
joshuas-dadsoreau yes i do00:26
soreauthen what's the problem00:26
joshuas-dadit doesnt connect, i dont see any wireless networks00:27
soreauWhat happens if you try 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i ssid'00:27
joshuas-dadyup that works00:28
soreauso the driver is probably working but whatever other tool you're trying to use for connection isn't00:28
soreauWhat's showing no AP's?00:29
joshuas-dadi am just using network connections in xubuntu00:29
soreauWhat is the output of 'service network-manager status'?00:30
joshuas-dadstart/running process 85700:31
soreauand when you click on the network icon in the panel, does it say wireless networks?00:31
CrownWheelHey, Xubuntu-ites.  Question about installing from a Live distribution.00:32
joshuas-dadyup, just doesnt show any available00:32
soreaujoshuas-dad: Is it a usb device you plugged in?00:32
joshuas-dadyes, it is a usb device00:32
soreauDoes it work if you restart network-manager with 'sudo service network-manager restart'?00:32
CrownWheelI'm running a USB flash drive with Xubuntu 11.10, with a 2GB persistant file. I've installed several packages.  I'm pretty happy with the system.00:33
fschuindtsomeone knows why can't I change my window top bar theme?00:33
CrownWheelHow can I tell how much of the real hard drive I'll need when I install?00:33
joshuas-dadno, i can only manually add00:34
soreaujoshuas-dad: Can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file to pastebin.com?00:34
CrownWheelAnd, is the install process "smart" enough to install the system on the USB drive as-is?  That would be sweet, because then the USB drive becomes a backup of the custom install.00:35
joshuas-dadthere is only a couple lines00:36
joshuas-dadcan i paste here00:36
soreaujoshuas-dad: Do you have 'Enable Networking' and 'Enable Wireless' checked in the network dropdown menu?00:36
joshuas-dadis that in settings?00:37
soreaujust when you left-click on the network icon in the panel00:37
joshuas-dadi do now, and it is working. thanks for the help00:40
soreauNo problem ;-)00:40
CrownWheelWhen I use the desktop Install icon, will it do a clean install, or install the system (and packages) from my Live USB install, as-is?01:26
knomeclean install01:27
CrownWheelany way to get the as-is system onto the HD?01:27
knomenot really01:27
CrownWheelThen the USB drive becomes a backup/revert image and, man, that'd be sweet.01:28
CrownWheelalright.  thanks, knome.01:28
pacy_with dd ?01:43
pacy_CrownWheel, http://www.backuphowto.info/linux-backup-hard-disk-clone-dd01:44
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CrownWheelpacy__, just spotted your message from hours and hours ago.  Thanks for the link.05:04
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ballWhat kind of fonts does Xubuntu support and where do they live (where do I put new ones)?06:10
qrqxubuntu laggs my pc :D06:23
TheSheepball: ttf and otf and you pput them in ~/.fonts then run fc-cache06:29
* ball tries it06:30
ballTheSheep: That worked beautifully, thanks!06:32
qrqWhy xubuntu laggs so much?06:33
qrqDebian with XFCE don't :)06:33
qrqAnd my specs arent so bad.06:34
qrqAMD Athlon 64 1600 MHZ , 1024 RAM06:34
qrqUbuntu Autoupdates takes 40% of CPU :D06:35
qrqI mean indicator.06:35
ballIt seems to work very well on the Intel Atom machines I've tried it on.06:37
ballqrq: What kind of "lag" are you seeing?06:38
qrq40% of CPU is taken constantly by update applet.06:38
ballqrq: Have you let the update applet run and complete?06:39
qrqSystem is updated06:40
qrqNext thing is some root lightdm script :D06:40
qrqWhich is really mean for CPU too.06:41
ballI have to iron a shirt. I leave for work in about five hours.06:42
ballqrq: I hope you get that figured out.  BTW, how much cache does your Athlon 64 have?06:43
qrqball I don't really know.06:43
qrqI never had such problems on 10.04 xubuntu06:43
qrqAnd it seems I will stick with 10.0406:44
ballIf an Atom handles it, I'm surprised an Athlon 64 doesn't.06:46
qrqI installed 11.10 yestarday06:47
qrqBefore this I had 10.04 and it works normaly06:48
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ballI's fall back to 10.4 then.07:09
onyxhi. can I to talk with somebody?07:18
PaimunYou certainly -can-07:19
onyxI want to ask my question about video in my xubuntu 11.1007:20
Paimunyou could probably do it then07:21
Paimundon't ask to ask07:21
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ballonyx: What is your question?07:25
onyxthanks. well, video in my system play with wrong colours. flash into firefox play right. I have try all 4 variants video drivers, that in my system, but nothing  change07:25
ballonyx: Have you seen this with several different video players?07:27
onyxyes. I have try it with vlc, gmplayer,gxine07:27
ballonyx: Was okay with previous versions of Xubuntu?07:28
onyxit is my first xubuntu. before i use ubuntu. there was all right. now i has try several distributives . mandriva. crunchbang... there all right too07:31
ballAre you using the vendor's video driver or an open source one?07:34
onyxI use proprietary driver that xubuntu offer to me. Nvidia ver.173, ver 173-update, current, current-updates.07:38
Cybertinuslet's put a / in front of that :p08:50
onyxis here russian?09:19
Unit193!ru | onyx09:19
ubottuonyx: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:19
simon___Hello. Is there a way to use a "Network" button in Thunar like under Gnome ?11:00
simon___Because I want to connect to smb clients with thunar11:00
Sysigo there and press Ctl L, you can type address (smb://)11:01
Sysiyou can browse hosts with gigolo11:01
simon___okay...funny....last time the input wasn't valid (Can not press open)11:02
Kaapahey there - trying to install sun's java, but when I do a update-alternatives --config java I get "There is only one alternative in link group java: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java"11:35
Kaapaany tips?11:35
Kaapawoot - done11:41
Kaapaanother question - how can I change the email I supplierd in the notifier?11:49
livingdaylightHi testing xubuntu live cd. Does the real install update FF? live has version7 here12:49
ablomenlivingdaylight, yeah it updates to 8 when you install12:51
ablomenit will always update some time later then the mozilla release though, since they have to package and test it etc12:51
livingdaylightablomen, thank you. Just testing live cd. Previously, used Ubuntu, but looking for alternative to Unity12:52
ablomenlivingdaylight, ok well firefox etc are exactly the same as ubuntu (it comes from the same repositorie) it just installs different packages (like the desktop env etc)12:53
livingdaylightyea... xfce doesn't use Nautilus for e.g.12:54
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livingdaylightthunar i see12:55
livingdaylightcan thunar split into two panes? In Nautilus F3 splits the file manager into two panels, if you know what I mean. Something I do a lot and very practical12:57
ablomenlivingdaylight, nope it can't, but you are free to use whatever file manager you want12:58
livingdaylightablomen, so, one could install nautilus for e.g.? its compatible with this window manager too?12:59
ablomeni think pcmanfm is a popular alternative for thunar in the xfce comunity12:59
livingdaylighti see, never heard of it. I'd have to try that out then.12:59
livingdaylightI'm not hung up about particular applications as much as particular functionality that I either got used to or find useful.13:00
ablomenwell nautilus is a bit different here, because in gnome it also handles the desktop, and by default it starts a desktop over the xfce desktop in xfce13:00
livingdaylightas long as its easy to open two file managers side by side for easy and quick copy and pasting.13:01
ablomenbut most other file managers work fine, and i think you can even tweak nautilus too to only be a file manager, if you really want to use it13:01
livingdaylightor picking up and dropping as it were in this case13:01
ablomenwell you can always press ctrl+n in thunar, that opens another window in the same folder, don't know if that is enough13:01
ablomen(it is for me anyway)13:02
livingdaylightthx. I see that opens another window - yes.13:02
livingdaylightby same window you mean same workspace?13:02
ablomeni said same folder, so it opens a new thunar with the same path as the current directory13:04
livingdaylightcan we still install sun-java easy enough. I know that has changed across the board in all *buntu systems since 11.1013:04
livingdaylightoh, i see what you mean... yes, that would do13:04
ablomeni'm not sure on that one, i have it installed here, but this was before all the oracle discontinuing the os java vm talk etc13:08
livingdaylightso, are you still on 11.04 too13:09
ablomenno, but i updated13:11
ablomendid not do a fresh install13:11
livingdaylightyou mean upgraded?13:11
livingdaylightDoes upgrade not remove things like that?13:12
ablomenoh wait i guess it did switch to openjdk13:12
ablomenhmm, well minecraft works anyway ;)13:13
livingdaylightyea, would've thought so... oh, well, if you haven't noticed a difference then that is good :)13:13
livingdaylightI'm gonna back up my home dir and give xubuntu a go13:22
livingdaylightTo install proprietary codecs is there a how to page, so I can selct individually rather than just enableing the default restricted15:36
livingdaylightand is it normal that there is no login sound?15:37
Sysino login sound is default, search for gstreamer-plugins in synaptic or software center to install codecs15:38
livingdaylightare there any particularly good and useful xubuntu specific how to sites for getting a fresh install up to speed?15:40
Sysixubuntu is pretty simple, fiddle with settings and try stuff with panels, rest of it is often same than on regular ubuntu15:42
Sysixfce docs have some useful info15:42
livingdaylightok, thanks. I'm thinking particularly regards, proprietary codecs. You're saying I can follow reguular ubuntu-centric guides; they apply equally15:44
Sysicodecs and stuff are the same on both15:44
ablomenlivingdaylight, i always install vlc, mplayer and gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, that way you can play basicly anything (with a few uncommon exceptions)15:45
Sysireally either vlc or mplayer(-gnome) is needed, not really both15:46
ablomendepends, mplayer does not play nice with some codecs, same for vlc but yeah for basic usage i'd say go for mplayer-gnome (bit faster then vlc)15:47
Sysiparole should play pretty much everything with gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and -ugly and that --ffmpeg15:47
Sysidefault player15:50
livingdaylightyes, I see... never heard of it :)15:50
livingdaylightxfce's version of totem ?15:50
Sysikind of15:50
livingdaylightok, update complete, reboot15:51
xubuntu222hey do you know how much space you need to install xubuntu on?16:08
Sysia bit less with alternate disk16:08
xubuntu222my hard drive broke and i only have a 4 gig stick with me...16:08
ablomenxubuntu222, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD << you can add only the packages you need with this16:10
Yggdrasil_hi, i have a pentium 64 bit16:12
Yggdrasil_do i still download the am64 iso ?16:12
xubuntu222yes i guess i for now try to install some minamal puppy linux on my stick16:12
xubuntu222would be the most sensitive thing16:12
ablomenYggdrasil_, yeah that works fine16:14
Yggdrasil_ok thought so thanks16:14
Yggdrasil_gonna get me a linux box in my vmware.16:14
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vithosyo, how do i get the disk performance monitor xfce plugin to work?18:18
tuttincorodoes xubuntu include wubi?18:18
TheSheeptuttincoro: yes18:18
TheSheepvithos: yo, what's the error?18:18
vithosthe indicator never shows any activity18:19
vithoseven if i run something like the `stress --hdd 1`18:19
TheSheepvithos: looks like it only works with 2.4 and 2.6 kernels18:23
TheSheepvithos: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-diskperf-plugin18:23
vithosthat's weird, i thought 3.0 didn't have any changes :D18:24
TheSheepvithos: I'm not 100% that this is the source of the problem18:26
TheSheepvithos: perhaps you just need to recompile with that flag enabled18:27
vithosi'll see if i can manage to do that18:27
Kurdistanguys/girls have the boot time in xubuntu got slower compare to lucid?18:57
pleia2Kurdistan: yes, the ubuntu devs are working on getting the bootup time shorter again for 12.0419:00
Kurdistanpleia2, I thought in ubuntu, unity was the reason of the slow boot speed.19:01
Kurdistandid not think xubuntu would effect19:01
pleia2xubuntu and ubuntu share a lot of the same startup processes19:02
Kurdistan:) yes thats true19:04
girafeso xubuntu is the new flavor that replaces unity ?19:07
Picixubuntu uses xfce. ubuntu uses gnome3+unity19:08
Aicasnis anyone else having big trouble with 11.1?  general instability in multiple apps?  graphics problems?19:25
Aicasnfeels a lot like a beta on my end19:26
baizonnot at all :)19:29
baizoneverything working fine for me19:29
KurdistanAicasn, what are you using, graphic card?19:32
baizonATi 632019:33
Aicasnnv gtx 26019:33
baizonah sorry not me xD19:33
KurdistanAicasn, have you looked on launchpad or nvnews for bugrapports?19:34
KurdistanI have myself problem with the latest stable nvidia drivers19:35
Aicasnnope. i only played with it long enough over the weekend to see that it wasn't suitable as my primary os19:35
Aicasni'll stick that on my to-do list.  i do want to help if i'm in the minority in terms of user experience. i was just curious if many folks were having these problems19:36
SysiAicasn: did you install nvidia driver or were you usinf the default one? even if card isn't brand new the default driver probably works badly19:44
Aicasnused both nv drivers. same difference between them19:48
carson_wardloaded xubuntu for the first time a month ago and i am impressed. after years of rpm hell this is nice.19:55
Aicasni stuck a SSD in my home machine to boot and run OS files off of. what's the best way to ensure that /, /boot, and /usr all run off of the SSD, but /home, /var, /etc, ...  run from the normal drive?  i couldn't find a way to separate the partitions (especially /var) because some of them need to be available during bootup20:19
SysiAicasn: why wouldn't you put /var to ssd too? you could just have one partition for / on ssd and data partition on hdd20:26
AicasnSysi: because /var gets a lot of read/write activity.  temp files, log files, etc.  it's unnecessary wear on the ssd.20:26
Aicasni'd rather have that on the gears and levers hard drive20:27
SysiAicasn: it's hardly possible to burn out ssd faster than hdd20:27
Sysithe more writes, the more reason I'd see to have it on afster drive..20:27
Aicasni realize that, but those read/write's aren't really bottlenecks. they're fast anyway.20:28
Sysiwhat ssd? vertex2 should last at least three years on hard daily usage, vertex3 a little less20:29
Aicasnhmm.... corsair 128gb i believe20:29
Aicasnso, back to my original question, is it possible to keep /var on a separate partition without xbuntu 11.1 getting mad at me?20:30
Aicasni redicrected enough stuff to / from /var to get it to boot, but it still acts  very unstable20:31
CybertinusAicasn: sure. Just make it a seperate partition, make sure it is in your fstab, and has the correct mountpoint and it should work without a hitch20:36
Aicasni put it on my /home partition.  i have /boot, /, and /home.   it was  /home/system/var -> /var20:37
Aicasndidn't like that very much at all20:37
Aicasni had to  /var/run -> /run  and something else i can't recall just to get it to boot20:37
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WazzaaaGreetings, Xubuntu users. In the Ubuntu Software Center I can no longer see the xubuntu-desktop package21:48
Wazzaaacan you see it ?21:48
TheSheep!info xubuntu-desktop21:49
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.138 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 48 kB21:49
Wazzaaaand/or how ot install Xubuntu so that I can choose Xubuntu from the Session menu on the login screen.21:49
Wazzaaayep, found it21:52
Wazzaaathanks people of the interwebz21:52
pacy_hey there22:20
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