
PupuserI want to use a screen resolution of 640x480, but the minimum resolution I get is 800x60001:58
go8765Pupuser: try in terminal xrandr -s 600x48002:14
dbaybay__Anyone know how to adjust the processor state in Xubuntu?02:40
CrownWheelHey, xubuntu-ites.  How can I tell which wireless driver is loaded right now, under 11.10?03:17
CrownWheelIs looking at the output of "cat /proc/modules" the best bet?03:19
CrownWheelAlso: if a module is loaded, is it necesarily effective and in use?  Or do modules get loaded speculatively or by default?03:22
ubuntu_hi again03:24
ubuntu_I would like to change my name03:24
ubuntu_(I'm puppyuser)anyways, I tried xrandr -s 640x480 but I got an error...03:25
ubuntu_'Size 640x480 not found in available modes'03:25
uofm49426anyone run compiz in xubuntu what do i need to do to show a tittle bar04:01
Yggdrasil_whats up05:35
Yggdrasil_just installed xubunt on my eee pc05:35
CharlesMIs it safe to remove the xubuntu live cd while the system is running? Say to access files on another CD briefly?08:02
SysiCharlesM: safe as in nothing breaks, but it's probably gonna crash08:05
CharlesMOuch, okay ;)08:05
SysiI'm not 100% sure but it's to be expected08:08
CharlesMNot worth the risk then. I was thinking if everything got loaded into RAM it may not be a problem, but it isn't that important.08:09
CybertinusIt looks more and more like it that I'm gonna switch to Xubuntu08:34
Cybertinusjust installed kubuntu-desktop08:34
CybertinusI really don't like that. It's like "KDE meets Unity". And I don't like Unity.08:35
cc_INCGood switch :)08:35
cc_INCI hope the flavor appeals to you :)08:35
Sysignome-shell is quite nice and simple, though I like KDE very much, after some setting up08:35
cc_INCFor some reason I don't get along with KDE.08:36
CybertinusI'm still gonna look to the default KDE install Ubuntu also has in it's repo's08:36
cc_INCDon't know why, it's just a feeling I get.08:36
cc_INCIn fact I'd pick Gnome over KDE any day of the week08:37
Cybertinusah yes, I understand that cc_INC. Just had it (having it actually, waiting for the normal KDE install) ;)08:37
CybertinusI'm more of a KDE person myself. Using it for years08:37
_Pete_I used to use kubuntu when it still was 3.5.x08:37
_Pete_but that force swithc to 4.x was really stupid move in ubuntu08:37
cc_INCI've used KDE 3 years ago with openSUSE08:38
CybertinusI'm using KDE 4.x since 4.2. The versions before that weren't usuable08:38
Sysikde never really felt stable before 4.7 for me08:38
_Pete_this is intresting project http://www.trinitydesktop.org/08:38
cc_INCopenSUSE was my introduction to Linux. But after trying out some different stuff KDE felt a bit too static for my taste08:39
_Pete_seems to be currently little unstable for real use08:39
cc_INCOh yeah Trinity, I read about that. Any of you tried it out?08:39
_Pete_I did08:39
Cybertinusok cc_INC. My introduction to Linux was Redhat 8. It had KDE 3.3 or 3.4 in it :)08:39
SysiI started with xfce.. and then when I tried gnome it was missing stuff I liked in xfce08:40
cc_INCRedhat, is it everything they claim it is? :)08:40
cc_INCThe past two years I used Crunchbang Linux with Openbox08:40
cc_INCI love the clean, slick, minimalistic look and feel of openbox.08:41
CybertinusI'm using CentOS (and sometimes RHEL) on servers at my work. I don't think it is a bad distro. It also is pretty stable08:41
cc_INCActually Crunchbang is a very very nice distro. Going under the hood to get stuff done helped me learn a lot.08:41
Cybertinusif a server chrashes, it was because it was using more RAM then it got. Or the hardware is really old (yes, some servers I maintain are 10 years old, or older...)08:42
cc_INCUnfortunately I was lacking time to fiddle with it, so I switched to Xubuntu. Mostly because Crunchbang also had an Xfce flavor and I liked that too so the choice was simple08:42
Cybertinusbut not because of a kernel-bug or something08:42
cc_INC10 years?!?!? Wow08:43
Cybertinuslast month I removed the loading of USB in the startup procedure of some old dual Pentium 3 with Debian 3.0 on it08:43
Cybertinusbecause the motherboard is failing and now the USB-controller is gone :p08:43
cc_INCI'm a regular user. Wanted to study to become an administrator. Got the books and everything, but lack of time is a b...08:43
cc_INCSo basically you got a system with no USB?08:44
cc_INCHaha, sick!08:44
Cybertinusbut it is an old dual P3, so it still has an PS/2 connector for a keyboard08:44
cc_INCYou do have a CD-drive I hope....or do you get all you need from the net. Dropbox?08:45
SysiI thin he's talking about a server, not his desktop machine08:45
Cybertinusit is a server in some datacentre. All it needs are updates (which aren't available anymore for Debian 3.0). And I get those from the internet yes ;)08:45
cc_INCOh I have two old machines a Pentium 3 and a P4. One of them still has Windows :( I use that in my studio for recording purpose only. And the other runds Crunchbang. Got Xubuntu on my trusty IBM T60.08:46
Cybertinusnormaly I don't see that server. I log into it remotly with SSH08:46
Sysiuhm, and this is actually support channel, you should go #xubuntu-offtopic for general chatting08:46
cc_INCSysi sorry :(08:46
cc_INCWill do...08:46
Cybertinusah, right. sorry Sysi. You've got a point there. Moving on to #xubuntu-offtopic08:46
=== usmaan is now known as Guest72768
starnhello eveyone, and good morning.13:12
starni got a dumb question... kinda ashamed to ask... but how do i keep my mouse pointer from disappearing?13:13
starnno one know?? or just slow to reply?13:32
starnlike it wouldn't bug me if it stayed for like 10-30 seconds.. but it disappears after about 2-3 seconds of mouse being idle.13:33
TheSheepstarn: I'm pretty sure it shouldn't do that13:37
starnTheSheep: really?? it's been doing this since i install xubuntu..13:38
Sysiis it only on terminal?13:38
starnSysi: the entire desktop.13:38
Sysi..I'm not sure if it still should happen13:38
starnlike it's useful kinda when the walpaper changes to a pretty walpaper and i wanna see it with out anything for screenshots or w/e but i can just move my mouse to one of the four corners of me screens.. lol13:39
starnbut i have multiple monitors and sometimes i forget where i put my pointer... so yeah.. it disappears kinda like it would if there was a full screen video.. and to what i am aware of i have looked in all the settings tabs for something to configure it.. could it be because i use nVidia?13:43
starnHey, I'll be right back so i'm sorry for any delays in replies. i am a little sick.13:44
RobinJwhy, if i overwrite ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml, don't the settings apply?13:52
starni am back.14:01
starni can't find anything on google :\14:17
starnwhat was the channel for help with Video Games such as Unreal tournament 2004 nexuz quake Americas army minecraft on linux?14:22
Kingsyhey guys, I am a little confused about setting up my panels, how do you put some items on the far right?16:29
Sysiadd spacer left to them and set it to expand (right click -> properties)16:29
Kingsyahh cooool16:30
KingsySysi: thanks man, pretty obvious actually16:32
Sysilogical but not obvious16:32
KingsySysi: how do you go about changing the appearence of xfce?16:36
Sysisettings -> appearance and settings -> window manager16:37
KingsySysi: I don't have "appearence and settings" in my settings menu16:37
Sysiif you want new themes, check gnome-look.org gtk3 section and xfce4-look.org xfce-section16:37
SysiKingsy: whops, just appearance in settings manager16:37
KingsyI see a settings editor?16:38
Kingsyoh nm16:38
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Rezn0rNInchNailsI would like to install xubuntu dapper on older machine. I downloaded alternate iso and put it on Verbatim 8 GB usb stick with unetbootin but I get incorrect cd rom. Please help.16:51
KingsySysi: do you know of a netspeed applet that works in a xfce panel ?16:51
SysiRezn0rNInchNails: dapper is unsupported, try lucid16:54
SysiKingsy: no16:54
Kingsyhmm I wonder if there is one16:54
Rezn0rNInchNailsSysi: Thanks, I will give Lucid a try.16:55
SysiKingsy: search for one in synaptic or software center if you can't see one installed by default16:56
KingsySysi: well netspeed is there in the software centre.. but that is a gnome applet so I am assuming it wont run in xfce?16:57
SysiI think xfapplet broke after gnome316:58
SysiI think there has been xfce-netperf-plugin or something16:58
Kingsycan find any info on that17:01
Kingsywell nevermind, I will do it later.. gotta run now..17:01
Kingsysee ya all later17:02
Yggdrasil_whats up17:50
=== Nex4 is now known as EXio4
mongythere is an xfce netspeed, if you compile it18:05
mongyinstall intltool xfce4-dev-tools libxfce4util-dev libgtk2.0-dev libxfcegui4-dev libxfce4util-dev xfce4-panel-dev libgtop2-dev , get  http://xfce4-netspeed-plugin.googlecode.com/files/xfce4-netspeed-plugin-0.1.tar.gz, extract, --configure --prefix=/usr, make and make install.18:11
mongyoops, ./configure --prefix=/usr18:12
=== EXio4 is now known as Exio4|Away
=== Exio4|Away is now known as Exio4

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