle some time and come back, bits have frozen. If I'm on my browser I might be able to continue surfing but not change workspaces or open other applications. I had a broken hd not long ago which I changed and things have been fine till now. I don't know whether it is hard drive again, or motherboard. I21:29
livingdaylight've reinstalled a different os and similar problem has already started again. Each time all I can do is hit ctrl+alt+ prtScr+K and login again.21:29
cristian_cPeyam_, it doesn't matter, I translate21:29
suelbean: thanks anyway21:29
nick5556easypie echo 'easypie ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers21:29
ikonialivingdaylight: try ##hardware21:29
Peyam_which flik do you wana see21:29
Peyam_which tab?21:29
ikonialivingdaylight: having a problem with multiple OS's, same symptoms, probably a hardware issue21:29
nick5556that way you become a sudoer21:29
IamHeHey, I'm using a live cd to boot on a pc running windows vista.. im trying to salvage the information on the hard drive.. but the hard drive shows all the folders in ubuntu.. but the majority of the files within these folders.. don't show.. like the images.. what do i do?21:29
easypiebean, i created a file sudolist and chmod to 0440 as required and use <user> ALL=(ALL) ALL21:29
beannick5556: I wouldn't advise that. easypie21:29
ikoniaeasypie: do not do that21:29
Peyam_cristian_c:  which tab?21:29
nick5556well he wants it21:29
nick5556he said web server21:30
cristian_cPeyam_, all the tabs :)21:30
nick5556so it's far a way from kids ad strnagers21:30
phil_physurlin2u: So i need to right click the sda6??21:30
ikoniaeasypie: do not follow nick5556's advice21:30
ikoniaeasypie: that is not how you edit sudo21:30
beannick5556: that's not the best way to edit sudo at all21:30
Peyam_cristian_c:  okej21:30
livingdaylightikonia, yea, probably, Ubuntu and xubuntu [fresh install today] Firefox seems to trigger it. But ran chrome came back and had to reboot too21:30
nick5556thank to god i'm wrong21:30
nick5556no worries21:30
easypiei move the sudolist into /etc/sudoers.d/sudolist21:30
beaneasypie: you could just use the command 'visudo' to edit your sudoers file21:30
witakrIs there anyone here who is familiar with Jahshaka Video Editor? I believe the problem may actually be with qt4 as I get an error when I run ./configure in terminal to compile Jahshaka. The error I get is : "Project LOAD(): Feature Settings.pro cannot be found." Can someone help me figure out how to fix this so I can get Jahshaka running, please? I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 Thanks!21:30
urlin2uphil_phys, yes the sda6 is the swap right click it in the listand the clcl swap off.21:31
ikonialivingdaylight: ok - so both ubuntu based though21:31
livingdaylightbut chrome is more funtional until system crashes properly... but otherwise for all intent and purposes it appears fine right now as I type her21:31
tbruff13does anyone here need help with an issue in this channel21:31
ikonialivingdaylight: have you considered doing a base hardware check, such as memtest21:31
ikoniatbruff13: if they did, they will ask21:31
livingdaylightikonia, yes *buntu based 100%21:31
cristian_cPeyam_, write in the query, I have to be away21:31
tbruff13ikonia: usually that makes people ask21:31
IamHe*********** why aren't any of my image files showing on my mounted hard drive in ubuntu live cd.. i'm running it on a windows computer.. trying to save the files off the disk to an external because windows boot files are screwed up21:31
Peyam_cristian_c: http://i44.tinypic.com/4masy.png21:31
livingdaylightikonia, that's why I am asking because I don't know what I can do. hardwqare check such as memtest?21:32
easypiebean, this comment made me turn to creating a file in sudoers.d: #Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of21:32
easypie# directly modifying this file.21:32
ikonialivingdaylight: I'd suggest a little hardware test, run memcheck for a good few hours, and use a tool called "stress Linux" for a good few hours, just test your hardware to get an idea that is't supported21:32
beaneasypie: that works, i suppose.21:32
livingdaylightikonia, can you please tell me how?21:32
Peyam_cristian_c: http://i39.tinypic.com/2dltd2s.png21:32
livingdaylightikonia, not familiar with either21:32
Peyam_cristian_c: http://i41.tinypic.com/r9erd5.png21:32
ikonialivingdaylight: memtest is in the ubuntu boot menu, select it from grub run it for 12 - 14 hours or so at least, any errors in your ram will show up21:32
livingdaylightikonia, is stress test in repositories? where is this tool?21:33
Peyam_cristian_c: http://i39.tinypic.com/2cnitf.png21:33
ikonialivingdaylight: stress linux is a livecd21:33
livingdaylighti see!21:33
ikoniaPeyam_: you've posted that 3 times in 1 minute, can you give it a rest pleasel.21:33
urlin2uphil_phys, are you doing this from being booted to the sda5 partition?21:33
beaneasypie: you'd have to uncomment a line in your sudoers anyways. the #includedir line21:33
BLZbubba_is there an easy way to have ubuntu's useradd do a proper job of setting up a new account?21:33
Peyam_cristian_c: http://i40.tinypic.com/2ibm8pf.png21:33
Peyam_it different pics21:33
easypiebean, ok. i'll opt for visudo and add the user there.21:34
phil_physi could try from cd live21:34
ikoniaPeyam_: ok, maybe giving him chance to respond is a good move21:34
nick5556how to disable guest session ?21:34
ikoniaPeyam_: he's aready said hes away and not here21:34
beaneasypie: visudo also checks your syntax for you.21:34
urlin2uphil_phys, you have to it will not work while in the ubuntu partition.21:34
dagerikI change a screen setting in gnome-control-center, but the change never take effect. It defaults back to default values when I go back in there again.21:34
beannick5556: google is a great help for questions like that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28165/how-do-i-remove-the-guest-session-option-from-the-shutdown-menu21:34
ikonialivingdaylight: it's a bit of a drag as it will waste 24 hours of your life, however it's worth it to get a bit of confidence your hardware is ok21:35
urlin2uphil_phys, you will have to reload the grub bootloader if you move the front of sda5 unless hyou chand=ge the fstab to sda5 from a uuid.21:35
urlin2uyou change21:35
easypiedifference between <user> ALL=(ALL) ALL and <user> ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL ..?21:35
livingdaylightikonia, well, this has more than wasted 24hrs of my life already. Its a real drag, coz I not long ago got a new hd. Admittedly the machine is relatively old now, although still a dual-core. Nevertheless, I don't know what I can and can't keep and whether to just get a new base unit. If this can diagnose the problem so at least I know whehter I can salvage my system or not I can move forward21:37
tbruff13super: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads21:37
beaneasypie: not sure. it's probably in 'man sudoers' somewhere21:37
tbruff13all powerpc portws21:37
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ikonialivingdaylight: run the tests I've suggested, that may give you an idea to any possible hardware problems, we can move forward from there21:37
ikonialivingdaylight: it's worth while21:37
livingdaylightikonia, http://www.stresslinux.org/sl/ these guys, yes?21:37
urlin2uphil_phys, do you understand my last post?21:37
ikonialivingdaylight: that's the stuff21:38
bullgard4In Ubuntu 10.04.3 there is a file /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit.desktop. In Ubuntu 11.10 this file is named /usr/share/app-install/desktop/conduit:conduit.desktop. What is the reason for this change of name?21:38
ikoniabullgard4: why does it matter ?21:38
ikoniabullgard4: it's a file name21:38
livingdaylightikonia, thx21:38
nick5556bean about the guest session.. not to remove it from the shutdown menu but how to remove it or disable it21:38
nick5556two different things21:38
beannick5556: it should be the same thing.21:38
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gaussblurinchello! how to update system from 10.04 to 11.04 ( sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  doesn't work :( ) maybe some repositaries  or somethin' .. ?21:38
beanin general, that's not you remove it. nick5556.21:38
nick5556no i said disable it. ubuntu can switch to multi users without logging off21:39
urlin2ugaussblurinc, you have to go to 10.10 first21:39
nick5556what if someone logs as a guest without my permission ?21:39
nick5556and his account is active at the background21:39
beannick5556: I think you're a little more paranoid than it's worth21:39
gaussblurincurlin2u: thank you, how to do this?21:39
nick5556bean i think i want to play it safe21:39
nick5556i rather not give someone the chance to play games on me21:39
urlin2ugaussblurinc, what does the update manager show?21:40
VCoolio!upgrade | gaussblurinc21:40
ubottugaussblurinc: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:40
beannick5556: no one is going to 'hack you' from your guest session, they could hardly do anything anyways21:40
nick5556bean what if someone joins locally from it21:40
gaussblurincthank you!21:40
beannick5556: what, you mean while you're not on the computer?21:40
nick5556yeah not near the computer21:40
beannick5556: sudo apt-get remove gdm-guest-session21:41
VCooliogaussblurinc: update && upgrade updates repo list and upgrades installed packages, doesn't change to next ubuntu release, do-release-upgrade for that or use update-manager21:41
beanwill disable guest21:41
beanin general21:41
nick5556that's better21:41
nick5556i know about that service21:41
beanno, thats exactly what I told you before.21:41
beanyou just didnt read the link, nick555621:41
nick5556no you never told me that before21:41
nick5556you said remove the " logon as guest " from the menu21:41
beannick5556: google is a great help for questions like that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28165/how-do-i-remove-the-guest-session-option-from-the-shutdown-menu21:41
nick5556that's not disabling it21:41
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nick5556next time give me the summary21:42
ikonianick5556: - start listening, or stop wasting time21:42
beanthat's not my job, nick5556, not everyone in life will read for you.21:42
urlin2ulol ikonia21:42
ikonianick5556: you're call, people are here to help you, you are not adding value by just asking for help but not reading the help you are given21:42
beanseriously, I should just be done with this channel, before some lunatic decides that he needs to have his hand held through googling.21:42
IamHewhy can't i see images on a mounted ntfs hard drive in ubuntu live cd21:43
ikoniabean: it will stop now, calm down21:43
nick5556ikonia it's 1:40 after midnigh21:43
ikoniaIamHe: check your nautilus settings21:43
ikonianick5556: I don't care the time21:43
nick5556so i don't need to go to sites right now21:43
ikonianick5556: then don't ask now21:43
nick5556you know tell me.. not google serach21:43
nick5556i can do that by my own21:43
ikonianick5556: wait until you can visit the sites so you can get help21:43
ikonianick5556: then do it on your own21:43
ikoniabut either way, stop wasting peoples time21:43
beannick5556:  this is what i said before "google is a great help for questions like that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28165/how-do-i-remove-the-guest-session-option-from-the-shutdown-menu"21:44
beannote: google is a great help21:44
beanas in21:44
beanyou can google it.21:44
ikoniabean: ok - he's got the url now, lets move on21:44
IamHeWhere do I access my nautilus settings?21:45
ikoniaIamHe: it's in the settings menu, it shows things like a size must be $X ammount of size, or on a "local" file system, things like that21:45
jsecIs gm-notify considered a supported package here, or would I have to find a method of support more specific to the package?21:45
ikoniajsec: is it in the ubuntu repo ?21:45
nick5556ikonia now he told me to remove the guest gnome session21:46
ikoniajsec: (I don't know the package so tough to say without more info)21:46
nick5556and that's what i did on synaptic21:46
Hovertacam I able to get help here?21:46
ikonianick5556: if you don't read the link, I suggest you stop talking21:46
ikoniaHovertac: just ask a question21:46
jsecikonia: ah nvm answered my own ? then. it's through a PPA21:46
urlin2uHovertac, ask a question a see.21:46
BetaBrainhi everybody21:46
chreekatI am trying to use mpd, but I don't need a headless server. I just want to use ncmpp+mpd instead of banshee. However, I haven't found directions for hooking mpd with pulseaudio that seem to work. Has anyone attempted this?21:46
ikoniajsec: ppa's are normally supported by their maintainers21:46
jsecikonia: ok i'll go search them out then. thnx21:47
nick5556hey.. i appericate your help but don't tell me to go read sites.. not right now21:47
ikoniajsec: contact details normally on the web pate21:47
HovertacI ran the fixplymouth script (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/57638460/fixplymouth) in an attempt to change the boot splash screen, unfortunately after reboot nothing shows up on the screen after choosing something from grub21:47
ikoniaHovertac: that fixplymouth script has caused issues for many people21:47
HovertacCan I reverse the effects?21:48
mrdebhi, does ubuntu work with via gpu21:48
HovertacI can't boot into recovery mood either21:48
ikonianot really looked into it21:48
ikoniamrdeb: not really, needs an x86/x86_64 arch really21:48
ManDayikonia: debootstrap --arch=amd64 natty root I: Retrieving Release I: Retrieving Packages I: Validating Packages E: Couldn't download dists/natty/main/binary-amd64/Packages21:48
sskalnikWhat is an optimal tftp solution for Ubuntu?21:48
ManDaySo much for natty being all well supported!21:48
HovertacIf I boot from the live CD, could I easily reverse the changes?21:48
ikoniaManDay: why are you not installing it like a normal person,21:48
ikoniasskalnik: tftpd is as good as it gets21:48
sskalnikikonia:  Thanks21:48
NetRunnerBlackOn 11.10, is it possible to add a wine program to the sidebar?21:49
jutnuxManDay: Why are you trying to be as awkward as possible?21:49
jsecikonia: I've submitted a question through their site, but a question for further reference. If the version of *buntu I am running lists the package through a PPA, but later versions have been included in an official repo, does my version qualify for support here?21:49
ikoniajsec: if you are using a package that is provided by the repo in your version, sure21:49
ikoniajsec: if the version you are using requires a PPA - then no21:50
jsecikonia: k thanks for the help. much appreciated.21:50
ikoniajsec: not a problem21:50
IamHeikonia.. when i browse through the files in bash.. ls -la shows no images as well21:51
ikoniaIamHe: ls -la is a command prompt, it doesn't display images21:51
IamHebut the file names arent there21:51
ikoniaIamHe: oh, I see21:51
IamHeas in no image files21:51
HovertacAh, sweet. I found a script to reverse the changes.21:51
IamHejust folders21:51
ikoniaIamHe: can you pastebin the output of "ls -la" into a pastebin21:51
ikoniaIamHe: easier to talk about it if we both see the same thing21:51
VCooliochreekat: try the script here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=12351521:52
puffWhat does update-alternatives do?21:52
ikoniapuff: changes the default command for certain command line options21:52
ikoniaor daemons21:52
chreekatVCoolio: I'll check it out, thanks21:53
puffikonia: I'm setting up java to be used by firefox as a plugin, do I need update-alternatives?21:53
ikoniapuff: if the java binary you want is not linked to "java" then yes21:53
IamHeikonia, the My PIctures folder shows a ll the folders that I had images in.. but when i try to list the images within the folder.. it only gives me the . and .., this happens for all of them unless some folers had other folders, then it shows those folders as well21:54
ikoniaIamHe: can you pastebin me an example as asked21:54
IamHeIkonia: I can't because its on my other computer that doesn't have internet access atm. .I21:55
IamHel'll type it out real quick21:56
ikoniadon't bother21:56
IamHedrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2010-11-28 18:50 .21:56
ikoniaIamHe: so if you do "ls -la" in the directory you you only see . and ..21:56
IamHeand drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 65536 and a date and time and ..21:56
ikoniaIamHe: no files there then21:57
IamHejust folders if there are some21:57
ikoniathen there are no files in there21:57
ikoniaIamHe: how did you mount the disk ?21:57
IamHeubuntu did it for me... then i tried the forced mount ntfs .. same thing21:57
ikoniaIamHe: define a forced mount and why did you do that21:58
phil_physdear friends why can I do increase windows partition and not ubuntu partition?21:58
ikoniaphil_phys: use gparted from a livecd to re-size21:58
phil_physi can add space from left21:58
IamHewell ubuntu did it for me.. but no images.. so then i did mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda /media/disk -o force21:58
IamHeand it mounted it.. but same result21:58
phil_physnot from right where i have ubuntu 11.1021:58
IamHeidk.. just saw it on a tutorial21:58
ikoniaphil_phys: no21:58
ikoniaphil_phys: use a livecd21:58
phil_physi selected swap off21:58
phil_physi'm using a live cd21:59
phil_physwith gparted21:59
ikoniaphil_phys: whats the issue then21:59
phil_physi can modify windows space but no ubuntu21:59
ikoniaphil_phys: unmount the ubuntu partition21:59
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phil_physi cliccked right on swap22:00
ikoniaIamHe: you have mounted a disk, not a partition22:00
ikoniaphil_phys: not what i said22:00
IamHealright unmounted22:00
phil_physi don't want to lose my data22:00
ikoniaIamHe: /dev/sda is the disk - you need /dev/sda1/sda2 whatever22:00
ikoniaphil_phys: unmount the ubuntu partition22:00
phil_physwhat does it mean unmount22:00
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:00
IamHeoh ok unmounted it22:00
ikonia!partition | phil_phys22:00
ubottuphil_phys: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:00
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:00
phil_physi don't want to lose my data22:01
phil_physi don't have an hard disk22:01
ikoniaphil_phys: you've said that22:01
ikoniaphil_phys: you don't have a hard disk'??? then what are you trying to partiton22:01
phil_physhow can i do so?22:01
phil_physi don't have an external hard disk22:01
ikoniaphil_phys: what has that got to do with anything ?22:01
phil_physi want to extend ubuntu partition22:01
ikoniaphil_phys: ok - you need to make sure your disks are not mounted, and there is free space available NEXT to the partition you want to resize22:02
phil_physi cannot modify the dimension of ubuntu partition22:02
ikoniaphil_phys: repeating the same thing won't change anything, I've read that, and I'm advising you what to do22:02
phil_physthere is free space22:02
phil_physbut i cannot increase ubuntu space22:02
ikoniaphil_phys: 1.) make sure the partitions are unmounted 2.) make sure there is free space NEXT to the partition you want to resize22:03
phil_physhow can i do to unmount?22:03
ikoniaphil_phys: right click the partitions in gparted, there is normally an unmount option22:03
phil_physthe free space is on the left of ubuntu partition22:03
phil_physi can only shrink it and not increase the space22:04
ikoniaphil_phys: make sure there is freespace NEXT to the partition you want to restore22:04
ikoniaphil_phys: ok, I'm not interested in helping you any more as you just repeat the same thing over and over22:04
ikoniaphil_phys: good luck22:04
phil_physwill i lose my data with unmount?22:04
phil_physok thank you22:04
phil_phystell me only if i can lose my data22:04
LjLikonia: if he can shrink it, then it's not mounted, is it? otherwise he wouldn't be able to work on it at all22:05
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88
LjLphil_phys: of course you can. resizing partitions is a dangerous operation.22:05
ikoniaLjL: not sure to be honest22:05
phil_physi can shrink it but not increase it22:05
ikoniaLjL: I thought you could shrink a mounted partition in gparted as long as there is file system space, it won't take effect until the next reboot22:05
ikoniabut you can't grow it as the partition boundries would be exceeded22:05
LjLphil_phys: perhaps try moving it to the left first, and then resizing?22:05
LjLikonia: oh, i see22:06
arandWhich is the default icon size for the Unity launcher, x64, x72, x96?22:06
phil_physi don't know how to put it on the left22:06
LjLphil_phys: but anyway if you're scared of losing your data, *don't do this*. resizing partitions is *dangerous*. have a backup.22:06
phil_physon the left i have windows partition22:06
LjLphil_phys: didn't you just say you had free space on the left?22:06
phil_physfor a backup i need an hard disk external?22:07
LjLphil_phys: or a DVD, or a USB key, or something.22:07
phil_physthe free space is in the middle22:07
phil_physbetween windows (left) and ubuntu (right)22:07
LjLphil_phys: like this? | Windows partition | Free space | Ubuntu partition |22:07
urlin2uphil_phys, the area between showed a partition in the screen shot you posted22:08
LjLoh there is a screenshot? lemme see...22:08
phil_physi clicked right on swap off as you suggested to me22:08
c_smithhello, I was wondering how to put an Ubuntu 11.10 ISO onto a flash drive without using a USB Creator tool? I read that the ISOs are now Hybrid USB/CD images, but never could figure out how to put it directly on the USB Flash Drive,22:08
urlin2uphil_phys, when you say free space it will be interpreted as unallocated be careful how you word it.22:08
phil_physyes it's unallocated22:09
ikoniathere we go, no free space22:09
urlin2uphil_phys, you deleted that partition that was there?22:09
phil_physi deleted the partition in the middle22:09
c_smiththe reason I would like to do this is I'm going back to Ubuntu from Kubuntu, and Kubuntu's USB creator doesn't work that well.22:09
urlin2uphil_phys, okay so where are you at now in the process?22:10
ikoniathere is no free space22:10
phil_physi'm on ubuntu partition the one on the right22:10
urlin2uphil_phys, you have to exspand the extended first the sda422:11
phil_physikonia: there is free space22:11
ikoniathere is not free space22:11
iToastDoes ubuntu support php grabbing the system load and more?22:12
urlin2uphil_phys, I would post another screenshot of gparted, you would have had to deleted that middle sda3 since we last talked.22:12
ikoniaiToast: php grabbing the sytem load ???22:12
chreekatI forgot who showed me the mpd thread on the arch forum, but thanks! I now have a pulsified mpd. In retrospect, I realize I shouldn't have made mpd run globally.22:12
iToastikonia: Yes.22:12
iToastGet system load and temp22:12
phil_physurlin2u: I tried to expand sda5 not sda422:12
ikoniaiToast: php can do anything you tell it to do22:12
iToastDoes ubuntu support it?22:12
ikoniasda4 is extended - you cannot expand it22:13
ikoniathere is no space22:13
urlin2uphil_phys, you have to do the extended first, are you sure the middle partition is gone as well you see free space in gparted?22:13
iToast<?php MakeMeASandwich(GRILLED_CHEESE); ?>22:13
RalieghMmkay, so Apache2 blows ass and won't get rid of the stupid "It Works" page. Was told to come in here to ask where the default location for 'httpd' is on Ubuntu 1122:13
iToast<?php MakeMeASandwich(GRILLED_CHEESE); ?> does not work ikonia22:13
iToastYou lied!22:13
phil_physsend me the link of imagebin22:13
ikoniaiToast: stop iot22:13
ikoniaRaliegh: which httpd will show you where httpd is22:13
iToastYou >:O22:13
iToastAnyways, can i?22:13
RalieghDo what?22:14
ikoniaiToast: can you what ?22:14
ikoniaRaliegh: "which httpd"22:14
RalieghApache2 as I said.22:14
ikoniaRaliegh: httpd is apache222:14
phil_physthe extended has no dimension22:14
iToasthow to restart the apache dameon22:15
phil_physurlin2u: How can i expand extended?22:15
iToastits /etc/init.d/apache2 restart right?22:15
LjLiToast: sudo what you said22:15
icerootiToast: sudo service apache2 restart22:15
ikoniaiToast: sudo service apache2 restart22:15
icerootiToast: to slow22:16
urlin2uphil_phys, the extended is the container of the sda5 and sda6. Dis=d you remove the sda3 since we last spoke?22:16
iToastHow am i the too slow one22:16
iToastTy iCE22:16
icerootiToast: was for ikonia22:16
FloodBot1iToast: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
ikoniaiToast: tone down the language please.22:16
phil_physurlin2u: If you give me the imagebin i will show to you now22:17
iToastI didn't swear O.o22:17
urlin2u!imagebin | phil_phys22:17
ubottuphil_phys: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.22:17
=== Gskellig is now known as superpanda
=== superpanda is now known as Gskellig
ikonia!wtf > iToast22:17
ubottuiToast, please see my private message22:17
iToastAnyways, whats the command to get system load proccesses and temp22:17
bobweaverhow can I connect to a mssql data base using ubuntu ?22:17
ikoniaiToast: lmsensors22:17
iToastwtf isn't swaring, :p22:17
ikoniabobweaver: microsoft sql you mean ?22:17
bobweaverikonia:  Yes sir \22:18
LjLiToast: it's not considered acceptable here, so please refrain from using it22:18
iToastIts a acronym, Technicality22:18
MrMondoo hai22:18
ikoniaiToast: check the pm from ubottu22:18
iToastI did ---22:18
ikoniabobweaver: connect in what way,22:18
iToastlmsensors seems to do nothing on my install22:18
bobweaverwith mysql admin ?>22:18
iToastOr is that a package?22:18
ikoniaiToast: probably not installed22:18
iToastapt-get install lmsensors?22:18
ikoniabobweaver: ok - mysqladmin won't allow you to connect to ms sql22:18
LjLiToast: the package is "lm-sensors", the command is "sensors"22:18
iToastIl install it.22:19
ikoniaiToast: you may do well to read https://help.ubuntu.com for an introduction to ubuntu and some of the things it can do and how to do them22:19
ikoniabobweaver: do you want to connect to it within an application, or some sort of admin gui22:19
bobweaversome sorta gui22:19
iToastikonia: I've used ubuntu but never tried this before, as ubuntu didnt reconize the sensors before.22:19
bobweaveror some sort cli22:19
phil_physurlin2u: http://imagebin.org/18943022:20
ikoniabobweaver: not many options really (maybe lucky with a web interface) but mssql requires service type administration commands that don't exist in linux22:20
ikoniabobweaver: there may also be a mono app - but I'm not aware of anything existing22:20
LjLphil_phys: you need to resize the extended partition first, and then resize the partitions contained in it22:20
iToastikonia: Perfect, you found what i needed!22:20
iToastI need to proccess data.22:20
bobweaverthanks ikonia22:20
ikoniabobweaver: sorry it's not what you wanted22:20
iToastAlso, quick question for all the ubuntu experts, how to i stess test my ubuntu machine22:20
urlin2uphil_phys, you can't change the sda4 sda5 while being booted into the ubuntu?22:21
bobweaverI will look in mono dev22:21
LjLiToast: depends on which components you want to stress test.22:21
iToastLjL: I wan't to perform a overall reliability stress test22:21
iToastLjL: There's a package for that isn't there...22:21
urlin2uphil_phys, you need a live cd to exspand them.22:21
=== SilverFox is now known as Guest16638
OerHeksbobweaver, sudo apt-get install mysql-admin mysql-query-browser >> Both of these are desktop apps22:22
LjLiToast: look into "cpuburn", "memtest86+" and "smartmontools"22:22
ikoniaOerHeks: for Microsoft SQL databases ?22:22
LjLiToast: CPU, RAM and HDD respectively.22:22
improveuponquestion: s.m.a.r.t. data monitoring tool gsmartcontrol has performed an extended test on my laptop's hard drive and the result is "completed with read failure." there is also a log. can anyone tell me, do i need a new drive?22:22
LjLimproveupon: what does "smartctl -H /dev/yourdrive" say?22:23
urlin2uphil_phys, your swap ks also still mounted along with the sda4 and sda5 see the keys in the information line next to them. Yoiu need to boot a live cd unmount the swap so you see no keys exspand the sda4 first then the sda5.22:23
OerHeksikonia i don't think so, i understood bobweaver uses lamp22:23
iToastLjL: apt-get install cpuburn22:24
ikoniaOerHeks: no, he wanted microsoft SQL databases22:24
improveuponLjL: that should be like "/dev/hda" not "/dev/hda1" correct?22:25
OerHeksikonia sorry, my bad.22:25
ikoniaOerHeks: it's not a problem22:25
bobweaverOerHeks:  no I am not using lamp right now22:25
bobweaverI am on windoz server22:25
ikoniabobweaver: Windows Server22:26
bobweaverthanks you guys I have too go22:26
bobweaverwhat ever22:26
LjLimproveupon: correct22:27
improveuponLjL: it says "Permission denied". should i use chmod?22:28
LjLimproveupon: no, use sudo. sudo smartctl -H /dev/hda22:29
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Guest65667i don't know how to use this app22:31
LjLwhich app22:31
improveuponLjL: SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED22:31
LjLimproveupon: ok, that's at least a good sign. but let's investigate further. "sudo smartctl -A /dev/hda" and pastebin the output22:31
Guest65667who are you ?22:32
beanGuest65667: then close it?22:32
improveuponwhat is the pastebin?22:32
LjLGuest65667: does that matter? we're here to help and be helped with Ubuntu.22:32
LjL!paste | improveupon22:33
ubottuimproveupon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
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mcbaine1 22:34
MrPumpkincitistrying to send a pic on my desktop to usr/share/backgrounds via the command line and keep getting this error message 'missing destination file operand'. What does this mean?22:34
improveuponLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/775788/22:35
LjLMrPumpkincitis: the right command is something like: cp ~/Desktop/MyPic.jpeg /usr/share/backgrounds/22:35
LjLMrPumpkincitis: with sudo22:35
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=== Guest35453 is now known as andygraybeal
LjLimproveupon: uhm, i expected a different output. are you sure you typed -A and not -H again?22:36
Guest65667i want to install softhsm on my ubuntu , but it's so hard . could anyone help me with it ?22:36
MrPumpkincitisLjL: I was not putting the forward slash at the end of backgrounds22:36
mcbaine1using xchat now ....22:36
LjLGuest65667: tried going to a terminal and typing "sudo apt-get install softhsm"?22:37
LjL!software > Guest6566722:37
ubottuGuest65667, please see my private message22:37
Guest65667it's not that easy my  friend , after that it shows a lot of errors22:37
LjLGuest65667: pastebin the errors then22:38
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Guest65667just a sec please22:38
Guest65667it says "error: Missing the correct version of the Botan library"22:39
Guest65667ok , thanks anyway22:41
andygraybealhow do i get fan rpm in the top indicator bar?22:42
andygraybealsomething like next to the battery charge percentage22:42
MrPumpkincitisLjL: cp ~/Desktop/MyPic.jpeg /usr/share/backgrounds/   this did not work so not sure what I am doing incorrectly22:44
MrPumpkincitisLjL: is there supposed to be spaces before and/or after the slashes?22:45
skegeekI right-clicked on channel tab, but I cannot find anything about Favorites22:46
Kaapahello everyone. I have a toshiba portege, where everytihng works almost out of the box. Only caveat is that when I suspend / hibernate and wake up, to get display I need to switch to another VT and back to vt722:46
skegeekI'm trying to solve Ubuntu freezing when idle. I've already disabled Compiz, turned off screen saver, and disabled power control. What should I try next?22:48
KrywkHey people!22:48
pp7Kaapa: http://pastebin.com/jjC3yrGR22:48
skegeekI've noticed Many others have had this problem, but there fixes haven't worked for me.22:48
KrywkI'm here to ask help like a beggar.22:48
genii-around!details | Krywk22:48
ubottuKrywk: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:48
tjiggi_foandygraybeal, if you're ok about using a ppa: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/indicator-sensors-displays-cpu.html22:49
lisa_go  to  school22:49
ikonialisa_: ?22:49
andygraybealtigi thank you22:49
andygraybealtjiggi_fo, thank you22:49
KrywkI have a problem with AUDIO. Ubuntu 9.10 i386 32bits. When I removed pulseaudio and installed esound, the volume control went missing. Now I try to install pulseaudio and remove esound, but it throws "Continue installing without verification?" I type Y, but then it says "404 not found".22:50
Kaapapp7: thanks22:50
xanguaKrywk: 9.10 is no longer supported, try a supported version22:50
pp7Kaapa: it just does the same thing22:50
pp7after resume22:50
paulsomebodyDo anyone here knows if it is possible to use 'xinput' to map one of the mouse buttons to the multiple key combination?22:51
KrywkI'm sorry, but I'm not planning to switch to a newer version, since I am rightfully happy with this one.22:51
KrywkAnd I'd prefer fixing the problem rather than searching an easy exit.22:51
anavarroHi guys.. I don't know why I have no tar application installed22:51
anavarroIs there any way to reinstall tar?22:51
xanguaKrywk: then as you can undertand, your version is unsupported an so are the repositories, you are on your own22:52
anavarroAll my updates are failing because of that22:52
genii-aroundKrywk: Most likely your /etc/apt/sources.list   file has entries which now are invalid URLs since 9.10 is End-Of-Life22:52
KrywkI just want to reinstall pulseaudio.22:53
KrywkIsn't there a workaround?22:53
OpenGLhi, I have an issue with my ubuntu 10.04 install.  Im trying to alter/delay startup of a certain service because another service it relies on isnt running in time when it loads at startup meaning it isnt starting correctly22:53
Kaapapp7: and, working!22:53
pp7Kaapa: glad I could help :)22:53
paulsomebodyanavarro: I think the repositories for this version is simply no longer supported, it is not LTS>22:54
genii-aroundKrywk: replace all instances of archive.ubuntu.com  with old-releases.ubuntu.com22:54
Kaapapp7: I assume it's expecting too much for you to know why my screen brightness only works after a resume / hibernation, right? :ppp22:54
KrywkGonna try that!22:54
pp7Kaapa: yep, too much :P22:54
Kaapathanks anyway!22:55
pp7Kaapa: what gfx card?22:55
genii-aroundKrywk: After that you're on your own22:55
anavarropaulsomebody: What am I going to do now?22:55
onelinerhello there, i have a host machine running a virtual machine, now the virtual machine can access the network, but i wonder what do i need to do to make it allow incoming ssh(it already has ssh server up)22:55
geoffmccOpenGL: is this something you added using startup applications?22:55
anavarropaulsomebody: I don't want to reinstall ubuntu just because of that.22:56
Kaapapp7, it's this issue: http://is.gd/cwZu7g22:56
Kaapadunno if it's related to the card22:56
skegeekSo, any help for Ubuntu idle freezing with Compiz, screen saver, and monitor power saving all disabled???22:56
OpenGLi added an extra service which starts perfectly... once ubuntu loads if I restart the dependent service it starts perfect every time but during boot this doesnt work...22:56
anavarropaulsomebody: There is no deb package or a bin to install tar?22:57
pp7Kaapa: must be some driver not working properly22:57
OpenGLthat was @ geoffmcc22:57
paulsomebodyanavarro: You can do as genii-around suggests, but using an unsupported release is a bad idea from my point of view. Why not to upgrade to 10.04? It is LTS, which means that you will get security updates and support until 2013.22:57
skegeekWould it be better to ask in the forums? I don't usually post to them because I don't like waiting a long time.22:58
anavarropaulsomebody: I have 11.04 already.22:58
paulsomebodyanavarro: Oh, sorry.22:58
geoffmccOpenGL: what i was going to suggest is throwing a sleep command in, if you were using startup applications, but i dont think thats what your looking for22:59
anavarropaulsomebody: I guess I did something terrible and I deleted the file or something like that.22:59
skegeekanavarro: If you're trying to install the tar compression utility, why not use apt-get?22:59
paulsomebodyanavarro: Can you simply install it back via synaptic?22:59
skegeekI would think so, but I haven't personally tried.23:00
andygraybealtjiggi_fo, running indicator-sensors thanks!23:00
KrywkI LOVE YOU.23:00
anavarroskegeek: I did that.23:00
KrywkIt worked like a charm.23:00
FloodBot1Krywk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
tjiggi_foandygraybeal, :)23:00
anadonWhat's a CLI tool to check download speed?23:00
anavarroskegeek: It fails because of him self :S23:01
genii-aroundKrywk: Good. Bus as I said, after that you are on your own. That repository will never be updated, because it has been archived after 9.10 went past End-Of-Life23:01
andygraybealtjiggi_fo, i just installed 'indicator weather' also!!23:01
KrywkI know.23:01
KrywkStill, I love you.23:01
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
OpenGLgeoffmcc, the issue is exactly this... this is a mythtv pvr and one of my sources relies on extra software to work.  ive scripted the start up of that and added it into start up.  this works perfectly however the mythbackend is starting before the decoding software has initalised meaning it doesnt pick up all sources untill I manually restart it after linux loads...23:01
* genii-around makes more coffee23:01
anavarroIt says "dpkg: warning: 'tar' not found in PATH or not executable."23:02
paulsomebodyanavarro: Well, what are you trying to do?23:02
anavarrotrying to install tar utility23:02
OpenGLanavarro, thats like trying to install winzip from a zip archive...23:02
paulsomebodyanavarro: Run in terminal 'sudo apt-get install tar', without quotes.23:02
anavarroIf I do sudo apt-get install tar23:03
paulsomebodyThis is a funny situation.23:03
paulsomebodyI can offer you to go to the getdeb and grab a .deb package from there…23:03
anavarroI might be something else23:03
paulsomebodyBut isn't the .deb package an archive itself?23:04
anavarroIt might be something else23:04
anavarroI don't know...23:04
anadonWhat's a CLI tool to check download speed?23:04
OpenGLanadon, wget23:04
paulsomebodyanavarro: Okay. Open the Software Center and the search for 'tar'.23:04
geoffmccOpenGL: is the startup script for the backend in /etc/rc2.d ?23:04
anadonOpenGL: thanks23:04
paulsomebodyanavarro: Be sure to click on 'Show technical items'.23:05
paulsomebodyanavarro: Since 'tar' is technical.23:05
paulsomebodyanavarro: And what you were trying to do when you received that error?23:05
OerHekswhy need to instal tar > tar -xjf <filename>  (should be available standard)23:05
xanguapaulsomebody: anavarro you are looking for rar unrar, not tar untar :/23:05
paulsomebodyOerHeks: I don't know myself. :)23:06
anavarrommmm nop23:06
anavarrotar is what it says23:06
anavarrodpkg: warning: 'tar' not found in PATH or not executable.23:06
anavarrodpkg: error: 1 expected program not found in PATH or not executable.23:06
anavarroNote: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.23:06
anavarroE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)23:06
ikoniaOerHeks: tar is installed by default, if it's not, someone has messed up their system23:06
OpenGLgeoffmcc, yes its in rc2.d S99 - I changed it23:06
paulsomebodyanavarro: WHAT exactly were you trying to do when you have got that error?23:06
anavarroI tried through Software Center and I've got the same error23:06
paulsomebodyanavarro: I would more readily believe in 'path not executable', rather than in 'tar absent'.23:07
anavarroI've been getting errors trying to update23:07
OpenGLinfeeeee, goodbye?23:07
paulsomebody!ask | infeeeee23:07
ubottuinfeeeee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:07
geoffmccOpenGL: and whats your script, as s99 will run first23:07
OpenGLgeoffmcc, I thought 99 was last?  so is smaller number later? if so I modified it the wrong way round doh23:08
paulsomebodyanavarro: This situation is paradoxical. Since tar will be packed in the .deb, you will need it to install it.23:08
infeeeeei installed the server version, and it detects the wlan adapter, but it says power managment is off23:08
OpenGLgeoffmcc, the decoding software is S1523:08
anavarroI know!!23:08
geoffmccOpenGL: yes, you wanted to mod your script, not myth23:08
anavarroBut how come?23:08
paulsomebodyanavarro: I suggest you get an Ubuntu Live CD, boot from it and repair it from there.23:08
geoffmccOpenGL: my bad, your right, s99 is last.. sorry23:09
OpenGLgeoffmcc, so if I make my script s99 and mythtv s15 it should be OK?23:09
OpenGLgeoffmcc, ah23:09
anavarroyep, it seems like I have no other option23:09
anavarrothanks to all of you23:10
grendal-prime! java23:10
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:10
infeeeeewith which command can i switch on the wlan adapter?23:10
geoffmccOpenGL: before i mess up again, your script needs to go first then myth, right23:11
OpenGLgeoffmcc, my script needs to run before mythbackend... if the scripts are run in parrallel my script needs to finish executing before mythtv starts23:11
geoffmccOpenGL: yea, it should not be s99 then23:12
infeeeeepls help me!23:12
improveuponLjL: sorry, i'm back. did you look at my errors?23:13
paulsomebodyinfeeeee: How did your Wlan adapter got turned off at the first place?23:13
OpenGLinfeeeee, patience!23:13
paulsomebodyinfeeeee: They are usually turned on automatically.23:13
mhdwhy the touchpad stops suddenly23:13
infeeeeei switched on the computer and it was switched off23:13
OpenGLgeoffmcc, which args at the end of update-rc.d should I use?23:14
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Mathias__I'm wondering why there are two flood bots.23:15
OpenGLI used sudo update-rc.d -f mythtv-backend remove then sudo update-rc.d mythtv-backend defaults 99 9923:16
OpenGL which is evidently incorrect...23:16
=== mdel_ is now known as mdel
OpenGLgeoffmcc, I used 15 15 for the other script23:18
infeeeeei cant start the computer in normal mode, just in recovery, end than press continue boot, if i just let it boot, the carachters are unreadable23:18
=== DoctorTruth is now known as ubuntuuser01
geoffmccOpenGL: i dont think you want defaults with it, think it would be something like update-rc.d mythtv-backend start 9923:18
paulsomebodyMathias__: Too much flood for any given bot to manage on its own? :)23:19
=== live is now known as Guest85715
paulsomebodyinfeeeee: Why can't you start it? What is the error message? Elaborate, please23:19
ubuntuuser01I've got xubuntu 10.04 installed on this machine, and recently purchased an nvidia geforce gt520,. installed it into the machine, however "hardware drivers" does not detect the card for auto-install of the drivers >?23:19
ubuntuuser01I thought nvidia was supposed to be more compatable with ubuntu than ATI ?23:20
improveuponhmm, there is no way to view chat logs just far enough back to see what LjL said last, is there?23:20
infeeeeeno error message, the caracthers has a shadow, i cant read them23:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:20
=== broofa_ is now known as broofa
ubuntuuser01should I download the drivers from here ? http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html23:21
OpenGLhttp://pastebin.com/LLgz4YeQ it doesnt like that command23:21
ubuntuuser01it seems these are the same drivers that are "supposed" to be in "hardware drivers", but nothing is in "hardware drivers"23:22
Mathias__ubuntuuser01: try to open the program to install/remove stuff, click on "Edit", select the stuff about the sources of softwares, and check the box "proprietary drivers"23:22
geoffmccOpenGL: yea it wants runlevels i think. i only ever use update-rc.d name.sh defaults23:22
Mathias__ubuntuuser01: sorry, I've installed ubuntu in french, I don't know how these menus are called in english23:22
ubuntuuser01Mathias__, the "software sources" ?23:23
paulsomebodyubuntuuser01: Yes.23:23
ubuntuuser01I think I need to also disable the onbaord vid. card. maybe hardware drivers will work23:23
ubuntuuser01paulsomebody, yes what ?23:23
Mathias__ubuntuuser01: yes, software sources23:23
ubuntuuser01install the drivers from that site ?23:23
ubuntuuser01ok guys will try a few things brb23:23
Mathias__good luck23:23
* conntrack relaxes23:24
trismimproveupon: this message? 17:36 < LjL> improveupon: uhm, i expected a different output. are you sure you typed -A and not -H again?23:24
=== Gskellig|away is now known as Gskellig
* conntrack surfs da net23:24
paulsomebodyMathias__: With any luck we will see him alive and running Ubuntu again. :)23:24
improveuponLjL: no, i used -H. i will do it again23:24
paulsomebodyinfeeeee: I am sorry, but I have got no idea what does that mean. I would suggest taking a photo of you screen after you boot and posting it along with explanation of your problem on ubuntuforum.org — someone should help you.23:25
=== shay is now known as SpriteSODA
Mathias__paulsomebody: drivers work better nowadays, I'm sure he'll be able to make it work without having to edit xorg.conf :-)23:26
improveuponLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/775820/23:26
paulsomebodyMathias__: I have actually found out that using Nvidia's utility to write custom settings into the xorg.conf is a _very_ useful thing. :)23:27
paulsomebodyDo anyone here knows if it is possible to use 'xinput' to map one of the mouse buttons to the multiple key combination?23:28
paulsomebodyOr any other way how one can _replace_ current mouse button mapping with a combination of keys.23:28
=== flack is now known as flack-Z
paulsomebodyGoogle seems to be quite incoherent on this topic.23:28
Mathias__Good bye, see you again in a few years23:29
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
paulsomebodyMathias_: Until you have to upgrade.23:30
improveuponwhat is the best way to get the computer to emit play a sound when someone on irc triggers it?23:32
paulsomebodyimproveupon: Most chat clients have an option to play sound when you receive messages.23:34
hydesterredhat/centos offers vnc kernel arguments to do remote installs via vnc.  is there something similar to this in ubuntu?23:35
=== flack is now known as flack-Z
DoctorTruthhi having probs here with Nvidia GEforce gt52023:36
DoctorTruthhave ubuntu 10.04 installed23:36
tomodach1hydester: not thatm im aware of sounds awesome though, but i know you can install debian over serial / ssh it thats goode enough for you , then ubuntu should be able to do the same23:36
infeeeeehttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/12015719/a.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12015719/b.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12015719/c.JPG23:36
DoctorTruthno drivers appear in "hardware drivers" ???????23:36
tomodach1hydester: you have a link for that redhat vnc kernel stuff_23:36
=== nuke__ is now known as _nuke
DoctorTruthtried to download the .run file (driver) from this place http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html23:36
=== Nex4 is now known as Exio
DoctorTruthbut its saying Error: you appear to be running an X server ??23:37
Tech-1DoctorTruth:  some times (nvidia-current) in synaptics work23:37
OpenGLDoctorTruth, you cant run the nvidia thing with the xserver running23:37
OpenGLrun it in rescue mode23:37
=== Ext4 is now known as Exio1
DoctorTruthOpenGL, rescue mode ? ctrl alt f1 ?23:38
Tech-1DoctorTruth:  and those .run files require you to use black list which i dont invite23:38
OpenGLDoctorTruth, erm its in the grub menu under each standard kernel23:38
OpenGLrecovery mode maybe?23:38
improveuponpaulsomebody: thank you from a noob23:38
paulsomebodyimproveupon: No problem.23:38
Tech-1brb, din din23:38
DoctorTruthOpenGL, well I am going to try the "nvidia-current" from synaptic like Tech-1 suggested first23:39
OpenGLgood plan23:39
DoctorTruthno idea what button to push to get the recovery mode,23:39
DoctorTruthok Tech-1 nvidia-current was already installed,23:39
DoctorTruthso I am going to reinstall23:39
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: You have to kill the X in order to manually install the Nvidia driver, but this is not recommended, since you will not get updates.23:40
MoMois there a way with sed, if i have a group file (/etc/group) to parse just the group name and remove everything to the right starting with the first :23:40
DoctorTruthpaulsomebody, so what the heck does one do with this video card, or ANY video card ??!??!?23:40
DoctorTruthdo I have to buy used old one from craigslist or something ?23:41
DoctorTruthit was the most basic common one of the shelf23:41
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: Why would you want to do that?23:41
OpenGLok in my /etc/rc5.d directory I have S35decode (which is a custom script) and S99mythbackend yet mythbackend is still starting before my decoding software is ready for it...23:41
DoctorTruthpaulsomebody, so I can use my screen !23:41
DoctorTruthI can't program drivers myself23:41
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: You simply install binary proprietary drivers, that is all.23:41
OpenGLDoctorTruth, what video card?23:41
DoctorTruthnvidia geforce gt-52023:41
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: You usually do not have to program drivers youself. :)23:42
OpenGLjust install the binary driver using apt-get or synaptic that should be it23:42
DoctorTruthok so I have to kill X and run that .run file23:42
DoctorTruthOpenGL, you mean nvidia-common ?23:42
OpenGLno grab it from synaptic... should work for that card23:42
OpenGLerm sec23:42
DoctorTruththat was already installed OpenGL23:42
Tech-1sudo service gdm stop23:42
DoctorTruththanks Tech-123:42
sumosuwhere woud i specify spindown timer for a scpecific harddrive. i can do it with hdparm but i would like to automatically execute23:43
* Tech-1 back to dinner23:43
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: If somethings still does not work, check this guide for mode details. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia23:43
sumosu*after bootup23:43
DoctorTruthyeah paulsomebody did that, but it links me to nvidia's web site, which gives me a .run file,23:43
OpenGLnvidia-glx-185 i think23:43
DoctorTruthOpenGL, shouldn't this be in "hardware drivers" ?23:43
paulsomebodysumosu: I am not familiar with the utility you mentioned, but I think you can make a bash script and add that to the 'Startup Applications'.23:44
DoctorTruthusually I get a list of 3 different drivers to select from when I have an nvidia card OpenGL23:44
OpenGLDoctorTruth, in order to use the run file you will need a build environment set up... hassle... use pre compiled23:44
DoctorTruthok so nvidia-glx-18523:44
OpenGLDoctorTruth, thats how mine works... however installing manually is the other method...23:44
sumosupaulsomebody: the hdparm needs sudo though, would that still work?23:44
fcuk112i am trying to dual-boot win7/ubuntu, installed win7 then shrunk a 60gb partition.  installed ubuntu in the remaining space but now it boots into ubuntu only - how do i get it to detect my win7?23:45
paulsomebodysumosu: Hmm. I don't know how to avoid it asking you for password every boot up, sorry.23:45
sumosupaulsomebody: ok thx :)23:45
DoctorTruthok OpenGL I installed nvidia-glx-185 from synaptic (strange why I would need to even go there, usually hardware drivers has it),23:45
DoctorTruthbut now I need to reset,.23:46
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almoxarifefcuk112: does it stop at grub menu?23:49
hydestertomodach1: probably not the best link, but here: http://www.redhat.com/magazine/024oct06/features/kickstart/23:49
Drak_can anyone help me? i need to set ports in evolution so i can send/receive emails23:49
fcuk112almostroot, no there is no grub menu23:50
fcuk112almoxarife, no there is no grub menu23:50
DoctorTruthOpenGL, Tech-1 paulsomebody23:50
DoctorTruthnothing is working I ins talled nvidia-glx-18523:50
DoctorTruthreset the computer,23:50
almoxarifefcuk112: you mean when the machine comes on it goes straight to ubuntu log-in?23:50
DoctorTruthstill low graphx mode23:50
fcuk112almoxarife, yup that is correct23:50
tomodach1hydester: thnx alot didnt know about this feature so you got me interested!23:50
DoctorTruthmy resolution is stuck at 800x60023:51
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: Hmm. There must be steps for troubleshooting in the link I gave you, try them.23:51
DoctorTruthwith a brand new nvidia video card23:51
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: This is regrettable indeed.23:51
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DoctorTruthlooks like I have to use that .run file from the nvidia site :(23:51
OnisutraHello. I need help with an issue with my mouse automatically moving without my even touching my touchpad.23:51
DoctorTruthI thought nvidia was the way to go with ubuntu23:51
almoxarifefcuk112: do this in terminal, "sudo update-grub" , look at the output, do you see anything about win7 listed?23:52
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: It usually is.23:52
vivianhello, I need help with wlan0 starting automatically. I used to turn my laptop on and it would connect to my wireless network automatically but it's not happening now as I have to manually select my SSID and connect23:52
fcuk112almoxarife, i tried that already - no mention of win723:52
tomodach1vivian: sounds like a driver problem with your wifi card.23:52
tomodach1vivian: what model is it_23:52
vivianthe configuration seems to be correct, the "start automatically" check box is checked and I even modified /etc/network/interfaces to auto wlan0 but still23:53
almoxarifefcuk112: no mention of anything besides ubuntu?23:53
viviantomodach1: hold on I"ll check that23:53
tomodach1vivian: lspci from the terminal should to the trick23:53
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: If this video card is brand new, this may be the novelty issue. Check Nvidia's forums for reports about similar problems.23:53
fcuk112almoxarife, nope just linux image, initrd image and memtest86+ image23:53
OnisutraWell.... touch pad issues with Ubuntu and it is possibly a bug and there is no support for that??23:54
hydestertomodach1: np.  thanks for the ssh suggestion.  i'll investigate that route, which is probably better than vnc anyway since i want to use the advanced installer anyway23:54
viviantomodach1: 09:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)23:54
allballsGood evening. I just got my replacement PC, a cutesy little Shuttle. It's got Intel graphics chipset built in -- I'm going without previous Nvidia add-on card -- But, I need to know how to reconfigure X to use Intel driver. It loaded fb when I booted from old HD. Help?23:54
tomodach1hydester: youre welcome, but if you want a more automadet installation maybe debootrap can be something for you23:54
OnisutraCan anyone at least tell me what file to edit to config my touchpad?23:54
paulsomebodyallballs: Try the 'Additional Drivers' utility, it should help.23:55
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viviantomodach1: I wonder though why would something go wrong after working properly?23:55
tomodach1so it used to work?23:55
allballspaulsomebody: " No proprietary drivers are in use on this system"23:55
almoxarifefcuk112: familiar with disk utility in system > preferences ?23:55
tomodach1i automatically think that if its not working its some kind of driver incomaptiblity, network manager not being able to askthe wifi to scan for networks etc23:55
fcuk112almoxarife, a bit yes23:55
allballsI have a display, albeit 1024x768 -- I must get rid of dev fb! :)23:56
paulsomebodyIf this guy, DoctorTruth returns, please someone, tell him that this looks like a novelty issue. http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=19763023:56
hydestertomodach1: i'm trying to help a remote guy reinstall a server, so just want him to get to a point where i can drive for him.  it is actually a fairly automated custom iso we made, but some people still can't follow simple instructions23:56
viviantomodach1: yes, until the day before yesterday... and it works, don't get me wrong please. It just doesn't connect to the wireless network automatically like it used to :(23:56
allballsrunning 11.10, if that helps23:56
paulsomebodyallballs: Let me think.23:56
allballspaulsomebody: gratzie.23:56
viviantomodach1: any idea on how I can solve this?23:56
almoxarifefcuk112: I am just wondering if the partition for win7 is still there23:57
allballsfyi: when I hit "displays" util, ... it's less than useful. Lets me go from 1024x768 to 800x600 (w00t!) -- clearly, a limitation of FB driver23:57
fcuk112almoxarife, it is there.23:57
tomodach1vivian: dont know really, have you gotten any kernel updates lately? (im going with the driver theory)23:57
allballsIt's been ages since I screwed with video drivers & X -- Ubuntu just makes things sooo easy. So, I'm lost.23:57
hydestertomodach1: perhaps we'll add a remote option to our iso to leverage the ssh method23:58
viviantomodach1: updates happen every now and then as they are available through the "update manager" but I don't recall seeing major kernel updates23:58
tomodach1sounds like a plan. Some more "expensive" servers23:58
tomodach1offer remote control interfaces, like IDRAc23:58
hsmodis there an apt command to show me all the available versions of a pkg?  Such as I'm using oneiric and wanted to list all versions of openssl avail to see if i can downgrade to 0.9.823:58
Coronade 23:59
fcuk112almoxarife, it says /dev/sda1 is mounted at /boot/efi is that correct?23:59
DoctorTruthpaulsomebody, what about this one ?>23:59
tomodach1hydester: that allows you to access the framebuffer device, or gfx card even without an os.23:59
DoctorTruthlooks like an aftermarket update for ubuntu just to get this dratted card to work23:59
tomodach1vivian: sorry out of ideas23:59
viviantomodach1: no problem, thanks though23:59
paulsomebodyDoctorTruth: Hey, this looks like novelty issue. http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=19763023:59
almoxarifefcuk112: efi?23:59
tomodach1vivian: check the ubuntu forums23:59

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