
jrwrenhow do you all backup your systems? I nearly apt-get installed dump, but I checked the "ubuntu way" to find server guide recommends good old tar.02:37
_stink_i use rdiff-backup.02:39
jrwrenso, that is great for file backup.02:48
jrwrenbut I was looking more for system.02:48
jrwrenI'd like to be able to just restore to new disk and go.02:48
jrwrenbut I guess requiring /boot makes that difficult.02:48
jrwrenalso,I'm worried about extended attributes and regular fs attributes.02:49
jrwrene.g., I don't think tar, or rsync will capture the fact that i ran chattr on some files.02:50
jrwrenI lose that information in the backup02:50
snap-lrsync captures attributes03:28
jrwrenholy crap, using tar with xz makes things cpubound again. its like 1996 all over again.03:33
jrwrensnap-l: really? how?03:33
jrwrensnap-l: how does it write attributes?03:33
jrwrensnap-l: I'm talking linux attributes and EA03:33
brouschhandbrake is not available for ubuntu 11.10?03:34
brouschwhat are we using to rip DVDs now?03:34
jrwrenyeah, -X looks like it might work.  now I just have to figure out if I want to use that or tar with xz :)03:34
brouschah, found nightly snapshots of handbrake for oneiric03:51
snap-ljrwren: EA = ??04:03
snap-lExtended Attributes?04:03
snap-ljrwren: I highly recommend rsync if you want live backups04:04
snap-land tar if you want backups that degrade over time. ;)04:04
jrwrenyes, extended attributes.04:26
jrwreni want highly compressed backups.04:26
jrwrengonna be hard to beat a xz compressed tar04:27
snap-lSave for that's two points of failure04:27
snap-lgzip files, if they get corrupted, are useless04:27
snap-land tar has a hard time recovering from bad blocks04:28
jrwrengood points.04:28
snap-lbzip2 has a recovery mode04:28
jrwrenbut zomg xz LZMA !04:28
jrwrenso much compression!04:28
snap-lI'd recommend spending an extra $100 and foregoing compression04:28
jrwrenk, now assume you can't.04:29
snap-lHow much capacity is the destination volume?04:29
snap-land how many backups are we storing?04:29
jrwrendest has 500G free04:30
jrwreni don't know how many backups i'm storing. I don't know how large a backup is, yet.04:30
jrwrenI'll guestimate 4G ?  I hope?04:30
snap-l4G? Are you backing up an Eee?04:31
jrwrenno, my linux system, but just system, no user files.04:31
jrwrenoh, its past 6G... so maybe 10G ?04:32
snap-letc is 18M on my machine04:32
snap-lbacking up /usr is a bit pointless without /var04:32
jrwreni want /boot too.04:33
jrwreni should be able to boot a live CD and restore after configuring partitions04:33
snap-lAnd then run GRUB to restore the boot record?04:33
snap-lHow quickly do you want to turn around this backup?04:34
jrwrenfew hr RTO would be fine.04:35
snap-lI guess my thought would be to just do a reinstall, and have a script to install the packages04:36
snap-l10 minutes for re-install, network or local repo for the packages.04:36
snap-lsave stuff like /var for the changing fiddly bits for mysql, postgresql, etc.04:36
jrwreni'd loose a lot of config04:36
snap-land call it a day.04:36
snap-lso back up /etc04:36
snap-leven better, make links from /etc/ to the files in userspace04:37
snap-lHave you ver restored a machine from backup like this? :)04:38
jrwrenits been 10yrs, but I did then, yes.04:38
snap-land did it work right afterwards? :)04:39
jrwrenof course.04:39
jrwreni said yes.04:39
snap-l /dev worked OK? /proc worked OK?04:39
jrwren /proc doesn't back, you should know that.04:43
jrwrennor /sys04:43
snap-lI know. :)04:43
jrwrenbut /dev worked.04:43
jrwrenhrm. I should probably unmount devfs and back that /dev04:44
brouschi'm enjoying xfce again today13:04
brouschi think that makes me 2 steps removed from awesome: xubuntu -> lubuntu -> awesome13:04
rick_h__brousch: keep an eye on the end goal :)13:07
Wolfgerbrousch is too happyjoyful today13:58
brouschdon't worry. jjesse's apple blocking htc post has me unhappy now13:59
jjesseyeah that annoyed me13:59
jjessei blame apple13:59
jjessethose bastards13:59
snap-lYeah, that's not cool on Apple's part14:00
WolfgerHaven't read that, but I am prepared to not be surprised...14:00
brouschis it too early to talk about desecrating steve jobs' corpse?14:01
ColonelPanic001no such thing14:01
brouschinteresting. i just glanced at a laptop i'm installing ubuntu 11.10 server onto and it was installing python-twisted-core. i wonder what they use that for in a regular old server?15:28
snap-lI think you can check the deps via dpkg.15:30
snap-lOh man, Webcast has a SHITTY saxaphone version of Hey Jude.15:30
ColonelPanic001I'd like to form an angry mob to torture and kill anyone that choses to use silverlight. Anyone care to join me?15:31
snap-lColonelPanic001: I'm in15:31
snap-lI have some Tiki torches15:31
Scott_firebetanetflix first?15:31
ColonelPanic001fucking blackboard site here uses it15:31
ColonelPanic001I had to reboot my desktop, first time in a couple months15:31
ColonelPanic001works *fine* on windows though, of course15:31
ColonelPanic001because we have no other way to play video on a computer. We need *another* shitty plugin to screw everything up. GREAT CHOICE GUYS15:32
snap-lApparently 1-800-flowers uses the same definition of "unsubscribe" that Techweb uses.15:59
rick_h__ah, the great season for deliveries https://plus.google.com/103531985115858995929/posts/bgUEMyWvEdf16:20
brouschi'm about to try xubuntu on a p3 with 128MB of RAM. what are the odds it will work?16:23
_stink_i bet it works... i used to run dapper with GNOME on a machine with those exact specs16:23
_stink_it was slow.16:23
snap-lrick_h__: Lovely.16:24
brouschi had to use the server install. the regular xubuntu desktop install thrashed for an hour without going anywhere16:25
CrusaderADwhat are you guys thoughts on Unity?16:32
brouschgood in some ways, annoying in others16:32
snap-lCrusaderAD: It's a topic that is more likely than not to create flamebait16:33
snap-lI personally like Unity.16:33
_stink_never tried it.16:34
brouschgnome shell is also good in some ways, annoying in others16:34
brouschas is kde16:34
CrusaderADI like it too, but it seems a little unfriendly across different machines... little bugs seem to pop up here and there, I switched to Xubuntu till 12.0416:34
brouschCrusaderAD: that's what i'm on right now16:38
brouschbut i have tried them all over the last couple of months16:38
CrusaderADbrousch: I love it so far, been on it for about a month at work and home... simple and fast16:39
brouschyes, very quick16:39
brouscha few tweaks made it look just like gnome216:40
ColonelPanic001my favorite tweak for Unity is installing KDE16:42
CrusaderADI was surprised to see a "dock" panel implemented, my first impression was, "this is xfce, right?"16:42
CrusaderADI left it there tho... works great16:43
brouschi like my workspaces and window list down there16:44
brouschlauncher button in the upper left16:44
brouschthe greybird theme is very nice16:47
CrusaderADit is, I tried a few others, but the default is just the best imo... have you noticed xfce-look.org going down lately?16:48
CrusaderADthat website seems hit or miss... they must be having problems16:49
_stink_is there a greybeard theme too?16:49
brouschi have not visited it16:50
snap-lhttp://catb.org/~esr/writings/taouu/html/graphics/vt100.jpg <- Sexxxy.16:50
brouschlooks like a toaster oven16:51
CrusaderADor a terminal from 2011: A Space Odyssey16:52
ColonelPanic001it'd be gret to put modern parts in there16:55
ColonelPanic001run vim, etc16:55
brouschsnap-l: why are you in the dog house?17:22
snap-lI said that JoDee was "well trained" because when we were at the music store, she mentioned that Henry Rollins was performing at the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor17:26
snap-lApparently that's regarded as a "bad move"17:27
brouschdid you pat her on the head?17:31
snap-lno, but that was bad enough17:31
snap-lhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/IBM_5100_-_MfK_Bern.jpg <- Wow, talk about a wonky keyboard17:34
snap-lThere's no quote key.17:34
brouschran into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/83361917:54
brouschtried to apport-collect info for it and i had to login to launchpad via w3m17:55
brouschthat didn't go well17:55
rick_h__<3 w3m17:55
rick_h__why did it not go well?17:55
brouschcouldn't type in the fields17:55
brouschit kept jumping out of the field to the top of the page17:56
brouschi blame rick_h__ since he controls launchpad now17:56
rick_h__logical move for sure17:56
rick_h__yea, w3m has some ui/keys you need17:56
rick_h__it's not quite like a normal web browser17:57
brouschi didn't see any help there. i tabbed to the field and started typing17:57
rick_h__ brousch right, I think you have to hit enter to "focus" the field to be able to type in it17:58
brouschi should have tried vim-like modes i guess17:58
rick_h__once you started typing it was catching key-bindings for things like moving around17:58
rick_h__I *think* been a little bit since I filled out a form with it17:58
brouschi'll try again17:58
rick_h__I'm loading it up to remind myself, sec. I used to use it as my html email viewer in mutt but finally broke down and open it in chrome now17:59
rick_h__brousch: yea, move down to the field, hit enter, and at the bottom should be a "TEXT" you type into18:01
rick_h__you can move around with hjkl like in vim18:01
brouschi think it worked18:01
rick_h__it's actually a pretty good text based web browser18:01
rick_h__but so damn many emails are images and are starting to only send html only18:02
brouschdamnit. it rejected the report due to the bug being closed18:02
* rick_h__ goes off to grumble in the corner with the plain text or die peeps18:02
rick_h__brousch: but the bug is labeled fix released18:02
rick_h__crap he's here...run!!!18:04
brouschsure it is18:04
brouschi guess the fix is to install gdm18:04
snap-lrick_h__: can't get rid of me that easily. ;)18:04
rick_h__I can try!18:06
brouschdamn this thing is slow18:09
brouschhopefully i have some of this ancient ram at home18:09
rick_h__brousch: what is it?18:10
brouschpc133 sdram18:10
rick_h__crap, nvm...I threw it out after forgetting to give it to snap-l 3 times18:10
rick_h__brousch: yea, I had some and finally threw it out. Sorry, forgot18:10
brouschno problem18:10
brouschthis one of those "see if you can resurrect it using linux" things18:10
rick_h__yea, usually not worth the power bill these days :/18:11
rick_h__Blazeix: hey, how's your battery life treating you? Did you get the extended or accessories yet?18:11
brouschwell it's not for me, it's for a friend18:12
brouschsuccess could lead to more linux usage18:12
rick_h__brousch: ah, gotcha18:12
Blazeixrick_h__: i'm pretty happy with battery usage. I had a pretty heavy day yesterday of navigation, web browsing, and gaming, and it still lasted until about 2am this morning.19:17
rick_h__Blazeix: ugh, ok. 4g off?19:18
Blazeixoff and on. I was in lansing for about 6 hours, and they didn't have 4g where I was.19:18
Blazeixno extended battery19:19
rick_h__yea, I can't find it on the website19:19
rick_h__and the desk dock charger isn't anywhere to be seen :(19:19
Blazeixyeah, i'm waiting for the desk dock too19:19
rick_h__I think because I've got low reception in my basement office I crank through more battery than some perhaps19:19
rick_h__reception is a little lower than in Dinc I think19:20
rick_h__ok, well curious. <3 the thing, but in my Dinc I had that giant battery pack that was 2x the stock and could use the @#$# out of it for 2 days straight19:20
rick_h__http://www.amazon.com/Altec-Lansing-iM227-Orbit-Speaker/dp/B004CYKEBK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1324408925&sr=8-1 fixed my speaker problem pretty well19:22
brouschi hereby declare that 128MB is not enough RAM for xubuntu19:23
brouschbut, i think i found 2x256MB at home19:24
snap-lbrousch: I think you'll find 512 is barely enough19:35
snap-lrick_h__: What speaker problem does this solve? The ugly speaker problem?19:36
brouschdoes it have bass?19:36
snap-lI think it barely has treble19:37
brouschdarn, it rejected my ram. gonna bump it up to 256MB and see if it's usable19:43
brouschok, gdm came up without thrashing19:45
snap-lOK, I'm sure this is in the "who cares" bucket, but damn: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/12/20/144023131/report-ohio-state-football-team-banned-from-postseason-play-next-year?ft=1&f=1001&sc=tw&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter19:56
brouschnice, it's only use 135MB of RAM20:12
brouschthat leaves just about enough for a web browser20:12
brouschusing 119MB with nothing open20:16
snap-lAnybody here read Read Write Web?20:35
snap-lI'm very close to stopping myslf20:36
snap-lseems like a lot of sponsored content20:36
ColonelPanic001I've never seen it20:36
snap-lstarted reading it because JZB worked on the sire20:36
ColonelPanic001JZB sired it20:36
snap-lnot entirely.20:37
ColonelPanic001I don't know who JZB is20:37
snap-lJoe Brockmeier20:37
ColonelPanic001I don't know who that is20:37
snap-lI have no cure for you.20:37
rick_h__snap-l: the phone speaker is very quiet20:38
ColonelPanic001It's a terminal case of not knowing JZB20:38
snap-lWow, Kobo is giving me a free book21:27
snap-lOf course, the select list has suck dreck as "Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven"21:29
snap-lSo I bought Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential21:30
snap-lJoDee likes Anthony Bourdain, and I can live with myself.21:35
snap-lAsked this band to release their stuff under a CC license.21:36
snap-lWow, and the list shrunk to 8 titles.21:39
snap-lWonder if the publishers got upset.21:39
snap-lOr is it just that their site sucks21:42
snap-lthinking it's the latter.21:42
brouschthere are a limited number of each ebook21:43
brouschyou can only make so many copies of bits before they rot21:43
snap-lWhatever. If they want to unsell me this book, they can rot in a dumpster for all I care.21:44
snap-lIt's not like I can't "fix" my Kobo so it never goes back on the network ever again.21:45
snap-lThe Floor Tom came for my little niece.22:24
snap-lAnd it is awesome.22:24

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