
=== J21_ is now known as J21
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micahganyone else having their screen lock up in precise while the screensaver is active?14:58
knomelet me fix that for you15:18
knomeanyone else having precise?15:18
micahgknome: :P15:20
micahgooh, kernel/Xorg hang15:22
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knomepleia2, ?22:15
pleia2knome: hm?22:15
knomei suppose those should be moved to xubuntu.org/press22:16
pleia2ah, nice22:16
pleia2thanks, I'll add that to my others this evening after work22:16
knomeokay, thanks22:16
knomewhen you've done that, can you delete the page on my wiki (edit and save with no content)22:17
micahgknome: do we have a meeting scheduled?22:17
knomemicahg, nope. i'm afraid we might not be able to have one before christmas, maybe between that and the new year22:18
micahgknome: ok, I was going to say I can't make it Thursday :)22:18
micahgknome: can we have one scheduled then at some point?  Next TB meeting is Jan 9 and it would be nice to request Xubuntu LTS status then 22:19
knomei will announce the next meeting today22:19
* micahg also has to chat with mr_pouit about the abiword stuff22:19
micahgknome: thanks22:19
knomewhich days are okay for you after xmas?22:19
micahgwhat time?22:20
micahgall should be fine I think22:21
knomelooks like 29th makes most sense for me22:21
knomeso that it probably is22:21
micahgok, that should work I think22:22
mr_pouitI'm in vacation after xmas, so I should be able to attend,  at last ;>22:33
* micahg is also on vacation then22:34
micahgknome: do we have an agenda page?22:35
mr_pouitfor abiword, that sync is a bit unfortunate22:35
knomemicahg, see email22:35
micahgheh, I saw it, but didn't read it apparently :)22:36
knomeyeah, our agenda is pretty short now (yay!)22:40
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