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ScottKpitti: Looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html is seems that the KDE SC 4.7.3 SRU only got partially copied over.  A big chunk of them are in -updates, but all the ones listed against bug #901975  should have been copied together.  Not sure what happened.06:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901975 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE application updates for 4.7.3" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90197506:02
RAOFScottK: I'm not sure pitti's here; can I do anything to help?  I was planning on running through the SRUs before ending the day; it looks like all the ones you're concerned about should be picked up in my normal processing?06:05
ScottKRAOF: The concern I have is that it looks like half of KDE got moved and half didn't.06:14
ScottKI doubt it will cause a problem, but it was tested together, so it's better, IMO, to get it all moved as close to one time as possible.06:14
RAOFSo, that's easily resolved by me moving the other half, plus the language packs, right?06:14
ScottKRAOF: Thanks for looking into it.  I'm off to bed.06:18
RAOFNo problem.06:18
RAOFl10n done.06:19
jbichaanyone want to rebuild gnome-shell for oneiric (bug 903382)? my upload rights aren't sufficient for that :(07:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 903382 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[powerpc] Unsatisfiable dependency in oneiric" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90338207:09
broderjbicha: just a no-change rebuild to oneiric-proposed? i can do that07:11
jbichabroder: yes, thank you!07:13
micahgjbicha: can you merge gnome-shell from Debian so there are no more issues please :)07:15
broderjbicha: done. i've opened an oneiric task as well so you can target things appropriately07:15
pittiGood morning07:16
pittiScottK: uh, sorry, I thought I caught them all; looking07:16
pittiScottK: I see four which are missing; I guess they again timed out and I missed them; copied now07:18
pittiwow, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/ looks great today07:44
pittinow, nobody break anything over the holidays :)07:44
dholbachgood morning07:56
pittihey dholbach07:57
dholbachhey pitti07:57
pittiinfinity, lamont: FYI, I'm uploading new natty-proposed langpacks; I temporarily switched allspice and crested to i386 and updated the notes/description accordingly09:24
pittiwill switch back once the flood is over09:24
pitti(or if we get a lot of other uploads which need amd64)09:24
pittiinfinity, lamont: ah, nevermind, we copy binaries from the PPA these days, switching back09:28
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Laneypitti: that email was interesting, thanks!11:09
pittiLaney: I'm glad it is; took me over an hour to write, after all :)11:10
pittiLaney: now that I've been through it I wonder how we did that in the past11:10
Laneysweating blood around milestones? :-)11:10
pittiwell, partially it was spread over all developers, but for the most part we simply ignored them11:10
Laneyalso ignoring stuff, yes11:11
pittiand then taking the mass removal club before release time, yes11:11
cjwatsonpitti: thanks, indeed!11:14
cjwatsonLaney: can I remove the ghc-ghci r(b)deps on armel/armhf/powerpc?11:14
cjwatsonbinaries, I mean11:14
cjwatsonI think that would clean up http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ghc.html somewhat11:14
Laneyif they no longer build, then yes please11:14
Laneyare built* — I was going to ask for that at some point11:14
cjwatsonhaskell-clientsession haskell-convertible-text haskell-data-accessor-template haskell-file-embed haskell-hamlet haskell-haxr haskell-hledger-web haskell-path-pieces haskell-quickcheck haskell-syb-with-class haskell-type-level haskell-web-routes-quasi11:15
cjwatsonis the list, I believe11:15
cjwatsonoh, maybe not haskell-quickcheck11:15
dantticnd: ping11:17
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cjwatsonactually it looks like just haskell-clientsession haskell-file-embed11:19
Laneynot sure which of the list has OOD binaries11:20
cjwatsonjust those two by the looks of things11:22
cjwatsondone now11:22
cjwatson(and only on powerpc)11:22
cjwatsonhm, may be some others for other reasons though11:24
cjwatsonah yes, I need to hit checkrdepends recursively11:25
ScottKpitti: Thanks.11:29
cjwatson... that doesn't yield any more packages to remove, though, so good11:30
mok0Who is familiar with Mesa?11:30
mok0... or rather mesa-glw11:30
ajmitchpitti: great writeup in that email :)11:32
mok0In Debian, the package libglw-mesa comes from source package mesa_7.11.2-1, but in Ubuntu it comes from source package mesa-glw. What is the reason for this?11:42
mok0The package provides the library libGLw.so, which is broken on Ubuntu11:44
mok0but fixed in Debian Re: BTS #62415611:44
mok0I also see that Ubuntu has its own version of mesa: 7.11-0ubuntu411:46
TiMiDohi guy's11:47
TiMiDogood Morning11:47
ogramok0, try #ubuntu-x11:53
mok0ogra, thx, I will11:53
ograjust guessing, but its probably a universe/main issue that there is a separate source package11:54
TiMiDopython 2.7 sure look nice ;)11:57
TiMiDovery powerful11:57
mok0TiMiDo: What makes you say that? Very few changes from 2.611:58
cjwatsonbuilt-in collections.OrderedDict is nice11:58
cjwatsontedious to write directly11:58
TiMiDoyeah correct mok011:59
mok0... Now 3000K *is* powerful. Wish all extensions could be updated soon11:59
TiMiDomore fun ;) we'll have12:00
mok0Numpy for example12:00
TiMiDodjango is a cool small project12:00
TiMiDobut at the same time powerful12:00
mok0You call that "small"?12:00
TiMiDoyeah I seen pythons applets or apps reaching the 2GB12:01
TiMiDoin my class ;)12:01
mok0TiMiDo: Those are huge. Django is big12:02
mok0In my world12:02
TiMiDooh in my class i seen bigger apps12:02
TiMiDoso that's why12:02
mok0Since you can do an incredible amount of stuff in just a few hundred lines of Python12:02
jmlI can't switch to my lucid schroot since upgrading to precise12:03
jml$ schroot -c lucid-amd6412:03
jmlE: 10mount: mount: unknown filesystem type 'aufs'12:03
jmlE: lucid-amd64-2cb56580-9dfe-41be-a214-44663808dca9: Chroot setup failed: stage=setup-start12:03
TiMiDoyeah mok012:03
TiMiDomok0, where ya from?12:03
mok0TiMiDo: Aarhus, Denmark12:04
TiMiDolet me guess germany?12:04
cjwatsonjml: you may need to switch union-type to overlayfs12:04
TiMiDooh nice ;)12:04
mok0TiMiDo: Close but no cigar :-)12:04
* TiMiDo from Miami Florida12:04
cjwatsonjml: and possibly amend union-mount-options12:04
mok0TiMiDo: what are you doing in front of the computer :-)12:04
mok0TiMiDo: get out and fight some alligators12:05
TiMiDohahahaha yeah12:05
TiMiDoi was creating a small plugin for audacious12:05
jmlcjwatson: thanks. will try that.12:05
TiMiDothat can control eq's at the same time some pitching libraries is not bad.12:05
mok0TiMiDo: nice12:06
TiMiDoman i feel like taking a small trip to Europe12:06
TiMiDoi need some vacations.12:06
cjwatsonjml: we're probably stuck with this kind of thing until such time as one of the union filesystems actually makes it upstream; overlayfs is the most plausible candidate right now, I think12:08
jmlcjwatson: changing union-type fixes the issue, thanks.12:16
cjwatsonyou're welcome.  (I don't use unioning with schroot as yet so hadn't noticed that myself.)12:17
cjwatsonI ought to sort out moving from pbuilder to sbuild, which would benefit from union-mounting.12:18
jmlcjwatson: Well, essentially all I did was run mk-sbuild in relative ignorance, in an attempt to get set up for backporting things to lucid12:46
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kirklandpitti: howdy14:12
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dokopitti: packages like magics++ still ftbfs :-/14:20
pittidoko: yes, on ppc :(14:20
dokoand arm*14:21
dokopitti: so the archive (at least main) should be in a pretty consistent shape?14:24
pittiit is right now; I hope it doesn't completely fall apart over the holidays14:25
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wipDoes gtk_status_icon_new still works on Unity?16:08
wipthe new indicator (blacklist / whitelist) is causing me trouble with wxWidgets applications16:08
wipsee http://groups.google.com/group/wx-users/browse_thread/thread/e688d6d188003f87 for an explanationb16:08
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dokotgall_foo, pitti: please see https://launchpad.net/~doko/+archive/toolchain for the libjpeg-turbo and libjpeg8-empty packages17:20
tgall_foodoko, great thanks17:20
dokoupdates work for me, and the system doesn't explode, but I'd like you to verify17:20
tgall_fooshall do17:20
slangasekpitti: are you planning to take care of the libverto build-dep switch?17:22
pittidoko: trying now; why do we need -empty, though?17:48
pittislangasek: it's a little more than just the b-dep switch; it needs some packaging changes, build a new binary, drop the old one, and then test krb5 against that17:49
pittislangasek: as I'm on holiday, and AFK from tomorrow on, I can do it in January, but not this week any more17:49
slangasekpitti: are you sure that changing the build-dep changes the ABI of libverto itself?17:49
pittistill need to get the new lucid/maverick langpacks settled with micag, so no promises for this year17:49
pittislangasek: I hope it won't17:50
slangasekpitti: anyway, if you're not taking it that's perfectly fine, krb5 wasn't actually an autosync but a sync I did manually so I bear some responsibility ;)17:50
dokopitti: this source package defines the libjpeg8* dependency packages; didn't want to change libjpeg8 yet, in case we have to revert the change. with this setup, we can just re-upload libjpeg8, and remove libjpeg8-turbo17:50
slangasekright; if it doesn't change libverto's ABI, then no need to change the package names17:50
pittislangasek: but I'd at least build krb5 against it and see whether it runs some tests, etc.17:50
slangasekor I could just build krb5 against it, install it, and check whether my entire home network falls apart ;)17:50
pittislangasek: well, it currently builds libverto-libev and libverto-libglib variants; I suppose it should build a libverto-libevent variant then17:50
slangasekI look into it17:51
pittiI have NFC about the package, so it might be that you need to specify the backend in some constructor call or what not17:51
* slangasek suppresses his inner Russian17:51
pittidoko: I installed libjpeg-turbo8 now, and at least eog foo.jpg still works; but I notice it doesn't divert the original library, so if I'd purge -turbo again my system will be hosed17:52
pittidoko: do you still plan to add that?17:52
* pitti reboots in the meantime to test it more system-wide17:52
dokopitti, no, therefore the dependency package. the diversion is gone17:53
pittidoko: what's wrong with the diversion? I don't see how the dependency package will fix that17:54
pittidoko: anyway, I still see icons and background images, etc., so it seems to work here17:55
dokopitti, wasted space, and afaicr cjwatson_ argued against using the diversion17:56
pittiwell, in this case I think we should really just apply the patch to libjpeg itself17:56
pittibecause this just breaks libjpeg817:56
pittiphone, bbl17:57
dokopitti, why should it break?17:57
pittiyou can't remove libjpeg-turbo8 any more (but nothing in the packaging system stops you from it)17:58
pittino biggie, but just want to mention it17:58
pittiI apt-get install --reinstall libjpeg8 now, so it's fine17:59
dokowell, ok. I'll add a dependency on the new libjpeg817:59
broderjml: fyi, mdeslaur patched mk-sbuild to use overlayfs as of u-d-t 0.136, so new chroots should use it18:10
brodermdeslaur: do you think it makes sense for, say, an schroot postinst to try and migrate aufs chroots to overlayfs?18:11
jmlbroder: good to know, thanks.18:12
mdeslaurbroder: hrm, maybe...I don't have a strong opinion, it's users are typically power users anyway18:14
mdeslaurbroder: it currently probes the running kernel to decide on overlayfs vs. aufs, so the postinst would need to do that too I guess18:17
broderhmm...maybe the better solution would be to have a "union-type=default" or something and have schroot pick the right one for the system18:18
slangasekblast, the patch in bug #874774 isn't even addressing the right bug18:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 874774 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu Precise) "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87477418:18
broderthat + a useful error if you set union-type={aufs,overlayfs} and it can't start because the fs isn't available18:18
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tumbleweedbroder: yeah, the probing was a quick hack18:23
tumbleweed(debian doesn't have overlayfs yet)18:23
broderright, but as jml pointed out, the upgrade experience kind of sucks atm18:24
cjwatsonsbuild.postinst doesn't work well as a place for it, because you might upgrade sbuild then the kernel18:24
cjwatsonin fact you probably will in a one-shot upgrade18:24
cjwatson(I mean, upgrade sbuild then reboot into the new kernel)18:24
tumbleweedcjwatson: see broder's next suggestion18:25
cjwatsonyes, that would work better18:25
tumbleweedof course, for sbuild chroots, the easiest upgrade path is to blow them away and rebuild them18:26
broderyeah, i think this is actually pretty simple - you need to change the C++ verification code to accept union-type=auto, but after that i think you can do everything from /etc/schroot/setup.d/10mount18:26
brodertumbleweed: sed -i -e 's/union-type=aufs/union-type=overlayfs/g' /etc/schroot/chroot.d/* is pretty easy18:27
dobeywill there be a DMB meeting on jan 2?18:27
tumbleweedbroder: oh, that too :P18:27
tumbleweeddobey: we've said "if enough people turn up, and it sounds likely"18:27
tumbleweederr s/,/",/18:27
broderi'm planning to sign up for the 1/2 meeting, since the alternative is waiting 2 weeks *and* having to be awake at 6 AM my time :)18:28
dobeytumbleweed: well, i'm about to propose a new delegated team for ubuntuone related packages, so would like to get through that process as quickly as possible to make things work more smoothly :)18:29
tumbleweeddobey: that'd be a new packageset, right?18:32
tumbleweedsend a mail, and the discussion can begin18:32
dobeyyeah, was planning on that; just wanted to make sure of when i need to be on IRC, since the wiki page says "DMB, at its next meeting…" :)18:33
infinitymvo: I should learn to just never give you ideas, shouldn't I?18:56
infinitymvo: I think you ruined my holidays by automating that hack. ;)18:56
mvoinfinity: ahaha19:50
mvoinfinity: I like it19:50
mvoinfinity: (sort of ;)19:50
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dokocyphermox, you synced libnl3 without providing a MIR for xmlstarlet21:06
stgraberdoko: bug 90698221:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 906982 in xmlstarlet (Ubuntu) "[MIR] xmlstarlet" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90698221:08
dokostgraber, hmm, I didn't get the ubuntu-mir email ...21:09
cyphermoxdoko: sorry, had missed that xmlstarlet, I created the mir as soon as I found out (then spoke to jdstrand since there were cves for xmlstarlet in the past)21:11
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lumiohello… there seems to be a bug in ubuntu 11.10 with unity: when I press the super-key aka win-key when the screen is locket, the unity interface appears. I won't be able to click anything, but I can see what apps are open and of course the unity menu21:46
brodermvo: ping? vmware-view-client shows up in software-center for me, but it's not multiarch installable to amd64 on oneiric21:59
mvobroder: and you run a amd64 system?22:00
broderit complains about libpcsclite1:i386, libxml2:i386, libxtst6:i386, and zenity:i38622:00
mvobroder: right - you have partner already enabled, correct?22:00
broderyep (i turned it on from s-c, which was pretty slick, btw)22:00
mvobroder: glad to hear (that it was slick)22:01
broder...oh wait...maybe not?22:01
broderah yes - it's there22:01
slangasekbroder: I guess the point is that software-center should suppress the display of the package on amd64, since the deps are not multiarch-ready in oneiric?22:02
broderthat's probably the best solution at this point22:02
broderthough offering an amd64 build would be a nice alternative22:03
mvoslangasek: yeah, I think that is the best option for now, we are in contact about a amd64 build, but I haven't heard back yet22:03
mvobroder: --^22:03
* broder nods22:03
mvobut I need to call it a day for now, its rather late here22:04
* mvo aves22:04
* mvo waves22:04
brodermvo: do you want me to file a bug somewhere so you don't forget?22:04
mvobroder: please do!22:04
broderwhere would you like it?22:04
mvobroder: and assign to me please22:04
mvobroder: software-center22:05
slangasek vmware-view-client:i386 : Depends: libpcsclite1:i386 but it is not going to be installed22:15
slangasek                           Depends: zenity:i386 but it is not going to be installed22:15
slangasekaw, still not installable on precise either22:15
broderzenity is clearly bogus22:15
slangasekwell, it needs to be marked M-A: foreign22:16
broder(i.e. should be m-a: foreign)22:16
* slangasek nods22:16
broderpcsclite could be tricky because i believe it communicates with a separate daemon22:16
slangaseks/tricky/fun for broder/22:16
broder<3 you too, slangasek :-P22:16
slangasekwell, there are only 17 packages left for ia32-libs, so we'll have to find *some*thing to keep you entertained in the new year22:18
broderwell, it looks like the protocol is bittedness agnostic. not sure yet if it's endianness agnostic, though22:23
broderlooks like it's almost certainly not22:24
broderis that considered a blocker for multiarch?22:25
infinityIck, endian-specific protocols?  Fix, fix!22:29
infinityDidn't even dbus learn that lesson and fix its issues?22:29
broderwell, more "moderately ad-hoc protocol consisting of shoving structs into sockets"22:30
* infinity shivers.22:30
infinityThat could end up being even arch-specific, let alone endian-specific.22:30
broderit's not arch-specific - the struct headers all use uint32_t et al.22:31
broderbut the members of the struct are assigned to without any endianness conversion22:34
RAOFThere's no guarantee that the stucture packing is consistent across archs, either, is there?22:35
* RAOF discovers the --eatmydata option to mk-sbuild. Joy!22:36
broderoh yeah, you might be right22:37
RAOFC structs as your IPC protocol: Just Say No :)22:38
ajmitchRAOF: let's use XML instead? :)22:39
dobeyyou could use JSON; where everything is a C struct defined by string literals :)22:39
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