
_mup_Bug #906647 was filed: zookeeper fails to build when installing on OSX <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906647 >00:53
_mup_Bug #906647 was filed: zookeeper fails to build when installing on OSX <juju:New for mchenetz> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906647 >00:54
koolhead11hi alll09:05
nijabaHello, I have a FAILED to build on the charm-tools ppa that seems a bit odd to me: it fails on a test using wget with "wget not found" which would seem to be part of base Ubuntu install. See https://launchpadlibrarian.net/87956598/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.charm-tools_0.2%2Bbzr95-4~natty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:08
pooliejelmer, which part of the charm is supposed to be checked in to the branch?09:50
pooliejelmer, lp:~mbp/charm/oneiric/launchpad/trunk09:54
poolieit's not that impressive09:54
pooliei need to work out whether to just copy & paste from devscripts or somehow make it reused09:54
jelmerpoolie: thanks10:01
jelmerpoolie: yeah, that seems to be the sufficient bits10:04
drt24nijaba: I don't think that wget is always part of the base Ubuntu install though it does have priority standard which would imply that it would normally be installed.10:10
niemeyerGood morning!11:19
SpamapSnijaba: no, wget is not part of the base install, charm-tools needs to build-depend on wget15:24
SpamapSand I thought it did actually15:24
SpamapSnijaba: buildd's have *only* the absolute *minimal* install, + build-essential15:25
SpamapSnijaba: the reason that FTBFS was that it was using the old lp:~charmers/charm-tools/packaging bits. I re-pointed the charm-helpers-daily build to lp:ubuntu/charm-tools which has the most up to date packaging15:30
SpamapSnijaba: I'll take a look at the peer-scp stuff today15:32
nijabaSpamapS: gah... /me was going mad15:33
nijabaSpamapS: I thought it was due to the fix I merged yesterday...15:33
* SpamapS considers deleting the old packaging branch to prevent further confusion15:33
SpamapSnijaba: no, its been FTBFS'ing since the first test merge. :-P15:34
SpamapSnijaba: as we add more build-deps, I'll need to merge them into the ubuntu packaging to keep the daily builds going (thats kind of the idea though.. keep packaging up to date with trunk. :)15:36
* SpamapS nearly cries when he sees that he has 753 unread emails waiting for him15:40
jcastronijaba: do we have any juju marketing flyers?15:53
nijabajcastro: I do not think so15:53
nijabajcastro: should ask sonia15:53
jcastroso like if I want to have a collection of flyers that we send to conferences we attend, I ping her for that?15:54
nijabajcastro: no, that would be cezzaine15:54
nijabajcastro: beware that she has a form for these request ;)15:54
jcastromaybe I can do them all at once15:59
jcastroand then we'll be set for the year15:59
negronjljcastro: I usually attend a few conferences, meetings and such in the Bay Area so, if you can score some for me to distribute on my side that would be great :)16:11
* jcastro nods16:16
koolhead11m_3: around16:25
koolhead11 i wanted to know if its good idea to use custom sql schema along with user created say "admin:admin"16:34
jcastrokoolhead11: he should be back in a few hours16:35
koolhead11jcastro: cool.16:35
jcastroSpamapS: We should talk before the break about our scale talk (lunching now though, ping me later)16:35
* koolhead11 leaves for home16:35
SpamapSjcastro: you ping me, I'll be answering email for the next few hours. :-/16:36
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r449 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com16:37
_mup_Test key files16:37
mchenetzQuestion about the Wordpress charm… Does it have code to sync wordpress instances when you scale them? I haven't looked at the Charm yet...16:52
SpamapSmchenetz: wordpress just uses the database for all storage16:59
SpamapSmchenetz: one thing I haven't checked on is whether it uses the databse for sessioning16:59
mchenetznot exactly… The graphics and files are stored locally16:59
mchenetzThat is the problem i am having right now with EC2 and multiple wordpress instances17:00
mchenetzI might have to run rsync or something17:00
mchenetzI tired to use w3 total-cache, which uploads content to S3… However it did not work reliably17:01
mchenetzSpamaps: any suggestions… You probably know a hell of a lot more than i do about this.,, Any help is much appreciated. :-)17:03
SpamapSmchenetz: I use an s3 plugin on my wordpress blog, which is why I didn't even think about that. ;)17:05
mchenetzWhich one do you use?17:05
SpamapSmchenetz: for mediawiki, m_3 was working on just doing an NFS server and maybe gluster to store the uploaded images.17:05
SpamapSmchenetz: let me check17:05
mchenetzspamaps: thanks17:05
SpamapSmchenetz: http://tantannoodles.com/toolkit/wordpress-s3/17:05
SpamapSsetup was pretty much a no-brainer17:06
mchenetzSpamaps: Perfect!!! Just what i needed.17:06
mchenetzThe next question is advantages of using haproxy vs ELB… Currently I have them using ELB17:09
SpamapSmchenetz: there probably aren't any advantages. ELB should be cheaper17:10
mchenetzI will stick with that. ;-)17:10
SpamapSmchenetz: I believe there is an ELB charm17:10
SpamapStho not in the official list17:10
mchenetzReally, i was just thinking about that17:10
SpamapSand not super useful since it will eat up an instance. :-/17:10
mchenetzhmmm, maybe there should be the idea of using a single instance for multiple charms… Like for administration like ELB… This way yyou could create a local provider and have it use many management charms...17:11
SpamapSI believe once subordinate services lands though, the thought was that you would just deploy an ELB "client" like charm that would use the API to add the node to the ELB. I disagree with this approach, as it exposes the AWS credentials on machines, but its at least workable.17:12
mchenetzOr maybe there should be juju, "plugins" that add management commands to the actually juju interface…17:12
mchenetzI am just thinking out loud17:14
SpamapSmchenetz: we've talked about CLI plugins yeah17:14
mchenetzSpamaps: cool17:14
SpamapSmchenetz: but in the case of ELB, it needs to be responsive to adds/removes of units.. so it feels more like a charm.17:14
nijabamchenetz: another option would be to use ch_peer_rsync, once we can trigger relation events fron config-changed hooks17:15
SpamapSmchenetz: its just a charm that we don't want to take up space on an instance. I have suggested in the past this would be a "virtual" service that runs its hooks on the same node as ZK runs.17:15
SpamapSnijaba: in this case, you have to rsync on upload17:15
mchenetzSpamaps: That sounds like a good idea17:15
nijabamchenetz: this would allow for any content modified on the leader to be replicated elsewhere17:16
SpamapSnijaba: there's no need for the triggering of relation events from config-changed to implement that though...17:16
nijabaSpamapS: the idea is: modifiy leader, change config param, and all goes from there17:16
mchenetznijaba: That sounds like an interesting option. I will look into that17:16
nijabaSpamapS: yes, because ch_peer_rsync needs to be done within a relation17:16
SpamapSnijaba: you can simply cache the relation settings locally in the relation hook.17:16
nijabaSpamapS: sounds like a a lot of work for something that should be coming for free in juju in a little bit according to niemeyer17:17
SpamapSnijaba: when it lands, we can get rid of all that logic.. until it does, we can get cool things done now.17:18
mchenetzSounds like there is some great future functionality in the pipline...17:18
nijabaSpamapS: let's get ch_peer_rsync reviewed first, I'll see on extending it then :P17:18
nijabaSpamapS: the biggest pb I have at the moment is with the test script17:19
nijabaSpamapS: you'll see that in one of 756 emals you have to read ;)17:19
SpamapSYeah I'm digging through them17:19
SpamapSits been starred, and I've moved on to less complex emails :)17:20
mchenetzWhere would i find the charms that are unofficial… e.g. ELB)… I know they are not on http://charms.kapilt.com/charms17:21
SpamapSmchenetz: https://code.launchpad.net/charm17:21
mchenetzJust an FYI… The Wordpress Charm in examples that comes with Juju should be updated, because it does not include a website: association17:25
nijabam_3: you need a review on juju-classroom?17:34
jcastrolooks like owncloud hasn't had a review yet either17:36
jcastronijaba: ok so are you a "charmer" now or do we need to get a vote from someone?17:36
nijabajcastro: yep, I am a charmer now17:37
nijabajcastro: you want me to look at it?17:37
_mup_Bug #905410: Charm needed: Owncloud2 <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:In Progress by koolhead17> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/905410 >17:37
nijabajcastro: it's marked in progress, and last comment from koolhead17looks like he is working on a mysql backend17:38
koolhead17nijaba: hey there. yes. currently owncloud works with sqlite17:39
nijabakoolhead17: so, should I review it now or wait?17:40
koolhead17nijaba: it will be good if you could review it, i will consider it 1st iteration :D17:40
nijabakoolhead17: ok, doing so now17:40
SpamapSmchenetz: thats intentionaly actually... the example charms are not necessarily integratable with the lp:charm charms. they're just meant to be super simple examples.17:41
jcastroiirc I filed a bug about this17:43
jcastroimo we should just not include example charms in the packages17:43
mchenetzWhat about a charm repo. So it can download automagically from the cli?17:44
jcastroinstall charm-tools17:44
mchenetzoh, okay17:44
mchenetzI din't know it did that17:44
jcastro"charm get mysql" etc.17:44
mchenetzokay cool...17:44
jcastroyeah so hazmat is working on the charm store17:45
jcastroso you can just go17:45
jcastrojuju deploy cs:mysql17:45
jcastrobut charm get is our bandaid for now17:45
mchenetzworks for me17:45
jcastromchenetz: did you see Elliot's tips on the juju mailing list wrt. osx?17:47
mchenetzno, i just saw the bug report from last night17:48
jcastrosee that thread17:49
mchenetzcurrently reading it...17:49
jcastromight be a good idea to subscribe to the list, it's not high traffic (yet)17:50
mchenetzI agree with a lot of the stuff he's saying… A single method would work good… I didn't create the test model yet… It was a first revision. ;-)17:51
jcastromchenetz: I don't think it's a bad idea to try to see which one would work best17:52
mchenetzI would like to make it easier for people to install. Since Mac's come with easy_install, i was thinking it might be best… I do think the mac app store might be ideal though17:52
mchenetzI am still working out what the best option is...17:53
mchenetzI am looking at Elliots brew formula and i will se if i can get it to work with the current packages17:56
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r450 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:58
_mup_Mock testing for key gen17:58
nijabakoolhead17: review of Bug #905410 done.18:08
_mup_Bug #905410: Charm needed: Owncloud2 <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:Incomplete by koolhead17> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/905410 >18:08
nijabakoolhead17: please set the bug status back to fix comitted when you think the issues have been addressed18:09
koolhead17thanks nijaba :)18:10
_mup_Bug #907016 was filed: cannot set hardware constraints on services <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907016 >18:21
_mup_Bug #907019 was filed: service constraints are not used when deploying units <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907019 >18:26
jcastrohi ejat18:26
_mup_Bug #907024 was filed: provisioning agent ignores machine constraints <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907024 >18:32
ejatjcastro : hi18:44
jcastroejat: any progress on the charms you signed up for?18:53
jcastroremember to holler if you need help with anything!18:53
ejaton progress … yes i will holler to everyone :) … since now a bit tight with daily task :(18:55
mchenetzOkay, looking at the Mac app store… It seems to be the best method. I just need to build Juju and then submit it to the app store… I will charge 1,000,000 dollars… oh hahah… Okay, i guess i will give it away free.. I will get started on it.19:37
marcoceppimchenetz: What's the update process like for upgrading Juju?19:40
marcoceppiI might be wise to wait until the 12.04 release to put it in the mac store19:40
mchenetzi just have to submit it to the mac app store and it will allow the update19:41
SpamapSupgrading juju is an unknown :-/19:44
SpamapSI believe once we have the ability to reboot, upgrades will be more obvious, and work just like upgrading anything else.19:45
mchenetzhehe… We can wait… I will get the process started though19:45
SpamapSI think it would be great to have it in there. I'd say juju is still beta quality at best, so just mark it as such19:50
mchenetzokay, will do19:53
robbiew+1 on marking as beta19:54
* robbiew swings by the channel and makes a passing comment19:54
marcoceppiI meant upgrading the app in the "store"19:55
marcoceppiWhen are we going to see Juju for Android :)19:55
mchenetzAndroid should be relatively easy as i think it supports android by default20:04
mchenetzpython i meant20:04
koolhead17will it be good idea to have our own software store for the sw which is not on repository? In this way our charm will not get broken if source/sw gets moved/modified/upgraded20:06
koolhead17just a thought20:06
mchenetzI thought about that… may be a next phase20:08
koolhead17cool!! :)20:09
m_3nijaba: yes, please review juju-classroom when you get a chance.  There're additional things we can do to scale this, but it's useful as-is for demos20:53
SpamapSm_3: o/ ... just waving hi.. on my way to lunch.. ;)20:56
m_3hey man20:56
m_3yay... mup's back20:57
* m_3 to the "manamanat" muppet song21:01
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r451 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com22:35
_mup_Refactored mock keygen22:35
_mup_Bug #907094 was filed: AWS credentials should not be in Zookeeper <security> <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907094 >22:36
EvilBillmchenetz: I've still not been able to get Juju going on my Mac OS boxes23:23
mchenetzEvilbill, what issues are you having?23:24
_mup_Bug #906647: zookeeper fails to build when installing on OSX <osx> <juju:New for mchenetz> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906647 >23:24
EvilBillThat permissions issue thing23:24
mchenetzhmmm, did you try the easy_install method?23:25
EvilBillno, just pure brew.23:25
mchenetzi would try the easy install, it seems to work better23:25
EvilBillok, will do.23:25
EvilBillgotta run to a meeting, will try after I get out23:25
mchenetzno prob… If you have issues just hit me up here or at mchenetz (at) inventivedigital.com23:26
EvilBillWill do, thx!23:26

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