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pittigood morning07:19
pittislangasek: vmware packages> yes, except for the missing license and wrong debian/copyright, but as I said this might be a point where we have usually ignored any blatant error anyway07:20
cjwatsonAnyone know why http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html seems to be stuck?08:01
cjwatsonLast generated on Thursday.08:01
pitticjwatson: last time I asked apw about it, and between him and bjf they poked it to update; they didn't tell me teh details what went wrong, though08:50
pittithey mentioned something about "LP upgrade", not sure if their cronjob needs manual handholding if it fails once08:51
mvocould a archive admin please check/accept my vmware-view-client upload to lucid?08:55
pittimvo: looking09:02
pittimvo: so, debian/copyright still smells fishy (including open source components without providing their source, etc.), but as we discussed by mail I'll just ignore this :)09:05
pittiso, accepted09:05
mvopitti: thanks! more to come soon (maverick, natty :)09:14
mvovmware-view-client for maverick, natty is now up as well, lucid appears to be build and may need a binary-new, not sure though, the LP page looks a bit odd09:52
pittimvo: lucid bin-NEWed10:49
pittimvo: sorry, didn't see your ping earlier10:49
* pitti just spent about an hour writing the stable+1 summary/handoff10:49
pittimvo: m/n source-NEWed, too; will watch the queues for binNEW10:50
mvothanks pitti! much appreciated10:53
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pittimvo: both built and binNEWed10:57
pittimvo: if someone could verify the app-install-data-partner SRUs, I can move them to -updates as well10:58
mvopitti: great, I will ask in ubuntu-testing10:58
pittimvo: you can also test it yourself if you have time and VMs/chroots11:08
mvopitti: oh, even better. I shyed away from it because I did the SRU upload11:09
pittimvo: *shrug* I trust you to use the actual .debs from -proposed :)11:09
pittiaside from that, it's just verifying that they show up in s-c and install correctly, right?11:09
pittiso for lucid/maverick etc. you might still need to wait for the publisher11:09
pittimvo: I'll now do some vacation-y stuff now (xmas prep, etc.), but will check IRC from time to time11:11
mvopitti: thanks, *much* appreciated11:12
pittikein Problem :)11:12
mvopitti: all sru verification done13:45
pittimvo: saw in the bug, moved to -updates five mins ago :)13:45
* mvo hugs pitti13:45
* pitti hugs mvo, thanks for your hard work on this13:45
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slangasekhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/ - why do some of the jobs show up with rain clouds when there's "100%" for the success column?17:14
stgraberslangasek: isn't it related to the number of failures over the last x runs or x days? Jenkins doesn't seem reachable here at the moment but I seem to remember reading something like that17:16
slangasekI don't know what it's related to :)17:16
slangasekit's confusing, that's why I ask :)17:16
* slangasek wonders when armhf should be moved from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/precise_probs.html to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html17:17
slangasekmaybe only after LibO is built ;)17:17
stgraberslangasek: hover says "1 out of the last 5 builds failed"17:19
slangasekso the "100%" only refers to the number of successes in the current build?17:19
stgraberbut yeah, I agree that showing 100% everywhere and having an icon indicating some kind of failure is a bit confusing ;)17:21
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