
poolieNoldorin_, if you want to get in, change something, and get it landed, that's what i'd recommend00:09
Noldorin_fair enough00:09
pooliei will help you (in #launchpad-dev) get it running and do the change00:10
Noldorin_poolie, was thinking back to that little Downloads type suggestions we discussed :-)00:10
Noldorin_poolie, ah yes, sorry i forget i'm in #bzr sometimes!00:10
Noldorin_yeah i'd appreciate that00:10
Noldorin_perhaps later this week, else after Christmas00:10
Noldorin_poolie, okay, catch you later :-)00:19
Noldorin_*heads off to sleep*00:19
meoblast001i set up a personal directory for each user on my server to maintain personal branches... is it possible to maintain multiple branches this way, or would a new directory have to be made for each branch?06:02
roryywhat's the style guide for splitting operands of + over a line; is it "foo = bar + \\n    quux" or foo = \\n bar + quux" or "foo = (bar + \n quux)" or something else?06:11
poolieroryy, for patches to bzr?06:13
roryypoolie: yebo06:13
poolieany of them is acceptable06:13
roryypoolie: i mean, yes06:13
pooliei tend to us ethe second06:13
pooliewhat were you going to do?06:13
roryyerm, i had the first06:13
roryyi quite like the last, actually, cos emacs understands it06:14
roryybut i'll use the second :)06:14
pooliethat's also fine06:18
vilahi all !07:28
pooliehi there vila, how's it going?07:54
vilagood, how about you ?07:54
pooliecatching up on some reading and trying to write up some stuff about piloting07:55
pooliejelmer, mgz, hi?08:04
jelmerhi poolie08:04
pooliehi there08:05
* jelmer grabs his gear08:05
poolieready to mumble?08:07
mgznearly awake too :)08:08
poolievila, hi?08:09
tsdgeoshi, is it possible to rewrite the history in bazaar? i did a commit with a wrong merge and i'd like to make as if that commit was never wrong08:13
* tsdgeos finds http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/Rewrite08:14
* tsdgeos gets a no revisions to rebase08:16
jelmertsdgeos: you can "bzr uncommit"08:17
tsdgeosunfortunately my wrong merge is not my last commit08:18
tsdgeosi did a few more before realizing the mistake08:18
tsdgeoscan i uncommit multiple times?08:18
* tsdgeos tries08:23
tsdgeosahhh, yes you can08:24
hypnocati just tried:   bzr branch lp:ikarus ikarus09:26
hypnocatand bzr downloaded over 300 MB before i interrupted it09:26
hypnocatikarus is a scheme compiler:  https://launchpad.net/ikarus/09:27
hypnocatthe tar.gz snapshot is less than 4 MB, so i don't see how a bzr branch could possibly be downloading over 300 MB of data09:28
hypnocatsomething must be wrong..09:29
mgzhypnocat: have you done `bzr launchpad-login` and set up an ssh key?09:52
mgzalso launchpad has a note on the branch page that it's not been able to access upstream since May09:54
jelmerhypnocat: perhaps it's got some big files in its history that have since been removed?09:56
mgz670776334 Mar 25  2008 3ceaf52ea0e9019a6387927841b360a2.pack09:57
hypnocatbtw, if i interrupt the bzr branch with control-c, where are the temporary files stored?09:57
hypnocatwow.. 670 MB.. glad i stopped it at around 30009:58
mgznot all of that is nessersarily referenced history09:59
jelmerhypnocat: it removes the files if it interrupts09:59
hypnocatgreat, thanks09:59
mgzso, using bzr+ssh to access may well avoid the issue09:59
mgzotherwise you could grab N revs at a time to see where things start going wrong10:00
jelmermgz: I'm not sure there is much to debug, it's just a very large branch10:01
mgzand pretty dead.10:03
jelmerit's got some checked in binaries; if those have been updated over time, that would probably explain the size of the branch10:05
mgzremind me to build py3k over lunch10:19
mgzroryy is a hero, I see why he was having problems with test_dirstate10:37
caravelhello all, I've read again about shared repos and stacked branches, not sure what I should go for -- could you please advise ? :13:09
caravelthe idea is to have one trunk and some "contrib" branch that would be ideally stacked (?)13:09
fullermd_I'd just ignore stacked branches.13:10
caraveloh :)13:10
caravelthe idea is that teamA would work on trunk, while teamB would punctually post suggestions on contrib13:11
fullermd_Using a repo shared between the two branches will save you disk space and IO.  It won't [shouldn't] make any difference semantically to having the two branches standalone.13:11
fullermd_(this assuming of course that the branches get merged a lot.  If they actually just diverge, you don't save much)13:11
caravelthey'd get merged all the time13:12
caravelthere's one thing I don't quite get : say I setup such shared repo on some bzr+ssh space, with 2 branches in it (trunk and contrib). Then on each local PC we should also setup a shared repo, and bzr branch/push each (trunk and contrib), right ?13:14
fullermd_That's a setup.  Bear in mind that everythin'gs independent; you can have the two branches sharing a repo on the server, but standalone on the clients, or vice versa, or any combination.13:16
fullermd_Aside from creating the repo in the first place, you only ever interact at the branch level; using/not a shared repo happens internally.13:16
fullermd_And you can take two standalone branches and switch them (in-place) to sharing a repo.  And vice versa.  So, don't overthink yourself into paralysis on that question.13:20
caravelfullermd_: yes, I see, still it's a little paralising :)13:22
caravelOne of ours teamA members would update his respective trunk and contrib from srv, merge and commit to local trunk, then push to srv trunk. As per pulling trunck changes into contrib, should that be done server side typically ?13:24
caravel(or should that be typically teamB members duty, to pull new changes from trunk and merge them into contrib in a manual manner ?)13:26
caravel(teamB is supposed to oversee teamA and eventually fix/contribute)13:27
caravel(but NOT commit to trunk)13:28
caravelfullermd_: sorry to buzz you, I missed to quote you in my replies - could you please confirm ?14:06
vilajelmer: can you remind me of the plan for 'bzr branches' in bzr core vs the one in bzrtools ?14:17
vilajelmer: I had a test failing and was quite surprised that the culprit was bzrtools (related to colo)14:18
jelmervila: IIRC the plan is to have the one in bzrtools removed at some point14:18
mgzspeaking of bzrtools, I've got a bug fix that needs review, bugging abentley is the way forward?14:20
jelmermgz: yep14:34
mgzhas anyone done coverage stuff to go with selftest?16:16
vilamgz: not really, there is a bzr option that can be used16:18
vilamgz: I've used it here and there but never for the whole test suite16:18
mgzI'm reasonably sure the code roryy's bug fix in isn't exercised at all by bt.test_dirstate16:18
mgzoddly using '=' there breaks, need space16:22
mgzotherwise looks promising, thanks vila16:22
vilacrap, copied it from 'bzr help selftest'16:22
mgzglobal option parsing is a bit of a mixed bag :)16:24
mgzlooks good... is there a basic description of the output format anywhere?16:28
viladunno, from memory, each line is prefixed with the number of executions16:28
mgzand the >>>>>> markers?16:29
mgzdead code?16:29
vilayes, as far as I remember, not sure if it's this marker or no marker at all16:29
caravelside question : would anyone know how to get the fancy tortoisebzr icons working correctly on a virtualbox drive (xp guest) ?16:35
mgzokay, this is pretty neat.16:38
mgzforgot how useful this was for informing testing.16:41
keeshola. I'm curious why I can't create a branch-for-merging of lp:ubuntu-security-tools. I tried pushing as lp:~kees/ubuntu-security-tools/update and it fails.18:48
jelmerkees: hi18:51
jelmerkees: how does it fail?18:51
caravelwould anyone know how to get the fancy tortoisebzr icons working correctly on a virtualbox drive (xp guest) ?19:04
caravel(i.e. it would work from c: drive, but it doesn't for eg d: vbox share)19:06
mgzcaravel: you might be best posting to the list about it, or just filing a bug. the main tortoisebzr guys are japanese and not on irc19:06
caravelmgz: ok, thanks for your answer anyway19:08
mgzI don't see any reason apart from a packaging bug or something weirder that they wouldn't appear on a different drive19:09
caravelmgz: such share is seen by the OS as some kind of a network drive -- do these icons work fine with a "local" repo located in a standard samba share ? I guess nobody uses such a setup (apart from a vbox share, maybe), hence why19:11
caravel(no samba to test here)19:11
caravelthey probably restricted the feature to true "local" drives (as seen by the OS). Same limitations happens for eg. ActivePerl install (localisation fails), or OCX registration (refused) etc19:14
mgzmay even be deliberate, if it would be bad perf over network drives... could also be easy enough to override locally, if you know the right magic19:17
caravelmgz: right -- that's my guess indeed. Unfortunately (for me) some network shares should not suffer since they have perf "very close to local" !19:17
caravelAs per the magic, I've seeeeearched for it quite a few times, hence my question here :) Any suggestion welcome19:18
caravel(I really really can't afford to stick these data within the vdi here, hence I'll have to do without icons ^^)19:19
* caravel is going away for a little while19:20
mgzwill branch lp:tortoisebzr and have a quick grep for you19:23
mgzlooks like you may be able to set the config option 'icon_overlays.include_path', see also doc/preferences.txt and tbzr.conf under your bzr home directory19:28
mgz'context_menu.include_path', 'queried_drives.remote', and 'queried_drives_cmenu.remote' may also be of interest to you19:30
keesjelmer: bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~kees/ubuntu-security-tools/updates/": : You cannot create branches in "~kees/ubuntu-security-tools"19:40
wgzkees: you (hilariously) appear not to be a member of ~ubuntu-security19:44
wgzwhy that should prevent you creating a branch in your own namespace I know not, but it feels more like a launchpad... security... feature than a bzr bug19:45
keeswgz: right, I'm not in that group any more, but it's still ~ME/PROJECT/NAME ... why would that not work?19:46
keeswgz: and it's a public branch...19:46
jelmerkees: something is tripping up the logic in Launchpad for branch mapping19:48
jelmerkees: it'll error out with PermissionDenied if you try to push to something that it does not consider a branch19:49
jelmerit's not necessarily actually related to permissions19:49
jelmerkees: I can reproduce it19:51
jelmerbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~jelmer/ubuntu-security-tools/update/": : You cannot create branches in "~jelmer/ubuntu-security-tools"19:51
keeswell, at least I'm not crazy. ;)19:51
james_wis there a branch privacy policy in place on that project?19:52
keesI don't think so. There was a private branch at one time, but that was a separate, iiuc.19:54
keesjelmer, james_w: jdstrand has access to look at the project settings. is there anything he should look at?19:54
jdstrandI may need some hand-holding19:55
james_wI'm not sure where to look to find out unfortunately19:57
keesjdstrand: there was a private branch once on that project, can you see if there are any weird settings hidden in there?19:57
jdstrandkees: sure, where would I look for them?19:58
* jdstrand still has security-tools-private.abandoned laying around19:59
keesjdstrand: I'm not really sure; I don't have the buttons any more. check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-security-tools and see what admin toggles there?19:59
keess/there/there are/19:59
james_wwebops ping, would you look at the branch security policy on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-security-tools for us please?20:00
keesand then check https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/trunk for stuff? I'm really not sure.20:00
keesjdstrand: if nothing jumps out, don't worry about it. :P20:00
jdstrandnothing interesting in ubuntu-security-tools/+edit20:00
thedacjames_w: sure20:00
* thedac waves at kees20:00
keesheya thedac! :)20:00
keesthedac: we missed you at the quilting. :)20:01
thedacgood to see you. Yeah, I am the only one in my tz20:01
keestrue, true.20:01
jdstrandkees: poking around I don't see anything...20:01
thedacjames_w: default is forbidden and private for the ubuntu security team20:02
thedacwhat am I looking for in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/trunk?20:02
thedacoh, maybe that wasn't for me20:03
james_wjdstrand, kees: do you want it changed to be a fully public project now?20:03
keesthedac: sorry, yeah, confusing. that was for jdstrand20:03
jdstrand~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/trunk/+edit tells me the 'Keep branch confidential' is unchecked20:03
keeslp:~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/private-trunk should probably stay private20:03
jdstrandI don't know what that is...20:04
keesit's ancient and abandoned20:04
jdstrandkees: was that the saved old one?20:04
keesif it's breaking u-s-t maybe we should eliminate it?20:04
jdstrandI'm cool with deleting it if needed20:04
jdstrandlike I said, I have a local branch of that. I can push it somewhere I guess20:04
thedackees: jdstrand let me know if I need to change privacy settings on any of these branches20:04
james_wso it sounds like you want the defaults changing, but keeping that one branch private?20:05
keesthedac: the problem seems to be that while ~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/trunk is public, I can't create branches of it.20:05
keesjames_w: if possible, yeah20:05
jdstrandthat would work for me as well20:06
james_wthedac, do you know if changing the policy will change existing branches?20:06
thedacjames_w: it will not.20:06
jdstrandubuntu-security-tools/private-trunk/+edit is marked 'Keep branch confidential'20:06
james_wthedac, ok, so it sounds like we'd like the default changed please20:06
james_wthedac, public for everyone, no-one forbidden20:07
thedacjames_w: ok, I will change that20:07
james_wthedac, probably also worth checking the bug policy as well?20:08
jdstrandit isn't setup for bugs yet, if that makes a difference20:08
thedacok, default branch visibility is fully public now20:09
thedacchecking on default bug setting20:09
james_wjdstrand, ah, ok20:09
* jdstrand confirms private-trunk is still private, and it is20:09
thedacjdstrand: bug default is public20:09
thedacI have also confirmed that ~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/trunk is public. So if that is still not working for kees I can see if there is an LP dev around to question20:10
james_wkees, you should be able to push now?20:10
jdstrand(that is what I would have expected if I/we set that up in the future)20:10
keesjames_w: let me check, one moment...20:10
keesthanks everyone! :)20:12
james_wthanks thedac20:13
keesjdstrand: and if you have a moment, can you merge my 1 character test-change? ;)20:13
jdstrandkees: sure20:13
thedacjames_w: kees: great.20:13
jdstrandkees: done20:18
keesjdstrand: sweet20:23
keesalrighty, thanks again folks.20:23
caravelmgz thanks ! ...if you ever read this irc log ^^21:10
caravelnight all21:10
wgzit worked?21:10
caravelnothing worked, just read your comments :) took note, will try somthing tomorrow21:11
caravelyes, you see, no solution but just looking into my little issue, did deserve my thanks :) night21:14
pooliehi all22:09
Noldorin_hi poolie22:36
Noldorin_how's it going?22:36
wgzI'm going to merge roryy's branch unless anyone else wants to look over it quickly23:03
jelmer'morning poolie, Noldorin_23:06
jelmerwgz: go for it23:06
pooliehi there23:08
poolieit's pretty good23:08
Noldorin_hi jelmer23:13
Noldorin_jelmer, i thought you were Dutch? ;-)23:13
Noldorin_it's not morning there heh23:13
pooliewhere are you, Noldorin_, north america?23:13
Noldorin_poolie, USA yourself?23:15
Noldorin_oh right23:19
Noldorin_poolie, sorry. i knew it was somewhere English-speaking and not my time-zone, that's all!23:19
Noldorin_jelmer, i think you're taunting me with all the updates except on my most desperate one ;-)23:21
Noldorin_all the bug updates*23:21
jelmerNoldorin_: heh23:44
jelmerNoldorin_: there are plenty of other bug reports apart from yours that I haven't touched yet either.. :)23:45
Noldorin_jelmer, i know, i kid :-) it's just the ones i receive email notifications for heh...23:45
* wgz subscribes Noldorin to ~jelmer23:49
wgzyou will drown in email!23:49
BlindWolf8Hi all. I have a clien who is getting this error:23:51
BlindWolf8bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "<OUR_DIR>/.bzr/checkout/lock/held/info": [Errno 13] Permission denied23:52
BlindWolf8I am not sure how to solve this23:52
BlindWolf8He is on a Windows box23:52
wgzBlindWolf8: get the full traceback from .bzr.log (run `bzr version` to find out where)23:53
wgzit will also have other things we need like what version he's running and if bzr-explorer etc are involved23:53
Noldorin_poolie, btw, do i have any other option for testing Launchpad other than my own Ubuntu VM?23:54
wgzNoldorin: that'll just be way the easiest option23:54
BlindWolf8Thanks. Once I have the log file, where would you like it?23:54
wgzpoolie was trying to save you pain by suggesting that23:54
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:54
Noldorin_wgz, i'm annoyingly using an SSD drive with no space left on it23:55
wgzheh, you won't be able to get launchpad either then, it's not small :)23:55
Noldorin_wgz, someone just give me access to a VPS with it on heh? :-)23:56
wgzNoldorin: I can suggest you bugs to work on if you're eager, you tend to find things that are way to hard23:56
Noldorin_wgz, i discussed a simple one with poolie not long ago. adding additional content types to downloads :-)23:57
Noldorin_wgz, but sure, feel free to... once i have an instance set up heh23:57
wgzbzr is nice and easy to work on :-"23:58
=== tchan1 is now known as tchan
Noldorin_wgz, oh sorry, i read it as launchpad :-P23:59
Noldorin_i always blend them into one heh23:59
Noldorin_i suppose it's because i use both together so frequently...23:59
BlindWolf8Here ya go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/776942/23:59

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