
bmg505good morning04:56
bmg505what meeting?04:56
roryyi think Kilos wanted to have a monthly meeting of some sort04:59
roryyi guess ubuntu-za loco meeting? no idea04:59
bmg505looks like it05:01
inetprohmm... 06:03
* inetpro missed another meeting06:04
inetprogood morning everyone06:06
Kilosmorning guys06:09
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:09
* Maaz puts the kettle on06:09
inetpromorning Kilos 06:12
inetproMaaz: coffee please06:12
Maazinetpro: Okay06:12
Kiloshiya inetpro 06:12
inetprohoe gaan dinge vanmore06:12
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!06:13
inetproMaaz: baie dankie06:13
MaazPlesier inetpro06:13
KilosMaaz, ty06:13
MaazEnjoy Kilos06:13
Kilosals reg dankie behalwe kop wat klap. hoe gaan dinge met jou06:31
superflymorning everyone07:03
inetpromorning superfly07:37
inetproKilos: geen klagtes nie07:37
Kilosmooi man07:37
Kiloshiya superfly 07:39
Kiloshave a good day guys07:51
nuvolarieveryone still alive and kicking?13:17
superflynuvolari: very much so13:18
=== inetpro_ is now known as in
=== in is now known as inetpro
zerefmysql: Y U NO sort column15:37
zerefany mysql fundie here?17:10
Mezenir#mysql :)17:13
superflyzeref: I know it a little17:14
zerefoh, sorted. was try to clear data off a table and reset the primary key17:15
stevegzahi all - is there an ubuntu-za monthly meeting scheduled for today, if so, what time? TX17:21
zeref24hrs late :-)17:22
Mezenirthis irc server isnt advertised enough17:28
Mezeniri stumbled upon it by accident17:28
Mezenireverything is here17:29
Mezenirok i may have contradicted myself17:29
Mezenirbut still17:29
Mezenirnever realised everything was on the same server17:29
superflystevegza: sorry, we had an impromptu meeting last night17:32
superflystevegza: the next one should be around the 16th of January17:32
stevegzacool - no probs. thanks for the update. I'll look out for the next meet17:33
superflystevegza: we usually try to post it on the mailing list17:35
Mezenirso where are those meetings usually held ?17:45
superflyMezenir: in here17:55
superflyhi Squirm17:55
rossouwaphello, does anyone here dabble with python?18:01
rossouwapI'm getting started and looking for an IDE - or recommendations on how to use existing Ubuntu applications for python18:02
rossouwappeople have recommended eclipse - but that looks a little big for me at the moment18:03
superflyrossouwap: I do18:04
superflyrossouwap: you can always use VIM or gedit18:05
superfly(I don't use Gnome, so I'm not too sure if gedit has plugins or what)18:05
rossouwapthanks superfly - i'm using gedit at the moment with a few plugins - also Wing IDE (the book i'm working through has some examples that use it)18:05
superflyrossouwap: I use Eric, but that's a PyQt4 app so it'll load in Qt4, and it takes a little getting used to18:06
rossouwapsuperfly, may I ask why you chose Eric? Perhaps your reasoning may help a noob like me ;)18:07
superflyrossouwap: cause I'm developing a PyQt4 app :-)18:08
superflyit does have some cool features, but it doesn't have advanced autocompletion like Eclipse18:08
superflyyou can enhance it though18:08
Mezenirso superfly did you receive official tersiary education relating to open source softare18:09
Mezeniror are you just learning as you go18:09
rossouwapI'm presuming you've had experience with eclipse then?18:09
inetproMezenir: welcome to #ubuntu-za18:10
inetprogood evening everyone18:11
Mezenirrossouowap: might as well learn eclipse, its good for many languages ... i use it for java at work, dont think youll regret it18:11
Mezenirand you dont need to use all the features on day 118:11
Mezenirhet inetpro18:11
rossouwapok, thanks Mezenir :)18:11
inetproMezenir: and where are from if I may ask?18:12
Mezeniri stay in cape town18:12
Mezenirworking as a java programmer18:12
inetprohmm... another Capetonian18:12
Mezenirbut im also a linux fan18:12
Mezenirlearning oss as i go18:12
inetproplenty of them around here18:13
Mezenirhow about you ?18:13
* inetpro is from Pretoria18:13
Mezeniri was born in pretoria, for what its worth18:13
Mezenirparents moved here when i was 1018:13
Mezenirso what do you do18:14
inetprosysadmin, jack of all trades18:14
inetproanything *nix18:14
Mezeniryou ever dabble with forensics ?18:15
Mezenirin the computer sense ?18:15
Mezenirseems like an interesting career18:15
superflyMezenir: nope, my tertiary education was all microsoft18:15
Mezenirif a bit stressful18:15
rossouwapgot me thinking of csi there for a moment18:15
superflyMezenir: I taught myself python18:15
rossouwapsuperfly, that's interesting18:16
superflyrossouwap: I've used Eclipse a little, it's not bad18:16
rossouwapi went to the local university for some guidance, and all they wanted to teach me was .net18:16
Mezenirso are you still a microsoft fan superfly ?18:16
superflyI went to university before .NET existed ;-)18:16
rossouwaplol :)18:16
superflyMezenir: I don't have a single Microsoft application running in my household - that should tell you18:17
rossouwapfunny how that turns out in the end...18:17
Mezenirbad course then ? ;)18:17
rossouwapI've got a bucket load of Microsoft certificates and I'm trying my hardest not to touch it :)18:17
Mezenirbad lecturers maybe18:17
Mezenirthats the thing18:18
rossouwapthink a combo of both - and what the local market says they want18:18
superflyMezenir: no, it was good, taught folks a lot about programming (though I had been programming for years already)18:18
Mezenirmicrosoft changes its mind every few years18:18
inetproMezenir: we don't talk about that thing in here18:18
Mezenirhad a colleague at my previous job18:18
Mezenirhe was a vb6 developer18:18
Mezenirand now his skills are obsolete18:18
* inetpro wonders where kilos is hiding this evening18:19
Mezeniron the other hand18:19
Mezeniras a programmer you need to keep up18:19
rossouwapMezenir - try being in the hardware infrastructure business18:19
rossouwapwe just did a stock take and clear out of equipment at the office18:20
rossouwapabout two skips full of horrible old hardware - that I'm totally certified to work on :D18:20
rossouwapjust a pity nobody wants it anymore :(18:20
Mezenirwhat do you do on the hardware ?18:20
Mezenirembedded programming ?18:21
rossouwapnah - nothing as glamorous as that18:21
Mezeniryeah thats why i picked java seemed a safe microsoft alternative18:21
Mezenirthou im teaching myself a little c++ when i have time to spare18:21
Mezenirand im not watching supernatural :)18:21
rossouwapspend my life installing and maintaining vmware and the hardware it sits on18:21
Mezenirfor web servers ?18:22
rossouwapfor everything18:23
rossouwapfull infrastructure18:23
Mezenirhow come you use vmware ?18:23
Mezenirim just curious about the thinking process18:23
rossouwapcause it was the first virtualisation platform that was stable (according to the company ;) )18:23
Mezenirhaha ok18:23
Mezenirisnt vmware a microsoft thing ?18:23
rossouwapvmware is a vmware thing :)18:24
Mezenirat least the server edition18:24
rossouwapowned by emc now18:24
Mezeniri use virtualbox18:24
Mezenirfor testing18:24
rossouwapthat company we're not allowed to talk about has something else18:24
rossouwapya, virtualbox runs18:24
inetprohmm...  18:24
rossouwaplol, rocks18:24
* inetpro just the following SMS: "MR FOUCHE Your arrear Lewis acc ###-####-# (R13436.97) now @ Oppermans for summons. Phone Vivienne 021-####### to avoid legal steps. Quote ref:S#####"18:24
Mezeniryou need to use gnucash then18:25
inetprojust got *18:25
superflyMezenir: inetpro is not Mr Fouche18:25
rossouwapthink someone made a typo with a cellphone number ;)18:26
inetproa very bad typo that is18:26
inetprowish I had so much money to spend at Lewis18:27
inetprobut I guess mr fouche doesn't have it either18:27
Mezenirit went into that very nice leather couch that ive been eyeing18:28
* inetpro needs a new 3G wireless modem18:29
Mezenirno man18:30
Mezeniraxxess is a good isp18:30
inetprono more Telkom lines here, all stolen18:30
Mezenirbeen using them for 8 months no18:30
Mezeniryes they should replace them with fibre optics :)18:30
Mezenirwin win18:30
Mezeniryou get super speed18:30
Mezenirand its not worth stealing18:31
inetpromy nice modem just packed up the other day18:31
inetprodoesn't seem to connect any more18:31
inetproI tried with Vodacom, MTN and 8ta18:31
inetproand Vodacom is still connecting with my K3570-Z18:32
inetprolucky that I still have that18:32
inetprofibre optics would be super nice18:33
Mezenircellc has those speed sticks18:33
Mezenir5 gig a month18:33
Mezeniryeah fibre optics is the bomb18:33
Mezeniri hear australia is laying fibre optics to every household18:33
inetproMezenir: the cellc stick is useless in my area18:33
Mezenirlucky bastards18:33
Mezenirnot sure what theyre going to do with it though18:33
tumbleweedtelkom's 3g is even cheaper, if you have a telkom tower locally18:33
Mezenirreally ?18:33
Mezenirin pta ?18:34
inetprotumbleweed: you mean 8ta?18:34
Mezenirid expect cellphone service to be top notch there18:34
tumbleweedtelkom is laying fibre, but to the kerbside distribution boxes, not to the home18:34
tumbleweedinetpro: yeah18:34
inetpro8ta is also useless here18:34
tumbleweed3g is getting cheap, but no way I'm leaving ADSL for it18:35
Mezenirturn off your radio jammer :P18:35
inetproVodacom is also bad but I can work with it, better than the others18:35
inetprotumbleweed: enjoy it while you can18:36
Mezenirinetpro how come you dont have adsl lines18:36
* inetpro hates the inconsistency of 3g18:36
tumbleweedinetpro: tie the modem to a very long pole :)18:36
Mezenirdo you guys also have a wireless user group up there ? like ctwug18:36
inetprotumbleweed: I guess I should do that18:37
inetproMezenir: yes ptawug but they are also far away from my home18:37
Mezenirgeez man18:37
Mezenirwhere in pta do you stay18:37
inetproand they don't allow internet 18:37
inetproMezenir: in the north18:38
Mezenirwell you dont need as much internet if you have wug ;)18:38
* inetpro live on the net18:38
Mezenirbrowsing ?\18:38
Mezenirprobably more browsing than downloading18:38
* tumbleweed needs a lot of internet18:38
inetproMezenir: yep and chatting to you :-)18:39
tumbleweedI've always meant to connect to ctwug, though...18:39
Mezenirthats not a lot of bandwidth thou18:39
Mezeniri dont have line of sight to ctwug :(18:39
Mezenirthou im surrounded by high sites18:39
inetproMezenir: Telkom refused to install cables after they were stolen more than once18:41
Mezenirthats harsh18:41
Mezeniri believe you18:42
Mezenirits ridiculous18:42
Mezenirbut you cant stop it18:42
Mezenirwithout fibre optics :)18:42
inetprothey even stole my power lines and my water meter18:42
Mezenirfibre optics isnt worth much melted down18:42
Mezenirthats audacity18:43
Mezenirhow do you steal a power line18:43
inetprothese guys are very desparate for copper18:43
Mezeniryou live on a farm or something ?18:43
inetproa plot18:43
Mezenirdo you farm ?18:44
inetproMezenir: I wish I had more time for that 18:44
Mezeniri duno hey18:44
Mezenirits a bit isolated for my taste18:44
inetprobut my place is just to small for that anyway18:44
Mezenirwhy not live in the city ?18:45
inetproeish... VC lagging badly again18:45
* inetpro enjoys living on the plot18:46
inetprogrew up on the farm in KZN18:46
Mezenirthats a good reason i guess18:46
inetprohave my chickens and a nice garden18:46
Mezenirim surprised you care about the internet then18:46
inetproand some bees that I'm neglecting18:46
inetproI wish my place was big enough for a horse or three18:52
* inetpro just remembered the days on the farm18:52
inetpromany years ago18:52
inetproI once had 30 wild horses running around my dads big farm18:53
roryyevening all18:53
inetprogood evening roryy18:53
inetprowelcome to #ubuntu-za18:53
inetprororyy: is it your first time here?18:57
roryynope :)18:58
inetproor was I being ignorant again18:58
roryybut i haven't been around for a year or so18:58
inetproMezenir: why so quiet now?19:00
inetproyou guys should come back more often anyway19:00
inetproit's time for this place to come alive again19:01
inetprokilos will be so happy19:01
Mezenirbeen chatting in fsf19:02
inetprosuperfly: BTW, you won't believe it but I'm still running Ubuntu Oneiric with Unity19:03
inetproMezenir: ahh19:03
* rossouwap goes to get some coffee19:03
Mezenirthis irc server rocks19:03
inetproMezenir: you mean this network19:04
inetprofreenode is massive19:04
Mezenircollection of servers19:04
Mezeniri suppose19:04
inetprothis is the place for all serious FLOSS related stuffs19:05
Mezenirhow do you relate to that ?19:05
inetproMezenir: what do you mean by that?19:06
Mezenirwhat is your job19:06
Mezenirhow do you relate to FLOSS19:06
* inetpro uses Ubuntu since the first beta19:06
Mezeniri only started using linux about 3 years ago19:07
* inetpro looks after multiple *nix servers19:07
inetproFreeBSD, Solaris, Ubuntu, even RedHat19:08
Mezenirhowd you get into that19:08
Mezenirif you dont mind my asking19:08
inetprohmm... time19:08
inetprorossouwap: nope19:08
rossouwapinetpro: :) we got some legends at the office who used to do aix and solaris19:09
* inetpro tries to limit it to just a few of them19:09
rossouwapman i wish i could suck information from their brains19:09
Mezenirwell time can take you many places19:09
Mezeniropen source isnt always one of theme19:09
inetproMezenir: you start by putting your web server software on something more stable19:10
Kiloshi superfly and others19:11
Kiloshi Mezenir 19:11
inetproand then you expand with mail gateways, dns, proxy, etc19:11
superflyhi Kilos19:11
Mezenirhey kilos19:11
Kiloslo pro19:11
inetproKilos: wb19:11
Mezenirrome wasnt built in a day19:11
inetproMezenir: for sure19:11
inetproKilos: say hi to our new members19:12
Kilosi have said hi to Mezenir 19:12
Kilosdont see any other new guys19:12
inetprooops, sorry19:12
Kilosmembers or visitors??19:13
Kiloswakey wakey19:13
inetprohmm... I guess Mezenir is enjoying this and will stick around19:13
Mezenirgood guess19:13
inetproand then roryy seems to have come back after some absence19:13
Kilosmy offline time has allowed me to work out how to overclock my 1.7g cpu to just over 2g19:14
Mezenirthou ill prolly disappear between christmas and new years ;)19:14
Kilosas long as you come back in the new year thats great Mezenir 19:14
inetproMezenir: are you running on Ubuntu yet?19:14
Mezeniri dual boot windoze for games and kubuntu 10.419:15
Mezenirhavent upgraded to 10.10 yet19:15
Mezenirmy bad19:15
inetproahh, another KDE dude, that's cool19:15
Mezeniri lose years sometime :P19:15
rossouwapeveryone (other than the kde fella's) running Unity?19:16
Kilos12.04 out in 4 months and a bit19:16
Kiloslo Kerbero 19:16
roryyi'm on 10.04 still19:16
Kerberolo kilos19:16
Kilosgnome here19:16
roryyupgrading is always a huge pita19:16
Mezenirhow do you like unity ?19:16
Kilosmaverick here19:16
Kerberoupgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 always fails19:16
rossouwaproryy: indeed19:16
Mezeniri briefly used it on my laptop once19:16
MezenirKerbero: yes i read that19:17
rossouwapi've become more of a fan of the shell19:17
Mezenirand im not in the mood for a clean install19:17
inetprorossouwap: I must say I'm quite impressed with the latest Unity although I will probably return to Kubuntu19:17
rossouwaplast time i tried KDE was back on 8.04 :S19:18
Mezeniri guess theres not much chance ubuntu will convert to a rolling release19:18
inetproMezenir: a rolling release, why?19:19
Mezenirso i dont need to reinstall every 6 months19:19
inetprothings are already changing way to fast for me19:19
Mezenirive had issues with upgrading19:19
superflyMezenir: I've never encountered issues that were unfixable when upgrading19:20
Mezenirso i prefer a clean install19:20
* inetpro just keeps data separated from system to make life easier19:20
superflyeven a guy who rebooted his machine halfway through the process, and ended up with a borked kernel19:20
Mezenirdo you guys use the encrypted home partition ?19:20
inetproMezenir: I tried that once but basically gave up19:21
Mezeniri found mounting other partitions under my home directory with that didnt fly so well19:21
inetpromakes things to complicated19:21
Mezenirso i mounted them under /mnt instead19:21
inetprothe idea is good though19:21
rossouwapi keep /home on a separate partition too19:22
Mezeniryes separate partitions are good19:22
Mezeniri have 2 oses19:22
Mezenirsharing a data partition19:22
rossouwapjust before re-install I run dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall19:22
Mezenirbut each os has its own home19:22
rossouwapand rename my username folder19:22
rossouwapre-install, put applications back, and move my homedir back to where it belongs19:23
Kilosrossouwap, what does that command do?19:23
rossouwapKilos: lists all the installed applications19:23
inetprorossouwap: nice idea19:23
Kilosah ty i will save it19:23
rossouwapusually pipe it to a text file19:24
rossouwapinteresting, had a customer who did the right thing and kept /boot / /home and /var separate19:24
rossouwapto forget to move his mysql data files from /var19:25
rossouwapnow he's got a massive /home and 99% utilisation on /var19:25
inetproeasy to fix that19:25
rossouwapindeed - when i can get some downtime ;)19:26
inetprowith soft links19:26
Kiloswhat does it matter if you put / or /boot first19:27
Kilosin gparted it has / first19:27
Kilosso thats how i did it19:27
Kilosdoes it matter19:28
rossouwapyou want a theoretical answer?19:28
inetproKilos: it doesn't matter as long as you have a / somewhere19:28
Mezeniri dont think it does19:28
Mezenirif youre worried about it confusing partitions19:28
Mezeniruse uuids in fstab19:28
Kilosi just follow the partition tool19:28
Mezenirthou i think thats the default19:28
Mezenirin newer ubuntus19:28
rossouwapdepending on the disk speed and IO - it does matter where the partitions sit, whether on the inside or outside19:28
rossouwapbut for home machines - np19:29
inetproKilos: ^^ that19:29
Kilosand /swap right after / and /boot19:29
* Kilos thinks it a bit quicker with /swap near start of drive19:30
inetproI think the difference will be insignificant19:30
inetprobut perhaps I'm wrong19:30
Kilosyou have a fast pc inetpro 19:30
rossouwapwith modern home systems, it's negligible19:30
inetproKilos: ahh, right19:30
Kiloswith lotsa ram19:30
Mezenirrossouwap: please explain why it makes a difference ?19:31
inetprohmm... time to go dig into the old documentation19:31
rossouwapall comes down to seek time, and how much the disk needs to work to get the data19:31
Mezenirim not sure myself19:31
rossouwapif you doing lots IO, you want to minimise the seek time19:32
inetproperhaps this doc explains it? http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/19:32
Kilosinetpro, is that wget able19:32
rossouwapoften system bottlenecks are on the disk19:32
inetproKilos: it should be19:32
Kilosi try19:32
inetprobut hang on19:33
rossouwaphad another customer with a production db on a mirrored SATA set19:33
Mezenirwhy wget able ?19:33
rossouwap...was fun seeing the performance difference after moving to fibre connected SAS19:33
Kiloslol data saver19:33
Mezeniri recently read an article on richard stallman19:33
Mezenirhe also prefers wget19:33
Mezeniras opposed to direct browsing19:34
Mezenirthough im not sure why19:34
Kilosgoing to sites eats data19:34
Mezeniri think he was trying to avoid sites with like buttons19:34
Mezenirfor facebook19:34
Kilosfacebook eats 10m data here before i even say hello to anyone19:35
Mezenirim guessing youre also on wireless kilos ?19:35
Mezenirmakes sense19:35
Mezenirleme guess19:35
Mezeniryou live on a plot ? :)19:36
Kilosyou been there done that?19:36
Mezenirive just spoken to inetpro19:36
Mezeniryou guys live together ?19:36
inetproMezenir: nope19:37
Kilosbefore we could get adsl over head wires were stolen every 2 weeks or so till telcom refused to replace them'19:37
inetproMezenir: Pretoria has many plots19:37
Kilosi at least get a better signal than inetpro 19:37
Kiloscan see my tower from bedroom window19:38
Kiloshe battles even when standing on his roof19:38
Kiloswe must be 30ks apart or more19:38
inetproKilos: I'm trying to find a single file for that but struggling19:38
rossouwapfirefox + noscript + adblock = happy :)19:38
Mezenirjust thought it was a coincidence19:38
Kilosfor what inetpro ?19:39
inetproKilos: that document has many HTML files19:39
Kilosdont worry man19:39
Kilosi seem to have mastered partitioning with clean installs19:39
Kilosand rsync has been a good friend19:40
inetprobut I guess you could wget it with the mirroring option 19:40
Kiloswhats that?19:40
Mezeniryeah rossouwap i agree19:40
Mezenirbut im worried about firefox's future funding19:40
inetproKilos: wget is very clever19:40
Mezenirsince 80 % came from google19:40
inetprocan spider through a site and get all files19:40
Mezenirand google has its own browser now19:41
Kilosi like it and only uses a few kB everytime19:41
inetprobut it's not something I would recommend to the uninitiated19:41
rossouwapMezenir - too many people have invested in firefox to see it go19:41
rossouwapall of the HP install tools have firefox underneath19:41
rossouwapas an example19:41
* Kilos uses epiphany19:41
Kilosmuch faster than ff19:42
rossouwapKilos - i do agree19:42
rossouwapbut no noscript :(19:42
inetproMezenir: Firefox is here to stay19:42
Mezenirwell inetpro theres only one way to become initiated in wget :>19:43
Mezenirman pages are fun19:43
Kilosalso epiphany likes opening a new window everytime19:43
inetproMozilla is a very stable and well run non-profi organisation19:43
rossouwapKilo's, have you played with the epiphany app tab yet?19:43
inetproMezenir: I agree19:44
rossouwap(don't know which version you have installed)19:44
Kiloswhere is the app tab?19:44
Mezenirim by no means an expert in wget19:45
Kiloswhatever comes with maverick19:45
Mezenirbut ive found the -c flag very useful19:45
Mezenirfor large files19:45
Kiloswget rocks if you just want the text and quickly19:45
Mezenirwhere firefox would sometimes say download complete on a poor connection19:45
Mezenireven though that was not the case19:45
Mezenirhave any of you experienced that ?19:46
* inetpro is very happy with firefox + noscript + adblock 19:47
inetprobut Mezenir I don't count every byte as much as Kilos19:47
inetproas a retired citizen he has no income like you and me19:48
superflyMezenir: -i19:48
rossouwapsorry Kilos, stepped away for a moment19:48
Mezenir-i ?19:49
rossouwaplatest builds have the app tab19:49
superflyMezenir: download all the links in the file19:49
Mezenirinput file19:49
Kilosmy tab shows nothing , most likely because of blank page19:49
Mezeniri see19:49
inetproKilos: with all the chit-chat of this evening I guess you will have to watch your data19:50
Kiloswas just thinking of going to bath and bed inetpro 19:50
Mezenirkilos are you retired ?19:50
Kilosi've been very good, kept to 1m a day19:51
Kilosinna way19:51
Kilosdisabled retired19:51
Kilosbut then you see i am ofline most of the time19:51
inetprowhich reminds me, I need to setup my vnstat again19:52
Kilostry come say morning and night19:52
Mezenirsorry to hear that19:52
Kilosanway guys thanks for a good evening19:53
Mezenirwhat line of work were you in19:53
Kilosdiesel mechanic and farmer19:53
superflyMezenir: Kilos had an accident and the government has refused to pay him disability compensation19:53
Kilosty superfly 19:53
superflyKilos: :-)19:53
inetproMezenir: but it is a long and interesting story19:54
roryynight all19:54
inetprofor another day19:54
inetprororyy: good night19:54
Kilosnight roryy 19:54
Mezenirsee you around kilos19:54
Kilosnight guys sleep tight19:54
inetproKilos: good night19:54
Mezenir3 more days till holiday19:58
Mezenirlongest week ever :)19:58
rossouwap3 days to 3 weeks holiday \0/20:04
inetprofor me the time flies way to quickly20:10
inetprotime for me to say good night20:10
superflyhrm, time for me to pack up too20:11
Kerberomaar dis nog vroeg20:13
inetproKerbero: 22:1320:14
Mezenir3 weeks20:14
Mezenirlucky you20:14
Mezeniri dont have that much in total :(20:14
Mezenirbut i prefer to have one long weekend each month20:14
Mezenirso thats probably why :)20:14
rossouwaptry working at the same place for 8+ years20:14
rossouwapafter a while you have more days owed to you than you know what to do with20:15
rossouwapi have to take days every month or I lose them, and throw in a week every few months20:15
* rossouwap calls it a night20:20
kierendanyone interested in the shuttleworth lab, a bunch of us are installing new hardware on thursday evening.  attack me for details, or just rock up at 6 to help if you feel like being nice21:22
BarcoI have a weird 3G problem, My adsl is down unexpectantly. Was able to connect via 3g some months ago. Now it seems although it connects dns does not resolve i.e. no internet available on the browser. 21:56
BarcoCan anyone point me in the right direction please?21:56
tumbleweedBarco: try leaving the dongle plugged in a while before connecting (a minute or two)22:03
tumbleweedlots of them are buggy and give bogus DNS to the machine, if they don't know what the DNS servers are, yet22:04
BarcoI've tried quite a few things. By now I have 3x dongles here. None Connect. Have tried to edit resolv.conf for the ppp connection in \etc as well as the general resolv.conf which points to my adsl router. 22:07
BarcoProblem is that I'm locked out of the main resolv.conf even if I try and edit via sudo22:08
tumbleweedBarco: why does it point at your ADSL router? are you also plugged into the LAN?22:09
tumbleweedyou should be able to edit it as root, don't know why you are having trouble doing so22:10
tumbleweedifyou're seeing your adsl router in resolv.conf, that's not the issue I was describing22:10
BarcoUsually yes, but I have unplugged the machine from the network. 22:10
BarcoI've even logged into the file manager as root in addition to editing via sudo in cmd line. File is locked and I am not permitted to edit it's permissions with root password.22:11
BarcoI've used Chmod & Chown cmds and Gui after loggin into file man as root. 22:12
tumbleweeddon't chown it, it should belong to root22:12
tumbleweedand it usually has 644 as the permission bits22:13
BarcoRight now I'd nuke it to get connected to the net. ;)22:13
tumbleweedwhat are the current permissions on it?22:14
tumbleweedls -l /etc/resolv.conf22:14
BarcoOne moment...22:15
Barco-rw -r -r-- 1 root root 5622:15
tumbleweedthat looks right22:15
tumbleweedlsattr /etc/resolv.conf22:16
BarcoI used sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf to edit - is that right?22:16
tumbleweedthat should work22:16
Barcoopens the file read only22:17
Barcowhich is wrong according to my experience22:17
Barcohave you ever seen something like this?22:19
tumbleweedthere you go, it's immutable22:19
tumbleweedchattr -i /etc/resolv.conf22:19
Barcochatter? never seen that before. But it unlocked the file! Thank you!!!22:26
BarcoIT Works!!! Thanks a million Tumbleweed. Will look up Chattr.22:30

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