
lenprobably not a shopping channel or market tips either...02:47
lenAnyway, bug filed against aptitude but mentioning synaptic and software source chooser as well.02:48
lenbug #906125 is the one.02:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 906125 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "apt can't find "CD" when using a usb stick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90612502:49
micahglen: that should be against the installer I think, not apt02:50
micahgor aptitude for that matter02:50
lenI don't think it is the installer.02:50
lenI can install just fine02:51
micahgwell, what add the "CD" entry to the software sources, that's what you need to file against :)02:51
micahgapt is just going off the sources line it's given02:51
lenIt is installing a package after install that is the problem. Bug reporting is picky about what I call an application. I couldn't get it to use apt.02:52
lenSo i used aptitude.02:52
micahgapt != aptitude02:52
lenBut it affects installing from synaptic too02:53
micahgright, like I said, it's not a problem with apt, but whatever adds the sources entry, synaptic uses apt on the backend as well I believe02:53
lenI know. But I don't really know how these programs get there software soursces.02:54
lenTheir is not there either...02:54
micahgright, so I'll move to ubiquity and someone can move to where it's added from02:54
lenWorks for me.02:55
lenI will have to look into the capture setting in pulse next. I think they are wrong. But the version of ubuntudesktop i have on my spare drive is too broken to play with...02:56
lenIt freezes and none of the software install tools work for me at all. They must be working on something.02:57
lenI have todays US iso so maybe I will try that, but I have early work tomorrow because of the Christmas rush... I deliver mail.02:58
micahglen: alpha 2 isn't until feb 2, so we have time :)02:59
lenYa, I figured there was some time... it is easier to fix things we know about.02:59
lenIt is interesting, all the bugs I have found I can work around one way or the other.03:00
stochasticScottL are you free?03:44
stochasticit'd be nice to see the bzr for the live dvd get setup soon so I can begin making mods to the ubiquity patch03:44
stochasticif you'd like I could try my hand at it03:45
ScottLstochastic, i was planning on working on the live dvd during christmas04:14
ScottLalthough i haven't gotten much (practically none) feedback for the graphics stuff :(04:14
stochasticwhich graphics stuff?04:14
stochasticoh, the input for packagees04:15
ScottLi'm super tired and going to bed, but leave messages for me and i'll reply in the morning04:15
ScottLstochastic, i apologize if i was rude last night by ending the conversation like i did12:00
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
cyphermoxastralja1a: your router reset, are you going through a switch to get to the router?14:12
cyphermoxbecause what controls whether the connection gets reset is one thing: carrier detection. if the carrier drops (e.g. you're connected directly to the device that resets) it should also re-establish the connection. this depends on the network card supporting carrier detection, however14:13
scott-workmicahg:  can you explaini a few points about this conflicts/replaces for the theme/ui update?22:36
scott-worki think there are two cases...22:36
scott-work1. one where the package name stays the same (i.e. -default-settings) but is absolutely replaced22:36
scott-work2. and the other in which the package is no longer used but still needs the upgrade path22:37
scott-workor maybe we should just not worry about the LTS -> LTS upgrade path22:37
scott-workbut i would like to22:37
micahgscott-work: have you seen: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-replaces22:37
micahgsorry, you probably want to read this one first : http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-conflicts22:39
scott-workoooooh, no.  no, i hadn't seen these.  thanks  :)22:47
scott-workwell, actually i had read some of that page, but didn't really focus on these parts at the time because it was unnecessary22:49
micahgscott-work: I have to run now, will be back later22:55
scott-workno, problem, i won't read it until tonight22:55

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