
wgzBlindWolf8: thanks00:00
BlindWolf8of course00:00
Noldorin_wgz, then again it would be nice if Canonical gave me a VPS server for testing purposes ;-) ;-)00:00
BlindWolf8looks to be in... bzrlib\commands.pyo?00:01
wgzokay, one more bet for the filesystem watcher...00:01
wgzBlindWolf8: does using the bzr on the commandline also give him the same error?00:01
wgzor does it only happen when explorer is running?00:02
BlindWolf8he has never used the command line00:02
BlindWolf8would he just test his commit with -- bzr commit -m "test commit" -- ?00:04
wgzjust `bzr add` should do00:06
BlindWolf8ok, looks like he solved it...he was getting the error when he was pulling updates00:07
BlindWolf8and his repo was in a Dropbox folder and his Dropbox client was on00:08
wgzokay, so two operations at once?00:08
wgzah, right, dropbox and bzr don't play nicely together00:08
BlindWolf8any gotchas I should know about that kind of config besides...don't use it? ;-)00:09
wgzit's the same story as av software that grovels around keeping files open when bzr doesn't expect it00:10
wgztry and keep it out of .bzr folders00:10
wgzhe has an impressive selection of other bugs in that log as well though00:10
BlindWolf8oh really?00:11
BlindWolf8thanks for your help though00:12
wgzI see bug 820805 and and bug 901104 too00:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 820805 in Bazaar "access denied on Pageant .pag file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82080500:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 901104 in Bazaar Explorer "Permssion denied from file watcher when switching branches" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90110400:13
wgz...and bug 55760300:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 557603 in QBzr "AttributeError on 'is_ignored' in treewidget filtering when adding in tree with conflicts" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55760300:13
BlindWolf8Yup, I posted about his issue in bug 820805 :-P00:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 820805 in Bazaar "access denied on Pageant .pag file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82080500:14
BlindWolf8putty 0.62 fixes it00:14
wgzthat's good, no one had actually confirmed that in the bug00:15
BlindWolf8it was odd since on his machine...0.61 never worked, but on MY machine and a clean VM 0.61 worked fine00:16
BlindWolf8so it must have been something on his machine besides putty00:16
wgzyeah, there are a few variables involved that made it tricky00:16
wgzanyway, please do keep complaining when things break :)00:17
BlindWolf8of course! :-)00:18
BlindWolf8you guys rock though00:18
BlindWolf8I remember when I was using Bazaar with a team in a game jam and we had issues00:18
BlindWolf8you guys were here :-)00:19
BlindWolf8I am gonna go. Thanks again!00:20
wgzcommit, propose, and sleep time01:14
wgzas fun as arguing with python developers about whether nix or python is more at fault01:21
wgzcan't we just agree that we all suck?01:22
jelmerwgz: oh, the filesystem thing?01:29
wgzthe bug is full of excitement :)01:29
wgzokay, I'll be around a bit tomorrow but not doing normal hours01:35
wgznight all!01:35
jelmer'night wgz, don't dream in unicode!01:36
jelmerwgz: nevermind01:38
* jelmer gets some sleep as well01:38
kroq-gar78Hello all. It seems my bzr repo got corrupted and I can't do anything. I always get this error message: bzr: ERROR: Config file file:///home/kroq-gar78/prog/python/primes/trunk/.bzr/branch/branch.conf is not UTF-8 encoded. Can anyone help please?02:13
pooliehi kroq-gar7802:13
pooliei don't think it's corrupt, you just have something weird in that config file02:13
poolieopen it in an editor and have a look02:13
kroq-gar78poolie: ok02:16
kroq-gar78put it in pastebin?02:16
poolieis there anything obviously not ascii in there?02:20
kroq-gar78*bump* sorry, being a little impatient02:31
kroq-gar78Just a little background, I'm not too sure what happened either, but the entire directory became binaries or something. Only about 3 of the files are still regular...02:33
pooliekroq-gar78, sorry was having lunch03:44
pooliethat looks familiar03:44
poolieit is a windows executable03:44
kroq-gar78hope you weren't being sarcastic03:44
poolieno the mv\90\00 bit did03:44
poolie   i have no idea what it is but it's not a bzr configuration file :)03:45
pooliemaybe you copied it in there somehow?03:45
kroq-gar78that's what I thought03:45
pooliewhat i suggest is03:45
poolie1- make a backup; 2- reboot and check the disk; 3- delete the bad config file; then you should be ok again03:45
kroq-gar78my whole directory got overridden by something, and some files even became directories :(03:45
kroq-gar78poolie: It was on a windows partition. How do I do that?03:46
poolieare you running linux or windows?03:46
pooliei think you can run fsck on an ntfs partition03:46
kroq-gar78k I'll try it03:46
kroq-gar78making sure - it's "sudo fsck /dev/sd{whatever}" right?03:47
poolieunmount it first03:47
kroq-gar78ah got it ty03:48
kroq-gar78fsck: fsck.ntfs-3g: not found03:48
poolietry sudo ntfsck DEV03:49
kroq-gar78Unsupported cases found.03:50
kroq-gar78That doesn't sound good...03:50
poolieif this is a dual boot machine perhaps you should boot into windows and check it there03:50
kroq-gar78I really don't want to ;( I hate it. Is there a way where I can fix it on ubuntu? I'm just working on a copy that I pushed to Launchpad a little while back, and I probably didn't push a few commits. Can I the branch.config from there perhaps?03:52
pooliekroq-gar78, it's just configuration04:12
poolieyou can probably just delete it04:12
pooliei'm just a bit concerned that if the filesystem is corrupt there might be other damage04:12
poolieso try just deleting that file04:12
kroq-gar78bzr: ERROR: pack-names is not an index of type <class 'bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex'>.04:21
kroq-gar78I think something seriously bad happened to that directory...04:21
poolieyeah i think so04:21
pooliesorry to hear it04:22
poolieit's probably a lower level problem, not bzr04:22
kroq-gar78oh well04:22
kroq-gar78good to know ;) blame windows! lol04:22
kroq-gar78thanks anyway!04:22
kroq-gar78bye all!04:23
fullermd_poolie: ping05:58
fullermd_poolie: (nm, I'll try and catch you tomorrow)06:34
pooliefullermd_, hi06:56
fullermd_poolie: Was gonna see if you wanted to chat about checkout stuff.  But I'm at the 23 hour mark and racing contra-conscious now.  Tomorrow maybe, if you'll be around.07:02
pooliei will07:02
pooliei think you have a point there07:02
fullermd_Chilled legumes.  I'll catch you after a solid 12 hours of sleep and 2 pots of coffee   :>07:03
vila'hi all'.joyful()08:09
=== nyuszika7h is now known as nyan-cat
caravelHi mgz wgz May I confirm, I got overlays working off my XP guest's vbox share. Was really easy (and documented indeed, I should have found it alone in here !!  %ProgramFiles%/Bazaar/doc/tbzr/preferences.html)09:01
caravelSo I just added "remote = True" to [queried_drives] section in tbzr.conf. Session restart seemed required (I guess I could have just restarted tortoise cache process)09:02
caravelfyi such shared drive appears in XP guest as remote drive, but with a "VBoxSharedFolderFS" filesystem. Maybe that would allow tortoise to auto-enable that09:04
caravelAnyway, thanks again for your help yesterday, I was "3 feets under" with so many other things, much appreciated ^^09:04
vilacaravel: mgz was up really late last night, thanks for the feedback (I'll try to point him at the log later) and happy to see you're out of trouble !09:05
caravelvila: :) I could have lived without that of course, it's just my way to contribute, too ^^09:05
vilas/really late last night/& and won't probably be there before some more hours ;)/09:05
caravelgood day all09:05
vilacaravel: feedback is a very valuable form of contribution09:06
caravelby the way... if I manipulate shared repos alternatively from fedora host and xp guest... and using two different versions of bzr, am I running into trouble ?09:07
* caravel guesses answer is YES, of course09:07
vilacaravel: you should be safe,09:08
caravelvila: fantastic, thank you -- will take the risk to try, then :D09:09
vilacaravel: if you use the same working tree via mounts... you may run into weird issues though09:09
vilabut the branches and the repositories are fully compatible as long as they use the same format (which is probably '2a' in your case, 'bzr info' will tell you)09:09
caravelvila: yes, same format of course. But what do you mean by wierd issues ? As I explained, fedora hosts the files, these repos are located in a folder it manages, and that is mounted in XP guest as a vbox share09:11
vilawe;;, the working trees are compatible too, but the way the OSes present the file systems is... less than ideal for us09:11
vilaha, in that case you *may* see executable bits spuriously changing09:12
vilaor locks failing09:12
caravelhmmm ^^ I'll be careful then! cheers09:12
caravel(systematical backups and diffs to start with)09:13
vilawell, 'commit' is the best backup there :)09:13
caravelyeah right.... to yet another repo ^^09:14
vilacaravel: bound branches are perfect for that09:14
caravelmakes sense09:14
caravelok, leaving the space - thanks again09:15
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=== Odd_Blok1 is now known as Odd_Bloke
hrw'bzr help builder' says about {debupstream} but how to get full version from debian/changelog?10:05
hrwI want to get 4.6.2-9ubuntu1 not just 4.6.210:05
hrwok, found {debversion}10:11
awilkinsjelmer, I have formed the opinion that git-svn would work better if it was more like bzr-svn and stored metadata in SVN properties, instead of storing metdata in the commit logs (and thus by definition rewriting your local history every time you dcommit). Do you have an opinion?10:52
jelmerhrw: yep10:59
jelmerhrw: that might not work on launchpad yet though, it's a fairly recent addition, and launchpad is a bit behind on its bzr-builder10:59
hrwjelmer: would be nice to have those tags documented in 'bzr help builder'10:59
hrwlaunchpad is behind on many things10:59
jelmerhrw: it is actually, are you on precise?10:59
hrwjelmer: precise11:00
jelmerhrw: hmm, I guess the latest versio might not be packaged yet then11:00
jelmerit's documented in trunk in "bzr help builder"11:00
hrwjelmer: http://pastebin.com/sP6bSHSp11:00
jelmerhrw: it's in the bzr-builder package (not bzr itself)11:01
hrwbtw - https://code.launchpad.net/~hrw/+recipe/gcc-4.6-armel-cross-daily is using branch which is at r51 but  *** 0.7.2-0ubuntu1 011:01
hrw *** 0.7.2-0ubuntu1 011:01
hrwthis is installed one11:01
jelmerawilkins: I'm not sure if I care about git-svn :) What's wrong with bzr-svn?11:06
awilkinsjelmer, It's not what's wrong with bzr-svn... I suspect it's "what's wrong with SVN that Git copes with better than Bazaar"11:07
awilkinsjelmer, I have different reasons I like them both ; bzr-svn is much easier to work with and has fewer annoyances and caveats11:07
awilkinsOn the other hand, Git copes much better with things like, for example, people creating "branches" by branching the code, then deleting it all and replacing it with their patched copy11:08
awilkinsWhich breaks the history in SVN and thus also in Bazaar, but Git just takes this in it's stride because a tree, is a tree11:08
hrwawilkins: I never used bzr-svn but used git-svn for years11:09
awilkinsAlso it copes better with some of the quirks of SVN merges which don't always just patch the files in situ - if the merge is entirely from the remote side, it will just copy the file iNode from the remote branch, which results in a copy in SVN and also breaks the history in Bazaar which has no concept of this11:10
awilkinsSo the first case is annoying and stems mostly from stupid SVN users not understanding how their own VCS works, but the latter case is entirely legitimate11:11
jelmeryeah, I think we have a long open bug about copy tracking :(11:12
jelmerawilkins: so I'm not entirely sure. I don't see a particular reason why it couldn't be done11:13
awilkinsjelmer, My contention is that the current way that git-svn stores metadata - by putting a git-svn ID in the commit log, which doesn't get pushed up to the SVN repository - is the reason that it can be a little inadequate in terms of 2-way interoperation with SVN via Git11:14
awilkinsAnd that it would do better by taking a leaf out of your book and storing metadata in the SVN repository as bzr-svn does11:15
jelmerawilkins: how would pushing that metadata help though?11:16
awilkinsjelmer, You can pull multiple Bazaar branches from the same SVN branch and they all end up interoperable with very little effort11:17
awilkinsI don't think the same is true of git-svn or articles like this wouldn't occur : http://blog.tfnico.com/2011/03/dream-of-bi-directional-git-svn-mirror.html11:17
awilkinsI did have some problems with ghosts on other developers machines when merging feature branches into my SVN tracking trunk branch using Bazaar but I think they have been fixed11:19
awilkinsWhereas AFAICT the recommended stance with git-svn is to always rebase or cherry-pick your changes into your SVN tracking branch11:19
jelmerawilkins: yeah, the ghost issues should all be resolved now11:20
jelmerawilkins: you'll need ghost support in git, or push up all merged revisions into svn as well11:21
awilkinsCollabNet have just announced some kind of git / SVN bridge and hopefully we might get to see what that does in time11:24
awilkinsMy employer uses their offering for hosting some projects, so it would be nice to be less ad-hoc about it11:26
jelmerYeah, it'd be interesting to see what CollabNet have done11:44
jelmervila: if you have a chance, a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/merge-hooks/+merge/86395 would be great11:46
jelmer(I'm working on some bzr-builddeb patches that use it)11:46
vilaha crap, reviewed it in my bed but my brain isn't wired to lp11:47
vilajelmer: reviewed, small tweaks12:08
vilajelmer: by the way, about your CC reviews, I always get what is posted on lp, so your CC is always a dupe. If you still want to do that, please use vila+bzr instead vila in the email so at least the duplicates are filtered in the same mailbox ;)12:11
vilathey cause matrix glitches otherwise ;)12:11
vilas/instead/instead of just/12:12
jelmervila: ah, sorry12:23
vilajelmer: no worries12:24
vilajelmer: it's slightly annoying because I read one mailbox at a time and getting dupes in different places is... I prefer dupe reviews than no reviews, but no dupes is even better :-)12:26
jelmervila: the only argument in MergeHookParams that seems relevant for pre_merge / post_merge is _Merger12:40
jelmervila: the others are all specific to the individual file12:41
vilayeah, I'm not sure it's worth adding a level of indirection around it...12:41
vilathe only risk I can think of is if we add an attribute that a hook introduces12:42
jelmerI guess we could add a separate Params class for merge-wide hooks ?12:42
vilathat may seem a bit useless today but Merger is already so complicated :-/12:43
vilajelmer: forget about that part for now, we'll see how it comes out when a couple of such hooks have been written12:46
vilajelmer: I don't think too many people will rush to write them so fixing them will still be an option if needed12:47
vilahmm, on the other hand, actual file merge hooks handles the first call as a special case... perfect candidates for your new hook12:49
vilawhich in turn raises a question though: what about ordering ?12:49
vilapo_merger for example will clearly benefits by establishing once and for all which '.pot' files exist12:50
vilabut if running your quilt hook modify the existing .pot files... boom12:50
vilajelmer: just food for thought, out of scope for your proposal12:51
* wgz bugs someone to review https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/fix_win32utils_deprecations/+merge/8621312:54
jelmervila: ordering is a really hard problem, because we don't know what the other hooks are that are installed12:55
jelmervila: but it's an interesting point12:56
jelmerwgz: I have to head into town, will have a look after I get back12:56
jelmerif vila doesn't beat me to it :)12:56
* vila lunch ;)12:56
jelmerwgz: btw, what's the status on the post_connect hook branch?12:56
vilawgz: you're back ?12:56
vilaoh !12:57
vilawgz: welcome back, the log said you had a busy night, you should read it though, caravel wanted to thank you ;)12:57
wgzI see, thanks!12:59
vilawgz: approved, you could have landed it without review I'd say12:59
wgzI like rubber stamps :)12:59
wgzjelmer: status of post_commit is change the name, document that smart clients don't really behave the same way, and add some tests13:00
wgzI'm meant to be reading some books, but will try and do that before I leave today as well13:01
jelmerwgz: thanks!13:03
jelmerwoot, my wireshark dissector for the bzr protocol just landed \o/14:24
GRiDjelmer, nice14:28
vilawgz: books ? Come on, our proposals are not *that* long ;-p14:33
vilajelmer: woot14:33
vilajelmer: in other news, care to have a look at get_transport_from_url which is the main user of possible_transports and reconsider your belief that possible_transports is read-only ?14:33
vilajelmer: I'm trying to reply to the relevant review but lp... is in limbo14:34
jelmervila: ah, you're right14:35
vilajelmer: the whole idea behind possible_transports is to transparently collect all transport used making sure no duplicates are kept (handwave but see the assertionError above the .append)14:36
jelmervila: I guess the fact that we do sometimes manually add things to possible_transports was confusing me14:36
vilayup, for seeding14:36
jelmervila: I'll fix it up, thanks14:36
vilanp, thanks for using it ;)14:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
vilajelmer: thanks for approving https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/907268-bazaar-DEFAULT/+merge/86536 , how about its pre-requisite ? :-D15:24
jelmervila: that branch scares me a bit, but I'll have a look15:26
jelmervila: I just reviewed your memory-stack branch, fwiw15:26
vilaoh, cool15:26
vilajelmer: nothing to be afraid of, everything is covered by tests :) And quite some were missing. You could try to read configobj.Config._quote but... the points I made in the proposal are not that obvious from reading the code15:28
vilajelmer: and sorry about the apparent deletion of a bunch of tests, there was a massive duplication with the same classes duplicated15:29
jelmervila: ah, ok15:29
jelmervila: these complexities are one of the reasons why I think ini files aren't appropriate for use in format files15:31
jelmervila: for configuration files (where we want users to be able to edit them directly) I think they make a lot more sense15:31
vilajelmer: ha, was just thinking about reviewing again to summarize, let's discuss here15:36
vilawhat I care about is that we use a format that allow us to backport only once15:37
vilaand that we define a limited API on top of it for what we need in older bzr releases15:37
vilafrom the standup, this means: is there at least a required feature, if yes, the object cannot be open15:38
jelmervila: I think the current format gives us that - we can add more optional lines in the future (followed by something different than the word "feature") later if we need to15:38
vilaany format will do as long as it can represent a required feature today15:38
jelmerI tweaked the code a bit yesterday to actually allow ignoring *anything* after "optional ", not just optional features15:39
vilawe already have several available formats and I see no point in introducing a new one that has yet to demonstrate it can cope with semi-arbitrary additions15:39
vilario, bencode or the ini-like are all capable of that and I prefer to use them over a new one15:40
jelmervila: that just means layering this format on top of an existing one15:40
vilathe ini-like one is easier to read for debugging purposes or even for users15:40
vilalayering the features we need on top of an existing one you mean ?15:41
jelmervila: it requires a complex parser though, and means extra overhead we open a branch/tree/repository/dir15:41
vilathe functionalities (features is ambiguous here)15:41
vilalost in the noise and better than backporting15:42
vilaa handful of lines won't make a difference15:42
vilawhatever we use to parse them15:42
vilawe currently parse a whole config file each time we access an option and it never came up in profiles15:43
jelmervila: it's the overhead of the objects involved in the ini parser15:44
jelmervila: and generating / parsing ini files there are lots of quirks that are unnecessary, like the stuff you're hitting just now15:44
vilairrelevant, the stuff I'm hitting is only when quoting is required15:45
jelmervila: I'm saying we're layering one format on another, because we don't use ini/rio/bencode as a format15:45
jelmervila: but we still have the overhead of considering whether we need to quote, etc15:45
jelmervila: we create *a lot* of formats in the testsuite for example15:45
vilanone of the options already migrated (except for the infamous stacked_on_location) needs quoting15:45
jelmervila: each make_branch_and_tree call reads 4 format files15:45
jelmervila: when we use bencode/rio/ini we just create another format that's layered on top of bencode/rio/ini15:46
vilaand all of them being empty are parsed instantly15:46
jelmervila: we're just reading from something that's richer than plain text15:46
jelmervila: and we have to make sure that only e.g. the 'features' section is used, that all entries in the features section have a valid necessity set, etc15:47
vilahold on15:47
vilathe user will never edit that, he never edit it for now15:47
jelmervila: when we write that file we would write it through configobj, right?15:48
vilawe generate the content and our needs are pretty simple15:48
vilathe point is that it's easy to add more stuff that will be ignored by previous bzr releases without having to backport15:48
vilaand separate the API (is_a_feature_required) from the format itself15:49
jelmervila: if we use configobj to write the files, then it will do things like arbitrarily quote15:50
vilaonly if required15:50
vilasince I fail to see while you would want to use values that needs quoting, it's irrelevant15:50
jelmervila: but the overhead of all that stuff is still there15:50
vilaoverhead  << IO15:51
jelmervila: and we can end up accidentally quoting stuff that doesn't need quoting, or reading back quotes where they weren't there15:51
vilaonly if quoting is required, that's why it took me so long to encounter the issue15:51
jelmervila: what's the advantage of that compared to the current format though?15:51
jelmervila: I'm sorry, I still don't see it.15:51
vilasingle backport15:51
jelmervila: We have single backport now too.15:51
vilaonly for the format you have already defined and tested15:52
jelmervila: and we will need to backport more in either case, when we add more required stuff in the future.15:52
vilaif you need more, you'll need to backport more15:52
jelmervila: the format I have defined allows arbitrary optional stuff.15:52
jelmervila: we need to backport more with an ini-based file format too15:52
vilawhat do you mean by 'more required stuff' ?15:52
vilano we won't need to backport anything if we decide that a feature can create its own section for its own needs for example15:53
jelmervila: if we want to add more data to the format file in the future (that is not features), but required15:53
vilacan you give an example ?15:53
jelmervila: features wouldn't be allowed to add sections in the format file, bzr would have to error out if there are unknown sections15:53
vilawhy ?15:54
jelmervila: because we can't just ignore unknown stuff - it makes it impossible to extend the format file in the future15:54
jelmervila: and I don't see what sort of sections features would have to add15:55
vilathat was just an example of an alternative to allow features to add parameters15:56
vilathe point is that is_a_feature_required() can be implemented and still works if the underlying format receives additions15:57
jelmervila: but those additions can only be optional15:58
viladid you turn the tables ?15:58
jelmervila: and the current format allows for that as well - it just requires optional stuff that is added to be prefixed by "optional ", and leaves the possibility open to add mandatory stuff15:58
vilanot without backporting15:58
jelmervila: without backporting15:59
vilathen I return your previous objection: <jelmer> vila: because we can't just ignore unknown stuff - it makes it impossible to extend the format file in the future15:59
jelmervila: what about it? The current format still allows adding mandatory stuff16:00
vilathen where do you draw the line about what can be added ?16:00
vilawithout requiring a backport16:01
jelmervila: mandatory stuff will always require a backport, that's inherit in the fact that it's mandatory16:02
jelmervila: *inherent16:02
vilahuh ?16:02
vilaI thought mandatory features will block opening the objects unless a plugin provides the feature16:03
vilano backport involved here after the initial one16:03
vilayou don't intend to add nested tree support via backport right ?16:03
jelmervila: Ah, sorry, I think I was being quite vague16:03
jelmervila: To support features at all, we will only need a single backport in both cases16:04
vilaI fail to see how your parser will extract more stuff than what it currently supports16:05
jelmervila: what else does it need to support features?16:05
jelmervila: in the future, I mean16:05
jelmervila: and how would an ini format be better?16:05
vilaI don't know what else it needs, but I know that the ini format provides a bunch of ways to add stuff while still being able to extract what the old bzr releases will care about: is at least one feature required16:06
vilathat's the point,16:07
jelmervila: in what way does the current format *not* support that?16:07
vilaadditional parameters as you mention ?16:07
vilasomething we haven't think about yet because we haven't implemented features ?16:08
jelmervila: if there are additional paramters they will still recognize there is a mnadatory feature they don't support16:08
vilabut would it be able to provide the additional stuff  to the features ?16:08
jelmervila: no, but neither would the ini format16:09
jelmervila: we need a change to the feature API to allow that sort of thing, and that's fine16:10
vilacome on, of course the ini format can, it just has to pass the underlying configobj16:10
jelmervila: exposing the internals as part of the API??16:10
vilathat's private to the feature, who cares16:11
vilaor rather, what's the problem ?16:11
jelmervila: each plugin would have to know about the internals of the branch-format file16:12
jelmervila: it makes e.g. an Repository.update_features({"foo": "required"}) API impossible16:13
vilaimpossible ? That seems a bit strong no ?16:13
jelmervila: no - the only API we could provide is direct access to the configobj, if we want the kind of extensibility you suggest16:14
vilaand how does your format address that without backport ?16:15
vilait seems we're not making progress here and we still don't know what this format should support and provide16:15
jelmervila: I don't really care about plugins being able to register features with new fancy stuff in older bzr versions16:16
jelmervila: I mostly care about making it possible for older bzr versions to ignore optional stuff16:16
vilaso far, the only thing that seem to be required is a (possibly empty) list of optional features and a (possibly empty) list of required features16:16
vilaanything else can be added by the plugins *outside* the format file no ?16:17
jelmervila: right - and even the list of names allows for some flexibility (like versioning)16:17
vilayup, we said the version shouldn't be part of that (or tricked with names)16:18
jelmervila: the settings thing is something I wondered about, but e.g. mercurial seems to have gotten away with a plain list of features without settings (see .hg/requires)16:18
vilaI saw16:18
vilaI 100% agree about older bzr ignoring optional features16:19
jelmerI don't really want us to paint ourselves into a corner by making it impossible to add new stuff to the format file, but I also don't think we'll be doing more of it soon.16:19
vilaI very hesitant about required features, but since that won't happen today, I won't block on detecting them either16:19
vilaso how about we clearly document that we just won't add new stuff for '2a' ?16:20
jelmervila: I think it's more likely we'll extend the set of necessities in the future16:20
vilawhat's a necessity ?16:20
jelmervila: how necessary it is to have a feature present16:20
jelmervila: "required" and "optional" are the current possible values16:20
vilawhat else do you have in mind ?16:21
jelmervila: the spec talks about another necessity "read-optional"16:21
jelmervila: IOW, you can read this repository but if you want to write to it you have to have the plugin present16:21
vilaexample ?16:21
jelmervila: that's very useful for stuff like bzr-git, which wants to make sure that a cache is up to date - and not spend 20 seconds each time it accesses a repository verifying that every bzr revision is in the bzr-git cache16:21
vilaha, excellent16:22
vilaright, make that 3 lists then16:22
vilawrite-only sounds a bit silly and probably impossible ;)16:22
jelmervila: there are probably more necessity values - like e.g. only being necessary for the direct writer of a repository, not a client that writes to it over HPSS16:23
jelmervila: optional and required are the extremes, the other necessities are somewhere in between them16:23
vilabut unkown...16:24
jelmervila: right - so we fall back to "required" if we find a necessity we don't know about16:24
vilaone sec16:25
vilanobody said features can't be provided by bzr-core and in this case, it doesn't matter if it's required as upgrading bzr itself is enough16:27
vilaso, falling back to required sounds good16:27
vilaoptional, read-optional, required seems well defined enough and only require a name, additional stuff is plugin business16:28
vilaoverhead now16:28
vilayour implementation already requires at least a set() and a dict() which will contains the strings, so if the parser throws away the parsed lines, the format overhead is peanuts16:29
vilaif we stick to three lines of python identifiers separated by commas, the parser is also trivial and as such, robust16:30
jelmerthe set is global, the dict is the only thing that is created for each format16:31
vila(lines can start with optional, required, read-optional for debug, I won't mind ;)16:31
vilaha, same set for all formats ?16:32
jelmervila: actually, that's a good point16:32
vilawhy ?16:32
jelmervila: I wonder if we should have one namespace for features, or if it should be one namespace for branches, one namespace for repositories, etc.16:32
vila(I don't have an opinion so far, thinking ;)16:32
vilayeah, that's what I'm wondering about16:33
vilaon one hand, I'll tend to name the feature as the plugin, on the other... bzr uses different formats (with some concerns about presenting a consolidated name...)16:34
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jelmerI think usually you want the plugin name, but there are likely going to be some exceptions.16:34
vilawe can prefix branch:, wt:, repo: too...16:34
jelmervila: hmm, yeah16:35
vilajelmer: do we agree about three list of simple names ? (no spaces, no fancy stuff, python ids recommended, things like that ?)16:35
jelmervila: X lists of simple names (as we can add more necessities in the future), starting with just optional and required16:36
vilaas in : older bzr releases will never support read-optional ?16:37
jelmervila: yeah, not unless we explicitly backport it16:37
jelmervila: supporting read-optional means hooking into lock_write for example, so it's a more intrusive patch16:37
vilaI won't be mad at you if we need to backport *something* in 6 months, but I would be far more comfortable if we could backport once and be done with it16:38
vilahmm, lock-write16:38
vilayou know what ?16:38
vilaYou mention a lot of stuff that you should document in doc/dev/plans.txt  or features-flags in a blue sky section ;)16:39
vilahmpf, vila+bzr !!16:41
jelmersorry :-/16:41
vilahehe, np16:43
vilafor suggest parent, I meant to *display* the existing parent, of course we should recommend using :parent, :submit, :push, I always do :)16:43
vilajelmer: hehe, glad you like MemoryStack, the existing uses are nice too16:44
jelmervila: I'll update the feature-flags spec with some more plans16:50
vilajelmer: great, I'll review tomorrow again if nobody beats to it16:51
jelmervila: thanks16:55
vilas/to/me to/16:55
vilaoh, http://docs.python.org/howto/doanddont.html says: don't from module import name1, name2 ...17:15
vilaand mentions my main issue with that: "The reason it is usually a bad idea is because you suddenly have an object which lives in two separate namespaces. "17:16
wgzgra, I fail at launchpad17:35
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tbnorthhi call - can anyone explain http://pastebin.com/vmpBbKYm ?  I've been pushing to that repo. for years without trouble.  Haven't changed ssh key or anything.17:45
wgztbnorth: they moved trunk17:46
wgzdo `bzr pull --remember lp:leo-editor`17:47
wgzthen move your changes onto that branch17:47
vilawgz: not sure about that, did you notice the 'branchlock' part again ?17:48
wgzoh, and the owner of the new branch is different too, which may cause issues17:48
tbnorthwgz might be right, the branch lp:leo-editor points to was changed recently, although I thought I'd pushed successfully since then.17:49
wgzthis is basically all fallout from the repo that needed one accidental giant revision removed from it17:49
vilatiplog saved my day after a wrong pull --overwrite, who should I hug again ?17:50
wgzthough, the way they tried to hack it is probably worse than if I'd done what I was going to and risk breaking stacking17:50
tbnorthwgz - so you know about that :)  That still doesn't seem to be resolved though.17:50
wgztbnorth: indeed, I think this is generally a big mess that needs sorting out properly17:50
wgzI just don't have any access or ability to do anything on the codehosting side17:50
tbnorthwgz - what scope are we talking here, that one project, or a general LP thing?17:51
wgzand without someone from leo-editor saying "please fix our branch" on launchpad-users there's not much I can do17:51
tbnorthwgz - I can get the admin to ask that easily.  Didn't realize this was a known issue :-}17:52
wgzthere have been some bug reports against bzr because of this launchpad problem with the branch17:52
tbnorthso when it's fixed, will existing branches still be compatible, and will branch over http on windows not run out of memory, which is the only issue we're having, apart from my push issue?17:53
wgzthat's the goal.17:53
wgzI think breaking old stacked branches is less bad than the current status.17:53
tbnorthand, sorry to be so verbose, but when you say " the way they tried to hack it is probably worse than if I'd done..." who's they?  The leo-editor team didn't do anything much except try creating a new branch as the 'focus of development'.17:54
wgzright, that move is probably the cause of your problem now17:55
tbnorthmy push problem, which can probably be resolved on my end, but not the http/windows issue?17:55
wgzis it now possible to branch that new line of development over http without the memory problem?17:55
wgzor did moving to a new branch not help?17:55
tbnorthwgz - no, moving to a new branch did not help17:56
wgzokay, thanks for confirming that.17:56
wgzwe need to fix the underlying repo.17:56
tbnorthwhich would make sense if LP uses shared repo, I don't know if it does or not17:56
wgzit uses stacking, which is... even more funky17:56
tbnorthbut we can branch over http in windows from a branch not stacked on lp:leo-editor - so if there was a way to just delete the whole branch *completely* on lp:leo-editor and push from scratch, that would presumably fix it17:57
wgzthat's close to what I think needs doing, but we need someone from the launchpad/l-osa side to do it17:58
tbnorthand having the owner of leo-editor request that in launchpad-users would be the way to make that happen?17:58
wgzyup, that would be the best first step, then I'll try and do whatever further bothering is needed17:59
tbnorthok, thanks, I'll go and pass this on now.18:00
wgztbnorth: for your immediate problem, double check both the branch you're pushing to is the right one of the two, and that you have your ssh config correct for the branch18:01
tbnorthok, thanks.18:01
wgzthis is daft... I'm subscribed to ubuntu-devel but can't post to it?18:34
jelmerwgz: Yeah, I think it's moderated18:35
vilawonderful tyop: compunity (instead of community ;)21:24
vila..that it occurred in an article about unity makes it even more valuable of course ;)21:26
chromaticwtis there a github equivalent for bzr?21:47
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pooliehi all21:56
jelmerhi poolie22:02
jelmerchromaticwt: there is launchpad of course. Perhaps bzr.bz ?22:02
MrSmilehi people!22:02
pooliejelmer, i saw that thing about readmes22:02
MrSmileI have a problem programming with bzr on windows.22:02
poolieit's so close to being in touch22:02
jelmerhi MrSmile22:03
pooliein reach22:03
poolieto add it22:03
MrSmileHi jelmer22:03
jelmerpoolie: in the bitlbee charm you mean?22:03
MrSmileon linux it works fine opening a branch, but on windows I receive always a NotBranchError Exception... what could it be?!22:03
MrSmilehas any of you an idea?22:03
jelmerMrSmile: can you paste the code that's problematic?22:03
pooliejelmer, no, i mean showing a branch's readme on its lp page22:03
MrSmileno problem22:04
jelmerpoolie: Oh, I didn't see that. That would be very neat though.22:04
MrSmileI guess it has something todo with: control = controldir.ControlDir.open(path, _unsupported)22:07
MrSmilewhat could it mean?!22:09
jelmerMrSmile: and there's a .bzr directory in that location ?22:09
MrSmile21.12.2011  22:21    <DIR>          .bzr22:11
MrSmiletry it out yourself on windows....22:12
MrSmilethere you see the result.22:12
jelmerMrSmile: I don't have windows22:12
jelmerMrSmile: and WorkingTree.open does work fine on Windows generally, so there must be something odd happening here22:12
jelmerMrSmile: do you have the same bzr version on windows and linux?22:12
MrSmilethe latest version of bzr on windows722:13
MrSmile64 bit22:13
jelmerMrSmile: can you try adding "import bzrlib.bzrdir" ?22:13
MrSmileinstalled with easy_install22:13
MrSmilehe did it!22:14
MrSmileperfect thank you.22:14
MrSmiledoes it now without any complaints.22:16
MrSmilethank you22:16

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