
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
jmlcompiz is chewing up a lot of CPU09:48
jmlshould I file a bug about this? (precise)09:48
dbarthjml: yes please10:38
dbarthjml: it's weird because i don't think there was a new version released10:39
dbarthjml: so that must be external causes10:39
jmldbarth: ok. will do.10:40
dbarthjml: just let me know of the bug number or subscribe me10:41
jmldbarth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/90681610:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 906816 in compiz "compiz always using significant chunk of CPU" [Undecided,New]10:46
dbarthjml: thanks12:09
* rodrigo_ lunch13:19
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Riddellis there a meeting today?13:49
pittiRiddell: don't think so; half of the team or more is on vac already13:52
dobeypitti: uh, firefox/etc are really reporting bytes transfered as base 10 rather than base 8?14:02
pittidobey: nautilus/gvfs etc. is; I'm not entirely sure of firefox14:02
dobeythat is not very nice14:03
pittiI think firefox still gets it wrong, too14:04
dobeybase 10 is wrong :)14:04
pittino, it's not14:04
dobeyit is when you are transferring in blocks of base 814:05
pittiunless you only have two fingers14:05
pittibut we don't14:05
pittior if we do, it's absolutely uninteresting for a human-readable size14:05
pittibut anyway, we've been through this, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy is the result now14:06
* ogra_ grumbles about ubuntu-docs taking over 30min to unpack in precise ... that was only 15min in oneiric, did it really grow so much or are we using some insane compression mechanism now ?14:06
pittidobey: anyway, even if you want base-2, then format_size_for_display is still wrong14:07
* ogra_ expects the same issue for gnome-user-docs ...14:07
pittidobey: as it doesn't use the correct units then, like MiB/GiB14:07
dobeypitti: i didn't say format_size_for_dispay was right14:08
dobeybut it's all there is in glib < 2.3014:08
pittidobey: but as format_size_for_dispay was essentially unfixable, they deprecated it14:08
pittidobey: right, for older releases we just have to live with it14:08
pittidobey: but I sent an updated MP which now gets along with both14:09
pittiit gives the correct output for >= 2.30, and remains unchanged for < 2.3014:09
pittiwhich is pretty much what we want for SRUs, etc.14:09
dobeywhat i'm saying, is the policy seems to be broken14:09
dobeypretty much *everything* reads/writes data in 4096 byte blocks, not 1000 bit blocks14:10
pittihow is that relevant?14:10
pittiit doesn't matter if your read/write block size is 1024 or 123456714:11
pittiwhat you display are either file sizes or transfer rates14:11
dobeybecause it's readying bytes, not bits14:11
dobeyreading, not readying14:11
pittiok, I'm afraid I don't follow14:11
pittiwhich part of the policy do you think is broken?14:11
pitti(or the g_format_size() implementation for that matter?)14:12
dobeythe g_format_size implementation is fine; it just calls g_format_size_full () with the default of using 1000 instead of 1024, and _full lets you use 1024. i think defaulting to 1000 is a bad idea, vs requiring developer to make a conscious choice, but whatever, i don't care to argue that14:13
pittiwell, that was made because in all except rare circumstances 1000 is the right default now14:14
dobeyand i fundamentally disagree with perpetuating the lies of an entire industry, but whatever. ex post facto standards are complete bollocks, if you ask me. :)14:15
kenvandineoh interesting, i didn't know about the UnitsPolicy page... i've wondered about that a couple times in the past14:15
dobeyi think the network bandwidth thing is wrong, though14:15
pittiwell, it's not ex post fact14:17
pittihumans have counted in base-10 (well, some in base-60) for centuries14:17
pittijust some nerds a couple of decades ago thought it was a good idea to confuse people with a Mega-something which is not actually what Mega- means14:18
kenvandineit makes sense, normal humans prefer easy number14:18
pittisomeone just abused the SI prefixes to mean something different14:18
pitti_that_ was the confusion, not switching back to real base-10 prefixes14:18
dobeypitti: computers have never counted in base 1014:18
pittiwhy should users care?14:19
kenvandinedobey, computers != humans14:19
dobeythe IEC standard didn't exist until 199814:19
dobeyand hard disk manufacturers had been cheating since way before then14:19
kenvandinewe're talking about representing the information to humans not computers14:19
* kenvandine stops feeding the dobey :)14:20
pittidobey: why cheating?14:20
pittidobey: 100 MB == 100.0000.000 Bytes14:20
dobeyhumans don't care. they just want the computer to match what the box says.14:20
dobeywhen they see certain things14:20
pitti(scratch that extra 0, YKWIM)14:20
dobeythere is no box label for how many bytes your computer transferred across the network14:20
pittiwhat I do agree to is that using the base-2 prefixes is confusing14:21
pittilike, 100 MiB for file sizes, etc.14:21
pittisince users do not know what these really are either14:21
pittiwe still need them for total mem size14:21
dobeythe XiB crap is annoying because of the i14:22
pittithat's why we shouldn't use it for most things :)14:22
dobeypeople making stupid naming choices in a standard is no excuse for avoiding base 214:23
dobey"we'll just make stupid names for things, so nobody will use them!"14:23
* pitti stops any hope of getting dobey out of his geek unit world, and just STFU :)14:23
kenvandinepitti, it is hard not to feed the dobey :)14:24
pittidobey: if you had written the standard, which prefixes would you have chosen, OOI?14:24
dobeydrwxr-xr-x   2 dobey dobey      4096 2011-05-06 16:19 我的光碟/14:25
dobeydrwxr-xr-x   2 dobey dobey 4.0K 2011-05-06 16:19 我的光碟/14:25
dobeypitti: i wouldn't pick names that sounded like they came from care bears, at least14:25
pittibut that's a lie :)14:25
pittiit's 4.096 K14:26
dobeypitti: so do you have a patch for ls?14:26
pittidobey: --si14:26
pittidobey: http://xkcd.com/394/ is an even clearer standard :)14:33
ricotzjbicha, hi16:09
ricotzjbicha, good catch and interesting patch in gnome-themes-standard for nautilus, but i think something like this would be better http://paste.debian.net/plain/14974916:11
jbicharicotz: oh, would that work too?16:12
jbichaI don't actually understand theming16:12
ricotzjbicha, this is hard to notice, but it only draws this dark line?16:13
ricotzand this smaller change does the same, and wouldnt break nautilus 3.316:13
jbicharicotz: yeah, it would be better to work with both nautilus 3.2 and 3.316:15
ricotzas long nautilus 3.2 doesnt use GtkGrid it doesnt interfere with the newer style definitions16:15
ricotzjbicha, please change it then16:16
jbicharicotz: yes, doing it now :)16:16
ricotzjbicha, you messed the patch up :(16:35
ricotzjbicha, please look at the paste again16:35
ricotzdo it exactly that way16:35
jbicharicotz: sorry, I'll just copy and paste then16:46
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ricotzjbicha, me again ;), the break against fglrx in g-s arent compatible with ubuntu17:23
ricotzi think it should be something like "fglrx (<< 2:8.910)"17:24
jbicharicotz: maybe we could just leave that line out since I hear that the latest fglrx still doesn't work right for everyone w/ gshell17:33
jbicharicotz: also you should join the desktop team17:37
ricotzjbicha, yes, dropping the line would be the best17:39
jbichaactually, fglrx-driver isn't in Ubuntu at all, so I don't think the breaks hurts anything to be left in17:42
ricotzindeed ;)17:43
ricotzjbicha, on the other hand i was thinking fglrx 2:8.911 fixed some things17:48
pitticyphermox: did you sync libnl3?18:00
pittiah, there's a MIR already for xmlstarlet, nevermind18:00
jbicharicotz: I was thinking of 8.881 which still had problems but I don't run ATI so I don't know if the problems are fixed now or not18:08
cyphermoxpitti: yeah18:08
cyphermoxI just did the MIR too, I had forgotten all about hte new xmlstarlet requirement18:08
ricotzjbicha, ok, i thought i read some good news about the newer driver18:17
pittihappy holidays everyone! I'll stop IRC now, please mail me if you need me to do something over the holidays (no response time guarantee, though)18:36
broderwhere's the best place to send feedback on dx's multi-display spec? ayatana@lists.lp?18:42
mterrychrisccoulson, hey, congrats!19:21
alex_mayorgaHello! Can someone here help me get rid of bug 90701221:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 907012 in indicator-datetime "indicator-datetime uses 80% of RAM or 3.1g" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90701221:47

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